Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 09, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Berlin Newspaper Comments
on Allies' Stand on Dan
zig and Sarrc
Berlin. May 9.—The National Zei
tung publishes what it terms the
official standpoint the government
expects to take regarding the peace
The government, according to the
newspaper, will refuse to sign any
point of tlio treaty which provides
for "oppression of Germany." For
instance, the entente's standpoint
regarding Danzig and the Sarre val
ley will not be accepted. The Ger
man delegates, however, will make
every effort to institute negotiations
on these and other unacceptable de
mands, says the National Zeitung.
While the German peace pleni
potentiaries are digesting the text
of the long peace treaty handed them
Wednesday and communicating with
the Weimar government as to the
demands made upon Germany b>
the Allied and associated powers, the
Council of Four is engaging itself
with the formulating of peace terms
for Austria and Hungary.
The German-Austrian delegation is
reported already to have started for
St. Germain. France, there to await
the summons to Versailles to learn
what is to befall the one time dual
monarchy in the way of payment of
indemnities, the making of repara
tions and the relinquishment of ter
Estimates have been made in Paris
that 5,000.000,000 crowns will be de
manded as indemnity from Austria-
Hungary, in addition to the delimi
tation of frontiers. The pre-war
debt of the former empire and king
dom, it is said, is to ho divided among
the newly formed states which have
arisen or are to arise in their old
Carlisle Hospital
Discharges Boys of
Central Pennsylvania
Carlisle, May 9.—Frank Dintale.
of Harrisburg who has been an over
seas convalescent at the Carlisle
hospital, has been discharged, ac
cording to announcement of the
hospital authorities today. Among
others discharged are Elder Elsesser,
York; Vernon Sponsler, Tyrone: Jo
seph Rumberger, Bcllefontc; David
"Walter, Altoona and Sanford Grif
fith. Irwin.
Among those who have just been
admitted to the hospital are Ray
mond Brown, Lebanon; Russel Bentz,
Lebanon: John Cochran. Lancaster:
Harry Depew, Columbia; Walter
Harlacher, York: George Johnson.
Lancaster; John Rausch. Harrisburg:
Harry E. Sehroeder, York; James!
M. Davis, Middletown; William Mc-
Cormick, Altoona and Willis Moats
of Waynesboro.
Returned Soldiers Asked
to Sign "Army Register"
Recruiting officerrs at 325 Market
street, have daily inquiries for former
Harrisburg soldiers which cannot be,
supplied due to lack of information. I
t'elonel Jantes B Kemper, the recruit-!
ing officer, to-dav sent out the fol- '
lowing open letter addressed to
•'Officers and Men Who Have Been in
the Army:
"You are requested to call at the
local Army Recruiting Station, 325
Market street, and enter your name
and address in the 'Army Register."
"This is for your convenience in
petting in touch with acquaintances
and friends whom you met in the
Armv and whos" present address you
O" not know. '!/>('.< get together.
"Reel uiting officers have inquiries
daily for former soldiers which can
not be supplied due to lack of the
above information. It will be of
great help to your friends in locating
you and getting in touch with you
if all the Pennsylvania soldiers will
drop in at the Army Recruiting Sta
tion. 325 Market street, and write
their names and addresses in the
'register.' "
Music Supervisors
of the East Elect
Hartford. Conn.. May 9. The
Eastern Music Supervisors confer
ence, at its annual meeting here,
elected the following officers: Pres
ident, Howard Clark Davis, Yonkers,
N. Y.; first vice-president, E. W.
Pierson, Philadelphia; second vice
president, Arthur L. Targett, Co
hoes, N. Y.; secretary, Miss Mary
Shaw, Haverhill, Mass.; treasurer,
James D. Price, Hartford.
* Directors, William E. Brown, New
Haven; Miss Harriet XI. Perkins,
Brockton. Mass.; Harry E. Whitte
more, Manchester, N. H.j Miss Ma
bel E. Bray, Trenton, N. J., and W.
J. Kraft, New York.
ISy Associatrd Press.
\\ nailing ton. May 9.—The Treasury
Department to-day recognized of
ficially the claim of the St. Louis dis
trict of having exceeded its Victory
Liberty loan quota by gathering sub
scriptions of $195,104,000 and thereby
winning the honor of being :ho first
district to achieve this record.
Moyer Says 'twas
Neighbor Told Her
A. M, Moyer, 312 North lTorton
street, Philadelphia, speaking for
his wife, says that it was through
a neighbor that she heard about
Tanlac. "She suffered from stom
ach trouble and belching of gas and
had considerable pain and distress.
Her appetite was very uncertain and
she had a nervous internal condi
tion. She has taken several bottles
of Tanlac and found relief from
almost the first dose. The gas has
stopped forming and all the dis
agreeable symptoms have dis
appeared. Her appetite has become
normal and she hardly knows what
nerves are now. Tanlac has proved
a great.thing for her."
The J. I. Gore Co. Tanlac
is so.d here by Gorgas', George's,
Kramer's. Kennedy's and Steever's,
and pther leading druggists in every
A. C. Kushwa Will Play De
lightful Program, Assisted
by Miss Jennie Shartzer
The Saturday afternoon organ re
citals from 4 to 5 o'clock in Zion
Lutheran Chrucli, Fourth street, ar
ranged by Mrs. Edwin J. Deeevee,
chorister, are proving a delight to
many music lovers who gather there
from time to time/ The program for
to-morrow evening will be given by
Alfred C. Kuschwa, of St. Stephen's
Episcopal Church, assisted by Miss
Jennie Shartmer, contralto soloist,
of the Second Reformed Church.
The numbers will include: "So
nata No. 3," Guilmant; "Allegro
Maestoso." "Adagio." "Fuga;"
"Minuet in A." Boccherini;" "The
Lord Is My Light." Allitsen. Miss
Jennie Shartzer: "Orientate," Cui;
"Prelude in C Sharp Minor," Rach
maninoff; "Andante," Ooltermann;
"Fiat Lux," there be light)
Paul Unger Surprised
By a Birthday Party
Mr. and Mrs. John Unger gave a
surprise party last evening at their
home, 1323 Berryhill street, in cele
bration of the sixteenth birthday an
niversary of their son. Paul Unger.
The evening passed pleasantly with
games and refreshments were served
to these guests:
Lewis Wertz. Edwin Wall is, Ralph
Wall's, Max Wagner. Kenneth Un
ger. Karl Moeslein, Donald Shroeder,
George Bowman, Richard Harr,
Howard Miller. John Unger, Jr., Mr!
and Mrs. P. Trimmer and Mr. and
Mrs. John Unger.
1 l', llnr>opo\vcr ni.no \ ibrator. CIA 00 'lot l'olnt ami General Elec
in Harrisburg: OQC aa Sale Price, tP 1 trie Irons, $6.50 value. Sale price $1.25 Dimalitcs
ami the low- P05.U0 CO Also a line of Cheap qj- (-in ami 2-wny plugs.
est prices. Less 10 Per Cent. Stoves and Percolators. iDo.Ol; . j (let our price on
_ _____ PP,CC ' lamps in any be- I.V Bed Seal,
E. BLQMENSTINE'S, 14 S. Court St., Harrisburg, Pa. sl ' oo ,r '"
I J iRQf* I I | Koijtr ..9 for 50c;' 50 for $2.59! N
I " VJ /%/ I ~ —— | Counsellor 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 i j||
Bill Guaranteed red I CA * I Tt? A C IVT A"V*l Tl ! New Bachelor!!.'! .9 for 50c; 50 for $1.59 j 8
rubber Hot Water i Oil JL V/ J. Ui ll> V7I/% IJAT ItA/®, I J. If j Gen'l Hartranft ... .9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 [ ■
' RnffiA full t,™ 1 , ' i Even Steven 9 for 50c: 50 for $2.59 19
* . ' full two quart HOME NEEDS HAIR TONICS CUTEX ARTICLES | Cinco 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.5 i gfj
j Slze ' I " odern ln every Saniflush 18c Hay's Hair Health 33c, 66c Nai ! Wh te Jar Don Abilo 9 for 50c. 50 for $2.59 j $
I respect. I pj U ( Q \\' a ter 36c 1 Herpicide ...78c Cuticle Remover ! Havana Ribbon ... .9 for 50c; 50 for $2.591 gjjfl
. J, Peroxide (16 oz.) 18c j Pinaud's Hair Tonic 47c, 97c White Tube jLa Trinidad 3 for 25c; 50 for $4.00 j O
• j 0 h nson ' s Kidnev Plasters 16c Graham's Hair Color $1.09 Liquid Polish $ Girard 3 for 25c; 50 for $4.00 j Hj
FACE POWDFR<B 2 " ,bs * 20-Mule Team Borax 24c i Golden Rule Hair Color 78c Nail Pol . is h Cake, pink j American Empire ..3 for 25c; 50 for $4.00 ? H
~O LNJ N A x? n j . Gib. 20-Mule Team Boric Acid 20c Parisian Sage 38c a !j J! o ''. 8 ! 1 P pJ. ain !.♦. , IS
* Garden Face Powder 75c l-Jb. Epsom Salts 9c Montgomery Hair Restorer 97c aste ' pin^
I ompeian Pace Powder 42c Fresh Stock Rubber Gloves, pair 39c Westphal's Auxiliator 38c, 78c _ , SPECIAL—22c EACH I TOILET CREAMS
L-Ame Face Powder 38 c cuvviv. hap ivnrnTmva Speicher's Dandruff Remover 63c £utex Sets 37t 'jEIcava Cream 47c R8
Azurea Face Powder $ll9 SHAVIM SOAP AND LOTIONS Mansfield's Capillaris 38c Cutex Sets <J7c 1)e Meridor Cream 20c, 33c fij
I Florayme Face Powder 8119 Williams' Shaving Stick, Powder or Dandenne. 69c OINTMENTS Pond's Vanish Crean 17c, 31c
Le Trefle Face Powder 81 19 Cream 21c ag:e and Sulphur 42c Mustarine 18c, 38c Palmolive Cold Cream 38c ij
nian vie. n .j ' ' Colgate's Shaving Stick, Powder or <_Musterole 22c. 38c Palmolive Vanishing Cream 38c $!
i>i l •• „° j " Cream 30 c j , . { Mentholatum 16c, 33c Oaggett & Ramsdell Cold Cream 25c
Laßlache lace Powder 38c Mennen's Shaving Cream 26c f H OlloldlD Nl7l*lDrfn j Resinol Ointment 38c, 74c Othine (Double Strength) 68c pi
Swansdown lace Powder 13c Palmolive Cream 22c j vfUllliUll Oj 1. lligjC , Vick's Vapo-Rub 22c Stillman's Freckle Cream 33c ifi
Java Rice Powder 38 c Pinaud's Vegetal 79c { [ Poslam Ointment .. . .42c, $1.49 Kintho Cream 48c m
Pinaud's Face Powder 41c Cuticura Shaving Stick 20c i _ ! Pazo Ointment 40c Mavis Cold Cream 41c dj
nPMTAi PorPAUATirkTVTa 1 $1.25 VALUE ! Peterson's Ointment 22c, 42c Garden of Allah Creams 41c (p
LOTIONS f , DENTAL I REPARATIONS > ! loan's Ointment 44c TAI CIT\I mwnm
Hj j. TT „ ,I*l ,i r' -A Lyons Tooth Powder or Paste 18c ( £3? j Camphorole 20c 38c ()\> i)LR.i Jj
FrostilH Almond Cream /8c Euthymol Tooth Powder or Paste 15c j EBRM CO/* \ FOR COUGH® AND COLDS Mennen's Talcum 21c §1
n° "?r 18c M.Phe n „ Tooth Powder or Paste 18c | (MBBH O7C Pittex Itabcoek's Corylopste Talcum l£ |
DeMeridor Liquid Powder * sTjt" w. ?? I This guaranteed j Foley's* Honcv aiictTar . I Sr.' Talcum
Orchard , ... 27c !!!!!! 1!!!!!!! ! Nil S,Tinge co m .s con,. .the! 38c v Lm Tatcun S 1
% Perrec, ° Too, "r' 22c |
Witch Hazel Cream ...............!.. 28c TOILET SOAPS I j Phenolax Wafers Djer-Kiss Talcum '.' 3lc 1
Benzoin and Almond Lotion 38c Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap, ! ments, red rubber. j j un j per Tar 20c TOILET WATERS
DEODORANTS Germicidal Soap 3 foJ 54c * Eckman's Alterative .'.'.62c,"51.28 AzUea"'V^etal VegeUl vJJj I
Odoro-No 18c, 38c o, f ate ' B B, S Bath oap 2 for 24c STANDARD PATENTS BABY FOODS Floramye Vegetai" !!;!!!!!! "$ll9 H
J ll ? 1 " * 18c a ™f oa P- on 19c Tanlac 78c Horlick's Malted Milk 38c, 74c, $2.78 LeTrefle Vegetal ..SIA9 g§
Spiro Powder 18c JiSfS Sn Ja C Vinol 77c Borden's Malted Milk 38c, 76c, $2.78 Djer-Kiss Vegetal $1.19 S
Amoline Powder . 18c k P 19c G u d e ' s Pepto-Mangan 97c Eskay's Food 78c Houbigant Quelques $7.68 j|9
I I iP I All Round Soan Vf "'>l° H " K - Wampole Cod Liver Ex 63c Nestle's Food 42c, $2.46 Violet Simplicity Toilet Water 97c jj~
- . Talcum Powder 18c rivAAnJi oo° Miles' Nervine 78c Imperial Granum 59c, 88c Garden of Allah Toilet Water 97c
Houbigant s Sachet $2.38 s Glycerine Soap 22c B rom o Seltzer 18c, 38c, 74c Dehno Food 37c, 62c, $2.62 Japanese Incense Toilet Water 97c Kg
SHAVING TOOLS Russell's Emulsion 97c Sugar of Milk 78c ■i,,-,
y .;. $8 flo G j llette Razor 56> _ 8 Park-Davis American Oil 54c Mellin's Food 35c, 53c i
i RiiKKai- Plnirac 5500 Gillette Razor ..11111111111 !!'..53! 9 7f* h hrf r Jo hn's .....42c, 82c PILLS AND TABLETS j
IVUDDer VjIOVCS I SI.OO Ever-Ready Razor 82c yso G ' BO 100 Bayer's Aspirin Tablets Sir i mi ta •
j B Gillette Blades ."i lBc, 36c, 78c s^T^.!! .'i!!! [V! TIICSC PriCeS I
j $l.OO Gem Razor 82c £ S ' S • ®I C 100 Alophen Pills 55c W
j 6 Ever-Ready Blades 27c P eru ? a \ 78c Nuxated Iron ' 67 j j ■
1 Styptic Pencils Grays Glycerine Tonic .... lie 47c Tk \T A. T
1 ; Shaving Brushes 25c to $2.48 FOR FOOT COMFORT Beecham's Pills .... .16c IjO NOL lUrlllflP H
j j HAIR REMOVERS Freezone 24c Doan's Kidney Pills 41c I j I
I i El-Rado Gets-It 24c Miles' Anti-Pain Pills 18c, 79c j
j Every woman needs a pair of these jDe Miracle 42c 82c Corn 1• ' "c* iVi"i : ii C ' 330 ! TiIY
f„7d b iv S Gloves for sprins house clean - £2- SSSSS?lssfSLrf.ffr:
I ' j Tweezers 9c Racoon Corn Plasters 12c, 19c Edward's Olive Tablets 16c |
Deaths and Funerals
Funeral services for Arthur B.
Emmett, aged 27 years, who died in
Narberth yesterday, will be held at
the Hawkins Kstate funeral parlors.
1207 North Third street, Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Itev.
J. Bradley Markward, pastor of the
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, will
officiate and burial will be made in
the Paxtang Cemetery.
Private funeral services were con
ducted at 1 o'clock to-day for Edwin
S. Jones. 2251 Jefferson street, by
the Rev. William J. Lockhart, pastor
of the First Baptist Church. Jones
died a day before the arrival of his
son, Bugler William H. Jones, from
overseas. A party of friends broke
the news to the son who arrived here
last night.
Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret
Schindler Lutz, aged 23 years, wife
of Harry Lutz, 1644 Fulton street,
will be held Saturday morning at 9
o'clock in St. Mary's Catholic Church.
Burial will be made in the Mt. Cal
vary Cemetery. Mrs. l.utz is sur
vived by her husband, her parents, a
son, two sisters and a brother.
Funeral services will be held this
evening at 7.30 o'clock front his
home, 1532 North Fifth street, for
E. H. Haviland, who died on Wed
nesday. Services will be in charge
of the Rev. W. J. Lockhart, pastor
of the First Baptist Church, and
burial will take place at Sunbury to
Miss May Lemer, of South Front
street, is home after spending sev
eral weeks in New York and the
Alleging that the Wigman Building
and Loan Association, with its principal
office In Pittsburgh, Is insolvent, the At- j
torney General's department, acting for j
State Banking Commissioner Fisher, se
cured in the Dauphin county court a |
rule on the organization to show why '
its business should not be closed and a j
receiver appointed. Dr. C. C. Moyer 1
is named as the president of the build- '
ing and loan association. The court i
fixed May 19 for the hearing of the ,
County commissioners to-day exon- j
erated S. W. Goodyear, tax collector in \
the Tenth ward, from the collector in
$365.50 and settled the 1918 tax ac- I
counts for the ward. Most of the ex- j
onerations were for soldiers and re- j
movals from the district.
Keep your stomach
sweet today and ward
off the indigestion of
tomorrow —try
the new aid to diges
tion —as pleasant
and as safe to take
as candy.
■ , 10-4
The Harrisburg Light and Power
Company is conducting until June 7 a
special sale and offer of Eden electric
washing machines. Full particulars
regarding the event will be found in the
company's announcement on another
page of this paper.
/ { yf. YOU really cannot afford to miss
(I i tllis sale of d'"® 3B ® B - Extraordinary of
"""i mil h \ v alue, to t,ie minute in style, those
dresses represent the season's wanted
I ajf /y Georgette and Taffeta combinations in
JjjgjXFl'■ $12.00 and $15.00 value drosses,
'Xf a/h'Tnic Georgette and Satin combinations in $19.50
, /// |J f VU ' U ° , ' reilBe8 '
If]: Till,/ Beaded Georgette Dresses, particularly
.. J*~n . / fetching styles in Taupe. Copenhagen, Navy,
'SHKlrP'—lub/ Wisteria and Black. Values up to $35.00,
Taffeta Ruffles with Jersey tops, $1.95
value S3. ho
Taffeta Ruffles with French Satin tops,
\// $3.00 value *2.25
••DON E" I EidergiirmentN, Hosiery and
Divorce decrees were signed to-ady in
the following cases: George D. vs. I
Ruth Naomi Hoyer, Emerson Hine- j
baugh named as co-respondent; Bertha ;
May vs. Harry Franklin Brickcr. De- j
sertion was charged in the later case.
building pkhmit i
It. W. Sawyer, contractor for Norman i
H. Dorwin, was given a building permit
to-day to erect two two-story brick !
houses on the east side of Melrose street, i
146 feet south of Greenwood. The struc- j
| tures will cost $6,000.
432 MAKKiii ai'KEET
X.lecnse No. G-3530.%
Morning Specials Until 12 Noon
Picnic Hams, any size, pound 29c
Pure Lard, pound, 33c
Sirloin, Club, Porterhouse Steak, 32c
Choice Chuck Roast, pound 22c
Choice Veal Roast or Chops, lb., 25c
Fresh Pork, roast, pound, 34c
Fresh Pork, steak, pound 36c
Frankfurters, smoked or Fresh
Sausage, pound 22c
All Day Specials
Sliced Liver, 5 pounds, 25c; pound 6c
Small Hearts, pound 12V^c
Pot Roast, or fleshy boil, pound, 20c
No. 10 Pails Compound Lard, $2.60
No. 5 Pails Compound, used as lard
B. B. Special Butterine, 2-lb. rolls, 53c
Pound, 28c
Sliced Bacon, pound, 38c
Fresh Fish, 3 pounds 25c; pound, 10c
Markets in 65 Cities of 14 States
Main Office, Chicago Packing Plant, Peoria, 111.
All Moat Government Inspected. All Goods Purchased Guaranteed
or Money Kcruiided
John Green, sentenced 'to 14 months
to two years In the Eastern penitentiary
when lie pleaded guilty to attacking and
robbing Moses Yoffee, was taken to
Philadelphia to-day by Sheriff W. W.