PARIS KNEW WHAT EDEN GREW The International Sunday School Lesson For May 11 Is "Sin and Its Consequences"—Gen. 3:11 By WILLIAM T. ELLIS Adam, in the other world, may have grinned at Paris peace pro ceedings which amazed the world. He knew the reason. Civilization stood aghast at the failure of war taught nations to learn and practice the lessons of simple sincerity and true brotherhood. The clash of in ternational rivalries, the outcrop pings of deep and designing selfish ness, the ruthless scheming to at tain individual ambitions, seemed a scandal to the year in which we live. Straightforward lovers of hu manity were incredulous of the re ports of jealousy and intrigue and strife at Paris; they would have collapsed into black despair had they known the full, unpublished facts. Even so elaborate and modern a creation as the Paris Conference resolves itself into the old elements of human nature, which first made trouble in the Garden of Eden. Statesmen may look wise and talk behind closed doors, but after all their problems and plans rest upon what is fundamental in people. They cannot get far away from hu man nature. Sin in the individual, aggregate, becomes sin in the state. Altruism in the citizens is what pro duces unselfishness in the nation. What ailed the Paris Conference was simply what ailed the Garden How You May Reduce Your Weight Overstoutness is a very unwelcome condition, especially in the present day, when slender figures are so pop ular, and every reader of this paper who has noticed a tendency to put on weight will be glad to know of a new, simply home treatment that is re markably efficient and inexpensive. If you happen to be one of those whose weight is more than it should he, don't try to reduce by starving yourself; eat, all you want, hut take after each meal and at bed times five grains of Phynola which you can se cure at any drug store. Phynola is designed to increase the oxygen carrying power of the blood and dissolves fatty tissue, in many cases at the rate of a pound a day. It is pleasant to take and gives remark able results quickly and easilv. Gor gas, the druggist, store 16 N. 3rd St., 3rd and Walnut Sts., and Penna. It. R. Station. APPLY POSH END DISTRESS OF ITCHY SKIN It isn't the quantity of any remedy you put on your skin to heal the dis order; it is the QUALITY that works ihe desired results, and in quality Poslam excels. Satisfaction from its use comes because its healing powers are concentrated and just a little does so much. Try this; Spread Poslam over that itching skin affection at night. Then dismiss the trouble from your mind. Sleep soundly and, next morning, ex amine the skin and see Just what Poslam has doner Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St.. New York City. And Poslam Soap, being medicated with Poslam will benefit your skin while used daily for toilet and bath. 7IDM7DMS If Tonr Nenres Are Shaky Because of Orer-Indulgence in Tobacco or Alcohol or by Excegs of Any Kind, Bio-Feren ii What You Kced Right Away, Don't grow old before jour Lime, don't let nervousness wreck your happiness or chances in life. The man with strong, steady nerves is full of vigor, energy, ambition and confidence. You can have nerves of steel, firm step, new courage and keen mind by putting your blood and nerves in first-class shape with mighty Bio-Feren, a new discov ery, inexpensive and efficient. Men and women -who get up so tired in the morning that they have to drag themselves to their daily labor will in just a few days arise with clear mind, definite purpose and loads of ambition. All you have to do is to take two Bio-Feren tablets after each meal and one at bedtime—7 a day for 7 days—then reduce to one after each meal until all are gone. Then if your energy and endur ance haven't doubled, if your mind isn't keener and eves brighter, if you don't feel twice as ambitious as before, any drug gist anywhere will return the purchase price—gladly and freely. Bio-Feren is without doubt the grandest remedy for nervous, run down, weak, anaemic men and women ever offered and is not at all expensive. All druggists in this city and vicinity have a supply on hand—sell many pack ages. FASCINATING TEETH How Every Woman Can Quick ly Charm Her Friends With Lovely Teeth, * Clean, White and Brilliant If you want the cleanest of white teeth and healthy gums free from disease, an easy and quick way to get both is to use a tooth paste so effective and per fect that astonishing results usu ally come in a week's time. And the cost is so little. Just go to any drug or department store, and get a large tube of SENRECO TOOTH PASTE for 35 cents. Not only will it make your teeth clean and white, but it will at once remove any filmy coating, help to check the ravages or Pyorrhea and banish acidity in the mouth. It is used by thousands of dentists and its sale has been re markable. When you visit your dentist, which you should do at least twice a year, ask him about SENRECO. It's a most delightful >rd refreshing tooth paste. FRIDAY EVENING, HxrouSBCTHG IttW&U TEEEUKAPH MAY 9, 1919. of Eden—SlN. There has not been that change of heart which makes whole peoples desire first the wel fare of all men. The law of God is still displaced by the attempt to supersede it and gratify selfish de sires. The devil continues to do business with the vanity and pride and desires of men and women. Critics of the League of Nations are right in saying that there will have to be a changed heart in humanity before there can be the ideal world: though in the meantime we should set up as much of the machinery of a truly Christian civilization as is possible and workable. Let us have the League of Nations, and then consider whether it is not the mis sion of this favored western conti nent to fill it and thrill it with the fires of benevolence and altruism. Tlic World's Blackest Fact It was none other than the Grand Vizier of Turkey who himself told me, a few days ago, that the black est deed in ull history was the Ar menian atrocities, lie was wrong; for one bit of fruit from a flourish ing tree is less important than the tree itself. Central to all the woes of the world, and the producer of them every one, is the black and ugly fact of sin. Any philosophy which does not recognize the real ity of sin, does not adequately ap prehend the conditions of the world in which we live. It is the presence of sin that mars all our Edens. New-fashioned preachers do not j talk much about sin; wherein they I differ from every one of the proph ets, preachers and teachers in the Bible. There is a power within us and about us which makes us choose the worse rather than the better, the hurtful rather than the helpful. That power is sin: and they best know it who have been most affect ed by it. Theological seminaries may have doubts about sin, but pen itentiaries and hospitals and asy lums do not. The consequences of sin clank like ball and chain at the feet of the onmarching world. We are less concerned with the origin and nature of sin than with the fact of its existence, and with the havoc it is working in the life of our own day. We read with in terest the story of the first tempta tion and fall; and if we are intro spective we may trace a similar course in our own experience—de- sire for what wo should not have, doubt that God really means what he suys, and determination to have our own way, regardlcßS of conse quences. The laws of the Jungle Casting aside all the phrases that the preachers use, we ask ourselves, what is the nature of sin? Where in exactly lies Its distinctive qual ity? At root, and running out through every twig and branch of its life; sin is refusing to believe that what God says is really true. This takes for granted that we may know what God wants of us; which is another subject not to be taken up here. Underlying all sin is un belief. That is how Grandmother Evo fell: that Is how the latest of her descendants stumbled. An alluring trap of the tempter's —and It is having an amazing vogue to-day—was that Efve would 'become as wise as God himself; that she would be emancipated for all restrictions, and free to follow her desires. It was a religion of the ex altedness of human nature that the devil preached In the Garden. His arguments made God little and man big. "God is only fooling you; the fact Ist, he is a bit jealous "lest you should eat of this tree and become as wise as he is. For all experience is sacred and permitted; the fact that you desire this fruit is suffi cient reason why you should have it. See how beautiful it is to look upon, and how pleasant to taste. Come, cast aside your fogy, narrow notions and be free and divine—like unto God himself." So ran the fa miliar seduction. Cutting directly across this sophistry is the stern truth that nothing in the universe, not even the becoming tike God himself, is so important as obeying the clear will of God. "Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice," cried God's prophet to Saul. The greatest voice in modern literature writes, in those peerless parables called "Jungle Tales," "These are the taws of the jungle; many and mighty are they; But the head and the hoof, the haunch and the hump is— Obey." To find out what God wants to do, and to do that thing despite hell and all its devils, is the one su preme duty and happiness of man. A revival of obedience to God would do nroa-e for the world than all the Peace Conferences that can be con voked. The Price We Pay Bitter as never morning after has been in all the ages since was the awakening of Eve. She learned, too late, that she had lost that which she could never have back again; and that she had gained nothing worth the price. She had paid dearly for that which was not worth buying at all. Out of her Eden — what a parable of many a person's experience to-day!—out of inno cence. out of favor with her hus band, and out of joyful relation ship with God, Eve learned, what few of us are willing to believe at second hand, that the devil is a liar and the father of lies. When a child does not welcome it 3 returning father home, because of its own misdeeds, it is repeating the experience of the race. Loss of innocence is the well-spring of un happiness. Lfke the jaded appetite which requires ever stronger and stronger stimulant, so the spirit from which innocence has fled goes from worse to worse. Has any novelist ever portrayed the real horror of the lack of spiritual sus ceptibility? "To the impure, all things are impure" is a horrible characterization of a not uncom mon mental state. The plight of the pit is that of the man who has no innocent thoughts, no simple and pure pleasures, no delight in what so ever is lovely and of good re port. What a price to pay for dis obedience! Tlic Voice That Strikes Terror Some cynic has invented the story that every man has a hidden secret that haunts him; and that a telegram "All is known: look out," would send the best of men into panic. Of course it is not true. Thank God there are myriads of men and womqp whose lives are an open book—though the evil-minded cannot believe this, which is one of the punishments of loss of inno cence. As Adam and Eve shrank from the voice of God in the garden, con victed by the knowledge of their own guilt, so guilt of soul fint}s ac cusation In every glance, betrayal j In harmless incidents, and remorse by night and by day. Already, when our first purents kuew thm. I [ selvs out of fellowship with God, they had begun to taste death. No ■ excuses could palliate or atone for j their offense. Theirs, and ours, is [ the suffering. What says the Golden Text of the Lesson, summing it all up? "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." "Shell Shock" Might Be Termed "Shell Shy" London, May 9. According to j speakers at a recent meeting of the i British Medical Association, "shell shock" is an "unfortunate and un- I scientific term" for which "shell shy" might better be used. Sir J. Purves Stewart, senior j physician of Westminster hospital, | said it really was "molecular abnor mality of the nervous system char acterized by abnormal reactions to ordinary stimuli." Dr. F. W. Mott said the war had j produced no new nervous disease, and that the varied hysterical mani | Testations improperly called "shell i shock" were emotional disorders and | were curable by counter suggestion. SHOW FOR LIBRARY Newport, Pa., May 9. —A show j for the benefit of the Newport I Free Public Library will be pro | duced here on the evening of May !20 in the Photoplay Theater. | Is g {or 5Qc ?2 59 Goldman Ha ir Restorer 98c Pierce's Fav Prescriotion 79c V. . Mar T Garden Face Powder .. 75c Counselor, 9 for 50c Pinaud's Hair Tonic 98c I Nuiol 9-oz P 43c 7 -v L . Ame (La May) Facc Po der 3 Mo . as 25c Nelson . s Hair Dressing 22c Nu . oi . 2ooz •;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 79c .—^ H / s , ()0 \ 19c, 39c 3LaCarmafor 25c Ayer's Hair Vigor 85c Usoline 39c 7 \ II Vinol I Woodhur y Face Powder ....18c 3 Henriettas for 25c Mrs. Allen's Hair Restorer .. $1.19 American Mineral Oil 55c / \ I I J Garden Fragrance Powder ... 59c 3 Girards for 25c Montgomery Hair Restorer .. 98c Miles' Nervine 79c / I I MM \ J Fiancee Face Powder $1.19 Q-Ban Restorer 49c Miles' Heart Remedy 79c I I I y Freeman's Face Powder .... 21c Herpicide ... ... 43c, 79c S. S. S. Blood Tonic 69c V / Wild Root Hair Tonic ... 43c, 79c S. S. S. Blood Tonic $1.15 \. / i - Pussywillow Face Powder ... 39c Dental Preparations Damschinsky's Dye 39c, 59c Milks Emulsion 83c Pompeian Face Powder 39c Brownatone 37c 89c sloan ' s Liniment .. 19c, 39c, 79c / \La Blache Face Powder 42c Pebeco Tooth Paste ( 34c Walnutta 39c ? r Fusion Wlt 7 ■ f Mothproof \ . Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c Buckingham's Dye 53c Caldwell's Syr Pepsin' *' 38c' 73c / \ gS Pepsodent Tooth Paste 37c Gude's Pep^MangT.: 96c / Epsom \ I V / Senreco Tooth Paste 23c Glyco Thymoline .. 19c, 39c, 79c I Salts, 1 I ■ \ / TAII CT PDITAMC S. S. White Tooth Paste 19c OINTMENTS Listerine 18c, 37c, 69c I Pound II V 7 TOILET CREAMS Euthymol Tooth Paste 17c Lygol 19c, 38c, 75c V 10< /g§ Lyon's Tooth Paste 17c Analgic Baume (French) .... 45c Lavoris ............ 19c, 38c, 75c J flj Pond's Vanishing Cream .... 32c Sanitol Tooth Paste 23c Analgic Balm (Park-Davis) .. 43c H^parica"" 6 l l9c* 38c 75c Pond's Cold Cream 32c Kalpheno Tooth Paste 19c San Cura Oint 21c, 42c Kilmer's Swamp-Root .' 39c,' 73c f \k vi T? 11 \ Ge Meridor Cream .34c Arnica Tooth Soap 17c Capsoline 19c Atwood's Bitters 19c N. I j S \ Stillman's Freckle Cream 32c Pyorrhocide Powder 75c K. Y. Jelly 19c California Syrup of Figs 39c / \ I °Pound * J Othine, Double Strength 69c Lyon's Tooth Powder 17c Kondon Catarrh Jelly ... 19c, 39c Limestone Phosphates . 34c / Red Cross \ j \ 15*= Resinol Ointment 39c, 75c Re° Aromatic,"- I J Palmolive Cold Cream 37c Euthymol Tooth Powder 17c Mustanne 19c, 39c oz bottle 25c \ / I -7 Palmolive Vanishing 37c Sheffield Tooth Paste 17c Vick's Salve 19c, 39c Ess. Peppermint, 3-oz. bottle, 60c \ J Riker's Violet Cerate 43c Kalpheno Tooth Powder .... 19c Musterole 19c, 39c Aromatic Spirits Ammonia, 2-oz. X /7~ > N. Sempre Giovine 39c Colgate Tooth Powder .. 15c, 25c Mentholatum 17c, 34c bottle .... —.. 35c / \ Pompeian Mass. Cream .. 39c, 48c Calox Tooth Powder 17c Sassafola 17c Swect s P ints of Nlter . 2-oz. bot,^ I \ SanitQl C ° ld CrCam 23 ° Cuticura Ointment 19c, 38c Spirits Camphor, 3-oz. bottle, 60c / Ouart' I Sanitol Face Cream ......... 23c Poslam 43c, $1.65 Tinct. Arnica, 3-oz. bottle .... 60c f \ H | \ / Peroxide CTeam ............ 34c QOAPQ Camphorole 21c Tinct. lodine, 2-oz. bottle ... 35c / orinated % pa \ ° J Cold Cream ................ 29c uUArO Comp. Licorice Powder, 1 oz., 10c I Lime Hudnut's Marv. Cold Cream, 39c Lif# Buoy Soap> 2 fof lfic ___ V / i Hudnut ' s °° ld Cream ' tubes, 19c Cuticura Soap 19c HOME SUPPLIES _ "N. Woodbury Soap 19c Glycerine, 8-oz 38c PILL'S) AND TABLETS ■ / \ " Resinol Soap 19c Olive Oil, 8-oz 35c p aDe ' s Diaoeosin 33c I ( l Poslam Soap 19c Glyc. Rose Water, 4-oz 23c Nuxated Iron 69c 7^ ouart I TALCUM POWDERS I Palmer's Skin Soap ... 19c I Liquid Veneer 19c, 39c I Bliss Native Herbs ... ....... 67c f \ I \ / Colgate Big Bath Soap ..... 13c Carbona 13c, l?c, 39c De Witt's Kidney Pills 34c / Castor Oil, y D| y Mary Garden Talcum 45c Colgate Elder Flower Soap .. 13c Lux, 2 Packs .. 23c Beechams Pills 17c I 2-oz. bottle J I y/ Mavis Talcum 18c Colgate Cashmere Bouq., 3 for 25c Borax, 2 Pounds 25c Bitro-Phosph'ates ' S . ... .. ! 73c V J \ Mennen's Talcum 21c Colgate All Round Soap, 3 for 25c Boric Acid, 8-oz. 13c Wendall's Ambition Pills . .. 36c \ / Johnson's Talcum 14c Jergen's Violet Glycerine, 3 for 25c Black Flag 10c, 19c Marmola Tablets 59c y Butterfly Talcum 19c Jergen's Geranium. Bath, 3 for 25c Diamond Dyes 3 for 25c G' l Korein Capsules . 79c / Imported \ Babcock Corylopsis Talcum .. 14c Palmolive Soap, 3 for 25c D yola Dyes, 3 for ..1. .'2sc Pace's 39c 79c / \ 1 I B fJ ßum ) Babcock Cut Rose Talcum .. 14c Castile Sqap, 2 for 25c Putn am Dyes, 3 for 25c Pierce's Anuric ... ... .' 39c / v \ I V o!f' I Hudnut's Talcum (Tin) .19c Pear's Soap (Unscented) .... 14c Sterno Heat, 3 for .. 25c 100 5-Gr. Cascara Tablets ... 39c / Es !* \| \ ' / Riveris Talcum (Jars) 19c Energine 21c 100 5 " Gr - Asafetida 79c f Pepsin, v 7 Syke's Comfort Powder 19c Ivory Soap ' ' 100 s _ Qr Bayer Aspirin Tablets, I 3 oz. J I 13c> I!! SHAMPOO SOAPS S h lOO A1 oph PIII. I£ \ J Garden Fragrance Talcum .... 73c Creolin (Pint) 69c 100 Peptonized Iron Tablets . 79c V y Fiancee Talcum .......... Canthrox 43c Peterman's Discovery 10c, 19c 100 Lapactic Pills 29c / Formalde- \ Liquified Cocoanut Oil 39c Sulphur Candles, 4 for 25c rce ® '• : / v. J \ ————— — e , o *n on T 11„ oe Edwards' Olive Tablets 17c y X I I hyde J Synol Soap 19c, 39c Life Buoy Soap, 2 for 25c B e n_Ans 17c, 45c / \ ■ V oilTt/ I Rat C ° rn 15c Miles ' Pain Pi llB V. . . .. . 21c', 79c / Camphorated \ ffl V 7 LIQUID AND DRY Harlcm oil Capsules 23c ( 3 °oz. ) | RniTPFS TOILET WATERS FOR THE BABY VI J \ ROUGES SHAVING ITEMS V y k| Hudnut Violet sec 79c Horlick s Malted Milk Rouge de L'Opera ........... 43c Garden Fragrance $1.59 n , mi+ a wiir °' °' If on r'^ Ctt w Razor w W \ xxuu & c & Borden s Malted Milk, $l.OO Gem Razor 83c / |E f l i ubber \ Fantaisie 42c Fiancee... $2.98 39c, 77c, $2.79 6 Gillette Blades ...45c / Gloves, 1 Pompeian Bloom —..... 39c Azurea Vegetale ...... $1.19 Imperial Granum 88c Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal ....... 79c f Soap \ \ on!' 1 " / Elmo Rose Rouge 42c Azurea Toilette $2.03 Borden's Condensed Milk, ' Mennen's Shaving Cream ... 25c / Liniment, ll I W V J Liquid Rose Rouge 21c Floramye Vegetale $1.19 4 Cans 80c Durham Duplex Razor 89c I 3oZ 'L \w Weal Solid Rouge 21c Floramye Toilette $2.03 Mellen's Food, 2-75 c Jars .. $1.07 Ipi Imported B?y Z Rum'.'.' 89c \ *** J \ Uj De Luxe Solid Rouge 38c Djer-Kiss Vegetale $1.19 Nestle's Food ..... 49c and $2.49 Styptic Pencils 5c V S Dorin 1249- 39c Mary Garden, 5-oz $2.98 Castoria 23c 6 Ever-Ready Blades ........ 28c FRENCH MILLS TURNING OUT PEACE PRODUCTS Manufacture Great Variety of Articles Far From Needs of War Paris, May 9, —The war manu factories of France, many of which have already been diverted again to peaceful pursuits, are turning out a great variety of articles that are a far reach from the implements of destruction which were being fa bricated on armistice day. So far as possible the war machinery has been kept and is beiilg employed to make the things of peace to which it is best adapted. Grenade foundries are now mak ing iron water piping, parts for agri cultural machinery and non-rusting casseroles. One important estab lishment which was working on shells is now manufacturing lock smith's tools. In other shell works iron window shutters, pick-axs, por- Sk Hot water. Id ™ c 15m Sure Relief RELL-ANS WFOR INDIGESTION table anvils, safes and washing ma chines are being constructed. One plant which mado parts for fight ing-tanks is, strange as it may seem, constructing machines for tho man ufacture of paper and of chocolate. Queer Turn-Overs Some of the aviation works have been diverted to strange productions. One is turning out threshing -ma chines. Others which made airplane wings are making furniture. A plant which repaired air machines is building farm tractors. Another shop which made special parts for airplanes is Installing loornM for the manufacture of braid such as Is used in upholstering furniture. Carburet ors and plumber's lamps are being made by an aviation works which formerly mado taps used in the ma chanism of the Hying machine. The reservoirs for petrol and oil made by cne plant have given way to kitchen utensils. A plant which manufac tured special articles for aviation and telegraphy has found that it can continue the same line profit ably. A plant which during the war made -g And You Gel Your v v HI Choice of These b*V WORLD FAMOUS ELECTRIC WASHERS IMBIH PRIMA NUWAY TPiatSiJl Think of it! Only HO first payment. That's all you nts, . to pay down and you get any one l- -j. go( these brand new. very latest model htlecvric Washers that you may select delivered to your home. Then you can pay the balance in small easy monthly payments—3o days between each pay ment. This Offer In Good Only Until Mir 11th. But „on't delay—don't wait until the big rush the last day. Get your request in to-day. Simply telephone us Bell 4654. In onr showroom you can eee nearly ull mukea at electric washers and clrnncra. DEFT DEVICES CO., Inc., 28 South Fourth St. powder machines is now making im plements for the production of ben zine and dye-stuffs. Another Is turning out crockery. Some plants which were using part of their equipment for the nitration of cot ton have turned to tho production of paper without finding it necessary to cut down their number of em ployes. Works which were devoted to the manufacture of such thlngß as fuses havo made some changes in their equipment and are about to embark in tho business of making thimbles, hooks, paper-clips and kitchen uten sils such as casseroles, sieves, plates and spoons. One plant which made torpedoes and delicate instruments for the accentuation of sound waves, is employed in making sheet iron. Even Flrelcss Cookers Automobile lamps, farm Imple ments and tireless cookers nrc being made by a large firm which con structed winged-bombs for air work. Another, which made incendiary bombs, is producing copper ware and fireworks. A marine boiler plant is now work ing on utensils for distillation and rectification. Portable houses are being constructed for the liberated regions by a manufactory which made soldiers' barracks during the war. A plant which made boxes for munitions Is constructing artistic chairs. Some of the works which made water bottles, cups and spoons for the army are constructing tin boxes for the preservation of food stuffs. One plant which made overshoes and wooden shoes for the army is constructing wooden backs for brushes, llarrels for the fishing in dustry are being made by an estab lishment which formerly turned out IFCOAT ATTAST I We believe that we can SOLVE ALL YOUR COAL ™ TROUBLES with our NEW HARD COAL. Ask any ill one who has tried it what they think of it. [II! Coal is expensive. Why not get what you pay for— !"J In] Best? r..j There's no slate and bone in il!i Our New Hard Coal—Burns | down to a fine white powder ••• | —no more big ash piles 1 From a hundred or more new customers who have tried ... our New Hard Coal, wc have had but one answer — v I "IT IS THE VERY BEST COAL WE HAVE EVER USED" j||j X A trial order will convince you that we have THE fm I BEST COAL ON THE MARKET. 1 McCREATH BROS. I jjjj 567 Race Street Both Phones jijj barrels for the army. Woodwork for houses is being produced by a (irm which had been making wooden legs. CHILDREN Should not be "dosed" for colds —apply the "outside" treatment— Ajpi Vicrs\lporuls "YOUR BODYGUARD"-30f.60MT2a 19