SPORTSMEN PROTEST AGAINST CLOSING THE GAME COUNTRY; TECH TRIMS MARSH RUN DAUPHIN-PERRY HAVE SQUABBLE Two Towns Threaten to Quit if Non-Resident Player Rule , Is Not Changed to Suit The fight over the non-resident player limit in the Dauphin-Perry League at a meeting of delegates from the, different towns in the Shenk and Tittle storeroom this even ing. promises to be a bitter one. One faction favors a fivc-player limit, while another wants but three. Two towns are said to have deliv ered ultimatums to withdraw from the league, one if the limit is made five players, and the other if the limit is not fixed at three. At a meeting last week, Newport fans passed a resolution to the er fect that they would play indepen dent ball unless the non-resident player limit were reduced. They do not feel justified in paying the addi tional expense for the two extra play ers. ihey say. _ Iteedsvllle is reported by a Dun cannon newspaper as taking the other side, threatening to withdraw from the league if the player limit is reduced. They maintain that they will be unable to put a team in the field unless the limit is permitted to remain as it now stands. The Dun cannon paper goes on to suggest that ir. the event that Reedsville does withdraw, that the franchtse ho awarded to Port Royal, which town is now clamoring for entrance Into the league. ... , . The admission of Fort R°y a > * n place of Lewistown would serve to considerably reduce traveling ex penses, the Duncannon paper de clares. Some dissatisfaction has al ready been reported in some of the towns by reason of the heavy travel ing expenses that will result tills | vear through the wide distribution, of the towns. No town has been sug- ] gested for the place of Newport if it i withdraws. The loss of this town] would admittedly be a great loss to the league, for it has always hail j good teams and been a good drawing, card. BASEBALL RESULTS NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results New York, 5: Boston, 2. Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 0. Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, rain. Philadelphia, 9; Brooklyn, 9 (20 innings). Schedule Fop Todav Boston at Brooklyn. Philadelphia at New York. Cincinnati at St. Louis. Chicago at Pittsburgh. Standing of Clubs W. L. Pet. Cincinnati 0 0 1.000 Brooklyn 4 1 .500 Philadelphia 3 2 .000 New York 3 2 • | t°o Chicago 3 3 -6®o Pittsburgh ....- 2 3 .500 I St. Louis 1 '• -H2 Boston 0 5 • 00f ' AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results New York, 5; Philadelphia, 3. Boston, 6: Washington, 1. Chicago, 9; Detroit, 7. 4; St. Louis, 2. Schedule *'or T. <-'t v St. Louis at ( hicago. Detroit at Cleveland. Washington at Philadelphia. | New York at Boston. Standing of Clubs W. L. Pet. Chicago 0 1 .857 Boston * 1 -SOO Cleveland .... - 3 1 ."SO New York 2 2 .500 Philadelphia 2 3 .400 Washington 2' 4 .333 Detroit 1 4 .200 St. Louis 1 5 .166 J Sammy Schiff Not to Meet Kilbane Now Says His Manager Sporting Editor Ilarrisburg j Telegraph—Dear Sir: J am writ ing you in reference to Sammy I Schiff, your local favorite, who j looks like the coming champion. : 1 have noticed in your papers j where the promoters are talking about a match with Kilbane, but I would not consider a match ! with the champion at the pres ent time, as Sammy is only a j youngster yet and has plenty of ] time to fight Kilbane. I have several prominent matches for Sammy and when 1 think the proper time comes I will send ! him against the champion, and ! when he does tight him I will J bring back the new world's champion to Harrisburg. Would appreciate your kindness if you would publish a story in your paper about Santmy. Yours truly, Bob Gunnis, Manager Sammy ' Schiff, Vendig Hotel, Phila delphia, Pa. Schell's Quality LAWN GRASS SEED We sell hundreds of bushels of j this, our own high quality lawn seed. We mix it ourselves, using the very best fancy grades of grasses suitable to product a rich velvet lawn. You have never seen as beautiful grass in Capitol Park as you have seen there the last three years, which time wo have been furnishing it. Renew your lawn by sowing seed now —Cover the bare spots. For new lawns sow one quart to each ten by ten feet square. Sow seed evenly and heavy and you will have a beautiful lawn. Pt., 15c; Qt„ 25c; 2 Qts., - ' 45c; 4 Qts., 80c; Peck, $1.40; Bushel, $4.50 To Make Grass Grow Use Wizard Brand Pulverized SHEEP MANURE It la Nature's best food for irrn.. "Wlsard Brand" Is the original pure Weedless, dried und pulver ised Sheep Manure. B lbs., 35cj 10 lbs., 50cj 25 lbs. ' 81.25| 50 lbs., $1.75) 100 lbs., $3.00; j SOO lbs., $12.0O) 1.000 lbs., $22.00 ten. $43.00. 1 , Put It on NOW. Walter S. Schell Quality Seeds 1307-1300 MARKET ST. City and suburban town delivery j J j THURSDAY EVENING, 3BAHHIBBURG TELEORXPg MAY 1,1919. TEDIOUS WORK BACKOF LINES ißoys Eager to Get Home Are Kept Cheerful by the K. of C. Paris, May I.—While looking aft er the soldiers who have participated in the battles and who are now with the Army of Occupation in Germany, the Knights of Columbus are not neglecting the boys who have done the tedious and important work back in the S. O. S. Six huts are now located at Jevres, which has been the principal source of supply since the Americans landed in France. From this center, supplies of every description are sent to be redistributed to all advanced posts where soldiers were stationed. Twenty thousand men, including five \ thousand negroes occupy several' thousand tents and huts within an I area of seven miles. The organization has been so com plete and efficient that its command ing officer, Col. C. J. Simons, was awarded the D. S. C. The Jevres project indicates the enormous work accomplished by American engineers and experts taken from the ranks be cause their special ability was es sential in this feature of the war work. At the Remault Station at Jevres, there are ten thousand animals. There are scores of ground covered with steel buildings, ready for ship ment; also supplies of every descrip tion ready to be forwarded to any point. The cold storage plant is a building 970 feet long by 120 feet wide, with a capacity of 8,000 tons of beef. The ice plant has a machine that turns out 500 tons of ice per day. Approximately 140 miles of American railroad track, many ma chine shops and the equipment of twenty miles of warehouses 50 feet wide, in cars that arc scattered throughout the yards of Jevres. The engineers, electricians, labor ers and mechanics composing the organization at this port are dis appointed in net having taken part in the actual war. They are homesick and it is the purpose of the K. of C. to make pleasant the remaining days of these soldiers at this camp. Box ing exhibitions, lectures, serving of chocolate, musical concerts and other forms of entertainment have broken the monotony and according to army officials, has done much to console the soldiers who are await ing orders to return home. Mount Union High Swung Hard on the Huntingdon Lads On the Mount Union diamond, the Mount Union boys easily handed Huntingdon their second defeat. Both pitchers did well, having eleven strikeouts, but Mount Union had fourteen hits as against Hunt ingdon's seven. Rosensteel had the beet individual record, being at the bat five times, on base five times, making four hits and crossing home plate four times. The lineup and record was as follows: HUNTINGDON" „ R. H. O. A. E. Stouffer, ss 1 2 3 0 3 Swivel, 2b 1 0 2 1 1 L' a s s ' j cf 0 1 0 0 0 ■ Godard, c 2 0 14 0 0 Donaldson, p.... 1 0 1 3 0 Davis, lb 0 0 3 0 3 Slaughters. 3 b 0 1 1 1 2 Edwards, rf 1 0 0 0 0 Shnner, If 1 2 0 0 0 Bradley 0 0 0 0 0 Total 7 g It MOUNT UNION R. H. O. A. E. Rosenburg, ss .. . 2 0 3 6 2 Rosensteel, 2b ... . 4 4 0 0 1 Wiley, If 1 1 0 0 0 Peters, lb 2 3 S 1 1 Suders, c 3 3 14 1 0 Thompson cf ~.. 1 0 1 0 0 Bennett, rf 1 0 0 0 0 McElhone, 3b .... 0 2 1 2 1 Fetterolf, p 0 0 0 0 2 Longacre, rf 0 0 0 0 0 Total 11 14 27 10 7 Two basehits—Rosensteel, Peters, McElhone, Struck out—By Fetter olf, 11; Donaldson, 11; J. Russell Peters. Umpires—Skeewe and Keele. Consumers' League to Attend Hearing on the Craig Bill Philadelphia. May I.—The Con sumers' League of Eastern Penn sylvania will head a delegation to Ilarrisburg Tuesday for a hearing on the Craig minimum wage bill, which is in the Judiciary Special Committee. Delegates will go from The State Federation of Women's Clubs, the State Federation of Labor, the Con sumers' League of Western Pennsyl vania, The Women's Trade Union League, Joint Legislative Commit tee. Young Woman's Christian As sociation, Civic Club, Child Committee, Settlement Association, Big Sisters' Association. The Rev. John A. Ryan, formerly of the Oregon Minimum Wage Commission and now of the Wash ington, D. C., Commission, and Mrs. Frances Axtell, formerly of the Washington State Minimum Wage Commission, will journey from Washington to attend. MANY EX LIST FOII SIBERIA Colonel James B. Kemper, in charge of the Harrisburg Recruit ing district, with headquarters at 325 Market street, has received or ders from the War Department that enlistments are open for service in Siberia. The enlistment period for service there will be three years, and applicants for the infantry and medical department only are to be sent. All applicants for this service in Russia must have had previous service, and be be tween the ages of 18 and 40. The Colonel states that this order does not Interfere with enlistments for the other branches of service, all of whicli arc open for service in the United States American Expedi tionary forces in Europe, the Phil ippines, I'anama. Hawaii and China. PARADE FOR LOAN Mount Wolf, Pa., May I.—A pa rade and mass meeting was held here on Tuesday night in the interest of the Victory Loan. Nine returned soldier boys, the Mount Wolf Band, loan committee, school children, sec ret organizations and the Boy Scouts and drum corps, participated in the street demonstration. SNOODLES Dy FT! T77T RT7 SlWreß WITH HfM? r-, uc-v VA BETTER. I kNOWED T . x) I - L A liAWUNG- AND STRlking <^ S iterr 1/A^Al) * ESeES AN-stwes MCT i rr J |v*f/ WAAA I lg^ L ' ywW tecw "ffjjr. L{VM<V,IN ' | yr TECH OUTPLAYS MARSH RUN LADS Very Close Game of Ball Re sults in Victory, 2-1, With Wevcdeau the Star A close battle was fought on the Island yesterday between Tech and the Marsh Run soldiers and plenty of fine points in the game were of use in the building up of a classy organi zation Lingle was on the mound for Tech, and did not seem to have very much, as the foe clouted him heavily. He gave his men a lot of practice, however, and the Tech field ing was fast and sure. In the matter of hitting, Tech surely cannot be ex pected to have a hatting eye so early in the season, and so 1' razier had no trouble whiffing a bunch. Tech gave evidence of power to come back, whicli is a very good qual ity. Marsh Run put over a score in the fifth. With two men on bases, Sutton singled to right field and Ger mer made a neat throw home, catch ing the first runner just before lie touched the bag. "Johnny" Smith, the Maroon and Gray backstop, imme diately hurled the ball to third to catch the man advancing from sec ond, but Hinkle allowed the ball to go by. The man rounded the third sack and raced across the home plate safely. This was tough luck, but Tech braced up then und Wevedeau evened up tilings in the sixth with some tricky baserunning and then followed later with a timely hit, which gave Tech two runs in total. Marsh Run .... OOOOIfIOO o—l Tech 000001 0 1 x—2 Dooin's Reading Team Wallops Binghamton in the Opening Game The International League season at Reading opened yesterday, with 5,000 fans out to see Charlie Dooin's team trounce Frank Schulte's Binghamton bunch, 6-2. The day was perfect and Reading had a riot of joy, beginning with the, moment Mayor Filbert, who helped to or-J ganize Reading's $50,000 stock company to back the International League, threw out the first ball. "Lefty" Weinert, sent by the Phil lies, and "Bill" Ritter, of the former Giant pitcher, were in good form and held the Bingoes safe at seri ous stages. McCabe went the route for the visitors. READING AB. H. O. A. E. Baker, ss 5 0 1 2 0 Burns, cf 3 2 2 0 0 Weiser, if 3 1 3 1 oj Hummel, rf 3 0 2 0 0 Sheridan. 3b 3 0 0 1 0 Weafer, lb 5 2 9 1 0j Doolan, 2b 4 0 3 2 0 Hayden, c 3 1 7 0 oj Weinert, p 1 0 0 1 Oj Eckstein, x 1 1 0 0 0 Ritter, p 2 2 0 2 0 Totals 32 9 27 10 0 BINGHAMTON AB. H. O- A. E. O'Rourke, ss 3 2 1 6 0 Hartman, 2b 5 0 2 1 0 McLarry. lb 3 0 8 0 0 Riley, cf 3 2 2 0 0 Smith, c 4 0 5 0 1 Kay, rf 3 0 2 1 0 Scliulte, if 3 1 2 0 0 Ellcrbe, 3b 3 1 0 0 0 McCabo, p 4 0 1 2 0 Had'k, lb, z 2 0 1 0 0 Totals 33 G 24 10 1 xßatted for Weinert in fourth. zßatted for McLarry in seventh. Binghamton. 10000001 o—20 —2 Reading ... 00030012 x—6 Runs scored. Hummel, Weafer, 2; Hayden, 2; Ritter, O'Rourke, Riley. Two-base hits, O'Rourke, Burns, Weafer. Stolen bases, Riley, 2; Weiser, Weafer, O'Rourke, Hay den. Sacttfice hit. Sheridan. Sacr.- I'Ce fly, Weiser. Left on bases, Binsbamton, 10; Reading, 6. Bases on balls, off Weinert, 2; McCabe 3; I: tttr, 4. Hits of. Weinert, 2; J4 iit bat in 1 innings; off Ritter, 4, 19 at hat in 5 innings. Struck cut, by Wcincrt, 4; olqf*hc, 4; Hitter. 2. \V ',.1 pitch. Wo.inn I. Pass-! ui'lti. Jlayt'cn, Smith l.':npires, Wagner r.nd Philbin Time, 2 houra. Mrs. Hardwick Better; Her Maid May Die Atlunta, Ga., May I.—Former United States Senator Thomas W. Hardwick, of Georgia, who Tuesday received a bomb which exploded, in juring Mrs. Hardwick and maiming a negro maid, said last night he was convinced the attempt on his life was due to his efforts as chairman of the Senate Immigration Commit tee to restrict immigration. Mrs. Hardwick is said to be rest ing comfortably, although she re ceived several painful cuts and burns. Ethel Williams, the negro maid, who had both hands blown off and the sight of one eye destroyed by the explosion, probably will die. LECTURE ON CHINA Liverpool, Pa., May I. —Miss Lil lian C. Graeff, of Harrisburg, will give a stereopticon lecture on "Travels in China" in the Hunter's Church Monday evening at 8 o'clock for the benefit of the Young People's Missionary Society of the church. JOINT CHURCH COUNCIL Blain, Pa., May I.—The joint council of the Blain Zion Lutheran charge, with churches at Blain, New Germantown and St. Paul's, in Mad ison township, will hold the regular annual settlement meeting on Satur day morning in the Bluin Zion Lu theran Church. Sportsmen Hotly Protest Closing Big Game Country Intense bitterness prevails in the ranks of game hunters, not only in Harrisburg, but nil over the State, regarding the move to close the road in Clark's Valley, so that thousands of hunters and fishermen will be barred out. A so-called conserva tion bill is now under consideration in the State Legislature and yester day Senator Daix, of Philadelphia, chairman of the Appropriations Committee, surprised all his hearers by the statement that he would not report the bill out of committee un til its members show some interest in it. "This committee has forty-two members," said Senator Daix. "This was supposed to be a full committee meeting. Yet here I am as chair man, and with three members sit ting with me. I don't intend to re port this bill out until the members of the Senate of Pennsylvania show some interest in it." Representatives from a number of sportsmen's associations loudly ap plauded this, and some of them forc ibly emphasized that the bill gave too much power to the proposed Con servation Commission, which is in tended to combine into one the pres ent Department of Fisheries, De- WEST SHORE NEWS FARMER FOUGHT BY ANGRY BULL Man Suddenly Attacked by Animal, and They Have Lively Time at Barn Mnrysvllle, Pa., May I.—Charles E. Graybill, a prominent Upper Cove farmer, narrowly escaped serious in jury when attacked by a vicious bull on his farm, but escaped with a few minor bruises. The animal charged Graybill while he was working about the barn, and before he was aware of the animal's intention, knocked him down with considerable ' force and attempted to strike him with his forefeet. Gray bill managed to regain a standing po sition and succeeded in getting a firm grasp on the infuriated animal's nose, which he managed to retafh until the animal was subdued. Miss Myrtle Dunn Bride of Ray Albert Wingard Enola. Pa., May 1. On Tuesday evening Ray Albert Wingard and Miss Myrtle L. Dunn were married by the Rev. E. M. Aller, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George K. Wingard, of Enola, and the bride the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dunn, of Newport. The ceremony was performed at the home of Mr. Win gard in Knoia road in the presence of a number of invited guests from Har risburg, Duncannqn; Newport and Lnoia. THANKS FOR STUDENT Sliironianstown, Pa., May I.—The United Brethren Sunday school of Shiremanstown adopted the follow ing resolutions on last Sabbath morn ing: Whereas, the Rev. Russell H. Rhoads, senior student of Lebanon Valley College, has so ably and faith fully served us during the past two months in the absence of our pastor, who was afflicted: Therefore, Resolved, That we ap preciate and give our thanks for his services and visits to our homes; that we pray the divine blessing upon him and invite him to come again. HIGH SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT Lcmoyne. Pa., May 1. The Le moyne high school will hold an en tertainment to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock in the higlt school auditorium. The proceeds will be used for the pur chasing of books for the library. The following program will be rendered: piano duet, Mary Bauin and Florence Long; song, mixed chorus: vocal solo. Mabel Musselman; monolog. Alfred Bentz; musical sketch, Edith Snyder and Ray Slothower; lullaby, girls' chorus; piano solo, Paul Smith: com edy in two acts, Alda Pryor, Hazel Howard, Horace Bush, Alfred Bentz and Samuel Coble. . HOME FROM FRANCE New Cumberland, Pa., May I.—Miss Mabel Gammil, of Seventh street, re ceived word of the arrival of iter brother, Harry Gammil, in Divins, N. Y. He is the only member of the famous Rainbow Division from New Cumberland, and also served at the Mexican border. Harry Houck, a member of the Sig nal Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houck. of New Cumberland, has ar rived from overseas and is now at a base hospital in New York. BUSY DAY FOR CONGREGATION Wuslilngton Heights, Pa., May J. On next Sunday Calvary United Brethren congregation will have a busy day. At 9.30 the Sunday school will observe its annual visitors' day with an appropriate program. The goal has been set at 300 present. I.ast year there were 270 present and it is hoped that number will be exceeded, in the evening the Christian Endea vor Society will observe its anniver sary at 7.15 o'clock. LECTURE AT ENOLA Enola. Pa.. May 1. Theodore C. Knauff. secretary and treasurer of the Philadelphia School of Design, gave an illustrated lecture in the auditor ium of the Summit street school building Wednesday evening to a large audience. Much poster and camoullage work was done by the students of this school during the war. - partment of Forestry, Board of Game Commissioners, Water Supply Cam mission and State Forestry Reser vation Commission. This agitation, however, is sec ondary to the move by Dauphin county sportsmen who are fighting to prevent the closing of game ter ritory in the upper end of the coun ty. One well-known big game hunt er to-day likened the efforts of the Consolidated Water Company to the land magnates of England, 19 of whom are said to own the bulk of land in that island. One of the most active persons in opposing the ef fort to close up Clark's Valley and pat eel it out in private hunting parks is J. Allen Barrett, who has written an appeal to a multitude of sportsmen asking their help. An other leader is H. E. Buffington, of Lykens. who points out the injus tice of this proposition in the fact that 9,500 hunters' licenses are is sued each season for Dauphin coun ty, and the Clark and Powell valleys are the popular stamping ground. A strong argument heard on all sides is that the money from licenses makes the fund used by the State to stock rivers, creeks and ponds and by closing a vast tract of ter ritory this contribution is cut down. Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jones are visit ing the former's parents in Wind Gap. Miss Freeda Jones has returned to her home in Wind Gap after spending the past six weeks with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kellberg, of Harrisburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Kemper Bitnef at Shiremanstown on Sunday. Miss Mac Eshleman has returned to her home near Shiremanstown after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. William Stoll at Harris burg. Miss Rena Nebinger, of Shire manstown, is spending several days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Simon P. Walters at Penbrook. Sergeant Paul Byron, of Georgia, spent a day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bistline at Shiremans town. „ „ The Rev. A. R. Ayres, of New Cumberland, visited the Rev. W. A. Dickson, at Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. Wier Eberly, of Mechanicsburg, were entertained re cently at the home of the former s brother at Shiremanstown. D. C. Faust, of Shiremanstown, was a Harrisburg visitor on Tues dav. Charles Stevens, of Shiremans town, has accepted a position at Enola Car Shops. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Smith, of Shiremanstown, visited friends at Enola, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Tritt, Mass Boyer; historian, Miss Martha Ad- Miss Ruth Tritt motored from Moore's Mills on Sunday and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Peffer, at Washington Heights. Mrs H. L. Wagner and sons, Don, Jack and H. L„ Jr., of Washington Heights, spent the week-end with the former's mother, Mrs. Stone, of Carlisle. „ „ - Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Bowers, Jr., and son Harold, of Washington Heights, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bowers, Sr., of Harris bUDr. and Mrs. S. A. Kirk pat rick will entertain at their home in Thud street, New Cumberland, this even * Mrs. Knaub, of New Cmberland. has returned from York, where she attended the funeral of her sister. Mrs. K. C. Atticks, of Brookline, Mass., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Atticks, at New Cumberland. Miss Dora Naylor was a week-end guest of the Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Ayres, at Trinity United Brethren parsonage, New Cumberland. FAREWELL SURPRISE Enoln, Pa„ May I—The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Episco pal Church tendered a farewell sur prise to Mrs. Mary Arnold, formerly treasurer, who will leave for Har risburg. Mrs. Samuel W. Kreider was elected treasurer to succeed Mrs. Arnold, who has held this position for the past five years. CLASS OFFICERS CHOSEN Enola. Pa., May 1. —Members of the graduating class at a recent meeting elected the following of"- cers for the class: President, Miss Margaret Hassler; vice-president. Miss Miriam Troup; secretary. Miss Viola Knaub; treasurer, Miss Cynthia Boyer; historian .Miss Martha Ad dams. WILL PREACH NEXT SUNDAY Shiremanstown, Pa., May I.—Di vine worship both morning and eve ning, May 4, in the United Breth ren Church. The Rev. W. A. Dick son will fill the pulpit after being a patient at the Harrisburg Hospital for sometime where he was treated for a broken limb. CHURCH BOARD TO MEET New Cumberland, Pa.. May 1. —This evening the official board of Trinity United Brethren church will meet in the church and the Mite Society will hold a meeting in the parsonage. WANT SATURDAY GAME Rutherford Heights A. C. is with out a game for Saturday and desires an out-of-town engagement. Man ager? should get in touch with G. M. Reed, Rutherford Heights. U-BOAT CHASER CUTS LAUNCH IN TWO; HURTS 3 Forty-eight Other Persons Narrowly Escape Drowning By Associated Press. New York, May 1. —Three women and a man were injured and forty eight ether persons narrowly es caped drowing when submarine chaser No. 417 cut a launch of tho U. 8. S. Wyoming In two in the North river opposite Ninety-eighth st.'cet late yesterday. Sailors from the battleship Wy oming, Pennsylvania. New York and sub-rarine chasers rescued the pas sengers. Among those injured and re moved to a hospital were Dr. Philip Davis and Mary Davis, 608 Souln Main street, Scranton, Pa. _ Wife Can't Convince U. S. Soldier Is Alive Williamsport, Pa., May I.—The War Department says that Sherman M. Drum, of Cogan Station, a mem ber of the 79th Division, is dead. His wife says he is alive, and there be gins a pretty controversy between the wife and the War Department. Drum was wounded during the [closing days of the war, and was in .a hospital for several weeks, lie re covered a few weeks after the arnt i istice and rejoined his unit. Since : then he has been writing regularly to his wife. In spite of the regu'ar corre spondence. the War Department, on January 18, notified Mrs. Drum that her husband had been killed the day the armistice was signed. She replied that she had been receiving weekly letters from her husband since No vember 11. Kaufman's Store to Resume Popular Sale Kaufman's Underselling Store will hold its original sale of manufactur ers' surplus stocks and canceled or ders. This event whicli Kaufman's store has originated for many years was temporarily eliminated during the war period, but now the big store resumes their regular sales schedule and will open the manufacturers' sale of surplus stocks to-morrow. Else where in this paper the full details of the sale is told in a two-page ad vertisement. TO DEM* DISABLED SOLDI Kits GET WELL Hugh Giles, vocational advisor for I the Federal Board for Vocational Education, will be at headquarters of the Harrisburg Chapter, American Red Cross, in the basement of the Public Library building next Friday. May 9, when lie will interview dis charged, disabled soldiers, sailors and marines who desire help from the government in their rc-education. 'i plan is receiving the support anil co operation of the home service section of the local Red Cross Chapter. HONOR STUDENT ROLL Liverpool, Pa.. May I.—The honor roll of the Liverpool borough schools for this month includes: : Harrison Lower, Ruth Tschupp, Olive Wert, Vivian Murray. Emmitt Potter, Sarah Rowe, Isabel Burner, Marguerite Moyer, Bertha Marie Deckard, Kathryn Lebkicher, Sarah Helen Deckard, Margaret Barner, Merle Williamson, Frances Watts, Dorothy Rumfelt, Ralph Murray, Charlie Murray, Robert Richards, Williard Dressier, Ethel Albert, Hulda Albert, Ruth Zellcrs. Mildred Coleman, Gladys Rumfelt, Hilda Dressier, Leroy Seiler, Clarence Aucker, John Shettehly, Lee Ker stetter. Alien Ritter, Paul Knlsley, James Richards, Guy Lower and Emmitt Dressier. HUNGRY MAN DRINKS MILK Gettysburg, Pa., May I.—Drinking milk left at doorways along Cham i bersburg street this morning be cause he was hungry, a colored man giving Hagerstown as his home was arrested and placed in jail. -\ Four bottles of the nourishing liquid were consumed to satisfy his hunger be fore he was taken in charge. FLOWERING VINES Clematis Jackmanii, one year..33c Clematis Paniculata, two years, 3sc Clematis Paniculata, one year, 20c i Ampelopsis Veutchli, 2 yr.No.l, 50c | Aristolochla, 3 to 4 ft 75c ; Honeysuckle Hallcana, 2 yr. No 1, 25c j Honeysuckle. Scarlet Trumpet, 2 year medium 23c j Wisteria. Chinese Purple, 2-3 ft. tops at 50c ! Aquilegia, California Hybrids, at 15c Buddleya Veitchinna No. 1 at 25c j Lilacs, hush 2-3 ft., at..i 50c Spirea, Tbunbergii, 2-3 ft., at 25c Spira, Van Houtte, 3-4 ft., at 35c Syringa Coronarius, 3-4 ft., at 35c j Syringa Golden (Aurea) 18-24 In. at 50c Weigeia Varlgata. 24-30 In. at 35c VEGETABLE PLANTS trans planted, Tnmuta, Cabbage. I.cttuce, Beets, Etc. Both Phones—Use Them Deliveries any place in city Service anil Efficiency Our Watchword HOLMES SEED CO. 106-8 So. Second St. NEW RECORD IN WHEATOUTPUT Three-fourths of the Increase Last Year Was in Pork Washington, May 1. — American dressed meat production, including lard, amounted in 1918 to 20,129,- 800',000 pounds—a quantity never before approached in magnitude by the live stock industry of this or any other country. The corrsponding figure for 1917 was 16,317,300,000 pounds. Three-fourths of this enormous increase was in pork and one-fourth was in beef. The meat surplus in 1918 was so great that extra export demands made little impression on it, although 1918 export shipments of meat and lard nearly doubled the 1917 figures —rising slightly less than one and three - fourths billion pounds to slightly more than 3 billion pounds —and these figures do not include shipments to American military | forces abroad. The aggregate 1917 consumption of dressed meat and lard in the United States was approximately fourteen and one-half billion pounds, but in 1918 it rose to seventeen and one-quarter billion pounds. This means, after allowing for increase in population, and addition of twen ty-three pounds for every man, woman and child in the country, de spite the food conservation cam paign which in 1917 caused con sumption to decline considerably. TO 111 R.\ PARK LIGHTS With flowers in bloom, the lights in the parks turned on, and plans for four band concerts to he given in Reservoir Park by merchants during the summer merrily pro gressing, V. Grant Forrer. assistant, commissioner of the city's park| feels justified in announcing that spring is really here. Park benches are being placed in the parks, and the lights will bo turned on at 8 o'clock tonight. INGRATITUDE "This coal you sold me—" "Yes?" "It won't burn." "Well, you certainly aren't kicking because I supplied you with a durable article?"— Louisville Courier-Journal. Bif Ones VB M Since your ansling satisfaction is *■ dependent upon the character of your ju''/ M-i Je\ flyS equipment, you should select your 1 °ust 1 a x *good I **OU ng* ° r °* S n ° Tackle IK There is no Tackle stock just as n 0 "] P cxclushc as OURS, and count on all Bamboo Fly^Rods?" 1 liS I A : The Peace Time Quality of King Oscar Cigars will be remembered long after the price, which conditions compel us to charge, has been forgotten, j ... • John C. Herman & Co. [ 7c-worth ,t. . Makm f TO RAISE FUND FOR_ORPHANS Lutherans Want $60,000 For the Home at Phila delphia Philadelphia, May 1. —To-day in six hundred Lutheran churches of Philadelphia and surrounding cities, the sixtieth anniversary of the Lu theran Orphans' Home in Philadel phia, is being commemorated. It is the third oldest Lutheran Orphans' Home in America. The Emmaus Home at Middletown, Pa., is the oldest, having been founded in 180 G. The Tressler Home, at Loysville, Pa., comes next, dating back to 1858, while the Lutheran Home for Or phans in Philadelphia, was begun in 1859. It lias been decided by the author ities of the institution to raise a spe cial thankoffering of $60,000. Next Wednesday a meeting will be held at Philadelphia of representa tive men from the territory covered by the campaign. The territory hits been divided into nineteen districts [which are Norristown. Columbia. Chester, Wilmington, Del.; Lancas ter, Reading. Allentown, Easton, Bethlehem. Wllkes-Barre, Scranton, Lebanon, Pottsville, Hazleion, Dan ville, Pottstown, Camden, N, J., and Philadelphia. DESKS | The style pictured here is but one of the many styles offered in this Central Pennsylvania Headquarters for Office Fur niture. D. W. Cotterel 9 N. Market Square 19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers