Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 10, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Accident Put Overland
Car Out of Running
The world nonstop sealed in high
gear record will not come to Harris
burg to-day. The little model 90
Overland that made such a strong
bid for it, fell down, as far as the
"nonstop part is concerned, but will
beat the mileage that the Oklahoma
•ear made, and that after losing near
ly 16 hours of time through acci
dents. The bseaks went against the
Harrisburg car, and went against it
badly. In the accident of Monday eve
ning, when the car was thrown
against a culvert over near Worm
lesburg, more serious damage was
done than was at first anticipated.
The car was strained in more places
than the rear construction, and in the
hard grind that followed, those
strains showed up. The gasoline pipe
evidently was cracked at a joint in
the crash, for it broke off completely
yesterday morning, when the car was
on the Carlisle pike, stopping the
motor, and thereby ending the record
run that it had made up until that
The car was repaired in a down
pour of rain and brought back to
arrisburg, where It was decided to
discontinue the run. In fisruring out
the mileage made, the cs> •"had run so
far ahead of the Oklahoma car that
it was thought advisable to go ahead
with the run for the mileage, al
though it would not count as a
world's record. At 6 o'clock this
morning when the car checked in it
had gone 4,161 miles, just 209 miles
short of the world's record. It has
been averaging 120 miles each four
hours, so that at 6 o'clock this eve
ring. when the run will end officially
it will have made in all probability,
about 250 miles more than the Okla
homa car.
At Chicago yesterday Grover
Cleveland Alexander was all (here in
his first battle since ho quit chas
ing Huns over the Rhine, but his
mates could not help him any and
the Reds trimmed him in a corking
pitchers' battle with Ray Fisher, 1
to 0. All Aleck need& to do is to
pitch all summer as he did in his
first contest and he'll win many a i
game for the North Siders. The big
fellow wasn't quite up to his old- |
time standard, but seemed to lack ;
nothing except control. He walked j
live batsmen and it was one of those i
walks that was turned into the lone
tally. He seemed to have the old I
curve ball working and about ninetv '
per cent, of his oldtime speed. An- |
other week of training and the great I
slab 3tar should be right back to liis .
form of 1917 and preceding years. j
The men of Memorial Lutheran !
Church, Fifteenth and Shoop streets, |
have extended an invitation to the !
men of the other Lutheran church- •
es on Allison Hill to attend the !
monthly meeting of their brother- j
hood at the church on Monday eve- '
The Rev. J. S. Simon, of Hagers- i
lown, Md„ will speak on "What the I
Church Ought to Mean to Men." |
There will be some special music
and a reception will he held after j
the meeting. Plans will be discussed
at this meeting for the formation of
a baseball team to represent three
Hill churches, Redeemer, Christ and
Memorial, in a game to be played at
the Lutheran union picnic to be held
at Hershey on Thursday, June 26.
Carlisle, Pa., May 10.—Following
the suggestion of the State Fire Mar
shal, the borough council, board of
health, Chamber of Commerce and
civic Club will join in a general
clean-up campaign next week. Pub
licity and education features will
lie in charge of the Chamber of
The Motor Car Buyer Who Looks Into The
Future Is The One Who Will Best
Appreciate The Unmatched Quality
Of The Famous
The Motorist Who Demands
More From The Dealer Than
Merely The Delivery Of A
Car Will Be More Than Pleased
In Buying A Car From The
L. L. SHETTELL, Mgr. 1917 N. THIRD ST.
Black's Garage Knows Tires
Here is Your Opportunity to Save 50 Per Cent,
of Your Tire Cost
wt* ° ld tire here " We ' n Instill new life into It and make it
rm. w ® sa y that w save you money, we mean every word
produce WaT **ught us economy and this led us to methods to
At One-Half the Usual Tire Cost
When we get through with your old tire it is double durable and
or nrst-class workmanship, material and an attractive value. Every
auto owner should investigate our new method of making dead tires
live. Our experience in the tire business has enabled us to master
the art of tire saving.
We've Studied the Tire Business and Put Our
Experience All Into Our
Now Open and Ready to Serve You
Black's Garage Price;
30x3% SIO.OO
32x3(4 11.00
31 * 4 J 13.00
32*4 13.50
33 * 4 14.00
34 * 4 15.00
All Work Under the Personal Supervision of Roy Manum
203 S. Seventeenth Street
"Nqt Only n Name, but a Guarantee of Quality Service"
It is undoubtedly a fact that mo
tor truck development has progress
ed to a greater degree sinc3 the
United States entered the World
War than during the precious de
cade. The war greatly accelerated
motor truck production and the re
quirements imposed by the Govern
ment were of such a nature as to
bring about more substantial con
struction and a greater adaptability
of trucks. The Government required
trucks that would "Stand Up" and
"Perform" under the most trying
The following paragraph which is I
! quoted from a letter addressed to >
1 Clair W. Long, of Kittanning, Pa., |
: written by W. F. Snyder & Son, of:
Snyderville, Pa., indicate the "Per-!
formance of which trucks of present- |
day construction are capable. Thisj
concern, by the way, operates a
truck between Echo (the railroad
shipping point) and Snyderville, Pa.,
hauling merchandise to the general
merchandise store maintained by
them at the latter place. The quota
tion follows:
"You are acquainted with the road l
from Echo to our place. I will say j
it is the worst road in this com-1
munity. I have made five trips toj
Echo this week and came up the j
Echo hill with a full load when the;
axle dragged in the mud."
A few years ago such a feat as J
this would have been regarded as
a remarkable performance. Today j
it is only a natural expectation of j
service—and is realized every day ;
by owners of the really meritorious
trucks that are now on the market.
If good roads had been universal !
before the development of motor!
truck, and if the World War had;
not placed new requirements upon j
truck construction and perform-1
ance, it is quite possible that the;
motor trucks of to-day would be j
far interior to the product now;
available. But this is a day when ■
"ifs" and "might have beens" no ;
longer enter into progressive calcu
The farmer has learned that the
motor truck will serve him well and
that mud is no greater an obstacle
for the motor truck than for horses i
and that the truck will serve him j
at one-half the operating cost of;
horses. This possibly accounts for
the fact that the farmer is now the i
foreni9£t user of motor trucks in
the United States. He has come to |
recognize the practical value of thfs 1
form of rural transportation.
Work has started on the Dills
burg to Gettysburg highway that
will tie up the road more or less
for the entire summer. Detours
will have to be made in many cases.
Going from Dillsburg there is a
detour just east of Gettysburg that
takes you over a country lane that
for certain distances is full of ruts.
The better road to take to Get
tysburg now is the road to Carlisle
and Mt. Holly Springs. This road
is ten miles further but much bet
ter and quicker time will be made
in traveling it.
Mean Dollars Saved
36 * 4 $16.50
34 x4(4 17.00
35x4 (4 18.00
36x5(4 20.00
35x5 22.00
37x5 24.00
By AFRED P. DAVIES, Auto Editor.
Local Features of Timely Interest to Motorists
- v
This is the car that holds the world's nonstop sealed in high gear
record. It is a model 90 Overland and the run was made in Okla
homa City. Better .luck was encountered there than on the run that is
being made here. The mileage made was 4,370.1 miles, without the mo
tor stopping. The Harrisburg car that tried to beat their record hart a
series of bad luck that put it out of the running as far as the world's non
stop record is concerned but it now holds the world's 7-day and 7-
night sealed in high gear record as far as mileage is concerned. About
sixteen hours was lost through the two accidents that happened, yet
better mileage was made than by the car pictured above. That the car
is capable of making and exceeding the world's nonstop record should no
accidents occur is shown in the mileage that is made.
In a recent realty transfer. An-1
drew Redmond, the well known au-i
tomobile dealer, distributor ofj
Chandleratouring cars and Vim
trucks, became the owner of the
property at the corner of Third and I
Hamilton streets, formerly occupied j
by Joseph H. Frantz. This property j
is one of the most desirable in I
Harrisburg for the automobile busi-j
ness. It is located on the main!
thoroughfare uptown with a front-j
age of more than 25 feet. It has[
a depth on Hamilton street of more
than 100 feet.
The entire lower .floor is taken j
up by a large store room, 25x681
feet and a ware room 25x25 feet.!
These two rooms will be used by j
Mr. Redmond as a show room and |
parts and stock room. His offices]
will also be in the main room which j
will be altered to a small extent, i
Mr. Redmond expects to open'
this new show room on or before!
June 1. The grocery store business!
Is being closed out as rapidly as!
possible and the few alterations'
Selden "In-Built Quality" 1877—1919
Cannot Be Concealed
You can distinguish Selden Trucks on the Wftgon was a SELDEN
highways by their well-balanced design, their selden trucks are
sturdy construction, their mighty pulling power, tho result of years of
evident in the ease with which they haul the continuous experiment.
load observation and experl-
Selden "IN-BUILT QUALITY" cannot be Ze 1 dT y "
concealed. It stands out in Selden Trucks and Inception In 1877.
proves its existence by the profitable service
which Selden Trucks render.
One to Five Ton Worm Drive Models. Ask
ns for comohte inform ation.
1017-25 Market St. Harrisburg.
_ We Havc a Equipped Machine Shop and Can Give You Immediate Service on All Repair Work.
necessary will be done before the
first of June.
Mr. Redmond has been in the
automobile business in that vicinity
for a long time, in fact ever since
he has been in business. That was
at the corner of Third and Reily
streets. Since the fire that burned
down his garage at the corner of
Boyd and Third streets, he has
been occupying temporary offices at
1507 Third street.
2.8 Camp Hill 44.0
8.7 Hogestovvn 38.1
11.2 New Kingston 35.6
14.4 Middlesex 32.4
18.0 Carlisle 28.8
24.0 Mt. Holly 22.8
27 Hunters Run 19.8
2 9.4 Goodyear 17.4
31.4 Idaville 15.4
35.0 Aspers 11.8
36.2 Bendersvtlle ....... 10.6
40.0 Biglerville 6.8
The Pennsylvania Motor Federa
tion that held its annual meeting yes
terday in Philadelphia went on rec
ord us endorsing the Dithrich mo
tor vehicle bill as it passed the
House the other day. This bill pro
vides for a fee of 40 cents per horse
power for all passenger vehicles and
a slight raise in the fee for trucks.
The Federation feels that the bill
is just and deserves the support of
all motorists.
There are many motorists in the
State that do not realize nor appre
ciate the work that the Federation
is doing for them in the way of
securing important legislation and
in the building of good roads. The
organization is made up of the vari
ous motor clubs throughout the State
and is active in everything that
means for the betterment of motor
ing. Motor clubs throughout the
State have been regarded by many
motorists on the theory of "Let
George Do It." The fact that a few
men in each community are will
ing to go ahead and secure advan
tages for all motorists, sometimes
at big expense, is all right to them.
They're willing. But when it comes
to connecting themselves to a certain
motor club, they can't see it. If
these people would only realize that
it is to their advantage to belong to
a motor club there would be in
creases of from 100 to 1,000 per
cent, in every motor club in the
The Motor Club of Harrisburg is
one of the most act've in the State
and only has a membership of a lit
tle over 800 when it should have at
least 3,000. A fee of only $5 a year
is charged, which pays the dues for
the club as well as for the Penn
sylvania Federation and the Amer
ican Automobile Association.. And
the benefits secured are beyond tell
ing. Harrisburg ought to get on the
job and get a motor club here that
is second to none. It can be done.
Every motorist should get in touch
with Clyde Myton and give him a
$5 bill and see what that five will do
for him. It isn't money that the
club wants. It is better automobile
conditions and more influence. A
large membership will secure both.
The 1919 Automobile Blue Books
are now out and show many changes
in the important roads throughout
the country. With the coming of
spring many of the roads will be re
paired, some of which have been
started in this vicinity already. Many
more miles of roads have been add
ed to this year's >boolt and new
hotels and garages are listed.
Tech Stars Meet the
Best at Princeton
The six members of the Tech
track team who competed at Prince
ton this afternoon left yesterday aft
ernoon for Princeton, and this morn
ing the field events were run off,
while the track evehts were sched
uled for this afternoon.
While Tech 13 pitted against the
cream of the Kast and is entered to
day in its most difficult meet.
Maroon followers have every confi
dence that Tech will bring home the
laurels in this premier meet. If Tech
can win, it means that Harrisburg
contains the best track team in the
The six stars who went to Prince
ton are Captain Beck, Hoffsommer,
Wilsbach, Malick, Garrett and Boy
er. While they are few in number,
they will be sure to make a bet
ter record than any other six-man
team in the meet. Each is a star in
his events, with Captain Beck being
the brightest. The team is scheduled
to return to this city late to-night.
Lewisbcrry, May 10.—A concert
will be given by the Irving College
Glee Club, of Mechanicsburg, at the
Methodist Episcopal Church here at
8.15 this evening.
M. L. Cole's
Church Place Garage
44 N. Cameron St.
Auto Wrecking and
Full line of Parts for all
makes. Cars on sale. We teach
you to drive. Will sell your old
car on small commission basis.
Storage space for fifteen oars.
Bell Phone.
All batteries look alike, but
there are outstanding differences
that are worth knowing about by
the man who will some day have
to buy a new starting-lighting
battery for his car.
The real factor in battery qual
ity is plate quality. They make or
unmake a battery. They are the
reservoirs of electrical, power
Tho Gould Battery with the
Dreadnaught Plates are of lasting
super-hard quality and a guar
antee of super-service. There's a
Gould Battery for your car.
Electra Garage
Evergreen and Thompson Stm.
Both Phones
HT HE name Nash upon a truck carries I
A with it the assurance of quality.
It says that behind that truck guar- I
anteeing its merit are the reputation ]
and resources of the big Nash institu- II
tion. 11
Proof of the dependability of Nash trucks is
the fact that they are hauling the loads of
such concerns as: The Standard Oil Com
pany ; The American Steel Foundries; Morris I
& Company; The Palmolive Company; The i
Boston Store, of Chicago, and others.
Myers Motor Sales Co. I ;
Sales and Service
1210 Penn St, Below Broad St.
Out-l oo Chassis, $1650 T/o-Tod Chassis, $2175 Nasb Qaad Chassis, $3250 |
MAY 10, 1919. •
Square Deal Auto Supply Co.
We know that this Oakland Sensible
Six Touring Car costs less to own,
operate and maintain than any other
automobile built. Our customers are
regularly reporting mileages from it
of from 1 8 to 25 per gallon of gasoline
and from 8,000 to 1 2,000 on tires.
Touring Car, $1075; Roadster, $1075; Sedan, $1050;
Coupe, $1650; F. O. 8., Pontine. Mich. Additional for
wire wheel equipment, $75.00.
ED. C. ALLEN, Manager,
Offlee, IIS. Third St. Bell phone. Service Station i 12 Ti Cherry
S t~~
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