Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 05, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Commander of the Old Eighth Regiment Tells of Work
Accomplished and Battles Won by Brave
Pennsylvanians in France
It'olonel Maurice E. Finney's own
story of the war activities of the
world famous Keystone Division is
concluded to-day.]
It was August S when we moved
■sny headquarters to Fismcs and I
-T:d all my work from there until
the eighteenth, when we moved it
'■ack to St. Gemma. In the mean
rime our infantry crossed the Vesle
>t Fismes. taking Fisniette: but not
being supported by advance of
troops 011 their flanks, were com
pelled to withdraw. 1 was in Fismes
several times and crossed the river
once when our troops held Fisniette.
.'bout August 2S we launched an
attack, supported by the Seventy-
Seventh Division on our left and the
Thirty-Ninth French Division on our
tight. crossed the Vesle and pushed
•he enemy back to the northern
Mige of plateau between the Vesle
nd the Atsne. I was in Fismes an
Your after the first line crossed the
Vesle and it was a wonderfully in
spiring sight to follow the progress
of the attack. There was a tremen
dous artillery barrage both from our
guns and the Bosch and Fismes was
being heavily shelled. Many of the
Bosch shells were duds; i. e., failed
to burst. The progress was s'ow
and costly, and it was in this Fis
niette that my old Company G. ct
Carlisle, and Company H. of Potts
ville. were cut off and severely
handled, although they returned
their own losses with interest com
pounded. In this sector we captured
large stores of German ammunition,
some cannon, and machine guns,
that were used by our men in their
advance. We lost many animals
both from shell and gas. as there
was a tendency to keep trains close
to the first lines. My own work was
No other remedy will so
surely and quickly correct
stomach ailments, regulate
the liver and improve the
general health as a dose of
Urireit Sale of Any Medicine in the World.
Sold everywhere, in Boxes, 10c. ( 25c.
Lawn Mowers
Various Styles of tlic
Famous "Pennsylvania"
Known and T~sod Everywhere
14-Inch "Orchid." ball bearing.
16-Ineh "Orchid." ball bearing,
15-Inrh "Orchid." ball bearing.
12-Inch "Nero Belmont"... $9.50
14-Inch "Nero Belmont".. SIO.OO
18-Inch "Nero Belmont".. $10.50
14-Inch "Daisy" $9.00
lf-Inch "Daisy" $9.50
18-Inch "Daisy" $10.25
12-Inch "Liberty" $7.75
14-Inch "Liberty" $8.25
Double Edge Wire Lawn Hakes,
75c each.
Grass. Shears. 50c to $1.50.
■•Herbicide" Weed Killer, for
walks and driveways, qt 600
gal.. ..$2.00
Lawn Clippers for cutting grass
under wire fences and places
where the mower will not reach
Walter S. Schell
Quality Seeds
1307-1309 Market St.. Rarrisburg.
Both Phonos.
City and Suburban Delivery.
V- J
► *
\ i :
: 28TH \ n ! r ?? /DIVISION :
j| —— \ Division /—— ;
\ / I
> We have been able to secure a ;
; limited supply of the :
; Pictorial History !
' of tJie <
110 th and 112 th Regiments
[► = <
Price, $2.50; by Mail, $2.60 <
i Call at the Business Office of the ;
Telegraph and get a copy before ;
; the supply is exhausted. :
a, hard because I had my headquarters;
e far away from the trains and had i
s to use auto on roads to and from i
there. Our division war drawn outj
.1 of this sector on September 8 and!
1 proceeded by marching to Epernay,
1 my headquarters moving into the
t city of Epernay on September 9.'
- Train Headquarters were billeted in
e a buildihg that had been a convent
t before the war, but which had been
f more recently used as a military
- ; hospital. The building had been
s damaged by shells or air-bombs,
r was visited frequently by'
■.! enemy bombing planes. I was bil- 1
i leted in the house of M. Moet, of;
- Champagne fame, and the house, i
e which I occupied alone, was the
r most magnificent 1 had seen in j
1 France np to this time. Had a whole
i' suite of handsomely furnished j
e ] rooms —second floor, upper left, I
l three windows on enclosed card. T'
eiam sorry I do not have pictures of
-[some of the statuary or paintings of
s the interior, or groups of statuary
-1 in the jardin, which is immense,
r'this gentleman evident'y built a
s | hospital and was a wealthy and j
c much loved citizen. This was prac- '
lltically our first time out of the first
f line of the offensive since the July j
-; 1 4 and 15. when we started our j
f j offensive that drove the Hun back
-'across the Marne at a time when;
• the most of the people feared it was j
I not so much a question of driving
- the Bosch back, but a serious prob-
II lent to prevent his advance, or to;
. take a rosy view, stop him.
More Than Scheduled
r The Twenty-Eighth Division did
' more than its alloted task by not
• only doing these things (residents
? of Hondevtlliers were ordered to I
< pack up and vacate one night we
- were in that town), but drove them!
j back almost to the Aisne before we
were taken out for need of rest and
I replacement of losses. The division
| was cited by the French and by,
iG. H. Q.
At Epernay the men were placed
;in French camions and transported
;to the new area. Argonne. while I j
t*ok command of the animal drawn ■
I transport and started my first big,
, overland trip. Trriins consisted of
1.009 vehicles, 4.000 men and about
2.T00 animals, the condition of the
last after severe losses and intensive 1
Arthur Miller, of Drexel Hill, a;
suburb of Philadelphia, says he is!
| a real optimist now, and that his
' outlook on life is brighter than
ever. "I suffered from stomach
; trouble. The gas would accumulate
around my liver and heart. Occa
j sionallv I would have sharp twinges
of rheumatism In the joints and
i muscles of my legs and shoulders.
There was considerable belching of
gas and a water-brash. A sour, ]
acid stomach manifested itself in an j
ugly, dark-brown taste, like bile. I j
bought Tanlac because I heard about j
the good it did others. Tanlac help- !
od me from the start."
The genuine J. I. Gore Co. Tan-!
lac is sold here by Gorgas', George's,
Kramer's and Steever's and other;
| leading druggists in every com- j
I munity. I
[campaign work was far from good.,
' Many of the animals had been slight- j
! ly gassed, or were debilitated from |
much night work, as it was neces
isary to take up all supplies at night
i on account of shelling of the roads.
I Wo started our *roprt on tho
1 night of September 12-13 from
, Porte-a-Binsone on the south bank
of the Marne, to St. Martin- Pierre-
Mauson, where wo stopped for the
day, started next night, proceeding
via Normee, Sommessous, Donmar
tln, to Fontaine-sur-Coole, all in the
I rain, and stopping at last named
I place. The following night we left
] Fontaine-sur-Coole —Coole, Maisons
| en-Champagne Loisey-sur-Marne.
and camped the trains at the latter
' p'aee. while with Lieutenant M„ T
i billeted at Maisons-en-Champaenc.*
and had a good night's rest. Dur
ing the balance of the trip we slept
and ate in the National in which we
traveled. During the day (15) we
motored to Vitry-le-Francois for din
ner and had a very good one at a
I cafe. This night as the head of the
trains was leaving Loisey-sur-Marne,
tlie chief of staff (Colonel B.) drove
j up and handed me orders to make
;the march a forced one of nearly
j forty milt's before seven the follow
! ing morning. We made the march
! through Yitry-en-Perthois, Ran
| court. Rivegny, Louppy, devant
, Chateau, where we parked the trains
in the Bois-des-Annulies In the clear
ling inside. The last of the trains
did not arrive, however, until near
noon and the early morning rain
made the going and parking ditllcult
in the wet woods. They were all
jstoNved away from aerial observation
and 1 had reported at Nettancourt
(Division Headquarters) by one
| o'clock. Tho following night the
trains were ordered to join their
units. We did not get the orders;
' for this move until 20 minutes be-
I fore we were to start. We started
on time and I preceded the column
on the road, stopping at Triaucourt (
Ito finish the detailed orders on my
("Corona" In the car. The roads
were soft, especially in the woods. ;
and we lost several heavy vehicles t
on account of being unable to pull I
[them out; these were later sent for!
and brought forward. At Brizeaux;
we split the trains, sending them
with marked maps to rejoin their j
units, which were all located south
of St. Menehould-Clermont road. ;
After splitting trains and seeing that;
leach unit was started right, we re-1
' turned in the car to Nettancourt for;
; breakfast and just in time.
Poor Rations
Outside of the dinner in Vitry-en-
Francois. 1 lived on bread and
'canned sardines, and aside from the;
one night at Maisons-cn-Champagne,
slept in the auto with cat naps dur-
I ing the night movements, as the
day was always fully taken up with
looking after forage and shaping
things for the night march. During;
1 the first nights' marching we cov
ered about 190 kilometers. Sixty;
| kilometers on the one night march
(and it rained practically during the
I entire trip. Shortly after our return
to Nettancourt, tho Division Head-!
quarters was moved to Les Islettes!
(about September 22), and our in-]
i fantry took over the sector north]
of the Clermont-Les Islettes road in
(the Argonne Forest to the Aire
River. This had been a quiet sector'
for throe years, but we had scarcelyl
'arrived before artillery of all caliber]
began to roll up each night and to
disappear in the woods and this kept ]
] up for days: the visibility was poor,
and this helped us in getting guns
and troops forw; These guns|
went right up to the infantry and
into firing position. Ammunition]
continued to roll forward to advanc
ed dumps and we surmised that this
quiet sector was soon to pass into
[another class, and in the light of
what happened, our surmise was
correct. On the morning of Septem
ber 26. the artillery along our whole
front laid down a terrific barrage
front 2:30 a. m. to 6.30 a. m., at
which hour our infantry went over
the top. This was the most terrific
cannonade I have ever heard. The
infantry went ahead behind the bar
] rage and took the hill, Le Morte
Homnte. and the celebrated Hill 204
|of Verdun fame, also Grand and
j petit Boureilles. Varennes, Mont
i hlainville and La Forge. The Seven
ty-Seventh Division was on our left,
the Thirty-Fifth on our right and
1 the Ninety-Second came tip in our
rear. I was in Les Islettes with my
j outfit and the Hun threw twenty
six 150's into the town in the after
inoon. One of them passed just clear
of my billet and entered the V. M. 1
harrisburg telegraph:
]C. A. directly opposite, but being 4
I near mess hour, only two men were 1
in the building, and they were but j
[slightly hurt, although the building j
: was demolished. I was on the street
immediately the first one came in;
i and watched the others strike; i
[around the railroad station. Ter
: [ rifle explosions, but no material t
•! damage.
!• On the twenty-sixth, our division''
:: moved up to Varennes and T collect
led the trains from the vicinity of
■ | the cross roads Croix de Pierre, in
I; the Argonne Forest, and moved
t them out that night for a point
[north cf Varennes and Petit Douroil-'
. | les. a distance of 20 kilomettys. The
•jmire was deep in the roads (if they
! j could be called roads, as for the
.•(most rarty they were over old trench
■ i and shell holes), bad, raining and
: | dark. I remained all night at Croix
• de Pierre, in the forest checking up '
> all trains ns they went out, and
■ then back to Pes Islettes and Cler
-11 mont to Petit Pcureilles. The trains
• | were all night and next day in
. i reaching their destination, ns the
>: roads were blocked with itmmuni- :
> tion trucks going forwarjj to the;
•; artillery. While at Croix (o Pierre
-|had a French battery of 10-inch
i [ rifles about 100 yards away and
-1 had not the slightest trouble in
11 keeping awake. Cur division con
; tinnecl the attack, but the Bosch
. | had been fortified very strongly.
? ■ having been in this sector for four
■ j years, and he put up a most dcter
i mined resistance and the fight was
I more bitter than along the Manic.
II Some of their best and strongest |
11 troops were brought up. and they,
i launched a terrific counter attack. |
: As a result of this counter attack, j
I the division on our right was forced
•ito give up some ground it had pre-j
i piously taken, and having suffered I
! quite a number of casualties, it was
11 later relieved by the First Division. |
. This same counter attack cost the,
. llun very dearly on our immediate!
[front, as the sector of the Twenty-j
i Eighth held, and our machine gun-1
| ners and artillery cut to pieces aj
i whole Prussian Guard Division. In
I holding even there we were forced i
•I to give up Apremont to straighten!
:ithe lines and maintain touch with!
[the divisions on our flanks. The at- j
j tack continued and we retook A pre-I
! mont and Chatel Chehery and the
approaches to Grand Pre.
The End of the War
| On October 9 our division came
' out of the line, being relieved by
the Eighty-Second, and a day or so
I later the Seventy-Eighth relieved the
' Seventy-Seventh. Ten main road
from Clermont to Varennes had two !
1 j large mine craters blown, which i
| caused considerable trouble in the ]
| intensive traffic of supplies and I
I j ammunition, which we were forced i
! to take over that one road, tine of:
.the craters was 40 feet deep and 100
; feet across, so that it was necessary j
i to build a new road around the hole |
j until heavy timbered trestles could j
.be built to carry the traffic. The)
■ I fields were too soft to use. and all i
[this caused much congestion; it took I
hours sometimes to make a trip toi
• | the trains in my car. Then too the
j road was frequently shelled, especial-1
ly at night, and sometimes trucks i
were hit. which, of course, was an-
I other annoying thing. For some
reason, our losses in the trains were
'less here than during the Marne
drive, and our animals came out in
better condition.
On the night of October 9, T ro
.ceived orders at midgniglit to con
| scdidate the trains and move out.
but it was impossible to move over
I assigned roads and another order
1 was issued at 2:30 changing the
j routing so that some trains were
II moving on one road and some on an-
I i other and to two different points. It
'[took me all next day and night to
I I collect my charges, which I finally
■ succeeded in doing, however, at
s! Brizeaux, a town south of Les
11 Islettes and Futeau, by October 11.
: ; Remained at Brizeaux all night and
"! started the trains over previously
• | reconnoitered road via Waly, Autre
sj court, Ippecourt, St. Andre, Deux
• I nouds, devant Be'uuzee-, at which
' place we bivouaced in fields and I
I quartered in the Marie. On the fol
lj lowing morning we proceeded via
■ | Cliaumont-sur-Aisne to Pierrefitte
■ without incident. I quartered with
• a French family father, mother
| and daughter—and had a most com
\ fortable room and good night's rest,
' leaving on the morning of October
14, at 6 a. m., via Rupt devant. St. I
Mihiel, Koeur le Petit, Sampigne,
j Mecrin, Pont-sur-Meuse, Boncoutr,
; 9t. Julien, and parked the trains in
i fields along the road between the
last two towns. Being ahead of
j trains, I took advantage of my oppor
tunity to run down to Commercy in
my car and see headquarters of the
.Fifty-Sixth Brigade, which was then
at Vignot. The officers, including
myself, secured billets at Lerouville,
where we comfortably quartered for
the night, having released the trains
at Boncourt before leaving and see
j ing to distribution of forage for the
! animals. It rained all the time and
mud was over everything. The divi
sion was at once ordered into front
| positions and, on October 19, our
j headquarters moved to Noviant.
[Town shot up and the billets rotten,
| although I had about the best.
[Damp, rqin, mud. We stayed in
j Xovlant until October 2S; in the
[meantime our P. C. was located at
| Euvazin. our Fifty-Sixth Brigade
| was in the front line, Fifty-Fifth in
| reserve. Our town was raided by
| air bombing planes. Our division
| took over the whole front that had
[ been covered by the Thirty-Seventh
■ Division, which had been on our left,
i and we moved to German billets in
■ the Bois Jura, north of Heudicourt
| and south of Vigneulles, on October
| 28, We have been here ever since,
I the woods have been shelled, but
[ none of my men hurt. Wo were
! here on November 11 when the armi
-1 stice was signed and have been very
[ busy inspecting right up to the line.
j Have been to- Tout, also to Nancy
| and Metz on military business and
j we are now awaiting orders to move
|up toward Conttans and Etain with
| our outfit. We are in the Sixth
[Army Corps, Second Army now, and
the Second Army Is a part of the
troops selected for occupation. Our
division has had no press agents, but
the service It lias given to tho coun
try Is shewn not only by Its areas
: of activity, but by the replacements
I to make up casualties as furnished
by the Army, We have had 22,384
replacements, only three divisions
having exceeded this, tho Second,
First and Third, in order named,
and the following first lino troops
coming after us In order: Divisions,
Thirty-Second, Fourth, Fourty-Sec
and, Fifth, Twenty-Sixth, Ninety-
First and Fifth,
Washington, D, C., May s.—lnten
tion of the Internal Revenue Bureau
to enforce the child labor tax pro
vision of the revenue law despite 'he
action of the North Carolina Federal
District Court in declaring the meas
ure unconstitutional, is indicated by
announcement that 20 wamen agents
have been employed to issue ago cer
tificates to children in communities
where local age records are not ade
quate, The women will continun at
their work pending a final decision
by the Supreme Court, to whicli the
c&a* probably will be appealed, (
Swatara Township
Graduates Big Class
Obcrlin. Pa., May 6.—A large au- J
dience attended the transfer exer- |
ciscs of tho eighth grade of Swa- j
tara township in tho United Breth
ren Church at Oberlin last Friday.
The church was beautifully deco
rated with flowers and ferns.
The following pupils received cer
tificates and tho majority will at
tend high school next year:
Oberlin —Edith Bachman, Ellen
Bolan, Mabel Bolnn. Irene Brown,
Ola Brown, Silvia Brumbaugh, Les
ter Foltz, Edgar Frantz, Paul
Frantz. Morris Fortenbaugh, Rutli !
Henning, Edna Hooker, Addison 1
Holmes, Verna Jones. Paul Keller,!
Mary Alice Kerr. Steve Kekrich, Al
fred Kulinert. Anna Ltngle, James j
Quick, Christian Rupp, Mildred i
Staub, John Stazewski, Beulah |
Enhnut—Catherine Baker, Ber- i
delta Baker, Charles Boyer. Paul I
Cuddy, Helen Gray, Peter Haup- I
Buy Victory Bonds and show
y° u appreciate the victory our
m(\ / flfe soldier hoys have helped to / ftfc
mV /My over - You Wlll back VJB
your cheers of welcome in the
'Wru most substantial way.
Sale of HpT' i
Suits W Viv
0 ne-TkirdOf t
Regular till
None but "\\ 00l Jerseys and Silks restricted at these prices. Entire remaining stocks of women's suits reduced
fully one-third. And every woman who is familiar with the careful selection and quality of merchandise sold at
Bowman's knows that at these reductions you can safely depend 011 the greatest possible values for your
money. The season's best and newest styles are included and the Bowman guarantee is hack of every suit
the same as if you bought it at the regular price.
BOWMAN'S— Third Floor.
White Voile For Clean-Up Week
/-, • 1 A ft* 1 r\r\ ta xr 1 Gur Basement, in addition to being
Special At SI.OO Per Yard !°° per cent equipped with Garden i\l
a Goods, Lawn Mowers, Screens and ''•](<
Screen Doors, Oil and Gas Stoves is \\
A fortunate purchase enables us to offer an unusually fine ITWfEK '° Ur CLO
grade of White Voile. 40 inches wide with tape selvedge. Sapolin Varnish stains, 15c, 35, 60c ?
This fabric is particularly well adapted for Graduation and 90c. [Tvp ~~T~ ][uZ- !l
dresses. Parents who are contemplating providing these gar- Screen Wire paint, black or green;
ments in the near future would do well to call and examine 20c, 35c, and 60c. _ j Jwi g?
this voile, while the lot lasts. Specially priced, SI.OO per yd. a nd ioc" 1 "" 1 * or radiafor : 2ac J| \
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Radio Gloss leaves a lasting luster U a J
on aluminum, glass, silver, porcelain '—
and tile. In convenient paste form, no powder to lose, no
liquid to spill, 25c and 50c.
P I Climax \\ all and Wall Paper Cleaner, 15c.
Kleanshade window shade cleaner, 35c.
Johnson Floor Wax in paste form; pt. 75c; qt. $1.50.
A This word is pronounced toe-sis, , J( i h " S ° n Floor Wax in lif l uid form ! 'A Pt- 50c; pt. 75c
jxtmXi hut has nothing to do with the toes. 'c? >' f ' c . , . - . ,
T® It has, however, a great deal to do H aSS ° rt ° d n° IO f S j/ y f t^ pieCC ' sc "
X \ with the abdominal muscles. Wh,te Slielf paper 111 rolls of 15 y (ls - 15c '
The majority of women have it to BOWMAN'S —Basement.
I I a & reater or ' ess degre. It is usual-
J ly caused by badly designed corsets .
liD —those that constantly press down I EH f\ P*
PIMM" a^d ° men ' nstead su PP ort 'ng VJI dUC
stretches the abdominal muscles so j Of Women's Strictlf Hand
( /ftHi that in time they don't contract back
■yf ' ag a '- Then the trouble begins, for __
I ,Ij ,M BBn doctors and medicines extant can
,| jjv R.ylM y not cure it. (^^J\
1 UTODART Corsets
S Front Laoed
are designed to prevent and correct Good Kidskis are hard to & et ri S ht n °w. but in these shoes
~vyV ptosis. When properly fitted they the best kidskins are used as well as the best workmanship.
give perfect support to the abdomen. These are made by New York's best manufacturer of Women's
We Invite you to have a trial fitting In our corset depart- Genuine Hand Turned Footwear, in black or brown Kidskin
ment, There Is no charge for It, You will then appreciate either in pump or Oxford. Two of the models are pictured
what the MODART Corset can do for you. here.
MOWUAN'S—Third Floor, BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
I smith, Mildred Laudenslager, Glenn |
Lnudenslager. Fred Mink.
Rutherford—Hoffman Erb, Mabel
Eshenour. Alma Deimler, Elizabeth
j DcHart, Martha llellman, Robert
, McCrone, Eugene Reynolds, Joseph
| Ruff, Harry Whorley.
Democrats to Rally
at Penn-Harris Hotel
At a meeting of Democratic work- j
ers in the Penn-Harris Hotel on ;
May 15, John H. Wilson, Demo
cratic Congressman-elect from the j
Butler-Westmoreland district, will !
;be tho principal speaker. Other
[ speakers will be Fred L. Morgen- j
j thaler, Harry B. Saussanian, Robert '
| Stucker, G. A. Geisel, Samuel H.
Lane, George D. Herbert and J
Dress Pannell. The dinner will re-i
place the annual Jefferson Day din
ner of the Central Democratic Club,
j Arrangements are in charge of J.
I Dress Pannell and Arthur C. Young.
MAY 5, 1919.
; Rabbi Wise to Speak
Here Thursday Evening*
"The Peace Conference anil tho
Jewish Question" will be the sub-
I ject of Rahbi Stephen S. Wise, of
the Free Synagogue of New York
I City, at a meeting in the Board or
; Trade Auditorium on Thursday
j evening at 8 o'clock. This meeting
I has been arranged under the au
| spices of the Zionist Organization of
! America, of which Joseph (Master is
; president in this city. Rabbi Wise
i has just returned from the Peace
j Conference where he went in the
! interest of the rehabilitation of |
, Palestine.
New York, May 6.—John H. Rosse
tor, director of operations of the
United States Shipping Board, an
nounced to-day that many of the
sltips now used for carrying food
stuffs overseas would soon be re
leased to commercial and export
Tho Moose hand of Lodge 107, of
this city, has volunteered its services
to provide several frco band con
certs in Reservoir Park during tho
summer. The band numbers forty
pieces and is under (Jt? direction of
J. L. Splenger. J. K. L. _f,
manager and secretary of tho banO.
George Christopher will be given
n hearing in police court during the
afternoon on a gambling charge. He
was arrested in n suite of rooms oc
cupied by hint at 320 Market street,
yesterday morning.
Should not be "dosed"
for colds—apply the
"outside" treatment— /WfjL
"yn - -'onYGtIARD" - 30?. e>o*ll2o