Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 05, 1919, Page 10, Image 10
10 KARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1881 Published evenings except Sunday by THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Sqaare E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief F. It. OYSTER, Business Manager GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation Manager Executive Board J. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLESBY, F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Press —The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. A Member American F\ Newspaper Pub- Ilishers' Associa tion. the Audit Bureau of Circu lation and Penn sylvania Associa ated Dailies. Story, Brooks & Avenue Building New York City; Western office, Finley, People's Gas Building Chicago, 111. Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., aa second class matter. ————————— By carrier, ten cents a 4tfcfo week: by mail. $3.00 a year in advance. MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919 | He's true to God uho's true to man; ! I wherever wrong is done; To the humblest and the weakest 'ncath the all-beholding sun. —Lcwell. STATE'S RIGHTS THE Sproul administration is to be commended for the manner in which it has taken up the task of looking after the rights of the j State in two important instances, j Probably the average man in the j street does not realize just exactly j what the vigorous policy of the sec- j omi State in the union means, but j some day people ' will understand j that the Commonwealth which has always stood for the union has been j foremost in the battle to have the j States given a square deal. . Pennsylvania has insisted in suits | in court this year that it has the j right to regulate its internal affairs and that war emergencies can not J be stretched as reasons for Federal | control far beyond the time of dan ger. It has demanded that the rights of its citizens to natural re sources upon which they depend be safeguarded and that the people of Pennsylvania be given the benefit of their investments. Unusually interesting questions have arisen and they have been met as every Pennsylvanian not holding down a Federal job would have them met. What is troubling many honest-to gi.odness Americans, is why certain prominent statesmen strongly urged us to avoid entangling alliances with other powers, less than four years ago, and now play the role of the Pied Piper in leading us into a com bination such as could not have been even dreamed of when we broke into tin", war. ModWn diplomacy and statesmanship seem to involve ground end lofty tumbling and the ability to face in two directions at the same time. And, speaking of alliances, it will be noted that the world is in dulging in a sort of free-for-all guessing match as to just what the League of Nations will or will not do in actual operation. CLEAN UP; FIX UP MAY'OR KEISTER has done well to add "fix-up." to his "clean-up" week proclama tion. Many persons have postponed re pairs to house or premises that oth erwise would have been made, be cause they felt that no money or ef fort should be taken from the na tion's war effort during the conflict. There are boardwalks to be repaired, fences to be straightened, lawns to be trimmed, flower beds to be re juvenated, houses to be repainted and steps to be replaced. Now is the time to do the work. You must spend the money event ually; why not now, when labor needs the work, and while the city's campaign is at its height? Clean up; fix up; make Harris burg the cleanest, best-looking town in the State. MORE IMPORTANT A FORT WAYNE newspaper is en deavoring to ascertain senti ment in Indiana on the Re publican candidacy for President next year. General Wood appears to be a great favorite, although not a l-egident of that State, with Good rich, New and Watson figuring also in the running. The results are entertaining, but rot important. What Republicans are interested in is the kind of a program their leaders will formu late for next year. More depends upon the stand the party takes upon jenny of the vital questions of the dry than upon the selection of the Presidential candidate. If the plat form is defective or lacking, even u man as strong as General Wood might have hard sledding. The Republican phrty must go before the people with a safe, sane, progressive and constructive decla ration of principles if it is to win. j The people are tired of theories and MONDAY EVENING. ' experiments. They want to get back to firm ground. They want to be sure that the party to be placed IB I power the next four years has a I fixed policy that will not be like a ; weathercock in the wind, as the ! Wilson administration has been and ' is. But they also want the Repub i 1 lican party to apply to the problems ; that recent years have developed the : intelligence and patriotism that in ! thr past fifty years have made the , I United States under Republican | Presidents the greatest nation in j the world. The party program is the thing; the matter of a candidate will take | care of itself. What the people j want to know now is, what does the ! Republican party mean to do for the ! country; not who is it going to run j for President. ON RIGHT TRACK ANNOUNCEMENT that state College is to have playground room sufficient fsr all its stu ! dents ought to be a signal for other ! colleges to study the system that is i being introduaed at State. The idea there is to have all the students pur i sue athletics in some form or an i other. This is as it should be and is I in line with popular trend, j Our colleges have been all too prone , to cater to the individual and to neg- I Icct the mass. The star in any line ! of endeavor has had his coac.li, his I training table, his special quarters and privileges which less skillful ! students were denied. This devel ! oped high class football, baseball I and track teams, but did little for the j individual except in the way of I school spirit. | The colleges were not entirely to : blame for this. For the past quarter | century or more American people j have been content to sit on bleachers or grandstand and let others take I their exercises for them. They ! would cheer themselves hoarse over 1 a baseball or a football game, but re fused absolutely to do any playing' | themselves. Recently, however, there has come a change. The individual has come to the understanding that he is miss ing a lot by not having a little sport on his own account —which is one of the reasons why all outdoor rec reations, from camping to canoe ing, and from croquet to golf, have grown wonderfully in popularity, j This tendency will be greatly de veloped by the honie-coming sol j dier. I State College is keeping abreast !of the times, and her students will j I be all the better for this recognition ! | of their needs. , SIDE BY SIDE THOUSANDS of "weicom c Home" banners appear in the | front windows of Harrisburg homes, j and very properly so. I But have you noticed how many are displayed in windows devoid of Victory Loan posters? The place for these cards is side by side. If you put up a welcoming card, see to it that your patriotism is guaranteed by a Victory Loan card to keep it company, j Those Victory Bond posters will I give the home-coming soldiers far more pleasure than all the "Wel come Home" cards your windows will hold. TO THE JUNK HEAP SECRETARY DANIELS comes back from Europe firm in the conviction that the only thing to do with the great German fleet is to take it out to sea and sink it, with the navies of the Allies in at tendance. the bands playing and Mr. Daniels, -*e assume, occupying a place well up toward the center of the picture in full view of the movie operators sent to record the scene for the benefit of future ages. It's a picturesque idea, but one that does not fit in well with the American notions of thrift and saving. The Secretary thinks that sinking the grand fleet with pomp and cere mony would be a great object lesson to Germany and would tend to humble the proud Teuton spirit which declines to accept the fact of defeat at the hands of the Allies. But there are millions of dollars worth of metal and machinery in these vessels and a more practical idea would be to put them up at auction with all the junk dealers of the world in attendance. If Mr. Daniels would have Germany eat humble pie, here is a fine way to do it. Relegating the pride of the ' German navy to the junk heap would be a lot more humiliating than to sink the vessels at sea with ' the navies of the victors cruising about in the offing. We have wasted too much in this war already. We need the steel and machinery of these great ships, which, as the Secretary says, are unsuited for our naval purposes and, therefore, should be destroyed. To the junk pile with them, but let them be put to some useful purposes. ABOUT TIME DISPATCHES from Washington indicate that President Wilson means to call Congress into special session not later than June. The call cannot come too soon. Ordinarily the country breathes a sigh of relief and settles down to business in earnest when Congress goes home, but Just now the crying need of Abe Nation is for Congress to get together, and everybody with an interest in tlie welfare of the people in general and the return of the country to a peace basis desires an early session. The President, to the miihls of . many, would have been a much big ; | ger and stronger figure in world poll- 1 ! > tics to-day, and certainly much more | popular In this country, if he had i I decided to stay at home and help l j Congress put the Nation back on i j its, feet, instead of trying to make I j himself the greatest statesman in the * j world by going off to Europo at a * | time when his presence at home ■ | might have saved business from 1 I embarrassment and many workmen ! from months of idleness. 1 | By all means let him come home 1 j and summon Congress to clear up ] the mese the administration and the * | war together have created. '■< , [i T><,uuc*u r j > iKKGLflea,HUi By the Ex-Committeeman 3 I ■ 1 - i p i Botli Branches of the Legis * lature Will Meet Tonight at 9 O'clock * i * i | Senator Edwin H. Vare's an > | nouncement that there will be no . | more hearings on the Philadelphia ?! charter bills means that the much 3 | discussed measures, which have de s ' layed the session of the Legislature jj of 1919 more than anything else, | the most important week-end " development in Pennsylvania poli -1 j tics, it was recognition of the Gov ? I ernor as the arbiter of legislation f ' this year, and probably in 1921, and ias the course of the Governor lias | been to reach agreements on legis -3 | lation rather than involve everything rI in a tight, the confidence of the ? | South Philadelphia Senator is well " | placed. The charter revisionists, iun*er the leadership of Senator ; I Boies Penrose, get everything in ' ! principle which they set out to •! achieve, except the scalps of the present city officials whose tenure of J office, while short-lived, extends over '1 the next city election. The Governor lis declared by both sides to be the : man whose decisions will be accept- j able and action that will lead to the | speedy passage of the bills without. the tight for which everyone in the ! lower House of the Legislature has been awaiting, will probably be the order of this week. Once the Philadelphia bills are j out of the way and the revenue pro- i gram outlined, there will be speedy I action on the various administration \ measures, the appropriations and I teachers' salary increase bills. I-iq quor bills may prove a bit disturb- i ing, but like other measures which j I have kept some legislative gladia- j j tors all pruned for months, they will j j pass from the calendars with a niin- J Uxium of trouble. The Governor' jd-ies not intend to have any reactions: if he can help it. —There has been a revival of the! talk of Governor Sproul's availabil ity as a Republican candidate for. President and the various items on j the subject, which have been appear- j ing from time to time in up-State newspapers, are being much com mented upon by the larger city | journals. Appearance of some ref-! ■ eramce to Sproul in and i New York newspapers has also: served to start the discussion anew, j The Philadelphia Press says that! 1 Republican State leaders are more ] than ever convinced of the Gover-! nor's qualifications and that white! the Governor has never said any- j thing, he is "in the hands of his; friends." The Governor made a re mark once that he did not intend to allow any bees to distract him from his gubernatorial job. The Pittsburgh Gazette-Times says that the Gover nor and Senator P. C. Knox have ■ both been mentioned. Most of the newspapers expect the Republican leaders of the State to declare soon for uninstructed delegation from Pennsylvania, so as to be able to take advantage of any situation fa vorable to a Keystone State man which may arise. —Meanwhile the adherents of At torney General A. Mitchell Palmer * are endeavoring to "sew up" the s rents in the Pennsylvania Democ , racy's crazy quilt and are suggesting ' what a nice tiling it would be to have delegates elected in the interest . of Palmer for President. They even . go so far as to say he would make a good looking candidate. The op ponents of Palmer will urge an un ' instructed delegation from Pennsyl ' vania to the next Democratic con s vention and make a fight for the , national committee seat and control of the State committee. 3 —The greatest boaster Governor s Sproul is Williarq Jennings Bryan, i who used to be so much lauded by the Palmer Democrats. —Major William G. Murdock, who ■ has rendered the United States dis ■ tinguished service and made Penn l sylvania's administration of the draft j such a conspicuous success, will re t tire from office shortly, as the State headquarters will be closed up be ' fore July 1. Major Murdock will . return to Milton to reconstruct the s law practice he abandoned when , called into the State's draft head quarters at a critical time. Major Murdock has been commended na t tionally for his handling of the com f plex Pennsylvania draft section and worked an average of fourteen hours , a day. There has been no disposi tion to recognize his services as far 3 as the State is concerned, s —Gifford Pinfhot, who has be ? come one of the State's most fluent „ talkers on any subject, has returned ' for a time to forestry as a theme. 1 Mr. Pinchot's appearance here last ? week in opposition to the Governor's anti-sedition bill caused much politi cal talk. Pinchot is already a can didate for Republican candidate at 1 large. i, —Considerable space is given in e the Philadelphia Press to the bill advocated by Representative John " R. K. Scott for "shoulder" or earth 3 roads for horses. The Press quotes a Mr. Scott as saying: "It is scanda lous that we have scarcely any co operation from the State highway engineers in securing such improve ments for our roads. Unless we have n a different road legislation, stock breeders will within ten years be come a negligible quantity in the 0 State." :. —Judge Eustave A. Endlich, of i. Berks, is ill and some Democrats in * that section have been urging that he should not be a candidate again. 0 —Senator James E. Watson, of s Indiana, has given Democrats some s jolt by his Scranton speech that he has found President Wilson losing his grip in notably Democratic ™ communities. e —Pittsburgh proposed loan will be t $23,700,000 and cover most of the 3 objects which municipality ingenuity can conceive. —Scranton's school board has f taken a practical step as far as - "mine-caves" are concerned. It has HARJUSBURG TELEGRAPH tl ————— . THE DAYS OF REAL SPORT By BRICGS | " **■*••*" ; ' | bought the coal under the school I " properties. ! ! _— Judge James I. Brownson, of j Washington county, will be a can -11 didate for election to the full term. Measuring the Day's Work \ [From Answers, London.] j The most difficult task of the qpal j I commission seems to be to discover j how much coal cutting is a fair day's | work for a collier. It appears that in | !a good "place" a man will cut four! ! tons of coal in a shift, yet the yearly | i output of coal per man was only 220 I i tons last year. | It is rather interesting to glance at j ! other forms of work, and to see just j j how much other toilers do in a day. j" j Take plowing for instance. The muni | who, with a single plow, turns anj ! acre in a day, is well earning his money. In completing his task, he I i will have walked and guided the! j plow about fourteen miles. I Harvesting in the old days used to | j be slow work, and the man who cut | by hand half an acre of wheat was | ( doing well. With modern horse-j ! cutter and binder one man, with the | assistance of two "shockers," has I been known to cut and bind twenty) acres of wheat in one day. At one time the setting of three hundred bricks was considered a i day's work for a bricklayer. But at piecework, and using a special soft! j mortar, a man has been known to 1 i lay 1,400 bricks during an 8-hour! day and to continue this average for davs on end. Packing fruit is no easy task. Take) oranges, for instance. These average one hundred and fifty to the box, and ! 1 each fruit has to be separately wrap- j 1 ped in paper. Seventy boxes is con- j I sidered a very fair day's work, but! | a man has been known to pack one I hundred and twenty boxes in a 10-j 1 hour day. He had to handle and wrap] ■ eighteen thousand oranges to ac -1 comp'ish this task. The work our men did in France • when marching in full kit as far be-| yond that of an ordinary laborer. The I ! world's marching record is held byj ■ a detachment of the London Rifle ' Brigade. Tn April. 1914, these men— • sixty-two in number—marched from - London to Brighton, a distance of! 1 fifty-two miles, in fourteen hours. '■ twenty-three minutes.. They were in • full kit, and carried rifles, a total • weight of forty-two pounds, yet not ■ a man fell out. t The Song of the Bolsheviki ■ They are for the gink who shirks, curses on the guy who works, is the ' ] way the snarling Bolsheviki plan; I off the wearers of white collars, also , I those who've earned their dollars, . ] murder—and they are with you to a man. [ They're not much for making laws, j but when it comes to wagging jaws, I ; I they can spot your old Yietrola quite I ' a few; down with simpletons and j [ fools, who are preaching go toj ' schools, learning's something that's i J a handicap to you. 1 If you own a share of stock, they " want to lead you to the block, old r Nick Lcninc's message we'll repeat; " he'll accept with many thanks, all " the dough that's fn the banks, for a 1 thinker and a drinker has to eat. 3 ! Try and build a home, and you're! " flooey in the dome, a bar of soap's j r a thing from which they flee; no use | at all for juries, but they're awful; " strong for breweries, and they blame ! 1 it all on old Democracy.