Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 15, 1919, Page 12, Image 12
12 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A. JfBWBPAPBR FOR TUB UOUB Founded 18S1 Published evenlnge except Sunday by THt TELEGRAPH IMU.NTINU CO, Telecrayh Building, Federal Square B. J. STACK POLE Provident and Editor-in-Chief F. R. OYSTER, Rutins*! Manager QUS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board I. P. McCULLOUGH. BOYD M. OQLESBY, F. R. OYSTER. GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this Fiaper and also the local news pub ished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. t Member American Newspaper Pub lishers' Associa tion. the Audit Bureau of Circu lation and Penn- Aasocla- Avenue Building. Western office! Story. Brooks & I Chfcago, n U I! ldin *' Entered at the Post OfTice in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a frnrnfigtSiait week: by mail, >3.00 a year in advance. THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1919 Where I ha re but him Is my Fatherland; And all gi/ts and graces come Heritage into my hands Brothers long deplored I in His disciples find restored. —Friedcrich von Hardenbcrg. CAMP CURTIN MEMORIAL IT IS to be hoped the Legislature' will see its way clear to enact j the Smith appropriation bill for the erection of a memorial on the site of old Camp Curtin to mark for all time that historic spot. The plan originated with Lieutenant Governor Beidleman, when he was a member of the Senate, who pro cured an appropriation sufficient for the purchase of the necessary ground. Senator Smith has taken an interest in the matter and has asked the Legislature for money to complete the memorial, which every Civil War veteran who went out from the famous old encampment | would like to see forthcoming. „ . No form for the Harrisburg memor ial to soldiers of the great war has ret been adopted, but when the people have had opportunity to express a . hoice they will undoubtedly do credit to this patriotic community in their Snal selection. There is increasing appreciation of the importance of arc in choosing public memorials and no doubt Harrisburg will avoid the mistakes that have been made in jther years in the adoption of perma nent memorials. THE BUSINESS OUTLOOK EVERY authority that has spoken on the subject the past fortnight has expressed the conviction that a period of great industrial prosperity is just ahead and that there will be a labor fam ine before the close of the present year. From the same sources we hear, and the truth of it is apparent, that certain lines of employment are lax and orders not plentiful, but the volume of retail trade continues large even in communities given over entirely to industry, so it is obvious that the purchasing power of wage earners continues high. This brings one to the conclusion that the manufacturing trade must soon feel the effects of these large retail sales. Stocks, none too large at the time the armistice was signed, are lower now in many in stances than at that time, due to the desire of everybody in business to hold off for the expected drop in prices, which it is- now apparent will not come. The other favorable factor is the immensity of the wheat V :rop about to be harvested and the Njigh price the farmer will get for his products. In the same categor ic the sustained rise In security prices on the stock exchanges of the country, which reflects the op timism of Investors as a whole, who oelieve the United States will ben efit materially from the readjust ments now in progress and that the predicted wave of prosperity is fast ipproaching. Mischievous boys have resumed heir activities in the smashing of. he standard light globes along the Front Steps" of the city. It would eem that there should be some way ■f apprehending these culprits and ■unishing them. ENEMIES! ELMER E. GREENAWALT, for mer president of the State Federation of Labor, delivered ■ . remarkably strong address before he State Federation here yesterday, n which he set forth clearly why radesunionism and Bolshevism in his country must forever remain mplacable enemies. Bolshevism, he aid, would merely be the substitu lon of one form of tyranny for an ither—the autocracy of the prole arlat for the autocracy of the few. 3e went further and said that under lolshevism, aa It has been developed n Russia, the working man Is not ■M free as he was under csardom, ind went on to show that. Instead if the proletariat ruling, the masses THURSDAY EVENING, are ruled mere absolutely than ever by the little band ef tyrants whft nave seised the reins ef peweik Secretary of Labor Wilson Went a bit deeper Into thin subject recent ly In ft letter to Jnnies Wtlsalt, pres ident tif the tnternatlenal Associa tion of Pattern Makers, In whtrh he snld that the average American mind In interpreting the term "dictatorship of the proletariat" has understood It to mean the will of a majority of the workers Imposed upon alt the other members of soci ety. Wo have been almost unani mous In resisting this theory, From tho beginning of tlmo until the crea tion of the United States, the work ers had been excluded from a voice In Governmental affairs. There was a* perpetual struggle to remedy the philosophy upon which they that every person who had to obey tho laws of a coun try ought to have a Voice In deter mining what those laws should be. They are still Imbued with that principle and. consequently, have had no kindly foellng for a dictator ship of the proletariat. But clearly this Is not the prln j olple being pursued by the Russian I Bolshevists. They fear the will of I the majority Just as much as Kaiser J Wilhelm, Emperor Carl or Czar i Nicholas did, and boldly declare the | dictatorship of the advanced class 'awakening to a new democracy, and i tills group Is to be the solo Judge of how the people shall live, what they shall do and how they shall do It. It sots up tho dictatorship on j exactly the same plea that every autocrat has used, that he knows better what Is good for tho people I and how they should be treated than |ihey know themselves. "This sub jection may resemble the mild leading of an orchestra leader, If the proletariat Is submissive, good natured and obedient, but "it may take the acute form of a dictator ship" enforced with "a merciless and firm rule" and "iron discipline" "against those who violate this con trol or who are careless with regard to control," to quote Lenine himself. That this is true is proved by the "labor control" which Lenine now exercises, in which a few "advanced workers" rule that the great mass of workmen must do as they say. Russian workmen may not even so much as quit their jobs or change jobs except permission has been giveu by the Bolshevist government. "We must have unity of will," says Lenine, and continues: "But how can we secure a strict unity of will? By subjecting the will of thousands to the will of one. This subjection, if the participants in the common work are ideally conscious and dis ciplined, may resemble the mild leading of an orchestra conductor, but may take the acute form of a dictatorship—if there is no ideal discipline and consciousness. But, at any rate, complete submission to a single will is absolutely necessary for the success of the processes of work which is orgajiized on the type of large machine industry. This is doubly true of the railways. And just this transition from one political problem to another, which in appearance has no resemblance to the first, constitutes the peculiar ity of the present period. The revo lution has just broken the oldest, the strongest and tho heaviest chains to which the masses were compelled to submit. So it was yes terday. And to-day the same revolu tion—and indeed in the interest of Socialism—demands the absolute submission of the masses to the single will of those who direct the labor process." Here we have what Bolshevism really means to Russia, and Mr. Greenawalt is absolutely right when he says that tradesunionism and Bolshevism are implacable enemies. They must be. They are direct op posites in all their tenets and doc trines. Returning soldiers are enthusiastic supporters of the Salvation Army and the effort which is now making in this city and vicinity to raise funds for the peace-time work of the or ganization in this community will have the sympathy of most people who have followed the activities of the Army among the fighting forces. Whatever may have been thought of the organization in the earlier years of its work, it is now regarded with favor throughout the world and es pecially among the men and women who have come into direct touch with its welfare activities. One need only read the wails of the Hun over the peace terms to under stand the yetlow character of a peo ple responsible for untold suffering and nameless cruelties. They were ready to impose harsh terms upon the helpless nations about them, but now that the boot is on the other foot they indulge in cowardly shrieks of pro test which ought to have no effect uo on their victims. They are reaping the whirlwind of their own folly and must suffer the consequences of selfish schemes to enslave the world. Anything; that the Legislature may do to further safeguard the sheep industry in Pennsylvania by eliminat ing the sheep-killing dogs will be ap proved by a large majority of the people. The hills of Pennsylvania were once covered with sheep and the increasing industry should have the protection of every law that will reduce the destruction of the fleecy flocks by worthless dogs that are per mitted to run at large by their own ers. Governor Sproul was the honor guest at a regular farm banquet at the Hotel the other night and th chef of the big hotel might take a leaf from the menu of this interesting feast. Roast pig and apple sauce and pie would appeal to more than the gubernatorial appe tite. S. Harrisburg will have an honorable place in the great pageant at Phila delphia to-day and while many will not be able to participate In the pa rade. they will not be forgotten in the appreciation of the home folks for gallant service. X < fodtttc* Ik 'PtKKOiftttuua By the Ex-Committer man Revenue that will enable the Stale to appropriate with safety the $90,- 000,000, which Governor William C, Sproul said a few days ago was the amount of money that would be needed to caro for things rogurded us essential In tho appropriation line, Is now the biggest subject In State political circles. It le the talk of tho legislators and of the Capitol departments and even first and third class city bills are In tho background for once. Governor Sproul has been studying the problem from all angles and It la expected that when he re turns to Harrisburg Monday night something tangible will bo worked out or on the way. Whllo there is considerable bilk about a two mill tax on manufac turing capital, which Is now exempt in accordance with the traditional policy of Pennsylvania and some members are convinced that It Is the only thing to do, men active In affairs say that tho Governor Is not Inclined toward this tax at present. Auditor General Charles A. Snyder is very strongly of the opinion that the State only needs the laws he has suggested for stiffening tip pres ent tax collections, the Inheritance and county tax bills, to meet tho demands. He is looking for addi tional machinery and believes that tho remarkable success which has attended his efforts to get In tho bock taxes, will be duplicated In other lines. Opinions differ as to the revenue in sight. Some men say that $85,- 000,000 Is the outside limit. —Senator Boies Penrose Is out against certain forms of the council , proposed for Philadelphia and not disposed to go along on some of J the recent suggestions, even though a few of them emanate from the Governor's office. A number of friends of the Senator are by no means enthusiastic over the Sproul attitude. -—The administration is counting on the big hearing to be held here Tuesday to show the way the wind is blowing and as the Tuesday meet ing is announced us the final session as far as the public concerned on the bills, next week may see the much discussed measures getting a start through the House. —Some very positive statements are being made that the Governor will sign the third-class city nonpar tisan repealer. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh newspapers differ in pre dicting what the Governor will do, but the belief is growing stronger day by day that he will sign the third-class city repealer and refuse to countenance any change of like character in the second-class cities on the ground that the situations are different. —The Philadelphia reformers are now said to have announced their idea of attempting to place a non partisan election feature in the charter revision bills. —Two other big problems are to ho disposed of in the next fortnight and both will have material effect upon politics in Pennsylvania next year. The State will have to enunci ate the policy to be followed in re gard to education and the appoint ment of a noted educator as out lined by Governor Sproail at the "farm dinner" will be the first step. The Governor will then have the educators of the Stale meet him and discuss proposed education. The other matter is compensation. The administration is committed to the Schaffer bills and while there may be some difficulties in the way of changes of the Various increase are going to be voted. Even employers who oppose any change have become resigned to that pros pect and may turn their guns on the self insurers' tax bill. There is also opposition of a more or less political nature to the bill reorgan izing the bureau Liquor men, who are regarded as playing their last big hand in politics in Pennsylvania now, are saul to be up in the air about what to do on the legislation scheduled for the House Monday night. Gov ernor Sproul stands firmly for pro hibition enforcement that will en force the law and that Congress should say what shall constitute a drink with a kick. The liquor peo ple have been beaten at every stage of the game this session and have been having a hard time to realize that their old time swing in the legislative halls has gone. —The Vickerman and Fox en forcement bills will go through