Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 06, 1919, Page 19, Image 19

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    Additional Classified Ads
on Opposite Page
FORD 1917 TOURING—Good order
$4 "5 00 cash, llorst. Linglestown. la.
Dial' 36C. _____
THE Special Dodge Model Bayfield
is inexpensive and the saving in gaso
line bill from 15 to 30 per cent will
-ay for it in a short time. Agency.
ISC7-09 North Seventh St.
Ik FOR SALE 1917 Ford Touring
\?er Price. $390. S. R. Hor3t. Ling
lestown. Pa. Dial phone 36C.
New five and seven-passenger
cars for business or pleasure
at all hours.
BELL 2360. DIAL. 4914
AH sorts of auto tops and
work done by experts; also iepai
work. Reasonable rates. 7--'S south
Cameron street.
MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6
Bosch high tension. Elsman Dixle,
Splitdorl', Mea. Remy and different
makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A.
Srh'.ffman. 22-24-26 North Cameron
street. Bell 3633.
324-6 Muench street Eimouainesfor
tuneral parties and Palls, cat etui
drivers; open day and night. Bell
Regular b r '- HUR£ T . , ,
LingeLtown, l'a. Near Ilarrlsbur„.
Dial 36C.
and' 1*917 Models, one has sta"er:,®'iec
trie lights s27a.uO and $.90.u0. liorst,
Linglestown, Fa. Near llarrUbuig.
Diai phone 36.
Wanted: used, wrecked or old timers,
In Yny condition. See me Petore sac
riflcintr elsewhere. Chelsea Auto
M,e°ung. A. Shiftman. 2-. 24. 2s
North Cameron street. Bill **>•••>.
44 North Cameron Street.
Yuto wrecking aiul repairing. Full
line of parts tor all niakes ears on
sale We teach you to drive. \\Ul
sell you old car on small commission
bast* Storage space for fifteen cars.
Bell Phone.
AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re
paired by specialists. Also tenders,
frn'us etc. Best service in town, llar
ri'sbuVg Auto Radiator Works, sua
North Third Street.
Entire Garage or Fart.
Capacity ot six cars—contains pit
aiu. wuohstand, also heated o> hot
559 Race Street.
SUNSHINE GARAGE '^ ulc \ re "
tciriiis by an expert. Road jobs a
sue ci"tiy. Charges reasonable. Both
phones. Sunshine Gaiage, North
Cameron street.
EXCELSIOR TWIN. $65.00 Harley
Twin $95.00. Bargains. Horst, Ltng
lVstown Near Harrisburg, Pa. Dial
Effective May 5, 1919, the closing
hour for the receiving and delivery or
freight at all freight stations in the
i iiv ot' Harrisburg. l a., will be four
i l >* o'clock I'. M.
PUBLIC SALE At the residence.
7'". South Nineteenth street, ihurs
'T'v May ,v, at l:5o P. M.. the entire
lot Vf household furniture. Elmer J.
j onmcrt C. Fry, Auctioneer.
NOTICE letters ot Administra
tion in the Estate ot Gertrude A.
Kcser late of Harrisburg, Dauphm
Cuunty. Pennsylvania, deceased, hu\-
1,,,. been grained to tne undei signed,
all poisons owing the said estate are
reulifted to mate payment at once
and those having claims or demands
will pic.-'int them without delay is
No. 16 South Second Street.
In the Estate of Samuel K. Sheesley,
have been duly granted by the Reg
ister ot Wills upon the Estate of Sam
uel R. Sheesley, late ot Susquehanna
Township. County of Dauphin, and
<tate of Pennsylvania, deceased, to
Calvin A. Kramer, residing in Pro-
Dauphin County, Pennsylvania,
f.. whom all persons w no are indebted
to said Estate are requested to make
pavment. and all pel sons lia\iug any
legal claim against or demand up u
said Estate, shall make the same
known without delay.
WM. H. EARNEST. Attorney.
In compliance with the Constitution
and the laws of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, tne Board of Com
missioners of Public Grounds and
Buildings invites sealed proposals tor
furnishing supplies to the various De
partments, Boards and Commissions
of the State Government as described
and below the maximum prices as
shown ill the schedules tor the year
cnoing May 31, 192U:
Schedule A: Paper, envelopes, boxes,
twine, etc.
B: Typewriters, adding, ad
dressing and duplicat
ing machines,
a C: Office supplies: Pens,
Pencils, luns, etc.
CI Flung Carus-Cabinets:
Globe Wernicke, Li
brary Bureau, Yaw
liian & Erbe.
* C 2 Desks and Tables, per
specifications, metal
lic furniture lArt
- D Miscellaneous books and
a E General Supplies:
Brushes, soaps, carpels,
rugs, llags, etc.
F Laboratory aua Engi
neering supplies,
a Q Paints, upholstering, aud
hardware supplies,
a H Lumber and Park Sup
plies, Repairing aud
f Hauling.
• 1 Power Prant and Plumb
ing supplies.
-The Schedule or supplies will be Is
sued In sections as shown aoove, ana
it is requestcu tnat parties desiring
iamo indicate cieariy the section o.
sections wanted.
Ail proposals must be accompanied
by a certified check or bond In such
jural ana amount as provided in the
Instructions to Bluders at.ached to
each schedule.
proposals must be delivered to the
superintendent cf Public Grounus and
Buildings on or before twelve flzj
o'clock, meridian. Tuesday May 13,
1919, at which tlrno bids wib". be open
ed and awards made as soon there
alter as practicable.
Blank bonds and schnduloj with all
pecessury inioruiutlou nmy be had by
communicating with the Department
of Public Grounds and Buildings, Har
risburg. Fa.
By order of the Board,
Secretary. <
Stock Exchange Closed
in Honor of the 77th
f | The New Y'ork Stock Exchange Is
i closed to-day because of the parade
- incident to the homecoming of the
d i 77th Division. Hence the Telegraph
- [ does not publish the usual quota
' J tions.
By Associated Press.
6 i Philadelphia. May 6. Wheat
" No. 1. soft. red. $2.20; No. 2. leu. J. 2 4;
No. 3. soft, red, $2.24.
"" Coin The market is steady; No.
2. yellow as to grade and location.
Oats The market is lower:
No. 2. white, 8O0Slc; No. 3. white. 79
© 7 9 Vi c. I
; Butter The market is steady:
„ i western, creamery, extra, 56c; nearby
prints, fancy, *63® 65c.
" Refined Sugars Market steady;
r I powdered, 5.45 c; extra fine granulat
ed. 9c.