—By G. O. j I MacConachie, ship worker in the I • Harlan News. t - Cecil Chesterton's Last Book j t "It is a common and obvious thing j to say when a man dies that he has. i left nobody behind him who can quite I I fill his place," says a literary critic in the New Statesmiy). "But of i Cecil Chesterton this is true. He was never happy except when discussing an intelligent problem, and I should not be surprised to learn that even " during his last illness he expounded theology or politics to the doctors at I his bedside. He would stand in a Fleet Street bar, a short, stout, jovial C figure elucidating Roman dogma, " explaining the precise lijnits of the C theory and the ascertained facts of , evolution in Darwin and the post- Darwinians, or sketching tbo Consti ? tutlon of the United States." As re gards the latter occupation he en ; tered verv thoroughly into it a short time before his death and George H. 0 Doran Company will soon publish 8 Chesterton's last book, "A History 1 of the United States." e Daniel's Thankfulness e y I thank thee and praise thee, O God of my fathers, who hath given s me wisdom and might, and hast s made known unto me now what we s desired of thee.—Daniel U, 23. J T- Strasbourg Again Is the "City of Storks" i After Five Years' Absence, Forecasting the War and Its Continuation in j the Alsatians' Belief, the I.ong-begged Birds Have Resumed Their Pilgrimages, Bringing Good l.uck to the People on Whose Homes They Nest. STRASBOURG is again the "City | of Storks," and the Alsatians j I are happy. For live years, from ] before the beginning of the war un-j ! til after hostilities ceased, these birds ' have luiled to make their annual pd-1 ! grimagc to the city, the symbol of] !*good fortune to the families on j ! whose roofs they nested. But now] ! the storks are returning to their j ! colony on the Place de Broglie. j ' Of the many pretty legends built | ! around the story, one is that it can ] j foresee events. Stories are told and; I generally believed in the countries it ! I visits of instances where the stork j j has moved its eggs or even its young |several days before fire destroyed the] I building on which it nested. Thus i i Alsatians point out that the storks, j j sensing the coming war early in the j spring of 1914, made their visit to] other lands. The Dutch many centuries ago I asserted storks would never nest ex-1 ] eept in republics and free countries.. ; "But this," says Willugliby, writing | I in 1676, "we found by experience to I jbe false, having observed them in ] ! the territories of some princes in j Germany. Great numbers breed in j | the Dobrudja and Turkey, where I j tlic Turks, Bulgars and Greeks unite] i in protecting them. In Thessaly they i have been venerated from tie earli- I est time, for Pliny says that to kill lone was a capital offense; the life !of a stork was worth as much as | that of a man." | Story of Storks and Babies I Tn Holland, France, Denmark and | Germany numerous legends and ! superstitions have gradually arisen concerning the storks. most widely known is that they bring the i babies—probably a story told so often to children that at last the elders believed it to be a part of the good luck that a stork's nest on the) house is believed to bring. Grimm's] and Hans Andersen's fairy tales in-> elude many in which the long-legged bird plays a part. The rf-hool children of Strasbourg! have pretty litt'e songs which they! sing in the spring when they are looking for the appearance of the] first stork. In the olden time it was customary to blow a horn to greet! ] the first arrival. First would come] the old bird, circling above the i housetops, looking for a good place] to begin the new nest. Below in the] street, the townsfolk would watch] j eagerly, each hoping that it would! | be his house the stork would choose.! jln such a case, he knew that light-' ,ning would never strike and that I ] good luck would come to all under! ] his roof. In the older parts of] Strasbourg, people would cast out | bundles of faggots, which served as | foundations for the nests, and fori days after their arrival the morning j hours were melodious with the whis-' tling of the birds as they went busl- I ly about their building operations. 1 As soon as the nest was finished, !the birds would take turns in sitting jon the laqge eggs, and in a short I time the scrawny young were hatch ied out. Alsatiaas consider it great j fun to watch the parent birds teaeh ! ing the young to balance and fly, | and later to steal anything edible (within their reach. Sought Homes in Vain | A French writer tells touchingly . I of the Alsatians' description of the , I return of a flock of storks to Stras bourg in March, 1871, when they ! 1 flew distractedly over the ruins, ! | vainly seeking their old nesting , i places, which had been destroyed in ■ the bombardment. Even in the very oldest engravings of the tower, the bird is shown on the chimney tops of the quaint old timbered and : dormered houses. A traveler through Alsace recently found a new story concerning the , stork. In his talk with a pretty i little girl, he was informed, with an ' air of great gravity and confidence.- "that the stork came every year from Prussia: that they bore on tlieir wings the Prussian colors, b'ack and white, but that it was not their fault,-it was in punishment for a sin which the first stork had com- Imitted —oh—ages and ages ago; that ■ I they had also very large mouths, | tout comme les Prussians, and that j ihev went away to find a warm place |in the winter, but returned in the spring to count all the new babies that arrived in their absence." The birds often assemble in large ' flocks at the end of August, before commencing their southward migra ! tion. Sometimes at these assemblies 4they hold what the Germans call a I Rtorchgericht, a trial and putting to death of one of their number. Some hold the opinion that the unfortun (ate bird is one that has been injured and cannot accompany the llock, .and is therefore "extinguished." Kill Offending Wives The Dutch and Alsatians, however, ] ascribe these killings to some offense | given to_ her mate by the female stork. Numerous stories are told of i the offended husband collecting his j friends and with their help killing i the guilty wife. On one occasion ] when a goose's eggs had been sub stituted for the stork's, the female . and young goslings were killed by a flock of storks the male bird had > summoned. Probably the story is I pure invention, for a pair of storks ; have been known to hatch and rear ] the young of the black stork, whose ] eggs had been substituted for their I own. I The regularity of the storks' mi | gration furnished Jeremiah with a • rebuke against the Jews: "The stork Jin the Heaven knowetli her appoint ]ed time." A modern traveler in | Palestine chronicles the sight of ] thousands moving slowly northward, j "They were scattered." he says "over jhi'l and valley, moving a few miles ja day—not in flocks, but singly and in pairs." Its Hebrew name. Chat.edah, signifies pity or merev. and is probably deriwed from the affection which the stork has for its young. THE SUPREME DESIRE It was their welcome home—the cloud scraping towers of Manhattan, brilliantly white in the warm spring sun, the dancing plumes of steam, the shrilling, bellowing, roaring , whiMles and the slamming of the j bands; after weary months of I French rain and mud and waiting— I this was their welcome home. | A tug came slapping down the harbor througli the white caps to meet them, as a Kansas City soldier | relates the incident. Aboard were | several lounging, oil stained men in ] dungarees, two fellows wearing I derby hats ("Boy howdy—derby [hats!") —and, standing alone, udor lable, supreme, on the little railed 'deck over the pilot house that the jwar wrecked world affords, an American girl! ] Wherever, on the tugboat's side iof the transport, there was a place ] to stand or cling or hung or straddle I —in short, the starboard side was ju-swarm with O. D.; and the flutter, j infjj deliciously cool and serene focus of every pair of eyes was her loveli j ncss, the first American girl, j Shouldering the harbor wavelets brusquely to this side and to that, j the tug approached as near as safe ty would permit beneath the steel side and —just like that—she found him, standing in plain sight among a certain number of thousands jusf exactly like him. (It has been noted that young wives who come out or tugboats to meet young husbands al ways spot the needle in the hay stack —to employ a most unnautical metaphor). Two microscopic white hands fluttered, two brown ones reached—with heart throbbing fu tility, while the flung spray and the seagulls spun and reeled between The white hancjs were cupped tc form a pathetic megaphone, but the voice, clear, cool, went to the ears and heart of every Yank. "Hello, dear! What—do—you— want—for—dinner?" As with one voice and in a mighty Yank roar came the heartfelt an swer from a certain number of thou sand throats: "HAM—AND—EGGR!" REMEMBRANCE Let not the world remember you, By any greater thing or less, Than that upon a reed I blew A Bong to praise your loveliness! Get not the world remember me (If immortality should crown A line of verse, when empery In the vast waves of time goes down). By any greater thing or less, Than one good song I made and sung To praise your love and loveliness One evening when the world was young! —Theodore Maynard in the Kerw Witness (London). MAY 5, 1919. "Keeping L p Appearanaces" [!•'. li. loung in the Providence, K. i., Journal.J Perhaps mere is somewhere a point at which the recipient oil an income is able to cease trom worry over tlie cost of living and the main told problems ot' adjusting the outgo to tliu income, in a way to break ev#i if there can be no provision for a surplus. There is a popular belief, lor instance, that Mr. Rockefeller is - free from this worry and undoubted -3 ly there are others, although the 3 number who are not compelled to - give some heed to their expenditures I -is considerably smaller than is gen , erally supposed. Some ot the millionaires, and even the multi-millionaires, do not cn ■, tirely escape these problems. When 0 a man's wife announces, and at least e one such instance is on record, that f she needs $7 5,000 a year for dress s and that it is impossible for her to g live in a manner befitting her station 1 on a personal allowance of less than - $125,000, it is easy to see how the e husband may have a few financial V worries. With some of these special 1 object lessons we can understand s why it is that in some circles an in s come of $50,000 or so is regarded as r a synonym for wretched poverty. e The size of any income, of course, r is merely relative. It is big or lettle, not only in comparison with other - incomes, but in proportion to its pos i sessor's obligations, needs, desires, < habits, and point of view. It seems - safe to say that in ninety-nine cases n out of a hundred, it seems dispro f portionatcly small, whether it I. amounts to SSOO or to $50,000. r But the continuous financial bur s den to the average man is imposed d by his own or his family's effort to !. "keep up appearances." This is a . fancied obligation from which com e naratively few persons are absolutely r free. It undoubtedly presses with greatest force upon those who have to support families upon what are nopularly called "comfortable sal aries," for they have certain tastes c that must be measurably realized. •>nd any social Intercourse whatever '■ mtnils certain requirements that g -nnnot be ignored. They have to live, i, and to some extent, at least, they g have to "keep up with Lizzie." ,t Where Patriotism Fails fFrom the Kansas City Times. 1 A Kansas City man writes to this fc department to complain that a tele -0 gram from St. Paul, filed in that r city at 7.47 Saturday evening, re el ceived in Kansas City at 9.36 the n same evening, was not delivered at g i his home until 1.40 Sunday morn y | ing. '-1 "Can you beat it?" demands the dj infuriated Kansas City man. "And e to think, the government has in n 1 creased the rate in order to give us I that kind of service. The man who e | sent the message paid the increased e | rate under the misapprehension that e ; it would be sent through in a hurry. ,3) But why does the man complain? ■. j Why not rejoice as becometh patriot s ism, even at the hour of 1.40 Sunday . I morning, when called from a com j fortable bed and a sound sleep. Why s inot take the patriotic view of it. t ! AVhy not say: I "Look at this now. Here is a tele ! gram which required only seven 'd ■ hours to come from St. Paul, Minn., „lto Kansas City, Mo. That puts an jt 'end to all this treasonable gonver (j i sation about Secretary Burleson „ sending telegrams by freight trains 1 instead of electricity. It also nails | the campaign lie that you can make 7 | better time to send messages by ex j press than by wire. I'm going out first thing In the morning and !S | cover the money of that knocker '"j Jones, who offered to bet me yester e day that he could walk to St. Paul '■ | and beat the time of a telegram by at ° least two hours. He must be a pro c I German." ' s j But instead of taking this patrio tic view of the matter, here comes - the infuriated citizen with a letter, I written, we fear, before devotions on y | the Sabbath morning, actually com i- plaining because it required seven i-1 house to get an important message from St. Paul to Kansas City, four hours and two minutes of which time was required to deliver it to his home after it was received in Kansas City. No wonder our good Secretary Burle son complains of the ingratitude of the public. When Earth Hears the Corn And it shall come to pass In that day, I will hear, saith the Lord, I will hear the heavens and they shall hear the earth: and the earth shall >s hear the corn, and the wine, and the oil; and they shall hear Jezreel.— Hosea ii, 21 and 22. dj Fully Qualified s, | That Virginia private who wears .s' a No. 16 shoe is the fellow who ought to be sent overseas to keep his foot on Germany's neck.—Charleston I News and Courier. j Abetting (Eljat . The Btate government of Pennsyl vania has offices in ten different biuidings in Harrisburg and 10 con centrate the government here und bring people from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and other places here, the Commonwealth has to rent of liees outside of the Capitol, its rent roll being considerably larger than W the carrying charges on a big bond issue for erection of buildings to take care of its own business in a business like way. The moving around of several departments the last week or so has called attention to the situation in a striking way. The Highway Department, which has to be .expanded to handlo the road program the voters of the State di rectly authorized, is now occupying quarters in three buildings outside of the Capitol and a lloor in the Capitol and the Public Service Com mission also has three bureaus out side of the Capitol, all in different places. The Printing Department has two branches outside of the Capitol and the Department of Agriculture und the Department of Health each have groups of workers away from the State House. The J-abor and Industry Department, which is con 'centrated 'more than it has been since it started, is entirely out of the Capitol, its quarters having been taken by (he Highway Department, while in a short time the Public Instruction and other educational branches and the Department of Alines will have no offices in the big building at all and will have quar ters in the business section of Har risburg. There are half a dozen de partments of the government which have not had offices in the Capitol for years and one or two which have never been in the building as far as domicile goes. • * • It is probable that the rent roll of the State by the end of the year for offices will be greater than ever known before, because there are other branches of the government to come here and Harrisburg is not any too well supplied with offices for itself. One of the plans was to tear buildings still remaining in tJio Capitol park extension districl, but no place for the occupants to go that would meet requirements was to be had. The situation is one that is much commented upon among legislators and will lead to speedy action on the bill for the construc tion of the State's own buildings as a matter of good busings, as sug gested by the Governor some time ago. • • • It was an interesting coincidence that the veterans of the One Hun dred and Twenty-Seventh Pennsyl vania volunteers of Civil War days should be holding their annual re union in Harrisburg on Saturday, when the veterans of Harrisburg commands of the latest war were getting ready to return to their city. The One Hundred and Twenty-Sev enth, which was commanded by the late Colonel W. W. Jennings, and made up largely of men recruited within fifty miles of Harrisburg and of native Harrisburgers as well, has been holding annual reunions here for more than a quarter of a cen tury, being about as much "Harris burg's Own" as can be. And in its history, there will be written the fact that the men who fought at Freder icksburg and on other bloody fields of the Civil War, had sons in the Spanish War and grandsons in the war with Germany. One of the grandsons of the Colonel is just home from service in France. • • • George W. Rhoads, commander of Post 58, G. A. R., of this city and one of the most active members of the organization, is being prominent ly mentioned for the honor of State commander of the G. A. R. The State organization will meet next month at Lancaster and the Central Pennsylvania men are strongly for the Harrisburg man. • • • The first man with nerve enough to wear a straw hat appeared on the streets of Harrisburg on Saturday , and he wandered all about the busi ness and theater section. The odd thing about that no comments ex cept that he was wise were heard. 1 WELL KNOWN PEOPLE ) ■ —James F. Woodward, who be comes secretary of internal affairs to-morrow, has been head of a big hospital in McKeesport for years. —J. H. Scattergood, Philadelphia broker, has been visiting the Verdun region to see how work is being car ried out with Philadelphia aid. —Dr. H. J. Cadbury, who got in trouble at one of the colleges near Philadelphia for his war sentiments, will take a Biblical chair at Andover. —J. William Stroh, head of the Central Pennsylvania Odd Fellows' organization, marshalled the big parade at Sunbury. —C. C. Zantzinger, Philadelphia architect, has been chosen vice-pres ident of the national organization of architects. 1 DO YQU KNOW Tlint Harrisburg workmen helped build ships during the war and some arc still cm ployed at the yards? I HISTORIC HARRISBURG —Just 100 years ago the agitation for the construction of the canal to this city was being voiced at meetings. EDITORIAL COMMENT There's only one end when Miss Liberty rides Anarchy tiger. They come back from the ride with the lady inside and a smile on the face 1 of the tiger.—Brooklyn Eagle. Let us confine the waving of the red flag to our railroad crossings.— Dearborn Independent. Those who once were saying 1 "Amen" to the League Idea, now ' merely cry "Amend." Newark 1 News. 1 "Peace without victory" seems to have shifted around to victory with out peace.—New York Call. If ever a place was misnamed it is Archangel.—Portand Oregontan. The Koreans have been doing their best to signal to Japan that they, too, are a proud and sensitive people.—Washington Star. The President's desire to recognize Lenine ought to bring a snort of sardonic mirth from the Shade of Huerta.—New York Evening Sun. It's reported Trotzky has ordered the Russian fleet to sea. We thought all Russia had been at sea for the last two years.—Newark News, i It has come to the point where a i body has to earn twice as much as i he Is worth in order to get half i enough to live on.—Jefferson City I Democrat-Tribune.