Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 05, 1919, Page 12, Image 12
12 ROPER EXPLAINS TAXES ON ART AND JEWELRY Commissioner of Internal Revenue Issues Rulings Upon .Their Sales Washington, May s.—Taxes im posed under the new revenue act upon sales by manufacturers, pro ducers and importers, on the sales of works of art and jewelry and on transportation were explained by Commissioner of Internal Revenue Roper in a series of rulings just made public. The tax on sales by a manufac turer, producer or importer, the oommisioner has ruled, is payable directly by him or his agent and is measured by the price for which the article is sold and not on the list price when that differs from the sales price The tax is payable on a sale whether or not the purchase price is actually collected and dis counts for cash or made subse quently to the sale, may not be de ducted. If an article is increased In price to cover the tax, the tax is on the increased price. The manufacturers' taxes cover a number of articles including auto mobiles, parts and assessories musi cal instruments, sporting goods, con fections, furs and firearms and ranges from three per cent, on au tomobile trucks and wagons to 100 (. h For Skin Tortures Don't worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle at SI.OO. Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes the skin clear and healthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. \ Piles and Rupture Treated By Philadelphia Specialist I • . I It PILES. Every person so uttlicted should investigate our painless, dissolv ing method ot treating tliese trou- | blesomu affections. This dissolv- | enl treatment is one of the great est discoveries of the age and no I Person has any excuse lor suffer- 1 iug with Piles while tins treat- ! nient is so easy to obtain. We absolutely guarantee to cure I every case we UhUerlaae, and we i lurther guarantee to do so with out giving ether or chloroform and without putting the patient to sleep, and that the treatment must I be painless. We do not use the 1 anile, and no acid Injections or ' salves. If you aie suiiering from I piles of any kind do not tail to I take advantage of this wonderful I treatment These treatments are given every other Weduesday by a specialist from Philadelphia. I RUPTURE. It Is not necessary for you to ' wear a truss all your lite and tu I be In constant danger ot having a I strangulated rupture, which is | nearly always fatal. Our method I or treating rupture gives results in ! eight out of every ten eases. It closes up tile opening permanently and you can throw your truss away and again feel like n real man. Our fees for these treat ments are very small and are within the reach ot every one. DIE W. S. VODI.It, PHILADEL PHIA SPECIALIST AT HOTEL HOI,TON, Wednesday, .May 711,, from 11 to S p. in. ■" /■ ~ ! Star Carpet Cleaning Works J i Let Us Clonn Your Carpets Now J General Upholstering Awning Making expert work guaranteed : Give Us a Trial Joseph Coplinky Eleventh and Walnut Streets 11A1UUSBUKG, PA. Bell 398-H Dial 6951 | ■/ '■ There's Nothing Garish about any monument wc design and erect. In every caso our work will be found to conform to good taste. If you think of hav ing a monument in your plot, we shall be glad to aid you in the selection of a design within the limit of the sum you are pre pared to expend. I. B. Dickinson Granite, Mar hie and Tilo 505-13 N. THIRTEENTH ST., Harrisburg, Pa. MONDAY EVENING, !per cent, on dirk knives and dag gers. The jewelry stores tax is five for cent, and applies to articles to be worn for the purpose of adornment, according to the ruling. Articles carried in a handbag or In the , pocket such as cigarte cases, pow der boxes and purses are taxable as jewelry only if ornamented with precious stones. The new tax on transportation is interpreted by Commissioner Roper as applying also to any form of reg ular transportation operating in competition with rail or water car riers. Tickets sold in the United States to points in Mexico or Canada are taxable. Tickets selling for less • than 42 cents are not taxable. Ninety-Eight Harrisburg Women Decorated For Work During the War Ninety-eight women have received decorations from the Harrisburg Chapter of the American Red Cross in recognition of their war services. : Other awards are yet to be made, many of them going to women in the auxiliaries of the local chapter. The Red Cross service badge, a gold medal, has been given to the following workers to date: Frances M. Acuff, Mrs. Charles W. Buftnett, Mrs. Mary Beerlew, Mrs. Edna XI. Bander, Mrs. Grace S. Bux baum, Clara Burnhart, Mrs. J. D. Chamberlain, Xliss IJora XV. Coe, Mrs. John Cowden, Mary Creighton, Mrs. S. J. Cadwallader, Mrs. R. C. Crow, Mrs. Downey, Mrs. S. F. Dunklo, Xtrs. A S. Diliinger, Xlrs. E. F. Doehne, Xlrs. Carl Ely, Eliza Beatty Egle, Xliss Ida O. Evans, Daisy XI. Foosc, 1 Marl L. Fink, Xlary Friedberg, Mrs. XI. D. Foutz, Xlrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, Xlrs. It. U. Gillispie, Xlrs. John C. German, Jr., Xlrs. Walter H. Galther, Xlrs. F. XI. Green, Xlrs. E. Z. Gross, Xlrs. Frances J. Hall, Xlrs. Eugene L, Heyser, Xlrs. C. C. Hunter. Xlrs. Carl Heefner, Emma Hays Heck, Sara R. Hemperly, Xlrs. C. E. Harr, Mrs. Wil liam Jennings, Xlrs. Xlabel Cronise Jones, Xlrs. G. H. Jefferes, Catharine Kelker, Mrs. F. W. Koppenheffer, Xlrs. Vernon Kister, Xlrs. Herbert E. Lucas. Carolyn Lynch, Xlrs. Horace ] Lutz, Jennie B. butz, Caroline Xlof fitt. Xlrs. Harvey Myers, Mrs. Xtell inger, Xlrs. A. G. Meyers. Mrs. Her man P. Xliiler, Xlrs. J. Horace Mc- Farland, Mrs. A. S. Moyer, Xlary Xlc- Killip, Xlrs. Helen Leib XlcCandless, Xliss Anne XlcCormick, Mrs. J. A. McCabe, Xlrs. Sylvan Neidig, Xliss Emma C. Nissley, Xlrs. George Henry Orth, Xlrs. L. D. Perry, Xlrs. George Phillips. XI-s. R. W. Powell, Xlrs. Xlabel Quigley, XTargaret Ringland, Mrs. John W. Reil.v, Xliss Ruth A. Rilling, Xtrs. E. C. Itauch, Mrs. R. R. Rapp, Xlrs. Walter Spofford, Xlrs. C. Howard Sauers, Xlrs. R. E. Scfhrack, Xlrs. ,\. J. Shaull, Xlrs. John C. Sel sam, Mrs. N. C. Sweeney, Mrs. C. A. I Smucker, Xlrs. C. W. Spahr, Xlrs. W. ID. -Stewart, Xlrs. George Spencer, | Xliss Eleanor Shunk, Xlrs. George B. j Tripp, Xlrs. D. E. Tracy, Xlrs. Chester | Waits, Xliss Anna Watts, Xlrs. H. V. Winchell, Xlrs. Jennie Watts, Mrs. A. j A. Yost, Mrs. W. H. Yoeum. ( odd Fellows Plan For $50,000 Addition to Their Orphans' Home Beaver Springs, Pa., May s. —Fifty thousand dollars' worth of improve ments to the Odd Fellows' Orphans' Home of Central Pennsylvania as a | monument to the twenty-three boys I and ore girl who are represented by stars on ilic service flag of the in stitution are forecast in a letter sent to-day from the office of the secre tary, H. I. Romig, Beaver Springs. The home is located near Sunbury. The announcement, which goes to Odd Fellows lodges of the district, is in tlie form of an appeal for funds, it fails attention to the fact, ! that the recent epidemic of influensaj I was the cause of the death of many I members of the fraternity, and that j every possible bit c f space is in use. I "Orphans are clamoring to be ad mitted," continues the statement. Roy D. demon, Harrisburg, is i chairman of tho ways and means ! committee which will have the carn | paign for funds unuer its direction. | ( — — ■ ' | UNDERTAKER 1745 I Chas.H.Mauk * n"; h 8c I Private Ambulance Pbonee I ; \ ,..J I / ■> GORGAS DRUG STORES ' CONSULTATION And Eye Examinations OFFICE 9to II v. M. iMßjffi I 12 to SP. XI. W3V i 12 IV. Second St., 2nd Floor Front ChecK that cold j at the start i Remember, an unchecked cold leads to j more serious ailments. Prompt action is hall the battle. Have ready ii box of DILL'S La. Grippe and Cold T ablets Take them according to directions on the box, at the first sign of a cold, chilis, head ache, feverish condition, or influenza. Made by the Dill Co., Norristown, pa. Also manufacturers of the reliable DilV s Balm of Life Dill's Cough Syrup ( Dill's Little Liver Pill* Dill's Kidney Pllle Ask your druggist or dealer In medicine. 7%. kind mother atwaya kept I Lmmwmwwv WINDOW FALLS INTO A CHURCH, KILLING WOMAN Injures Many Others and Starts Panic Among Worshipers By .Associated Press, Trenton, N. J., Xlay s.—The falling of a ventilating window and sash weighing three or four hundred pounds from the roof of St. Mary's 1 Roman Catholic Cathedral, a distance of 75 feet, into the crowded church yesterday afternoon at a women's mission, killed one woman, injured more than a score of others and started a near-panic among the wor shipers. Miss Mary Kennedy, aged 40, of 135 Chancery street, the dead woman, sustained a broken neck and a fractured skull. Six others were taken to hospitals. Michael Camp bell, an usher who acting for the sex ton, William Xlaher, attempted to open the window when it crashed in, collapsed after the accident and was placed under medical care. He re peatedly accused himself of murder. First aid in the way of bandages and appliances were rushed from Are headquarters nearby and many of the injured were being cared for when a number of physicians arrived. There were about 1,500 women in the church and many fainted. A section of pews was covered with the blood of the injured. The mis j sion was being conducted by the . Vincentian Fathers of Germantown, I and the priests by their coolness pre vented a wild stampede In the church. City Building Inspector Hancock, after an examination of the fallen window, which was made of heavily leaded glass, said that there was 110 defect in it or its attachment and gave as his opinion that the wire opening had been pulled hard enough to force it off its hinges. I WEST SHORE 1 Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Xfr. and Mrs. David Lighter, Mrs. J. B. Lightner, Mrs. Alice Shuil and son, Joseph Shull, of Loysville, mo tored to Marysville yesterday, where they visited Xlrs. Myrtle Lightner. Mrs. Milton Anspach and daughter, Jeanette, and Mrs. Verna Crowe and two children, of Marysville, have re turned to their homes after visiting for several days at Philadelphia. Martin J. Clendenin, a member of a quartermaster unit as Camp Lee, Va.. is spending a short furlough with his parents, Xlr. and Mrs. M. J. Clendenin, Marysville. Mrs. Carl Bixler and son. of Youngstown, Ohio, are visiting her parents, Xlr. and Mrs. George Fisher, at Marysville. Leroy Shumaker, of Harrisburg, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Shumaker, at Marys ville. Miss Flora Sutton, of Washington Heights, spent Sunday with relatives i at Shiremanstown. Mrs. Raymond O. Renninger and daughters, Miss Carolyne Renninger and Xliss Mildred Renninger, of Carlisle, spent a day recently with Mrs. Gilbert Starr at Shiremans town. Mr. and Mrs. XI. H. Gettys, daugh ter, Xliss Verna Gettys, and son, Fred Gettys, and Lee Gates, of Har risburg, motored to Shiremanstown i 011 Saturday, where they were en tertained at the home of Xlr. and Xlrs. John R. Nebinger. Xlr. and Mrs. Norman Spahr and daughter, Dorothy Elizabeth Spahr, of 1936 Penn street, Harrisburg, , spent Sunday with Mrs. Spahr's parents, Xlr. and Xlrs. J. W. Wolfe, at Shiremanstown. Xlr. and Mrs. Xlos3 R. Rowles and son Frederick, ot Xlechanicsburg, spent Sunday with the former's parents at I Shiremanstown. Mr. and Xlrs. Charles Armouls, son Charles of Lebanon, motored to Shire manstown where they spent Sunday with Mr. Armoul's parents, Xlr. and Xlrs. James Eckert. Mr .and Mrs. Fred Berger, of XVash ington, D .C., motored to Shiremans town where they spent several days i with Xlrs. Berger's sister, Mrs. D. Y. Zimmerman. Xliss Xlary Wolfe, of West Kairview spent Sunday with the Xlisses Xlargaret r and Emma Weber at Shiremanstown. Charles Bates, of the Fifty-sixth En gineers. has arrived from overseas and was discharged from service He is a son of Mrs. Sieson Bates of New Xlarket. Mrs. George Grove, of Budge street, New Cumberland, is seriously ill. Her daughter Xlrs. Cora Garner, of Kansas, was summoned home. Miss Grace Apple, of Wellsville is the guest of her sister, Xlrs. R. R. Reiff in Bridge Street, New Cumberland. Xliss Lauretta Sweigirt and Xliss Blanch Sweeney, of New Cumberland spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Xlarguerite Sweeney at Enola. Xlrs. TVilllam Broadhurst, of New Cumberland, spent the weekend with her son Burgess Broadhurst, at Annapo lis, Md. Xliss Elizabeth Smaling and Xliss Es ther Seep, of New Cumberland, spent several days at Lebanon Valley College. Xlr. and Mrs. George Ruhl, of Balti more, are guests of Xlrs. Charles Leaf, on Geary street. New Cumberland. Xlr. and Xlrs. Roy Gaston, son Kenn and Mrs. Clyde Gohn and daughter Naomi, of Johnstown, are visiting Xlr. and Mrs. W. W. Zimmerman and Mr. and Xlrs. William Cookerley, at New Cumberland. Program For Meeting of Marysville Civic Club Mnryaville, Pa., May s.—Final ar rangements are being made by the Marysville Civic Club for the big "get-together" meeting of the or ganization which will be held this evening in the hall of the Knights of Pythias. A special program bearing on the civic interests of Marysville has been scheduled. Xlrs. Jennie Wox, president, will preside. Visiting speakers will have places on the pro gram. Burgess Amos M. Fisher, borough councilmen, borough school directors, ministers and their wives, husbands of members and other persons, have been especially invited to attend. Doctors Recommend Bon-Opto for the Eyes | Physicians and eye specialists pre- I scribe Bon-Opto as a safe -home remedy In the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen eyesight. Sold under money refund guaran tee by all druggists. H. C. Kennedy, Croll Keller, J. Nelson Clark. . ITARRISBTJRG 1668 l TELEGRAPH 1 PRISON SCENE FROM "THE PANTHER WOMAN" \ ~ ~p ■|J B B MB BMi The above photograph is reproduced from Madame Petrova's latest picture. "The Panther Woman." It shows her embracing her sweetheart before passing through the little green door, where the electric chair is placed—and death. This picture will positively only be shown to-day and to-morrow. CHILDREN ARE FACING PERILS OF OF WAR PERIOD Preliminary Arrangements Made For Organizing Child Welfare Bureau Warnings that the health of the country's children is endangered by the war, and that it is necessary for every city, town and community in the United States to take im mediate measures for child welfare work, were sounded by Miss Sallie lamas Jean, child welfare worker from New York city, who addressed a public meeting held in the Board of Trade Auditorium Saturday evening. Approximately 200 people were in attendance. "In all of the warring countries the health of the children has al ready shown distinct marks of de terioration, due to war conditions," said Miss Jean. "Our own country is no exception. The physical impair ment of tho corning generation is one of the most disastrous by-pro ducts of the Great War, and one of those after-effects, once estblish ed, can never be fully undone. "The ending of the war does not end tho danger. These after-effects can, however, be prevented, and the teachers of the country can make a big contribution to this work of pre vention. One of the best methods is to establish classes in the public school in which the children are ta.ught how to take care of them selves physically as well as mental ly. In cities where this system has been adopted, the children show as much interest in these classes as they do in their regular school work. They are as anxious to make 100 per cent, in health as in arith metic, geography, etc." Col. Edward Martin, State Com missioner of Health, in a brief ad dress promised his co-operation with the plan and Mayor Daniel L. Keister said he was willing to help in any way. Dr. Dorothy Hilds superintendent of the child welfare division of the State Health Department and Lieu tenant J. H. Atkinson were other speakers. D. J. M. J. Baunick, city health officer was chairman of the meeting. A second meeting will be held Thursday evening in the Y. M. C ' A. building when definite steps for i the organization of a child welfare bureau here, will be taken. | Airplane Trips Offered Two Marysville Men 1 Mnrysville, Pa., May s.—The com • mittee in charge of the Victory Lib erty Loan drive in Marysville will • meet in the office of the Marysville Water Company this evening. Among other business to be considered will be that of arranging for the flights of two Marysville people in an Army ' aeroplane here on Wednesday. Trips have been offered to the salesman I 1 selling the greatest number of bonds I and to the person buying bonds to the greatest value. The trips are j scheduled to be made on Wednesday | ' morning at 7 o'clock. Brought Wounded Soldiers From France to U. S. Xew Cumberland, Pa., May 5. Ward E. Fishel, a member of the i One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Base] ■ Hospital, surprised his sister, Mrß. i Clifford Fackler, on Friday morning' when he walked into her home ati Bellavista. Mr. Fishel recently re-j turnedf rom France. He was one of; twenty-five young men who brought | ; to Newport News, Va., 105 soldiers who had been gassed and shell shocked. He will spend a ten-day furlough with relatives here and will then leave for overseas. Liggett Replaces General McGlachlin Cohlmi, May s.—Lieutenant Gen -1 eral Hunter L. Liggett, formerly com ■ mander of the First American Army ! Corps, has arrived here from Treves i by automobile and assumed command of the United States Third Army in the occupied zone. General Lig gett relieves Major General Edward F. McGlachlin. COLORED MEN OF ARMY AND NAVY GIVEN TRIBUTE Big Service Flags Arc "De mobilized" NVith Impres sive Services Impressive ceremonies marked the demobilization of service flags of colored churches and other or- I sanitations, in the Technical High School Auditorium yesterday after noon. Silent tribute was given to the memory of the men who are represented on the flags by four golden stars, when the 300 people in the audience bowed their heads in prayer. The men on the roll of honor who gave their lives in the service of their country are: Private Charles Thorn, Camp Sherman: James Moore, Camp Grant, and Grover White, all of the Army, and Andrew Askins, Steelton, of the Navy, who died at sea. The little sponsors for the heroes were Josephine Shephard, Minnie Williams, Mary E. Davis and Ro i sctta Blackwell. The little girls were dressed in white and each wore a gold star. They stood at the front of the auditorium while the tribute was being offered. Addresses were made by R. E. Cahill, Sergeant A. Demee Bibbs and Sergeant Louis A. Howard, of Steelton. Mrs. Florence Aokley Ley led community singing. The serv ice was under the auspices of the I War Camp Community Service and ' was in charge of Lieutenant Rone- ' mus. "Each star represents a 100 per cent, pure American—unselfish, de termined, aggressive—the zenith of fidelity, courage, patriotism: each represents a young man who went forth—to make the supreme sacri fice if need be—that those of you at home might have a better chance to demand that you might be per mitted to live unhampered by petty prejudices," Sergeant Howard said. "They fought that you might have that inalienable right given to all, not only by the Federal Constitution but by the laws of the Creator Him self. "The nation-wide bomb plot has been laid at the door of the Reds. There are no negro Reds; there are no negro I. W. W.; there are no negro Bolshevists A negro traitor is | a thing unknown. "The true history of America has yet to be written," Sergeant How ard said. "Sonic historian is yet to give to tho negro American recogni tion as slave and freeman. The negro has contributed his all in making America what she is to-day." Capitol Hill Notes All to Resign.—Ex-Representa . tivo James F. Woodward, of McKees port, who will become secretary of i internal affairs to-morrow at noon, will receive the resignations of every i one in the department of which he |is to be the chief for four years. I This practice has become general in departments at the Capitol when | new men assume office, it is indi cated, however, that Mr. Woodward will not make many changes for some time to come and that the bulk of them will be announced when he organizes the new bureau under pending legislation. Respite Grunted. —The Governor has issued a respite staying the elec trocution of Bertie Franklin Moon, Somerset county, from this week to ithat of May 5. j SehniTer to Appear. Attorney | General W. I. Sehaffer went to Wash ■ ington to-day where he will appear | in the Supreme Court and move for ; permission to speak in the hearing | of the litigation growing out of con trol of telephones. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Sliiivmanstown, Pa., May s.—Mrs. Lott Hake entertained at a birth day surprise party on Thursday evening at her home here in honor of her father, Geeorge F. Jacobs, of Railroad street. The guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erb and daughters, Miss Ruth Erb, Miss Frances Erb, Miss Ada Erb, Miss j Leona Erb and Miss Mildred Erb, of Sporting Hill; Jacob H. Miller, Miss Sue A. Kline, Miss Edith Zarger, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Jacobs, Mrs. George Weaver, Mrs. Clara Hake, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hake and fam ily, all of IpMuSEj^MENTS^jf; ORPHEUM To-night—Free Christian Science Lecture. Wednesday, matinee and night, May | i —Return engagement of Jim Eu rope and his band. The Hell Fight er b. Friday night and Saturday matinee . ni § h t. May 8 and 9 A. H. " °°ds offers "Friendy Enemies." MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville "Bon Voy- B( ?f' a . pne-act musical comedy with eight people; The Monarch Comedy 1- our, male singers; Thomas I. JaeJson and Company in a coni edy-dramatin sketch, "Once a Thief: McDonald and Cleveland, song and comedy entertainers; Jack Morrissey and Company in a whip cracking novelty. COLONIAL T °-doy and to-morrow Alice Joyce in Cambric Mask." Wednesday and Thursday Mabel Norman in "The Pest." REGENT To-day and to-morrow Rillie Burke in "Good Gracious, Annabelle." VICTORIA To-day and to-morrow Mme. Pe trova In "The Panther Woman." \\ rdnesoay and Thursday "The Un chastencd Woman." The sketch that Thomas P. Jackson and Company are presenting at the Majestic the early half of At flic this week furnishes plenty MojcMtlr of thrills. It is entitled "Once a Thier," and the story it tells holds the interest of the audience to the finish. Other acts on the hill arc the Monarch Comedy hour, an excellent male ouartet: a lively mus'cal comedy offering, with eight people, entitled "Bon Voyage;" McDonald and Cleveland, song and comedy entertainers, and Jack Mor rissey and Company in a whip-crack ing novelty. Beginning the last three davs of this work, the first installment' of a neve serial. "The Tiger's Trail," fea turing popular Ruth Roland, will be shown. Record-breaking crowds greeted the initial showing of "The Cambric Mask." at the Colonial At the Theater this morning. The Cnloninl picture is taken in the southlands and is brimful of humor, natlios, comedy and thrill ing incidents. The screen play is adapted from the famous novel by Robert W. Cham bers, which has readers by the mil lion. To-day and to-morrow the Reeent Theater presents delightful Bill!" Rurke in her new nilllo Burke photoplay. "Good Orce in New Play ious, Annabelle." In this jat Regent production Miss Burke is seen as a young girl who is kidnaped hv John Rawson, a hermit, during a battle over mining claims in the West. And he obliges her to marry him. When she cries, he thrusts her brutally from him and leaves her to shift for herself. Sub sequently be strikes it rich and sends his wife monthly remittances, which she spends with great extravagance. After the expiration of several years, Rawson goes East and they meet ac cidentally in queer situations which result that they are reconciled after t?->eir relationship has been establish ed. The story came out of Paris before the armistice was signed that General Gourard, the veteran Jim Europe French commander of anil His 1870. who made himself Juxz lland so effective in the late war, would'nt leave Aix les Rains while the band of the Three Hundred and Sixty-ninth Infantry was there. The old hero of two wars liked to listen to the jazz music of the famous band of the "Hell Fight ers," and he liked it so well that he made his headquarters wherever the band happened to be quartered. Lieu tenant James Rees Europe, the fight ing bandmaster of the famous colored organization, will be here at the Or pheum Wednesday, matinee and night, to show why General Gourard and the whole French nation went wild over the band. During fifteen months In the fight ing zone. Lieutenant Europe's band was detailed at various times to lighten the spirits of the men In the trenches, the wounded men in hos pitals, the men on leavo from the front, and the people that stayed at heme. They were detailed at Paris for a period when complaint came from the actual fighting front that the bovs for whom the hand was or jgantzed were lonesome for their own I musi; and were tired of the brand ba ling doled out by other hands. General Pershing had made the detail and many soldiers and civilians who were in Paris tried to convince him that the joy-givin- usicians were neces sary to the mi.rule of the French capi tal. It was General Gourard that car ried the petition to the American commander and convinced him that ihe band should be sent back to the bovs that were on the firing lines. Tbev did return to the front and were greeted by the "dough bovs" in such fashion that Europe said that when ever his band was sent away he would rf main to take his place behind a machi I • gun. the position he origi nally enlisted for. Lieutenant Europe was drafted but once. He entered the service as a volunteer, despite his reputation as a musician, and was steadily plugging away at a machine gun when Colonel Haywood found him and drafted him from the ranks to or ganize and direct a band. Later lie entered an officers' school and receiv ed his commission. The band numbers sixty-five men, and while the program will contain jazz music, played as only colored musicians can handle the syncopated melodies, there will he selections cal culated to display the abilities of the hand to the fullest. As Vert Rloom said recently in the New York Telegram: "I don't think we can dislike jazz music after we hen- what it meant on the other side If France, which of all countries in the world knows what art is. took the trap drum and the slide tromhone to its heart In war times, then there is something to say for the jazz fad in America now." In the principal roles of "Friendly Enemies," which comes to the Or pheum, Friday and Satur "Frlcndlv day after phenomenal Enemies'- pun oSnoptf) ui sassaoons New York, will be found Karl Pfeifer. a German-horn Amrl ean. who Is drunk on Kaiserhrau Kul tur and bleak obstinacy. In broad comparison to this double-dyed Ger man is the thoroughly Yankee Doodle Dutchman, Henry Block, who is with us because he is one of us and because we need him more than any other kind of ally in the world. "Friendly Enemies." which has the personal endorsement of President Wilson, is well done and finely staged by A. H. Woods, its producer, who s sending a perfect cast to this city to Interpret the various characters. This event promises to be the most notable of the present season. Soviets Appeal to Wilson to Prevent Enemy Advance By Associated Press. Vienna, May 5. —The Budapest So viet government has appealed to President Wilson to prevent the on ward march of the troops encircling | Hungary. The appeal says it is time that war's bloody crime was stopped; that the Soviet is making an honest effort for good government, and that it has kept order, despite the slan derous reports to the contrary cir culated by enemies who fled the cpuntry. MAY 5, 1919. GLASS SPURS ON | VICTORY LOAN Sends Strong Appeal to Com mittees to Make Bigger Efforts Washington, May 4.—With sub scriptions to the Victory Libijiy loan lagging to a greater extent than in any of the four previous loan campaigns, secretary of the! Treasury Glass at the beginning of! the third and closing week of the t.livo sent to all campaign com mittees a strong appeal for a final | effort that would not only raise but; exceed the minimum quota of! $4,500,000,000. The treasury yesterday receivedj no official reports on subscriptions! but on the basis of subscriptions' tabulated last night slightly mor; j than one-third of the minimum i quota has been raised. Unofficial I reports received to-day were said tc ! indicate that at the outside not ! more than four-ninths of the loan I l.ad been subscribed. Official figures for the various] states of the first and second j Liberty loans are lacking, but th< • best available information was said I to indicate that on the eve of the final week more than four-ninths of] the loan had been taken in each! drive. In the third loan campaign at the start of the final week two thirds of the total had been sub scribed and at the beginning of the th.rd week of the last lorn cam paign about three billion dollais ot one half the total had been raised. Total subscriptions officially re ported in the Victory campaign total $1,657,979,350. To reach the minimum quota slightly more than $400,000,000 must be raised daily beginning to-day and ending "Satur day night. WOMEN IN EIJSCTION FRAUDS Chicago, May s.—The Cook county Grand Jury has returned indictments against several persons charged with election frauds in the February may oralty primaries, the accused includ ing three women and six men, pre -0 R P H E u¥ FRIDAY. SATURDAY—MAY 9. 10 twiiLUDAI MATIM-.E, 25c to *I.OO NIGHTS. 50c to *3.00 REGENT First Time in Ilarrislitirg BILLIE BURKE —IX "Good Gracious Annabelle" An ideal story and the bent In which dainty lllllle Burke ban ap peared. TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW 1 A I.SO "VOD-A-VIL MOVIES** Compowcd of a Number of Acta Wednesxlny and Thursday * FRED STONE —IN— "JOHNNY GET YOUR GUN" 1_ j joint Song Recitai] J Foremost Ne£ro Entertainers ( ( (>r America ft C Maud Curey Hare M Elocutionist aiul Pianist William Richardson % Tlic Race's Greatest liari tone Soloist I C Tuesday Evening | Technical Hi£h School I At 8 P. M. I ■ Admission, J AnnrvriTHl WEDNESDAY, MAY 7 (IKI Hr IJ VI Matinee at 2.ls.—Night at 8.15 : VT AA* iJ VfAT* Seats Qn Sak Monday A . M . 11 Return Date By Insistent Request A JUBILEE DAY OF SUNSHINE IN MUSIC ;| LIEUT. "JIM" EUROPE "HELL 'FIGHTERS" KBt*. ! 369 th U. S. INFANTRY BAND I MAKERS OF WAR HISTORY jMll ' and Musical Idols of PARIS and . j LONDON. 65 Musicians Vet- fI&SIMM ' .'■> f ;| erans of the CHAMPAGNS and laßS —* \ ARGONNE, with assisting ar | j tISt LIEUT dI ffoBLE SISSLE „ II golden-voiced tenor, will distill the heart-stirring and unusual music that lias made tliem the admiring talk of two oontinent-s and turned over a new chapter in the story or American Music. THEY TIIRILL- El> FRANCE with sprightly American RAGTIME and were the ravorltc MUSICAL JOY TONIC of the lighting men in the trenches. TWO JOYOUS JAZZ FESTIVALS 1 New Program—New Songs—New Specialties | Don't Miss Hearing Them This Time ! 50 Cents to SI.OO, Matinee.—so Cents to $1.50, Night VICTORIA 'om^rcr^ l^™! Eight Words of Perjury and a Beautiful Soul, Sunk to the Depths of Despond by the Weight of Confidence Be trayed, is Condemned to 'Death by Electrocution—This oc curs in "THE PANTHER WOMAN" FEATURING MME. PETROVA One of the Best Emotional Pictures Produced Within the Past Two Years ~ WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN "A NIGHT IN THE SHOW" THIS IS THE PICTURE THAT MADE HIM FAMOUS etnet judges and clerks of election. It was the first time women had been charged with irregularities since theji obtained suffrage in Illinois. | STORK IS OVKRWOttIfED Cly, Pa., May s.—Twins, a boy and a girl, born to Mr. and Airs. David Schaffner, were the third set of twins to arrive in six days at Cly. The oth-i ers, a boy and girl, arrived at Harry Long's and two sons at the home oil George Cooper. MAJESTIC A Sparkling Musical Comedy BON VOYAGE Bevy of I'retty Girls .ONCE A THIEF (Abvayn xi Thief) , An Exceptionally Funny Act OTHER ACTS INCLUDE Willi* CRACKING— SONGS AND DANCES STARTING MAY S RUTII ROLAND —IN "THE TIGER'S TRAIT.** One of the most thrilling; scrinls over produced. Don't 311 KM tlie First Kplnode ! COLONIAL TO-DAY AMI TO-MORnOW ALICE JOYCE —IX THE GAMBLING MASK An iinuMiinl picture of the SoutlilnndM v hich sliowx the terror n hand of men cxin Nprend during the inyMtic hour* of overflowing with the thrilling J McencM HN well XIM .splendid comedy. \V EDXESD A Y—Til I IISD A Y MABEL NORMAN —ix "THE PEST" Everyone known this aetreKM xind the quality of plxiyM she pro duces so it is needless to say more \o INCREASE IN PRICES Fahnestock ,j Hall Nlondxiy Evealnnr* 3lny 5, 1910 At 8.15 Benefit Concert to Aid the French Orphans Madame Alberta Carina Noted Coloratura Soprano l*rinui Donna, French Opera Comlquc Under Her NlxiiinKcmcnt. Mm. Lawrence Sterner, of New York City, at the Piano. Tickets on sale at Y. 31. C. A. office, StleiY Piano Store, Gorans' Druse Stores, Hose's Confection Store* Automo biles xit Ten.