Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 01, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
THURSDAY EVENING, • harrisbitro Telegram MAY 1,1019. o i S i h f lte 'A S^ C P tby achin f And they were sav ed, because, as Sr d And e ii t Jie e hope escaping* W"i,d e sey sa ys: "Having held on solong, I o 4., .1 t , we thought we had better go through rive days of this! But not a daunted soul with it" among the four hundred and seventy Americans in the Lost Battalion. We, safe at home, have "held on," too- Commanding the little group was Major vvith our support through Four Loans. Charles W.Whittlesey. To the offer of Al *d we are "going through with it" — safety if they surrendered, Whittlesey through with this Fifth call to duty—just without a moment's hesitation: as those boys in the Argonne. Make 1 ell them to go to hell." good! The war is won, but the bills must be paid. The success of the Victory Liberty Loan is'our job We are * : only lending, not giving, our money and pur Government guarantees its return with interest. Buy today. VICTORLIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE This Space Contributed in the Interest of the Fifth Liberty Loan by THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO. 11