Clicese The market Is steady;
_ I New York and Wisconsin, full miik,
C j new, 36©361ic; old., do., 36039 c.
, | Eggs Market higher; Fennsylva
t ; nia and other nearby firsts. :rc
cases, $14.10 per case: do., current
3 receipts, free cases, $13.80 per case;
western, extra firsts. free cases.
_ $ll.lO per case; do., firsts, free cases,
$13.80 per ease; fancy, selected, pack
r ed. 52© 54e per dozen.
1 Live Poultry Quiet; fowls lower;
1 fi wis, 39c; "spring chickens, large
sizes, 39040 c; spring chickens, hrcl
- rrs, not leghorns, 7®80c; do., white
- leghorns, 55© 60c; roosters, 24025 c;
staggy, young roosters, 250 25c;
u ducks. Peking. 34036 c; do.. Indian
runners, 25030 c; spring ducks. Long,
Island, 32© 36c; geese, nearby, 22® j
; 25c; do., western, 22©25 c.
Dressed Poultry Firm: turkeys,
-[spring, choice, to fumy, 40©4Sc;
5 i do., western, choice to fancy, 45© 46c;
- ! turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good, 40
-I ©43 c: turkeys, common. 3i)©3sc: old j
;• i turkeys, 40©42e; capons, seven to |
i eight pouuds, 44® 45c; do., smaller
-1 sizes, 40®43c; fowls. frosh killed,
! choice to fancy, 38®39c; do.,
i. smaller sizes, 30®34e; roosters, 27c.
- western roasting chickens, 27037 c;
0 j western broiling chickens, 42® 44c;
6 f ducks, western. 38040 c: I'-kln ducks.
44046 c; old ducks, 44®46c; Indian
1 I NOTICE Letters Testamentary on
a the Estate of William H. Bond, late
1 of the Citv of Harrisburg, Dauphin
s County, Pa'., deceased, having been
'• granted to the undersigned residing
in said city, all persons indebted to
" said Estate are requested to make ini
■ mediate payment, and those having
'•I claims will present them for settle
r ! tr.ent.
■ I Executor.
! NOTICE Letters of Administrn
■ j tion on the Estate of Steve Bracrok
1 c also Known as Stif Borcsok and Stii
ißorescok). late of the City of Har
tisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceas
ed, having been granted to the under
signed residing in said city, all per
rons indebted to said Estate are re
| quested to make immediate payment.,
[and those having claims will present
ihem for settlement.
| So VLED PROPOSALS for tho fol
lowing work will he received and
I publiclv opened at the Department 'if
Health. Harrisburg, Pa., by Edward
! Martin. Commissioner of Health, at 2
" P. M.. Monday. May 19, 1919:
En.pb vers' Houses, Dormitory for Fe
male Help. Boiler House for Hospital
Group. Alterations and Additions to ■
Camp Boiler House; Laundry Build-I
ing. Community Buildings. .
To complete tho above buildings the I
. following proposals will bo received:!
. Heating Installation, Alterations and!
i Additions to Existing Heating Plant I
[ Eouipment, Electric Light Wiring; I
.[Electric Transmission and Distribu
tion I.ines. Interior and Ground Light- 1
ing. and Interior Electric Fixtures;
'numbing: Coal and Ash Handling Ap
, paratus in the Existing Boiler House,
i I'RESSON: Four Employees' Houses.
, Community Building. Solarium Adrii
-1 tions and Fire Towers in East Ward;
Heating for above; plumbing for I
. above: Electric Wiring and Fixtures i
for above. I
I HAMBURG: Community Building.!
"iDairv Barn. Wind Break Additions to'
• Ward Buildings. Kalamein Doors for
• • Fire Escapes. Cement Pavements: |
*i Heating for Community Building:
'Electric Wiring and Fixtures for
I Community Building and Dairy Barn;,
"j Plumbing for Community Building
and Dairy Barn
■ 1 The plans and specifications may be
• I seen at the office of the Department
-.of Health. Harrisburg. or at 1906 Race
i'street. Philadelphia, and sets may be
- j obtained at the office of the Engineer- '
• ing Division, State Health Pepart
i niont. Keystone Building, Harrisburg. |
a | upon de posit of $25.00 for return in
s , good condition of each contract set.
[ Each proposal must be accompanied j
Iby certified check for Five Hundred
I Dollars. Successful contractors will I
be required to give a surety bond for 1
- the full amount of the contract. The'
• right is !• served to reject any and all
. bids.
Commissioner. |
' an application will be made to the I
'!Governor of the State of Pennsylva-'
; nia on Thursday, May 22. 1919. under
' 1 the Act of Assembly of the Common- i
! wealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An 1
Act to provide for the incorporation I
1 and regulation of certain corpora-I
! tions," approved April 29, 1874, and'
the supplements thereto, for the char- I
ter ot an intended corporation to be!
called "Atlantic Motor Truck Com
pany.'" the character and object of
" which is the buying, selling, renting,
repairing, assembling, storing and
otherwise dealing in motor vehicles
of every kind, and accessories and
i parts for said vehicles, and for these
f purposes to have, possess and enjoy
all the rights, benefits and privileges
5 of the said act of Assembly and its
i supplcmvU®.
' * NOTICE Letters Testamentary in
. the Estate of Jacob Snyder, late of
. Harrisburg. Dauphin County. Penn
gylvania, deceased, having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons
' owing the said Estate will please
; I make settlement at once, and those
■ having claims will present them with
• out delay to
No. 16 South Second Street.
' ° r jOHN A. HERMAN. ESQ..
I Attorney,
No. 333 Market Street.
WAY DEPARTMENT, Harrisburg, Pa.
' Sealed proposals will be received at
said office until 10 A. M., May 21, 1919,
1 when bids will be publicly opened
and scheduled, and contracts ..warded'
; as scon thereafter as possible for
1 Road Machinery to be used for Main
tenance Work of the Department.
' Bidding blanks and specifications may
be obtained free upon application to
' the State Highway Department. Har
! risburg. Pa. Lewis S. Sadler, State
• Highway Commissioner.
. NOTICE Letters Testamentary
on the Estate of John . Hoover, late
1 of Harrisburg. Dauphih County, Penn
! sylvanla. deceased, having been grant
' ed to the undersigned, residing at
Wormleysburg. Cumberland County.
: Pennsylvania, all persons indebted to
1 said Estate are requested to make lm
-1 mediate payment, and Ihoso having;
■ claims against said Estate will pro
' sent them for settlement to
WALTER R. SOHN, Attorney,
Hurrlsburg. Pa. 1
THE annual meeting of the Stock
holders of the Blubaker Coal Co. will
be held at the office of The W. o
Hlckok Mfg. Co., on May 6. 1919, a
12:0U o clock noon,
Appeal of Glass Having Its
Effect in Drive Through
out the Nation
Washington, May 6.—New sub
scriptions reports to the Treasury to
day raised the Victory Liberty Loan
total above $1,900,000,000 and of
ficials believed that the two billion
mark would be passed before night.
Scores of communities which had re
■ lied on desultory methods of gath
| ing subscriptions have adopted house
to house canvassing plans.
Housing Finish Likely
From many states to-day came re
ports indicating that Secretary Glass'
i appeal for a rousing finish of the
loan campaign was having effect.
Small Sunts Needed
Some committees reported a ten
dency cf many citizens not to sub
scribe unless small popular subscrip-
I tions were urgently needed. In an
swer to these the Treasury said the
J time had come when "small sub
scriptions are urgently needed."
I 1
| Runners, 44046 c; spring ducks. Long
Island, 44046 c; geese, 26©30 c.
Flour The market is tirm; winter
straight, western. $11.50© 11.75 per
barrel; do., nearby, $11.25®11.50 per
barrel; Kansas straights, $12.20© 12.65
per barrel; do., short patents. $13.00
© 13.50 per barrel; spring, short pat
ents, $15.70® 13.90 per barrel; do.,
spring patents, $13.00013.50 per bar
rel; spring firsts, clear, $14.00014.75
pel- barrel.
Hay The market is firm; timothy,
, No. 1, large and small bales. sJ9.ou
per ton; Nc. 2, do.. $37.50@38.C per
: ton; Mo. 3, do., {33.50@34.60 per ton
i Clover Mixed: Light, $37.50038.00
per ton; No. 1, do., $36.50037.00 per
ton; No. 2. do.. $34.00035.00 per ton.
Bran Firm and higher; soft
winter, in 100-Ib. sacks, spot, $48.00®
43.00 per ton; spring, spot, in 100-Ib.
.sacks. $40.000 47.00 per ton.
! Tallow The market ts Arm;
l prime rity. loose, 12c; do., special,
loose, 124 c; prime country, 11c,
edible in tierces, 22@24c.
Potatoes Quiet; Florida lower;
New Jersey, Mo. l t 65®tS5c;
| per basket; do.. No. 2, 50®60c per
basket; do., 100-Ib. bags. No. 1, $2.50®
1 3.00, extra quality; do., No. 2, $1.50®
I 2.25; Pennsylvania. No. 1. 100 lbs..
.$2 6002.75; do., per 100 lbs., fancy,
I $2.90© 3.10; New Jersey, No. I, lUO
lbs.. $2.25® 2.40; • do.. No. 2, 100 lbs.,
| $1.2501.75; western, per 100 lbs., $2.00
i ©2.25: New York state, per 100 lb..
: $2.4502.60; Maine, per 100 lbs., $2.65©
2.75; Delaware and Maryland, per 100
libs.. $2.25® 2.40; Florida, No. 1, per
I barrel, $8.0008.50; Florida, No. 2. per
[barrel, $5.750 7.00; Florida per 150-tt.
oags. $1.500 3.00; North Carolina, pet
. bairel, $1 6004.C0; South Carolina, per
barrel. $1.5004.00: Norfolk, per bar
rel. $3.25: Eastern Shore, per
i barrel. $2.0002.75; fancy. Macungle,
No. 1, per barrel, $2.9503.00, do. No
2. per barrel. $1.2501.50.
By Associated Press.
Chicago, May 6. (U. S. Bureau
of Markets). Hogs Receipts,
29.000; market mostly 15c to 25c
higher than yesterday's average; top,
$21.30, a new high record. Bulk of
sales, $21.00021.20; heavy weight,
$21.100 21.30; medium weight, $21.00©
21.25; light weight. $20.75© 21.5";
light lights not quoted: heavy pack
ing sows, smooth, $20.40020.85; pack
ing sows, lough, $19.50020.35; pigs,
$18.50© 19.50.
Cattle Receipts. 19,000; beef
steers slow, 15c to 25c lower; butcher
cattle steady to 15c lower; feeders
and calves steady. Beef steers, me
dium and heavy weight, choice and
prime, $17.30® 19.75; medium and
good. $12.75© 17.75; common. $11,500
1 1.25. Light weight, good and choice,
]sl 4.73® 17.75; common and medium,
; $16.30® 15.25. Butcher cattle heifers,
[ sB.oo® 15.00: cows, $7.75® 14.75. Can
cers and cutters. $6.0007.75; veal
I calves, light and handy weight, $13.00
©"14.00; feeder steers. $10.25 015.50;
! stocker steers, $8.60013.75.
Sheep Receipts. 1.600; shorn
lambs steady; bids on wooled lambs
lower; sheep steady. Lafmbs. eighty
four pounds down. $18.00020.25;
I eighty-five pounds up. $17.50020.15:
culls and common. $13.00017.50; year
ling wethers, $15.00018.25: ewes, me
dium, good and choice, $12.25015.65;
culls and common. $6.00012.25.
[Continued from First Page.]
in more than a half an hour ahead of Its
schedule, the driver decided to run to
Enola and back so as to come in at
the regular time. Running about 25
miles an hour, the car drew up in the
rear of another car that was traveling
much slower and New the horn for the
car ahead to let it pass. The driver
of the other car did not turn over
enough to let the Overland pass and
<he driver of the test car was forced
to go down into the gutter in order to
avoid hitting it. Coming out of the
gutter, it is thought that the front tire
picked up a stone for it blew out. throw
ing the car completely around, tear
ing off the two rear tires and throwing
the car with such an impact against a
concrete culvert that the rear left
wheel was demolished, the rear axle
housing bent, the fender torn off. and
the front wheel sprung. In the crash,
the motor stopped, through no fault
of the car, but purely because of the
strong impact. As soon as the car came
to a standstill the driver immediately
started the motor again.
A telephone message was sent at once
to the Overland Service Station for new
tires and a new wheel, repairs were
made so that the car could run under
its own power, to the control station
where it checked in at 5.33 p. m. After
checking it proceeded to the service
station, where a new rear construction
was placed in position, a new front
wheel put on and the tires repaired.
This operation was done in the record
breaking time of 3 hours and 20 min
utes. when the ear again reported at
the control station ready to go out on
the 10 o'clock turn. The motor in the
car was kept running all the time while
the repairs were being made so that
there was only about 10 seconds that
it was idle at the impact of the crash.