and the fight will he on the alcohol per centage hill, as some one called it. The whole three are up for final action Monday night. —Both branches of the Legisla ture adjourned yesterday until Mon da\. The Mouse held two sessions and did considerable work. Resolutions of sympathy for Representative John McKay, of Luzerne, who is seriously ill, were adopted in the House last night on motion of Mr. Davis. Indiana. —Governor Sproul has sent a let ter to Representative "Jim" Dunn secretary of the Vare Hiking Club! in which he says he is not strong for early morning walks. He inti mated that Division street is as far away as Pittsburgh. —The Crow State Boxing Com mission bill will be "canned." So will the Rinn grade crossing bill Both have been held up In com mittee. Agriculture's Part War has put a crown on the head of agriculture. Reconstruction con firms the coronation. That farming was the fundamental industry of the world has been a matter of text book common knowledge always. Like other eternal truths it has been so generally accepted as to come near llng ignored. To the farmer and particularly to the farmer of America, the world looked to keep the stomach full while it attended to the unpleasant task of making and using munitions. Again to the farm er and particularly to the American farmer the world now looks to sta bilize and make sure the toilsome processes of reconstruction. Every prophecy of prosperity is based on tbe reasonable assumption that agri culture will continue to do Its level best. A beautiful, substantial struc ture cannot be built upon an inse cure foundation. There can be no prosperity unless agriculture thrives. —Cleveland Plain-Dealer. A Comparison Some folks can saw wood and say nothing, but a baby can't even cut one measly tooth without rousing the neighborhood.—From Answers, London. <s RJLRJUBBIXRG TEtSGKAPH! AIN'T IT A GRAND AND GLORIOVS FEELm t-: By BRIGGS WH6N YOU WORK UP A "AMD YOU WORSE IT -AMD YOO -SPRAY IT /j 9 (BOON SUJEAT SETTILO6 OUT \I, T\ CAREFULLY TO KE£P Y . KT)' TRPF MU LC OFF. W -AMD You .""AND YOU WORRY Q -<R "AND "THEN-!!" GO OUT ONE FROTECT WH6M THE RABBITS *R - NIORNIWG AMD PICK -SOIVIE IT FROM AMR _ £ W MICK THE BARK O\QV LOI /I L-U-L-LOSCLOOS FRUIT- '' * T ™ ars-r"- 25L.2 r || *W GR-RRM® *D (AND TMC /£>. /A ' A 6LOK-R^*OUS FROST M •<?/. The Attitude of France How France feels to-day can be illustrated by a little story: There was once a man-eating tiger that stole into a village, killed and ate a child and was attacked by the child's father, who desired to save the rest of his family .and himself. Two or three neighbors joined in help, but even so the tiger was getting the best of it when a par ticularly powerful but distant neigh bor. who had scarcely realized what •was going on, arrived, and with his aid the tiger was overcome and tied up. Then arose a debate, led by the powerful last-comer, as to the fate of the helpless animal. The death penalty was overruled, and the dis cussion centered about the strength of the rope that was necessary to securely tether the tiger to a tree around the corner from the victim's house. The man who had most to say about the strength of the rope was the last-comer, who lived far ther away than any of the others, and he did not think such a thick rope was needed as did those who lived nearer the tiger's tree. The child's father, badly mauled and. indeed, rendered almost help lees. wanted the tiger killed. Failing that, he wanted the tiger tied up with the strongest ropes available, regardless of the feelings of the others. The child's father in my story is France, the tiger Germany. That is how France feels about the Peace Conference. She was at tacked and mauled and she wants Germany rendered absolutely help less. She is afraid of even a tethered tiger, and nobody can blame her. She thinks Mr. Wilson's tether is riot strong enough, the help that is promised her if the tiger breaks loose too far away. Moreover, she feels that because she bore the brunt of the attack she ought to have most to say about the settle ment, and she finds Britain and the late-comer, America, 'dictating a peace to suit themselves. Small wonder that feelings akin to panic and anger are rifle in Paris—John L. Balderston in Philadelphia Press. "Poor Rich" in Bread Line Evanston's community kitchen, where the poor rich of the city who cannot find cooks will have' their luncheons and dinners cooked for them, positively will open in a few days. The kitchen will be established in the salesroom of the Evanston Wom an's Club, and the "bread line" will form to the right, purchasers either taking their food to their homes or eating it, a la cafeteria, at tables provided for the purpose. The directors had originally an nounced delivery of food by motor in special containers to keep it hot, but this will not be started, it is said, until later. —From the Chicago Her ald and Examiner. iO to 1 in Advertising's Favor Ten failures are caused by too lit tle advertising to every one that is caused by too much advertising, members of the Milwaukee Asso ciation of Commerce were told at their annual meeting and banquet by S. F. Fannon, one of five experts sent through the country by the National Cash Register Company to deliver addresses on "The Troubles of the Retail Merchant and How to Stop Them." "One of the axioms of modern business is that advertis ing pays," said Mr. Fannon. "Con tinuous advertising, newspaper ad vertising and advertising in the same newspaper space steadily are best." Among the Mountains Afternoon in the deli, where was A broken fall and many-voiced. With evrgreens and red and golden trees At varying elevations grouped .around; Its bason hid and cool and circular. On which the leaves rested as dreamily As if the stream could never wake again; The mountains towered around, pur ple and rose. The sun, still climbing vainly, sought to peer Into that still recess. —Margaret Fuller. OUR NEW ROLE The revised scheme of jacking the United States into the affairs of all creation is in no essential feature preferable to the original. The two are alike in that they abrogate our sovereignty, our established policies, our most cherished traditions, our personal liberties nnd our freedom as a nation. —Harvey's Weekly. Intelligence Sense never falls to give them that have it words enough to make them understood. —William Penn. War's Spotlight on Africa [John M. Springer in World Outlook.] ELISABETHVILL.E, doubling her output of copper to meet war I orders, or Eikasi with thirty ! railway tracks and a great concen trating plant for the treatment of low-grade ores, may sound to the 1 average American more like Arizona | or Michigan than Central Africa. But j that is because the average American I knows so little about Africa. Of course he knows that there I are diamond mines down Africa j way, and rubber and ivory and os itrich feathers. But who in America | knows that in the heart of Africa are a hundred and fifty hills so im | pregnated with copper that no trees will grow there and cattle cannot eat the scanty grass which covers | them? Or who knows of the almost j untouched deposits of coal, iron, tin, i and antimony? And Africa is no less rich in plants jthan in minerals. The yearly pro -1 ducts of Central Africa in vegetable oils, cocoa, sugar, cotton, and woods amount to nearly $100,000,000. These natural resources have made the course of empire take a | long leap southward and have com i plicated the discussions of the Peace 'Conference. But the real future of the continent does not depend alto ! gether upor. whether a single nation lor a league administers the colonies, j or whether their oils go to make ex- I plosives for the Allies or soap for | America. There is another most im portant factor—the native. I In the past this native has lived j in a thatched hut which was eaten J up by white ants in a year or two. , He has had a goat and a few ehiek ; ens, maybe a slave or two. He had lan ulcer on his leg, unidentified I pains on his stomach, and fear in j his heart. But withal he had a I cheerful disposition. Also—like most j men everywhere—he was as lazy as ! he dared he. Now "civilization" is coming to Africa, is coming for the diamonds and the palm oi's. Often it comes j with little thought for the African, and he, alone and unfriended, is no more capable of meeting modern industrial conditions than a child is of managing an eight-cylinder mot or. Conditions in the Hand mining district of the Transval have proved this fact. There every year half a million natives come from the simple bar baric life of the jungle or veld. 1 Twenty thousand of these half mil-' Song of the Trees Dark against the sky yonder distant line Lies before us. Trees we see, long the line of trees, Bending, swaying in the breeze. Bright with flashing light yonder dis tant line ' Runs before us, swiftly runs, swift the river runs, Winding, flowing o'er the land. Hark! Oh, hark! A sound, yonder dis tant sound Comes to greet us, singing comes soft the river's song. Rippling gently 'neath the trees. ■—From "The Path on the Rainbow," The bok of American Indian poems, edited by George W. Cronyn. I Doing When you have a thing to do, you will do it right in proportion to your love of right. But do the right, and you will love the right; for by doing it you will see it in a measure as it is, and no one can see the truth as it is without loving it. The more you talk about what is right, or even about the doing of it. the more you are in danger of exemplifying how loosely theory may be allied to practice. Talk without action saps the very will.. Something you have to do is waiting undone all the time, and getting more and more undone. The only refuge is to do. —peorge Macdonald. Building Let them that would build castles in the air, Vault thither, without step or stair. Instead of feet to climb, take wings to fly. And think their turrets top the sky. But let me lay all my foundations deep, And learn before I run, to creep. Who digs through rocks to lay his ground-works low, May in good time build high, and sure, though slow. Christopher Harvey. lion recruits die, many of them of the white man's diseases and vices. Tens of thousands of others find their way back to the kraals, broken in health and morals, "civilized within an inch of hell," as one ex plorer expressed it. That is what "civilization" with out Christianity is doing for the Af rican. At the same time Christian ity has come with quinine and plows. Its work has been less essential. But. as one traveler says, "For a hundred miles around you can see the influ ence of a well-established mission station. The natives have more clothing and better food and leas likely to die of starvation during a drought." Before the missionaries came, a chief buried two live slaves, a boy and a girl, in his mother's grave, but when his favorite wife died recent ly, the missionaries intervened, and there was no human sacrifice. Kabongo is a chief who wanted a mission station—wanted it so much that he sent out his women to clear the ground and his men to bring in poles and grass to build a house for the missionary who was to come. Then when the missionary came, Kabongo built a school, or rather lie had it built by cannibal prisoners he hnd captured red-handed and brought in to reform. Thus the natives of the Belgian Congo show their desire for Chris tianity, but the church has been slow in sending workers. We now have only fifteen missionaries in a territory the size of three states. The future of Africa depends upon how quickly the church remedies this condition. Without Christian ity the history now in the making in Africa will be a sad story of ex ploitation. The natives will be crushed by a material progress for which they were not prepared. Thev will become a liability to the world. With Christianity they may be come an asset to civilization. But Christianity must come now in greater volume and power to accom pany the industrial development. As this race of children faces twen tieth century industrial conditions, it must have, first of all. the trans forming gospel preached to it. It must have schools, including agri cultural and industrial training. It must have sanitation. Tt must have medical treatment and instruction. Tt must have social service. In short, it must have the Christ. ALL KINDS OF WEALTH [William R. Alger, in "The Poetry of the Orient."] Many persons seem to think that the poetic literature of the East Is fitted to yield only a barren crop of verbiage, or a tawdry mass of senti mental extravagance. It often has these characteristics. It also pos sesses all kinds of wealth, in their most exalted degrees, and in their most wonderful profusion. The poetry of the Unimaginative Chinese is noticeable the ethical good sense— a wholesome vein of homely truth. Its beat is circumscribed to the ranges of practical experience. The muse of China is a ground sparrow. With the f Arabs • * ther ideas seem to be transmuted into sensa tions. Sanscrit and Hindostance poetry is characterized in its most peculiar phases, by an unrivaled idealization. Imagination often takes the reins from judgment and runs riot, and language breaks into a blossoming wilderness of metaphor. 15ut the richness and originality of the result arc frequently grand and exhilarating. The most distinctive Persian poetry exhibits an exquisite delicacy of sense elsewhere unpar alleled, a vast and ethereal play of fancy and sentiment, a fetterless jubilancy of reason and faith, the very transcendentalism of wit. The Rockies The silence, the sense of space in these Rocky Mountain solitudes can not be expressed; neither can the peculiar atmospheric beauty be de scribed. The shapes are the shapes of the north, but the air is like the air of the tropics—shimmering, kin dling. No pictures of the Rocky Moutains which I have seen have caught it. There is not a cold tint here. No dome of Constantinople or Venice, no pyramid of Egypt, ever glowed and swam in warmer light and of warmer hue than do these colossal mountains. Some mysterious secret of summer seems to underlie their perpetual snows.—Helen Hunt Jaclcaon. MAY 15, 1919, The Death Lure of the Sea [From the Manchester Guardian] The North Atlantic, which is the center of anxious interest in connec tion with the great flying competi tion, may be called, from some points of view, the most mysterious of seas. No stretch of ocean has been more often described, and yet it keeps its secrets. So much depends on the point of view. Try to correlate, for instance, Kipling's wonderful de scriptions in "Captains Courageous" with the diary of the passenger on a great liner who makes the cross ing for tli first time and thinks of himself as a discoverer. Certain sea roads on the Atlantic are known to marines as well as the great city arteries of their homes, and yet a few miles outside those roads lie other countries a'one, mysterious, aloft from all passage of men and ships. And even on the sea roads the Atlantic is not wholly conquered; the calamity of the Titanic still stands in memory of the struggle that continues always. Flying men must have strong nerves, and they wi'l be needed on this flight, for to the men of keen imagination there will be something menacing in flying hour after hour above the sea. silent and motionless from that height, and waiting with the patience of eternity for the one fatal mistake. It will be like the fas cination of the abyss for the im aginative man cross'ng it by some frail bridge. Poe's "Tamerlane" Sold The sale at a New York book auc tion of a copy of Edgar Allan Poe's first book, "Tamerlane," printed in Boston in 1827, for $11,600 — the highest price ever paid for any American book—and at another New York auction, of the dedication copy of Milton's "Comus" for $1,425, may be encouraging to modern au thors by showing them what sums their works may sell for a century or three hundred years from now. —From the Writer. The Autumn Wind The autumn wind rises, white clouds flying before it, yellow leaves are torn from the trees by the river. Already the wild geese are wing ing their way toward the south, the rose is sweet no longer, and petals are falling from the lotus flowers. —The Emperor Ou Ty (Han dy nasty, 140 B. C.). Crimes Most Expensive If you spend $1,271,575.13 for crime, sickness, poverty and uncm | ployment, what are you suending to ■prevent them! In Los Angeles the | answer was found to bo $38,983.14. That is the allotment for education Crime costs $627,457.42; sickness, $330,618.16; poverty, $215,104.95; and unemployment, $98,484 60 From the World Outlook. LABOR NOTES A threatened strike of members of ti\ e organizations of marine work ers' unions having to do with dredg ing and drilling operations on the Great Lakes, has been averted tem porarily. By decreasing the weekly hours in the Lancashire (England) spinning mills, more work has been found lor 300,000 people. The great bulk of the Fifshire tex tile trade is in the hands of female labor. The average wage of the ordinary farm laborer in England has been advanced during the war from $3 50 a week to $6.75 a week. Various British labor organizations are urging on the government the desirability of establishing an im perial employment exchange system. In British Malay, Chinese are chiefly employed for carpentry work, the number of other nationalitica being small In comparison. On day rates the wages vary from 45 to 90 cents, depending on the class o£ work. The Kansas City Bailways Com- Ipany has advanced the wages of all | employes five cents an hour. I Industrial wages in Denmark have | increased 33 per cent since 1914. I In Denmark the annual average I wage for farm workers is $176 for men and $94 for women, the cm tployer furnishing board and lodging. Bmtittg Qllfat l 1 rank Gregory, who as genorsfi secretary of the Pennsylvania R&ll.* road \. M. C. A., Is leading the dst£k for 300 new members of that i3* tutlon, which is a part of a ate* tionnl campaign for Railroad expansion, is the father of the work in this city. He started out to build up the Pennsylvania Railroad asso£* elation in Harrisburg so many years ago that he docs not like to meo ti°n the date of his coming, and has made a most wonderful success* of it. When he began the associa tion was located on the second floor of the building at the southwest cor ner of Cumberland and Sixth streets, over what was then a green goods store, and occupied one large dou ble room with a dividing arch. It struggled along thero for a number of years, constantly enlarging Its membership despite the crowded quarters and enlarging its sphere of, Influence. Home of the most prom inent and Influential railroad men in the city became identified with it and through their influence and the con stant urging of Secretary Gregory the railroad company was interested in the erection of the fine brick building in Reily street below Sixth, which is now the home of the or ganization. But many notable gath erings were held in the rooms at Sixth and Cumberland streets, pre vious to the opening of the new building. There it was that the new famous Middle Division Veterans' Association was formed with Wil liam B. McCaleb, then superinten dent of the middle division as its head, and a large gathering of men in attendance who had begun with the Pennsy when it was a single track, wood burning road between here and Altoona. But the associa tion has not stopped growing. In recent years it was found possible to add a swimming pool and baths— the only pool in the city, by the way —and only last year these were thor oughly renovated, re-enameled and enlarged. The association has a fine plant and it ought not to be diffi cult to get the desired 300 new mem bers. • • • "Rotary clubs can do almost any thing they set their hands to," said Colonel Martin, State health commis sioner, speaking before the Harris burg Rotary Club the other night. "At least they can do most unusual things," he continued. "Rast year while I was engaged in helping train a line body of young physicians for field surgeon service in France, there came a hurry call for doctors from General Pershing. The surgeons had received everything but actual practice in operating on certain classes of wounds, a training that was absolutely necessary and not having living patients the only other I possibility was dead bodies and wo I bad to have them in a hurry. "We were in a Southern training camp. I went to the coroner with my troubles. Nothing doing; ho couldn't help me. I exhausted every source, with no result. "Finally, in desperation I went to the president of the local Rotary Club. He asked me what he could do for me. " 'You can do a big service for me.' I said, 'if you can get me a half dozen dead bodies without rob bing the graves of your cemeteries,' and I explained my dilemma. " 'This is new business to me,' re plied the Rotarian, 'but of course the club will try to oblige you. How soon must you have the bodies?' " 'Within four days,' I replied. "And would you believe it. three days later three covered wagons with the desired bodies drove up to the training quarters. That's what makes me think Rotarians can do almost anything they set out to do. But I can't help wondering where they got those bodies." • * * The biggest catches of trout that have been made this spring have been those taken in the upper'end of Dauphin county in the tract which certain water companies desire to have closed to fishermen. Some of the streams there are used for drinking purposes, but not near where the fishing is best and there has been fishing and hunting throughout thistract ever since these streams were first turned into do mestic water supplies and before. In all that time no sickness has de veloped as a result. A strong effort will be made to kill the "joker" in the stream regulation bill now be fore the Regislature, which would make it illegal to fish or hunt with in a half mile of a stream used for water supply purposes. A hearing will be held at the Capitol next Tues day at which a delegation from the upper end will be present. • • * "Do tractors with cleats damago the highways? Well, I should say they do, if this is any indication," said a highway employe yesterday as he examined a series of breaks in the asphalt of a downtown thor oughfare. "You see those marks on the surface a half inch or so in depth? Well, those were made by the baby tank that was used hero during the automobile show. It happened that the asphalt was rather soft that day, due to a warm sun, and the cleats on the machine, seriously damaged the street. Of course, those responsible did not mean to do any damage, but that does not make repairs. lam of th® conviction that no cleated machine of any weight should be permitted, on any paved street or road/" 1 WELL fEOPIS. | —Ex-Senator John M. Jamison, named on the commission to com plete the Blairsville State Hospital, Is a prominent Westmoreland coun ty operator. —General E. R. King, former chief of staff of the Keystone Divi sion, is home from France at the head of a brigade. —Senator John G. Homsher, of T.aneaster, is an authority on laws relative to justices of the peace af*| magistrates. ' —Major .T. O. King, who returned with the One Hundred and Tenth, is an Altoona man of long experi ence In the National Guard. —H. W: Nee'y, of Pittsburgh, well known here, is chairman of the eon mittee to make a 585 mile trip to praise Pittsburgh products. 1 DO YOU KNOW ] —That Harrisburg product*; linvc beoome very much diver sified in the Inst five years? HISTORIC HARRISBOTIG —ln 1800 Harrisburg had ten coach and wagon works, this being a center of transportation. Nationa Progress National progress is the sum of national Industry, energy and up rightness.—Samuel Smiles.