Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 09, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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ftKI.I, lOttl— 23.-.e UNITED HA Kill Sill'KG. I'HI DAY. MAY It. mill. FOUNDED ts7l
Specials Tomorrow In A J T\ 1
Charming Blouses ( <J AllCl L/Ollll^llS
Scores and scores of lovely blouses marked special for to
morrow's selling. Simple tailored waists as well as elaborate ~1 ' ' —\
blouses for dress wear, each a distinctive and attractive style g * _ M \ Cfy I _
and all at lower prices than we expected to quote this season. K /j H || | ** J I
Voiles, batiste, colored stripes and plain colored organdies; I\ -9 X 1 k. /1 II Cv \X \0
smart collars and cuffs, $1.50. _ ;
New organdy blouses in flesh, blue and bisque with white 1 i ~ „\\ \\\
cuffs and collars. All sizes, $4.50. \ \\ \\ \\
Crepe de chine, georgette, Habutai silk high and low collars. j | y "i~ n _ ... . _ . - \\ AA w
Round and square necks with frilly fronts, lace and embroidery ' I / 1 S si f Is i ill IA/ k\\ )\ Ab \\
trimmed. AH sizes in the dainty shades, $3.95. 1 1 IUI 1 U V V 11 mwAl U
\ oile and Batiste BJouses with small, round and sailor col- jfi ' k.vM ; 3 U
lars. Dainty tuckings and fine lace trimming. A new lot just '. A Iff 'J ]\ —p
in, bought to advantage so we can sell them special at SI.9S. *t f N . . T n .$! ,n'/r - .
Small assortment of soiled voile waists with dainty frills, t - r ■ 2 I . \lT<in£*"eu In IWO (jTOlipS ifij { *
lace edging and tucks. Small and large collars. Reduced in m, > jjK/fWi
price to sell at 54.39. m ~ , A S
Special bargains in crepe de chines and georgette, also a few jta&li wwggffi bJBy AT® "l f""7 f™' A "1 /T* FA g\ /\ \ *
striped tub silks. A variety of styles and colors, $2.98. FEgkg i / \ / | iV/1 I wiP _/ V )j i
Slip-on sweater in wool in American beauty and navy com- I tftyfitthi Ba [/ X J 1 & 9 / \l§ & B A[J I 9 9\ 9 A 7IA //' k
bination, bisque and Touq combinations. Well fitting styles, I
_ . Wk 'I/ / Manufacturers must have clearance sales as well as retail stores. That makes it m
t-a 1 • Tj • \y m®!' \i/ possible to pick up many lots of excellent values that we can pass on to you at a por- •! > I f
P cisnioncttc TlUll -lN CtS BHK • ' t ' on n - lat would cost at the beginning of a season. Just as we are now having a I' wtTP \
I clearance sale of suits so the manufacturers is now having his clearance of Spring /{- —JE-.'V bK' , J/"7y v 1 I
I hafn and'stmigth! ! J ▼ and Summer Capes and Dolmans, to get ready for the making of Winter garments. | IW\ /f ;
\ All-over cap shape and self-conforming styles. Each in ~—l \\ .■'/ 1 An exceptionally advantageous purchase therefore makes it possible to offer you the 0 rAT® gST '{ l ' r (
a unitary individual package. . . f : - // following Capes and Dolmans, at prices to vou which we could not buy them for at "7 n SMffflf ' V
Ask tor l'ashionettes the next time you arc shopping | / J ' e k W EflflSaeJ i" ; < ' y
in Bowman's. 15c each or 2 for 25c, white or gray, 25c 1 h // / wholesale, a few weeks ago. '
EACH - bowji VN S— Main Floor Thirty-four Navy Serge Capes and Dolmans that are yoke lined, hip lined and full \ —j ,§| | f
———————————— A j \S\ lined. Braid and button trimmed and excellent copies of high priced garments. To- WIJ | ; |
,vr \y morrow, very special at $21.75. v iBWWi j Jtl
1 lie r\ew m. Thin y-nine exceptionally fine Capes and Dolmans and Short Coats, developed in \ \J3jm
C . ~ I " Poiret. gabardine, suede cloth. Bolivia, velour, poulette, silvertone, crystal cloth, \\ •'
' Hindu serge and duvetyne combinations. Colors are navy blue, brown, tan, and black. \
Vu A Handsomely lined throughout in fancy stripes and foulards. Trimmed with bone \ tSF\
\ I birhtlU buttons some have scarf collars, finished at ends with tassels, or that fasten close \ \
A ,\~y k ' around neck. Exceptionally high grade coats at $49.50. jy w
j ' j\!j ti m Made of hair cloth and taffeta bowman's—Third Floor.
/ \,' / ' \ \ an 'l taffeta and Batavia combm-
v v \ \ • 1 ations, $7.95 to $lO.OO. ~~
And the new large taffeta hat, i . ■
y , 1 " V T ' the verv newest thing shown at \ 1 j i • •r r
)' '\ ' _ ■■ 0() ' C
Women's fiber silk hose in black and white only. A I C 1 4- J O '7 T
stocking made of stong fiber silk with the luster of silk. T "1 / o OUIUfdUV uVCCICILS 1H
A shapelv stocking insuring a trim fit. Double lisle foot m J I 1 ■ j| M I 1 ;
tJSSZS•" tJne-rlali Price CJn All Silks, Wash Goods. Woolens
_ No Samples, No. C. O. D. or Mail Orders Filled on Special
Spring Corsets \T 1 O 1 p "b esQ ;° r ,e<lße 110 l l0 r 1 - ,
—£ S I I ly _ _ —. I 40-inch Crepe de Chine; heavy double threadweave meteor
I cC IV Ce\ I kf 1 1 M T* finish. Extensive range of colors; plenty of white, navy and
In The New Red fern Models r copciiucr&, bl^^S Fa „ cy Fo ,„, ds; incdil „„ and dark CTOUnds
with pretty designs of contrasting colors, $1.89 yard.
The popular appreciation of these already famous corsets m 1 1 4 J? I | T T7~ 7 y > 7
last year far exceeded all past records and we are not sur- ■ j J *"* i" I A-L -V% r\ CISH CjOOUS
]>rised. Our customers who have been fitted to Redfern V' I 1 (jL 1 W F Cff J.. yf 1 \ || £ 1
Models in our corset department have been most compli- ~
mentarv. 44-inch plain voiles of extra fine grade. Good line of flit
Perhaps you, too, should wear a Redfern. We can assure cst 48c yaid.
you expert attention and care in fitting you with the proper ~l "I 40-inch fancy voiles. Hundreds of styles to select from,
model. From $3.50 to $15.00. 9 I Light, medium and dark grounds with beautiful designs, 55c
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. I |£" § ...
M 27-inch Lingerie Plisse Crepe, pale blue, pink and flesh
; color, 25c yard.
A \J —-1 ' 32-inch High Grade Ginghams. 165 styles to select from,
I iL'-i 1 I %JI f\ t Be SUrC y ° U lay in y ° Ur Summer su Pl )] y at these prices. When they are gone you will have to 45 °' 59c and 85c }ard '
1 Ia i I /i I thistle a long time before you get another chance like this in any store, anywhere. Every piece Tin]P77 f
L j W I I : I ttllc i' <1 bote is merchandise of the Bowman standard, which means our regular stock, carefully se-
1 1 "i r i 1 I 1 \S lected. Every necktie, collar, belt, buckle and every pair of suspenders, hose supporters and overalls 54-inch All Wool Jersey Cloth. $2.75 yard.
H I should make a quick get-away at these prices tomorrow. Will you get your share? 54-inch Covert Suiting," $2.95 yard.
.fife B B ■ (ji I[\ 1 L QCn£ TVT 1. • 0 ~ JTJJ-, rn TT ... . 40-inch Charmeuse with Cashmere back, $2.95 yard.
1 lMt( KIICS, CiDC tO vI.SU, at llall A riC6. 42 to 50-inch embroidered Serges and San Toys; navy anu
4963 Collars, in 54 Styles, Half Price. io^f^ 5 with beautiful si ' k embroidered borders ' ? 5 ' 50
Women's 342 Pairs Suspenders, Half Price. bowmans-M o i n noor.
J 449 Pairs Hose Supporters, Half Price. 7777"! !
Oxfords jSgßrf x 313 Belts and Buckles, Half Price. White C>hamolSette
V3S One-Third Off On All cloves H a Price
Fine quality oxfords of black kidskin and brown calf- . Hoi*-
skin with turned soles and Louis XV heels. Shoes that 1 * A. OOC 1 ctll AN
Overalls And Overall Jackets fri
management. 1 his special for Friday and Saturday only. \ g
In our women's department our range of models will 992 of them at Olie-Tllird Off. Special For Tomorrow //jlf
satisfy the most particular woman who desires the <lres- 1 Anrnnc at One Tliirrl Off A good, serviceable Chamoisette Wash ////I
sier pumps and oxfords as well as the woman who de- • /ipiOllh dl lllia UH. Glove, with silk embroidered back per- /////||
sires the tailored pumps and oxfords. In all leathers. B owvAv" R _M.in n M , feet fitting. The well-known Van Raalte Mli
Prices range from $6.40 to $12.00. bowman s—Main i-ioor. Niagara Maid ff
BOWMAN'.S-.Mai„ Floor. Ju -t Inside the Door -To Your Left Niagara Maid. l(|l/
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.