20 ["The Want ki Way" Is Crowded With Travelers Who Arc on the Rflad to Market 1 Deaths SKIIOI l(.\ On April -9. 1913. Eliza- ; both J. Sebourn, wife of Harry *>. 1 Sebourn. used 52 years. „ j Funeral on Friday afternoon, at - o'clock, from Church of God. 1 on- ; brook Ti.e relatives and .riondsi are invited to attend without, without further notice. Intel mem, s hoop's Church Cemetery, the re mains can be viewed this o\enin„ at her late residence, lb- !• loren.' • street* Penbrook. j \ MCill.N Mary J. Vaughti, wid-wj of Thomas Vaughn, died April ~e. Funeral Saturday, at 2 P the residence of her son. ltojcrt B. Vaughn. Charlton, on Jonestown Road. Kindly omit llnwcif. LOST AND FOUND LOST Whlte-riht nose glasses, in black case, marked Dr. Park Decka.d, on Thursday. April 1.. Reward it re-j turned te 1621 I'enn street. AUTO STOLEN. Sell HEW ADD On the night of April 23, from Harry . Miller's stable. Bella \ ista. Cumber land county. I'a., Ford louring v. a . Pennsylvania license No. j number 1872728. Color, black- N> questions asked, lie 11 phone ■■'■'b'i-1.- ■■ I INSTRUCTIONS . — INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION In Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English. i Bookkeeping. Penmanship At Uime ! tic, etc. DAT AND NIGHT SCHOOL, OPEN ALL YEAR. 1-nter any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. BECKLEY S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Berkley , HELP WANTED —MALE UNSKILLED MEN FOR PRODUCTION WORK. Ages IS to 45. IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. Wages and Working Conditions Eight. Apply- in Person or Communicate with Factory Employment Of nee THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY. Akron. Ohio. A CORPORATION Of national reputation has several vacancies for ambi- , tious young men, preferably about -1 years of age. to learn iu business. These vacancies arc open only to young men of good character with h'gh school education, who in re turn for the certainty of per- j nianint employment and con tinual opportunity for ad vancement are willing to make earnest use of the time required to achieve efficiency. The salary is ample for your ' maintenance while undergoing education, and the location 1 is out of town. Address BOX F. 7069, Care of Telegraph. ; s WANTED Men to learn to repair auto- , mobiles and aeroplanes, our big class starts May 12. Make application at once. Full course, SSO. Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET, Or ;. TRAINING QUARTERS, 260 South Front Street. j Steelton. Pa. ; WANTED Foreman for small', gray iron foundry employing about twenty men. In reply, advise whether , union or non-union man, give refer ences and also state wages wanted. Address G., 7068, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. W ANTED First-class pretzel; baker to go out of to\<ii. State salary wanted. Address J.. care of Harris burg Tdegraph. WANTED, AT ONCE Two ex- ■ rerienced paperhangers, for piece work. Steady work. Apply 13c7 1 North Sixth. WANTED Collector and solicitor. " Literal guarantee and commissions, fall Room 4, No. 49 North Front 1 street, Steelton. Pa. WANTED A registered druggist - or qualified assistant. Salary, and commissions. Must be good sales man and a hustler State experience f and give reference. Shearer 1 * Drug store, York, Pa. i CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS j i MAY 17 Hundreds clerks needed. ]- $92 month. Men, IS and over, desir- j ing Government clerkships. Depart mental, Railway Mail. Post Office.' ( write for free pariculars. Raymond ] Terry (former Civil Service Ex-I aminer), 51ti Continental Bldg.. Wash- ' ir.gton. —. , WANTED Men to learn to re- i pair automobiles and aeroplanes. Full - course, SSO. Call, or write. 25 North Cameron street, or Training Quarters, I 260 South Front street, Steelton. Pa. i WANTED Four or five good paperhangers and painters. Wagas, i 50c. 55c. 60c per hour. Steady em ployment for tlie right men. Not ally - labor trouble. The C. F. McCartney Co., 1019 Green Avenue, Altoona. Pa. . FOR SALE ! No. 2208 St. 2-tory brick house; s rooms 1 nnd bath; front porch; cemented ccllnr with hot and colli witter; I gaa light; furnace hrut; ir.