Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 01, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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Every Federal and
Municipal Agency
Is at Work
By Associated Press.
New York, May 1. Every i
agency of the national and mu- j
nicipal governments is at work j
to-day trying to track the "reds"
responsible for the terrorist j
bomb plot which has startle.!
the country.
Sixteen of the most diaboli- j
cal infernal machines ever en-;
countered by experts were j
found, literally by chance, early
yesterday in the general post |
office in this city. Apparentlyj
they were identical with six
others which went through the |
At last a real does-what-lt-savs
Rheumatic Remedy, nothing like it was
ever before known and that is no joke.
Every man and woman who has
Rheumatism, Gout or Neuralgia, ought
to try "Ncutrone Prescription 99" at
once and see how marvelously it works.
Cut out those fiery liniments and
dirty salves, use a good clean internal
remedy. "Neutrone Prescription 99" is
remarkable because it purifies the blood, .
assists in nature's way, gives you what i
you need to fight oft Rheumatic j
Poisons, a good clean healthy system.
It's not one of those temporary relief
effairs, good only while using, it is }
lasting. Get a bottle today and your |
Rheumatic days are over, no more in- |
llnmed, stiff aching joints and muscles, j
can you imagine it, well it's all true
Geo. A. Gorgas, the druggist, and'
leading druggists everywhere.
It is very gratifying to receive I
words of praise every day from all
parts of the universe as to the
beneficial results experienced by
people in all walks ot life fftr tak- |
ing Bliss Native Herb Tablets. Yet.
the ingredients used in these tab
lets contain nothing injurious, con
sisting of roots, barks and herbs,
scientifically compounded in proper
proportions. They assist nature to
perform its functions, correcting ;
constipation, indigestion and bili- |
ousness, relieving sick headache and j
rheumatism. They have been serv- j
ing people for more than thirty I
years and are the favorite house- '
hold remedy in many thousands of '
Mrs. Mary Jackson, Scott City, !
Kans., writes: "1 know Bliss Native 1
Herb Tablets is the best family ;
medicine in the world, and would
not be without them. I am now I
Standard Bread
Brings Back to Mind
Your Mother's Bread
Remember how good your mother's bread tasted?
You'll find that home-made flavor in STANDARD BREAD because the
same honest conscientious effort and pure ingredients have been put into
making it, just as your mother used to put into her own baking.
STANDARD BREAD—the new peace-time Bread, is the same, sweet,
wholesome, satisfying bread it was before the war. Crust and color perfect,
texture fine and smooth and delicious to the last crumb.
Truly the Bread worth buying. It's wrapped, by machine, with porous
parchment paper, at the ovens—it's absolutely clean.
Ask your grocer which Bread he's selling the most of He'll tell you
STANDARD, of course—there's a reason.
Standard Baking Company
mails safely and were delivered
to the persons to whom they
were addressed. Fortunately,
however, none of the intended
victims has been injured thus
i far. How many others have
j been mailed no one can tell.
From all the information avail-
I able it is apparent the makers of the
| bombs hoped to exterminate every
one who has been prominently in
volved in the prosecution or depor
tation of members of the I. IV. YV.
Timed l'or May Day
Not only wore officers of the Im
migration Bureau marked for de
i struction, but also the authors of
I the bill which would have stopped
j immigration for a year. This meas
ure would have made it difficult for
I Russian radicals to gain access to
! this country.
Agents of the Department of Jus-
I tice said they believed the mailing
| of the bombs was timed to cause a
I reign of terror on May Day, ob
| served throughout the world not
j only by peaceful labor organizations
| but the most pronounced radicals.
It was recalled that radicals in this
I country had threatened a demon
' stration to-day in behalf of Thomas
J. Mooney, under sentence of life
imprisonment in California for mur
der in connection with the pre
paredness day bomb outrage. Labor
generally has advocated action of
some kind in his behalf, but has
frowned on radical ideas.
Mis. Mooney Talks
"We are not dynamiters and
bombers and our friends are not
bomb throwers," was the comment
of Mrs. Thomas J. Mooney last night
when told the details of the terror
ist plot. I
"I suppose, however, that by some |
circuitous mode of reasoning the of
ficials will reach the conclusion that
we had a hand in the affair."
Mrs. Mooney will speak at a
Mooney mass meeting here to-night.
The deductions of the government
' agents were based not only on the
i list of those who have received the
j t ombs addressed to them, but the
! names on the wrappers of the in
! fernal machines seized in the Post
! Office here.
Mayor Ole Hanson, of Seattle. ,
i Wash., who brought to a sudden end ;
I the "general strike" instituted by 1
| the I. W. W. in the Washington 1
city, was the first to receive one of
' the deadly packages.
Former Senator Thomas W. Hard-
eighty-five years old and for the
past twenty-two years have used
Bliss Native Herb Tablets when
needed. I live alone, do my own
housework, and thank you for your
wonderful prescription, for it is due
to them that 1 am able to do my
own work."
It you feel run-down, fatigued or
have no appetite, take Bliss Native
Herb Tablets, and you will be
agreeably surprised at the improve
ment in your condition. ' One tablet
at night will make the next day
Bliss Native Herb Tablets are put
up in a yellow box of 2uo tablets.
The genuine have the photo- .
graph of Alonzo O. Bliss on ?->}
the cover. Every tablet is 1 V
take no other. Price $1 per box.
Look for our money back guarantee
on every box. Sold by leading drug
gists and local agents everywhere.
Persons to Whom the
Bombs Were Addressed
THE addresses on the sixteen
packages seized in the New
i York Post Office were all
i typewritten and were intended
for the following persons:
William M. Wood, 21 Fair
field street. Boston, Mass.
Frederick C. Howe, Commis
sioner of Immigration, New
York, N. Y.
Mitchell A. Palmer. U. S. At
torney General, Washington.
Anthony Caminetti, Bureau
of Immigration. Washington.
William B. Wilson. Secretary
of Labor, Washington.
Senator T. Lurry Kyre, Ches
ter, Pa.
William H. Lamar, Solicitor
1 General. Washington.
W. H. Finch, Department of
Justice. N. Y.
A. S. Burleson, Postmaster
General. Washington.
; J. F. Hvlan, Mayor, New Y'ork
City. N. Y*.
Rich E. Enright, Police Com
i missioner. New York City, N. Y.
| John D. Rockefeller. Pocantico
| Hills, Tarrytown, N. Y.
William I. SehntTor. Attorney
I General, Hnrrishurg, Pa.
Governor William C. Sproul,
Chester, Pa.
Oliver Wendell Homes, U. S.
i Clfief Justice, 1720-lst, Wash
i ington.
J. P. Morgan, 231 Madison
avenue. New Y'ork City.
| wick, of Atlanta, Ga.. author of the
Senate bill to stop immigration, was
I the second. His wife was injured
i when the bomb exploded.
Burnett Receives Bomb
A bomb was received last night
by Representative John L. Burnett,
of Gadsden, Ala., former chairman
of the House Committee of Immi
Another of those marked for de
struction was Judge Kenesaw Moun-
I tain Landis, of Chicago, before
| whom William D. Haywood and his
| followers were tried and found
' guilty.
: Bombs also were sent to Charles
1 M. Fickert, District Attorney of San
Francisco, and his assistant. Ed
ward Cunha, who were prominent in
; the prosecution of Mooney and otli
! ere implicated with him.
Included in the list of those to
whom the bombs found here were
i addressed were:
Anthony Caminetti. Commissioner
i General of Immigration, who issued
I orders for the deportation of a large
1 number of I. W. W. agitators round
-1 ed up in the west.
Frederick C. Howe. Commissioner
1 of Immigration at New Y'ork, who
has confessed to somewhat radical
ideas of hie own but wllo was
, charged with carrying out the or
ders of his chief.
William B. Wilson. Secretary of
| Labor, whose jurisdiction extends
I overbite Bureau of Immigration.
Attorney General Palmer, who
' directs the operations of the de
partment in enforcing prosecutions
of alleged violators of the espionage
law and plotters against the govern
W. H. Finch, one of the repre
sentatives of the Department of Jus
j tice in this city.
Others Marked
! Bombs also were deposited in the
mails for Mayor Hylan, of this city,
and Police Commissioner Enright.
I Radicals have aocused them of mak
! ing it impossible to rent halls in
which to hold demonstrations. They
also have barred ttie red flag in
parades or at meetings of any kind.
Others on the list of those marked
for death by the reds were John
D. Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan.
; In this connection it was recalled
I that Thomas J. Tunney, inspector of
! police in this city, testified before
I the Senate committee which inves
; Total Balances in the Strong
Box Drops During Month
Closing Yesterday
anco in tho State I
close of April was
; 49,757,723.87 against $10,088,382.42;
:at the end of March.
! The general fund contained $5,- •
| 945,416.03 at the end of April and j
| the motor vehicle fund $2,085,971.04,:
'the month's receipts for this account'
I being $488,175.92.
j The game fund balance was $22 4,- |
694.43 and the bounty fund $272,-
Figuring the Cost Governor i
Sprout consulted with legislators J
regarding a definite understanding j
as to what the Woodruff teachers' j
salary bill in Its revised form will
cost the Commonwealth. He said J
one estimate was $6,000,000 a year, j
The subject is being considered by j
several legislators over the adjourn- i
nient period.
To Issue Early—The State will i
probably issue $30,000,000 of good
roads bonds in the next two years,
according to an estimate by the
Governor. He figures out that sl2.- j
000,000 worth will be issued this
year and $18,000,000,
The Police Bill —ln all probabil
ity a motion to reconsider the vote |
by which the Powell bill reorgan
ising the State Police Department j
was defeated this week in the j
House will be made Monday or '
Tuesday. The Governor discussed I
tte matter with a number of mem
hers of the House and one of his j
visitors, John A. McSparran, mas- ■
ter of the State Grange, is said to I
favor it. The Governor also went j
over the proposed amendments to I
the antisedition bill with Attorney I
General Schaffer and Representa- |
tive John M. Flynn. This bill will j
be considered by the House judic
iary general committee next week.
Perry Contracts—The contracts to
light Marysville and New Bloomfield '
were submitted to the Public Serv
ice Commission yesterday.
Honor York Mail—The House of
Representatives adjourned yester
day as a compliment to Representa
tive Thomas E. Rrooks, of York
I county, who was celebrating a birth
tigated propaganda, that New York
anarchists had planned in 1914.
shortly before the outbreak of the
World War, to wipe out the fam
ilies of Mr. Rockefeller and other I
wealthy persons. Mr. Rockefeller
also aroused the animosity of radi- ,
cals in connection with the labor j
troubles in Colorado.
The reasons for placing Mr. Mor- I
gan on the list are move obscure. So i
far as known he has taken no hand j
in. the efforts to put an end to the
activities of the I. W. W. and other
extreme radicals, but the reds na
turally hate him because of his
great wealth. At his Glen Cove '
home last night he declined to com- I
ment on the mailing of a bomb to I
i Government officers made no at
tempt to minimize the seriousness of |
the situation. They admitted frankly
they had no idea how many of the i
! bombs had been mailed, ali appar
; ently wrapped in paper purporting
' to come from the department store '
j of Gimbel Brothers in this city, but i
declared by members of that firm
| never to have been in their estab- l
lishment. It was pointed out that
fourteen of the infernal machines
i had been held up in post offices |
I along the Pacific coast.
Postmasters Notified
The Post Office Department has I
I sent a general alarm to postmasters
, all over the United States, directing
; them to watch the malls carefull
i for packages similar to those seized i
here. Inspectors in different parts j
of the country have been set at wors I
<gi the different angles of the plot.
Chief Inspector William E. Coch- I
ran, of the Post Office Department, j
took charge of the investigation in I
this city. His operations have ex- I
panded until they include a score of j
j agents of the Deartment of Justice, j
Police Inspector Faurot and scores
of New York detectives, members of I
the police "bomb squad," and Chief j
Inspector Dixon and Inspector Egan.
of the Bureau of Combustibles of '
the Fire Department. One of the !
Department of Justice men at work
on the case is Finch, to whom one !
of the bombs was addressed.
Detectives who know all the !
prominent anarchists and radicals in 1
New York are rounding them up i
and questioning them in the hope j
of obtaining some helpful clues. An '
especially careful watch was being )
kept on the known haunts of I. W.
W. agitators.
German Troops Capture
Two Villages Near Munich
By Associated Press.
Copenhagen. May I.—The ring of!
government troops is closing around :
Munich, according to Berlin dis
patches. The villages of Schongau j
and Uniting have been captured I
from the Soviet forces without loss.'
They are about 40 miles northwest;
of the city.
Emporium, Pa., May I. Mr. and '
Mrs. Edward Richie, prominent res-!
idents of this city, were instantly!
killed this morning by a Pennsylva
nia passenger train. They were
walking along the track on which'
the train was running and as It!
closely approached they crossed to j
the next track. Just as they did sol
the train reached a crossover switch
which sent it over upon the track on I
which they were walking. The ac- j
cident occurred at the West Creek ;
bridge, a route which Mr. and Mrs. i
Richie usually took for a morning j
Italy Gets New Loan
From U. S. to Cover
War Contracts Here (
Washington. May I.—ltaly was i
given a new loan of $60,000,000 yes-'
terday by the treasury to cover a|
number of obligations Incurred by
the Italian government on contracts
for war materials and foodstuffs
from American producers. The
credit extension brought Italy's total
■ borrowings from the United States
'to *l,s7l.fO(tfH*
Soviet Government of Russia!
Making Efforts to Raise
Troops For Offensive
By Associated Press,
Copenhagen, May I.—The Soviet
government of Russia is making ex-1
traordinary efforts to secure troops,
to carry out an offensive against the
forces of Admiral Koleliak, in East
ern and Southeastern Russia, ac
cording to a dispatch filed at Libaul
on Tuesday.
Leon Trotzky, the Bolshevik min
ister of war and .marine, has ap-
"The Live Store" "Always I
Better Clothes
The merchant who expects to sell the majority
of men their clothes these days must have the kind most men
want to buy; that's why we insist on having "good clothes"; there's nothing
in buying price alone. It's so easy to fool yourself when buying clothes.
If you are looking for poorly made, inferior quality, bear in mind you can't
get that kind here at any price, but if you want clothes with a reputation, that
can be fully guaranteed, we invite you to come to Doutrichs for
I Hart Schaffner & Marx |
I Society Brand Clothes |
I When you have these clothes JPf' • 1
to talk about, your customers hear f-jfej
what you say, they know you are selling ser- I
H vice as well as clothes. We see new friends I j^^mW
every day who have been buying "other V, j. 19 iHgF
clothes" elsewhere but have heard so much & j 7
about the Dependable Doutrich Service, they J| | flßr jnl x\< " v '
are anxious to become identified with a store JHf
that does so much to satisfy its customers. lißwS
You can always get your money back, or new IP
clothes if you are not pleased with any pur-
fcoriftg Irani dlo^tf
j Manhattan Shirts j
The days are warming up and you will be
B getting ready to enjoy outdoor sports, take a trip in your car, a
walk to the park and River Front, of course you will shed your overcoat and
display the new Spring clothes you bought at Doutrichs. You'll also want
to do justice to that new suit with a fine Manhattan Shirt and a beautiful tie,
they will add to your appearance, but you will enjoy wearing these new fix
ings all the more if they're bought at the Right Store where you are sure they
handle nothing but known quality merchandise.
I Coopers Underwear Stetson Hats
■ 304 Market Street, Harrisburg, Penna.
pealed to all organizations for swift
action, saying:
"it is necessary to defeat Kolclink
within the shortest possible time."
It is planned at Moscow to mobi
lize ten per cent, of the members of
the professional unions and twenty
! per cent, of the communists.
TEMPI. io i\ itI:\HIM;
hour hundred members of Zotnbo
j Temple attended a eeremonial session
of Rajah Temple, Mystric Shrine, at
I Reading list night, as a sprprise to
the patentate of the Reading organi
| zation, Mr. Eisenbrown.
i The members were taken to Read
ling in u special train. Reaching the
I Berks county city they paraded
I through the principal streets with the]
; "emtio band and patrol in full dress.
; The patrol was under the leadership
of Francis 11. Hoy and the band undet
.Charles Stoner's direction.
\ew York. May 1. The board of
governors of the New York Stock Ex
| change announced to-day that Tuos
-1 day. May 6, would be a holiday on the
Exchange on account of the parade
of the Seventy-seventh Division here.
Program Announced
For Academy Contest
Mrs. Roy Q. Cox will sing nnd Pro
fessor Franklin Williams will play
at the annual Kilgore Deelnmation
Contest to be held to-morrow night.
The following oratorical program will
be presented by the Harrisburg Acud
>i my students:
"Force to the Utmost" (Wilson).
Roroy Q. Consylman: "Jean Deprcz"
(Service). Thomas R. Wlokersham;
"Regulus to the Carthagenlans" (Kel
logg). James F. Mersereau: "Sparta
eus to the Gladiators" (Kellogg),
Harry V. lister; "The Vision of
War" (Ingersoli), Robert Kirk Moyer;
Special bills cut to order in Oak, Ash, Poplar, Chestnut and Pino
at our two sawmills, operating on 500 acres of timber, (our miles
from the city.
Office and Yard, Harrisburg, Pa.
"The Blue and the Gray" (Henry
Cabot Bodge), Wendell Moiganthftler;
•■'Osier .Toe" (anonymous), Clyde W.
ltife: "The Subjugation of the Philip
pines" (Iloar), Donald K. Royal.
"Our Responsibilities as a Nation"
(Roosevelt), William 11. Snyder.
Rely On Cuticura
For Skin Troubles
Illdrufffiala; Soap 26. Ointment 26 kSO. Talcum 26.
JftMiipW* each free of "Cattcava, Dept. I, BmIOB."