Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 01, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 NZV/Z OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS YOUTHS START ON LONG TERMS John Miller and Fred Moore Go to Penitentiary From Adams County Court Gettysburg, Pa., May 1. Sheriff Howard J. Hartinan to-day took John Miller and Fred Moore to the penitentiary at Philadelphia to begin the long terms of imprisonment im posed on them by' Judge Donald P. McPherson on Monday. On the six charges against him Miller was given a minimum sentence of twenty-seven years, while Moore, his accomplice in the crime, with three charges against him, was given seventeen years after both young fellows plead guilty, acting as their own lawyers in the proceedings and statements made. The sentences are the re sult of the shooting of Abner Mills, the groceryman, on the night of February 22. NEWS OF SOLDIERS Lewistown, Pa., May I.—Thomas VanNatta, who saw service in Italy, arrived home on Tuesday. Walter Carotliers, who was in France, has been dicharged from service at Camp Dix, and returned to his home here. William Austin, of Langley Field, is spending a furlough with friends here. William Callahan, of Company M, recently mustered out of service, has gone to Red Oak, lowa. Leonard Picketts is home from the Army. andr uff r "My head itched unbearably and my hair was coming out by the handfui. A fewapplicationsof Wildroot loosened and removed quantities of dandruff— the itching stopped. Today it is thicker and more beautiful than ever." THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC For sale here under a money-back guarantee H. C. KENNEDY Wildroot Shampoo Soap, oaod In connection with Wildroot. will huaten the treatment. The choice of everybody Thorley's Cakes Order for the week-end Thorleyfs^ Cream Chocolate Cake #2sc the half At Your Grocer's THORLEY BAKING CO. Harrisburg, Pa. THURSDAY EVENING, J BUUUSBURG TELEGRAPH N MAY 1, 1919. WILD TURKEYS IN TOWN STREETS Flock Tries to Fly Across Sus quehanna at Duncannon, Birds Arc Exhausted Duiicaiiiioii, Pa., May I.—Flying across the Susquehanna river from Peter's mountain, a wild flock of turkeys spent the night in Duncannon strets when they became exhausted. Turkeys were scattered in many back yards of residents living along the Susquehanna river front. A strong wind blowing across the river is be lieved to have saved some of the birds from alighting in the water. When County Poor Director Dunkle went into his yard he heard peculiar noises from beneath a gar age and when he investigated he found, one of the birds there. He secured it with the assistance of a neighbor and then took it to the mountains where it was liberated. TRANSFER OF PUPILS Oberlin, Pa., May I—Eighth grade pupils of the Swatara township schools will have their transfer exer cises in the United Brethren Church at Oberlin on Friday evening. The address will be delivered by the Rev. H. S. Kiefer, pastor of the United Brethren Church at Oberlin. A class of 42 pupils will be transferred from the eighth grade to the high school, i The Rutherford eighth grade has [nine to be transferred, the Enhaut eighth has nine, and the Oberlin eighth has twenty-four, including the i eight who came from the Bressler to the Oberlin school. This will be a splendid addition to the high school as the large majority of them intend to complete the course. With six pupils being graduated from the township high school in June and about forty coming in next fall, we have the promise of the largest enrollment in the history of the high school. On Tuesday evening May 6, the first grade of Oberlin will give the "Tom Thumb Wedding" at the High school building. The proceeds from the entertainment will be added to the library fund. An excellent nucleus has been formed for the school library fund with the proceeds from the pageant given by the students of the high school on the 24th and 25tli of April. POVERTY SOCIAL AT IIAIXLYN Hainiyn, Pa., May I.—A poverty social will be given by class No. 5 of Shoop's Church on Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock in Hainiyn school house. Come in your poverty rags for if you come in your citizen's clothes you will be fined a luxury tax. If you come in poverty style you will be fined for each poverty missing in each outer gar ment. Your hair must be worn in a style not later than ten years ago, and not less than ten hairpins worn or forfeit a fine. Prizes will be given for the best makeup. An interest ing program will be rendered and refreshments sold. TOWN* WINS BLUE STAR Gettysburg, Pa., May 1. East Berlin has the honof, according to the announcement made at loan I headquarters, of winning the first blue star for the Victory Loan flag to be awarded in Adams county. East Berlin has almost doubled its quota up to the present time. CUMBERLAND VALLEY ITEMS RED CROSS TO TRAIN NURSES Classes at Mechanicsburg to Start Under Supervision of National Society Mechanicsburg, Pa., May I. Looking toward the start of nursing activities in communities, classes in health, hygiene and care of sick in the homes, will start in Mechanics burg on Monday under the super vision of Miss Elizabeth F. Miller, from the divisional headquarters of the Red Cross in Philadelphia. These classes will include pupils from the high and grammar schools and citi zens of the town, and it is planned to organize a class among those em- ( ployed in stores and factories. The course consists of fifteen lessons and the only expense to members is one dollar, which includes text book and registration fee. In connection with the work, a room will be furnished so that, throughout the course, practical demonstration can be made with an improvised patient, who will be a member of the class. Instructions will be given in bathing, haircomb ing, changing of linen and all phases of work in connection with nursing, especially in diseases, such as pneu monia and typhoid, including bath ing and proper clothing. The idea was evolved from the demand for knowledge in the care of the sick during the recent epi demic of influenza and pneumonia, when nurses were almost impossible to secure. This course in training will be given at the expense of the Ameri can Red Cross from whom a certifi cate will be received by members of the classes when the course is finished. A. Nevin Pomeroy Heads Salvation Army Campaign Chanibcrsburg, Pa., May I.—The Franklin county personnel the Salvation Army Home Service Fund campaign, which will be held May 19 to 26, has been completed. The appointment of A. Nevin Pomeroy, former State Superintendent of Printing, was announced recently and other officers for the drive have just been made known. The treas urer will be Frank A. Zimmer man, treasurer of the Chambers burg Trust Company; H. A. Kott canip will be chairman of the pub licity committee and Arthur G. Houser, who served as first lieuten ant. and aid to Colonel M. C. Ken nedy while in France, will lead the service men's committee. WILL FILL PULPIT Meclianicsburg, Pa., May I.—On Sunday morning and evening the Rev. "Samuel H. Stein, pastor of Trinity First Reformed Church, York, will occupy the pulpit of St. Paul's Reformed Church in this place. The Rev. Mr. Stein, who was a former pastor of the church, and family, will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brenner, "West Keller i street. - Mechanicsburg Odd Fellows Celebrate Centennial Mechanicsburg, Pa., May I.—ln celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the lodge in this country, the Mechanics burg Lodge No. 215, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, held a smoker on Tuesday evening with an inter esting program which included speeches by Mr. Foust, of Waynes boro lodge; T. S. Scholl, of Landis burg lodge; Chester Miller, of New Kingston lodge, and Russell Sultza berger, recently home from France. Music was furnished by the lodge quartet, composed of George C. Dietz, Frank Hollinger, Bruce R. Mowcry, Guy H. Lucas, and the lodge orchestra, E. S. Weber, Wil liam Hinton, Soltan Nailor, Samuel Hollinger, Frank Hollinger, E. E. Strong, Weir Seifert, Louis A. Diller and George C. Dietz, at- the piano, i A song and dance given by 11. 11. Trimble, was liberally applauded. George C. Milleisen, a past of ficer of the lodge presided at the nieeting and introduced the speak ers. Refreshments were served to seventy-five men. The committee on arrangements included George C. Milleisen. A. H. Swartz, C. ,T. D. Eckert, Howard Fisliel and Guy 11. Lucas. Apron Social Nets SIOO on "Waist Measures" Meelinniesburg, Pa., May 1. — About 150 people attended the Apron Social, given by the Sewing Circle of St. Mark's Lutheran church as a closing event of the season, on Tuesday evening at the home of the pastor, the Rev. Dr. H. N. Fegley, West Keller street. Miss Edith Feg ley presided and an excellent musical program was rendered which includ ed: vocal solo. Miss Alma Senseman: piano duet. Mrs. M. B. Ibach and daughter, Tsabel; vocal solo. Miss Annie Miller: piano solo, Moordean Plough; vocal solo, Miss Bessie Bear; piano duet. Misses Dorothy and Mary Boss; vocal solo, M. B. Ibach; piano solo. Miss Frances Mumma; vocal solo. Miss Alma Senseman. When the pockets in the tiny aprons, which had been given out, were emptied of the money they con tained it was found the sum totaled SIOO. Each person placed in the pocket an amount of money corre sponding to the number of inches waist measure. Luncheon was served jto the guests by the women of the Sewing Circle and was quite ela borate. Great Interchurch •Gathering Next Week Chainbcrsburg, p a „ May I.—Prob ably the greatest interchurch gath ering that Franklin county has ever experienced will be held next Mon day afternoon in the First United Brethren Church here. The meet ing and conference will begin at 4 o'clock in the afternoon when the Church Federation of Franklin county, will hoi dan interchurch supper, after which there will be several addresses outlining the evan gelistic campaign for next fall. At the business session, among the matters to be considered is the tem perance situation in the State and Nation and the co-operation which the churches of the county may be able to give in welcoming returned soldiers. The seeretur.v of the fed eration is the Uev. Dr. Wilford P. Shrincr, of Waynesboro. MRS. WOOD TO SPEAK Meoliaiiiosburg. Pa., May t. — Mrs. Anna Hamilton Wood, of Ilar risburg, will speak this afternoon at the Business Men's League nouse. when the Woman's Club will again entertain thirty convalescent soldiers from the United States general hos pital No. .11, Carlisle, under the di rection of Mrs. Robert H. Thomas, Jr., chairman of the public interest committee. A hot supper will be served the men following an enter taining program. MEMORIAL DAY PARADE Mcrliaiiiesburg. Pa„ May 1. — The Memorial Day committee de cided at a meeting Tuesday night that a. parade would be held on Memorial Day, and invitations were issued to all organisations to par ticipate. A feature of the parade will be a body of returned s< Idiers and the soldiers who are Odd Fellows will act as escort to the members of the G. A. R. Suburban Notes HALIFAX State Field Worker W. D. Reel, of Philadelphia, and Howard Hoy. of Millersburg, county president of the Dauphin County Sabbatli School Association, addressed a district Sunday school workers' institute at the United Brethren Church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. H. S. Potter has received word from her brother, Sergeant J. Harry Wagner, formerly of Mata moras, announcing his arrival at Camp Devens, Mass., after a year and a half of service overseas. Miss Ruth Bowman has returned to Philadelphia after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bow man. P. C. Fox, Ross Zimmerman, Myles Potter, George Loudermilch, Walter Rutter, Clacie Corsnitz and Joseph Dillman will represent. the I local P. O. S. of A. at the district convention to be held at Pillow on Saturday. Next Sunday will be observed as visitors' day in the United Brethren Sunday school and a good attend ance is expected. In the evening the Christian Endeavor Society will ob serve anniversary day by rendering a special program. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Witcomb, of Harrisburg. spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knouff. AXNVILLE Mr. and Mrs. William L. Saylor, of East Maple avenue, entertained the following guests at a reunion on Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Saylor and family, of Westfield, New Jersey; Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Saylor, Walter Saylor, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Saylor and family. Misses Lizzie and Sallie Saylor, and Mr. and Mrs. William L. Saylor, all of Annville. Miss.Anna E. Krcider spent Fri day in Philadelphia. Mrs. Mary Vallerchamp, of Har risburg, is visiting Prof. S. H. Der ickson and family. Misses Margaret and Esther Beyerle and Miss Dorothy Waltz, were recent visitors at ■ CJsu McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad CARING FOR TWO SMALL CHILDREN Franklin County Poor Direc tor Has Soldier's Allotment Changed Over From Wife Waynesboro, Pa., Muy 1. —Poor Director Jacob 11. Mayer, has suc ceeded after muc hpersistent effort with the War Department at Wash ington, in having the allotment of Private John Reno Poole, of the 305 th Infantry changed from his wife to his two small children. Mrs. Poole several months ago deserted her children and ran away with Noah Green. The children were locked up in the Poole home at Rouzerville and had nearly perished from cold and hunger when discov ered by neighbors. The children have been placed in private homes. The mother is a native of Maryland. No Memorial Day Parade at Chambersburg This Year Chanibcrsburg, Pa., May I.—For the first time in many years Cham bersburg will not have a parade on Memorial Day. At a meeting in the hall of Colonel P. B. Housum Post, No. 309, G. A. R., the *iembers ot that organization decided to aban don a parade this year, chiefly be cause the local school board has voted to keep the schools open on that day and not permit the pupils to participate in the parade, as has been their custom for several years. However, the usual exercises and oration of Cedar Grove Cemetery here will be held, as well as the decoration of graves in all cem'e teries in this vicinity during the forenoon of Memorial Day. The veterans will be taken to and from the cemeteries in automobiles. Pickets Charged With Assaulting Shop Employe Waynesboro, Pa.. May I.—John Sheeler and Earl D. Fawber, form erly of Harrisburg, but recently in the employ of the Dandis Machine Company, as machinists, were ar rested at noon yesterday by Chief of Police Gillan on a charge of assault and battery preferred by Marshall Kimmey, an employe of the Landis Machine Company. The men gate bail before Justice John A. Potior for a hearing in the evening. The trouble occurred soon after 6 o'clock. Tuesday evening when Kimmey was leaving the Landis shop. The men charged with assault were among those who walked-out from the ma chine department of the Landis plant recently, and they were pick eting on the outside of the plant. AMDS STONE DIES Mochaniosburg, p a ., May 1. Amos Stone died yesterday morning after several days' illness of heart trouble at his home in North Mar ket street. He was aged about 4 2 years and was employed at the D. Wilcox Manufacturing Company plant and at the Paramount theater. He was a member of the Washington Fire Company, Milita Lodge No. 83, Knights of Pythias, Junior Order United American Mechanics, Order of Owls and St. Paul's Reformed church. He is survived by his wife and three children. The funeral ser vices will be held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. OFFICER AND YOF.MAX WED Waynesboro, p a ., May t.—Mins Melissa Machen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Machen, of Waynesboro, was married at Washington to Lieu tenant Walter Shaffer, of Saginaw, Mich., who was recently discharged' from the artillery service. The bridei until recently was a yoeman in the Navy Department at Washington. They will reside at Keyport, N. J. MRS. MARY STOUFFER DIES Waynesboro, P a ., May I. —Mrs. Mary Stouffer. widow or Jacob Stouffer, died yesterday of paralysis at her home at Rouzerville, near Pen-Mar, aged 82. She was stricken Sunday while reading a letter from her son, Jacob, of Chicago, who ar rived home last, evening. Surviving are two sons and two daughters, Jacob, Chicago; John, Mrs. Robert Flenner and Miss Annie at home. PARTY AT STONY POINT K'luin, Pa., May I.—Tuesday even ing the Victory Girls and Bovs of Blain were entertained at the home of W. C. Smith at Stony Point. The evening was spent in games and with music. Refreshments were served to Miss Evelyn Wentz, Miss Madaline V. Martin, Miss S. Carolyn Averill, Miss Zella Book, Miss Sara M. Smith, Lau Snyder, Roy Johns ton, Jesse Snyder, James Shumaker, Frank Wentz, Benjamin B. Bower, Jacob Wentz and Joseph Kistler. I) PIUS Keep the stomach well, the liver active, the bowels J regular, and the breath will be sweet and healthy. But let poisons accumu late in the digestive organs, the system becomes clogged, gases form in the stomach and affect the breath. Correct these conditions with Beccham's Pills. They promptly regulate the bodi ly functions and are a quick remedy for sour stomach and Bad Breath Uriait Sol* of Any M.dicina la tha World. Sold ararywbara. la Bexaa, 100,, 2 So. Walter Shaffer Flies to Waynesboro to Boost Loan Waynesboro, Pa., May 1. —The Emerson-Brantingham siren whistle blew three times yesterday afternoon when Walter Shaffer, the famous Pennsylvania aviator, started from j the Middletown aero station on his | trip to Waynesboro. Direct com munication was had over the phone with Middletown, and as soon as the plane got away the news was flashed over the wires so that everyone in this vicinity got ready to watch for his appearance. Sergeant Shaffer ar rived at 5 o'clock, having made the 75 miles in 55 minutes. He gave a thrilling exhibition of spiral and nose dives, loop-the-loop and other fancy evolutions in midair and gave the town folk a genuine case of "creeps." Sergeant Shaffer was brought here to speed up the Victory Loan drive, which is now nearing the half-mile post. Mifflin County Gives Promise of Big Crops Lewistown, Pa., May I.—Despite * weat her of April the crops of Mifflin county give promise of being good. It was reported that the fruit crop was badly injured by the recent cold spell, hut knowing men in the fruit-growing business say that the damage is but slight. Some lew gardeners had out tomato and other easy perishable plants that were destroyed by the cold spell. The wheat crop looks fine and gives promise of a good yield. The hay crop will likely be good. RETIRED MERCHANT DIES Marietta, Pa.. May I.—John G. Tanger, eighty-five years old, a re tired merchant of Lower Lancaster county, died Tuesday night from a stroke of apoplexy. He was one of the organizers of the Strasburg Men nonnite church. His wife and two sons survive. MRS. FRYRKRGER ILL Marietta, Pa., May I.—Mrs. Mary r Fryberger, widow of Walter Fryberg er, is critically ill at her home on West Walnut street, having suffered a stroke. Mrs. Fryberger is nearly seventy-seven years old, and is one of the best known and oldest resi dents of the borough. Hi ■ ; ;£i till:"! =P-i 1 f It. ; PJ 28-30-32 North Third Street | Extraordinary Sales for Friday Two more special sales in the series inaugu rated to clear certain lines in the readjustment of our stocks to keep them new and fresh. It will pay you to investigate these special events a | Special Sale No. 3—Friday | : j S Women's and Misses' Spring | jjf | Weight Coats 1 1 many models, especially for stout women | Si at $1 K 1 ' 1 at o - | formerly $27.50 up to $45.00 | I comprised of the following: Velour coats that sold up to $45.00 ••• Serge coats that sold up to $27.50 • :t Scotch Mist coats that sold up to $35.0(1 |jij 1 Covert coats that sold up to $35.00 J'l Poplin coats that sold up to $32.50 j | jl Special Sale No. I Women's and Misses' Dresses 1 I | including many stout models J | Two Groups— alM * 1' If I ivere $25.00, $32.50 and $35.00 I mi . . i ••• Dresses for all occasions in such desirable materials as serge, II taffeta, georgette and crepe de chine—in the leading shades. LHL : P • B Parade at Duncannon For Victory Loan Drive Duiicaniioii, Pa., May I.—B. Stiles Duncan, chairman in charge of the Victory Liberty Loan Drive in Dun cannon, has announced a meeting to be held in the square this evening, at 8 o'clock. His arrangements have not been announced* in case the wea ther continues. A parade to Include a band and several squads of returned' soldiers had been planned. The program in cludes short talks by a nurse and a doctor recently returned from over seas, by several wounded soldiers and songs by a singer-soldier. VOLUNTARY WAGE INCREASE Columbia, Pa., May I.—H. L. Cohen, president of the Reliable Silk Manufacturing Company, which operates a plant in East Columbia, made the announcement that he would increase the wage scale in his Columbia plant from fifteen to fifty per cent. Mr. Cohen has just re turned from an extended trip of sev eral months over the country, going from coast to coast, and he predicts the early return of prosperity in all manufacturing lines. He has or dered thirty-live new looms to be in stalled in the plant here and ex pects to increase his working foree. SEVEN TO GRADUATE Liverpool, Pa., May J. I. Woodruff, of Susquehanna Univer sity, Selinsgrove, will be the speaker at the High school commencement exercises in the Lutheran Church at Liverpool Friday evening. May 9. A class of seven will graduate. Miss Arna Grubb, valedictorian; Julia Al bright, Sarah Kiser, Alvin William son, Chester Deckard 'and Harry Deckard. DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL Open All Year. Enter Any Time. IndJvldnnl Promotion. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 MARKET ST. i 7] BcU 125 (Opp. Senate) Dial 4016 ENTERTAINS SEWING OntCl® Blain, Pa., May 1. —The Dadles Sewing Circle was entertained Tues day evening at the home of Mrs Frederick A.- Kern in Main street. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by the following members: Mrs. Dan iel W. Sheaffer, Mrs. William H. Sheaffcr, Mrs. Daniel G. Keck, Mrs. Marry C. Henry, Mrs. Edward D. Koycr, Mrs. William B. Adams, Mrs, N. Kurtz Bistlinc and Mrs. F. A. Kern. ChdcK that cold at the start Remember, an unchecked cold leada to more aerioua ailments. Prompt action ia half the battle. Have ready a box of , DILL'S La Grippe and Cold Tablets I Take them according to direction! on the box, at the first sign of a cold, chills, head ache, feverish condition, or influenza. Made by the Dill Co., Norristown, Pa. Also manufacture!! of the reliable Dill's Beltxa of Life Dill's Cough Syrup Dill's Little Liver Pills Dill's Kidney Fills Ask your druggist or dealer in medicine. The hind mother alwayt kept