Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 15, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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l' m ti i t jft & i '■ Si
I . —Photo by Konhofl*
Juniata Fails to Give Up Its
Victims; Troopers on
Efforts are being redoubled to lo
cate the bodies of the seven officials
of the Haws Refractories Company,
who drowned In the Juniata river
near Hawstone on Saturday when
their boat overturned. State police
are lending their assistance.
This morning a contingent of the
troopers left this city for the scene
of the accident to aid In the search.
They secured the motor boat of
Charles C. Linton, 1007 North Second
street, and took it by truck to Haw
stone. It will be operated by Mr.
Linton's son. Thomas Linton, while
the police search for the body.
It is understood that plans are be
ing made to put a diver to work to
aid in locating the bodies. The Haws
Company is understood to be nego
tiating with a Harrisburg diver. Just
now the river i s quite muddy and
'will prevent the diver from render
ing much assistance. The waters are
clearing up and are expected to be in
condition for him U> work in a few
The riggers from the Standard Steel
Works, Burnham, will build barbed
wire dredges with which to scrape
the river. The Red Cross has locat
ed a kitchen on the north bank of
the river and will feed those engaged
in the search. Barbed wire guards
have been placed between the piers
of the Mifflintown bridge to catch
the bodies in the event of their float
ing that far down the stream.
Five hundred persons have been
engaged almost constantly in the
search since the accident. It is the
Intention of the authorities to use
dynamite in all .deep holes within a
njile of where the accident occurred. ,
In the hope that the concussion will
release and raise the bodies to the '
The accident resulted in a panic
among those on the boat, Mr. Haws,
of the Hawstone plant said yester
day, when it shipped a little water.
, ,
v \ The Complete
formula of
Vtnol is
\ printed on
each label
\ showing that
. it is the
greatest tonic
in the world.
Why experiment
with unknown
Hyou need
more strength take
f The Well-known Cod Liver
and Iron Tonic. Without Oil
Weakness is the one great drawback
to health after sickness or when one is ran
down. Vmol creates strength freeauM
it ha non-secret combination of the most
famous body-building and strength-creat
ing elements known—Beef and Cod Liver
Peptones, Iron and Manganese and Gly
cerophosphates. You who are run down,
nervous, lack energy and strength, we
kmmw that Vinol is what you need.
if Vinol faGs'to benefit you.
Official Photograph of Pennsylvania Labor Federation Taken on Steps of Capitol
Captain's Wife and Four Chil
dren and Engineer Perish
on Way to Maine
Portsmouth, N. H. May 15.—Six
persons, including the captain's wife,
and four children and the engineer,
were drowned when the coal laden
barge Nanticoke, owned by the Pot
ter Transportation Company, of New
York, sank off the Isles of Shoals
early to-day.
Captain William Gray and Allen
McDougall, a deck hand, were
picked up by the coast guard at
Rye Beach after they had drifted
about in a small boat for several
hours. They are the only survivors.
The Nanticoke was tho last of a
string of three barges in tow of the
tug Triton and bound from Perth
Amboy, N. J., for Portland and
Rockland, Me.
Strollers Asked to Keep
Off Grass in Park
Pedestrians using the upper walk in
River Front park from Market to North
streets are requested not to tramp out
the sod which Is being placed along the
edges. Park department officials have
men at work straightening this path
by sodding and expect to complete the
work in a few days. They said that the
city department will not use signs to
warn pedestrians as they do not object
to walking on the grass, but persons
while in the park are urged not to walk
at the edge of the path and damage
the sod.
The postponed annual meeting of
the Central Young Men's Christian
Association will be held in Fahnestoeit
Hull next Thursday evening, at S
o'clock. Election of officers and di
rectors and presentation of the year's
reports will be included on the pro
gram. The board of directors of the
same organization will meet in their
monthly session Wednesday noon.
[Continued from First Page.]
Commerce as "insiduous." He
claimed he had substantial informa
tion to the effect that Chambers of
Commerce in Pennsylvania and Ohio
had conspired to close down as many
industries as possible at the con
clusion of the war in order to bring
about lower wages. This, he alleged,
was part of the program oi the
United States Chamber of Coniinorce.
Wheeler succeeded in making a ma
jority of the convention believe his
The old "Blue Laws" of 1795 were
denounced in a resolution in which
the asociation went on record as
favoring a more liberal observance
of the Sabbath. The resolution Con
tinues to demand the abolition of
the Blue Laws and other "fanatical
measures" which act as a "curb or
check" on the "legitimate and nat
ural instincts" of mankind. The
resolution favored the permitting of
entertainments, whether admission
is charged ro not. Support was
pledged to any exponent of more
liberal Sunday measures.
Textbooks used in the public
schools of Pennsylvania came in for
their share of denunciation from the
delegates. A resolution was pre
sented and adopte without issenting
vote, in which' the context of the
books use in the State were declared
to be unsuitable.
Wants Americans Home
"They have been prepared without
regord to the fundamental needs of
workers," the resolution said. "They
have been censored to meet with the
economic desires of the employing
class." The resolution declared ir
favor of the revision of the text
books used in the public schools of
the State to meet with the more
universal need of labor.
The retention in Russia of Amer
ica forces sent to Europe to battle
the Huns received the severe con
demnation of the convention in a
resolution adopted during to-day's
session. With the armistics signed
and the Peace Treaty in the hands
of the Germans, there is no need
for the American forces to be kept
in Russia, it was said. The men
should be immediately withdrawn
and the Russian people left to solve
.their situation themselves, it was re
Another resolution bearing on the
Russia situation was adopted. It
was urged that the removal of the
blockade on Russian ports be ac
complished without any delay In
order to permit the sending of sup
plies to the people of that country.
They have plenty of money, the
document declared, with agents in
New York City eagerly awaiting the
opportunity of purchasing and S '\ l P"
ping to their countrymen the needed
for the Russian masses than any
supplies. Such a course will do more
food commission could do, the reso
lution pointed out.
Opposition to the private owner
ship of public utilities as detrimental
to the best interests of the people
of the State at large, was recorded,
In a resolution in which the aboli
tion of the Public Service Commis
sion was favored. The Public Service
Commission has favored these Pri
vate owned corporations, in which
it was declared rates were boosted
without reason. Approval was given
to the Reber House Bill N"o. 1401, in
which the abolition of the Public
Service Commission is provided.
Endorse Free Ireland
City administrations were declar
ed to be responsible for any bad
housing conditions that might exist
within their cities. As the guardians
of the interests of the city people,
they were declared also to be duty
bound to do their best to prevent
rent gouging, profiteering, etc.
Recognition to the new Irish re
public without delay was urged In a
resolution in which it was declared
that as a democratic measure this
country was bound to support it.
The people of Ireland were com
mended for the action they have
The release of all political and
war prisoners received the approval
of the delegates. In the resolution,
introduced by Miss Pauline New
man, of Philadelphia, the release of
these persons, "languishing In the
Jails of the country," was urged
since the war has been ended. It
was pointed out that other countries
had taken similar action.
The organization went on record
as favoring the reduction of hours
rather than the reduction of forces
in cases of industrial depression
when it becomes necessary to curtail
production. The resolution pointed
out that specific Information was at
hand that Industries of the State at
times created artificial periods of
depression In order to secure speci
fied results, such as lower wages
and longer hours. The resolution pro
vides that efforts shall be made to
make the plan of reducing hours
rather than forces, a national prac
Plan Investigation
The State Legislature was called
on in a resolution to do something
really constructive for the benefit of
the returned soldiers, sailors and ma
rines. Along this line, another reso
lution condemned Chamber of
Commerce controlled employment
agencies created for the benefit of
the soldiers, but gave commendation
to those conducted by the State De
partment of Labor and Industry.
The officers of the State Federa
tion of Labor were authorized to in
vestigate the alleged piling up of
expenses by railroad managers for
what was termed the purpose of
proving government control of the
railroads unsuccessful. Tt was de
clared that the managers were in
terfering with the government in
their efforts to prove government
control a financial success. Condt
dltlons in Pennsylvania, especially,
were declared to be bad. It was rec
ommended that the American Fed
eration of Labor Investigate condi-
The new membership signs of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce
have arrived and will be distributed among the members within a hort
time. The signs were made up especially for the Chamber of Commerce,
and are designed to be hung on a wali or stood on a table or desk. They
will make their appearance within a a few days in hundreds of represen
tative offices, homes and business establishments throughout the city, and
also will be hung up in offices and business houses in many of the large
cities of the east, such as New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Lan
caster, where there are Chamber of Commerce members. The sign de
picts the dome of the Capitol, set In a blue keystone, surrounded by a
field of white, and the whole enclosed in a blue circle in which ig in
scribed in white, "Member, Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce."
tions in other parts of the country
for the same purpose.
Agitation of government owner
ship by the delegates was. favored
as a measure that will prove bene
ficial to them. They were called on
to aid to the greatest possible ex
tent to prevent the return of the
railroads to private ownership.
Other resolutions adopted'favored
the Keiley bill providing for collec
tive bargaining by government em
ployes; the continuance of the old
age commission; opposition to the
anti-sedition bill; favoring the mine
inspectors bill; favoring a six-hour
day for mine workers; condemning
the railroad organization known as
the International Association of
Supervisor Forces.
Yankee Officers and
Men Assessed 27,000
Francs For Loss in Wine
By Associated Press.
Coblonz, May 15.—Nine hundred
and thirty-one officers and enlisted
men of the Third United States Army
have been nssesed approximately 27,-
000 francs to reimburse a French
railway company fo rthe loss of 2.175
bottles of champagne which dis
appeared near Toul last December.
Findings of an Army board, which
had the case in hand for several
months, were announced recently.
The officers and men, all from the
Army of Occupation, were on their
[way to an Army school at Ohatilon
sur-Seine, traveling by special train,
| and, according to testimony before
the board, the "champagne disap
peared one night soon after the
Americans arrived in Toul. While
a number of French soldiers were
also involved testimony at the hear
ing did not bring out just who dis
covered the freight car loaded with
i wine nor who were the first in
dividuals to start handing out the
I bottles.
.The three majors, fifteen captains,
ninety-two first lieutenants and one
hundred and seventy-four second
lieutenants and 647 enlisted men
were involved. The 'railway em
ployes reported that the morning
after the raid on the car of cham
pagne nothing was left but the bot
tles, many of which had been brok
Seventeen Bodies to
Meet With Chamber oi
Commerce This Evening
Seventeen public welfare and simi
lar organizations will be represented
at the meeting, in the Harrisburg
Chamber of Commerce offlceß this
evening when steps will be taken for
an active campaign in co-operation
with Colonel Edward Martin, chief of
the State Health Department, to
make Harrisburg a model city from
a standpoint of sanitation and health.
The organizations have selected rep
resentatives who will form a per
manent committee to take up the
suggestions for better sanitation,
which were made by Colonel Martin
at a public meeting in the Hall of
the House of Representatives several
weeks ago.
Colonel MaTtln will be present this
evening to discuss with the dele
gates of the organizations the plaus
which he considers necessary for ;he
accomplishment of his purpose to In
crease the healthfulness of conditions
in Harrisburg. The meeting was
called by the Chamber of Commeroe
in order that the pledges of the va-
Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets
isK , ?KKaft , <isa3k'R
rious organizations to co-operate
with Colonel Martin, made at the
public meeting in the House of Rep
resentatives, could materialize into
concerted action by all the public
spirited bodies.
Kolchak's Troops Take
Samara on Volga River
Berne, May 15. —-The troops of
Admiral Kolchak have captured
Samara, an important city on the
Volga river, the Ukrainian press
bureau here says it learns from a
well informed source.
Charles Oren, a craneman at tho
Central Iron and Steel Company, is
in the Harrisburg Hospital with what
is believed to be a fractured right
foot. He was hooking UP an ash
bucket when it fell on him. His home
is at Enhaut.
Rheumatic sufferers are highly
sensitive and easily affected by any
change In the weather, "they feel it
in their bones".
I Rheumatism is the foe which
steals away the Joy of life.
"Neutrone Prescription 99", the
different remedy, has banished
winter terrors for all.
Each week more and more suffer
ers In all walks of life take
"Neutrone Prescription 99" and every
week adds more names to the long
list of permanent cures. Go to your
druggist today and get a 60c or <l.OO
bottle. It will repay you many
times in health. Mail orders filled
cn <l.OO size.
George A. Gorges, the Druggist,
and leading druggists everywhere.
Famo Destroys
Dandruff Bacilli
Scierice has perfected a wonder
ful preparation that stops Seborr-
I hea (the medical term for dandruff)
i by killing the dandruff microbe,
j Its name is FAMO and it it a
product of one of the famous
pharmaceutical houses of Detroit.
The ingredients have never been
med on the tcalp before but they
are well known to physicians.
As fast as nature grow* new hair
the Seborrhea germ kills It off.
Unless you destroy the germ
with FAMO, the new hair will grow
weaker and weaker and baldness ;
finally will result.
FAMO destroys the dandruff ba
cilli and makes new, luxuriant hair
FAMO actually retards graynest.
It contains no alcohol. It stops all
itching of the scalp.
FAMO should be used daily byy
every member of the family, even
by those who have no dandruff. It
keeps the hair healthy and beautiful
and prevents • seborrhea.
FAMO is sold at alt toilet good*
counters, also applied at the better;
shops. It comes In two;
sizes—a small size at 35 e'ents and
an extra large bottle for $l.
Seborrhea it the medical .name lor m
morbidly increased Row from the sebaceous \
glands of the scalp. Tha tdborrhsan secre
tion farms in scales ar fates and is earn.,
"only known as dandruf.
t Mfg. by The Famo Co., Detroit.j
Croll Keller C. M. Forney.
Apodal Famo Agents, I
Not Enough Tickets
For 28th Division Review
Clarence O. Backenstoss, secretary to
Mayor Ketster, to-day expresses his
regret that every Harrisburger who ap
plied for grandstand tickets for the re
view of the 28th Division in Philadel
phia could not be accommodated by the
Philadelphia committee. Mr. Backen
stoss had charge of the work for this
city and conferred three times with the
committee in Philadelphia.
Tickets were mailed direct from
Philadelphia and the demand evidently
was larger than the supply on hand.
Hundreds of Harrisburg people left the
city early to-day for Philadelphia.
Scores were without tickets to grand
stands but were willing to stand in honor
of the marching hosts.
Word has been received by Mr. and
Mrs. D. M. Esworthy, of 2313 Derry
street, that her brother. Corporal A.
Moffett, of 107 th Field Artilery, has ar
rived safely from overseas, on Trans
port Mongolia. Corporal Moffett is
now at Camp Dix waiting for his dis
It's Easy—if You Know Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young is to feel
| young—to do this, you must watch your
liver and bowels— there'snoneedof hav
-1 ing a sallow complexion dark rings
under your eyes—pimples— a bilious
look in your face—dull eyes with no
soarkle. Your doctorwill tell you ninety
percent of all sickness comes from in
active bowels and liver. •
Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician
in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com
pound mixed with olive oil to act on
the liver and bowels, which he gave to
his patients for years.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, are gentle in their
action yet always efiective. They bring
about that exuberance of spirit, that
natural buoyancy which should be en
joyed by everyone, by toning up the liver
and clearing the system of impurities.
You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets by their olive color. 10c and
£sc per box. All druggists.
Buy Coal
this spring
Prevent Shortage
next winter
Remember the coal famine of 1917-18. The
reason we have been advising coal buyers to lay in
their winter's supply without delay is because} we
know conditions that prevail at the coal mines
the source of the supply.
So far this spring there has been mined little
more than half the normal production of coal. The
talk, therefore, of coal shortage next winter is not
a myth, but will become a stern reality unless buyers
take their coal from now on, and keep up a steady
demand, which in turn will cause steady production.
If householders wait, as many used to, the
chances are they will regret it when cold weather
comes again. Labor and transportation will not be
able to meet the winter demand should Consumers
"hold off" ordering until later.
These advertisements are costly. Our
whole object in using space in the daily
papers is to prevent a serious situation for
Harrisburg and for you. Phone us your
order today.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster & Cowden Sts.
7th &Woodbine Sts. 6thnear Hamilton Sts.
7th & Reily Sts. 15th & Chestnut Sts.
MAY, 15, 1919,
Annie Toddles, charged with the
larceny of (10 from the person of
James Thorp, will be given a hearing
In police court during the afternoon.
Charles Brown, of Washington, re
ported to the police that he was
robbed of $6 by Marie Thomas and
Robert Thomas, at 16 Cowden street.
They will be given a hearing at police
court during the afternoon. J. F. Mc-
Dermott, 142 Sylvan Terrace, ia in the
hands of the Harrisburg police, charg
ed with speeding at the rate of forty
miles per hour in Derry street.
N3aailHD HOJ tftll i-TVH
-THDncD sdais-sxoxa oe jmmk
ij |[7| Library Suit
Three pieces Settee,
| I ■ Rocker and Chair—mis
sion finish; very fine val
ue for th
money ... v v
_ p ' Mahogany Dresser
Full size . Sold for
[ Q $50.00. One Dresser
f-r —r T : $30.00
F_ ~ Large line of Refrigera
te o __ tors in all styles and sizes.
S* 1321 N. Sixth St.
Poslam soothes, refreshes and heala
suffering skin, with never a possibil
ity of harm. A brief experience with
Poslam will prove its value. For in
stance: apply a little on some affect
ed part at night. In the morning, your
own eyes find evidence of its healing
work. If the trouble was slight—a
pimple or inflamed spot—the chances
are that it has disappeared. If a viru
lent eruptional disorder, it should be
subdued, so much so that you will
want Poslam to keep right on.
Sold everywhere. For free sample
write to Emergency Laboratories, 24S
West 47th St., New York City.
Poslam Soap is a daily treat to
tender skin. Contains Poslam.