It is not known whether this acci
dent will disqualify the car on its mile
age, which up to 6 o'clock last evening
was 1,506 miles, 244 miles ahead of the
Oklahoma car's record for the second
day. Should the car be disqualified,
Mr. Hanson announces that he will con
tinue the contest up to Monday at 6
p. m., or rather to make seven days
and nights of straight running.
A ruling in this case will be made by
the Judges today.
Leaving here at 10 p. m. last evening,
the car went to Chambersburg and re
turn and Is now running as good as
ever. The motor was not damaged In
any way and the car Is as perfect now ]
as lt was at the start. Every part re
quired to make repairs were on hand at '
the service station and eight men werd
put on the Job as soon as the car rolled
In. 'Tho car Is now on the run and will
continue until the record is broken.
Now Secretary Greeted by Of
ficials; Paul W. Houek
Gets Appointment
' ., j , i . imcs '- ° o< '"
•S5& iSSfcjPl diet rie t. was
' sworn its Soo
jM oin
, . T . taking place in
the Department of Internal Affairs
in the presence of many friends.
Numerous floral tributes were sent
new secretary and immediately
! a "er the inauguration the members
[ of the Senate went to congratu
j late him.
Mr. Woodward announced that he
would not make any changes for
; the present in his department.
Houek Gets Place
Just about the time Mr. Wood-
I ward was being sworn in the Gov
ernor sent to the Senate the nomi
nation of Paul W. Houek, the re
tiring Secretary of Internal Affairs,
to be a member of the State Com
pensation Board as successor to
James 1\ . Leech, of ICbensburg, one
of the original members of the
board. Mr. Leech was one of the
oig;ht men whoso nominations were
rejected by the Senate of 1917, but
reappointed by Governor Brum
baugh. His nomination was among
those withdrawn when Governor
Sproul took office.
Mr. Houek was confirmed and will
be sworn in at once. He was for
merly a referee for the Berks-
Schuylkill district and made a
notable record in his decisions, a
number of which were upheld bv
the Supreme Court.
[Continued from First Page.]
during the month of April. 20 of them
were below the butter fat standard.
Of the 24 milk samples which were
tested only one showed the presence
of colon bacilli, or disease germs; five
showed traces of gas and one was
below the butter fat standard. All
met the specific gravity test. The
milk report is considered good.
The reports follow:
Cream Report
| Vendor Fatty
Alva Hotel Rest 3.00
Alva Hotel Rest 11.00
Busy Bee Rest 21.00
Crystal Rest 2LOO
Davenport Lunch 18.00
Harris Rest 14,00
Harris Rest 13.00
Hbg. Quick Lunch ..' 5.00
Hbg. Quick Lunch 1.00
Hbg. Quick Lunch 4.00
Hershey Creamery Co 18.00
C. A. Hoak, 13.00
C. A. Hoak 19.00
C. A. Hoak 20.00
C. A. Hoak 10.50
J. N. Kramer 24.00
Manhattan Rest 12.00
Manhattan Rest 14.50
Penn Harris Lunch 23.00
Pcnn Harris Lunch 30.00
.una. Milk F. Co 20.00
-una. Milk P. Co. 19.00
ronna. Milk P. Co 18.00
I'hila. Quick Lunch 7.00
Phila. Quick Lunch 15.00
S. S. Pomeroy lsiuO
IS. S. Pomeroy 10.00
[S. S. Pomeroy 18.00
J. A. Rudy 21.00
jJ. A. Rudy 7.00
Rustic Dairy Lunch 19.00
Ryder Bros 24.50
K. Sheesley 14.00
| C. E. .Sheesley 22.50
C. W. Smith 13.50
C. \V. Smith 13.50
B. H. Taylor 25.00
Crriim Standards
Butter fat IS per cent.
Double cream 36 per cent.
Milk Report
Bacteria Colon Fat
Vendor per c.c. per c.c. p.c.
Cohen. Max 500,000 o 5.30
Cooper & Sons, C.
K 10,000 0 3.40
John L Cromer . 4,000 0 4.30
Hbg. Quick Lunch 50,000 0 3.30
c. c. Hassler 9.000 0 3.30
C. A. Hoak 9,000 0 3.60
C. A. Hoak 75.000 0 3.00
C. A. Hoak 13,000 1600 3.50
C. A. Hoak 650,000 0 4.00
C. A. Hoak 3.60
C. B. Hassler .... 175,000 0 3.30
H. W. Holier .... 4.00
H. \V. Holler .... 3,000 . 0 3.60
J. Mf Jones 32.000 0 3.50
C. P. LeVan .. s .. 170,000 0 3.50
Manhattan Rest. . 5,000 0 330
J. H. Miller 30.000 0 3.60
J. E. Mumma .... 75,000 0 4.00
C. M. Nissley .... 10.000 0 4.00
C. M. Nissley .... 3.60
C. Ott 31.000 0 3.50
Penna. M. P. Co. . 25,000 0 3.30
Penna. M. P. Co. . 3,500 0 3.60
H. A. Ritter & Son 52,000 0 3.80
Ryder Bros 30.000 0 3.50
Ryder Bros 12,000 0 3.40
7. A. Rudy 150,000 0 5.30
C. E. Sheesley ... 4.00
Milk Stmidnrds
Gas. none.
Bacteria, 500,000.
Colon, none.
Butter fat 3.25 per cent.
State Editors to Meet
For 47th Annual Session
The forty-seVenth annual meeting
of the Pennsylvania State Editorial
Association, including the affiliated
organizations, the Associated Dallies
and the Pennsylvania Association of
Weekly Newspapers, will be held to
morrow at the Penn-Harris Hotel.
The afternoon session will be the
formal meeting of the State Editorial
Association, including the dailies and
the weeklies, when the topics of in
terest to editors and publishers will
be discussed and the officers of the
State Editorial Association elected
for the coming year.
A banquet, which will include wo
men, will be held at the Penn-Harris
at 7 o'clock.
Charged with raising a disturbance
when they came to a disagreement
over domestic matters, Stewart
Grimes and his wife, Ruth Grimes,
Cherry street, will be given a hear
ing in police court during the after
Charles G. Clark, who claims Bos
ton as his home, was arrested this
morning on the charge of panhandling
In Market street.
Charged with pushing aside blinds
and looking Into the Nurses Home in
South Front street during the past
several night. Lorenzo Valdlvla, who
claims 107 South Second street as
his residence, was arrested by Har
risburg police last night and will be
given a hearing In police court dur
ing the day. ,
Weather Unfavorable, Wire
less Messages From Path
Warn Commander Towers
New York, May 6.—The proposed
start to-day ot tho Navy Depart
ment's trans-Atlantic flight byway
of Halifax was postponed shortly af
ter 9 o'clock this morning because of
adverse weather conditions.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—Treasury Department
Statement of the Amounts in thu
several Funds at Close of Business
April 30. 1919:
Annvllle National Bank. AA
Annvllle *lO,OOO 00
Allentown National Bank, .
Allentown B.oo° 00
Allentown Trust Co.. Al- ...
lentown 8,000 co
Athens National Bank. ..
Athens 8.000 00
Aldine Trust Co.. Phlla- ..... Oft
delphia 12.000 00
American Bank. Phlla- ...
delphia, 82.000 00
Anthracite Trust Com- , Rnftft nn
pany. Scranton 10 -° OO 00
American National Bank. ... nft
AVaynesburg 16 - 000 00
Berwick Saving and Trust n .
Co.. Berwick 8 - 00 " uu
Bolivar National Bank. ..
Bolivar 4 ' ooo uu
Braddock Trust Co.. ...
Braddock 20 - 000 uo
Bridgevllle Trust Co.. I( . n uouO
Erldgeville lb.ooo ou
: Brookville Title & Trust ..
i Co.. Brookville 4 ' ooo 00
Butler County National ... n0
I Bank. Butler 16 - 000 , J
1 Burgettstown National ..
, Bank. Burgettstown... 4 J.00" J"
j Rank of Donora. Donora. 1..00u uu ,
'Bank of Commerce, Phil- ... ( . ft !
I adelphia 20.000 tU I
Bank of East Falls, Phil- ... ou
i adelphia 4 ' uuu I
Ba " k ,. °f , North America. |
Philadelphia '
Bank of South Williams- ... 00
port. Williamsport. .... lO.ouo uu i
Carlisle Deposit Bank. 0Q
Carlisle 1 '
Carlisle Trust Co., Car- 0 (i()
lisle •• '
Carnegie National Bank. .
Carnegie •••••• 4 '
Carnegie Trust Co.. Car- 0Q
Citizen:! Trust Company
of Cannonsburg. Can-
nonsburg 1 "'
Cleartield National Bank. 0(J
Cleartield .•• • •
Cleartield Trust Company. 0 o
Citizens Trust Company. 00Q
Clarion • • • •••'{.' " '
Clymer National Bank, 00Q flo
Clymer •••*;•' '
Citizens State Bank ot 4 000 00
Salisbury, Llk Lick. . • . 16 000 00
Citizens Bank. Freeiand. Ib.uuu uu
Camp Curtin Trust Co.. 0()0 0()
Harrisburg. •••••••••""
Central Trust Company. QQ
Harrisburg "•••'All;' '
Commercial Trust Com- 000
pany. liarr Üburg .....
Citizens National oann. g 0Q() 00
Indiana 'A''
Clinton County Trust co.. 10 000 00
Lock Haven •
City Bank ot McKeesport. Q() 00
McKeesport, .• • •
Chartiers ' lrus4 „u° 14.000 00
pany. McKees Bocks -• •
Charter National Bank. J2.500 00
Ciiw> National Bank, 21000 00
Myersdale ...... L'-'Ji,'
Central National Bank. 10 0 00 00
Mount Union AILIJ
Citizens Banking com 10 0 00 CO
pany. Oil City. •• •' '" C'
Central National Bank. 1B 00 0 00
Philadelphia, ••• • • • •;•
Columbia Avenue 1 16,000 00
Co Philadelphia ••••••
c o n't i nental Equitable
Title & Trust Company. 20 000 ou
Philadelphia •••;•• • •
Commonwealth Trust v- •. 10 00 0 00
Pittsburgh, • •''' linn ic'
County savings ua ' (jo,ooo 00
County Trust Company. g 00Q u()
Clti°z?ns BU THie' ' ' Trust
Company. S '° oo
Conewago T rust v. 4 000 IIQ
C,^.e y n. Natlonarßank ; >### ##
CeViU:H ln Na°t"onal Bank.
York •••••.•It 25,000 Ou j
liameport •••••■• • • jj a .
Delawarei CoMty 7M#Q 0Q
Deposit Natl on a I Bank. o#
Drove."*' 8 and''Mechanic-
National Bank. Fn 20.000 CO
E Sf£o.. Pmburgb" d 15.000 00
Cxcnange National Bank. q oo
F b . U, faUonal Bank. o#
CRntOW e e • Trust
First Savings & 30.000 00
Bank.' Freepo. t! s.uuo uu
H-Min.ers State Bank.
Htiover 6.000 00
Farmers Trust Company.
Fulton 00 National' Bank.
Lancaster MOO CO
Fa. inera National Bank.
Montrose uu
"'Bank 8 Northumberland 8.000 00
Farmers Bank, Parkes
burg MOO 00
Franklin Trust Company.
Philadelphia • 20,000 00
k-u. ets Deposit National.
Bank, Pittsburgh 60,000 CO
Farmers & Miners Trust
Co Punxsutawney .... 4,000 00
i . liners & Merchants
'Hank. Hed Lion 16.000 00
Farmers National Bank.
"somerset 15.000 00
Fanners Trust Company.
State College 4,000 CO
Farmers & Merchants
National Bank, Tyrone. 4,000 oo
Favette Title & Trust
Co., Uniontown 60,000 00
Farmers &■ Mechanics
Trust Co., West Ches
ter 44,000 00
First National Bank,
Addison 8,000 CO
First National Bank.
Bedford • • • •••• 16,000 00
First National bank.
Berwick • • • • • • • 8,000 co
fiTbi National Bank.
Beaver Falls 14,000 00
Fi.ai National Bank,
Black Lick 8,000 00
First National Bank,
BlatrsVllle ............ 10,000 00
curst National Bank.
Canton ;••.;••;• 12 -°OO ou
F,Vst National Bank.
Charleroi ...... 16,000 CO
First National Bank.
Clarion •••••••• 16,000 ou
Fiist National Bank.
Carnegie 60,000 oo
Fl?st National Bank.
Carrolltown ■•••• ■ • • • • 16,000 oo
slVst National Bank.
Clifton Heights ....... 16.000 oo
First Na 11 o" a 1 Bank.
Cresson 10,000 oo
First National Bank.
Dushoro • • •„•• • ■ • 8.000 00
Ft>Kt National Bank.
Ebensburg. ........... 50,000 09
trirnt National Bank
of Salisbury. Elk Lick.. 12.000 00
First National Bank.
Franklin •••••••• 20,000 00
First National Bank.
Glen Campbell ........ 20.000 CO
First National Bank.
Greensburg 100.000 00
First National Bank.
Harrisburg 28.000 00
First National Bank,
Huntingdon 10,000 00
The departure would be made be- I
fore 10 a. m„ on the first day that
favorable weather conditions were
reported. Commander John H. Tow
ers said.
bservations along the North At-,
lantic coast this morning indicated
a probability that Northeast winds,
which prevented the flight to-day,
would continue to-morrow.
Forecasts Unfavorable
Forecasts of rain to-morrow and
unfavorable wind for Thursday in
dicated that tho seaplanes might not
get away before Friday.
Wireless messages regarding
weather conditions reached Com
mander Towers from seven United
Stntes destroyers at sea and along
the path to the Azore.
The water off the filylng station at
Rocltaway point was covered with
white caps to-day and the wind
raised swirls of sand along the beach.
First National Bank,
Intercourse B<ooo 00
First National Bank,
Johnstown 20,000 00
First National Bank,
Lebanon 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Marysyille 4.000 00
First National Bank,
McKeesport 16,000 00
First National Bank,
Meshoppen 16,000 00
First National Bank,
Mifflintown 12,000 00
First National Bank.
. Montoursville 5.000 00
First National Bank,
New Freedom 5,000 00
First National Bank,
New Kensington 8,000 00
First National Bank,
Nanticoke 25,000 00
First National Bank.
Olyphant 8.000 00
First National Bank,
Fitcairn 10,000 00
First National Bank,
Pittston 52,000 00
First National Bank.
Plymouth 50,000 00
First National Bank,
Portage 8,000 00
First National Bank.
Sayre 8,000 00
First National Bank.
Someriield 8,000 CO
First National Bank,
! Spanglor 8.000 00
| First National Bank,
Spring Grove 8,000 00
I First National Bank.
Runersburg 8,000 00
; First National Bank,
Traftord City 8,000 00
I First National Bank,
| Tyrone • 10,000 00
I First National Bank,
Turtle Creek 10,000 00
First National Bank,
Weatherly 4,000 00
First National Bank,
Wtllsboro 415,000 00
First National Bank.
Wilkinsburg 10,000 00
First National Bunk.
Wiiliamsport 20,000 00
First National Bank,
York, 30,000 00
First National Bank, , .
Washington 20,000 00
First National Bank,
Martinsburg 5.000 00
Guaranty Sale Deposit &
Trust Co., Butler, 17,000 00
Glen Rock State Bank,
Glen ltock 4,000 00
Guarantee Trust & Safe
Deposit Co., Philadel- „ A
phia 13,000 00
Hamburg Savings Bank. _ !
Hamburg 8,000 Co
Homer City National
Bank, Homer City .... 15,000 00
Hanover Bank ot Wilkes-
Barre, Wilkes-Barre. .. 12.000 00
Heights Deposit Bank,
Wilkes-Barre 16,500 00
Industrial National Bank,
West York 3.000 CO
Jeannette Savings and '
Trust Co., Jeannette .. 4,000 CO
Jenkintown National
Bank, Jenkintown 12,000 00
Juniata Valley National
Bank, Mifflintown 8,000 00
Kane Trust & Savings
Co., Kune 25,000 00
Kennett Trust Co., Ken
nett Square 10,000 00
Keystone National Bank.
Pittsburgh 15.000 00
Keystone Bunk, Scran
ton 12,000 00
Liberty Discount and Sav
ings Bank, Carbondale.. 20,000 CO
Lincoln Deposit & Trust
Co., Altoona 20,000 00
Latrobe Trust Company, ..... ...
Latrobe 16,000 CO
Lebanon County Trust
I Co., Lebanon 8,000 00
Littlestown Savings In
stitution, Littlestown .. 8,000 00
Luzerne National Bank.
Luzerne 8,000 CO
Lyndora National Bank.
Lyndora 10,000 00
Logan Trust Company.
Philadelphia 20,000 00
Liberty National Bank.
| Pittsburgh .0.000 00
Lincoln Trust Company. ........
Scranton 24.000 00
Luzerne County National .......
Hank, Wilkes-Barre ... 16,000 00
L^ o ,Sspo a r t i onBl .. Bank : 6.000 00
M &\e e ; N r. UOna !.. Bank : 40.000 00
Mechanics Trust Com
pany, Harrisburg ..... 60,000 CO
Merchants National Bank. .... ..
Harrisburg ........... 50.000 00
Marion Renter National
Bank. Marlon Center... 8,000 00
Madera National Bank.
Madera ............... 20.000 00
"ken's "T*. . 8 " k : •- " 15.000 00
McKeesport Title & Trust
Co McKeesport <O.OOO 00
M^r U PuUVrgh 0 . n .V 40.000 00
"Alston Sa r. B ... Bank : 81.000 00
Middle City Bank. Phila
delphia . ••••••■ 80 - 00u 0"
M Pottsvll 8 /" a V.°.". a • . Ba " k : 30.000 00
Mnliowell National Bank,
uron 16,000 CO
" Barre ? MOO CO
"SRSf. v'™* ! "
National Bank ot Coates
ville Coatesvllle 8.000 00
National Bank of Jersey
' >-lHiie Jersey Shore ... 5,000 Co
National Bank of Mai
vern. Malvern 12.000 CO
Nnntieoke National Bank.
Nanticoke ------- 10,000 00
Mm t Luildi of Ler®
mantown, Philadelphia. 15,000 00
North Scranton bank,
Scranton ..••■•• • 20.000 00
National bank of i 1 ay
ette County, Uniontown 80,000 00
Northern Central Trust
Co., Williamsport 28,000 00
Oil City Trust Company,
OU City 60,000 oo
priison National Rank,
Berlin • • • 12.000 00
Pennsylvania Nation
al Bank, Chester 38.1100 oo
Peoples Bank, Carnegie, 12,000 00
teuples National Bank.
East Brady 16,000 oo
peoples Bank, Hanover.. & f ooo Oo
peoples National Bank.
Lebanon ........ 8.000 00
People's Bank, McKees
port 50,000 00
Peoples National Bank,
Mifflin ................ 4.000 00
peoples National Bank,
Menessen 12,000 00
Peoples National Bank,
Mount Pleasant 12,000 oo
Provident Trust Com
pany, Pittsburgh 35,000 00
,'uuiiu. Company for In
surance on Lives and
Granting Annuities.
Philadelphia 40.000 00
Pui.xsiitaw ney National
"Bank, Punxsutawney.. 10,000 00
Plymouth National Bank,
Plymouth 36,000 00
Peoples Slate Bank. Red
Lion 8,000 CO
Peoples Saving and Dime
Bank, Scranton 96,000 00
Pine Brook Bank, Scran
ton 12,000 00
Peoples National Bank.
Stewartatown 10,000 00
Peoples Trust Co., Wyo
mlsstng 16,000 00
Pittsburgh Trust Com
pany. Pittsburgh 120,000 00
Reading National Bank,
Reading 26,000 00 n
Daix Election Bills
Are Up to the House
The Dalx election bills for Philadel
phia, passed by the Senate last niglit,
were referred to the Elections Com
mittee in the House to-day.
The House reconsidered and de
feated for the second time in twenty
-1 four hours the Davis bill establish
ing civil service for boroughs having
over 7,000 population.
• The Rothenborger, Berks, present
ed a resolution to petition Congress
! 0 130 LOCUST ST, HB6.PA. I*
Urtral Valley National
Bank, Rural Valley .... 8,000 00
Real Estate and Trust
Co.. Washington 12,000 00
Second National Bank,
Altoona 10.000 00
State Bank of Elizabeth,
Elizabeth 4,000 00
Security Trust Co., Har- I
l'lsburg 16,000 00
Standing Stone National „'
Bank, Huntingdon .... 12,000 00;
Second National Bank, „„ •
Meyersdale 15,000 00
Safe Deposit and Trust
Co. of Lawrence
_ County, New Castle . .. 16.000 00
South Philadelphia State „
Bank. Philadelphia 8.000 CO
Scottdalo Trust Co., Scott
dale. 35,000 00
South Side Bank, Scran
ton 8,000 CO j
Snow Shoe Bank, Snow „ |
Shoe 5,000 00 |
Stroutlsburg National i
Bank, Stroutlsburg .. 28,000 00
Swarthmore National
Bank, Swarthmore. • . 16,000 OOj
Susquehanna Trust and
Safe Ddposit Co.. Wil- I
liamsport 20,000 00
Security Title & Trust
Company, York 20.000 00j
Third Natlonul Bank.
Philadelphia 20,000 00
Tenth National Bank,
Philadelphia 10.000 00
Tower City National
Bank, Tower City 4,000 00
Turtle Creek Savings &
Trust Co., Turtle Creek 10.000 00
'Jnlon National Bunk,
Connellsville 22,500 00
Union Banking & Trust
Company, Dußois ... 16.000 00
Union National Bank,
Johnstown 20,000 00
United States National
Bank, Johnstown 10,000 00
Union National Bank, Mc-
Keesport 16,000 00
Union National Bank,
_ Minersville 17,000 00
Union National Bank of
Nant.v Glo, Nanty Glo.. 8,000 00
Union Trust Company of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 40,000 00
Ifnion Deposit & Trust
Co., AYaynesburg 16,000 00
Wayne County Savings
Bank, Honesdale, 20,000 00
Wayne Junction Trust
Co., Philadelphia 16,000 00
Washington Trust Com
pany, Pittsburgh 150,000 00
West Side Bank, Scran
ton 20,000 00
Wilbur, K. p.. Trust Co.,
I South Bethlehem 150,000 00
1 Warren Savings Bank.
■ Warren 40,000 CO
West Branch National
Bank, Williamsport ... 16,000 00
Washington Trust Co.,
AVasbinglon 100,000 00
AA'estern National Bank,
York 10,000 00
West Side Bank, AA'est
Pittston 8,000 CO |
Vouch Trust Co., Con
nellsville 40,000 00
York Trust Co., York,... 25,000 00
Colonial Trust Co., Pitts
burgh 410,733 31
Commonwealth Trust Jo.,
Harrisburg 75,397 35
Corn Exchange National
Bank, Philadelphia 1,531 83
Diamond Nutlonul Bank,
Pittsburgh 2,272 05
Harrisburg Trust Com
pany, Harrisburg 124,150 87
Mellon National Bank,
Pittsburgh .1 9,84," 40
Quaker City National
Bank, Philadelphia ... 1,661 72
Cash ot) hand 190,000 00
Total Amount in Gen
eral Fund *5,951,095 53
Anthracite Trust Com
pany, Scranton *50,000 00
Bradloid National Bank,
Bradford 15,000 00
Commercial National
Bunk, Bradford 15,000 00
Commercial Trust Com
pany. Harrisburg .... 6,000 00
Commonwealth T ust Co..
Colonial National Bank,
Coiiuellsvuie 25,00) 00
Farmers & Traders Na
tional Bank, AVesttield 10,000 00'
Fayette City National
Bank, Fayette City.... 20,000 00
First National Bank,
Guleton 6.0C0 00
First National Bank,
Knoxville 5.J00 OO
o'irst National Bunk,
Mansfield 10,000 06
First National Bank,
Patton '.... 15,C00 00
First National Bunk,
Susquehanna 30,000 00
Mechanics Trust Co., Har
risburg 15.000 00
McKean County Trust
Co., Bradford 15,000 CO
Monongahela Nation
al Bank, Brownsville.. 60 000 00
Punxsutawney National
Bank, Punxsutawney. . 90,000 00
Somerset Trust Company,
Harrisburg 55,820 26
Suniersel 20,u0u ou
South Side Trust Co.,
Pittsburgh 20.000 00
Quaker City National
Bank, Philadelphia ... 87,500 00
Tluga County Savings ot
Trust Co., Wellsboro.. 33,000 00
Union Trust Co. of Penn
sylvania. Harrisburg.. 35.000 00
Union National Bank,
Scranton 25,000 00
Toral Amount In Sink
ing Fund *658,320 26
Bank of Commerce, Phil
adelphia *25,000 09
Chamttrsburg Trust Co.,
Chatnbersburg 20,000 00
Carnegie Trust Company,.
Carnegie 25,000 00
Colonial National Bank,
Connellsville 7,500 00
Clinton Trust Co., Lock
Haven 3,000 00
County Savings Bank,
Scranton 70,000 00
Citizens National Bank,
AVashington, 100,000 00
Citizens National Bank,
Tunkhannock 10,000 00
Citizens National Bank,
Mlddletown 15,000 CO
Delaware County National
Bank. Chester 25,000 00
Drovers and Merchants
National Bank, Phila
delphia 30,000 00
Dime Deposit Bank, '
Wilkes-Barre 50,000 00
Dillsburg National Bank,
Dlllsburg 10,000 00
Farmers Trust Co.. Car
lisle 85,000 00
Fayette City National
Barflt, Fayette City ... 15,000 00
Farmers and Mechanics .
Trust Co., AVest Chester 25,000 00
Farmers Deposit Bank,
Cresson 7,500 00
First National Bank,
Cherry Tree 30,000 00
First National Bank,
Clarion 14,000 00
First National Bank,
Harrisburg 50,000 00
First National Bank,
Montrose 15.000 00
First National Bank,
New Kensington 7,000 00
First National Bank,
Wellsboro 15,000 00
Firxt National Bank,
Confluence 10,000 00
First National Bank,
Dunbar 10,000 uu
First National Bank,
[ Bell wood 10,000 00
to submit prohibition to a referen
dum and It was laid over under the
Professional Funeral Director ]
Day and Night Calls Promptly
Attended To.
Plioiie Bell 4181, or Call at
Special Investigations
Accounting Systems Installed
Public Accountant & Auditor
6S-0-4 Union Truat Co„ Bldg.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
licll Phone 1018
F w St '° n a 1 Bank,
FDsrvWilmington 6.000 00
St. National Bank,
Fl'r en x. nd °? J ' 26,000 00
w', ® tio na 1 Bank,
Wrightsville 10,000 00
Guarantee Safe Deposit
Trust Company, But
t.ler 3.000 00
Honesdale National Bank.
rcivQ?^* 1 * ? 15,000 00
? tone Bank, Harris-
I ri t r r ff 15,000 00
Latiobe Trust Company,
\fr° 34,000 00
Mechanics Trust Co..
isburg 60,000 00
r?iw S . Savings Bank,
°1 19,000 00
, Miners National Bank,
I \.T u .lossbUFg 15,000 00
Nazareth National Bank,
INazareth 20,000 On
| National Bank of Fay -
ette County, Unlon-
M • 20,000 00
I I , Penn Bank, Fhila
nn i-u .1. 25.000 oo
I Ui '. clt y Trust Co., OH
20,000 00
I <-1.1 phanr Bank, Olyphant 10,000 00
Pennsylvania National
„ ~ lnlc - Chester 14,000 oo
I Fainiyra Bank, Palmyra. 10,000 00
i en pies .Savings and Dime
Bank, Scranton 50,000 00
(copies Banu, .sieelton .. 30,000 oo
Peoples National Bank,
htewartstown B 000 00
Pittsburgh Trust Co..
PofM Ur £ h 80,000 00
1 iMi"i on , Nation al Bank,..
'"■ M O"
Poner r ° Tlti; - • and ' Trust 10,00 °
r>„Lv"„ ttsburgh 30,000 00
Penbrook National Bank,
n^ en r f ook 10,000 00
Red Lion First National
evened' S O( J. Uon 10,000 00
Second Nationul Bank,
„ 10,000 00
Stvarthnrtire National
H.„. ttn L Swarthmnre 4,000 oo
Slate Bank of Dravos
,,„73 Dravosburg 10,000 00
Union Trust Co.. Pitts
burgh, Pittsburgh 50,000 00
Un '?" .Savings Bank,
Pittsburgh 50,000 00
\ alley National Bank,
Chambersburg 50,000 00
Washington Trust Co.,
Pittsburgh 10,000 00
Wyoming Valley Trust
Co., Wilkes-Barre 50,000 00
lough 1 rust Co., Connels-
lO,OOO 00
Colonial Trust Co.. Pitts
burgh 141,948 86
Commonwealth Trust Co..
Harrisburg 37 SS4 79
Corn Exchange National
Bank, Philadelphia ... 17,190 76
Diamond National Bank,
Pittsburgh 110,800 6(1
Harrisburg Trust Co.,
Ilurrisburg 46,179 4a
Mellon National Bank,
Pittsburgh 54,614 4!i
Quaker City National
Bank, Philadelphia .... 143,952 06
Totnl Amount in Motor
F und $2,085,571 04
American National Bank,
Ebensburg... $30,000 00
Cambria Title Savings &
Trust Co., Ebensburg.. 25,000 Ou
Franklin Trust Company,
Philadelphia 25,000 00
First Nuilonal Bank.
Biairsville 63,000 00
Union Trust Co. of Penn
sylvania. Harrisburg.. 20.000 00
K P. Wilbur Trust Co.,
I South Bethlehem 50,000 00
Colonial Trust Co., Pitts
burgh 29,694 43
Total Amount In Game
Protection and Prop
agation Fund $244,694 43
Bedford County Trust Co.,
Bedford $25,000 00
Dime Rank, Pittston ... 35,000 00
First National Bank,
II Somerset 25,000 00
National Bank of Coales
vllle, Coatesville 23,00# 00
Peoples Union Savings
Bank, Pittston 50.000 00
Third National Bank,
Philadelphia 60,000 00
Providence Bank, Scran
ton 25,000 00
Diamond National Bank,
Pittsburgh 37,141 67
Total Amount In Fund
for Payment of Boun
ties $272,141 57
Union Trust Co. of Penn
sylvania, Harrisburg .. $30,000 00
Mechanics Trust Co., Har
risburg 25,000 00
Common wealth Trust Co.,
Harrisburg 206,900 71
Total Amount In Insur
ance Fund $261,900 71
Commonwealth Trust Co.,
Harrisburg $74,492 03
Total Amount In School
Fund $74,492 03
Commonwealth Trust Co.,
Harrisburg $15,023 71
Total Amount In Prison
Manufacturing Fund... $15,023 71
Commonwealth Trust Co.,
Harrisburg... $32059 m
Colonial Trust Co., Pitts
burgh 126,670 49
Quaker City National
Bank, Philadelphia ... 39,170 00
Total Amount In Fed- "
eral Appropriation... $197,399 6S
Harrisburg Trust Com
pany, Harrisburg | 9>m Js
Total Amount In Fish
Piopagation Fund... $94747-
The above statement Include
names of all Banks, hB
Firms with whom the money* aUcl
funus are deposited. ' ••'d
Bonds are held by the State fe- ...
safe keeping of same l ' lo
lntorest at the rate of a'p..
Is received by the State on such di"
state of Pennsylvania, City ~
risburg—ss. 01 Bur.
Personally appeared befor*
Charles A. Snyuer. Auditor
Harmon M. Kephart. State Trea*?.,l a ' ;
who being duly sworn according
law, saliii that the loregoiii.? ,* , tu
meiit is true and correct to ta £
01 his knowledge and belter ° 6 ' ,t
Sworn and subscnoVlj "u
this 6th day of May, 1919 or • °ie,
Published In pursuanew r 0 f i< t'h!l ra ''
visions of Section 11, Act oty a S rom
try 17. 19"®- Harrisburg, Pa, fU *
Auditor General,