8 p~ —I Of all the Liberty Loans, this is the most important. bills must he paid. The We went in to win and to win quickly. We won. Now ! ™ the Victory we've got to pay our bills. Liberty Loan is our job. v iWe are only lending, not It means we must see the thing through —Uncle Sam's debt I giving, our money and • i 1 . g t 1 J '• our Government guaran is your debt and my debt. iZ. 'TuytlZ""^ et ' s put over the Victory Liberty Loan with a bang and square jj"' 'I things up —buy for cash and buy on installments and do it today. ' VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY HARRISBURG SHOE MANUFACTURING CO. PENNSYLVANIA MILK PRODUCTS CO. THURSDAY EVENING, tiXRJRISBURG 86S8k TEXEGRXPH MAY 1,1919.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers