Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 01, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Speakers Show Need ot Re
vival of American Sheep
By Associated Press•
Pldladelphla, May 1. —The revival
of the American sheep Industry was
called Imperative by speakers at
the second national sheep confer
ence under the auspices of the More-
Sheep-More-Wool Association of the
United States at Its final sessions
here yesterday.
"The government must have a
larger wool supply as a part of Its
program of national defense," said
Professor Paul T. Cherlngton. of
Harvard. "It is no longer a ques
tion whether sheep shall be raised,
but how they shall be raised. And
the most effective way of Increasing
the sheep of this country is to have
the practical sheep men take hold
of the problem.
"The whole matter hinges on
whether the Industry will be profit-
All lh^ iiniforni in
THA T'S because the loaf
isuniform. It's a pleasure to
slice this wonderful bread and a
greater pleasure and satisfaction
to eat it—it has the full quality of
real baked-at-home bread, is light
and flaky and the ten dercrustkeeps
the loaf firm. None like GUN
Wrapped at the Bakery Sold at all Grocers
The Gunzenhauser Bakery
18th and Mulberry Streets
by allowing us to submit a beautiful book of
p! i 4 'ft P' ans °* Homes that you can build at a cost
> -%• "-"••• TajS Jm that is a real surprise. We will furnish the
iiiiS Iffllltallllilllll.il 1 iiP- plans of any home listed in our catalogue
KBBIS -■Tuililiil ABSOLUTELY FREE. Drop us a post card
11 lilill l ® . I 0 1111111 | and we will mail you our catalogue entitled
11 HI! 11 Blr jtitll I 1 111 the " Home Builders Plan Book"—without any
S I jdl Ifi HI obligation whatsoever on your part.
I J 111 Sal When You Build—
yotrwant to put up a Paradise —a Haven of contentment for yourself and fam
ily. We furnish the best of lumber at a price that will enable you to build just
oThome you have always longed -for.
able. Thtj will not r*lso sheep il
It is Pot profitable."
Professor C. S. Plumb, Ohio Stato
University, said that the llvestoelt
Industry In the United States woul'l
r.nver ettatn its legitimate place un
til the principle of community
breeding is adopted.
Dr. J. R. Mohler, chief of tho
Bureau of Animal Industry, United
States Department of Agriculture,
said that tho sheep industry must
not he fostered at the expense of
other livestock. "There is room and
neeu for both," he said. "It is high
ly important that the cost of pro
ducing sheep be kept low, so that
the price will attract consumers and
net repel them."
"Pa, what's meant by 'fisherman's
"Opinions differ, my son. Some
men's idea of 'fisherman's luck' is
having a genial old farmer hail them
from the river bank and. after wink
ing and making mysterious signs,
produce a little jug of something he's
willing to part with for $lO. 'seein'
it's you'."—Birmingham Age-Herald.
"What's the use of cussing so con
"The darned auto won't go "
"Well, you can't run It by lung
power."—Brooklyn Citizen.
Reports Show That Only sl,-j
130,697,000 Has Been
By Associated Press.
Washington. May 1. —The Victory
Liberty Loan campaign was one
half over to-day with ' only one
quarter of tho total officially re
ported subscribed. Reports to the j
treasury up to last night showed
subscriptions of $1,130,697,000.
If the Victory Loan is to be float
ed successfully subscriptions of
$375,000,000 must be gathered daily
until the campaign's end May 10.
At the close of the ninth day of
the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign,
the nation had subscribed $1,591,-
556,000, of $461,000,000 more than
has been subscribed so far ta the
Victory Loan. Tho percentage of the
fourth loan was 26.52 per cent, as
compared with 25.12 per cent, of the
j current loan.
Because of lagging subscriptions
j the U. S. S. Crano the "Victory
| ship," has been running slowly down
the Pacific coast. Rear Admiral
I Cowie, navy loan officer, yesterday
directed tho ship to speed up her
engines, however.
< >nly the St. Louts district nas
i gathered In more than half of Us
subscription quota. In the last
twenty-four hours the Minneapolis
district jumped from fifth to third
place in the percentage column of
districts, pushing Boston one rung
down the ladder.
Hampton Institute
Celebrates Birthday
Hampton. Va., May I.—Com
i melioration of the fiftieth anniver
j sary of the founding of -Hampton
i Institute, originally planned for the
(spring of 1918, but twice postponed
I because of the war and the influ
i enza epidemic, began to-day with
j many persons prominent in the edu
. cationui and public life of the na
! tion in attendance.
To-day's program included dedi
| cation of the Robert C. Ogden Me
■ morial auditorium, with addresses
i by Dr. James 11. Kirkland, chan
| eel'or of Vanderbilt University; the
I Kev. Dr. Wilton Merle-Smith, pas
tor of the Central Presbyterian
Church, New York City, and Isaac
Fisher. University editor, of Fiske
University. A memorial service to
Ibe conducted by the Rev. Dr.
! Francis Greenwood Peabody, of
Cambridge. Mass., was to be held
i lore to-day in the school cemetery,
I There General Samuel C. Arm
| strong, founder of Hampton, and
I Dr. Hollis B. Frissell, principal of
I the institute from 1893 to 1917, are
| but,ed.
An E,xtra Large
Bottle of Famo
for One Dollar
j For a dollar you can buy at any
toilet goods counter a full 12-ounce
bottle of Famo.
i Many hair tonics charge more
| for a bottle that is one-third
| smaller.
i This means that you can use
I Famo every day for little ' more
than half of what it would cost for
j some preparations.
And Famo actually does what no
other hair treatment will do.
It attacks Seborrhea, the cause
| of dandruff, and stops the sebor
i rhean flow that causes the dandruff
| scale.
I _ Famo ends falling hair and itch
| ing scalp. It makes the head as
; sweet and clean as a baby's.
Famo contains no alcohol to
cause scalp and hair dryness. It
( postpones grayness by making and
' keeping the hair healthy.
The regular daily use of Famo
makes the hair soft and luxuriant
and gives it a beautiful gloss and
sheen. "*
j Every one in the family should
| use Famo every day.
I _ Sold at all toilet goods counters
in two sizes 35 cents and sl.
Seborrhea is a morbidly increased flow
I from the sebaceous glands of the scalp. The
'eborrheen excretion forms in scales end
flakes and u commonly tnom as dandrnf.
Mfd.by The Famo Co., Detroit, Mich.
Special Famo Agents
Italian Society Censures Pres
ident but Proclaims Its |
Loyalty to the U. S.
Resolutions condemning the stand
President Wilson has taken against!
lta.y in the demand for Fiume and
expressing the belief that the peo
ple of the United States would take
sides with Italy if they fully under- |
stood the situation, were passed at;
a meeting of the Italian Social and
Beneficial Society at the headquar-,
tcrs of the association, 234 South:
Second street. Joseph J. Parlalo, j
the president, is one of the most j
energetic Victory bond salesmen in:
Harrisburg this week." Tfho society;
has asked the Telegraph to publish
the following communication:
"At a meeting of the Italian |
Social and Beneticial Society, held
at 23 4 South Second street, Harris
burg. Pa., on Sunday, April 27. 1919,!
resolutions were adopted condemn- i
ing the action of President Wilson;
in his stand against the claim of'
Italy for the possession of Fiume.
"We wish the public to under- |
stand our position with respect to I
the actions of the President and also j
wish to impress upon our fellow
countrymen, who are aggrieved on
account of his actions, that no blame !
should rest against the good people |
of the United States, who have al
ways been the friends of Italy.
"The majority of the people of •
the United States wcmld sympathize
with the Italian, p™ition if they
understood it better. l*aly makes
tlie same claim to Fiume that
France makes to Alsace-Boraine.
and for the same reasons. Fiume,
was once a part of Italy and was j
taken away from her by conquest, j
The people speak* the Italian lan- j
guage; their traditions sympathies;
and civilization are Italian and their j
desire is to be annexed to the'
Italian government.
"When Italy went into the war,
she did so under the express under
standing that Fiume should be [
ceded to Italy in the event of vie-1
tory and this hope •> inspired and j
buoyed the Italian soldiers to no |
.less extent than the hope of regain-i
ing Alsace-Boraine inspired the!
French. The suffering of her people, j
the valor of her soldiers, the sacri- ;
fiee of her government was the debt j
she paid for the repatriation of!
territory which had been torn from]
her by war.
Cruel ami Unjust
"It is cruel and unjust, after the j
war is won, no less by Italy's sacri- |
tioe and valor, than by any other |
government, that she should be de- I
prived of her just share of the vie- i
tory. The war could not have been .
won had not Italy entered at the
time she did. The Germans would
have gone into Paris had not the
Italian government given France her
word of honor that she would not
attack her and thereby permitted
France to release at a crucial mo- i
ment three armies, and it was those |
armies, released from the Italian j
border, which turned the tide of ]
battle when Paris was beleaguered. I
Nor could the Allies have withstood |
the fierce onslaught of the Germans ]
and Austrians had their forces not
been divided by reason of Italy's j
brave stand in the war.
"The broken faith of Italy and I
the other Allies is a poor reconi- ]
pense for this sacrifice and this aid. ,
To say that a solemn agreement |
made between England, Italy and,
France should not be carried out
because conditions have changed, is ]
as bad in morality as it is in policy. I
Germany may with equal force,
when she invaded territory, have
said that she was justified in break
ing her treaty with' Belgium because
conditions had changed since the
treaty was made.
"The test of honor is the doing
of a thing under your pledged
promise even though it may be in
convenient to do so. And it is on
the word of honor of England and
France that Italy depends for the
carrying out of this pact between j
two soverign governments and it]
ought to be remembered that this!
pact was made before the United j
States entered into the war and ]
when the danger of the Allies was
greater than at any subsequent time.
"We a.so want the Italian people ]
to understand that whatever of]
grief we may feel on account of the |
actions of the President, that his 1
actions are not the actions of the!
people of the United States, and j
that their loyalty and devotion to i
the American flag, which is their
flag, should not be diminished one
iota on account of any pique or
grievance they may feel on account
of the actions of its President and
in this crisis they should buy Victory
Eiberty Bonds, as these bonds are
not being sold for Mr. Wilson, but
for the people of the United States.
President of the Italian Social
and Beneficial Society."
For miles around, the neighbors and
schoolboys bring in wounded birds to
Dr. S. A Arnold, who has been con
ducting a bird hospital on Long Is
land for a number of years, and any
body so desiring can take a wounded
bird to him for treatment, which is
supplied free.
At present Doctor Arnold has some.
200 birdß of different kinds in his
hospital which are undergoing treat
When a bird is taken to Doctor
Arnold with a broken wing :r leg
the wounded limb is placed In very
small splints and the bird given a
small cage of its own in which to
Doctor Arnold has performed a
number of successful operations on
birds, one such operation being on
the eye of a robin which had been
struck by a stone thrown from some
schoolboy's sling-shot From the
Boston Transcript.
"I want a pair of the best gloves
you have," eaid Mrs. Nurltch at the
glove counter.
"Yes, ma'am," replied the polite
salesman. "How long do you want
"Don't git lnsultin', young man! I
want to buy "em. not to hire 'em."—
"Heard this discussion about
"No. What's the argument?"
"The question is as to whether a
prune grows on a prune tree or a
prune bush."
"And the answer ?'
"On neither. The prune is a plum."
—Louisville Courier-Journal.
"What are you going to do about
the luxury tax?"
"Nothing much. When I get through
with the regular tax I won't have
money enough to buy any luxuries."
—Washington Star.
— i
Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better '
- i
Hundreds of the Season's Smartest Conceptions
Trimmed, Untrimmed, Sailors and Ready-to-Wear Hats
In Milaris, Liseres, Pineapple , Etc.,
At Wonderful Reductions
An Event of Supreme Importance—Come!
Trimmed Hats Sailors
Latest and best shapes in the leading colors. In Pineapple and Lisere Braids all banded, black
$6.00 and $7.00 Values & Q Q colors.
Reduced Price <po*oo $2.00 Values QQ
$4.00 and $5.00 Values • s*s 00 Reduced Price, OOC
Reduced Price $6.30 $2.50 Values <j> 1 QO
it,* 1 QU Reduced Price,
Untrimmed bhapes M . nvT - A-l . _
In black, navy, brown and many other colors. z__: a ues 1 Qfi
$2.50 to $3.00 Values tl CO Reduced Price,
Reduced Price !>•)/ $5.00 Values QO
$4.00 and $5.00 Values 10 Reduced Price T •VO
Reduced Price, tpZio 156.00I $6.00 Values
$6.00 Values QQ Reduced Price, *0
Reduced Price ipLmJO , u
$7.00 and $6.00 Value? <£o -ft Lhildren s Hats
Reduced Price tfflJsrjU Fine Italian milans with streamers in the latest
HP *1 J HI tailored shapes. Special values at
1 ailored Hats $1.48, $1.59, SI.BB, $1.98, §2.29, $2.48,
In dressy shapes and large variety of styles and $2.59 and $3.88.
colors. 1 .
$4.00 and $3.00 Values (1 QO Trimmings
Reduced Price t|J A • /vJ
—i^TnnTT/ - 1 An a a Large showing of Flowers, Roses, Wreaths,
$6.00 to SB.OO Value 9 U: 2QV Field Flowers, Pom Poms, Foliage, Ostrich Tips,
Reduced Price, Quills, Ribbons, etc., to $1.59.
Extensive Showing of
New Spring Dress Fabrics
Dress Silks in black and colors Wool Dress Goods Colored Cotton Fabrics and White Dress
Materials. All materials guaranteed first quality—fresh, spic and span new goods this season—and at ex
ceedingly attractive prices. Second Floor —Rear.
White and Colored i
I.lKht and Dark I'rrcnle*. 311- j . -17 Natural 1 lr l.lnen, J
DfPSS Fabrics lB^ h W,dth ' 200 ' ' 40-Ineh Silk Crepe do Clilno,
UI COO 1 U.UIIVO llomt <{ualit>- I.minister Apron i *1.53.
..... . o- , H Rlapl 40-Inch Georgette Cropo, $1.79
Plain \\ hlte Lawns, . inrhex BS-lnrli width Juvenllo Clotli, I DIcICR ijllKS 40-ineli Mlk Pnmrec *•> no
wide, yaril. loc and 18c plain and KtripcM, 4Sc 1 ° ,,K e ' "O
Plain White Dimity t lierkM, 27- I'ckk.V Cloili, 32-inch Midtli. plain iu 30-lncli Colored McnmiiUiicm, $1.58
Inch width, yard, 20c and 39c color* and NtripeM, 39c .h-iicli Silk laflota, 81—5. SI.4N 341-1 vie 11 Colored Taffeta**, $1.59
Plain White Orffm€llea 3 to Neat Stripe TIMNUCM, 27-1 noli :in * , t #'">9 Colored Silk Poplin*. 50c, 79c
49-laoh width. 50c, 75c and NOc width, I9c .Itl-inoli no, $1.19, $1.39, JIIH | ysc
Plain White Flnxons, 27 and 3tl- ~,( lin , olor , 0111 . * '-fjlL, ""ll Black Pe.m de Sole, *I.OB I'lald and Stripe Taffetas, light
inch width. We. 3c and ,dk- color*. 32-1 nch width. Is,- ! . " , nrk patter..*, *1.50, *I.OO nnd
,nc -47 and 30-l.ich width Plain nnd l,,nck i!k Hengollne, *i. o s
" I'lnln White Vail.., :ttl nnd 4(1- * oflm, -'!•, 30e, 50c, 75e : ;j (llJnok Moire. SI,OO „:KS-I..eh Silk nnil Cotlon Crepea,
- so> S '°- nor - r,UC ' 27-inch Plain Color .....I Figured ! 27-1 ncli llluck Sntln, 1100 "V|„eh Silk and Cotlon Pongeea.
... . .. ... .. ■ Flnxons, 33e nn.l :!!• | Illnck silk Velvets, *1.45. *1.50 5Sc
Inel. Wl.m. "die -''id lPe * " 47-inch l.lnrn Pintail. I'ongcca, 1 and St.OS 30-lncli Promo Sllka. 4Sc
Plain hi Sutln Stripe Vollca. 1 " 1 " , olorK - 30 - B,ack Sl,k Vclvclccn. *I.OB 47-l„el. red Chlnn Sllka. Ooc
30-Inch width. S."c 27-lncll Ilnhutiil Silk, black and
Plain White Bnakct Weave ————————————————white, .">c. 5e nn.l 75e
Stripe Skirting, 30-Inch width, 05c . , . 27-Inch ChilYon Sllka, 20c nnd 30c
and 75c Snapi O I Wo 1(\ AT I.lngcrie Cloth, pink nnd lleah,
Plain White Plqnea. 27 and 30- VJL*Ci/XO,l W£UV 45c
Inch width, 50c, tlOc nnd 70c
Plain White P.iplina, 27 and- 30- ■ , 'VTT
!3r r Sf'S"sr7?i" b ?;.- Aluminuin Ware Wool and Cotton
and 85c
Plain White Mnfia, .30-lneh + n 1 •
Friday and Saturday Dress Fabrics
Inch width, 30c ■ J
Plain White Indian llend, 30 to , . , , ...
+, j!" ok r v ':V,e Kmar.r 1 r n M„c 30 ! - S ? CClal P Ur . chaS e , at a V\\ CC COtICCSSIOn IS rCSpOII- 40-lnel. Cream Serge. *I.OO
in'h oidth Mc .nd Mr sible for bringing this extraordinary opportunity. See , t re ""' , c ."r. , "." rr V;. *'- 2r '
width,"soe V, "' te 32 - ,nch j the big window display. iwilinci. t rl-a!!! tiohnir.' 5o
Plain White nnd Fancy Stripe Values Range from $1.98 tO $2.50 30-Inch Cream Dunlah Poplar
Skirtlnga, 30-Inch width, 45c, 50c, Cloth, 50c
Check,. 32- Take YOUr Ch ° iCe 3t *I."V.' e S " rK "' 75C> * l - 00 ' $,:!5 nn,,
% b ln"n ,d Whl7cVn?ll. "Skirting,, 30- (N O A Black Serge, BOe, 55e. OOe, 7e
U, n h HH V i - !"' V°° ".■•"a* 1 - 15 .. . \ I KU Colored Serge,. SBo
■trlped "oil"', SOc ' W °'- Ud r, " ,d "
T "l'talV P White 50 Crepe,, 30-Inch The assortment includes: Cheek,, 30c, 45e nnd
'■'"'"..WHlte knln,M>k. 30-lncli Percolator, 4-nt. Colic. Pota Ol.ob"" 1 l,lark " nd c ® lor "'
DI I njvu . .2 on . IV4-qt. Double Boiler, 0-qt. Prcaervlng Keltic* Dnnlali Poplar Cloth, SOc
.Vo ... io Kongcloth, 30-Inch | 4-qt. Berlin Kettle, 4-qt. I.lppcl Sauce Pan, Colored Mercerized Cotton Pop
width, 21c, 20c, 33c and SOc Lld Double Honatcr, llna, 45c
Plain White Mnen Finish Per- i Cotton Ponaree. white, tnn and
calen, 38-ineh width, 29c and 39c IB,— black, 45c
25 Cent Department Store | JjJiS" Q
Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse