Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 01, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Sessions on Four Days Plan
ned in the House; Eyre Gives
Senators Warning
Both branches of tho Legislature
adjourned for the week late yes
terday afternoon and will meet at 9
p. m. Monday. Next week will be
the last for Introducing bills into
the House.
The close of the Senate was
marked by announcement by Sena
tor T. L. Eyre, who was in the chair,
that bombs addressed to Pennsyl
vanians had been found in New;
York post offices and that one had
been addressed to him. He urged
that Senators and attache,. look
carefully at all mail matter not o y ,
here, but at their homes. ng '
Speaker Spangler m adJ
House eer a
that the House would sit o _ (
day, Tuesday, Wednesday
da> next BUI j
The Dithrlch bill injury" occurs
where an industrial Injury ,
and there has been a f.
serve State safety reQ-rements, the,
injured or
cedent may elect to tak . of
court, was attacked as aubversi
the whole compensation
hearing held before A furt her ;
clary general coram • Tuesday,
hearing will bo held next T
when some amendment w.ll
mitted by the spo " s °^' lhe hill rcp-
The speakers a & a * p 8 co al oper
resenting numufacturer thc
ators and others, decia fQ |
hill would strtke a officials of
dation of the sys • Board and
the State bo prCR .
the insurance 1 und. ferc ma
cnt, said that it *°"' a ors included
terially. Moo re Philadelphia. :
Henry W. anu f a cturers; J°uu
speaking for man" w Gar dner,
Ti P Kichenauer and p n. W. rKh
representing t Henry I. Wil
producers As th e Central Penn
son, representing the ociat i 0 n;
sylvanla Coal Operate^ cnUnK put
burgh steel manufacturing concerns. (
""chairman Harry A. Macke> 'will
the State Compensation
discuss the I bm " owing jußt what
t P he eP result of ?he hill will be
lhe House Business gtate
A bill creating the pnbUc
inspector o£ . "tnted for four
buildings to he app presented
years at $2,400 a yf a %£ lnt vre. Fay- |
tte hC The^nspector ' would have the,
right to name assistants tcd j
Mr. tVallace pC
a bill that the sup itlea B h a ll ccr-
SyTeiw 2' contracts within 10 j
d The bill providing for a State j
of two mills on capital empt j
manufacturing be given ai
in Pennsylvania, w House I
liearing next Tucß 'f acturca , accord- j
srs 1 -r'!
lahor law ™ 1..M an
nefore mo
class Mess™ Weyland. j
Sch B uyWr Farnham. Luzerne, and |
sewers, etc.
\ Kansas paper speaks of a new
A NO"- ' , soc iety circles,
amusement in rura aii i lf ,
filled the "avoirdupois party. All tli
I\tfate weighed, and the weight of
each 1 written on a slip of paper: and
uut into a hat. The young men draw
he slips from th hat. and each must
go in to supper with the girl whose
weight he has drawn, paying for her
supper at thc rate of one-half cent a
Tit Beck says the game is not
ne'y by many years. He once attend
ed such a party in the Holton Court
house. and drew a girl who tipped
the beam at 180 pounds. "It was In
the days of twenty-five cent meals,
he writes, "and as we both believed
In preparedness, we had omitted the
home supper, and we do not believe
the church reaped any very exorbit
ant profit in the transaction, so far
as we and our 180-pounder were con
cerned."- —Kansas City Star.
Recenty Mustered Out,
Youths Re-enter Service
Miles Alberta, who was stationed .
at Los Angeles. Cal.. for the past
year, has been mustered out of ser
vice and returned home.
Mrs. William Dintaman. of South
Union street, received a card from
her brother. David McCann, who;
had been overseas for the past year
He has arrived in New York City
and is stationed at Camp Upton.
N. Y.
Edward Sheets, who Is a patient
at the war hospital, Carlisle, is
spending a five days' furlough with
his mother. Mrs. Lizsle Sheets. Roy
alton. Ho was severely wounded
about the legs and gnsHed several
times In battle overseas
Private Warren Johnson and Cor
poral Frederick Hervey. both of
town, have enlisted In tho Third
Cavalry and left this afternoon for
Fort Bliss, Texas Both young men
were In service overseas an.l were
recently mustered out of service A
'arewell party was held on Wednes
day afternoon at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. John Brown, Market street.
James of various kinds were play
"<l and later refreshments were
Miss Grace Johns who spent the
past two weeks in town as the guest
>f Mrs. I. J. Boyd, Center street, re
:urned to her home at Pittsburgh.
The regular monthly meeting of
'.he Sunday school class taught by
A. S. Qulckel. of St. Peter's Lutheran
Sunday school, will be held at the
home of Mrs. Clarence Poorman,
North Union street, thlß evenlug at
8 o'clock.
Carl DUllon and brother, James
Dllllon, Jr., of Elyrla, Ohio, are
vleltlng friends In town for several
days. \
jpp j? *r JL T|k
§ Hundreds and Hundreds M[ Jk #4. Weeks of Preparation have %
y°l Advertised 1% ******lj Made This The 0
11 Will be Included in the Sale | event of its kind we've held I'
I f i
I This Wonderful Sale Eclipses All Sales Of The Past Two Years!
I Make Plans To Come, Bring Your Lists and Supply Yourself With Needfuls For Months |
jl|j Manufacturers' Sale of Surplus Stocks Manufacturers' Sale of Surplus Stocks Manufacturers' Sale of Surplus Stocks Manufacturers' Sale of Surnlus Stocks
N ten n • nr n-ii Pi ... n , , n _ 1 .<'<>o Cakes Monarch Toilet Soap, in
hil M *5" Pairs Women s Silk M 300 Pairs Wo mens Burson £3 Buttermilk, Peroxide and oatmeai no tjj t , n n , n , cn H
0 JL/v Gloves. Sale d* IJQ ® . Fashioned Black SilkAC.. if °"SSnSS'-JiM 179 Regular 69c |
W Price, pla4o Hosiery. Sale Price, pr.vOC
j I berß. Special, 6 spools'
25c ki, /k a ! ue - Sale 47c S
ni Jl Jb •*" ,*L„*** I
LM & H aunuet style m white, black, gray and hM Y? hose, reinforced sole and heel, lisle garter /WEI NVfC Sanitary Fine Bristle Tootli Brushes, Amoskeag ginghams in neat stripes of nJ|
Satfck champagne in two-tone 3-point emhroid- © top: some are slightly imperfect. Mid up one in box. Special, 01. tffW blue and white; plain tailored flounce; 111 l
fill „, ery * saQy each -H' ®LfL lull cut; well made. !st
|l GOO Pairs Women's CC. 100 Pairs Women's QC„ 350 Pairs Indies Cot- 1 1 i 500 Pairs Ladles' Cot- OO _ c . . ... . ~. ... h |
S Silk Gloves, pair... 5 ® C Camolsottc Gloves 95c whl.f "f 'T Vh , Splcu!. P g £ cnerTln Q anS P b K Sl,k WclU - $2.95 $I 95 S™'tlnc 47 IJj
liy _f c,!" 8 f' 8 X b e Ie Mel d h ln W ! lite '„ blac 1 k ' praJ ' black; slightly imperfect. ter top" .sUghUy l UuperZx. for assorted sizes. Special, 7 Made oFrine "quality chif- Cro P° Klmo,,os '' m
-c1 us I tn white, black, brown in self and contrast- o<)0 pairs lilies' A Q in w,l ite and black. Brass Pins, assorted sizes, card fon taffeta in black, plain Made in a good style LH
m gray, brown-self stitching, ing stitching. # Thread silk Hose 1 - 48 500 Palps 300 to paper. Spe- 2 3 C Cabinet Wire O _ satj „ anU bra|d trimmlng _ fjs
100 PAIKS WOMEN'S KID GLOVES, Pair .. A q Dou i )1 l 'T ole in, and j e'^ h Fiber Silk Hose 73c a ' papers for.. Hair I ins. Special.. iitted with elastic waistband full cut—god length—sizes Fill
4>1.40 spliced heel; siik and lisle ™ , , , :'' Celluloid Thimbles, assorted Snrct* Pins, assorted E —all lengths. 36 to 46.
UN „ . . garter tops; some are slight- Double sole and heel, cot- sizes Stneeisl r- OC fvl
Js, 160 pairs women's 2-clasp white kid gloves. 3-point em- lv imperfect; in white, black, ton garter top; tn white , &pec, * i1 ' 5 C sizes. Special, dozen $1.45 SATEEN PETTICOATS QC„
171] broidery on back Snecial nr „ 4W cordovan, bronze, gray, black, gray, champagne and " £?„ 'iJ Y 'L'.*- Pircctolre Dress Shields, "OC UN
IU oroiuery on tacit. j ecial, pi *1.48 pearl. African brown. taupe. Shell Hair Pins, 10 in. assorted sizes. Special, Q . Fine quality sateen, black, white and fancies—pretty YN
- ... , to box. Special, box pair OC styles—full cut—all lengths.
hi s—First Hoor. j===== KAUFMAN S—* irst floor. • 1 KAUFMAN'S—First Floor. ■ ... UM
MJ KALr II AA'S—Sfconil '■
1 Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats, Capes, Dresses and Skirts Surplus Stocks From the Best Makers of M
M The Surplus Stocks and Canceled Orders of Some of New York and Philadelphia's Best Makers Men's and Young Men's Suits S
together With Our Own Stock in This Big Sale G o in Thi. Big Sale at Savings of Fully 25% I
W Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' &3k ... Si
Sj \J IT x cic en m YVe were fortunate in secur- . |!U
® Am Up to $16.50 New Up to $29.50 npi A^C_
ing from two of New York's |j Pi
S Spring Suits /u\f|\ Spring Suits I Cflo I ■ a,KI se venty-ninV'Mcn's n lind Bj
8 Price /= {MX Sale Price IV= M I You "S Men's _ _ 4,Wt W
I W |ll—--5.6,0 42. j„ st sL„i si „h kJ \ /rr\ Your fltn/f/ifU ni
|| /7 /1 , W Sizes 16 to 46. Just 97 suits in this lot. MJU Choice r P I jML.
| / Women's and Misses' /I j Women's and Misses' [A At Uhf^h/'U'4nf fi®\
[' lUp to $22.50 New m R |j r Up to $45 New mm XI THE MODELS The newest i Jl U. 1 [u
i % Tot Ij&. Bvj , \ fi ' f llf nifty skirt models—the new form \/ \ ' Sj
| !, Suits A f Suits TT'" if I
I vw/ j I mixed worsteds—all wool navy blue
n] If 'A\ t f l ? cn D tan ; A lain tailoi ; e d and trimmed I ¥ and tricotines. Black, navy and leading ' YS \ THE SlZES—Sizes for young IP k 111
OS V •vt styles i_ cau de Cygne and fancy lined \| II shades. Sizes 16 to 44. Thc newest models L\A men—stout men—slim men—33 to kIK -A'!
SIZCS J us t 'J suits in this lot. and most effective of .the season. L 48 chest measure. |Ju
I M 59 :..51.45MY.52.95 $7 95 95 'Men's Suits at $17.50 S
l[U Thirty Black and Navy Poplin One Hundred and Fifty Silk q p. kale Price W • Sjx( Men>s w'ear Serge Capes, Slg
Skirts, waist measures 24 to 30; Poplin Skirts, best Brade, hl h OCFge L/reBB6S mostly navy; all new models, with Offered as good $25.00 values in other stores. Splendid blue and hi
CTT v °PHPI'TN C SKTRTS models; Uiack, navy, taupe; reg- to 520.00 Sale Price 1 lf,y Black and k'avy Poplin full sweep and all wool. brown and nurtures. The models are the newest skirt effects, the lIH
P,, T YY ulur and extra sizes. Capes, the very styles that are 3ERGE CAPES new form " fl " i nK slashed-pocket models; tho newest three-button jftS
Value $2.95. -j Q C SILK POPLIN DRESSES- $8.95 wanted most vtlneJ t to* A - d-% m ° delS - Splendid, pen%ei-flttln g Suits, handsomely made and M
SI Sale Price 1• V O Values to $8.95. A f\l- wanted most . Values to $lB. | O trimmed; all sizes. S
I3J Fifty Navy and Black Silk Price " C w b n w- [U
Poplin Skirts, just new, waist Fifty Silk Poplin Drcs se s , among them. And a few SILK TAFFETA DRESSES d, J iD 1/I f\ S
measure to 30. black navv Prune Conen ind other all wool fabrics in coatee effects, hooded effects, IWI ATI C! iIIIITC iTI I4i 8 I nil
S SOL SATIN SKIRTS- tan; 'all sfzes fo'r ' miss'e" and Mfe Values to $12.50dx 7 fv p- UII'S Ctl k]H^ O OU N
m Value $3.95. Q P CLOTH CAPES- styles!\msFof bU tVrdrV n Sale Price 'P / O - FRrp rAPF c 20 ' 00 valu - The materials arc Cheviot and Cassimore. The ||
Jsii Sale Price <1? JL ... c _ are in navy blue. Some of bitKUtt L-AFttb models are the newest skirts and form-fitting and conservative; *2?
M One Hundred and Fifty Sol Value $12.50. jC 7Q ST Sisty si,lt Taffeta the Values to $22.50. "I J- 95 I handsomely made and trimmed. jfji]
S, Satin Skirts. in black, navy, oale Price... .. V Kirdles All are straightline newest and smartest models, In
hll taupe. Burgundy and white; new- Twenty Tan Basket Cloth All- Ea , ch on ? a splen- M „„., w ... 0,, rr ,„ r\ r- T ,. . , Kil
|JI est models and all sizes from 24 Wool Capes, neatly braided; a quickly " B ° thC b ° St e ° l ° r3 ° nd a " alzeS for sniart braided effects some with Over Five Hundred Pairs of Men S TrOUSerS fIJ
to 30 waist measure. splendid style. ' misses and women. fancy hoods, very full sweeps. • TL* CIT 1 r>" I , r- • 1 ?S
Eu This Sale, Two Big Lots, Friday [j]
m ~ || - ==• Lot No. I—Men's Kha-Ki Trousers J A Q j|
1 Girls' Dresses, 50c Muslin More Than 3,500 Stylish Waists JS. W „U ESUJ.'SrSf.f" ,toa *" Ka " K '' ' |
'll jITtl. jpt-. yato sfa Underwear In the Manufacturers' Sale of Surplus Stocks Lot No. 2—Men's Odd Trousers Jl Qf b
jjN ... 32 to 42 waist. Alen's neat stripe Worsted Trous- ■*
i I mSil/ii Several Thousand • 11p 'i H | ors ' made with cults, belt loops and protected hip pockets.
Gc d quality soft Hats, new Spring sliapes;
$1.95 I
N 4a* iXL, eII 89c Women's 350 Will to Voile Waists, QO $1.95 Georgette and (Q QQ FOLK SUITS. Values to $7.50, $4 95 /\\\ S
s>t IfflallffltoilrilrrMlift ValtmzrSLMeSS. WrlT/lt- .jgaKCT/siiiy Drawers SI 45 value Clioiec */<C vvaists U>0.07 Sizes 14, 15 16 17, 18 years. A aplendid assortment ( \ tf-A 13
Kl ... ' vaiuc. v.iioi.e .. Fripc waists 0 { cass i m e r e at ,d cheviot suits Handsomely made. til /,w4.l "
||l| Made ot ginghams and percales—pretty styles and patterns— .?' _? , quality cam- Twelve different styles Beautiful georgettes and 11i AmJ ||
just like illustration—all perfectly finished—and full made —sizes , c ' embroidery trimmed; full beautifully trimmed with em- crepe de chines, beaded and ROYS' NEW SPRING NOR- /fx /\ H /ft S
rri 2to 6 years Kvery dress worth s3c ' Sizes. or closea stylcs: ttU 4 b r idery nnd 3 6 to s POLK SUITS ?to IS vSf s $6.95 /Ii •li
[H Girls'sl.9s Gingham <g|l9 Girls' and Children's J3 0Q 05c Muslin 79 3.05 Crcpc do Chh.e tfO 89 "S New skirt model coats Pant ,'t f11d„ , 1
Kl Dresses $4.95 White. Dresses W Petticoats • an -. Habutai Waists wA.OJ tC skirt model coats. Pants cut full and lined. iKjl ' XSM K1
.. ... uiki uunuiai waists T h„ materials of new mixtures in cassimeres und JUS 8 /'
S Made of fine quality ging- Voiles and organdie.-ln a Si": rt m ft ™ $4.89 CheVl ° ta ' Ol
hi ginghams In plain colors. wonderful variety of attractive Full cut. all lengths. fl eshandwh I te P league l\uo Inthe 'new sTrn' m // WWi In
[M stripes and plaids - pretty styles - beautifully trimmed SI 25 Envelope OA maU and sunset. prettily blue blwue Victow * Fvtra Sntn'al For Fririnv 7 \ 1!"
SI styles in every desirable shade and some plain tailored—sizes r . ( 34c trimmed with embroidery all n,.j sunset, tea rose. navv EsXtrH ijp6Cl3lS 'Of 1 flCiay V 'rij\ Si
li -all full cut and perfectly 2to 14 years. Chemise . . „ e w pretty Jfrlped Habutai white and flesh-all neW styles , „ h \*i> h]
i made-size. oto 14 years. ."flViLt 1 CO . """T.. 25c g£ 69C i
H Girls' and Children's 79 Waists $1.59 ed models-sizes 36 to 46. 2. 4 and 6 years. A neat
Si .. SI--I3 Dresses Sizes 36 to 40. Made In white, flesh, maize " 5c Colored Voile CQ r check percale. nicely fulY taped ieaniS VJg! !S
fl Girls' and Children's AQ M , _ - and sunset In a number of Waists Oi7C trimmed. rul1 ' tapeJ sean, s. t>
|IU S3 45 White Dresses Made of fine quality ging- 49c Children s 35c prettily embroidered or lace Pretty striped voiles—with Boys' Tnpcless AQ„ |j ovs . cloth on H
d.4o wi lie w esses hams and chambrays in plaids, Drawers trimmed models—sizes 36 to white pique collar and cuffs— Blouses 15* C ya 89c
nl Organdies and voiles, plain stripes and solid colorß a Plain and -Knickerbocker 46 - kood style—sizes 36 to 46. 7to 16 years Made of 7° to lT vearV "snlendirt ZJMI l|f
(Al tailored and trimmed models variety of pretty styles full Btyl ? s L^l e hrmderS o^,,ffli Ua rif, y $2.95 GEORGINE AND CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS, *1 on good quality percale, neat mixed cheviot 'and the Iv
gN shown in a variety of beautiful cut, perfectly made—sizes 2to £ a !?^rc u ii p Ut qi'-JL o . ... , ' P1.05* stripes; new tapeless seams double stitched El
styles—sizes 2 to 14 vears 12 years 1 . , Fle " 1 or , wh| i e —'"je beautiful waists w th embroidery und lace models. and taped: cut full. hi
Jiy siyies sizes zto it years. x„ years. to 14 yeais. trimming—ln several attractive models—sizes 36 to 46. 11l
Mrs. Ell Miller and son, Robert
Miller, ot Detroit, Mich., are spend
ing several days tn town as the
guests of the former's brother, John
Stotz and family. South Catherine
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Presser, who
: spent tho past week In town as tho
• guests of Mrs. Ellu Benton, South
1 Catherine Btreet, returned to tholr
1 homo at Philadelphia.
1 A meeting of the local Red Cross
Chapter, which meets In the parish
> house, of the St. Peter's Lutheran
church, was held this afternoon to
finish up tho last alottment which
consists of 125 pinafores for French
and Belgian children. About forty
ladles were present.
Harry Welrlch moved from the
Brandt property, Ann street, to the
> Huntzberger property. State street,
* which he recently purchased.
j Mrs. Len. Scbuetz, of Middietown,
left for Now York to-day where she
a will spend the rest of the week.
Tho Royalton High school com
mencement held In the Royalton
United Brethren church, Tuesday
evening, was largely attended and
enjoyed by all who were present.
Atlantic City's Popular Hotel.
American Plan, 94 and $5
per day.