Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 16, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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The International Sunday School Les?-~ii For Mny 18 Is "Tlie Grace
of God"—Eph. 2:4-10; Titus 2:11-14.
The greatest problem of all ages
W and all lands has been how to keep
good men from becoming bad and at
the same time to know what to do
with bad men who are determined
to keep themselves bad and make
others like unto them. The child
of the highest civilization and the
son of the deepest savagery are here
seen upon/the same level. Human
life is unendurable where sin taints
and wrecks the gains Ibotli of
thought and of material endeavor.
Education, culture, wealth, —what
are these worth where depraved pas
sion has made them all its slaves?
A millionaire's home OQ Murray
Hill becomes quite as horrible a hell
as any Mulberry street sub-ten
ment when a conflagration of evil
passion burns unchecked.
The story of the deluge, well
Before The Advent
Of Woman's Gladness
Worsen Who Know Take Precaution
Against Suffering.
Be/ore the arrival of the Stork, women
for over half a century have learned the
wisdom of giving nature a helping hand.
Nausea, nervousness, bearing-down and
stretching pains In the abdomen and
muscles are entirely avoided by the use at
Mother's Friend, according to the testimony
or thousands of mothers who have used this
time-honored remedy.
Mother's Friend lubricates the flne net
work of nerves beneath the skin, and by
regular nso during the period the musclea
are made and kept soft and elastic. They
can then expand gently and easily when
baby is born and pain and danger at tho
crisis Is naturally avoided.
Mother's Friend is a preparation of pene
trating oils ,and other medicinal agents
prepared especially for expectant mothers.
It Is for external U9e, Is absolutely safe and
should be used regularly during the entlrs
period before baby eomce.
Write to tho Bradtlcld Regulator Com
pany, Dept. A, Lamar Building, Atlanta.
Georgia, for an interesting Motherhood
Book, and obtain a bottle of Mother's
Friend from the druvglst. You will find It
the greatest kind of heip.
Three Times a Week
For Three Weeks
After the long winter months, too
much rich food and too little exer
cise, practically everyone feels the
necessity for a good Spring Tonic!
and Blood Purifier. The very best!
spring medicine you can take is the
king of tonic laxatives —
Three times a week for three
weeks, brew a cup of this purely
vegetable laxative tea and drink it
Just before retiring. Gently, yet ef
. fectively, it will drive out all im
purities and not only mako you feel
better, but look better, right away,
giving iyou a sweet breath, clear
skin and a healthy appetite.
MBBiSM—HSMaiiia——Mill WiUPUS
If Yonr Nerves Are Shaky Because of
Over-Indulgence in Tobacco or
Alcohol or by Excess of Any Kind,
810-Feren is What You Need
Right Away.
Don't grow old before your
time, don't let nervousness wreck
your happiness or chances in life, j
The man with strong, steady |
nerves is full of vigor, energy, j
ambition and confidence.
You can have nerves of steel,
firm step, new courage and keen I
mind by putting your blood and
nerves in first-class shape with 1
mighty Bio-Feren, a new discov
ery, inexpensive and efficient. I
Men and women who get up so
tired in the morning that they i
have to drag themselves to their
daily labor will in just a few days >
arise with clear mind, definite
purpose and loads .of ambition. ;
All you have to do is to take \
two Bio-Feren tablets after each
meal and one at bedtime—7 a day j
for 7 days—then reduce to one
after each meal until all are gone. |
Then if your energy and endur- '
ance haven't doubled, if your >
mind isn't keener and eyes
brighter, if you don't feel twice
as ambitious as before, any drug
gist anywhere will return the
purchase price—gladly and freely. !
Bio-Feren is without doubt the j
grandest remedy for nervous, run- j
down, weak, anaemic men and t
women ever offered and is not I
at all expensive. All druggists !
in this city and vicinity have a !
supply on hand—sell many pack
How Every Woman Can Quick
ly Charm Her Friends With
Lovely Teeth,
Clean, White and Brilliant
J> ; i
If you want the cleanest of < i
white teeth and healthy gums i
free from disease, an easy and ! i
quick way to get both is to use *
a tooth paste so effective and per
fect that astonishing results usu- '
ally come in a week's time.
And the cost is so little. Just <
go to any drug or department i
store, and get a large tube of i i
35 cents. j 1
Not only will it make your i
teeth clean and white, but it will
at once remove any filmy coating. <
help to check the ravages of 1
Pyorrhea and banish acidity in 1
the mouth. *
It is used by thousands of t
dentists and its sale has been re- t
markable. When you visit your f
dentist, which you should do at p
least twice a year, ask him about I
SENRECO. It's a most delightful !
and refreshing tooth paste. >
s nigh a universal tradition among all
i nations possessing a literature, gives
t us certain teachings upon the ways
3 of God's mercy, moving through the
1 tragic and terrible events of life
3 toward an ultimate triumph of good
-1 ness over evil.
Sin Self-Destructive
r The story of conditions in the an
cient world before the time of Noah
. corresponds to many a dark narra
tive of later ages. Evil is increas
: ing among the children of men.
The hour when the Creator looked
forth upon the works of His hands
' and pronounced them "very good"
, seems to have passed, never to come
back. The deeds and the desires of
j men wax worse and worse. Horri
ble crime and passion produce more
daring designs and imaginations,,
1 which in turn bear swift-maturir.g
ruit. Where will the- broadening
cycle of depravity end? Seemingly
only in the self-inflicted destruction
. of the sinners. "Let us eat and
> drink for to-morrow we die!" Sin
t is suicide. "O Israel, thou hast de
stroyed thyself!" is the prophet's
true interpretation of the nation's
l plight in a later age of its career.
So fell ancient Greece, perverting its
, v<> of beauty into unbridled lust.
' and debasing its power of noble
i thought to lowest levels of casuistry.
So fell Rome in the hour of her
greatest wealth and world-wide
possession. So will fall any nation,
and city, and home, and soul, that
1 lets sin have free course. The worst
' penalty of sin is sin working out its
j own nature and producing its in-
I evitablo sequences. Have the fires
I of hell cooled because men no longer
' believe in a literal and physical
1 flame of brimstone? Not so. When
a soul going on in the self destruc
! tion courses of sin comes to say
"Myself am bell!" be is reaching
' the limit of conceivable agony.
Tlie Sphere of Moral Surgery
What is God's way of meeting this
mad rush of humanity on the tobog- j
gan slide of ever-deeper sin? Shall
a world of beauty and wondrous pos- j
siblllty He fallow and idle because
man, the glory and crown of crea- |
tion has blotted himself out of ex- j
istence? What is the remedy? One
that in its terribleness shall lit the
awful malady of the patient.
Here is a cancer sufferer. The
. little spot of diseased tissue, seem-
I ingly so trival, is spreading. Every
■ day sees larger ravages of the de
vouring demon. Skin and nerve
> and sinew waste away before its j
. merciless approach. Agony, inde
scribable now, and presaging worse
things in the future, is the victim's
lot. What shall bo done? A poul
tice? A perfumed lotion to counter-
J act the offense of the senses? Con-
I cealment by bandage and elaborate
, I screening? No. There is only one
, I resort. The operating table—the
. j keen, glittering knife, whose swift
' movement shall go faster and fur
; ther than the cancer's progress.
And so tlie surgeon stands prepared, I
bending above the diseased tissue,
and ready for his work. Is he mer
, cilcss as his strokes cut and cut
; again? Is it cruelty to thus multi
. late? No, it is supreme mercy; it
" is greatest kindness.
Even so the story of the deluge
' stands out as the earliest and
sublimest representation of a divine
mercy that shrinks not from moral
' surgery where nothing else will
avail. To save the good by remov-
I ing that which is hopelessly bad; to
replace contagion by isolation; to I
i look beyond the terrible processes of
j the immediate present to the resulfs
I that in due season shall appear—
i that is divine. It is God's way |
| where no other way will avail. It is 1
I divine wisdom where human devices !
lure avowedly helpless. However
Lawful tho tragedy, however fearful |
j tlio picture of desolated realms and I
countless corpses as the waves re
cede, it is far less appalling than
| the thought of humanity's doom if
; left to itself to continue unchecked
j the course of self-destructive mad
ness which was invading all realms
| of mun'H being,
| For bo It over remembered the S
j slory of tho deluge does not end as !
tho waters reach their utmost
| height, and tho Inundation of plain I
| and valley nnd hillside comes to its !
j climax, God has not forgotten what
j lias been blotted out of sight by the
| rising and engulfing billows. ' The
j end? No, tho end is not yet. Some
j tilings are Indeed ended but only
! that others may begin. .What next?
Tlio Stimulus of a Fresh Start
Who does not respond to such an
i incentive whenever and wherever
|lt conies? The new year, after the
| weeks and months of the old one
| have been crowded with mishaps
| and failures and follies; the new
i home, whero old associations are
' gone, with their enticing tempta
j tlons; tho new task, with better
adaptation to one's powers and one's
| likings—all these things send a
I thrill of new purpose into the soul
| that has grown burdened and hope
] loss under old conditions.
Hero was the merciful purpose of
God, rovealed clearly in the out
come of this tragic chapter, but to
•>© equally attributed to every DOT
tion of it. A new start for a world
I that had gone wrong! The dove
i that flies forth and comes back with
I the first symbol of cheer goes out
again and return no more. The ark.
j its purpose achieved, is abandoned
| its one safe voyage a sufficient re
j turn for all the labor spent upon it.
Tho preacher of righteousness de
; live red, not alone from the perils
I of the rising waters, as they creep
higher and higher above hilltop and
; mountain summit, but from the
grave perils of the floods of ungod
liness and depravity which had
i raged around his household in the
old days—for hint and his a new
: world indeed opens as they go forth
from a captivity which had meant
: a deliverance.
I So it often is, so it might much
| oftcner bo, when God sends into in
| dividual lives some startling provi
dence which causes old things to
pass away and all things to become
new. Many a deluge of financial dis
aster leaves a man bereft, bewilder
ed and perhaps tempted to despair:
hut out of the very ruins of an old
life there mny be built a fairer and
a better fabric.
Tlie Bow of Promise
It is ever present, just as. sunlight
flashing across raindrops has ever,
from the earliest dawn of creation,
causes the prismatic colors to ap
pear. But men do not always see
II: and we will need the clear reve
lation of the meanings of the Al
mighty to see the tokens of a sure
and sound hope amid the storms of
There is a hope which "springs
eternal In the human heart," but
which is a human instinct rather
than a special divine gift. There is
a hope which is born only of faith,
a confidence which comes "out of
the depths, "when we have entered
them ana emerged, conscious . f
God's presence and guidance at
even' point of the journey. For the
believer in God's goodness in ail
things, because he is able to look
beyond beginnings to n final goal.
No midnight can banish the clear
shining of the Sun of Righteous
ness; and wherever his beams glint
across the storms of trial and tribu
lation, and glories of a more than
earthly hope crown all the conquests
of God's mercy.
"Sometimes a light surprises
The Christian while he sings;
It Is the Lord who rises
With healing in his wings.
When comforts are declining
He grants the soul again
A season of clear shining
To cheer it after rain."
Influenza Fatal to
Major Oliver Hogue
Sydney, Australia, May 16.—Major
Olivet*' Hogue, of Sydney, the man
who is generally credited with hav
ing first given publicity to the name
"Anzac," is dead. He was himself
an Anzac. After having come
through the Gallipoli campaign and
the Palestine campaign without a
scratch, he died of influenza in Lon
don early in March. When the war
began Major Hogue was a newspaper
man, being on the staff of the Syd
ney Morrting Herald.
During the Gallipoli campaign
Major Hogue wrote for his paper
accounts of the til-starred efforts to
take Constantinople in which ho ap
plied the code word "Anzac" (Aus
tralian and New Zealand Army
Corps) to the seddier from the South
Nabbs—Believe me, a lot of folks
didn't have the war brought home to
'em till their boys had to go.
Nlbbs—Yes, but a lot more will
have it brought home to them when
the boys get back.—lndianapolis Star.
stamps Extra"on 306 Broad Street 300 Market Street ~
all Toilet Articles Lydia
nf w ?;- ar Azurea Face Powder $1.19 r,„ rn „, ™ , c roc „ , T7 . TT , , Medicines
Sr.l n'nd fraction Floramye Face Powder $1.19 " ava " a Tuc^ s ; 6 for •• • ■ • 25c = Ha.r Health... 34c, 67c Pinkham's Compound.... 80c
thereof Carmen Face Powder .. 37c Eing Oscar, 9 for 50c Danderine .... 22c, 43c, 69c Father John's 43c o A
Djer-Kiss Face Powder . ,51c j Sweet Girls, 9 for 50c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, Scott's Emulsion... .49c, 95c O\JC
Mary Garden Face Powder, La Tiftons, 9 for 50c 69c Pierce's Discovery 79c
—Special— i 75c Even Steven, 9 for 50c | Sage and Sulphur 45c Pierce's Fav Prescrintion 79c
Castile Soap j L-Ame (La May) Face Pow- Counsellor, 9 for 50c Goldman Hair Restorer, ,98c , Ru'oT g-oz dSc •,
2 Bars ~,d er, i>"i 9c '?o C Cinco, 9 for 50c J " Pinaud's Hair Tonic 98c Nuiol'2o-oz 79c PeCl3
* 3 Woodbury Face Powder, 18c _ ' w T , ; INU J O1 > zu " oz ' yc Johnson-Tohn=~"
Ol- Garden Fragrance Powder, • 3 Mojas for 25c Nelson s Hair Dressing ,22c i Usolme 39c J J '
sg c 3La Carma for 25c Ayer's Hair Vigor 85c American Mineral 0i1....55c Kidney
Fiancee Face Powder. .$1.19 3 Henriettas for 25c Q-Ban Restorer 49c Nervine 79c Plasters
Freeman's Face Powder. .21c 3 Girards for 25c Herpicide 43c, 79c C 3' Heart Remedy 79c
—Special— Pussywillow Face Powder, Wild Root Hair Tonic f' Pl , oo< i nI . C "" o C nH
Kilmer's 39 c j 43c and 79c S-S Blood Tonic... .slls £ for 25C
c t> Pompeian Face Powder ..39c Dental Preparations DamsrhinsWvV Tivp qQ r cq p -Milks Emulsion 83c
Swamp-Root L a Blache Face Powder 42c „ Damschinsky s Dye. . 39c, 59c Sloan's Liniment, 19c, 39c, 79c
ciacne * ace O QC - Pebeco Tooth Paste .... 34c Brownatone 37c, 89c Bromo Seltzer . 75c
7DC TOILET CREAMS Kolynos Tooth Paste ... 19c Walnutta 39c Angier's Emulsion ...43c, 83c
Pond's Vanishing Cream, 32c Pepsodent Tooth Paste.. 37c Caldwell's Syr. Pepsin, —Special—
Pond's Cold Cream 32c Senreco Tooth Paste... ,23c OINTMENTS 38c and 73c American
—Special — De Meridor Cream .34c s. S. White Tooth Paste, 19c Gude's Pepto Mangan...96c 0 ..
SS S Stillman's Freckle Cream, 32c Euthvmol Tooth Paste 17c -^ nal S^ c Baume (French), 45c Glyco Thymoline, 19c, 39c, 79c
B.ooa Tonic ' Lyof Tooth Paf!! & Bairn j L.tetine .. .. IBc, 37c, 69c
Large Palmolive Cold Cream.. .37c ? a " lt ° 1 ° f a^ te 2c j San Cura Oint 21c, 42c Lavoris 19c, 38c, 75c ODC
/h - 1 Palmolive Vanishing 37c Kalpheno Tooth Paste. . .I9c Capsoline l 9„ Gray's Glycerine Tonic.. .98c
Jb l. I 5 -Sempre Giovine 39c Arnica Tooth Soap l7c K Y Tellv iQr i Sal Hepatica ... 19c, 38c, 75c _ . ,
Pompeian Mass. Cream, Pyorrhocide Powder 75c v J n . '' V T iA ♦ Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Special
, . . Sanitol Cold Cream 23c Sanitol Tooth Powder lg '' 19c' 39c Atwood '. s Biers ... 19c Lux Soap
—Special— Sanitol Face Cream 23c Tllt L„ m( ,. TftAfh Dnn 17 , mustanne iy c , jy c , California Syrup of Figs. .39c ril .
Nujol Peroxide Cream 34c 1 ° ! i m / f 11°' ?q C Limestone Phosphates.. .34c P
?n nnnrp Cold Cream 29c Shefield Tooth Paste.... 17c j Musterole 19c, 39c Fellow's Syrup Hypo.. .$1.05
20-ounce Hudnut's Cold Cream .. 39c Kalpheno Tooth Powder, 19c Mentholatum 17c, 34c F E c ascara Sagrada Aro
p-A Hudnut's Cold Cream Tubes Colgate Tooth Powder, Sassafola 17c j ma ti c , 3-oz. bottle 25c fciOC
79C 19c 15c and 25c S Ut i^ ra ointment - • 19c > 2 * c Ess. Peppermint, 3-oz. bottle,
Calox Tooth Powder... .17c ! r. 0 * & l? i „. c 60c _ . ,
—Special— Mary Garden Talcum.. . .45c j 2-oz. bottle 35c 2 Full Lbs.
Pierce's Mavis Talcum 18c SOAPS HOME SUPPLIES ; Sweet Spirits of Niter, 2-oz. 20-Mule Team
Johnson's talcum He ** ... 15c | Glycerine,B-oz 38c sprits Camphor,' 3^z.' Borax .
Butterfly Talcum 19c , C " tlc " ra Soa P 19c ° Iv „ e g' 1 ' B :° z ' •••••••• -ffc 60c
79C Babcock Corylopsis Talcum, "Woodbury Soap 19c Glyc. Rose Water, 4-oz.. .23c Tinct. Arnica, 3-oz. bottle, 60c O 1
* 14c Resinol Soap 19c Liquid Veneer 19c, 39c Tinct . lodine> 2 -oz. bottle, 35c 1C
Babcock Cut Rose Talcum, Poslam Soap 19c t f p' u 13c, 19c, 39c Comp. Licorice Powder, 1 oz.,
—Special— 14c Palmer's Skin Soap. 19c Borax 2 PounHs ' 10c o -i
Pluto Hudnut's Talcum (Tin).. 19c Colgate Elder Flower Soap, Bon. Ac.dToz bottle Ehx.. Lactated -Spc.al-
Wate " e Takum Um (JarS lic; 13c Osmond Dyes 3 for 25c _ witch hLi
36C GardCT FraglanCe TalC Tc C °for ate . mere B ° Uqe 25c 3 /or '.'.'. 25c PILLS AND TABLETS
Fiancee Talcum 89c Jergen's Violet Glycerine, 3 | terno Heat ' 3 for Pape's Diapepsin 33c 33c
f * r ' 2sc Energine 21c Bliss Native Herbs 67c
—Special— LIQUID AND DRY Tereen's Geranium' Bath 3 for 6c ! De Witt ' s Kidne y Pis..34c
Ivory Soap ROUGES JergCn S Ueramum Bath 'Sam-Flush . 19c Beecham's Pills 17c _ Sner : al _
4 Bars Rouge de L'Opera 43c Castile s 2 {or 25c peterman^Discoverv'' ' °. oan ' aKid " ey Pills
Fantasie 42c p.or't; <?oan
Q I Pompeian Bloom 39c 10c and 19c 1 Wendall's Ambition Pills, 36c Writing Paper
m X C Elmo Rose Rouge 42c Sulphur Candles, 4 for .. . 25c Marmola Tablets 59c _
Liquid Rose Rouge 21c SHAMPOO SOAPS Life Buoy Soap, 2 for ... 15c Pierce's Discovery ..39c, 79c 9 (SAr
Ideal Solid Rouge 21c R at Gorn 15c Pierce's Prescription, 39c, 79c ~ H** "Vv
—Special— De Luxe Solid Rouge... .38c Sr n vl * 3c Pierce's Anuric 39c
SI.OO Value Dorin 1249 39c L 1( l ul "Cd Cocoanut Oil. ..39c FOR THE BABY 100 5-Gr. Cascara Tablets, 39c o . .
Hot Water SHAVTNG TTFMg Syn °' S ° ap I9c> 39c 100 5-Gr. Asafetida ,79c -Social-
Botttes Mr-uJS no * Horlick's Malted Milk, ' 100 5-Gr. Bayer Aspirin Tab- 25c Value
2 for SIOO Gem ''' 83c TOILET WATERS C R ., M ~ 5 8 £rP C ' $2 ' 75 lets •••••••. 85c Writing Paper
Jrii !; , x. h. Borden s Malted Milk, 100 Alophen Pills 59c
1 flfl l Gin T, Bad Z "V\" S. arden Fra s rance •• • • fLSg 39c, 77c, $2.79 100 Peptonized Iron Tablets, or or
*pX\/vr Pinauds Lilac Vegetal.. .79c Fiancee $2-.98 Imperial Granum 88c 79c 2 I #ll* ■ #*
Mennens Shaving Cream, 25c Azurea Vegetal $1.19 Borden's Condensed Milk, 4 100 Lapactic Pills 29c
—_ ___ ._T Durham Duplex Razor... 89c Azurea Toilette $2.03 cans 80c Pierce's Pellets 17c
NO MAIL 1 Pt. Best Witch Hazel... 33c Floramye Vegetal ....$1.19 Mellen's Food, two 75c Jars, Edwards' Olive Tablets!. 17c NONE
ORDERS IPt. Imported Bay Rum, 89c Floramye Toilette .... $2.03 $1.07 Bell-Ans 17c, 45c
FTT TFD fi F P m'U . 5c E jer ' K^ SS 7 e g etal< •- • sl -19 Nestle's Food 49c, $2.49 Miles' Pain Pills .... 21c, 79c SOLD TO
FILLED 6 Ever-Ready Blades... .28c Mary Garden,. 5-oz $2.98 I Castoria 23c Harlem Oil Capsules .... 23c DEALERS
Lack of Labor Alone Holds
Back Important Public
Paris, May 16.—There is work
right now in France for every man
who wants to work, according to M.
Claveille, Minister of Public Works,
who told an Associated Press repre
sentative to-day that the lack of la
bor alone is holding back some of
the important public work for which
material was assembled while the
war was going on.
Besides the immense task of re
building northern France M. Claveille
pointed out tha following projects
which will bo executed as soon as
the labor can be found: The en
largement of the canal from the
Rhine to the Rhone to give Alsace
a better outlet for her products to
central France and to the Medi
terranean; extension of several
other canals; enlargement and im
provement of the ports of Algiers,
Marseilles and Brest, with the ex
tension of railroad lines leading to
those ports; the building of water
power plants of several hundred
thousand horse power in the Alps,
the Pyreness and around the centrai
plateau to furnish clecric power to
railroads and lighting current tc.
cities, including Paris; the leveling
lof the wail of Paris; the extension
of the Paris subways into the sub
urbs as soon as the fortifications'
The energy and pep of the
American soldier is the wonder
w of the world. Sugar energy
is the reason. The sugar-fed
t soldier was healthier, hardier
and braver.
—He had the Pep.
is America's best liked soft drink be
cause every bottle contains sugar
energy in a liquid form that the sys
tem takes up Quickly and naturally.
—"just whistle"
For Sale Everywhere
1901-3 North Sixth Street
Bell Phone 3300 Dial 2237
I lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!illlllll!lllfl|||||||
have disappeared; and, eventually. 1
the digging of the tunnel under the
English Channel.
' ' isas^=i=====sagsg=saag
Sure They're Good,
and They Satisfy, £OO
. "
Arc just what you want for steady smoking".
I The quality without the aftertaste.
JohnC. Herman&Co.
||| 7 c—worth it Harrisburg, Pa.