Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 28, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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[Continued from First Page.]
' public opinion there and the activi
ties of Premier Orlando and hia col
I workers ;?"i p H,S ek i VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN 5 n ..SKS T ™*" Hi
A- S. Patterson, chairman of City j.'c. Arbegast * XJV/XI.!N ★ Christian Longenecker J- E. H ntis ESJ
John C. Jossup. Jr., Secretary i! a v kr H^rvcy° ffor<i * DONALD McCORMICK, District Chairman J Samuel Geyer M - E - ftroup 'fiM
Marshall H. Dean, chairman of Ray shoemaker * _ .. . * Simon Gingrich Fawber
i£^ ! Conßniittcc Frank c. Neeiy * Dauphin County Chairman Perry County Chairman Juniata County Chairman ★ AVliUamstown Luboid
M Albert u Allen P-Vati" J WILLIAM JENNINGS WALTER W. RICE JOHN J. PATTERSON, JR. * ni™ha J rd D Hancock halrman Ur tr H
John Fox Weiss * * J - J - Clarkß °n w F Forney \MI
m ' R „ Henry M. Stine" Captain Harrisburg City Chairman Industrial Division House Division Chairman ★ charVVromme w'AH.Mt Woland B
m p ' Fap ' a " , * ANDREW S. PATTERSON MARSHALL H. DEAN, Chairman FRANK C SITES ★ N S ce „ isaiah Swab
S H. Laubenstein * „ . . * R.W.Day Homer PT*liV r IM
m o. ?: luxTaum Tame-r Mne'i ns "' * Publicity Speakers' Bureau Supplies * £ ™ o ™* son Homer s.'S E
l|B J R amTcam.ron :,oe t M ' H ' J AMES FLAVEL L. WRIGHT MERCER B. TATE * Archie Walkinshaw ? Harry° Deibler St
M . Ja K e Ch M am C b a eT,rn ron £ et * r
m SKrt a!Sath * ROBERT HUNTER i M
W\ w rl CTarence Snyder Dr. HA. Shiver P^Konne^haver
W\ George J Shoemaker George B. Mellon KKr jgfc
\\ r c Essie k Dl\ ISION NO. • John H, Zarkor G. P. Hewitt Charles H Cox J A Rover Ir. Haas firatz yL ;
ifr W.' H. Fetter Arthur D. Bacon, Commander Team No 15 J. K. Kipp Charles H. Spahr John W. Miller Fdwnr/McNutt J. W. Phillips, chairman S
Bfl' K. C. Frey • „ w o„ Ten ™* o ; 7 Charles W. Burtnett, Captain UA. Kuntz Harry D. Reel W.H.Lehman u? Jlu H. T. Yoder Eg
igr Henderson Gilbert n £ r f a ™ Cr MA"® r George A. Kline H. M. Fairchilds H ''nine . J ' M ' Bumn K pn
X-Tsl John Grey f' n P" A' £ y , F- E - Hoffman George B. Nebinger Dr. John W. Starr " J r ?i,h Ira Rothermel Fin
i—? • Ijec Laubenstein Dr_ Frank B. Kann L. H. Carpenter S. R. Satterthwaitc Clarence A. Cornman Penbrook V V Mt"k„ i Charles M. Wise lljb
iBHj John C. Herman ? Ttfn p W nL Max Williams Joseph Snycer H. S. Plank, chairman tohri Mates Charles Weiss
feji l Jan. I. Cla.ster 'j: Montgomery Trace John R. Rote Team No. 2:; Castor District No. 1— \ Charles Zerfln* 4
iBAj John C. Keidel P ev A gTie V .hL-i, Fred Morgenthaler. Captain Team No. S3 John W. Swartz, captain B Whitwoi tli John Schminsky Hvl
!k3 M. A. Seely
■-zsj William Jennings ;' orr i .w ii W, iSI A - s - Banmiller A. T. Attick E. G. Swartz Pufu. William. M * U Byerly
|H C. Lawrence Shepley TAhn r nrr ~ /! C. P. Hench W. A. Mcllhenny Dr. William Shaffer l J. M. Buyer
Cfl Herbert C. Roeder John c -O F. C. Townsend Samuel Lane C. E. Booser I. E. Hain William H. Wolfe f'
L L. Ferree B. I ranklin Etter Harry Leonard John A. Marshall William E. Jones Harry Hain, Sr. P Underkofner Arthur Shroyer lfe\
ifgij! David Kauffman 8 . . r t,. m James C. McAllister s - F - Fackler District No. 2 ' V George Hartman
Daniel I. Keister Charles HKinter. Captain D. L. M. Raker, Captain W. C. Wanbaugh J.H.Steele H. A. looser, captain Paxtonia J- M ', Wi " |X-1
IWII John Kelley *;• J' Harry I. AVh-teside Benjamin Smeltzer O. P. Beckley Levi Bashore Charles Hartman risji.
KM R- H. Kinter ® haf f ner Daniel A. Teats • Harry Farmer C. H. Baker H. C. Gerber 5, R. Care, chai. man Austin Coleman
Gustave F. Koster rvi Jri tv, Pi, D i H ®J ni " e,bau * h John Zarker Daniel Polleck A. B. Harlacher l n ' r![wi Henry Kessler ;FfJ
John LL. Kuhn Kdward Halbert Charles H Barner Pau , stecker Team No. 31 W. W. Rudy, Jr Jonas Casscl George W. Deibert
!^: Harry Lowengard Sphnurn Bruce Green R. Ross Seaman, Captain John Hoak ' Frank Seibert Charles Unger
George F. Lumb - r ; H. Sebourn j. H. Hutch .. B. Frank Smith Harry Lenker Harvey E. Miller
iPI E. Moeslein A - ™ • xon German iMhh. r,!! •- John R. Mohn Alvin Hain George W. George E. Hepler
R. W. Moorhead H. Y. Butttorff K. Brinser Herman F. Hahn, Captain Dr. H. E. Klase George Owens n p Monroe E. Klinger
John C. Motter B - Mitchell George P. Sheaffer y- j J y Fritz John Trullineer 9' ch airman •c. u. Kiatzer WM;
B F. B. Musser J.F.Hutchinson Brook Trout Goldsmith E. E. Knauss ' District No 3 nr r H ?mbh Harry Smith -Qj
Mi Donald McCormick _ 1 oa ™ , J.W.Dennis Harry &.Kelley E. E. Renn L. A. Hetrick caDtain P'S'r o! John A. Willier
IEV 9 Fred M. Tritle Kinnard, Captain R. M. Pennock B. King Warren R Lyme n" tr' PnnH * * Shenlc Manadft tuli
ifeju' TTank Barker William H. Steckley G. D. Herbert Hj. Hoss , William C. Halfpenny I B Swartz _ _ Wiconlsco John A. Landis, chairman
Boyd M. Ogelsby William C. Consylman Team No. 17 W. Grant Thomas C. Black Samuel Smeltzer W. H. Clay Keen, chairman Calvin Cassel BM.
Charles E. Pass C. A. Sheely I>ewls E. Neiffer, Captain Horace A. Segelbaum Kent Stewart Samuel Smeltzer saac Mossop Amos C. Buck IfM
m! D. UM. Raker T. Elder Cleckner W. P. Loom Is Robert W Troup Twm No 31 WalterTralMnger P'h" P i ,T, fendCrfcr Jacob C. Schubauer
Mi) George S. Rcinochl George W. Warden Lockwood Worden Edward Rauch . . Holier CaDtain W alter Truillnget S.H.Miller Ilketown "&!f
H. A. Robinson J- A. McKelvy Howard Bingaman Ueut. Douglass Andrews A " % sUmm CP * " S i., J " . Kee " George Fox S
GQi .1. W. Rodenhaver Frank B. Meckley George S. Heal DIVISION NO. 5 J. E. Gipple Edward Brinton \\ iI " an }.. H " ntcr J. W. ICbersole W&
|B2I| E. Fred Howe Fred E. Ridenour F. R. Oyster R. D. MacGuffln. Commander A.G.Eden Tames Shield. W.H.Kissinger Edward Strohm |fsi
jMMj C. L. Scott William Groff C. E. Ellenberger Team No. 26 R H Lyon John Uneer x Lykcns Manada Gap
"fcMi F. C. Sites .'harles A. Boak H. R. Omwake C. J. Stevens. Captain F B Musser O P Beeklev J.M. Miller, chairman T. R. Runklo J5W'
;0M W. P. Starkey George P. Satchell W. H. Earnest C. L. Conover H D Jones Collins Hamler Deposit Bank Slicllsvllle f-* :
1M W.G.Starr: John F. Quigley D. H. Rineard C. E. Koons J. F. Kob Fdward Fhefsole * First National Bank J. H. Kuntz !b|
Ito*! Charles Covert Team No. 10 Samuel Sloane R. I* Dare r h. Cockran ' District No 4 9' ' 2 an . Grantvillc
fief J. H. Wallazz VY. M. Robison, Captain Hugh Ayle A. Black w B. Barnhart I D Horstick cautain w Finton Wesley Shertzer
P| A. A. Wert R. W. Dowdell Paul G. Smith E. C. Smith J S Baum Clarence Swartz Morgan Edwards W. p. Reiser
!laj(l B - M. H. Wharton J. K. Greenawalt Team No. IS Rev. L. C. Menges Team No HH Willinm 9tonfTer Amos Minnich 'Phc Rev. O. R. Bittner rr
|S]! T. 8. Williams A. W. llolman J. H. Bell , Rev. Thomas Reiscli Walter S Sclieli c'aotam niVtliet v k Michael Read.ly j. C . Hess Vli
K A. Boyd Hamilton C. S. Goodman Preston B. Crowell J. W. Storey L A Geiger P I L
|■Ml Gus Steinmetz 1-rank Zug William H. German fl. K. Frazer George F. Shone i' it Shenk' ?J e x , C. I A Grimm, chairman JUU
Flavel Wright William Zerby G. R. Hurd T. P. Carey T. M Eves a <innHxiv John H. Thomas L. Snyder xm
IBTfi! P- Hench Team No. II Elmer E. Lawton F. J. Althouse T m Sechler I ester' MeFlhenv J V tcr E. K. Gessner
KM Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer A. H. Armstrong. Captain l.eon F. Neefe Team No. 29 Grant Ramey T Meeker 9 J v P . r . tc l , c - M ' Koppenhaver fef
188 l Harry Ix>onard Paul Kunkel John F. O'Neill E. Bruce Taylor, Captain Robert Morton r w McGarvev 9 r " o i'i E - E - Hockey Jfii
HM A. R .S. Black John B. Schwab .lames A. Tyson Oscar Booker n m' Soea. 9?°x r . B *i Batßp Hunimolstosm fiU
KM: IHRRISBUIUi James O. Hats Al. K. Thomas P.B.Rice Arthur C. James W F Rounslev \\. W alter Huncan William P. Horst, chairman ywv
iBWS HorSE-TO-HOESE Clark E. Hiehl John S. Spicer H.F.Hope A. B. Carnes y'j HeinYev lames McCormick U. S. Balshaugh
ISI WORKERS Edward Moeslein Arch Dinsmore E. F. Rowe ' Sherman yimmermi... William H. Lhler Harry M. Horn
ChJl; DIVISION NO 1 Joseph Goldsmith DIVISION NO. I R. H. Hosmer DAUPHIN COUNTY George P Sheaffer • Prn Vi BISBIn = er E. Z. Ktter iFAHi
mm . .. _ .. ' V. J. Hasbrook J. p. McCullough, Commander Harry M. Boyd WORKERS \nton Re'nson Hoff F. J. Schaftncr > Ijyj
Robert Mccormick Commander K. K. Espenshadc Team No. 19 Burton VanDyke North of vfip a , Middlctown Joseph Burkholder .Ssj
ifijf ~ ~ TsvtTr J ' itz P a trick Benjamin Strouse, Captain L. G. Orr Carl W Davis chairman District No 6 *" u 9 erberipb ; chairman George Schaffner .JS3I
iH wnito J Hme9 P J.W.Armstrong Warham S. Baldwin H. B. Halfpenny FrldeHck M Ott I A Miller cantain A H Frank C. Wltmer M
lis:'l A P,Hcr Earl Sheaffer iTank J. Brady ' n\ H. E. Hallman GeoWHouser B F Ober *V „ U \,? i ?. Brlch l Hr. M. L. Nissley M
a SE s.'yssr' rsniS?" irsrzjsr o "ISC ¥££% BSBsss ii
IfH t Tx William G. Clark j. Hervey Patton Thomas J. Devine Clyde McNee?y Charles A' f" S S - T wltmcr -ZI
hYa! Pwcy X.eidig. Jr. Eli Goldstein William S. Snyder Walter E. Dietrich Daniel Seillr leom W Haret .'® or f® Forc Charles M. Hartwich E3
Pf , . nr,Tt rv!„fl Charles H. Cohn Howard M. Hoke F. G. Fahnestock. Jr. wm 2m Strieker He2m2n Warner 9 har , le L Myres Joseph P. Hoffer I^l
H K n,X rnwHe? W. H. Capel Milton M. Strouse Charles A. Fortna MetWn Fertig O M N.S B - W ' A KuPtz John Lafterty
S e I Pftwij2 Alfred Hoprner Edward Trego E. A. Miller Joh2 Q Fe2tig William T Stnner -' ohn A. Kramer Alfre(l Sutc!lffe !||
CO! wii . Simon E. Miller Capt. E. J. Stackpole L. G. Monn Georae Detiison WUm Ftnnve2 ; epr I - K ' nR Harry S. Harvey S
!fe' R C TPBHenmn W. W. Goebert Team No. 20 W. Baird Potts BCTrwburg O n un? a J. M. Brlghthill |BS;
R 2 DIVISION NO. 3 J. R. Sneerlnger, Captain ITank M. Templar G H Foster In Albert M Wenrleh Ep - ?• Bhoades H. E. Schrener
r' a' wtJknif Charles H. Hoffman, Commander Joseph Pomraning Team No. 28 W H MUler chalrman mstrict No 7 R r ' a of Henry F. Holler M
M Frank H O k Hort.ng w Fr.nk £V'\ • M ' hitman Howard H. Frickman. Captain 7acob Henninger E P>2 D P Derrick Y?? ?° Ucr W
M Donald McCormick ) V > r MaleT ' " iTc* J C ordon mPS ° n YusUn MiUer J. Harry Deibier William Br.ghtbtll .fames F Ymitz S
fel J° W Ph ßodln a h2ve W.D.Harris Joseph Brady Charles Rupp IUw The Rev Fuller Bergstresser John Re'ager. Jr. SI
|! aft SAffiSs. Si b T .v, w o*v [SI sl B IET I IS - isttssr ! 1;
Wl s:Vf®Ux fj:ssr gfessr f&sv-sx, grsiss""
M W.a'Ha°ke Kh A e w. a Mout USiK G P Hammed M ' No -5 John C°Miller " 2 [S
, Bufr p^ on c - B - Haehnlen
<1 S r am C > &£ & SSV * SS &r J W on M
p I H a Cap I >e EßalCk ' Plain IrVinß E B^™B ° n °' Captain Ro^erfMcCreath Vv Arthur BapUsti ff' Dr"w a Bak^
M Tigers 5f N K chairman &ft M
iSa H. B. McCormick CC Merrill S"Vaniy r y R d u„. (nue H. R Brubaker Ixvcr Swutara Township Warren Swab I nomas L. Jacks
Fa% n i7y SSSST*' Jr " - H. H. Co'tins'' **************„**„* jg§
'fm w. S. Middleton Max ReiW V Tem No •'•> f'M Carson C Enders Harvey Wolfe C. F. Eby + This list of workers for * ,153
M E U^2der C ° r ' 1 '• E " Bpeser Andrew Redmond, bfptain Herald K Goldman jo' Kzman J Ezra™™"*" Townsh,p !; ctPr E : Bnp * <hp Victory Liber,, Loan is * I^l
S g T ' P " No. 27 WAr* ★ continued on Page 9 5
ra[ P Warren VanDyke Captain ' C E Wi£ A " K " o ''° VC * *********+**+**********
g Cari meDier jS
ZZ ; ★ John Eby C. M. Rlchter 2 * A '
★ V. B. Hausknecht Cornelius Koppenheffer * lUUHiniU ★ |^l
ral * * DIVISION NO. 6 Isaac Zimmerman * "Sure u/e will Rnich the ih t" * ' * lp?0l
g J Tomorrow morning we, whose names are listed on this page, will drop our ac- J ° 8 E^m S 'No°36 mand * r A - M. Smith * sure we will hnish the job. *
fcta J customed task and go forth to offer Victory Liberty Bonds to every one in Dauphin * Harry B. Sauscaman. captain N. stewTr? 2 That's the attitude of every one in the tri-county district toward the Victory ★ w.
RiQ * Perry and Juniata Counties. i H - B - Kin s , M. W. Etter ♦ Liberty Loan issue. Z \Wi\
* * J - H - Sheesley Mlllcrsburg * „ , L J |{ML
7 One of us will call on YOU " * T ' w " Smallwood Hay w. Bowman, chairman * You know that such a short-term bond—maturing in four years—and such attrnc- * Ega 1 '
MJ * Xf, • + v an w RI K k 2ney
VW * w ® *re not coming to "sell" you Victory Bonds, but simply to give you the de- * h. W. coniy wuiiam Dowden * * Onlv 57Q26 OQS if available for the entire district Harrishnro and h,i. n Z O
★ fails and make it easy for you to subscribe ✓ t A. M. Bell J. A. w. Brubaker * „ L un, y 9/,9M,W9, " available, tor tne entire district—Harrisburg and the balance *
Ss * ' ' scriDe. ✓ J w. H. Hetrick s. s. Pick *of the three counties! It will be the last Liberty Loan offered to you. You did yotir * |||j
So be ready. This is not only a good chance to make an exceptional business in- J H. c.' Fr y rney Lavf'wafboV'n J share durin § the war; now make sure you get your share of this last loan. J >9g!
* vestment, but likewise an opportunity to show your true American patriotism. ' * w - No 3 „ I^ra^ s " * Just as the district boys in khaki and navy blue "finished the job" last fall, so * j&3
* You want to finish the job. So do we. J " ai Y A ' r ß °E£'i' Ca ® la^n B - H in ß^d nS b h * W ' -11 y - > " subscribe who,e - heartedl V t0 the Victory Liberty Loan and "finish the job" on Z |||!
P ******** ******************** ** *************** *****<-♦* * * *****■.* J John (VCoiTncl' <"■ M. Shfpp™
leagues In the government has ar
rived since Saturday. It was report
ed that a council of ministers was to
be held on Saturday by the Premier,
but what action was taken at the
time has not been made public. Sen
ators and deputies from all the Italian
parties except the official Socialists
held a meeting Sunday and appoint
ed a special committee to draft a
resolution of confidence in the Gov
ernment for submission to the Par
World Creed on Peace Table
At the public meeting of the Peace
Conference to be held to-day the re
vised draft of th, covenant of the
League of Nations will be presented.
This draft, made public in this coun
try Sunday night, differs in some Im
portant reapects from that brought
to America by President Wilson last
February. Japan probably will try
to secure an amendment to the cove
nant which will grant the Japanese
claims for recognition of racial
Germany, with the exception of
Bavaria, Silesia, seems to be much
quieter than for several weeks. A
general strike is reported In the coal
and Iron districts of Upper Silesia,
and the iron industry is seriously
The Russian Bolsheviki have suf
fered important reverses on the east
ern front and Admiral Kolchak's
forces seem to be making gains which
may develop most favorably in the
near future. Troops which have been
APRIL 28, 1919
fighting against tne r.iiled forces in
Northern Russia, are reported to
have been withdrawn and sent to the
eastern front, where the danger to
the Soviet Government seems more
threatening. Dispatches from Paris
Indicate tlu/. the plan of provision
the larger cities In Bolshevik Russia
is making little progress, and that
opposition to it is growing in anti- a
Bolsheviki circles.
Mrs. Florence Ackley led the
hrong in the first of a series of com
munity sings under the auspices of
•he Wat Camp Community Serviee
las*, evening. The songfest was held
t Stevens Memorial Methodist