Terminal Managers at Philadelphia and Baltimore Released By Associated Press. Philadelphia, May 1.-.— The offices L " ge £ oa ' s F r r w ° m f n J|kEC T>° Big Lots of Girls' Capes Manufacturers I I AU-Wool 95 Women's Extra Large $9Wt r CIWC. I ™UA W$W Gir,s Q A iIC Girls ' &C fh£ BJ Buy POP ' INC °°'! - ALS s9d Kn I % s ' :5? C ""\,.;J°- 95 Sale of Surplus n] SUes'si'to* El*' Poplins and men'. wear B lA mIIT \ ji V#mSl[*s9 6^B| "TIS New ra P< made ft navy Navy blue serge, plain and . - gfc ~ ' " sergr-.a, half and full silk lined. BIIB■ yl B . CBbg M gjfM Mlih 1 ■Hill aB Vtm* blue s rrge, nicely trimmed; plaid silk collars, vestee mod- At f| I Tr# oto 14 Year. Size, 41 to 53. ■. WKL * M ■ |S S■ K . Bh M 1 smart new model,. els. OlUCft U1 ll] v 1/CtOY*JJ Knnfmen'*—Scctmd^ F | °°r sgs iKaufma*'*—Second nr— Hi d il ' " THIS BIG STARTS T(M(HtROW, FRIDAY MORNING AT ' I I'M -r=====— —————————— ——-—-——— shell top, silk lined, trimmed with l[|j | More Than 200 Garments WePlirchaSed FrOlll theHairisburgShoeMfg.Co. .300 House Dresses k I i. 927 Pairs of Pumps and Oxfords £ s§£f v £ I | J|inl| ers'sale of surplus p or Women, Misses and Children W™slia 7 „ Bag l " 1 at 87 cgj Si W MOCKS 7 f| lels. Well made; S 4 C I adies' Sillt Poplin Bags, metal NM h] JSzoo* and they are placed in our Manufacturers' Sale of Jiro ? ' *"• <Lyy '[^ U 4 ut: sizes 36 ) 17 i°ftrimmed 1 ln I biack\ k n "vy. d {aup H e', Sjj &l „ ..uuies Sleeveless White Rib-) Idp \ Surplus Stocks and Canceled Orders at Less Than . -—' — grey. W 1 ,m P s G See ,"" 1 ca "'' s,ip f I'M* VgjJ Wholesale Prices f; ! ' 95 Extra ua ' H 7 Housc s2.S9 Children's ftl 3 450 Ladies' Sleevelet White Rib-) r\"l This letter from the Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing D*"?* Purses 1 hi bed Lisle GaU7e Vests with can't \\ IP Hv /HY/mV company explains tne transaction. tvery pair IS tills Cit7. in stripes and plaids and plain colors; Regulation Children's fancy Silk and gS I slip straps. Sale Price L season's goods and perfect in every way. All the style, Si JL "" ,h0 " mo "' B,cl " USS& E "" ih - """" g [II 400 Ladies' Sleeveless White Rib-. \ ?/ are g°°d and the assortments are splendid, giving you w oxrr,. „ 4 K ..fn..n-. virMt Kioor Si S| bed Lisle Gauze Vests With can't slip) vf I 1/ wide choice for supplying your season's needs at the —• tt .,.„. u- 75 Dressing Sacques £"7 Is Jjn straps, picot edge trimmed. SaletT-Qu H lowest prices in many a day. :e.e. u u w ,,e,e inrtt „„i, Sale Price (in J£J „ hi il Price ) TliP Horridmro Qlino Mentifooritrino To -,-1.- _!„„ frss lA't. *!eee ti eer yriee t. e wigtirt Ma de of Percales in light colors and indigo blue. uCU bIEF N 111 400 Indies' White Ribbed Lisle Ine Harrisburg Shoe Manutactunng Lo. make splen- •-•. " • -a u etn <tM t. good style; full cut: well made; siaes 36 to 46. n , J Gauze Union Suits. 