Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 01, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
' I " When a Girl " lly ANN IJSLE J A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife By Ann Lisle. OHAFTER CLXXXIV. Our first home in the Walgrave had been only a little court room, yet for a moment, I thought of it with regret when I beheld the big, formal suite Jim had taken for our return visit. Then the glowing mass of red roses caught my eye and warmed my heart. Even if Jim couldn't be with me on the evening of our return, he had remembered the morning's moment of tenderness and the flowers were sent to tell me that it held the same promise for hinv it had given me. With a glow of happiness that brightened the whole room, I buried my face in the fragrant mass, and as T did so an envelope tucked under the vase caught my eye. I jerked out the little card it contained and read: "Hail and farewell, dear lady ten ant. All happiness wherever you abide." There was no name on the card, but it was quite clear the flowers were from Tom Mason. From Tom Mason! And I had been so happy for a moment, dreaming they were from Jim! Then it became suddenly impos sible to deceive even myself. X couldn't pretend that I was happy or even contented with things as they stood. Reing .Tim's "pal." Per mitting him to go his own way while T went mine, watching him grow daily more absorbed in affairs of which I knew nothing, left my life empty of the one thing T needed to make it rich and full—love. I sank down in a chair and stared accusingly at the beautiful red roses which wou'd have made me so hap py if only they had come from the right man—from my Jim The last two hours had been a series of disappointments. First there was Neni's refusal to give in one inch, to abate one jot of his —I had to confess it —justifiable ani mosity toward the Harrisons. Then the curt message that business would keep Jim out 'till late —just when T was counting on the softening in fluence of our environment to right things between us. And now the flowers. Jim might so easily have DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Frilly Accredited Troup Building IS S. Market Square Bell 485 Dial 4393 4Clip this nml send It nt once for full Informnf Ion) Gentlemen:—Flense nend me complete Information about the subject* I have cheeked. Typewriting ... ." Shorthand .... Stenotypr .... Bookkeeping .... Secretarial .... Clrll Sendee.... Name Addreaa mm attracts \l ( flies! W- Of course it does! The way to have pure, clean sugar, free from the contaminating touch of flies, ants and dust is to order I Franklin! I Franklin Pure Cane Sugars come to you in the clean, convenient and economical way—packed in sturdy cartons and strong cotton bags. No hands touch Franklin—it is accurately weighed, packed and sealed by machine. The Franklin Sugar Refining Company "A Franklin Cane Sugar for every use" Granulated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioners, Brown ■" 1 - ' H "DSBKHHG & FRANKLIN iPi CANE SUGARS 1 THURSDAY EVENING, habiusburg TELECxRAPH MAY 1, 1919. thought of them —why did they have to come from Tom Mason? "This loveless existence isn't nat ural. I can't stand it!" I said grim ly and aloud. | Then I got up and hurried into the bedroom. There was Jim's suit case and my little black bag. I un packed my possessions and jammed them hastily into the gray enamel bureau. Then I carefully divested j myself of the hat arrd coat I was j still wearing, slipped off my dress j and folded my kimono cosily about, j me. Next with the utmost care I | arranged Jim's things in the ehiffo- I robe. At last there was nothing left | for me to busy myself with, so I | voiced my thoughts aloud: "I can't stand dining alone. I | can't!" I said. | Then wildly I began calling up j folks. Virginia. She was out. Car | lotte. No better luck. Even Tom I —to thank him for the flowers. Pat | Dalton. Rut lie, too. was out. The whole world seemed gayly dining I out. Only I was alone. Hastilv T opened my trunk and (pawed through it until T came to' |my best dress—the gray and rose. | I Flinging it encouragingly across the. I | bed. I bathed and coiffured my hair with extra care. Tf T had to dine alone, at least T needn't look so un attractive that people would think IT was—lust what indeed T was unsought and undeslred. When at 'ast T had made myself. as fine as possible. I hurried out to I the elevator and down to the main d'ninsr room. At the door, the -auve captain stopped me: II "ATadame expects friends?" he asked. "Madame is looking for her party?" | "They aren't in this dining room," j T stammered, more truthful in fact than in intent. I Then I fled. Rack to my room I | went, and telephoned for the waiter. There is nothing more desolate in | all the world than dining Jtlone n ! the unmasked solitude of a big, I empty suite—unless perhaps it is I dining alone in the conspicuous soli j tilde of a crowded hotel dining room. I managed to make a good dinner, dragging out the rite of eating as long as possible. Then T went in and rearranged Jim's neckties and Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service - *- By McMarius '^ l, ~ _ • m —' collars with meticulous effort. Next 1 telephoned the newsstand for some i magazines, and with them 1 estab- j lished myself in my gray and rose, elegance in the big living room. X must have dozed, for when I woke with a start dawn was creep ing in through the windows. As 1 began to adjust myself to my surroundings, the idea came to me that perhaps Jim had come in j and thought it kind to let me sleep. | Guiltily 1 rose and hurried into thei bedroom. There was no sign of Jim. j A sob of fear caught in my throat. | ! And then my eye chanced to light j lon the china indicator under the] [telephone. It was illuminated with] | the words: i "There is a message in the office for you." As I started toward the telephone !my foot caught in the hem of my dress. X stumbled and fell. For a] ! few minutes I lay huddled against | the foot of the bed. wondering stu- j ] pidly and unhappily what the nics- , sage might be. More excuses from I Jn, of course. At last I rose wear pf. After all there was nothing to do but 'phone down and see. To Be Continued. BAD I'LACE FOR EVES "Bather a dangerous place to visit is described in this paper," said a wag to his neighbor. "What place is that?" asked the latter. "Well," responded the first speaker, "its a historical mansion in the Mid lands. This is what the account says: j 'On first entering the hall, the visit or's eye is caught by a long sword over one side of the mantel, and hen drawn to the old flint-lock on the other side: after which it naturally falls on the mantel itself, and from l that to the old brick-tiled hearth.' I Neither of my eyes would stand that sort of thing!"—Tit-Bits. THE HEART BREAKER A REAL AMERICAN LOVE STORY lly VIRGINIA TKHHLNE VAN BE WATER By Virginia Terliunc Van *'c Water. CHAITKK liXXIV. How would Mildred take the news? What would be the effect upon her of the knowledge of Tom j Chandler's accident? Such useless speculations haunted ■ Honora for the hour that elapsed between the arrival of the afternoon J paper and her sister's return from, the office. Mildied had said that she did not , care, for Tom Chandler. Vet now i that ho was injured—was, perhaps,! going to die—might she not fancy: that she cared for him? Too often) girls mistook pity for love. Honora i was very anxious. So it was with astonishment and ] relief that she heard Mllly's voice j cheerily calling her name as soon j as the girl entered the front door. "Here I am in the library:" | , Honora called back. Mildred hurried in, her face I flushed with exercise or excitement. I "Guess, what's happened!" site said. Then, before Honora could reply— "Harold Hilton's in Fairlands! In valided home!" "How how do you know?" Honora stammered. She was too much confused to collect her wits. Perhaps Mildred had not seen the afternoon paper. If not, what a change might come over her happy face when she heard the truth! "What's the matter?" Mildred asked, noting her sister's embar rassed manner. "Oh. by the way, how are you feeling?" "Much better," Honora replied. Then, with an effort—"Milly—did you see the paper—l mean—have you heard" "Yes!" Mildred interrupted sharp ly. "Wliv under the sun do you have to drag up a hateful subject like that just as s-oon ns T get into the house? T should realty think 'hat you might let me forsrot it if I can. And right her" and now T want you to understand that T can fortret it, and mean to." "But"— Honora began. Again her sister interrupted brusquely: j "I know all that you are going to say that Tom Chandler mttv be going to die, and all the rest of it. Of course, it's all horrible, but why thjnk of it? And why should T let it affect me?" The man is as good as dead to me already—after the way he behaved! If I had been as big a I fool as lie tbought me, T might have gotten mv name dragged into the I whole disgusting mess. As it is. t |'nm safely out of it. And Tam glad DAILY HINT ON FASHIONS — Z3tsUi \\ f | A COMFORTABLE PLAY SUIT I 2815 —This style compr ses a kim ono waist, with wrist or short sleeve finish, and sleeveless rompers, which close on the shoulders. Gingham, percale, khaki, drill, seersucker or galatea may be used for this style. The Pattern is out in 5 sizes: 2, 3, 4. f> and 6 years. Size 4 requires 1 5-8 yards for the waist and 2 1-4 yards for the rompers, of 27 inch I material. A pattern of this illustration I mailed to any address on receipt of j 10 cents in silver or stamps. Telegraph Pattern Department 1 For the 10. cents inclosed please I send pattern to the following j address: | Size Pattern No Name Address City and State I am!" "So am I," Honora managed to say. Her senses reeled at Mildred's at titude of mind. Even though she : thought she knew her sister, the I older girl had not until now appre- j j elated what a light, facile nature' | hers was. Could she really love uny-j I body, or could she feel anything in- j j tensely—anything except the grati- j | ticatlon of heb vanity? j It was the same old question that | Honora has put to herself so often. l ] Now she realized that she must ait- ] jswer it in the negative. Mildred had j i never loved, perhaps never could. I I Such being the case, one must, simp- j | ly make the best of the girl's lack: jof heart. She was fond of people who were good to her —until they I opposed her wishes. Yet Honora loved her little sister, j so tried to judge her charitably and j to rejoice that the painful experi- I ences of yesterday were so easily forgotten. Had Mildred been cap able of deep emotion, she must even now be overwhelmed and distressed. As it was, the past was as dead us if it had never existed. The older girl had once read a i sentence that recurred to her now. II It ran—"Blessed are the women who , have no deep feelings of any kind. . They are so much happier and so | much safer." Honora doubted the truth of tliisi I assertion. Mildred might be happy, i . Could she ever be safe as long as [ , her only passion was the gratilica-i tion of her vanity? "Well!" Mildred exclaimed. "You I. certainly are not an inspiring com-! , panion." Honora gathered her scattered Wits together. "Forgive me. dear," i she said. "I was just thinking." •Slop thin king, or think of mo for , a moment, won't you?" "Certainly, Stilly. ram sorry if .|1 seemed absent-minded or unsym- I pathetic." A Now Love I Mi'dred smiled good-naturedlv. . | 'Oh, that's nil right," she said with characteristic nonchalance. "I dare • say your headache has told on you . a hit. But what j stnrted to *ay ! when I came in is that llnrold HH . i ton is back." "That is nice," Honora mur mured. for want of a more oH"'"-' .! comment. j "Nice! T should say It \va I" Women Doing War Work j During the war women were called I into almost every vocation in life, ] and right well did they assume the | responsibilities and li 1 such posi tions. In many instances, however, ! their strength has been overtaxed, hand such ailments us are peculiar to their sex have fastened themselves upon them. Such women should re member there is a tried and true remedy for their troubles in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which for more than three genera- ! tions has been relieving the women; of America from some of the worst) forms of female ills. —— : 1 I =?> j Stop Itching Skin ! II - ■ There i 3 one safe, dependable treat- I ment (hat relieves itching torture and skin irritation almost instantly and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask anydruggist for a 35cor $1 bottle i of Zemo and apply it as directed, Soon j you will find that irritations, pimples, i blackheads,eczema, blotches,ringworm i and similar skin troubles will disappear, j A little Zemo, the penetrating, satis- < i fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it j banishes most skin eruptions, makes | i -.'aa skin scft, smooth and healthy. ( Ike 1. X'/. . c-ve'-i''. C. Lemon Juice : For Freckles Girls! Make beauty lotion at * home for a few cents. Try It I I i ■I- 1 Squeeze the Juice* of two lemons i into a bottle containing three ounces f of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and com j plexion beautilier, at very, very | small cost. j Your grocer has the lemons and ) any drug store or toilet counter will 1 supply three ounces of orchard | white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the I face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blem- 1 I tshes disappear and how clear, soft: i and rosy-white the skin becomes, j I Yes! It is harmless and never irrl ! tutea. ■i < Mildred exclaimed. "He was badly wounded in the leg, and had to go on crutches for quite a while. Al though he is lots better, he is still very lame lame enough to have to walk slowly with a cane. It will be months before he Is all right. And he is here in Fairlands to stay some weeks with his uncle, Then, later, he is going to Canada for a while. His own people live their —but Mr. Hilton is almost like a father to him. And Mrs. Hilton Trade In Your Old Piano For a One At J. H. Troup's Sooner or later you will surely want a fine, new Upright, Grand or Player- Piano in exchange for your old instrument which is no longer beautiful to look at, and seldom used. Right now we offer you au exchange opportunity that will save you many dollars. We need a number of used pianos for sum mer rentals —and to get them quickly—we will make special inducements so attractive that you will he glad to exchange at once. Come And See Us About It Today and let us explain how easily you may pay the small difference for a new Chickering, Sohmer, Mehlin, Haines Bros., Estey, Kimball, Angelus, Mer rill, Shoninger, Marshall & Wendell, Foster, or Davenport & Tracey. Phone or write for estimate if you can't call. Prices: $325 up. New Records and Music Rolls for May Are Ready Today Come and Hear Them Played ST SW owos/re MA*x*r squaw A A p**sarre*/A STT SW JLIH JroiipMM€.HoM§e THE ONLY J. H. TROUP STORE IN THE CITY just loves htm too. "Mr. Hilton told mo all about Harold's arrival just as soon as I got to the office this morning. He : said that Harold had asked about mo and wants to see me soon. So I hope to have some good times i with him while he's here. You see I wrote to him when he was in [ the hospital, and he told his uncle s "I don't doubt it," Honora re : joined. i! "Well, I'm lucky in having an em that my letters cheered him a lot." , ployer that likes nio as much as Mr. Hilton does, and whose wife likes me too. 1 have always been j nice to her, for I know it pays lo be j nice to the family of one's rich i! employer." >| llonora again forced herself to I make some suitable comment. She : was almost awed by the amount of . diplomacy of which this little eistef of hers was capable. (To Be Continued.) 7