-ft, rear |i alley. A bargain ut *-."".0(1. No. 1910 N. 7th St. 3-atory brick house; 8 rooms and bath; all Improvements; cemented cellar with hot and cold wnter; | aide and rear alley; furnace boat; g mm light. Price, *2730. No. 1912 N. 7th St. 3-atory frame houac; 8 rooms nnd ' bath; all Improvements. Price. •2330. Miller Brothers & Co. Real Estate j, Insurance Surety Bonds i- Loeaat and Conrt Streets ■ambers Hbg. Ileal Estate Board I I a THURSDAY EVENING, HARRJSBURG SdSafaftfl TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 19iy. HELP WANTED—MALE ] | WANTED SEVERAL SALESMEN i FOI! DOOR-TO-DOOR PROPO SITION. Prefer men with news paper canvassing: experience, but this 's not necessary. Apply M., 5621. Care of Telegraph. WANTED A first-class barber., in an up-to-date barber shop. Ameri can preferred. Salary. $27.90 a week to start. Apply C. A. Martin. Hotel; | Grand Building. Lebanon Pa. HELP YY AX TED—FEMA LE | WANTED AT ONCE 1 j EXPERIENCED and INEXPERIENCED ' SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS j Regular work and good wages. In experienced operators are paid by the I ; day while learning. A bonus is paid J to all operators every pay day. 1 BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. I Reily and Fulton Sts. j WANTED Operators and learners on special and single needle power sewing machines. We pay 29 per vent, bonus. JENNINGS MFG. CO.. 2012 N. Fourth St. EX PER IEN CED OP F. 11ATO RS Wanted at HARRISBURG APPAREL CO.. Third Floor. City star Laundry Building, Sixth and Herr Sis. WANTED Two experienced welters, or tw.> gills with some knowl edge of running a sewing ma chine. Steady work. Good wages. Apply NEW IDEA HOSIERY (C., Fourteenth and Mayflower Sts. KAUFMAN'S Underselling Stores Require the Services of an experienced saleslady for th< following departments: Shoes, shirt waists end small wares. Only experi enced need apply. Apply at once. WANTED A MOTHER'S HELPER TO CARE FOR CHILDREN AND ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK. APPLY 2 109 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 4519. WANTED Girl to work in pack ing loom. Apply at once to Enter-] prise Coffee Company. 122 South Cam-; iron siitet. City. PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY j Knit urgently needed socks for us on 1 Auto Knitters Experience unneces sary. Full particulars, 3c stump. Department 146. Auto Knitter Co., 821 Jefferson street. Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Child's nurse. Mul ; furnish references. Apply 3 South I Front street. 1 WANTED A girl for genefal housework Small family. No wash ing or ironing. Apply )sl9 North See- 1 nnd street. nin sEKEEPER WANTED By a widower, who has a small Tamils. Call at 316 Sayford street, between a A. M. and 3 P. M. WANTED Woman for hand iron-, ing and laundry. sl9 per week. Apply ' Sanitary Family Washing Co., Six-■ Iteenth end Elm streets. WANTED White girl for gen-' era! housework. Good wages. Every i afternoon off. Must sleep at home. Apply 711 North Second street, Third I Floor, at 9 A. M. '[ HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female WANTED An experienced man i or woman for marker and sorter In 1 a Maryland laundry. Steady wo eg and good wages. Fare paid. Apply Box T. 7532. cure of Harrisburg Tute-; b-'Mh ■ j SALESMEN WANTED WANTED A salesman, expe-1-' enced in the wholesale notion busi n-.-s. Good references requited. Ap ply X. 4628. care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE WANTED Young man, 17 years old. would like to work on a lanti near the city; has some experience. Address 1405 Mayflower street, liar- 1 risburg. Pa. WANTED Boy 15 years, wants work of any kind, with privilege of i one c'ay a week to attend school. Ap- " ply 1221 Wallace street. WANTED —By reliable man.; whitewashing of all kinds by co.i- 1 tract or day. Apply at 1115 VVyeth street. City. WANTED Work of any kind tor' two young men. Call Bell 1759, or apply i9u.. North Seventh street. i WANTED Boy, 15 years old, de- ] sires work during school vacation. | Apply L.. 7451, cale of Telegiaph. j SITUATIONS WAN TED—Female WAN FED Girl, 7-i years old. de- | sires work between school hours and. Saturdays. Apply 228 Cranberry! street. WANTED Respectable white | woman wants bundle washing to do i at home. Address 1223 North Front street. City. WANTED A respectable white!' woman wishes position as plain cook, in or out of the city. Address Mar garet Werner, General Delivery, Har | risburg p. O. I WANTED Clerical position by | young woman, who has three years' [experience in general oftice wprk; can furnish best of references. Address' Box H. 7070. care of Telegraph. WANTED A woman wishes po-! ] sition as typist, bookkeeper and g -u- ; . erul oftice work. Address G„ 7540, ' care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman wishes work', by <luy oi week. Apply 861 South , Tenth stre; ' | SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Practical nurse de < sires a position as nurse or cotnpan-' ■ ion. Will go to shore or travel. Ad- j •diess S„ 7511, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young woman, having ! previous experience, wishes position as typist and general oftice work; can j take dictation. Call Bell 4595. ! WANTED Young woman would l'kc small washing and ironing to do at home. Call at 348 South Cameron street. City. 4 WANTED Young woman wants washing and ironing to do at home; ran furnish best of references. Call, , oi write. 1125 State street. WANTED Woman wishes day's work, or work by the week. Apply . xi'G Salmon avenue. YOUNG woman wishes clerical I work; lias had experience and can , furnish reference. Address K-4296, ' care Telegraph. j j W ANTED White woman wishes : washing and ironing to take home., I Call, or write, 932 South Nineteenth, | street. | ROOMS FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED front rooms,; Willi all conveniences. Apply 609 North Third. Mr. Max Herbert. FOR RENT Three unfurnislicd i rooms on third tloor. Inquire 503! j Woodbine street. FOR RENT Rooms, furnished or unfurnished, for light housekeeping. ; inquire 431 Boas street. | FOR RENT Large, second tloor I . front room; all conveniences, use of I Phone; cars stop at door. Bell phone ; I FOR RENT Two large, unfur- I | ii'shed rooms, for light housekeeping. I •No objection to children. Also one laigo, furnished room, lor light house- ! keeping. Or will rent four large j ; rooms, on second tloor, as apartment. ! i Inquire 1321 State street. j IOR KENT One furnished front | I room, on second tloor, two on third j jticor. on front and back; all conveni-| letvt'-s. Apply at ill Evergreen street. , Bell phone 4900 R. i FOR HEN T— Two furnished, com-I niumcutipg rooms, or, second lloor. for! light housekeeping if desired, with] use of bath and pnone; large closets ■ and porch. No children. Call at 1596 .State street. j Full RENT' Neatly-furnished room, for gentleman: private home.] I 104 Walnut street. 2"! WAEN FT ST. Two furnished! looms, second floor. Men preferred.! Ring bell No. 2. Mather Building. FOR RENT Large, cheerful room | t" a young woman employed with] relet •. nees. central location; all con-, v> niencts: only lady in apartment. ; Address D.. 7539, cure ol Telegraph. FOR RENT Two furnished front] rooms; all conveniences. Apply 501! Cumberland street. FRONT ROOM, all conveniences. ; private family. Reasonable. Bell ] 3542-M. Address 26 North Eighteenth , street. FOlt RENT Two rooms, com pletely furnished for light house- i keeping; hot and cold water ini kitchen. Inquire 548 Woodbine streeet. THREE large, unfurnished rooms. | on second lloor, for light housekeep ing, use of phone, bath and balcony, in very desirable locution. Call, only after 6 P. M. at 619 North Eighteenth i street. : ! FOR RENT To a gentlemen, i pleasant, furnished front roeni; heat., electric light and use of bath. Apply 819 North Third street. FOR RENT One conlfortanly- ! furnished room, with electricity.' steam heat, use of bath and phone; V i.leniently located. Call Bell 3767. NICELY'-FURNISHED BEDROOM— For gentlemen only. Dial 499u, or 912 North Third street. FOR RENT Two furnished [rooms, for light housekeeping; not and cola water: steam heat, luquit.- 443 Walnut street. FOR KENT Large, unfurnished | livlngroom, Hrst floor front, suitable' for suite of rooms, modern conveni - ' dices. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co., 912 I North Third street. Dial 4990. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, j $2.5u per week and up; warm room.-;' running hot and cold water; light i housekeeping and private bath. Wil- ! son Apartments. 143 South Tnird. ROOMS—HOARD—WANTED MIDDLE-AGED MAN (clerk) wants | board and lodging in suburban or latin homo, convenient to Harrisburg.! j Address Clerk, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ; FURNISHED APARTMENT U ! two or three rooms; all conveniences: jd. sirablc people only. Rent reason | abie. 1727 Sixth street. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT I Of three rooms front, on second floot ; use of hath. 911 North Sixth street, j ' FOR RENT Two rooms, com-! pletely furnished for light house- ! keeping, hot and cold water, gas, elec tricity; use of bath and phone; first-* class in every way. llell phone 624, ltial 4957. I APARTMENTS FOR RENT For' light housekeeping, 4 rooms and bath , all moiii i n conveniences. 414 North Third. Possession June 1. Apply to! Louis, 414 North Third street. i FOR KENT, STATE ST. Two ! communicating rooms, furnished fori light housekeeping. Hill section, with 1 phone and home privileges, to refined couple. Call Bell phone 3976 J. AN APARTMENT of two rooms, 1 frcnt, use of front porch. 1609 Mar ket street. Inquire of J. K. Kipp, 1721 j Second street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDER LIN." STOP PAYING RENT MOVE AT ONCE. Wiconisco St.. 625 Vacant; three story brick; eight rooms and bath; all 'improvements; front porch; driveway 1 in the rear; same as rent. Maliantcngo St.. 618 Three-story [brick; eight rooms and bath: all im provements; front porch; same as rent. Fulton St., 1937 Vacant; new; two-story brick cottage; all modern improvements; this home is in a class] bv itself; same as rent. Derry St., 2341 New; finished In a few days; nine rooms; brick; hard wood floor; steam heat; fireplace; he last word In a home; terms to suit. D. ASA SANDER LIN, ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. ! FOR SALE 1624 Begins street; 9- room brick stucco house: all improve ments: now vacant. Inquire 1626 Re-] gina street. j CAMP HILL MAIN ST. Modern I 214-story frame dwelling with all] conveniences, for sole; well construct ed and good location, price. $2,000. J. | 45. Gipple, 1251 Market street. jffl jrfjj jiff 8 a Oi IS m | I S3 HABITUAL KICKERS, SLOW- US ANU-UNCERTAIN-PAY FOLKS ffl[ fcy you've probably had to encounter these pilj i people in your dealings with hoarders jffl or roomers. You have also probably experienced the annoyance of having a | ptej room stand vacant for weeks when it b ! life} should have been yielding an income. Up iyy Classified advertising—a little '"cam- Qu I Bp paign" of it—will always remedy such I |g conditions. , gfc] Civ] m I • Hi jffl m SO • rrt 'SL m REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j " J RESIDENCE FOR SALE I 1008 North S' >nd Street, 3-story brick, 9 rooms and bath. Lot, 24x125 to wide al ley in rear. Room for two garages. Owner requires smaller house, only reason for I selling. Quick purchaser can secure a bargain. Immediate possession. For particulars address DOX O, 7433. Care of Telegraph, Or 011 the premises after 5 I o'clock. ' 3010 SECOND ST. --- 2Vi-story brick, all conveniences. j SOl2 Second St. 2'i-story, brick, I all conveniences. j Third Sti —2'5-story brick, steam heat, all conveniences. ] Fourth St. 2l-j-story frame, elec tric, gas. furnace, bath, large lot. Easy 'terms. Attractive price for cash. ! 2141 Jefferson St. 3-story brick. ! Garage on rear. 1832 X. Sixth St. 3-story frame,] 'all new improvements. Five new houses under construe-' t; < >ll will have all latest improvements.! , Will s.'P on terms. Lowest price for .cash. For price and terms inquire of 1). E. LUCAS, Real Estate and Insurance, 303 Low is St. |i FOR SALE 1815 North Second Street. Cq er. view over river. A ttne. medium-priced home in good location. Immediate posses sion. A. W. SYVENGEL Real Estate, 1 2131 North Second Street. Bell 2575 J. FOR SALE Sixth St., 1720 Re built throughout in oak hardwood,!, hoi water, heat, hardwood floors, elec- j trie lights, laundry in cellar; must be • sei>n to be appreciated. Forster St.,' 1609 —lii-rooni house, suitable for , 1 oominghuuse: in excellent condition. : 1 Harris St.. 133 9-room house, front] > porch, ill good condition. Price right . to quick buyer. Sixth St.. 2332—Beau tiful home, with large lot for double]: igaiagc . Mac-lay St., 539—Give us an > i offer tor this dwelling. Apply Leh- j [man & Klingeman, Patriot Bldg. FOR SALE E ARLINGTON LOTS It you own lots In this I suburb list them iittli me. 1 live there and make a spec ialty of selling real estate in this Plot. ! Bell C. O. BACK E.N S'I'OS.S, Bell! 701 112 Market St. 3u77J. $5,100 WILL BUY' 1803-5-7 Stisque-[ | hanna street; 3-story lranie houses,: eight rcorns and batn und other im provements. In good condition. Pay ' eight per' cent. net. Will sell sepa- 1 lately at $1,900 apiece. G. YV. Keht.j 204 chestnut street. FOR SALE An empty, brick oorch front house, with all Improve ments and long lot to drive alley; 10 | minutes' walk to center of city. Kasyi tcrms. A. W. Swengel. Real Estate, ] 12131 North Second. , ' 1 HAVE some very nice properties' on Second street, north of Kelly, fori sale Inquire of J. K. Kipp. 1721 j | North Second. | 1032 S. ELEVENTH ST. Frame, i <1 rooms and bath; lot, 19x113; im iirovements. Price reasonable and! cuty wims. 1 s*>o Fulton Frame, 8 rooms. 1 Trice $2,000.00. , 1 nee. • D A CALEY. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. FOlt SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE. No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. i Lot, 15 ft. 3 In. by 90 ft. ! COMMON M-222 Market Street, i VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE ' paintedMns clfrrK't ®LN UKALTY y 1129 North Seventh St. I 1 AM able to sell a house on easy terms. S2OO down balance. SSO to SIOO a month, with interest. Call 107 Chestnut street. FOR SALE Moaern home, all im- 1 nrovemt-nts; three-fourths acre; best water: 20 minutes from Square. Belt phone 2026. FOR SALE An Island of 33 acres, in good state of cultivation. f Good buildings. Apply 417 Hummel i street. t FOR SALE On easy terms. 2012 t to 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply a. i p. Ooranz. 1325 North Sixth. j BUY YOUR HOMO on our rental ( payment plan. Small cash or Liberty I Bond first payment required, balsuce aa rent. We have houses in tvery f part of the city and suburbs. Appty f A. P Doranz 1225 North SLth street. 1 FOR SALE 2005 Susquehanna - street, 3-story brick; all improve ments; front and back porches; ee- < inent cellar. House stands alone. 1 1 nilv desirable residence. Will bo ( | Sold cheap to quick buyer. Apply on ( j premises. 1 | EIGHTEENTH ST.. N„ 28 Corner ( brick house for sale; with steam £ heat and electric light; price reduc il . ]to *4 0511 J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market t c RIJ.AI, ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 1944 N. SEVENTH ST. Possesion in 30 Da>-3. 2!4-story frame dwelling, 7 rooms; all Improvements; front porch; now renting tor $16.00 per month. Price. $1,700. Bell C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Bell 7ul 112 Market Street. 3u77J WORMi.I7YSBURG For sale, real . estate property in Wortnleysburg; I lot. sSxlsu feet, fronting on river' Hunt street, three squares from Wat- ! nut Street Bridge; improvements ' ten-room house and bath; roof. Peach' Bottom slate; all modern equipments up-to-date; electric lights, gas stove', I yard tilled with choice fruit and 1 shiubbery, chicken pens, etc. PIOO-' erty can be inspected any time ; George R. Chambers, Wortnleysburg ! Pa. JUST DANIEL E. LUCAS Ileal Estate und Insurance, 303 Lewis St. THAT'S ALL j ] FOR SALE, CHEAP—No. 652 Wocd bine stteet, one 214-story frame dwell-! ing, 8 rooms, bath and steamm he a t. 1 Also two line building lots, in Elk-1 wood, adjoining New Cumberland i call, or phone No. 4731 M Bell. Ad dress G. W. Burd, 500 Curtin street, ! City. TWO FRAME HOUSES on Linden street for sale at $3,000. Bell Realty Co.. i:> rgner Building. ' I 124 UEGINA STREET can be pur-] chased at a reduced price; large duelling; lot 25x130, with stable! thereon. Bell Realty Co., Bcrgner Building. 1122 STATE ST.—Brick and stucco! construction; nine rooms and bath.i all other improvements. Bell ReallJ 1 Co., Rorgner Building. VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, for sale: 23 North Nineteenth street: corner property: fourteen ro.nis and! bath: almost modern improvements;! hardwood floors. Bell Really Co., Bergnet Building. S 1 13,300 WILL PURCHASE a 3-storv illicit house on Jefferson street, with garage 011 the rear of lot. Bell Really Co.. Eergner Building. $2,390 WILL PURCHASE 627 lleilv' street: brick house, nine rooms and' bath, other improvements, including! steam heat. 801 l Realty Co., Bergner i Building. 195 us. FRONT ST. - Brick house | with mm 100111., and bath; lot, 25x 112; can lie purchased for $2,5"9. Belli Realty Co., IJergner Building. JEFFERSON ST.. 2325 Brick! house, eight rooms ind hath, for sale; all other improvements; gui.,go oii' lot; price. $2,375. Bell llealt, Cj I Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Second story of ICei ker Street Markethouse, Fourth and Kelker streets, suitable for aianufau luring purposes or general storage 1 Room 84x34. I—Room1 —Room 40x39. 2—Ottioe rooms. I—Mall. 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant Apply Harrisburg Auto Co.. Fourth and Kelker streets. REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 RAVE READY BUYERS for farm city and suburban properties. Alj large clientage enables me to secure ready buyers for any kind -of Real Estate you may have-to offer. A. I'. DOR AN/,, 1 225 North Sixth St. Bell 27 IJ. Dial 3943. WANTED. TO RENT A six-ioom crl house, in city or suburbs. Address Pox W, 7333. care of Telegraph. ' ' READY CASii FOR CITY PROPERTY I WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER' BELL AND DIAL PHONES ' CHAS. AD LEH, 1002 N. THIRL) ST. Offices and Storerooms lor Rout FOR RENT Large office. Elec tric lights, city steam. City's best lo cation. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. Formerly Backenstoss Bros.,' 331 Market St. FOR RENT Desk room and oftloe I Inquire Fred C. Miller. Attorney, Jt i North Second street. Bell phone 307J | FAR >l3 30-A FARM About one mile N. Hoekville. 8-room house and outbuildings i orchard, wood land. An ideal sum-1 nl er home. Will exchange on city property. C-A. TRUCK AND POULTRY FARM I IV4 Miles South New Cumberland. 1 Good house and outbuildings I orchard. Land mostly level. Soil]; loam sand. Price, $3,000, including horse and tools. 70-A. FARM iy. miles S. New Cumberland. $7,500. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. 5R.-ACRE FARM, with stock, crop and all implements. Reason tor sell-' ing. ill health and old age. Bargain to quick buyer $1,700' 10% ACRES, with small shed. Good i rich, mellow land. All kinds of fruit! trees. 1 mile from car line and city; limits $2,700 3S-ACRE FARM. 8 acres woodland,l O. K. buildings, and all implements. l Near sehoolhouse $1,700: 65-ACRE FARM, all good buildings 200 beating fruit trees, 7 minutes from R. R. station, $4,200. With stock, % crop and all implements $5,300. DUURAND, 107 Chestnut. 98-ACRE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE Brink house, bank oarn. all necessary outbuildings. Part of the farm borders on the Conodogulnet creek near Bowman's mill. About 7 miles from Harrisburg and 4% miles from Mechanicsburg, in Cumberland county. Reason for selling, to close 1 an estate. Call, or write to Ellen M. I Addams and Fanny Mumma. Execu-| trices, 213 South Market street, Me chanicsburg, Pa. i , FARMS WANTED ( WANTED 5 to 20-acre farm, with building Must be close to car line. Address Box E. 7533, care of '1 olograph l'Oll SALE MISEKI.LANEOUS FOR SALE 4 Dictaphones: 3 Transcribing aud 2 j Dictating Machines. 1 shaving Machine, [4 Typewriters. ; 1 Sectional Hookcase. Apply 308 Telegraph Bldg. FOK SALE Cutler roll top desk, practi cally- new. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., 331 Market Street, Formerly Kackenstoss Bros. FOK SALE Oak diningroom suit, j composed of table, live leather-seati chairs and buffet. Inquire 1209',i Chestnut street. *Bell phone 3853 M. \ FOK SALE Four-burner gas range, Eclipse. Inquire at 751 South ; Nineteenth and One-Half street. i PRIVATE SALE Of household j furniture. 132 Sylvan Terrace. j l-'Oli SALE Victrola and 54 rec ords. l'riee, $25.01). Apply at 1110 | Kitthtiuny street. I BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,300 ; new, old, rare, in stock. All rand's, : 25 North Third. FOK SALE Marshall & Wendell piano in good condition. Apply 721) : South Nineteenth street, City. FOK SALE 1 carload of 25-ft. ! chestnut poles; 30 to 32-inch butt ! measurement. D. E. Fisher, 11. D., No. 2. Linglestown, Fa. FOK SALE A reed gondola babV I carriage; cost, S4O; like new; first sls | takes it. Bell phone 4970 M. FOK SALE—Cutler rolltop desk, | practically new. Brackenstoss Realty I Co., formerly Buckenstoss Bros., 331 I Market street. | FOK SALE—Steam heat boiler, 675 j sq. feet capacity; practically new; I lirst-class condition. 1948 Green | street. ; FOR SALE Baby carriage, cheap, j lin good condition. Inquire 39 North ! | Thirteenth street. | MORRIS SAYS save money buying : new and second-hand furniture here, j High prices paid for furniture. Morris; | Schmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4955K BARGAINS! BAGAINS! I The store across from Y. >V. C. A I offers you the biggest and best bar ; gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over- j coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, J I Hats, Caps, and Shoes. We are fam- j I ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. I OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. | 23 North Fourth street. 1 TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOK j CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, ! 203 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE i ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. WANTED—M loCELLANEOUS j HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID fori j Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at lent ion Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad street. Dial 4826, Bell 4705 R. I ! CENTRAL FURNITURE CO. will! pay best cash prices for good second- j j handed furniture, carpets. We got a I ; contract to furnish 60 cottages. Best) prices this month only. Also for lute •heater, and ranges for next fall. Belli | lU6IM, or apply 324 Reily street. I WANTED A home for the sum- , m( i for a boy 11-years, who is strong, likable, willing and obedient. Good ; home piererred to wages. Inquire; 1719 Capital street. WANTED An upright boiler, 8 ! ;or 10-horse-power. Must be in good i condition. No junk. Address B. J.I | Campbell, 1000 Paxton street, or 236! South Second street. ' WANTED C melody saxaphona. Give full particulars. Address Box 11. 7529, care of Telegraph. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. BIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. I 407 BROAD ST., UARKISBURG, PA. i L. COHEN & COMPANY, York and ! Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for j rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and ' metal and old machines. Send postal j or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and Isold. Highest cash prices paid. Call! j Bell 107114, or drop a postal to Max ' Sineltz 1016 Market street. Will call, j city or country. ! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES j PACKING Experienced Packers of Furnlturj, China and Bric-a-brac. EXPERT AUCTIONEER. A. H. SHRENK ' Bell Phone 399 W. I FOR SALE Long-established. I I Hardware, Plumbing. Tinning. Heat-! ling and Builders' Supplies business. ! Illness compels quick sale. Unusual opportunity. <'. 11. MacConnell, Owner, Nicholson, Pa. IF you have $2,000 to $3,000 cash' capital and would be interested in! opening an entirely new line of busi- I ness in your lo ality, which should! net you $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 an nually, write at once for particulars. Mechanical Machine and Tool Works,! 