4ti P( v#.i4. HIT# did Shoes and have a standard of quality and value K .,tmnwse. l i Floor RIraSPVP oJiaDftrS k" ■ till .. ' ' 1 1 V uni l \ I _ I . • i . . r *e. • d> r.ot holtat t mar t.ht joir ouatouora will V *- Iv .1 m slip straps, shell bottoms. Saie(jJU sSgpjkx beyond question. It is really a very fortunate pur- for , 3 „ .„ „ r , eM . ====== == = ===== = ==== ==== = wn\ fan* 9% An? \M hi Pr,ce 7 chase and you may well appreciate this fact. There *lh e you • mao*aafui aala, a II O 1 jrl fw jj # " * I Is 250 Children's White Ribbed Gauze) -i ri are five big lots—three for women and two for misses LAlid opcuui, i nuuj Value . Wa* |n M vests, high neck long sleeves; sizes[ MP and children. t!f . 150 Infants' DrCSSCS QO Si 1 Js, Ito 6. Sale Price \ 1 WU T sizes 24x24 In. These nre the gen- Igl 8 300 Children's While Ribbed Gauze | LOT NO. 1 *J on LOT NO. 2 go LOT NO. 3 , Safe PflCe 01/ C i~ | M f"'"", S "lsrV ow Harrisburg Shoe Manufactur-v I = Harrisburg Shoe Manuf actur-V = Harrisburg Shoe Manufactur-V'jf = ' S is Prfrt 8 ' trimmed. mg Co.'s Women's Oxfords gg ing Co.'s Pumps, Oxfords f\ ing Co.'s Women's Pumps aM months to 3 >£•• . H<>con . ~,o op ==" Ml (In ant l Pumps; values to JL and Canvas Lace Boots; MEfcl and Oxfords; values to ' MiltS for hi Kripfm.n', Firrt Fioo r $3.50. Saleprice values to $4.50. Sale Price $5.50. Sale Price -= = Linigciic liaia iui jy _ —' Just 189 pairs in this lot. White Can- Just 338 pairs in this lot. White Canvas Just 194 pairs in this lot. White Can- Men's Furnishings Infants and chi,dren n| 25 Dozen Corsets vas Pumps, Black Kid Oxfords, Gun Metal Boots > Wbite Canvas Pumps, White Can- vas Oxfords, Brown Calf Oxfords. Brown j 25 Ol 1 hi vis OyfnrHc Rmwn iziri Ri„rbrc Kid Oxfords, Black Kid Oxfords, Patent Jkg All ll,c v 5% /#• hi 53 Pumps, Brown Kid Oxfords. vas Uxtords, Brown Kid Bluchers, Brown , hp ' . Value ® la W M In the Manufactur- Oxfords, Black Kid Oxfords. p /K Manufacturers . n| hi WL y-K Seven styles to choose from. Louis, -rfv* .tvire r ~..: Twelve styles to choose from. Goodyear * ci a i i I an d Pique Hats and Bonnets. I ers' Sale of Surplus Cuban and Military heels; sizes 2J / z to 8. Cuban Military and Commonsense heels' fl^ x j^ le soles - Louis, Cuban, SlirplllS Stocks and tots^inVia® 011 tai"ored r m hi iflft c>UDan, military ana Commonsense heels. Military and Commonsense heels. Sizes /(fm "<i trimmed models, sizes for the S? ii 4 M \v c (n > 0 regular widths. Sizes 2/ z to 8. Regular widths. 2/ z to 8. Regular widths. Canceled Orders baby 10 th ° cbild of 6 yoa , r3 ' Ri >1 Jw 9l OLOCKS .iPIO Knnfman's Second Floor Qj MJL C> LOT A == LOT B , FOl the opening of the =1 hj P Corsets at 85c Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co.'s Children's) cq Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co.'s Misses') oo Friday, at tpnn il and^ioVVusts'^riso^'^nie:; 1 \ h>^;, m , cdiu T Shoes, Oxfords and Ankle Straps. I Shoes, Oxfords and Ankle Strap Pumps A' Men's and Boys' Soft Collars, stripes and iiUi,u ,Utin Jcau i to $3.00. Sale Price ) A Values to $4.00. Sale Price .... .) phm colors; all s.zcs .24 to .7. Middies Bto 44 ® i-it' . ft Just 115 pairs in this lot. Tan Kid Oxfords, Black Kid Just 91 pairs in this lot. White Canvas Lace Shoes, White slen s Black Cotton Hall \ . . ' hi p2.50 Corsets at SI .39 Oxfords, Ankle Strap Pumps, White Canvas Button Shoes. All Canvas Oxfords, Brown Kid Oxfords, Black Kid Oxfords, H °se, very good quality; all lip $195 <D>'tS M Q W Pink or white Coutli and UrochiTin hi.h m„. good styles " Sizes t0 1L Patent Leather Ankle Pum P s - All g ood styles : sizes 11 to 2. sizes 9'/ 2 to '"2- Sale price... ) Qn h) dium, low and topless models; non-mutable'bon- Men's Dress Shirfs mnHo of A 1 iC-C ingr; neat trimming; four heavy web hose sup- =f _ , . maae or , SH H KSTiA'SSS W<S^ST h ?; Whittemore Bros. Inc. Extfß SoeClfll Exttft SDeCiul SSS AH s? z °es} 95c 1 M KQp Rraccioi-oo Qa L ' AU a IJALI W Upwittl 14 to 17. Sale Price ' lat.on models; sizes Bto 14. tfj wtlt UIdoMCICO <ll 111 Shop Dressings at . Kaufman's Mceond Fluor IS PI BandeailX 38f 496 Pairs of High Grade Women's Oxfords, / 18 reSB lSh "' ts ~" A " up - ||| *S AianucouA, wOt _ . ... // sf\ \ si\ the minute patterns, cut full;i l!M nl , Several styles in white Batiste, neatly trimmed; OUIC I TICCS Pumps and Colonials From a Prominent Maker y e,,^" // \ made of percale and madras.S 1 hi IS f^ 6 | Maruuisctte and brocaded cloth; sizes 34 An . J S Soft Cuffs Ail sizes 14 to 17.) 1 1 Gtl M?fSdlV for fl i—— 2£S=S=2Skl Regular $6. $6.50. $7. and _____ uw Middies lor fl 9CA P IIM i A Sh°ucie?n n Cream Grey ' I C ait i • rpi • T)' .Q J Men's Dress Shirts of Silk WOPieR and bl 25° Bu ngalow Aprons f $7.50 Values mThis Big Sale ,K^T O -. SSTJW SIT S£ $1.79 thHdren | Percales; light Worth Lightning Dye (black). J 21c fOl* price (JFen W . and dark patterns IUI tt /M • U Msn's Percale Dress Shirts. Value $1.25 Pi Kil „ lnc udl "B tndi- $1.45 French Gloss. - All / H mmmmmmtmrnmmm all new Stripes and laundered) PJCkr* tlolo Prion 51 "f l> s| checks, . 3 Regular THE STYLES—Goodyear Welt, Turned Soles, Flexible cuffs coat stvle repular $1 25 ( •D C o&le a TlCe .... N m X£V triPCS " nd , fiK - I OA„ b °* ( ' n UnS) p5 1 , 50 • S ° ,es - Leather Louis, Wood Covered Louis, Cuban and Sale or 7 Middies r„ r women and eh.i- 1 ofors; 8 " neatly t V3bZC Q uick White, Jr. Military Heels. Plain Toes, Imitation Tips, Perforated dren. made of -ood quality ma- j§l s! -SLcb rimmed; front) Oil paste, (black). This Tips. The Leather—Patent Colt, Patent Kid, Gun Metal, Men's Blue Chambray Work \ green f a a3t whu° r and .. . H.zcs 3 n t d o $r k fasten " Nobby Paste, (brown). j a, ° Black Kid, Russia Kid, Grey Kid, Beaver Brown Kid, White Canvas. Sizes 2\/ z to 8. Widths Shirts, cut full; all sizes 14 to [ yir i suc° l0 7e'r's"o r 4rbu V 8 T al ff| Kaufman'*—Areond Floor Bag Powder, (white). Ato D. A big variety of Styles to choose from. $6.00 to $7.50 Oxfords, Pumps or 17 • Sale price ) Kaufman'* Second Floor l| and Colonials. Sale price Kaufman-*—Firt i-ioor hi 11 Note the Manufacturers 7 Sale of Surplus Stocks and Canceled Orders in | hi { New Summer White and Colored Dress Fabrics (EXTRA SPECIAL' Read These j| hi # I^ axon ® Neat stripes and Georgette Crepe—4o-inch wide Dress Ginghams—Extra good 2 On. C,.,.. 1 _ Jj, f __ _ _ 72x90 Muslin 7Q„ / jgi |l|| # checked Flaxons; beautiful qual- Georgette Crepe, all colors and duality Dress Gingham; 27-inch ViP B m n|l One quart Sauce U rfc II luft 1 (fS Sheets "C I n|| Jgt 1 lty. Special o Qr , extra good quality d 1 z?o wi^ th: . neat patterns In plaids Vjt—g| Pan, pure alumi- \\// J%\ Il|j|l9l UeU 81x90 Muslin Sheets, QO. I|g ill yard 9C soelfvard $1.69 and plain effects. 2 5c PH - I num; well made. \jf/ . . seamless I g I/ SP CC '*'. van! ...... SP€Clal ' yard LilH Special each, M I Soee a S "TarZZ"" **T: $1.48 i lilll I 167„Twid? 1 good '"AJAMA CHKCK LONG CLOTH WOOL SERGE BLACK TAFFETA Bng Rug*. 27xS4| gnnd F 81x90 Muslin Sheets, dj t Z?Q .hi S | ?or a " t waTs h ts te a°nd cVecks W fo? Siw. axfrl* SSS S,,K Aluminum Coffee Per- 1 S?e! Sunbrite Cleanser. 6 can. for 22c seamless ......... I .Oil M I dresses. Special— wear. Special— Bod quality —for nuality. Bla c k, 6-Inch good qual- colator, S-cup alac .*l.lO AtrV/ w , c h ql. Aluminum Ten de Ijliundry Soa P. 4-XJ6 Muslin lllovv 19c I fil Is' , Yari. Vnrd. underwear. Special gavy, Green and T „„ Bta M silk Kettle, heavy gnuge. cakes for ,0c Oases ' ll] I piece. Brown colors, hpe- ll > laueta siik. Limit one to n cua- Special $2.4s Wool Soap for Bath and Laun- 42x36 Muslin Pillow OC I fill | 29c 19c 1Q I ',n tl on P C?t 4Q jT >v turner. dry, 6 cakes for 30c c ZOC I fgl I® | P<£.iy $1.48 $1.39 & $1.48 7 X .. r<;i ('"I Nickel Alarm Clocks OSc 4 5x ;; 8 MusVin'Pillow"" OQ | IP IP Drctw Ginghams Beautiful Plaid Dress Ging- Figured Summer Voiles—Many beautiful col- K , MI , . n m >"n" Ta i.'l"" "T uml I™" Dinner Set of 42 Pieces .*r,.or, Hutik ToWCIS 1 j^j if) , hams all new—32 Inches wide. ? red voiles in new figured designs, 36 and 40 qunr , Windsor kettle Aluminum Ron* te r, u for Nickel Plated Casserole OSe 1 UFKISh TOWeIS , lis! inches wide; very fine qualities. dome lid. Special ~*1.60 round! large enough for NVn*h ,ul, Gnlvan- Step Stools, extra strong 05c Snow White TurkUi, ' 111 S 1 Yard 38c. 48c and GBc Yard, 48c, 9c to 85c 51.a0! < ' t ' n Ized Wuh Tub*, good Glass Water Pitchers r,Pe Towels, hemmed for 1 J I i ■ | | " Cut Glass Sherberts. 6 for....Se use Ise, 25c mid >Q I nil S3 ' ll*™/ F l7- , Donlng Board and Stand....,, ; ,N ~N„e Grmle TurhUh !® B IT ™ - m.u" STANDARD , MPS. IN ft ''Bread Box, japanned' i"."!!! .OSe Pink andNfalue borders. 4g C|l 1 1 1 zzftsCxi siKKr!; l§iPS e or ' 12x20,nchea - (i 111 / *'rhS u-ed for GINGHAM. rfclte crepe for 3 " ' nch " " ldr - .. y , Odd, and end-. . L I \4UffIINUHV V~/// %% Bath FUlures!! ili I! i!I i*l *Mc Turkish Towels-Fancy col- lil l Si ' dlah eloth*. tow- "I"® cheek*, "derwear. 28-ln q p * " Value* 50c to Porch Swlngi Kpod - if V Bath Tuf) Seats.. !>.no ored borders. Spe- OQ / W hi I elo and waah ~dr' ynr '' 7 ' quality. Piece, a,.OS. trong golden oak llnl.h. C ream Whlppere .. . . ... . . .7*1.10 clal oilc i lIU I clotha, each, 1 ftp O'tP 1 Q/ <CI API in. i OA 7.'" e A < omplrlr with Potato Mather na pie- Snuee Pan Set—3 pi. ee W'n.h Itenehea Good Comports DSc and *I.PN Hueh Trimels 'pi l hVa I I US ' -| _ IDC ZDC 19C pi.4D 19c to 89c chain*. Spr.lal. raoh tured. made good and Aluminum Snuee Pan. ntrong wooden ,vnh .Mixing Bowls, set of 4. for.. 50e V Towels Red borders: ex- # |ll| fsj I JLC I S, ' DB strung- Each 25c Special O.Nc hrnchea, eueh 410 c Flour Sifters 25c tra good quality. Each. 1Q _ % gt yjj i I ' . I 12V4e. 15e to I hj 1 I I 1 l THURSDAY EVENING, HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 1019. of the terminal managers of the United States Railroad Administra tion at Philadelphia and Baltimore, were abolished at the close of busi ness yesterday. This announcement was made by C. H. Markham, reg ional director of the Allegheny re gion, who stated that the necessity for maintaining a terminal manager in charge of all railroad lines and terminal properties at these points no longer existed. The terminal work at Philadel phia and Baltimore will hereafter bo taken care of by the Federal managers of the several railroads operating at each terminal. ' Postal Applies For Return of Telegraph Lines Immediately I By Associated Press. New York, May 1. —The Postal , Telegraph Cable Company made by telegraph to Postmaster General Burleson yesterday "former applica tion" for the return of its telegraph lines at once. The application was made, Clar ence H. Mackay, president of the company, said in his telegram la accordance with a published sug gestion attributed to the Post Ollloa Department. This was that ho say directly to the proper authorities whether, as he had announced, no wanted his properties back immedi ately and did not desire the legisla ticn suggested by the Postmaster General for safeguarding the inter ests of the telegraph companies. San Salvador Earthquake Country's Most Violent By Associated I'ress. San Salvador, May 1. —The earth quake which occurred here at dawn on Monday was the mott violent ever registered in this country. Several tremors oC less violence have boon k telt since. Many peoplo aro sleeping In the purks and plazas, but electric light and water service has been restored. " Surgeons and physicians are attend -1 ing the large number of persons iu r Jured. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers