Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 05, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 LEGISLATURE NEWS PLAN TO REVIVE | THE POLICE BILL Effort May Be Made in the House to Reconsider Reorganizcr Revival of the Powell bill reor ganizing the State Police Department and adding one troop may be under taken in the House to-night by State Administration forces. Ever since the bill was defeated last Monday the administration officials have been busy in an effort to assemble enough strength to have the bill put back on the calendar and passed by the House, feeling sure of the Senate. The members from third class cities who voted against the bill and some of the men from rural districts who got mixed up in the battles in the House last Monday have heard from home and have sent word that they now favor pass- j ing the bill. This will be a most important J week for the Legislature and it may I see a date for final adjournment j agreed upon if not actually fixed by the two Houses. Revenue leg- ; isiation and the appropriations to; be made bv the Legislature will di vble attention with the Philadelphia charter revision bills, and confer ences will be held by legislative leaders with Governor Sproul and the fiscal officers regarding the esti mates of the income of the State for | the two-vear period for which ihe j Legislature will appropriate ana it j is likely that an agreement as to | tne anion at will he reached and the j general appropriation, college, edit- j rational and charitable bills will bo trimmed accordingly. Some of the appropriation bills may be reported out in the next ten days. Important action in regard to bills which have been holding much interest will he taken (luring the week. The quest'on of amendments to the compensation code will be discussed by legislators with State officials and labor leaders will urge an increase in rates. Attorney Gen eral Schaffor will complete the amendments proposed to the anti sedition biji which will be considered by the House Judiciary Special Com mittee and likely be reported out again to the House for action. Amendments will also be made in committee to the bill to create the. Department cf Conservation which is in the hands of the Senate Com mittee. Among hearings scheduled for the week will be on the mine cave and English advertisement bills in Sen ate committees and on the House side on the bills to tax capital invest ed in manufacturing which is now exempt. The grade crossings and minor labor bills by the Committee on Manufactures and on the Dith rich Liability bill. Chairmen of House Committee expect to begin "house cleaning" as • the time for presenting new bills i expires on Wednesday. There arc over 2,000 bills before the Lcgisla- ; ture. Plans Tor the llotisc this week ; ciall for sessions to begin Monday night and for two to be held on : Tuesday and Wednesday with pos sibly one to advance bills on Thurs day morning. Committee meetings ! will bo held in the afternoons. j Tne bulk of the bills on the Senate ! calendar are on third reading. ; Among them are the bills requiring lights on all vehicles at night, estab lishing military training, the Phila- j delphia election bills, creating the j Slate township highway bureau, re- i organizing the Department of Public j Grounds and Buildings and estab lishing children's homes in each county. ' i In the House an attempt will be i made to reconsider the defeat of i the Poweli bill reorganizing the j State Police Department and to have I the House act again on the bill to repeal the non-partisan clause of the third class city code. The House has twenty bills on first reading, fifty-six on second reading and more than forty on the third reading stage. There are also a number of bills on the postponed calendar. t'nited States Senator Boies Pen rose will spend his third week in Harrisburg in the interest of the Philadel Charter Revision bills. New Scholarships For Americans in the Schools of Sweden New York, May 5. The Amcr-| iian-Scanilinunvian Foundation an- j nounced to-day the establishment of | ten new scholarships, beginning with the academic year 1919-1920, for] young American scientific students •to complete their general study and research in Sweden, in the universi ties and technological schools there and under the direction of scientific specialties in industry. This plan, carrying out the avow ed purpose of the foundation _' to draw the American and Scandina vian peoples closer in bonds of in tellectttal kinship," was initiated by Axel Robert Nordvall, Swedish Com missioner to the United States, and Dr. Henry Goddard Leach, secre tary of the foundation. Funds nec essary to maintain the scholarships have been pledged by Americans who desire to promote the inter change of scientific knowledge be tween the two countries and wish Sweden better to understand Amer ican ideals. Similarly, funds are be ing raised in Sweden to send two Swedish students to the United States. Each scholarship will pro vide SI,OOO for one year's study. Memorial Service For Aviators Who Died in War By AsHOciatcd Press. Atlantic City, N. J., May s.—Au gustus Post, of New York, presided lit a memorial service held on the steel pier in honor of the aerial heroes who paid the supreme sac rifice in the world war. The cere mony was held in conjunction with the second Pan-American aeronau tic convention now in session here. During the services an airplane driven by Eddie Stinson and carry ing his sister, Miss Catherine Stin son, dropped roses in the ocean at Is circled around the pier. DR. W. P. DAI LEY Dr. W. P. Dailey has removed his office from 714 South Second street 'to 19 Walnut street, Steelton. RALEIGH Atlantic City's Popular Hotel. American Plan, $4 and $5 per day. M O NT3 ATWENTNG, BILLS ASK FOR $120,000,000 Enormous Total of Measures Before the House Appro priations Committee Appropriation bills presented to the Legislature run over $120,000,000 and the task of compressing them within a safe distance of the esti mated revenue is to be undertaken to-morrow as far as the preliminary stages go. No estimates of what ' Dives, Pomeroy3c Stewart Spring Apparel in Latest Modes: Suits, Capes, Dresses An Exhibition and Unusual Sale of Fine Quality \ M M ~ K Garments, Moderate in Price \ |__fp quirements of fashion and commensurate for the marments that will most satisfactorily meet the re- r rfJT \ KW// 9i quirements of fashion and comminsense for the months of May and June. Each of the styles sketched I I ■ \ - 1S an exceptionally worthy value, for the reason that each one was made to sell at a higher price. nTi/'' \( 7L / /? U J L-\ 1 I * Quality and variety are perhaps the most striking features of the showing, and'that economy is J/JI 1 J / 4\lit \ ~ '' iven a rSt pOS ' tion the dis P la y is P rovcd man y times in the new collections that are gathered I Ik\ JtfL Smart Suits for Women and Misses \ IkVmAUL \ ni' \ I S / J |ll oj.jl >/i\Wf l\ There are scores of attractive models, made up of an admirable choice of fabric, colorings and decorations, 1 '/A ' |j { I \ ij. r / \ J J \\\ > '•ith quality tailoring down to every little detail, with hand finished touches, one usually finds, only in custom \'MA ! \ I ft 1 W/ |i / lift jV) -de garments of higher price. Choose from box styles, straight line models, semii-tailored effects. W M I feJ/l'll y I | \fi\\ ' \ Prices Are s 2s > $27.50, S3O, $35 to $42.50 'Hell 1 \| I # y I Lll I J/ Many individual suits of late design are presented in this special showing, at prices ' E \|\ 'P? I, \\V\ \\ \jy \\ nff, I N (HI which stand for unusual savings. For instance, several regular S3O styles are offered /A \fq \W 1/ I ftiUVH • 7vJsJ^/ 1 /I LJ I*——! |\ IF at $25, while $37.50 and $39.50 styles are repriced to S3O. tyany have waists or \uj ill /It f ' mUm /Ik I 11l W V \ will 'Gk T&r vestees of fancy silk, tricolette or plain colored silk, trimmed with braid and buttons. Yv \\ //f\ I jttufjk JHpjf IIL 1 vSTIX cl UliAMll Three Extra Values Suits Sketched i -Rm A. $42.50 B. $39.50 C. $39.50 f ' I\ W IK. \ I /If I 'II ' /t~\ YtTHI f1 . • A handsome one-button style Finest quality Heather Jer- . ~- , .. J tea I'&AVLi \\ • I \ \m\ Nam i/111l with long rolling collar and sey suit with convertible collar A good looking youthful suit W \ jTl' fIA \\\ W\ \ Jl \ iWlu' ill l)rW(i Klt fn 1 , anrl envelope flap pockets, the of rtnc ( l u "lity men's wear Nj .t 1i 1 carefully finished cuffs; trimmed tailoring is of a superior quality in navy blue embroidered in /'/tf U f:' P :\vv y f'y J I (l _ l l\\ V" 0 " 8 a " d bra j, d both and the colorings include bronze navy, with long tasseled girdle . / / (6IV ]U ll (|[i ml F V|L - sssranasstsr''"- w - "• fc,h " J { f WM 1 | r\ Dresses of Printed Georgette and Taffeta |l|/1 'llvilxll A I ff ;vl $/ Ml V) \ Even '|L the frocks which depend upon many ruffles for their good style, straightness of line is ap- l" I £ A \ \ Ui Y I r \ parent. There are more than a hundred new dresses in taffeta, or taffeta combined with printed or M > \\W\ U•) > Jo //I j) —T* plain georgette in the showing. } 111 Two Dresses of Special Value '. ir IM H 1 \D. $55.00 I E. $42.50 - - vT -- 1 - lu,e ® of taf [ cta running from just below the hips to the j are original and its stlde'Va^ultl-a. 1 fashionablT^especially 1 for II end of the skirt. I women of average size. Smartest Capes & Dolmans S2O to $39.50 I F . $20.00 rHs'f' St „ _ c "\°' """ " u f"' -I J. $ 42 .50 They hang in beautiful folds and are in full sweeping styles, I taffeta covered throws. tpOI.OJ lar and lowel palt of garment trim- *P • finished on cuffs with blind stitching. G. $30.00 -A I K. $35 00 ured silks. J Y which fastens with attractive buttons. 1 throughout with taffeta. xv ' W roWB of b ] ack sllk braldi Hned with silk . New Madge EvansTailored Colored Dress Voiles Organdie /|EMh Buy Your New Corset StraW fo" TamS and Tissues W ™ s p "l C ° m - In Rich Sheer Qualities for Summertime Frocks Now is the tin,e to choose your new Nemoif you arc a These popular hats are fashioned of the finest quality of Nemo wearer, or discover its comparable value if you are Milan straw and Panama. Most of the shapes are of the Voiles printed in patterns that are quite different from the printings of other years, are so not> because wo now havc a complcte range of models in mushroom style—but each is distinctive and finished with attractive that they are assured a first place in the matter of dress weaves. silk ribbon band and smart tailored bows or the long flow- The designs are exclusive and well worth seeing. stock. illg streamers. Some have natural crowns vith wide black < Voiles, in floral checks, plaids and fancy de- Beach cloth, 36 inches wide, in plain shades. Nemo Self Reducing Corsets, $3.50 to $7.00 brims—some are all black—some are in combinations of rose, signs for summer dresses. Yd., 45c, 55c, 65c, Yd le blue and other shades. Woven tissue, 36 inches wide, in fancy plaids Dress ginghams in the most complete showing Nemo Woilderlitt Corsets $6.00 to SIO.OO Evans hats are unmiestinnahlv the finest hats A* and sbiPle stripes and checks. Yd., sc an<l 75c of patterns to be found in Harrisburg. Fancy sJlfd fL . a unquestionably the hnest hats de- Embroidered voiles and organdies in white plaids, staple checks and stripes. Yd 41c Nemo Kopservicc 53.00 to SIO.OO Signed for girls to-day, and we are privileged to have them grounds with colored woven figures; for waists Will. Anderson gingham, in fancy plaids, ' * exclusively in our Millinery Section. and trimmings. Yd SI.OO, $1.39 aiul $2.25 stripes, checks and plain shades. Yd., 09e and 79c 'PI IP Solf Rorlurinp- is for stout fitmrps the Wnmlerlift fnr $5 OO to sl2 OO Plain organdie; ** inches wide, in the new Madras shirting in fancy colored stripes of Ine sconcing is lor Stout ngures, tne Woncieriltt lor v Ar j or i- * t> • '1 • x . t shades. Yd $1.25 fast colors. Yd 19c and 75c slender and average women, and the Kopservice for all xew JMaclge tvvans linen lams in dainty sweater shades, Rough pongee; 36 inches wide, in rose, cadet. Silk muslins, 36 inches wide. Yd.,59c and 85c $3.50 xrey, wistaria, tan and pink. Yd 85c Cotton crepe de chine. Yd 59c women. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Front Dives, Pomeroy & Ste /art, Street Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Men's and Boys' Pajamas A May Showing' of Whito Dross re ese Foulard Silks For Summer Nights i qi • f xp "U * That A Season of Foulard Men's summer weight pajamas in solid colors and white, dilQ OKII L r dDIiCS Frocks is in Order $1.75 and $1.95 Men's white and solid color mercerized pajamas, with l i* m • ,• tt r n - Fifty of the best foulard silk patterns we have ever shown, double silk loops, 92.95 habaraines, 1 ricotines, Wash Satins, Piques are rcad y in a Ma y showing; 36 inches wide, in exclusive Men's fine striped percale pajamas, size 18, . .$1.50 printings of navy, black, plum, taupe and brown, yd., $2.00 Boys' Pajamas Hundreds of exclusive patterns of fine quality plain weaves make up this May showing of Black and white foulards of fine grades; 40 inches wide, $1.35 two-piece pajamas, striped percale $1.19 dress and skirt weaves for the summer season. }' d -, , _ $2.50 and $3.00 Two-piece pajamas in plain white and solid colors SLSO Plain white voile, yd., .. 50c, 75c, SI.OO to $2.00 Imported fancy voiles in checks and stripes, yd.. Pussy willow satin foulard with new polka dot patterns One piece pajamas in white and colors, $1.35 Plain white organdie, yd., 50c, 75c, SI.OO SI.OO to $1.50 on white grounds; 40 inches wide, yd S3 95 Muslin ——- cn , Bs;; ; e and* I stripes St.*™* 3ZZ s°c Mallinson's pussy willow in foulard designs, for'dresses ana stripes, ya ' L $- •>) Dimities in checks and stripes, yd., aild Cape linings ;40 inches Wide, yd S4.SO White Marquisette, yd., SI.OO and $1.50 i sc> 19c, 25c, 29c and 35c Crcnc Georgette in foulard nrintinvs- 40 inrhec White mercerized batiste, yd 35c, 50c, 65c Imported Dimity for fine dresses, yd., .1 <B rtA j /I /-NVlA'A'f' j- /A | VIAVAA „ / lE Sheer and heavy weight flaxons, yd., 25c to 69c 50c, 59c to SI.OO ) a :> Jpo.UU and $3.50 \ ) I nlil iP U(3 Vjfline Embroidered voiles in checks and stripes, yd.. Imported embroidered Swiss, 29 inches wide, yd., Dives, Pomoroy & Stewart, Street Floor BIOUS6 Specials WVritp Skirt for Summpr Montfm Childron s $1.25 und. $1.50 Gingli3,ni Regular $5.50, $6.50 & $7.50 Groups, $3.50 . VVmie SKILL rdDIICS lor OUmmei ivionms One hundred fine quality Georgette Crepe Blouses in this season's The weaves that promise to be most highly favored this season, are wash satins, gabar- L/IcbbtJb best styles are offered in a clearance sale beginning to-morrow for dines, tricotines and piques. Complete assortments will be found in the white goods section. pTfmnrdinnru Rpdnrtinnc Chnnvp ni QSn less than actual cost, on account of the fact that they have become Wash satin, with rich lustrous Plain gabardines. 36 inches 36 inches wldt, . ,39c to 79c UXll UOI UUIUI lj ntUULUOnS. dust matked. Every one of them wall respond instantly to a cleans- finish that is retained tfirough wide, yd 75c and SI.OO 36-inch piques for skirts and Among them are solid color and stripe Ginghams and Amoskeag •, , fi ♦ laundering, yd., $1.25 and $1.50 Tricotine. yd 75c . b , . . _ Chambrays, in sizes 2, 4, 6, 12 and 14. Neatly made in excellent eh Fl ? Izes 36 to 46 - Fiber silk stripes, yd., $1.50 Poplins for nurses uniforms ' yd " s#c to B,>c styles. Special this week 98c $3.50 Crepe de < hine Blouses, dust soiled, sizes 30 to 46. JtO CA Oxfords and gabardines, yd., and children's dresses: 42-inch imported wool finish Regular 75c Linene Dresses for little girls, sizes 2, 4 and 6, are Reduced to 27 inches wide, - 50c pique, yd., SI.OO reduced this week to 50c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will receive in the next two years has been made officially, but it is be lieved that a figure around $85,000,- 000 may be decided upon as a limit. Home optimists are inclined to think that the figures for the present ytear may go well over $44,000,000, but others contend that they may not go to $42,000,000. Much will depend upon the manner in which the tax is collected and the Auditor Gen eral's Department is proceeding vig orously to elear the books of back taxes. The twti-mill manufacturing capital tax would add materially and it is not certain yet whether it will not be necessary to take care of the teachers' salary increase. Included in the appropriations asked is $9,000,000 for colleges, which it is predicted will be cut down. The general appropriation bill, which stands over $40,000,000, is due to be trimmed as well. Plans have been made for a con ference between the Governor, the HAKRISBURG TELEGRXPH fiscal officers and the chairmen of the appropriations committees to morrow or next day with a view to getting down to brass tacks on the amount that can be voted. The Governor will also settle the rev enue raising problems this week. The final hearings and inspections will be made by the House Appro priations Cpmmittee this week. Tuesday the Downingtown Industrial School will have a hearing on its appropriation. The new Federal Inheritance Tax law will cost the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania probably a million dol lars a year because of the fact that the taxes of this State are levied on the clear value of estates after de duction of debts, cost of administra tion and federal taxes. When this law was enacted the State authori ties never contemplated such in heritance taxes as those now in force as a result of the War Revenue law and the liscovery that big estates will pay enormous federal taxes and the State lose what it might have gotten has resulted in a series of bills to correct the condition. One of these bills is in the so-called Daw son series, introduced by the chair man of the Ways and Means Com mittee at the request of the Auditor General. The Federal law allows exemptions up to $50,000 estates. The tax is one per cent, up to SIOO,- ,000, bui raises rapidly after that, to eight per cent, for million dollar estates and twenty-two per cent, for those between eight and ten million dollars. The bills will probably be reported out by the Ways and Means Commit tee this week. The Walker series which will stiffen up the taxes against foreign corporations are ex pected to pass this week, while the new inheritance tax code is on the House calendar. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets Adv. RED CROSS AIDS GREEKREFUGEES Americans Help Those Who Are Coming Home From Bulgaria Xnnthi, Greece, May 5. Greece | is indebted to the United States for i many things, hue she probably will ! remember the longest the aid given by the American Red Cross to the j i 50,000 or more refugees who have | | been coming buck from Bulgai-ia and j I Asia Minor over every road and j (mountain pass. Unable through its! 'own agencies to care for this im- 1 MAY 5, 1919. mense number of homeless and des titute people, the Greek government left the task to America's big relief j organization. King Alexander, Pre mier Venizelos and the Greek gov ernment have already testified their i gratitude for this assistance which was made possible through the gene rosity of the American people. Twenty-four hours after the sign ing of the armistice, the Red Cross ! established relief stations at every ! point in Bulgaria, Turkey and Mace- j j donia over which these innocent vie- I jtims of the war were likely to come. | | It dispatched trainloud after train- | I load of supplies to the areas in ! I which suffering was known to be | J worst. I The stream of refugees has not yet j j ceased, and the work of the Red ■ j Cross continues. There has been a j I serious development of typhus | j among the refugees quartered in Ka ' valla. Drama and this city. 1 Edward Walker, of Luray, Va., a I young officer in the American Red Cross, gave his life in fighting the disease. Three American nurses# have also been stricken but are re covering in Greek hospitals. LANE'S ' COLD &GRIP TABLETS GUARANTEED