Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 16, 1919, Page 22, Image 22
22 The Classified Columns Solve a Wide jage of Selling Problems For Yon p S)eatl3B CASSEL Mrs Harriet Cassel. widow of Abner Cassel, died May 15, 1919, at her residence. 933 North Third street. Funeral services will be conducted by the Kev. S. W. Herman, of Eion Lutheran Church. Monday, May 19, at 3 o'clock. Relatives and iriends are invited without further notice. Private burial in Harrisburg Ceme tery. GIUIIM Harry M. Gramni, in his 37th year, whose remains were tound in Susquehanna river at Elk ton. Md., Tuesday, May 13, arrived in New Cumberland, May 16. Funeral services Saturday, May 17, at 3 P. M.. from the Episcopal Church, New Market street. Rela tives and friends invited to attend without further notice. Interment Shoop Cemetery. MVTOX On Wednesday evening. May 14. 1919, Sue W. Myton luce Rergstresser), wife of J. Clyde Myton, died at her late home. No. 1507 Green street. Private funeral services will be held at the above address on Saturday morning, at 11 o'clock. Interment private in Harrisburg Cemetery. Please omit llowers. MiieKAY Hon. John MacKay died Thursday afternoon, at the home ot i.is son. 340 South Sixteenth street, aged 65 years. Body will be taken to Luzerne to-day, at 3:40. ' Funeral services Sunday, at - o'clock, at his residence. 76 Hushes street, Luzerne, Pa. Burial will be made at Evergreen Cemetery, the Rev. W. J. Day Me \I.LISTER Died, on Wednesday, May 11. 1919. Gartield McAllister, at Wernersviile. ... . u . Funeral services will be held at his late home. 804 North Sixteenth street, on Saturday afternoon, at - o'clock. Relatives and friends in vited to attend* Body may be view ed Friday after 7 P. M. _ I.OST AN 1 FOUND LOST Small, yellow envelope, containing SSO in paper money. Name >n outside of envelope, A. S. Kreidcr. L;st around Fourth and Market slreets. Reward if returned to Tele graph Of lice. _! X.OST Friday morning, about 9.45, between Second and Walnut and Union Trust Co., small, black purse, i with slu bill, change and lley. Kindly ; return to 304 Walnut street. I LOST A man's pocketbook, con taining sl7 and some receipts. Re ward if returned to 1706 Peim street, j LOST A pair of black : rimmed eyeglasses, near Green and tVoodblne streets, bought of C. C. Cockltu. Ho ward it returned to 343 Woodbine street. i LOST Small, young Fox Terrier, white, head black and tan. Ansewrs to name of Dickey. Reward if returned to 133 Walnut street. Apartment a. I LOST A pair of top spring nose- ; glasses, in case, somewhere between Higspire and Harrisburg. Reward It returned . Ed. L Mumma. 3o Soutu Second street, Highspire, Pa. ! THE party that took the bicycle ■ wheel from the rear of 1917 North Second street is known Unless same is returned arrest will follow. ( STOLEN From the Caselwe cot tage, at Overview, a 17-foot Morns • anoe. SIO.OO reward forthe cry of tlie same. E. R, Gault, Har fisbtirg Post Office,' INSTRUCTIONS DIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg "hcitband. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL, OEN .ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. i BECK LEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, :21 Market St. Chas. K. Beckley , HELP WANTED —SIALE . UNSKILLED MEN FOR PRODUCTION WORK. Ages 18 to 45, IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. Wages and Working Conditions Right. Apply in Person or Communicate with Factory Employment Office, THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER; COMPANY. Akron, Ohio. WANTED A bright, energetic boy to carry copy. Apply to the SUPERINTENDENT. Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED If you can make $6 or $lO a day without getting a swell head and if you are a hustler, call or. me. Don't come if, you don't mean businses. A. E. I. man preferred. Man s paper work. J. c. VAN SANT. 205 Franklin Building. Bell 4981 J. I GOVERNMENT needs 4,000 clerks j for Census. SIOO month. Examina tions soon. Age requirements. 18 or I over. For free particulars, write. Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), 518 Continental B!dg.. YVashington. 1 man Over 21, to prepare for po sition of citv or traveling salesman; earnings. sl.Bo>i a year er be " er ; experience necessary if willint, lo learn. Give lull particulars in letter or.d phene number (if any). Confi dential. Address Box K, 7586, care of Teiegraph. WANTED Young man, over 21 years of age, to learn salesmanship, large New York concern, satisfied with $20.00 per week while learning. Apply Mr. Datesman, 410 Patriot Building. (Continued In Next Column) r FOR SALE j No. 1414 Naudain St. Three-story brick house, with all improvement*) cemented cellar with hot and cold water and Innn- i dry) front and hack porche*; fur nace heat) gan and electric lights. 10-ft. drive alley. Room on rear of lot for Nuiall garage. This property Is a bargain at the price. Miller Brothers & Co. Kent Estate Insurance • Surety Bonds Locust and Conrt Streets Heather* Hbg. Ileal Estate Board j v— J I FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG Cjfiglftg TELEGRAPH MAY 16, 1919. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED Men to learn to repair auto- • ' mobiles and aeroplanes. Make ; application at once. Full I course, SSO. , Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET, ' Or TRAINING QUARTERS. 260 South Front Street, Steelton, Pa. MACHINISTS All around men for general floor. ! bench and machine work. Only thor ; oughly competent men, experienced on . close and accurate work need apply, j First-class shop. Best of working : conditions. Eight-hour day with time j; end a half for overtime. Rates up to , | 75c for machinists. 80c for toolmak . ers. Now working ten hours daily except Saturday. Apply by letter to . the Employment Manager, Crown Cork A Seal Co.. 1511 Guilford ave nue, Haltimore, Md. j SALESMAN Large manufactur -1 ers of product used in every business and home, imperative necessity to II every business. General agent wanl • ed lor Harrisburg. $5,000 yearly, tn t i creasing under ten-year contract. .Must have sufficient money to finance orders up to SSOO. Address Treas jurer," Room 906, 1452 Broadway, New 11 Y'otk City. . I WE WANT capable men, with busi ilncss initiative, as distributors. The I opportunity is as big as the man. '■ i The 75 millimeter shell lamp is Hip i 1 greatest war specialty on the mi/- ■ ket. A few choice territories in i Pennsylvania is open. Write Maynier. j Silver A- Meinken, Suite 6u9 Denckle • I Bldg., Eleventh and Market. Philadel . : phia. ! HARPER WANTED Must be first-class. $20.0U and commission. \ 11 Apply V Hoover, Third and Muench ;streets. ■ I ! IF you are a good Oil and Paint Salesman WE WILL PAY' YOU \\ ELL. Only the best of talent need apply. Parker Refining Company, ; ■ ; Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED, AX ONCE Two experi- | enced paperhangers. Steady work. I Apply 1317 North Sixth. I WANTED, BARBER, AT ONCE —! Bolton House Barber Shop, 25 North; ! Second street. ; WANTED Two neat-appearing 1 house-to-house salesmen to represent' Woman's Home Companion and American Magazines. New and ex- : elusive pay on delivery plan. FiU orders per day pays $25.0u per week, j Apply 419 Patriot Bldg. WANTED Night porter. Good' wages. Apply Alva Restaurant. City. 1 GOVERNMENT needs 4,000 clerks for Census. SIOO month. Examina tions soon. Age requirements, 18 or .over. For free particulars, write j Raymond Terry (former Civil Service j Examiner), 518 Continental Bldg., ; Washington. WE WANT a good represenativo in your city. Write the New France! j Magazine. 220 West Forty-second street. New Y'ork City. BOOKKEEPERS AND CLERKS —\ Good accounting positions open for several men willing to qualify for l them. Good salary. Big opportunity to develop. Address Box B, 7587, care of Teltgtaph. WANTEp Boy over 16 years of I age, to make himself useful around i cleaning and dyeing plant. Apply E.' Eggert, 1245 Market street. SHOES Experienced men on planet rounder; also all-around stock) fitter. Good, steady jobs. Smoltz-1 Goodwin Co., 315 North Twelfth ' | street, Philadelphia, Pa. j HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED AT ONCE EXPERIENCED and INEXPERIENCED J SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Regular work and good wages. In- j I experienced operators are paid by the j day while learning. A bonus is paid to all operators every pay day. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. j Reily and Fulton Sts. ) | WANTED Ap experienced stenographer. No other need apply. MARY SACHS SHOP. 210 North Third St. I i YOUNG WOMAN, who wishes a clean, house-to house- canvassing position, I 'and is satisfied to work live hours a day, may make real , good money by calling on J. C. VAN SANT. 205 Franklin Bldg., Between 2 and 4 daily, j Bell 4981 J. | WANTED A Protestant girl or! woman, to do general housework. ! Private family. References. Apply at! 1549 State street. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY—Young) lady for waitress. Experience nti necessary, but must give reterence. ! Apply Ptouffer's Restaurant, 4 North j Court street. WANTED Weavers and Warpers; also I some learners. Apply SILK MILL, , Cor. North and Second Sts. I TRAVELING DEMONSTRATORS on I I high-class proposition. Good salary, : permanent position. Advancement. ] Write NEW METHOD CO.. j 514-18 Realty Bldg., Elmira, N. Y. ! WANTED White girl or .niddie laged woman, as cook. Off every at'ter -1 noon. Come to work at 7 ;20 A. M. 'Apply Belvidere Apartments. Door 5.! Third Floor, from 9 to 10 A. M. | YVANTED Competent woman to i take charge of home in small, private j family. Reference required. Call 121 Market street for interview. SALESMEN WANTED REAL OPPORTUNITY as salesman | for the Todd Protectograph Company in tins territory. Requirements In-: Itegrity, willingness to work and 3e jsire to ge. ahead in life. No previ ious selling experience necessary, us I Tcdd salesmen have come to us from all walks of life. Some of our most i successful salesmen never sold any j goods until coming with us. To a I man who Is now in a rut and who I sincerely wants to get Into a line of I work that will enable him to earn $50.90 per week or more, we have ex actly what you have been hoping for. Todd Protectograph Co.. A. S. btauf fer. General Sales Agent. 85 Union Trust Bldg., Harrisburg. I ARE you a real specialty salesman, land have the ability to organize a soiling force, now employed but mak iirp less than $5,000 per year? It will ibe to your Interest to call for personal Interview. Room 38, The Boiton, 9 !A. M to 9 P. M. 1 (luiitlnued In Next Column) j SALESMEN WANTED j AN old-established house wants a salesman to sell a wel-known spec ialty to the grocery trade in Eastern Pennsylvania. A man of experience preferred. To a temperate, industri ous man a good position is open. Ad- i dress C., 7584, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE WANTED Man wishes work as chauTTeur; can furnish reference; has , hud fcur years' experience. Address . James Scroggin, Penbrook, Pa. WANTED Chauffeur wishes po ' sition in private family. 25 North ' Eleventh street. ) WANTED Y'outtg (ex-service) ! man would like to secure employ- 1 I ment with electrical concern, testing 1 meters, motors, winding armatures, ; assembling parts, etc., or telephone | work. Anything electrical. No ac ! tuai experience, but electrically iu ' clined. Can give references. Dial UD649. or address Electrical 10u9 ' North Third street. ! SITUATION WANTED Married ; : man. 28. would like position of any ;; kind. At present working at Or . pheum Theater as janitor. Season" closes May 17. Would like to get) , work for two or three months. Write, or call, Janitor, Orpheum Theater. WANTED Technical man wants) ; position as assistant executive. American, age 40. Good hustler. | I Twenty-five years in all kinds of steel i (construction. Highest reference fur- 1 ; ( nished. Address YV. C-. care of Tele- ! graph. SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe WANTED Woman would like po- | sition as housekeeper. Can furnish; ) reference. Address Box W, 6805, care ' ! ol Telegraph. YV ANTED Smail washing and ironing to do at home. Call 316 Har- 1 i ris street, or Dial phone 6028. ! ! 1 YV ANTED Young woman, with previous experience, desires a Dosi- ; tion in office as typist or clerical i 'work; can take dictation; best of ref J e can be given. Bell j 1 |, Y\ ANTED Colored woman wants! Idays work and washing and ironing! to do at home. Call, or write .448 I South Cameron street, City. ' j WANTED Y'oung high school! girl would like work for opposite ses- 1 sion and Saturday; no housework! I office work preferred. Call Bell 560 M. I , - j WANTED Y'oung woman wishes! to keep house for a widower; can fur nish best of reference. Address H.. 1299, cere of Telegraph. WANTED Washing to do at home, plain or fancy. YY'omen's waists and men's shirts a specialty. Apply 125 Cranberry street. City. \\ ANTED Middle-aged woman wishes to keep house for a widower; or willing to help on farm. Apply 467 South Cameron. ROOMS FOR RENT I* OR RENT Two third-floor! : rooms, furnished for light housekeep ing: use ot' phone and bath; no cliil- I iRuYi reterence Required. Call Bell j '' i j 101 l RENT 209 State street, fur-| ■ nished suite, livingroom, bedroom and' i bath. Call Bell phone 1639 J. ! FOR RENT Two furnished rooms' lon third floor, for light housekeeping: use of phone and bath; no children. I ; Apply at 1606 North Third street. j ! FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms, i ) second Hoor front, for light house-1 j Keeping, all conveniences. Inquire | '26 Camp street, or Bell phone 1345J.' j THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS jOn Second Hoor. Apply at 503 YVood- ! I bine street. | FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Apply at 90 Disbrow street. j FOR RENT Two unfurnished | {rooms, or three, if desirable: gas, elei trie; use of bath and Bell phone.) i Apply 1303 South Cameron street. | Eell phone 693 J. FOR RENT Furnished rooms; jail conveniences. Inquire 107 Chest ' nut street. j TWO furnished rooms, for light house keeping One large second Hoor front, furnished. Apply 113 Locust street. I FOR RENT Three furnished iiooms on second floor, and two fur- I nished rooms on third floor; electric light, bath and Bell phone. Apply at 1549 State street, corner Sixteenth street. ROOM FOR RENT No. 110 North Second St. —One large room—flrst | class central furnished or unfur nished second floor bath hot j water steapi heat. Apply L Minter, j same address. ) FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all con veniences; steam heat; use of bath ! and phone. Apply at Side Entrance i at 1814 Green street. j A LARGE, COOL well-furnished room, twin beds, suitable for married | couple or two gentlemen. Use of tele { phone. Three minutes' walk from Capitol. 719 Noith Sixth street. j FOR RENT Three unfurnished i rooms on second floor; use of bath, (gas for light and cooking, steam heat, ; large front porch, facing Sixteenth 'street. Hill location. No children, i Phone 383CJ, or call 1601 Hunter j street between 7 A. M. and 6 P. M. | FOR RENT— Furnished or unfur j nished room, for gentlemen; Hill dis jtrict; very pleasant; no children; ail ) flight car service; references exchang ed. Dial phone 6236. I FOR RENT One nicely-furnished "front bedroom; good location; all con veniences; one or two gentlemen pre ferred. Apply 1209 North Third street or cali Bell phone 220J between t A. M. and 6 P. M. FOR RENT Two or three fur nished rooms for light housekeeping; all conveniences. Call, after 6 P. M., at 1609 Derry street. FOR RENT Large, unfurnished . ilvlngroom, first floor front, suitable | for suite of rooms, modern convent . ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM— For gentlemen only. Dial 4990, or 912 North Third street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms' running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. 14$ South Third. • ROOMS WANTED WANTED A nicely-furnished room by 7a refined, young man. Must be centrally located. Can fur nish best of reference. Ad dress BOX K. 6803, Care of Telegraphp. WANTED YY'ith bath one large room to ac commodate 14 cots, to be used as sleeping quarters by Messengers. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS COMPANY, Fourth and Cheßtnut Streets. S m B ED S ffi .'SB Hi liflQ IF YOU SHOULD SEND A 08; TELEGRAM TO THE WRONG jjjj fjo ADDRESS you Yvould hardly expect , ! jSpj it to accomplish its purpose. The busi- bis j j|ay nessmen Yvho are in need of efficient PS help mav be safely addressed CO THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED m COLUMNS OF THIS NEWSPA- m PER. Messages thus sent REACH pfts! igSj THE RIGHT PEOPLE. W .■ li . 1 Iff! m 1 1 'IB. .8 m. - 1 APARTMENTS FOR RENT I FOR RENT A newly-furnished i whole third tloor, consisting- of hull bedroom, livingroom; use of bath; one I block front river front; nine blocks north of Market street. Call Beli | phono 1041 W. | FOR RENT Third tloor apart 'ment of two rooms, furnished or un furnished, with stoves and sink in I kitchenette. All conveniences. Use of bath and phone. Inquire 167 South j Summit street, or Bell phone 3262 J. APARTMENT- for rent. Inquire ! 2701 Main street, Penbrouk. Pa WANTED TO RENT ; 1 ! RELIABLE PARTY desires to lease! modern eight or nine-room house (yearly lease. Or will lease house in! Harrisburg or vicinity, furnished or: I unfurnished, for the summer from! jjune 1. Phone 3632J, or address L, j 7073, care of Telegraph. WANTED—BOARD AND ROOMS i ————— ■ BOARD IN COUNTRY. S WITHIN COMMUTING DISTANCE ! OF HARRISBURG, FOR FAMILY I OF TWO, WITH CHILD AGED ! SEVEN, FROM JUNE TO SEP ! TEMBER. WRITE TO "S„" CARE OF ENGINEERS SOCIETY. HARRISBURG, PA. I REAL ESTATE FOR SAIL *IF ITS REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN." LOOK AT THIS FIRST Wiconisco St., 625 Vacant; I three-story brick, 9 rooms, all im j provements; same as rent; <3O per I month, without any down pay ment. j Agate St., 2542 Vacant; two i story brick, 7 rooms, all improve ! ments; same as rent; <25 per month. j Mahantongo St., 620 vacant i 3-story brick, 1) rooms, all im i provements, nice front porch and back yard. Very well built. | Right price to quick buyer. Same j as rent. Jefferson St., 2130 three j story brick, 9 rooms, all improve ments, newly papered through out, a cement cellar, driveway in the rear; same as rent. Harris St., 630 three-story i brick and frame, 9 rooms, all im ; provements; right price to quick ( buyer; same as rent. Muench St., 616 three-story brick, 9 rooms; a very good home for the money; same as rent. Berryhill St., 1609 three-story brick, 9 rooms, all modern im provements, front porch and nice back yard, driveway in the rear; in a very good location; same as rent. Camp Hill a 6-room bunga low; vacant; about two years old, all improvements; can be bought lor less than it cost to build it; same as rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN, ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG, 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY 1008 North Second Street. Lot. 24x126 to wide alley; 9 large rooms and bath; fine yard; room for two garages; side and rear entrances. Im mediate possession. For par ticulars call at tho premises after o'clock, or Address S„ 7582, Care of Telegraph. FOR SALE—I 3 lots at Paxtang; bungalow sites, situated on Park Ter race. Bargain to quick buyer. Apply at 102 Paxtang avenue. KOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, N" 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot, 15 ft. 3 in. by 90 ft. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANY, 222 Market Street JUST DANIEL E. LUCAS Real Estate and Insurance, 303 Lewis St. THAT'S ALL BUY YOUR HOME on our rental pavmcnt plan. Small cash or liberty Fond first payment required, balance r r n t We have houses in every nart of the city and suburbs. Apply A P. Doranx. 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE An empty, brick-( porch front house, with all improve ments and long lot to drive alley; 10 minutes' walK to center of city. Easy terms. A. W. Swengel, Real Estate, 2131 North Second. <' \MP HILL MAIN STREET—Mod ern 2V--story frame dwelling, with ail conveniences, for sale; well construct-' ed and good location; price. <2,000. J E. Gippla. 1251 Market atreet. POSSESSION SOON. 2429 N. Sixth St.. brick 400 Muench St.. brick 2,800 . 414 Muench St., brick 2.000 412 Hummel St.. brick 2,000 1 D. A. CALKi, 707 Kunkel Bldg., Bell 589. , (Continued In Next Column! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE POSSESSION AT ONCE Vacant, 2-story brick (on HUI), 6 rooms, all improvements; newly papered; front porch; side en trance; built 5 years. Small amount down; pay as rent. Vacant, 2%-story brick on State street. all improvements: front porch; side entrance; drive alley; room for garage, large lot; 7 rooms. Small amount down, balance as rent. ! Vacant, 2 >4-story frame (on | Hill). 6 rooms and attic; front ! porch; side entrance; <IOO down, ! balance as rent. Vacant, 3-story brick, North Second street; side entrance; porch; 9 rooms; all improvements; steam heat; electric and gas. 3-story brick on Market street, with storeroom, near Thirteenth street. 3-story frame near Hill Market; [ all improvements; at a bargain. I 3 suburban houses, 5 rooms I each, rentals <3O, price <2,500 for I all. For sale or exchange on city property, large 12-room brick house, near Camp Hill; all im provements; steam heat; electric; large lawn, fruit and shade trees, practically new home. Must be seen tc be appreciated. Fine home at Enola, steam ( beat; electric; large porches; cor ner house. ;—3-story brick houses on j Briggs St.. S rooms each, one is on a corner, suitable for apartment or j business place; room far garage. ! only one block to the Capitol. Corner, 3-story brick, uptown; ! room for garage; porches. Corner. 3-story frame uptown; room for garage. —3-story frames, uptown; drive alley; a bargain for the three together; S rooms each. 3-story frame on Hill, S rooms, with garage on; all improve ments; porch. Price, <3,000, will rent for <3O. C H CORDER. 1722 GREEN ST. BELL 560 J. j COTTAGE HILL STEKLTON. PA. j For sale, two new houses, one six-room brick, electric lights, bath and cellar; lot. 40x160. <3,450. One 7-rooin j frame, electric lights, bath j and cellar; fruit trees; lot, .100x177, <3,100. DURAND & FERRER. 107 Chestnut Street. FOR SALE Susquehanna Street, 1723 Frame dwelling. 6 rooms, bath, aeWly painted, new roof, nicely papered *1.850. Kelker Street. 212 Three-story i brick 9 rooms, bath, furnace. Finll location. <I.OOO. S'watara Street, 2106 B"ICK dwell- j ing, 8 rooms, bath, steam heat, j <3.600. i Maclay Street, 636 New up-to-date : dwelling. 7 rooms, bath, steam heat, lot to 20 foot alley, <4,500. Derry Street, 2342 A line home 9 rooms, bath and steam beat, <t,Boo. CHAS. ADDER, 1002 North Third St. FOR SALE, 227 MUENCH ST. Six rooms and Hath: all improve ments Property is held vacant in order to give immediate possession. At <2 800 it is a decided bargain. However. I am positively going to sell quickly, so see the property and nnke best offer. Fifteen hundred can remain. Will consider exchange of other properties. Inspection any time. Apply t0 A. C. YOUNG, 3 4 North Second St., or MILES FOUGHT, Third and North <5 100 WILL BUY 1803-5-7 Susque hanna street; 3-story frame houses, eight rooms and bath and other im provements. In good condition. Pay eleht per cent, net. Will sell sepa rately at <1.900 apiece. G. W. Kehr. 204 Chestnut street. FOR SALE A nice home at 207 Abolition street. West Falrview, wit.i 7 rooms and bath, large corner lot ! for side yard; plenty of lawn and Ifruit; cars stop at door; close to river. Price, <2,500. Vacant soon. FIFTEENTH ST.. N., 181 Three story brick and frame house for sale; with stet m heat, bath, gas and drive llev in rear; small cash payment, bal ance on terms. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Mar ket streeL I HAVE READY BUYERS tor farm, c ;ty and suburban properties. My large clientage enables me to secure ready buyers for any kind of Real Estate you may _ h^toMter. 1225 North Sixth St Bell 271 J. D'al 3943. SEVENTEENTH ST., N., 84—Eight room brick house with all modern improvements and drive alley in rear, for sale; price, <3.200. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE l4lO North Third street, a vacant house, corner. 3-st6ry, 8 rooms and bath. Just been over hauled. Will make a splendid busi ness place or residence. Will sell at <4 200. street, or M. A. Fought, 272 North street, or Bell phone 3286. <2,650 WILL BUY an eight-room brick house with all modern improve ments; porch, side entrance and paved street. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street <2.650 WILL BUY an eight-room brick house with all modern im provements; porch, sldp entrance and paved street. J. E. Gipple. 12bl Mar ket street. (Continued In Next Column) w REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FOn SAUK Frame buildings located at Nos. • 126-128 and 130 North Cameron 1 street. . 1 I One. two-story dwelling house 16 ft 6 in by 45 ft. 6 in, with 6 ft. porch. | j One, two-story work shop 13 ft. by 1 I "°One. one-story building, 25 ft. by 38 j 'ft. with shed adjoining 65 ft. by 25 ft. Materials In these buildings in good | I condition. Purchaser to remove all materials ! immediately at own expense. For further particulars inquire of VtoOHHBAD KNITTING CO.. INC., !" Cor. Cameron and Walnut Sts., Harrlsburg, Fa. I FOK SAUK 6lB Geary street. I Must be sold, as I am leaving the city. ! Possession at once. Apply on prem j ises. ! $2,200 WIOU PURCHASK No. 800 James street. 3-story brick, S rooms,! improvements, cemented cellar. Terms cash. Apply C. 13. Miller, 212 Chest- j nut street. | FOR 8 AUI3, IN HIGHSPIRE—Brick bungalow, all improvements. Will sell for SI,OOO less than what it is | reallv worth, if sold at once. Party leaving town. Apply W. J. Reeves, 224 Market street, Highspire. Ta. Dial phono 9801. FOR .SAUK lBl5 North Second street. Open view over river. A line, medium-priced home In good location. Immediate possession. A. W. Swengel, Real Kstate, 2131 North Sec ond street. Bell phone 2575 J. SEVENTEENTH ST.. S„ 536—Nine room enner brick house for sale, with all modern improvements; must be sold; reduced price to quick buyer. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SAUE On easy terms. 2012 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1325 North Sixth. VACANT IIOUSK FOR SAUE—I73I Carnation street; brick house, seven rooms and bath, gas, furnace; price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner | Building. VACANT HOUSK FOR SAUK No. 1846 Chestnut street; nine rooms and bath, gas. electric light, steam heat; price and particulars from Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SAUE No. 927 North Sixtli street 9 rooms bath gas furnace lot, 20x100 paved >vTO? on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SAUK 2121 Sixth street; I brick house, nine rooms, bath, gas, I furnace; offered at reasonable price. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SAUE Possession of brick house, with six rooms and bath will he given May 20; price. $2,700. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. Real Estate For Sale—Suburban CAMP HILL, MARICKT ST.—Double 2 $4-story brick; gas, electric, hot I water heat; large lot, room lor four automobiles, fruit trees. Must be seen to be appreciated. Terms or cash. | lehman & Klingeman. Patriot Bldg. . READ ESTATE—For Sale or Rent j I'OR SAUE OR FOR RENT 209 {South Front street: eleven rooms and jliatli; delightfully located. Inquire of j Harrisburg Trust Company, 16 South j Second street. | ItEALi ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT I Large furnished dwelling, con- I taining all modern, improvements, 1 U-scre of lawn, line shade, large garage, located at Mount Holly Springs. For __ Rent Two • furnished houses Tor the summer located at Camp Hill. BKI NTON-PACKER CO.. AGENTS. Second and Walnut Sts. | FOR RENT Second story of Kel- I ker Street Markethouse, Fourth and Kelker streets, suitable for manufac turing purposes or general storage. I I—Room 34x34. | I—Room1 —Room 40x30. i 2—Office rooms. ! I—Hall, 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant. I Apply Harrisburg Auto Co.. Fourth and Kelker streets. I FOR RENT A pleasant, healthy location. 5 miles above iDuncannon, along the river on the | William Penn Road to Sunbury. Good , automobiling road from Harrisburg. Has good, cold spring water, good vanieing. bathing and fishing. Large, furnished rooms, weekly or monthly, in parts or as a whole. A very pleas ant location. Bell 480, Harrisburg. j FOR RENT Stable on Cowden I street mar Market. Suitable for Auto Truck or Horse and Wagon. Pos ! session at once. Rent, $6 per month. | Call Bell phone 899 M. FOR RENT Furnished cottage at Williams Grove, with electri • light. Apply Gardner & Baptist!, week days, or< at the Grove on Sundays. REAL ESTATE WANTED ! WE WANT TO RENT 1,800 SQUARE FEET OF GROUND FLOOR SPACE. Our rapidly growing busi ness necessitates vacating our present business office at 210 Walnut street, to take care of additional plant equipment. Wo are. therefore, In need of 1,900 SQUARE FEET OF GROUND FLOR SPACE. suitable for OUR BUSINESS OFFICE. Must be centrally locß>.,'d. Immediate possession desir ed. If possible. Long term lease. If desired. Get in touch at once with S. S. EBERTS, . District Manager, BELL TELEPHONE CO. of PA.. 208 Walnut Street. READY CASH FOR CITY T?ROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? REUU AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADUER. 1002 N. THIRD ST. WANTED. TO RENT Detached' bouse, with modern Improvements and 1 garage. In Camp Hill. State rent i Address Box If, 6701, care of Tele graphy- (Continued In Next Column) j IttOAL ESTATE WAXTKD WANTED. IMMEDIATELY. TO KENT OR BUY, Small House or Bungalow, In the following zones. Mucluy to Seneca, Front to Third. Must be modern, with all conveni ences Corner property pre ferred. Address BOX K, 6801, Care of Telegraph. WANTED, TO BUY, I One or two-story bungalow, anywhere near llarriaburg, with plenty of ground. We want to purchase one. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. (formerly Backenstoss Bros.), 331 Market Street. WANTED, TO KENT Detached he use. with modern improvements, in Lemoyne, Camp Hill. New Cumber- . I land, Mechanicsburg or Paxtang. Ap iply Miller Bros., Locust and Court !streets. | Ofllces and Storerooms For Kent FOR RENT BCARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM For meetings. conventions. Banquets Dances and parties. Use of piano free. Kitchen attached. H. C. CLASTER. Jeweler. 302 Market Street. FOR RENT Desk room and office. Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney. 31 North Second street. Bell phono 307.1. FOR,SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR IMMEDIATE SACK. OWNER GOING WEST. Massive oak furniture, built to last; large mirrors, crock- , ! . cries, kitchen ware. Eden j Electric Washing Machine, live-burner Eclipse gas range, etc. Inquire !j 1211 NORTH FIFTEENTH ST., . i City. :! ! , i BICYCLE FOR SALE First s2ll Italics it. Call 131 North Summit i street. II FOR SALE Quality gas range. 1 1 ! oak table, 1 highchair. Apply 1043 ' : Nprth Fourth street. | FOR SALE Steel kitchen range, in good condition, with hot water | back. 809 North Eighteenth street. '■ ' FOR SALE Household furniture I '■' will l>e auctioned off at 2016 Derry I s i street. Saturday, at 2P. M. Auc-j i tioneer. Hite. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The store across from Y. W. C. A. i offers you the biggest and best bar i gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over l coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, ' llats, Caps, and Shoe.- . We are fam , ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. I 1 OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Fourth street. ! NATIONAL CASH REGISTER I Four drawers, finest condition. Five separate total counters, detail sales | strip and Cheek issuing feature. A I beauty and like new. See it and you 'will buy it. Russell Sales Compauy,! j Lancaster, Fa. I | BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 j new, old, rare, in stock. Aurand's, ] 1 925 North Third. Circulars free. | j FOR SALE —Steam neat boiler, 675 I gq. feet capacity; practically new; i lirst-class condition. 1948 Green | | street. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid tor furniture. Morris I Schmcrtz, 1018 Market. Bell 4985R TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR | CASH ALL MAKES RENTED I EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE I OKPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. ' I WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS , HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for ! Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention Newmark & COwn, 308 Broad j street. Dial 4826, Bell 4705 R. WF, PAY' 3c a lb. for rags, 30c a 100 for papers, 60c for old books. We i buy all kinds of junk and pay the highest cash prices. L. Cohen <& Co. I Bell 4974. j WANTED—To buy immediately, j s pocket billiard tablets, in gootl , condition. 1 8 or 10-foot wall cigar case. , 2 4-foot floor cases. Send lull particulars. Address Lock Box No. 304, Myerstown, I'a. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. KIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST., HARKISBURU, PA WANTED An upright boiler, 8 or 10-horse-power. Musi be in good condition. No Junk. Address B. J. Campbell. 1000 Paxton street, or 236 South Second street. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices Paid. Call Bell J 07lit, or drop a postal to Max Smeitz 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. WANTED TO BUY NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS j Working order or not. Send full par ticulars Will buy anywhere. Russell Sales Company, Lancaster, Pa. FARMS 30-ACRE FARM For sale or exchange on city property. 6 miles north of Harrlsburg, good 9-room house, ull necessary outbuild ings, about 100 fruit trees, all bearing; good soil, little roll ing, 10 abres woodland; terms reasonable; will take light touring car In exchange. Ap ply lor price C. H. Corder, 1722 'Green street, Harris burg. Bell phono 660 J. 5%-ACRE FARM, 6-room house and barn, one horse. two shoats, chickens and implements, $1,700. Easy terms. S7OO down. 25 ACRES Good buildings, level soil; with crops, $2,000; without crops, $1,700. 26 ACRES Buildings good as new, sand loam soil, 2 horses, 4 cows, 3 hogs. 80 chickens, all Implements, $3,u00; without stock and implements. $2,200. DURAND & BERBER, 107 Chestnut. FOR SALE, CHEAP. AT ONCE A 47-acre farm. Cash, $1,250. 7-roont 'house and outbuildings, spring water| ! close to house; about 800 l'rult trees; 150 acres clear, balance In timber; I about Is 4 miles from Dauphin, Pa. i Inquire M. C. Taylor, 111 South street. | tContinued In Next Column) i I ,i 1 i F Alt MS SEVERAL SMALL FARMS For sale or exchange, near Harrfsburg; good houses, orchards, etc. Prices right, near State road. Apply O. H. Corder, 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. 30-A FARM About one mile N. Rockvtlle. 8-rooin house and outbuildings, orchard, wood land. An Ideal sum mer home. Will exchange on cKy property. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell &60J. FAINTING JOSEPH A. GILL, 1913 Rho&ds ave nue, Practical Painter. Estimatel cheerfully given. Bell phope 386. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE A local truck distributing firm, distributors for a promi nent and nationally advertised truck—one of the best on the market—desires to sell the en tire or part interest of their business, which includes agency for truck, large garage, sales room and service station. Pres ent owner's health keeps him from pushing business. Large number of trucks sold in this city since January I—prospects for 50 more for this year. Large territory. Big advertising cam paign now running. A splendid business opportunity for a live wire. Will stand close investi gation. For further particulars address BOX D, 7567, Care of Telegraph. FOR SALE HARDWARE STORE' | Large, now stock, fino fix tures. Good location. An exceptional bargain; Cheap rent. J. E. DARE, 209 and 211 Chestnut SL GROCERY STORE Uptown, including building. I stock and fixtures, all new stock, doing good business. Reasons for selling. Inquire C. H. Corder, 1722 Green street. Bell 560J, FOR SALE — Tinning business, machines and tools. Plenty of work goes with it. Apply at 1847 Der.-y street. Dial 4150. CON I'E('TIONER Y WANTED—SmaII confectionery and variety store. Willi dwelling, city or suburban. Give I'uU I particulars in letter to Box C, 6502, cure of Harrlsburg Telegraph. ! THE owner of vacant land well lo- Icated in the Tenth Ward, would like ito get in touch with a reliable builder to develop the property and share the profits. Address E., 3211, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE —Well-established, first class confectionery store, doing good business Reason for selling. Address Box C, 7072, care of Telegraph. IF you have $2,000 to $3,000 cash capital and would be interested in opening an entirely new line of busi ness in your locality, which should net vou $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 an nually, write at once for particulars. Mc-ehanicai Machine and Tool Works. 229 West Fifty-second street. New York, N. Y. 1! EX ALL DRUG STORE FOR SALE in a Pennsylvania town. Will bear inspection. Address Rexall, caro of Telegraph. FOR SALE Long-established. Hardware, Plumbing. Tinning, Heat ing and Builders' Supplies business. Illness compels quick sale. Unusual opportunity. C. 11. MacConueil, Owner, Nicholson, Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS HEMSTITCHING. MRS. SNYDER, 1165 MARKET STREET. FAPERHANGING First-class work, J. E. Chilcoat, 1622 North Fourth street. PEOPLE WON'T KNOCK, IF 1 REPAIR YOUR DOOR BELL. ELECTRICIAN —Bell 1875 J. MACHINE SHOP Small machine work on Steam Engines, Pumps, Mill Machinery, Experimenting and Model Making. 1704 Fulton street. UPHOLSTERING Of the best kind Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone 4826. Bell phone 4705 R. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED ingle edge. 25c doz.; double edge. 350 doz.; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. ' DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. | CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. A LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. OXY'-ACETYLENE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co., 1638 Logan street. Bell 4390 J. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping. J. A. Bishop. 1730 Logan street. "> INVENTORS FINANCED Patents Automobiles. Motorcycles Bought, Sold Exchanged. Cash or commission. Simon Horst. Llnglestown. Pa. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It oft if taken In time. Gross Drbg Stoio. 119 Market street. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR. 110 Walnut St. Harrlsburg. Pa. Bell Phone 618 J. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page i HL.