Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 28, 1919, Page 6, Image 6
6 VALIANT TELEGRAPH UNIT IS MODEST [Continued from First Page.] France August 20 ot the same year, I came to the States April 20 of this year and spent twenty months over seas. "After our battalion landed in St. Nazaire, France, we proceeded to Cliaumont where general Headquar ters for General Pershing and his staff were being prepared. We laid wires and made all things in readi ness for the coming of the com mander. We were attached to the ! First Corps of the First Army and were changed to Neuf Chateau, pro ceeding from that station to I.a i Ferte Sous Jouarre, where we again j established headquarters. During the I Chateau Thierry offensive we moved j right along, virtually losing our | identity as a Telegraph Battalion, al though we still held the name. We laid lines and operated telegraph stations, doing field battalion work under shell fire. Among our duties was the placing of lines of com munication up to the trenches and to the regimental headquarters. "After the finish of the Chateau- Thierry fighting we returned to Ville >j'euve. retiring behind the lines for rest. We were at Saint Mihiel, Le Verdun and then at Saizerais where corps headquarters again were es tablished. Here the work was not quite so hard as it had been, but the number of guns was enormous. They actually were placed nine meters apart. "The Verdun sector was where we did our hardest work. We had head quarters at Karecourt. We moved forward as fast as possible. There was cut one main road to the front and we had to lay wires and at the same time give all our trucks for transportation of wounded soldiers and supplies. "The traffic congestion was awful. TREES ana PLANTS FOR ALL PURPOSFS CONSULT OUR LANDSCAPE DEPARTMENT FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS ON DISPLAY AT OUR FLOWER SHOP Theßerryhill LOCUST ST. AT SECOND Children's Hair Cutting P-~m W<2 give children and babies ill special attention and you can 'M have their hair cut just the The price is always the same, Bowers Barber Shop Basement Under Hat Stores Third & Market Sts. UNION SHOP If You Shave Yourself Come Here For a Good Hair Cut It equals homebaked— Gunzenhauser's MOM AID BREAD C 1 VERY BO DYlikes bread baked at home but few hardly care for the drudgery of the kitchen. The simplest and most satisfactory way to have the best is to serve GUNZENHAUSER'S HO MAID bread on your table. It's all quality—every bit of it. Wrapped at the Bakery Sold at all Grocers The Gunzenhauser Bakery 18th and Mulberry Streets MONDAY EVENING, i I remember at one time having a | convoy of eight trucks under my com ] mand. It took us thirty hours to | move thirty kilometers. This was j due to the terrific shell fire as well | as the crowded road. "However, after a period of serv ! ice at Karecourt we were trans ferred to Harricourt and then to Chateau Cliehery, where we were when the armistice was signed. We were then removed to Tonnerre where we spent five months, simply following a training schedule. We were then transferred to the Fifth Corps for demobilization, and later were sent to Lemans where we spent two weeks. After two more weeks in Brest we set sail on the Seattle April 8, arriving in New York April 20. I "Camp Upton was our first Amevi | can camp. We left that place and | reached Camp Dix, N. J. Bast Fri- I day we were reviewed formally in i Philadelphia and were then return ed for Camp Dix for discharge. The battalion contained as mem bers twenty-two Harrisburg boys, employes of the Bell Telephone Company. It is made up of Com panies D and E of the First Tele graph Battalion, United States Re serves, organized in March, 19X7. Not o casualty was reported in the entire unit. Those who returned to their liomesy sterday were: Sergeant Je rome M. Hamilton, 358 Hummel stret; Sergeant John X. Miller, 223 Boas street; Sergeant G. A. Don baugh, Wormleysburg; Sergeant R. C. Tittle, Corporal W. J. B. Daniels, Corporal W. B. Haiflop and Corporal M. K. Miller. First Class Privates J. C. H. Kiehl. W. C. Simmers, 11. L. Spang ler, S. J. Bigham, Master Signal Electrician C. E. Miller, First Class Chauffeurs C. Althouse, C. B. Fuller ton and H. W. Taylor. Captain V. C. L. Hasskarl, com i mandant of the company, is still at Camp Dix, but will be discharged within the next week. THROWN UNDER. CARS Thrown under two cars near Mt. Joy, on Saturday night, Lester Bren ize'r, 123(1 Ilerr street, brakeman on the Philadelphia Division of the Penn sylvania Railroad, has escaped with a probable fracture of the right knee I and ankle and severe cuts. The crew I with which Brenizer was working was making a Hying cut when lie was thrown under the car between tno I rails and the cars pased over him. I He was taken to the Harrisburg Hos pital, where he received treatment. SCAI.DF.D in ROII.F.R j Wiliam Ruder, 2126 Greenwood I street, a fireman at the Harrisburg Manufacturing and Boiler Company, jwa streated at the Harrisburg Hos i pital for severe scalds about his face and hands. A cap blew off a tube I about the boiler and the hot water was thrown over him. ! INTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL | j : JUNIORS CLEAR i i $l5O AT PARTY Young Girls of Aid Society Give Entertainment of Tab leaux and Dancing Members of the Junior Aid Society are richer by $l5O in their treasury since their delightful entertainment of Saturday evening, and the money will go toward the support of two French orphans. Tableaux from fa vorite fairy-tales poHed by members of the society and dancing to the mu sic of the Sourbeer orchestra formed the program of pleasure. Miss Lucy-Ord Kemper, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. James Kemper, gave several solo dances, in charm ing style and in a dancing contest, the elimination was won by Miss Florence Wallace Hamilton and An ton Hardt. Cakes, candies, flowers and punch were sold by the young girls. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hof fer Detweiler, Mr. and Mrs. Greer, Captain and Mrs. Edward J. Stack pole, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Gilbert, Judge and Mrs. George Kunkel, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, Colonel and Mrs. James Kemper, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kunkel, Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Bingaman. Mrs. Marlin E. Olmsted, Miss Jane Howard, Mrs. Charles L. Bailey, Jr., Mrs. Henry M. Stlne. Mrs. William Galbraith. Miss Emily Bailey, Miss Caroline MolTatt, Mrs. A. Boyd Hamilton, Miss Kate Cox, Mrs. Fnank Payne, Miss Martha Seiler, Mrs. Phillips Meredith, Mrs. Ross Hickok, Miss Emily Dock, Mrs. Keister, Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. McKay, Mrs. John Campbell, Miss Mary Creighton, Miss Almeda Hefman, Miss Bretz, Miss Alice Virginia Cooper, Miss Sarah Bailey, Miss Eleanor Bailey, Miss Lucy-Ord Kemper, Miss Katherine Meredith, Miss Katherine Rutherford, Miss Florence Hamilton, Miss Louise Hickok, Miss Avis Ann Hickok. Miss Marion Hean, Miss Katherine Hart, Miss Alice Decevee, Miss Sarah Denehey, Miss Jane Olm sted, Miss Harriet Gilbert, Miss Nancy Campbell, Miss La'dia Kunkel, Miss Betty Oeoslager, Miss Bettina Stine, Miss Elizabeth Ross, Frank Brock, Franklin Ktter, Lieutenant Jones Trowbridge, Major Maure, John Hart, Anton Hurt, Conway Olmsted. John McCulloch, Paul Kunkel, Henry Gilbert, Spencer Ross, Spencer Hall, The Junior Aid membership indues: Lydia Kunkel, president/ Eleanor Bailey, vice-president; Katherine Rutherford, treasurer; Winifred Mey ers, secretary; Sarah Bailey, assistant secretary, and the following mem bers: Eleanor Bailey, Marian Bass ler, Christine Brandt, Mary Cooper, Alice Virginia Cooper, Florence Cock lin, Nancy Campbell. Martha Chad wick, Ruth Dowdell, Harriet Gilbert, Mary Louise Hubley, Louise Hickok, Avis Ann Hickok, Surah Hamer, Vir ginia Hamilton, Rebecca Johnson, Margaret Keister. Thelma Kulin, Lucy-Ord Kemper, Katherine Mere dith, Helena Martin, Betty Oenslager, Jane Olmsted, Virginia Rothert, Elizabeth Shearer and Bettina Stine. Brides-Elect Receive Lovely Corsage Bouquets Miss Dorothy Chubbuck, whose en gagement to Lieutenant Charles Weikel, of South Bethlehem, was re cently announced, and Miss Marie Eertgstresser, a Red Cross nurse, Just home from France, who will marry Major William Bates in the near fu ture, were honor guests at a luncheon given by Miss Katharine Silver, Sat uiaay. at her home, 1321 North Sixtii street. A delft blue bowl of pink Radi ance roses graced the center of the table around which gathered: Mrs. Bertram Saul, Mrs. Edgar Hess, Mrs. Earl Warner, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Samuel Fackier, Mrs. Richard Wood, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Donald Carpen ter. Mrs J. C. Reed, Miss Helen Ben nethum, Miss Marie Smith, of Hali fax; Miss Katherine Weidman, Miss Mildred Conkling, Miss Markell, Miss Katherine Warden, Miss Chubbucg, Miss Bertgstresser and Miss Silver. The brides-to-be received lovely corsage bouquets. Miss Bergstresser's was a bride's shower of white roses, and that for Miss Chubbuck of rose buds and pink snapdragon tied witli blue ribbons. Ted Olmsted Is Rowing With the Harvard Crew • Hnrrisburg is represented on the Harvard varsity crew, as at present constituted, by Marlin K. (Ted) Olm sted. Jr. Olmsted is rowing No. 6 in the first boat, and if no changes are made before June will hold ins seat in the annual race with Yale, on the Thames river, at New London, Conn. Olmsted prepared for Harvard at St. I'aul's, where he first took up rowing. He stroked last year's Freshmen eight. He left college to < nter the service, from which he was recently discharge® as .a second lieu tenant of infantry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellersley, of Toronto, Canada, are guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Herman B. Hand of Green street for a fortnight. i w^" a j i ' starts the || H day better tliau [H II a cup of Daven- §| H port's Coffee, |§ 11 served with real e| cream ? And H H what better H H beverage wit h H H your lunch? I 5c J n Architects of Appetites Hxiwusßcrro teeegtoeph: INFORMAL DANCE IN WINTERDALE Members of C. A. O. Society of 'l6 Will Be Hostesses This Evening The C. A. O. Society of the class of 1916 have arranged an informal subscription dance to be held in Winter dale Hall this evening. Music for the dancers will be furnished by the Mannix Orchestra. Mrs. John H. Maloney, Mrs. A. F. Rexroth, Mrs. Mary Smyser Kinzer, Mrs. G. A. 'Hupman, Mrs. Charles L. Schmidt and Mrs. William A. Laylon are the chaperones. • The following members of the club will be hostesses: Miss Mary Kinzer, Miss Sarah I Maloney, Miss Hazel Rexroth, Miss Mary Garland, Miss Hannah Burns, Miss Mary McCreath, Miss Mary Hup man, Miss Geertrude Edwards, Miss Florence Rinkenbach, Miss Dorothy Schmidt and Mrs. James C. Fltzpatrick. Miss Forncrook Sails For France and Russia Miss Elva M. Forncrook, daughter of the Rev. Jay C. Fornrook, pastor <•2 the Church of God at Highspire, Balled for France last Friday on the steamer Megantic. White Star Line. Her father, her sister. Mrs. Ira L. Behney, and Mr. Behney saw her off. Miss Forncrook has been a teacher in Smith College, North ampton, Mass., for seme time past. Two years ogo she made application for Red Cross work, bpt the signing of the armistice stopped negotia tions. She is now in Y. M. C. A. work and expects to spend a year in Paiis and then go to Russia for re construction work. Chain of Card Parties For Charities of City The Harrisburg Walking Club is giving a series of card parties, the proceeds of which will be used for the benefit of various charities of the city. This afternoon about eighty women had the pleasure of playing Auction Bridge and Five Hundred at the resi dence of Mrs. Frederick Herman Marsh, 229 State street. The hostesses were: Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Charles Bmer ick, Miss L. L. Ferree, Mrs Alvin I. Miller, Mrs. Walmer and Louis A. Brumheller. CORP. PHILLIPS RETURNS Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Phillips, 1833 Market street, received word to-day that their son, Corporal Mark S. Phillips, of the 103 d Supply Train, arrived in New York this morning, and is stationed at Camp Mills. Cor poral Phillips was severely wound ed at Chateau Thierry last August. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and daugh ter, Miss Margaret Phillips, will leave for New York to-morrow to join him. FOR PRIMARY DEPARTMENT The officers and teachers of the pri mary department of the Stevens Me morial Methodist church met in monthly session at the home of Mrs. J. H. Steele, 1900 Holly street. Miss Laurie and Miss Minnie Smith gave piano numbers and Mrs. Wisehart a reading. Refreshments were served to Mrs. J. H. Steele, Mrs. W. E. Wise hart, Mrs. Robert A. Wilder, Mrs. Smith Kulin, Mrs. B. O. Agle, Mrs. Martin, Miss Lillian Shoope, Miss Copeland, Miss Miss Minnie Smith. Concert at Carlisle The Wednesday Club will give a concert this evening at the General Hospital at Carlisle. Members of the chorus will meet at the Y. M. C. A. at 6.15 o'clock, leaving for Carlisle by automobile promptly at 6.30. It is imperative that an early I start should be made, since hospital regulations make it. necessary to begin the concert at 7.30, without delay. • DATE OF MEETING CHANGED The Woman's Aid Society of the Harrisburg Hospital will meet to morrow afternoon instead of Thurs day iff the managers' room at the hospital at 3 o'clock. This meeting is of great importance as the dis tribution of the funds secured by the leeent rummage sale will be du cussed. Miss Margaret Weaver, of Syracuse N. Y„ is the guest of Miss Bessie M. Black, of 201 South Seventeenth street, Thomas A. Clark, of 707 North Seventeenth street, left to-day for State College, after a short stay at his home, Mrs. William Pinkey Hamilton, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles J. Wood, Jr., at 22X8 North Third street, has gone to Baltimore foi a short stay before returning to hei home in New York city. Miss Enid Gray and Miss Maryland Gray went home to Baltimore this afternoon after spending a week among old friends in the West End. George W. Thompson, of Rochester N. Y. and Charles B. Thompson, of Gary, Ind., were week end guests of their brother, Elmer G. Thompson and family of State street. Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Weisenberg ol Paoli were guests over Sunday of Dr, and Mrs. John Oenslager, Riverside Apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stltt Moore, of Wabash, Ind., visited their aunt. Miss Ella M. Stitt, general secretary of the Y. W. C\ A., over the weekend. Charles M. Barton, of Valdosta, Ga., Just arrived from overseas, was a guest of A. E. Gettys and family at 268 Pefter street, last week. Mrs. Samuel W. Fleming, Jr., and small daughter have gone t.o Bellc fonte to Join Mrs. Daniel H. Hastings, at her home there. Oapt. Allen M. House and Charles A. Hlckok. of Cleveland, Ohio, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross A. Hlckok, 119 State street. Mr. and Mrs. Emmons King and children went home to Philadelphia to-day after a week's visit among old friends in this vicinity. Miss Pearl Bratten, of Pittsburgh, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lewis Ord way, of Green street, for a fortnight. William and Walter Lehman, of Syracuse, N. Y., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Luther King, of North Third street. Miss Lillian Claster, of Williams port, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Claster, 2001 North Third street. Miss Grace Irving went home to Lansing, Mich, to-day after a month's stay with relatives in this vicinity. Richard W. Mount, of Lafayette College, is spending his spring vaca tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mount, 11 North Fifteenth street. Lieut. 'Alien Wallower, of the 125 th Infantry, is visiting Dr. Harry M. Vas tlne, of Locust street. GLOVES CLEANED FREE H. C. Mattern. of 404 North Sec ond street, proprietor of the Valet, wishes to announce that he will clean for any lady a short pair ol white gloves free, provided she has never had any done here before, This Introductory offer is made simply to get you acquainted with this modern dry-cleaning house.— i adv. VICTORY FROLICS ! A GREAT SUCCESS F Event Given For Benefit of Nursery Home Exceeds Expectations 3 I MRS. CHARLES R. BECKLEY Mrs. Charles R. Beckley, who took the part of "Columbia" in "The Vic tory Frolics" staged, at the Orpheum Theater, Saturday matinee and even ing, for the benefit of the Nursery Home, was a striking figure. The entire event was a decided success from every standpoint due in a large measure r to the untiring efforts of I'rof. and Mrs. John W. Phillips, who gave their ser s vices unstintedly in the interest of the a | affair. b The parts wore all taken in an ad miralile manner. Aliss Mary Buttorf, i as France; Miss Sara Hamer, as Bel l gium and Miss Katharine Dubbs, as - Ireland, deserving especial mention, t One of the most attractive dance fea s tures was the rain storm, followed by - the rainbow dance after which the "Sunshine" wakened up the wee . "Flowers." Among the dancers Miss ) Virginia Elizabeth Shaar and Miss Lucy-Ord Kemp stood out prominently. Miss Kemp is a dancer of more than 5 ordinary ability and lias studied under j some of the greatest masters of the art. Her presentation of an Egyptian incense dance was truly remarkable, ,' Miss Shaar appeared to great advantage ' in the "Sailor's Hornpipe." Miss Louise Fisher and Jack Kuhn, " in the "Love Waltz" could not have been distinguished from professionals, - so perfectly and artistically did they 1 interpet the love story which they j portraying. The Nursery Home Committee wishes to thank Mr. and Mrs. Phillips for their invaluable assistance, and Henry Clas - ter for the use of the Board of Trade - Hall for rehearsals, as well as all i others who helped make the affair a '• success. I Surprise Young Girl on Her 'Teen Birthday 8 Miss Mildred Marlin arranged a e birthday surprise party in honor of her sister. Miss Sarah Marlin, who received gifts and greetings from the a guests. There were games and danc j ing to amuse the young folks and f refreshments were served t othe l'ol [, lowing people: r Misses Ivy Bratten, Sadie Dayhoff, I Catherine Quaid, Ethel Heekman, y Wilma Ilartman, Betty Hartman, j Mary Freed. Alice Wciger, Rcbba o Garonzik, Mildred Gallagher, Mil it dred Marlin, Esther Carpenter, Mar garet Keck, Elizabeth Miller, Kath ryn Morton, Ellen Nornhold, Ruth Daller, Mary Carpenter, Sarah Alar e lin, Harry Brown, Paul Brubakcr, - Warren Putt, Earl Haller, . Dyson - Castle, Lloyd Cochlin, Charles Kil -8 gore, Clarence Minnick, David Pet- K ers, Charles Keck, Wm. Uchor, De " Witt Gable, Tim Ucher, John Howe, _ William Harper. Spring Events Honoring [; Miss Howard of Virginia e Mrs. Ross A. Hickok, 119 State street, give a small tea this after -0 noon, in compliment to Miss Jane 3. Howard, of Staunton, Va., who is the h guest of her sister, Mrs. Marlin E. ,r Olmsted, 105 North Front street, ir Mrs. Olmsted presided at the tea table, decorated with spring flowers, d Miss Howard, who is being ex -8 tensively entertained, was guest of g honor a day or two ago at a lunch eon, given by Mrs. Olmsted, when the following were present: 'f Mrs. Frank Payne, Airs. T.esley a McCreath, Mrs. Berne M. Evans, l ' Mrs. William E. Wright, Mrs. Andre Fouillhoux, Mrs. Jtoss A. Hickok, Mrs. Henry B. Bent, Mrs. John Fox r ' Weiss, Mrs. Philip T. Meredith, Mrs. 6 Francis J. Hall, Miss Julia Stern , berg, of New York; Miss Mary E. s Reily, and Aliss Anna MeCormick. f BROTHERS VISIT AUNT HERE Sergeant Robert Hart, of the 115 th II Sanitary Train, connected with the * i 40th Division, recently returned from France, and his T brother Sergeant _ Bugalrt Hart, who has been stationed j, at Langley Field, Hampton, Va., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. John Black, of s 201 South Seventeenth street. ■ Vim e Co /ttiniia, aJI kinds sK^des •- -AKGifl Shop 205*f 2*St { 1 Oman's Exchange 3*SI 01// err > , I mm IN HONOR OF YOUNG GIRL Clarabellc Claster Much I j Entertained While Fiance Is Visiting Here Miss Clarabellc Claster and Clif ford Solomon, of New York, whose engagement was recently announced, were honor guests at a dinner given yesterday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Claster, 2001 North Third street. Miss Claster and Mr. Solo mon, with several others, were seat ed at a horseshoe table. The dining room was profusely decorated with iris, jonquils and narcissus, a color schemeVif lavender and yellow be ing carried out. The following guests were pres ent: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Claster, Mr. and Mrs. S. Solomon and Mr. and Mrs. N*. Rosenthal, of New York; Mr. and Airs. A. Shapiro, of Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. I. Sternfeldt, of Lancaster: Mr. and Mrs. David Kaufman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ivrauss, Mrs. O. Sichel, of this city; {Alias Lillian Claster, of Williams port; Miss Clarissa Claster, Miss ! Adelle Claster, Aliss Sylvia Claster, j Miss Bessie Dell Claster, Miss Mil dred Claster, Miss Rose Mendelson, Aliss Birdie Solomon, Miss Mildred Solomon, Miss Dora Silberman and Miss Reba Mallison, of New York; Miss Gladys Kaufman, of New York; Samuel Mendelson, Abraham Mendelson, M. Mendelson and Eu gene Mendelson, of New York; N. Rukeyser, Clarence Solomon, of : New York; Joseph I. Claster, S'am ■ uel Claster, Joel Claster, Harold , Claster, Bertram Claster and Rabbi Louis J. Haas, of this city. Betrothal Reception Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Claster gave a brilliant betrothal i reception for their daughter and her > fiance at their home, 801 North Sec ! ond street. The house was filled ! I with beautiful flowers, all gifts to . I the bride-elect. I Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. Clas - j ter were Miss Claster, Mr. Solomon , I and Mr. and Mrs. S. Solomon, of -! New York City. 3 I B. T. S. Literary Club Gives • 'Adventures of Miss Brown' 8 Arrangements have been eomplot -3 ed for the presentation of "The Ad • ventures of Miss Brown" by the B. 1 T. S. Literary Club, of Penbrook, on r Alay 7 and 8, at 8.15 o'clock, In 3 Wolf's Hall. The players are being 1 coached by Mrs. John Unger and the ; cast includes Angela Brightbill, Aliss ! Ruth S. Hocker, Aliss Clara Gar- ( i berieh, Aliss Kstella Richards, Aliss i Mary Hoofenagle, Miss Ora Kline, Aliss Kathryn Hienly, Airs. Herman \ Wagner, Miss Gladys Hocker, W. H. j Snyder, Vernon Horner, Herman Wagner, Glen Baker, Forrest Nov -3 inger and Eugene Early, r The proceeds will be devoted to - the fund which is being raised to s place new equipment in the Pen -1 brook High school. Tickets for i either performance may be secured from any member of the club or at Hooker's grocery store, Penbrook. HOLD NOVELTY SOCIAL r The Ladies" Circle of the Camp Hill Presbyterian Church will hold a t novelty social at the home of Mrs. P H. W. Snodgrass, Park Avenue, j Wednesday afternoon from 2 to 5 } o'clock. TO HOLD DANCE The S. J. S. Society, of Technical High school, will hold a May-time dance, Wednesday evening, Alay 7, I at Winterdale Flail, with the Banjo | Saxo Orchestra playing. I Alias Clarissa Willis and her brother I Charles Henry Willis, of Baltimore, are I stopping for a few days with their | sister, Airs. Edward T. Young, of Green | street. Complete Optometrical Service , "cmrj We are prepared to give our e patrons the best of optometrical service. We employ the latest R scientific lnstrumpnts in making P thorough examinations, and our !' factory can quickly trim out any lens required, no difference how \ intricate it may be. t R. D. PRATT a Eyesight Specialist , 26 N. Third St. '• Over Schleisner's Store C i or 30><^^>QR0 Trunks at Pre-War Prices ' Fiber Dress and Steamer Trunks $13.00 to $15.00 Canvas Covered SB.OO to $12.00 All Sizes Regal Umbrella Co. Second and Walnut Sts. APRIL' 28, 1919. "-FW Deaths and Funerals Uriah H. Love of York, died sud denly on Sutprday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Kain, 45 Broad street, York, with whom he made his home, aged 80 years. A veteran of the Civil War, he served for eighteen months with a company recruited at Safe Harbor, York county, with which he had the rank of corporal. He later served with the Marine Band in Washing ton. He was a veteran farmer but for the past ten years has lived in York. He was a member of the .Methodist Episcopal Church and was an ardent fisherman. Mr. Love was a member of the G. A. R. of York and of the Veteran Legion of I.an caster, of which he was a chaplain. One son, John O. Love, passenger brakeman, of 2514 North Sixth street, lives in this city. Funeral services will be held to-morrow af ternoon at the home of his daughter in York. MRS. MINNIE B. FOLK Funeral services were held for Mrs. Minnie B. Folk, wife of Daniel A. Folk on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of her son, Frank Folk, 1410 Liberty street. Burial was made in Mount Olivet, Cemetery, New Cumberland. While I visiting her son she was taken ill and she died a few weeks later. I She is survived by her husband, D. I A. Folk, and seven children, Frank G. Folk and Anna M. Folk, Harris-1 burg; May E. Folk, Shippensburg; Charles D. Folk, Clarence E. Folk, Margaret D. Folk and Pearl M. Folk, at home, York county. MRS. SARAH J. BROWN Mrs. Sarah Johnson Brown, wife I of Jacob Brown, died on Saturday morning after a lingering illness at her home, 1121 North Cameron street. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. Ellis N. Kremer, pastor of the Fourth Reformed Church. Burial will be in the Harrisburg Cemetery. WOMAN HIT BY AUTO Mrs. George Edmundson, 2032 Ber-j ryhiil street, was treated in the Har risburg Hospital early yesterday for injuries suffered when struck by an automobile at Nineteenth and Berry hill streets. The automobile is said to have been driven by Daniel Vance, of Penbrook. who took the injured woman to the Harrisburg Hospital. She is suffering with a badly torn right ear and severe, body bruises. Funeral Designs Special A Beautiful Spray for $2.00 A Handsome Wreath for $5.00 Keeney's Flower Shops 814 N. 3d St., 157 N. Front St;. I Hnrrlsborg. Steelton. 5 - A< \ 7*' ®\ ; j I Which Line is jj • y A • 5 the Longer? ? • V ft # * U Which line is longer—the line A-B or the 0 Q lincC-D? The latter, is it not? It is not. t • They're exactly the same length. Meas- V y ure them. The illusion is due to the mus- Q jj cular movements of the eyes. • • 1 0 0 To grasp the basic principals underlying A a optical illusions is necessary in selecting : y the proper patterns for dresses. 7 y 1 Contrary to the usual idea a dress or skirt ; y with regular stripes of equal width run- y Q ning round and round increases a wo- A • man's apparent height. A dress with ver- : U tical stripes, however, of the same charac- y Q ter will increase her apparent breadth. If (j • on the other hand only a few stripes are 1 U used, the effect is exactly the opposite. V • This gives just a hint of the laws o,f optics • 0 which we apply in selecting clothing for • § jj our clientele. To the woman who feels A • that she is too stout or too slender, this • 0 highly skilled service is very valuable. 0 • • 0 219 0 H a p ex Electric /JyfrX 1, Does Your Work kJSu&WTT It Quicker —Better—Easier And With Less Wear ■ Than Others j|p will be pleased to show y°y EASY PAYMENTS NEIDIG BROS., LTD. * South Second St. Mrs. Oenslager Gives Tea For Guest From Paoli Mrs. John Oenslager, of the Riv erside apartments, entertained at tea on Saturday afternoon in com pliment to Mrs. T- H. Weisenburg, Paoli. Mrs. Frank Payne presided at the tea table, assisted by Mrs. Har vey F. Smith, Miss Elizabeth Knisc ly and Miss Ruth Payne. Among those present were: Mrs. Audio Feillhoux, Mrs. Henry M. Stine, Mrs. George Preston Mains, Mrs. Philip T. Meredith, Mrs. Walter P. Ma guire, Mrs. John W. Reily, Mrs. Marlin E. Olmsted, Mrs. John G. Gredler, Mrs. Henderson Gilbert, Miss Jane Howard and Miss Alio© R. Eaton. t \ Dinner, Monday, April 28 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 N. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50£ Crenmfd Tomato Soup Chicken Frl*cnw*ee—B*ked ItcniiN lleef Croquette*—Roa*t Beef M imbed or Creamed Potntoe* ! Stewed Pea*—Stewed Onion*— Entree lee Cream, Pie or Pudding; Coffee, Tea or Cocoa is / At the First Sign of Eye Discomfort Have Them Examined • To have your eyes examined now if they are giving you any | trouble, is an insurance for the | future. •We examine eyes free. No, *Ldrops used. And we won't sellJK Jfyou glasses unless you • them. f Special Your eyes examined and fitted with first quality spherical ! lenses for far or near, gold - illled /ft Q f\f\ frames, guar- JK £ ,(/(/ j anteed Your eyes examined and fitted with guaranteed gold-filled nose glasses. The lenses for either read- rt* O /"|/"| ing or BOW RUBIN & RUBIN Eyesight Specialist 320 MARKET ST. . Over the Huh—Bell Phone 420-J Open Wed, and Snt. Lvonlnitw