Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 15, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 WOMEN SCORE IN CONVENTION 'To Be Allowed to Serve on Vestries of Episcopal Parishes With but little opposition a resolu- | , tion was passed yesterday •by the j Diocesan convention of the Episcopal! Church, held in Shamokin, allowing! women to serve on vestries of par ishes. Exponents df the measure) anticipated trouble in passing the j resolution. The fifteenth annual convention of t lie Harrlsburg diocese adjourned yesterday afternoon, to convene on the second Tuesday of May, 1929, in < Phillpsburg. Among the important measures to | be passed at yesterday's session was a resolution making Yeates School, j Lancaster, a Diocesan institution. The . school is to lie known us Yeates Epis- 1 copal Roys School. Application will \ be made immediately for a cnange in the charter. The school was es- I tablisheil in 1852. and has be°n under) the care of St. James' Parish, Lan- j caster, since that time. A resolution was passed asking the general convention meeting in j Detroit this fall, to make baptism | the basis of church membership for j statistical reports. Baptism has al- i way been recognized by the Epis copal Church as the basis of mem- j bership, but reports have been com- I piled from communicant lists. 'The! change will give the Episcopal j Church a membership list of niorei I TALCUM POWDER j ' Jjjßeavy Sentence Imposed on w * 1 Manufacturer of Tablets. 1 f (ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPAYCH) W & NEW YORK. Decembef 31.—Ac- cused of having manufactured and A Ri sold to influenza sufferers thousands fjof boxes of aspirin tablets, princl- J jj, pally composed of talcum powder, Jr g Joseph M. Turkey, head of the jL §1 j Verandah Chemical company, of wj Brooklyn, was found guilty yester- jJf P I day of violation of the sanitary code w and sentenced to three years In prla- A Jron with a fine of $5OO. The Behtence g S| was the most 6flvere ever imposed ■ In the country for such an offense. % Hereafter say, "Give me gen / uine 'Bayer Tablets £f Aspirin.'" pAYI C"vj Insist you want only the Bayer V tu Jj package with the "Bayer Cross" on *h e package and on the tablets. Don't buy Aspirin in a pill box! Get Bayer package! Bayer-Tablets of Aspirin The genuine American owned "Bayer Tablets of 'Aspirin" have been proved safe by millions for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Grippe, Influenzal Colds, Joint Pains, Neuritis. Proper dosage on every "Bayer" package. Boxes of 12 tablets—Bottles of 24—Bottles of 100—Also Capsules. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid "Elsie M." writes: "I have such short, stringy, straggling hair and my scalp is full of dandruff. Please advise what to do." Answer: The best advice I can offer is simple. Get at a well-stocked drug store a 4 oz. jar of plain yellow Min yol, directions accompanying, and use it regularly. It promotes a healthy, vigorous growth of hair ami abates dandruff, itching scalp, 1 usterless hair and stops falling hair. If the hair is harsh and straggling it restores a soft, fluffy appearance, and brings back the intense natural color. "Hazelle" says: "I would certainly appreciate something that would In crease my weight and take away that languid feeling which I am subject to most of the time. My blood is weak and watery and my appetite is poor." Answer: Your condition is very easily overcome if you will follow the directions given below. Ask your druggist for 3-grain Hypo-Nuclane Tablets and take according to the di rections and your weight should in crease. These tablets promote assimi lation, absorption and aid digestion, transform the complexion and figure. They should be taken regularly for several months. "O. E. G." writes: "My rheumatism is getting worse all the time. I am getting so stiff that it makes it very hard for me to get. around." Answer: Get at the drugstore the ingredients named, mix thoroughly and take a teaspoonful at mealtime and again at bedtime and you should soon be entirely relieved of that dis agreeable disease, rheumatism. Pur chase 2 drams of iodide of potassium: J /4 oz. of wine of colehicum; 4 drams of sodium salicylate: 1 oz. comp. fluid Balmwort: l oz. comp. essence Car diol, and 5 ozs. of syrup sarsaparilla. This has satisfied thousands. THURSDAY EVENING, than three million in the United States. i To Complete State College Churcli j The matter of completing the I church building at State College was brought before the convention yes i terday morning. Aboift $28,000 will ! be required to finish the building in accordance with the plans adopted. 1 A committee was appointed to raise j the amount so that the building may i be completed in the near future. It was reported to'the convention ! that the Church at Arnot liad been i burned down with insufficient in ! surance to cover the loss. Aid was ! asked by the congregation to the I extent of alxiut one thousand dollars, j The amount was immediately sub ! scribed by representatives from a i few parishes. ; An attempt was made to change the date of the convention from May to January, but was defeated. The convention expressed its ap proval of the plan to spend at least twenty million dollars on social serv ice work within the next few years. A hundred thousand dollars is to be added to the fund for the education of candidates for the priesthood. A survey of religious education Is to be made by the entire church, and an amount of money is to be put into the work of religious education about equal to the amount to be spent on social service work. Plans for this work were made last Decem ber. The Diocesan committee of the Pension Fund reported that every parish and mission station in the #ocese had paid in full its pension premiums for the year 1918. Five clergymen ot the diocese are now on the pension list. The Rev. F. C. Smleleau reported on the work among deaf-mutes. Plans are now under way by the deaf-mute congregation of Harris burg for the securing of a permanent fyt&rfZewhtßaAeß I The questions answered below are general in character; the symptoms or diseases are Riven and the answers i should apply to any case of similar nature. Those wishing further advice, free, may address Dr. I.ewis BaKer, College Building, College-Ellwood Streets. Dayton, 0.. enclosing self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply. Full name and address must be given, but only initials or fictitious name will lie used in my answers. The remedies can be obtained at any well-stocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. "Secretary" writes: "P have pains in my spine and frightful headache in back of head, fainting spells, twitch ing and trembling, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of appetite and strength, and in fact am a 'has been,' when it comes to performing accus tomed work and duties." Answer: In all such cases the as similative functions have not kept pace with waste functions and a pow erful harmless tonic treatment Is needed. I find three-grain Cadomene Tablets unexcelled and astonishingly beneficial In such cases and advise them for you. "Weakness" writes: "Have been doctoring for kidney trouble and now want your advice. Frequent desire is followed by burning pain and am very tender and sore over region of bladder. Also backache affects me dreadfully. Can hardly move when I awake in the morning. Weakness, too, is a symptom." Answer: I think if you will take Balmwort Tablets regularly for a few weeks your kidneys and bladder will become normal and sUch symptoms vanish. This is unequaled for such complaints in my estimation. "K. IC. K." asks: "I am growing more stout as 1 get older and weigh 60 pounds too much now. I am alarm ed and want to reduce. Please advise what to take." Answer: You need not be alarmed if you will begin taking 5-grain Ar bolone Tablets. These tablets reduce usually at the rate of a pound a dav after the first few days. Any druggist can supply them in sealed tubes with full directions. "Poor H." writes: "My health is very poor on account of a long-stand ing constipation. I have to use pills or something all the time. Can you prescribe something to take that will cure chronic constipation?" Answer: Constipation is probably the cause of more illness than anv other thing. Moat remedies only ag gravate the trouble and never cure I always prescribe 3-grain Bulpherb Tablets (not sulphur tablets), and have found them most reliable and gradually curative. They act pleas antly and tone up the bowels and .Uver while purifying the blood. church property as a regular place of worship. The deaf-mute congre gation of Harrisburg is one of the largest In the diocese. Work among the colored was re ported upon by the Rev. W. M. Parchment, of Harrisburg. The re i port showed large increases in mem | bership. The colored congregation I of Harrisburg expects to occupy its I new church building within the next j few months. Much interest was shown in the election for clerical deputies to the General Convention. Nine ballots were cast before a choice of four candidates from twelve nominees was made. The following were elected: The Rev. F. M. C. Bedell, of Shamokin; the Venerable K. T. Kastment, Phil lipsburg; the Venerable Frederick O. Musser, Bloomsburg; and the Rev. C. R. Tyndell. Williamsport. The following were elected as alternate delegates: the Rev. William Charles Heilman, Trinity Church, Steelton; j the Rev. G. T. Lascelle, Sunbury; j the Rev. M. D. Maynard, Bellefonte; ! and the Ven. J. W. Torkington. Wellsboro. The lay deputies to the General Convention elected are: Gen. C. M. Clement. Sunbury; H. W. Harlman Tjincaster: George N. Reynolds, l.an caster; and W. F. Reynolds, Phillips burg. The following were elected as members of the Standing Committee: I The Rev. Dr. Floyd Appleton; Rev. Leroy F. Baker, Harrisburg: the Rev. William Heokes, Lewistown: the Rev. Archibald M. Judd, Wil liamsport; the Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer, Harrisburg: the Rev. Clifford G. Twimbly, D. D., Lancaster. Lay members: T. S. Hamilton, Sha mokin; John Langdon, Huntingdon; H. B. Meredith. M. D„ Danville; R. T. Smith, Williamsport; David McMullen, Lancaster. The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer was elected president of the Standing Committee and the Rev. Leroy F. : Baker was elected secretary. Gillett, as Speaker, So Pepful He Breaks Gavel Washington. May 15.—Speaker elect Gillett yesterday rehearsed the -slling of the House into session for the benefit of motion picture com- | panies, and so vigorously did he rap for order in the empty chamber of the house that he broke the handle of an Ivory gavel, which had been given- him by a friend. The gavel was one that was used by the presiding officer at a fire men's convention in 1841 at Balti more. Standing of the Crews HARRISBIRG SIDE rlMladrlphln Division. The 126 crew first to go after 1 o'clock 118, 103, 107, 124, 104, 101, 127, 123, 121, 116 and 117. Engineers wanted for 101, 118, 126. Firemen wanted for 117, 121, 124, and 126. Conductors wanted for 102, 107, ! 118, 121, 126. Flagmen wanted for 118. Brakemen wanted for 116, 118, 123, 124 and 125. Engineers up: Casey, Brown, Wi ker, Gemmill, Shnrtley, Binkley, An derson, Ryan, Bickel. Blankenhorn, Ream, Mohn, Evans, Dolby, Baldwin. Firemen up: Craley, Ellis, Cushing, Leach, Thompson, Wood, W. R. Kim mich, Utley, Dallinger, Morrison, Shettel, Ramsey. Varner, Northcutt. Bestline, Rider, Fry. Conductors up: Solomon, Stark, Rife. Brakemen up: Hughes. Minnlchan, Craver f Mowery, Silks, Alexander, Hoyer,' Preston, Schriner, Murphy, Clouser, College. Lutz, Arndt, Hack man, Enders, Zimmerman, Lark, Beard, Eichelberger. Middle Division. —The 230 crew to go first after 2 o'clock: 227, 224, 246, 237, 239 and 231. Laid off—2l, 26, 2, 23, 24. Firemen wanted for 34. Engineers up: Howar. Firemen up: Kepner, J. N. Kenne dy, Seeger, SwaD, G. L. Kennedy, Ar nold, Putt, Miller, Evens, Campbell, Biekert, Gantt, Smith, ScholYstall, Kowatch, Radle, Schmidt. Brakemen up: Lantz, Fisher, M. I Foltz, Eley, Dennis, Johnson, Baker, H. C. Johnson, C. F. B.eard, Neft, Kipp, C. L. Leonard, Shade, Hemminger, Bell. Yard Crews —Engineers wanted for 3, 15C. Firemen wanted for SC, 10C, 12C, 1, 15C, 3, 15C. Engineers up: McDonnell, Runkle, Wise, Watts, Leiter, Clelland, Good man, Hurling, Beckwith. Firemen up: Bruaw, P ,S. Smith, Rodenhafer, G. K. Smith, Howe, ltothe, Spahr, Otstot, Charles, Whi chello. Ross, Sourbeer, E. Kruger. ENOI.A SIDE Philndrlp h in Division. The 235 crew to go first after 1.45 o'clock: 227, 224, 240, 207, 202, 226, 238, 214, 230, 204, 246, 219, 205. Engineers wanted for 214. Firemen wanted for 224. Conductors wanted for 219. Brakemen wanted for 224, (2) 240, 202, 226, 219, 205. Flagmen wanted for none. Conductors up: Sellers, Cullen. Brakemen up: Kinnard, Brown, Tennant, Bohney, Haines, Delllnger, Keisinger, J. W. Smith, Derrick, Vogelsong, Funk, Trostle, Dorsett, Gardner, Matius, Beers, Vatulli, Couldar, Feree, Home, McKee, Geltz. Middle Division. The 108 crew to go first after 3 o'clock; 101, 114, 123, 451, 233, 252, 228, 214. Engineers for 101. Brakemen for 101. Yard Crews —Engineers up: Gelb, Curtis, Hinkle, Hill, Boyer, Anspach, Kling, Branyon, Kauftman. Firemen up: Wolf, Coldren, Hau baker, Kensler, Snyder, Yetter, Ken nedy, A. W. Wagner, Sadler, Hutchi son, Swigart, McConnell and Taylor. Firemen for Ist 104, 3rd 126, 2nd 129, 140. PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division. —Engineers want ed for none. Firemen up: F. M. Cornpropst, R. B. Pee, E. E. Koller, F. Naylor. Firemen wanted for none. Phllndelphlu Division —Engineers up: C. R. Osmond, V. C. Gibbons, M. Pleam, W. O. Buck. Engineers wanted for 44, 18. W. E. Aulthouse, F. Stoner, F. Myers. Firemen up: J. M. Piatt, A. E. Floyd Firemen wanted for none. THE READING The 55 crew to go first after 12.15 o'clock: 14, 3, 72, 53, 62, 18, 66. Engineers for 66. Firemen for 18, 53, 66. Conductors for nine. Flagmen for 62. Brakemen for 18, 62. Engineers up: Wyre, Clouser, Martin, Morrison, Shellhammer, Ditlow, Hoff man, Schubauer, Gruver, Walton, Kauftman, Middaugh, Barnhart. Firemen up: Brickley, Speck, Em erlck, Grundon, Durbrow, Fahnne stock, Eackler, Kochanour, Grove, Mintzer, Vogelsong, Fitzgerald. Sho ver. Snyder, Grimes, Maher, Taylor, Hoover, Kobb, Shomper. Conductors up: Eandts, Meek. Flagmen up: Gardner, Shank, Shultz, Rhinehart. Waugh, Peters, Mumma, Wampler, Treas, Sourbeer, Spangler, Cochenaur Bruaw, Hoover, Klchman, Keefe, Morrow, Reed, Yentzer. Watson, Wiley, Clar. Dun ► can, Berrier, Nickle, Koons, McKim, j Reidell. Brakemen up: Staufter. H-AZRJRISBTXRG TELEGRAPH CORNERSTONE OF NEW MALTA HOME IS PUT IN PLACE Work on $500,000 Institution Formally Started During Annual Session ] Lewis*wa. Pa., May 15.—The Penn i s> Ivanla Knights of Malta grand eom mandery. In annual session here yes terday laid the cornerstone of the Aew Malta home at Granville, one mile west of Lewlstown. The ad dress was delivered by Sir N. H. Dougherty. Ihe home includes a group of | buildings and will have an orphan | age. a home for feeble knights and I a fine executive building, all costing not less than 9500.000. The home will be located at Gran ville. which was the mecea for Mal nfiT 8 rOIn a " parts of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Railroad ran spec i lai trains from Lewlstown to Gran | vtlle to accommodate the visiting i throngs. 1 Early yesterday memorial services I ir honor of the 138 knights of the ; state who died during the last year, I were held in the First Methodist Church here, Kir Clint S. Miller, of grand prelate, delivering the eulogy. Sixty-two of the deceased knights paid the supreme sacrifice in the world war. Seven knights were severely wounded In the war. A public reception to the visiting delegates was held last night in the Temple Opera House, Mayor F. W. Sills delivering the address of wel come. The other orators were the Rev. A. H. Spangler, of Yeagertown, commander of Commandery 24, Lew istown, who visited the Holy Land a few years ago to gather the history of the earliest struggles of knight hood against the Moslems, and Grand Pi elate Clint S. Miller. In the evening the monster street parade was held. Dozens of bands were in line and a thousand knights marched and rode in automobiles. The uniform rank Knights of Malta, representing the four Harrisburg cominanderies. arrived here late. The strong Lancaster delegation, Make The Home Comfortable For Sumner, Burns & Go's Complete Stock Will Help You Oak 3 Piece Tapestry Living Baby Buffet Room Suit . Carriage Special Special (POP: Wing Back Design <£9Q PCH T /"VNE of those handsome livingroom suits that appeal to ever)'- (T> W m—* \J COLONIAL design with \J one who seeks something useful and beautiful for the home, eD Ifi TX/TADE of natural finish 42-inch base. Plank top. The design features the big flare wing back and large arms. The I/ I | IVI re ed, roll around the Well made throughout and tapestry is of exceptional quality. Suit is composed of large -X- hood. One of the new de beautifully finished. divan, arm chair and arm rocker. signs. Lift Top Side Icing Queen Anne Dining Solid Oak Refrigerators Refrigerators Room Suit Dresser Snppial Snppinl Three Hundsome picc " Special opcoiai HE suit is finished brown fumed (I? Oft CC ft <£Q QP: (POO fn fj O si s n - buffet is large and has I W A VERY unusual value. T T Colonial mirror back. The table is I r .B 2\ Well made and fin- AGOOD size for family T ARGE ice and food com- 48 inches and the china cabinet is ished. Large mirror. Plenty use. Lift top. One shelf, -L/ partment. Metal lined. 40 one of the handsomest. The entire of drawer room. A leader metal lined. inches high and 28 inches wide. suit is a rare value. • this week. Easy Payments < Easy Payments May Be l|§§gj\ May Be A J M o-32l mm Arranged STR.\ ggjjp/ Arranged accompanied by a crack Lancaster band, was a feature of the parade. ! Following the parade the seventy seventh degree was administered in Temple Opera House, and the college of ancients held a conclave, followed by a banquet in Market House Hall| The College of the Ancients met in annual conclave and concluded with a banquet in Markejt Hall at which covers were laid for 120 persons. Memorial services for the Maltas j were held at 11 a. m. Tuesday in ' the First Methodist Church. Rev. D. I X. Miller, pastor. | In lieu of any license to sell strong- I | er beverages the knights enjoyed the ' I famous Kishacoquillas valley butter j milk and' "Wisto," the drink made famous by Dr. Edwin S. Ebv, to the limit. Supremo Commander John G. Miles, of Wilkinsburg, was given the hon ors of the grand eommandery. Pittsburgh Trolley Cars Tied Up by Strike of Workmen Pittsburgh, Pa., Mny 15.—Pitts- j burgh's street railway system was] tied up early to-day by a strike of; motormen and conductors. The I men walked out when they failed j to reach an agreement with re- | ceivers of the Pittsburgh Railways; Company, on the question of sub- i mitting a wage dispute to the war; labor board. Approximately three! thousand motormen, conductors and, other workers are affected by the; strike. | The men demanded a 12-cent an ] j hour increase in pay. and that the' | question be left to decision of the! ! war labor board. The federal court.! | which has jurisdiction over the re- ] ceivers, recently ruled that the dis pute could be submitted to the war) labor board but that the receivers were not free to abide by the deci sion. The latter point being a de-! mand of the men, they struck at! midnight, last night. DAVID BOW MR BURIED Blalit, Pa„ May IS.—Funeral serv-| ices of David 15. Bower, who died at I the home -of his son, D. C. Bower, at I Andersonburg on Saturday night, were held to-day with burial in the | Itestlandt Cemetery, at l-oysville, the | Rev. A. R. Longeneeker, officiating. He was the father of eleven children, I eight of whom survive. Six grand- I sons of the deceased acted as pall- I bearers. ' Casualty List Totals 279,720 in All Classes^ Washington, May 15. Deaths and ! casualty lists issued thus far by the War Department total 73,781. The total number of casualties reported to dute Is 279,720. They are summarized as fellows. Killed in action (including 381 at sea) 32,708 Died of wounds 13.482 Died of disease 23,000 Died frcm accident and other causet 4.591 Wounded in action (over S5 per cent, returned to duty)' 202,222 Missing in action (not in cluding prisoners released and returned) 3,717 Total to date 279,72% Deaths and Funerals MRS. J. CLYDE MYTON Mrs. Sue W. Myton, (nee Berg stresser) wife of J. Clyde Myton, j died at her late home. 1507 Green ; street, lost evening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Myton had been an Invalid j and patient sufferer for a number | of years. Before, her marriage she 1 was a teacher in the public schools of Unrrisburg. She Is survived by her husband, two sisters und one brother as follows: Mrs. Charles W. Foster, of Harrlsburg; Mrs. Samuel Babble, Wilmington. Del., and William K. Bergstresser, Harris burg. Private funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, the Rev. Lewis Seymour Mudge, pastor of Pine Street Pres byterian Church, of which she was a member, officiating. Burial will be private in the Harrisburg Ceme- j tery. While Mrs. Myton had been con fined to the house for several years ! she was very much interested in the protection of dumb animals and as sisted so far as she was able, in measures for their welfare. AIRS. HARRIET CASSEL Mrs. Harriet Cassel, wiow of Ab ner Cassel, of 923 North Third street, of this city, died this morn ing at 1 o'clock as the result of a stroke. She has been an invalid ; for many years, but lier death was [ sudden and unexpected. She was I a member of Zion Lutheran Church j and loaves a largo circle of friends who mourn lier death. Abner Cas sel was a well known retired farmer, owning property in the upper end and the eastern section of the coun ty. The Cassels resided in Harris- MAY 13, 1919 burg for many years. Arrangements | for the funeral will be made later. New jersey Troops Get Noisy Welcome Bu Associated Press New York, May 15. New Jersey troops arriving yesterday aboard the I SwitierlanJ f' MO • CANADA pi . t . TYO YOU love mountains? To look at —to breathe —to paint— pg:_v ■L' to climb? Would you enjoy living in a valley full of flowers, next door to the most wonderful turquoise lake in the world, with burirt cinder and jade green cliffs at two sides, and, at the end, a liv ing glacier, tumbling ten white miles against the skyline? If so —Lake Louise is waiting for you. Summer in the valley, spring on the lower levels, eternal winter on the roof of the world. And—by the way —you couldn't find a more satisfactory hotel anywhere —or a better chef. Real Swiss guides too. Three hundred miles of trails. And everything in ponies from a trained featherbed to a moun tain goat in horsehide. Want to know more? All the questions you could think of are waiting to be answered at the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TICKET OFFICE Call, Write or Phone For Itesort Tour No. 11l 1231 Broadway New York City I C'alamares, were met by a committee of welcome headed by Governor Kdge, of New Jersey, and recelved'the noisiest greeting since the arrival of the Twenty-seventh Division. The booming of cannon* and blow ing of whistles brought down-town workers to the windows and roof tops of skyscrapers to learn the rea son. Workers from New Jersey start ed a paper "snowstorm." rivaling that I of the armistice celebrations.