229 West Fifty-second street. New | Yc rk, N. Y. ; FOR SALE tine wall soda foun-|. | tain, complete. in good condition. | 20-ft. marble slab for counter top. | (Will sacrifice if sold this week. Ai-i i dross A. D. Hoover, Hummelstown, Pa. | FOR SALE One laundry 36x50! wood washer, one Prosperity, Jr..] moulder and tube. Excellent condi-1 tion. Address B M. Creasy, Pouch A, jllarrlsburg, I'a. BUSINESS PERSONALS I PEOPLE WON'T KNOCK, j IF I REPAIB YOUR DOOR HELL. i ELECTRICIAN—BeII 1873 J. UPHOLSTERING Of the best kind. Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phoue 4826 Be I phone 4705 R. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. PAPUAN CO.. 206 Market street. MACHINE SHOP Specialty of ■ light machine, models, experimental, mill, factory repairing, odd parts for !autos made. Variety Machine and Ke jpair Shop. 1704 Fulton street, liarrls ; burg, Pa. OX Y-ACETYLENE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen, i Capitol City Welding Co., 1638 Logan ! street. Bell 4396 J. INVENTORS FINANCED Patents Automobiles. Motorcycles Bought, Sold Exchanged. Cash or commission. Simon Horst, Linglestown, Pa. QUININE— I-ook out for that grippe [feeling, likely to catch you this ! changeable weather. OUIt LAXATIVE! I PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off] 'if taken in time. Gross Drug Sto.e, ]• 1119 Market street. I— | A. LANE ] I New and second-hand furniture i bought and sold. Highest prices paid. I ' 1U22 Market street. Bell 4730-J- I ( BUSINESS PERSON ALS . RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 35c M doz.; razors, 35c. Oorgas Drug Store. > | i l< FURNITURE CRATED for shipping. J. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street. || IT N AN CIA L 11 STOCKS AND BONDS. ] LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. OREENAWALT. JR.. 130 Walnut St., IJarrisburg. Pa. Bell Phono 51SJ. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money In compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, ROOM 206 BERGNER iILDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. i LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 17. 1915, I'd lndividu- I als tr need of ready cash, small loans i la specialty, business conlidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, Iposititely lowest rates In city. ! NNSYLVANTA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. MONEY FOR NECESSITIES i If employed and housekeeping, our I iegal rate money service on loans from sls to S3OO, payable In vveea.y or monthly Instalments is worth m i vestigating, if you are in need of (funds and without bank credit. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO„ 204 Chestnut St. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long 1 ; distance. Furniture and piano moving I a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 [ | Capital street. Both phones. i LCCAI, AND LONG-DISTANCE j HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 ; Colder street. Both phones. Belli ! 3036-J. Dial 3CS3. MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO.—! Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a I < specialty. General hauling. 24s J : Hamilton street. Dial 4166. Bell; [ 1144 W. j i AUTO HAULING Local and long ! j distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser- I vice. Call Bell 623-J. | I GENERAL HAULING AND FAST! EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns I ; with auto trucks. Only experienced j i and careful diivers. Cull Bell 332U, I i or Dial 2265. I i WEI Move Anything, Anywhere. (Any time. Price reasonable. Dial! 4990. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North. | Third street. I ' HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped! for furniture, freight and piano raov- ] ; ing. No distance too far. Careful ! driver. Rain and dustproof body. 1. I E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin - I Aungst. manager, llersliey. Pa. Bell [ ' phono 15R6. : I FOR HIRE—Two ton auto truck. Apply 11 US South Ninth street. Bell' phone 2455 R. HICKS Local and long-distance ! | hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both i i phones. i IT PAYS to see 11. E. BrinkerhoA ! for your Local and Long-distance j Hauling Light Hauling a specialty,! to any part of city at 50c. Done \ Promptly. 1437 Regina street. Dial 3S6S. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER 3T. ! BELL PHONE 623VV. DIAL PHONE 3518. I HOUSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE Heavy, young inulc. j Apply Harrisburg Lumber Co., Sev enteenth and Berryhill streets. MUSICAL J. 11. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, TROUP BLDG., 13 S. MARKET SQ. BARGAINS THIS WEEK j $350 Foster Piano, lurge size, mi i liogany, used less than one ye.it; I price $363 j $330 Marshall & Wendell Piano, wal , nut care, practically new; price, $290 I ; $650 Story & Clark Player, 88-note, I new sample; 36 rolls free; price, $530 $750 Angelas 88-Note l'laycr. used for | demonstrating; 36 rolls free; ! price SO3O i All of the above instruments I are ready for delivery NOW. j J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, I TROUP BLDG., 15 S. MARKET SQ. i I FOR SALE. AT ONCE Good, up- I right piano. Call at 1903 Green I street. Thursday evening or Friday I forenoon. ! YOU have mude the visit to music i houses, for a special Columbia record, | you have not found it. We have it. Spangler Music House, 2112 North Sixth street VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. GUITARS - BANJOS Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLKR'S. 14 south Fourth street TALKING MACHINES promptly and ci.refully repaired by an expert only OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. HOOFING , ROOFS PROTECTED WITH HITE'S ELASTIC LASTS FOR YEARS. AUCTIONEER HlTE—Bell 1875 J. STORAGE STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Rates. THE HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY 1 CO.. LTD.. Hlghspire, Pa. , Phones; j Bell; Steelton 169Y, Dial: Steelton 9439. , ! STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storago rates In non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 145 South Second street. STORAGE STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Dinner, 408 Market street. STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Privai.it rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul- t ing of nil kinds. D. Cooper & Co. N Both phones. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLEIi, FUNERAL DIRECTOR - 1312 Deny St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director and Embalmer, 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEM'ETEIiY Beautilully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. Tlio prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS WHY buy new clothing, when wo clean your old ones as good as new? Now Is tlio time for spring cleaning. Goodman's, 1306$- North Sixth. Both Phones. Call and Deliver. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT Overland 3-passenger road ster. 1918 Model. splendid j tires. upholstery. top und paint like new. A splendid car. Oldsmobile Roadster. Up holstery good, paint like new, all tires good, two cords, lu ! excellent' running condition. Overland six-cylinder tour ing, seven passenger. Retin- J isliod. A powerful, roomy, handsome cur $795. Overland 5-pnsscnger tour ing. with electric lights and sturter. overhauled and guar anteed. All tires liko new $175 Open Evenings. Timo Payments. THE I OVERLAND-H ARRISBURG CO., I Eolli I'honcs. 212-211 N. Second St. 191S HUDSON SUPER-SIX - m TOURING CAR. Used slightly as a demon strator. Overhauled and re painted. In very good con dition. Tires also in hue I shape. IIAGERLING MOTOR CAR CO.. 1 J East End Mulberry Street Bridge. I BIG BARGAINS IN USED CARS King Eight—l9lß. Overhauled, repainted old wine color, white wire wheels, one extra. Sun—l9l7. In splendid condition, good tires. ! Jeffery—l9l4. Completely overhauled, tiros in good condition. | REX GARAGE AND SUPPLY CO. | 1917 North Third Street. FOR SALE Seven-passenger Packard Twin "Six." 1917 model.' Good as new Traveled only 5,000 miles. Address E, 7062. Care of Telegraph BARGAINS Premier, 1918, electric gear shift, mn 200 miles; 7-passenger. Hudson 0-54, roadster; five new ' tires. Denby 2',4-ton trucks, overhauled. In line condition: dump body. Reo, 2-ton. 3'/j -ton Acme, wood hoist and steel tody Denby 3-ton, wood hoist and steel body. Other used tracks on hand. Full line of Denby chassis. DENBY SALES CORPORATION. 1205 CAPITOL STREET FOR SALE 1—1914 Chalmers Roadster, with Stutz body, in ilrst-ciass running order, with 3 spare tires. 1—1913 Regal Roadster Underslung, in first-class running order. Or will exchange for 1916 or 1917 Ford Roadster. Call, after 5 P. M., Bell phono 1828 J. WANTED Red sidecar for an In dian Motorcycle. Must be in first class condition. Apply at 1529 Ver non street. FOR SALE, Coie'so, in first-class condition. Will sacrifice to quick pur chaser. $650.00. Xlso Ford Runabout. See Mack, Bell p.ione 1710, Dial 306". 25 North Cameron street. FOR SALE Studebakel Touring; 1918 eight-cylinder Oldsmobile Tour ing; lieo Touring car; Overland Coun try Club. JefforTes Touring car. Atij f drew Redmond, Third and Reily . streets. FORD 1917 TOURING—Good order' $425.01) cash. Ho fat. Llnglestown, Pa. Dial 36C. FOR SALE 1917 Ford Touring Car. Price, $390. S. R. Horst, Ling lcstown. Pa. Dial phone 36C. TRUCK FOB SALE Large sized 5-ton truck, with Dump bodv for sale. Big bargain to quick buyer. For particulars call at the Sunshine Garage. 27 North Cameron street. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS AND PLEASURE CARS FOR SALE—Ford ton trucks, 2-ton Autocar truck, 2-ton Republic truck. 4-passenger Mitchell Club roadster, 7-passenger Hayncs touring car. International Harvester Company of America. Truck Depart ment. 619 Walnut street. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers