Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 28, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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'7_>w Decision in the Indepen
dent Contractor Ques
tion Is Given
A ruling that
ft. \\ 9 y/i w hen the time of
lv\\\ a workman is in-
Sicontractor at the
wßlSeflJ>sw\ request of an ofli
j W7fljOcer of the con
**'l fwlBSWtaU cern for wlltch
"j| done and that the
KiallHflßSßnl the workman in
dividually and does not go into the
funds of the contractor, that the
workman is an employe in fact of
the concern, has been rendered by
the State Compensation Board in
the claim of Johnston vs. the Pitts
burgh Plate Glass Company, Pitts
burgh. In this case, a man identi
fied with the contracting firm was
engaged by' the superintendent of
the glass company plant to oversee
some work and was hurt. It was
claimed by the company that he was
hiv independent contractor t and by
the claimant that he was an employe
of the company for the time being.
The Board has affirmed an award of
compensation. In the opinion, the
Board upholds the practice of mak
ing a "suspensary award based on
nominal liability" so that the award
can be made final when the claim
ant secures other work and his earn
ing capacity can be tested.
The Board has aflirmed an award
of compensation in Sasek vs. Royal
Order of Lions, in which the hus
band of the claimant, steward of
the clubhouse, was killed by the
accidental discharge of his revolver
which he had handed to a man in
the room to look at. It was claimed
that he was in the act of closing up
the place and that by handing the
revolver to a member he went out
side of the scope of his employment.
The Board says this is "too narrow
an interpretation" and that the
widow is entitled to compensation.
The Board also awards compensa
tion in Gamble vs. Bergdoll Brewing
1 1 Fits smoothly—does j
! j not bind, slip or let ':
go. Will not injure ] ■
1 the sheerest hose, j!
| Light and comforta- |
I ble. Soldeverywhere. !l
or Headache— —-a
Rub the forehead
and temples with
Fresh Fruit
Desserts —2c
Jiffy-Jell desserts, rich
and fruity, cost but 2
cents per serving.
Each package contains
a vial of fruit essence,
made from condensed
fruit juice.
Add boiling water, then
this flavor, and you have a
fresh-fruit dainty.
Compare Jiffy-Jell with
the old-style quick gela
tine desserts. You will
find it five times better,
yet it costs no more.
- Millions now enjoy it.
10 Flavor I, at Your Grocer's
2 Packager for 2S Cents
Removes Pimples
Pimples and facial
blemishes are the tell—
tales of the blood's
condition. Purify the
■|Ur blood by using
Paw-Paw Pills
increases strength of delicate, nervous, I
run-down people in two weeks' time in I
many instances. Used and highly en- I
doraed by former United States Senatora I
and Members of Congress, well-known I
physicians and former Public Health offi- I
cials. Ask your doctor or druggist I
Company, in which a man on a]
truck as a helper after the influenza'
epidemic, is held to have been an i
employe in line of duty although his
regular work was different.
New hearings have been granted |
in Graff vs. Walton Lumber Com-1
pany, Charleroi, and Nicholson vs. |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh;
railway, while appeals are dismissed |
in Mastrangelo vs. Baldwin Locomo
tive Works, Quinn vs. Crawford,!
Kerner vs. Packard Motor Car Com- j
pany, Philadelphia; Italian counsul 1
vs. Allegheny River Mining Com- j
pany, Kittaning, and Davis vs. Penn-
sylvania railroad.
Want New Fee Limit—Kfforta to
change the provision for the half!
license fee for motor vehicles in the
Dithrich bill now pending in the
House of Representatives, so that
the time limit shall be August 1 .
instead of September 1, will be made'
during the coming week. Consider- i
able opposition to the late date has!
been heard. Truck owners have also
asked for a number of changes in|
the bill, including an Increase of the j
speed limit from eight to ten miles i
for the heavier trucks and from i
twelve to fifteen for the lighter,
class. The truck people have also
objected to the licenses according to
weight, contending that it would be
difficult to establish it, as many 1
trucks are sold on special specifica- i
tions. The suggestion has been made
that the license be on chassis ;
weights. The number of trucks reg- |
istered in the last three months is
the greatest known in Pennsylvania.
More Borers Found—State Zoolo- |
gist J. G. Sanders, who has been \
directing the hunt for the corn j
borer in Pennsylvania in conjunc
tion with Federal authorities, who I
are also co-operating with this State j
and State College in fighting thei
potato wart in the anthracite field,
says that the corn pest has not been |
discovered in this State in any quan-|
tity to cause alarm. There have i
been some scares, but the insects'
found were not the corn borer, but.
cousins with bad habits, which will
bear watching. The State authori
ties are watching the State lines and |
the hunt in the agricultural counties)
has been conducted separately. One
borer found in Chester county is |
called the cat tail, while another
discovered in corn stalks in Berks
is not identified, except that it is
not the corn borer Uncle Sam has
warned about. In the course of the
hunt, a clover weevil of destructive,
tendencies was found in importa- j
tions into Pennsylvania.
Ex-Senator Here Ex-Senator i
George M. Dimeling, of Clearfield, j
was here to-day. He was on a
business trip and was interested in
the reports that Judge John W.
Reed would be named as public!
service commissioner.
Mr. Dorsett Visits—E. B. Dorsett, |
former chief of markets, was at thei
Capitol on a short visit. He was -
accompanied by his son, who is just!
out of the service.
To Make Address—Chairman W.
D. B. Ainey, of the Public Service!
Commission, has gone to St. Louis, |
where he will speak on street rail- j
ways before the National Chamber
of Commerce.
| To Speak Wednesday—Colonel'
i Edward Martin. Slate commissioner)
jof health, will address the welfare j
j meeting in Philadelphia Wednesday,
j Bucks County Case—The Newton
1 electric service case, in which the I
i Bucks County Electric Company is]
I defendant, was heard by the Public j
] Service Commission to-day.
1 Damage in North—Reports to the!
Capitol are that the fruit trees and!
young plants in northern counties)
have been damaged by the cold
snap. The southern counties appear I
to have escaped pretty well.
Fire In Mr. ScliafTer's Home The |
residence of Attorney General Will-j
jni T. Sehaffer at Chester was dam-!
aged by fire on Saturday. Sparks
raised the blaze, which did damage I
of SSUO.
To Entertain Board—Members of
the Wilkes-Barre Kiwanis Club will I
entertain the Workmen's Compon-i
nation Board at that city on Wodnes-1
day. The Board will sit-in Wilkes-!
Carre that day.'meeting in Scranton j
the following day.
Want Early Adjournment.—Mem
bers of the Legislative League will |
discuss a date for adjournment to-1
morrow. The rural members want
an early day fixed.
Six-cent Fares Are
Upheld in Two Cities | j
The Public Service Commission
has issued orders allowing the Ma
honing and Shenango Railway and
Light Company, operating in Lawr-1
( nee and other counties and in Ohio,
and the West Chester S'.reet Rail
way Company, operating in Chester
■ ounty, to charge six-cent fares
until May 1, 1920. The accompany
ing opinions, written by Commis
jiioner James Alcorn, dismiss com
plaints filed by the city of New
Castle against the former company
and the city of Coatesville against
the West Chester company. A few
I days ago fho Commission authorized
jthe Schuykill Railway, operating in
Schuylkill county anthracite districts,
to charge an eight-cent fare, hold
ing that conditions justified it for a'
certain period. The opinions in tlieSe I
latest trolley eases are along the
same line. In addition the com
plaint of the city of Coatesville tlfat
the six-cent fare violated a franchise
ordinance is dismissed because the
Commission holds that it does not
prevent the State body from fixing
a rate of fare, while the complaint
as to service is dropped because the
industrial conditions and eight-hour
day ha\e changed the situation 1
After a discussion of the financial
affairs of the company, the decision
says that under present conditions
six cents is not too high and is
needed to meet increased expenses
of operation. It is suggested that by
May of next year, conditions may
have become normal and the five
cent fare may be restored.
Much the same line is followed in
the New Castle decision, except that
the company is told that it is its
duty to furnish good service and to
"kep the cars and road bed in nro
per condition." It is held that under I
normal conditions five cents is suffi
l!!l t ,a fare , and £ hat the
should restore the old rate when
conditions become normal.
1,500 Automobiles Parked
at Tractor Demonstration!
Waynesboro, Pa.. April 28.—Frank
lin county agriculturalists as well
as Waynesboro Machinery were
well represented at the big tractor
demonstration on the McKee farm in
Washington county, Md. There were
1.500 automobiles parked along the
'Tftft an ,- f h , 6 " owd was estimated at
0.000. J. rick Company and the Em- I
erson-Brantingham Company, of
Waynesboro, had their tractors in
the contest and came out with flying
colors. " I
There were fourteen tractors in I
the contest, each having a separate
section to plow.
I" The Live Store" "Always Reliable"
Be Sure of Your Store
It's not what you pay for them—But where you go for them
. that counts in clothes—That's what most men have discovered. The store that sells "good
clothes" usually gets the bulk of the clothing trade. There's a "Right Store" in every city, upon which the spot
light sends its searching rays—lt s a guide for men who are particular about their clothes, who are looking for the
best that sto be had for the money—ln Harrisburg this "Live Store" has been the center of attraction to clothing
buyers because we operate differently than most stores—We believe the customer has some rights and we alwavs
give them the benefit of the doubt—Doutrichs sell Dependable Merchandise at all times.
IThe Job Victory Bonds
That's what is bringing such an |
H w ou
I But there is no store anywhere the equivalent of this "Live Store" 1
when you consider floor space and population-We occupy a single floor 210x26 ft. get the full sig
nificance of this and you will see what a tremendous business this "Live Store" is doing and the vast number of
I customers and friends we must have. It's a great thing for Harrisburg to boast of a store so well indentified
throughout the country—lt speaks well for the loyal Home buying made possible by a store having the right mer
chandise. > t
Try This Dependable Doutrich Service |
Hart Schaffner & Marx, Kuppenheimer &
1 Society Brand Clothes
I " Manhattan, Shirts" "Coopers U" "Stetson "
1 304 Market Street ' 1 304 Market Street
! - ,— n -~ilm j iT~ - ——-—• -
APRIL' 28, 1919.