Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 28, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1919
He who for love has undergone
The worst that can befall,
Is happier a thousandfold than one
Who never loved at all.
—Lord Houghton.
ALLENTOWN politicians are re
joicing over the "end of bar
room politics" in that city, the
approach of temperance taking out
of their campaigns the customary ex
penses for "treating," "beer parties,"
and the purchase of an occasional
It is a matter for rejoicing that
this style of electioneering became
unfashionable in Harrisburg and
Dauphin county Republican politics
years ago. It has not been coun
tenanced by the county organization
since those now influential in its
affairs came into power.
The vote that must be purchased
with a glass of beer is not worth
having. At all events it wouldn't
stay purchased.
Booze and politics never did mix
well. Booze always came out ahead
of the game and proved a very ex
pensive investment however used.
Dauphin county Republicans found
that out years ago.
THE Railroad Administration in
asking the newspapers of the
country to publish free of
charge all the numerous changes of
freight rates that are constantly be
ing made is attempting what amounts
to little better than graft on the
press of the country.
There is no news in these sched
ules of general interest, unless it be
that the new tariffs are nearly al
ways up and almost never down.
The new schedules are Just as much
advertising as the change of prices
in commodities which the depart
ment store advertises and for which
it pays generously.
During the war, and for every
proper patriotic purpose since, the
newspapers of the United States,
without exception, have given gen
erously of the only product they have
to sell—advertising space. They
have never hesitated to give away
their product while men in other
lines of business are receiving high
prices for war contracts. But when
the Railroad Administration, after
squandering money like water in all
directions, tries to graft a column
or two of space every week from the
newspapers the time has arrived for
the papers to say no, and say it so
that they will be understood.
VELT, fighting son of the late
Colonel Roosevelt, will make
himself as thoroughly disliked by
President Wilson and Secretary
Baker as was his illustrious father
before him, if he isn't more care
ful. Captain Roosevelt went through
the fiery furnace of France, where
he was wounded. He writes for
Everybody's Magazine an article on
the unpreparedness of even the reg
ular army when we went to war
with Germany. His writings are the
results of his own observations in
the training camps at home and
from Paris to the fighting front in
France. The young officer does not
mince words. Indeed, the terseness
of his sentences and the vigor of his
language compare very favorably
with those of the elder Roosevelt at
his best. However, it is not for liter
ary style that the article is remark
able, but for its highly instructive
Precisely what such men as Col
onel Roosevelt and General Wood
told us would happen in the event of
war did happen, the writer tells
us. "Thousands of soldiers were
sacrificed by the pacifists in our
government—those bloody priests of
inefficiency," he says. For two years
previous to the declaration of war
by Congress it was apparent to
thousands of clear-thinking Ameri
cans that sooner or later we would
have to get into the conflict. Yet
which way we were headed —did
know as a matter of tact—sat su
' pinely by and did not a thing save
to chatter inanely of "peace without
; victory" and being "too proud to
' fight." And so our men went
> abroad practically unarmed and to
! tally unprepared, save for their oi
1 high courage, splendid initiative
and remarkable intelligence, while
the head of the War Department
told us reassuring things about the
• country's preparedness which later
' he could not prove. And it is these
same "bloody priests of inefficiency"
who are now patting themselves on
the back and asking the people to
retain them in control at Washing
ton because "they won the war."
Captain Roosevelt has voiced the
sentiments that hundreds of other
returning soldiers have expressed,
i It is to be hoped he will continue
the fight. It will never do to face
the possibility of another war as
• helpless as we were at the outstart
of that now drawing to a close.
LEWIS S. SADLER is receiv
ing many gratifying responses
to his inquiry as towhat steps are be
ing taken by firms awarded State
main highway construction contracts
; to advance their work, and there is
, every indication that Governor
; Sproul has more than made good
on his prediction last January that
dirt would be flying on the roads
of Pennsylvania before summer.
The magnitude of the Keystone
State road building program is lit
tle realized by the average Penn
sylvanian. This State has embarked
, upon the greatest enterprise of the
kind in the Union and is going at
the rebuilding of hundreds of miles
of road with all the permanence
' that experience and skill can bring
and all the expedition taught by
war emergencies. First and last it
will spend $150,000,000 in the next
three and a half years, and Commis
sioner Sadler says it will build roads
that will last.
One of the advantages which the
State will enjoy will be that it has
let contracts to some of the best
equipped and reliable firms engaged
in so-called heavy engineering and
construction work in Pennsylvania
and in adjoining States. These peo
ple have already started to begin
work although they only signed
contracts a short time ago.
SPROUL seems to have ex
pressed the feelings of many
people of Pennsylvania as well
as his own when he said that
the Philadelphia controversy should
not be pcrni'"od to interfere
with the whole legislative pro
gram of this session. He re
marked that there are sections of
the Keystone State which arc not
interested in the Philadelphia char
ter bills to the exclusion of all else
and that they also expect something
from the General Assembly of 1919.
The Governor has a terse way of
saying things. He has expressed the
sentiment of the State. Everyone
would like to see conditions com
plained of in Philadelphia corrected
for the good of the greatest num
ber, but the session is nearing the
end of the fourth month and many
things have been sidetracked while
the Quaker City row is aired. There
does not seem to be much reason
1 for any more hearings and the de
mand of the State is unquestionably
for action on Philadelphia bills, just
as years ago the sentiment was for
getting Pittsburgh's troubles ironed
out without involving the represent
atives of the whole Commonwealth.
The contending forces do not seem
to be able to agree on anything.
1 They should go to the mat.
REASSESSMENT of coal lands
appear to be in fashion.
, Washington county is the lat
. est to report coal property valuations
as a campaign issue.
The coal companies, as usual,
make the claim that they are not
now over-assessed and are willing,
• as in Dauphin county, to abide by
[ expert opinion based upon accurate
i surveys of their lands. However
j honest they may be, there is a deep
■ seated conviction in the minds of
> the people that the county treasur
ies have not received their full
quotas from assessable coal deposits
and the whole matter must undergo
a thorough examination at the hands
, of the authorities before the public
, will rest content.
! Nobody wants the coal companies
• to pay one cent more than they
• should. But, on the other hand,
everybody hopes they will be made
i pay to the full, fair share of their
. holdings.
PUBLIC sentiment will support
any steps which may be taken
by the park authorities to pro
' tect the rest places and recreation
spots from the vandals who seem
' to find their chief pleasure in de
stroying shrubbery and otherwise
despoiling what the people have paid
' for and which they have a right to
expect will be protected.
We fear that there is a too preva
lent notion that the young despera
, does wh odestroy public property
are merely getting rid of surplus
energy. Perhaps a large municipal
I wood pile, with saws and axes, to
f which they might be sent by the
? magistrates of the city, would pro
-5 vide a better outlet for any excess
P nervous force which is now being
f expended in breaking light stan
a dards, smashing park seats and de
r stroying the plants and vines which
j are the property of the people.
- Weak policies in the punishment of
1 these young lplscreants are respon
t stble for the increasing disregard
t of regulations. ,
* •
By the Ex-Committeeman
Although the Philadelphia char
ter revision bills may be claiming
the attention of the Legislature,
Pittsburgh be busy debating gigan
tic bond issues and the remnants of
the Democracy in Pennsylvania get
ting ready to fight over who shall
boss the next Presidential delega
tion from this State to the national
convention, there is a good bit go
ing on beneath the surface in State
politics and numerous county fights
are commencing to be heard of.
Indications are that Pennsylvania
will have the usually strenuous year
that precedes a Presidential cam
Incidentally, there is no question
but what Governor William C.
Sproul struck a popular chord when
he declared that the Philadelphia
legislation controversy should not be
| permitted to "muss up" the State
program. The Vare legislators' de
claration against the charter revision
measures right after they were ad
vocated by Senator Penrose and
when the Governor had asserted be
; lief in four cardinal points, has
caused a feeling among legislators
from the interior counties that the
earlier the Philadelphia legislation
is cleared out of the way the better.
—Just as an indication that there
will be plenty doing in Western pol
itics, it may be said that Judge D.
; J. Snyder, ex-Governor Brumbaugh's
, half past the eleventh hour appoin
tee for the bench of Westmoreland
county, will be opposed at the Sep
tember primary by Judge Charles D.
Copeland, of the orphans' court, and
possibly by Charles E. Whltten, pro
minent Greensburg lawyer, both of
whom were urged for appointment.
The latter will be a strong candi
date, it is said.
—ln Berks county, ex-Judge Rob
ert Gray Bushong, a former legisla
tor, will be a candidate for judge.
He is a Republican, lives In Reading
and is highly thought of. Judges
Endlich and Wagner are candidates
for re-election.
—Lehigh will elect its first addi
tional judge under the new act. Ex-
Senators Arthur G. Dewalt and Mil
ton G. Wenninger, Democrats, and
Senator Horace W. Schantz, Repub
lican, are mentioned. There will be
a strenuous fight. Senator Schantz,
who swept Lehigh twice for Senator
in the face of its big Democratic
majority, will be a big factor if he
—The banquet of the Amerlcus
Club, at Pittsburgh, ran true to form
in regard to Republican speeches.
Senator Shermsfn, of Illinois, and
Congressman Mondell, of Wyoming,
making strong declarations. In his
speech Saturday, Senator Sherman
said: "The Democratic party to-day
is a political monarchy. It has prac
tically ceased to possess even remote
vestiges of popular organization, and
its functions are exercised by the
President and a group of satellites
who long ago severed thoir connec
tion with free government. They
now seek to convert the Government
into a socialistic state or Into a
vassal of European powers. The
evidence of one is its draft toward
Government ownership of all great
enterprises of our country."
—The executive committee of the
organization favoring a new consti
tution. is getting busy in the State.
At Pittsburgh the other day this
committee decided to increase its
membership by adding members
from all the Western Pennsylvania
counties and to co-operate with the
Philadelphia committee in a State
convention at Harrisburg May 28.
Correspondence was read which in
dicated considerable interest is be
ing developed in a number of west
ern counties.
—Probably the most expensive
public improvements through bond
issues are planned for the Pittsburgh
district. The city will vote on a
bond issue of over $20,000,000 and
the county, if W gets certain legis
lation, will go in heavy for bridges
and highways.
—Joseph F. Guffy, former Demo
cratic State chairman, is the presi
ident of a new $20,000,000 oil com
pany formed in New York.
—Montgomery county's primary
campaign is on already. There are
several candidates for county com
missioner. Thomas A. Joyce, of
Pittsburgh, has been appointed dep
uty marshal for the Western district
of Pennsylvania by United States
Marshal John F. Short. Mr. Joyce
served in France with the Sixty-
Seventh Coast Artillery Corps and
was recently discharged at Camp
Dix. He was formerly secretary of
the Democratic committee of the
Twenty-Second ward in Pittsburgh.
•—The Philadelphia Inquirer says
the present day Democrats have for
; gotten Thomas Jefferson. The In
quirer declares the recent dinner,
held by Philadelphia Democrats to
celebrate Jefferson's birthday, was
a joke. The Inquirer says: "His
name was scarcely mentioned in the
entire proceedings, and when this
, happened, it must have been painful
to the putative ghost. It was a
Wilson dinner. There is no use in
blinking this fact. Tt is even asserted
i privately that its sole purpose was
to boom Attorney General Palmer
for the Presidential nomination. If
1 this is the case, the appearance of
Secretary Tumulty, "the cataleptic,"
was to get the lay of the land. This
, phase may be ignored for a moment
while attention is drawn to the fact
that Tumulty and all of the speakers
devoted their attention solely to two
matters: Praise of Wilson and con
. damnation of every Republican dead
or alive except Abraham Lincoln,
who, it appears, has been politically
reincarnated in the person of Wood
row Wilson."
Honor to the generous patriotism
of our farmers' sons can be mani
fested by the planting of memorial
trees. Let these trees expressively
point their tops toward heaven!
Upon the return of the,brave sons,
what a pleasing sight they will be
hold as they look upon the attrac
tive and interesting trees planted in
their honor! I am an admirer of
some of the many species of ever
green trees which are beautiful and
pleasing to- the eye at all times of
the year, but especially attractive
during autumn, winter and early
spring. Varieties can be selected
to harmonize with the surroundings,
and thus additional cheer and beauty
will be obtuined. Memorial trees
will be greeted with honor and rev
erence for generations to come,
while the cost is inconsequential,
and the memory of those who fought
and bled in our great and victorious
struggle for liberty, honor and Jus
tice will be preserved, while we
have our personal satisfaction of
doing some deserved good.—(Oliver
D. Schock, Harrisburg, Pennsyl
vania; from American Agricultur
ist. New Yorl^.
H' r
: c-0> • I Mo You cam't Takc'cm
: vk~ ~ OFF YET-, it M.sht . WW
crJ:?, TO Turnj-vcry CQLD - ./ .
%L <r '/ Kmevu a Boy "That Took fgx;
TyVX ' O ■ I / Hl-5 OFF Yoo 500(0 AMD
i v/oL <• '' I he Took, cold anjD
Dli-D— /
Roosevelt on Liberty Loans J
"Long after this war is over, we j
shall continue in the struggle to j
achieve liberty for all mankind. To j
do it effectively, we must bind our-j
selves together as a nation, and |
there is no surer bond between a
man and his country than that he
shall be bondholder of his countiV."
"To own bonds of the United
States is a badge of honor."
"There should be Liberty Bonds
in every home in America."
"I appeal most earnestly to the
i men and women of America to lend
their money to the government, and
to do it now!"
"I myself have invested in these
bonds. There is every reason for
buying them. The patriotic reason
is enough. But, in addition, there is
offered the best security in the
, world, backed by the credit of the
government and people of the United
"The outstanding and fundamental
need of the government, without
' which nothing can be accomplished,
is money, in large surps and small." |
"Let us introduce into the work of!
peace something of the spirit ouri
soldiers introduced into the work of
"I hope you farmers will inlist in
this field with a will. Make it a
people's loan. Make the terms
"bondholders" And "people" inter
"Buy Liberty Bonds—the security
is the best in the world."
"Do not let Wall Street monopolize i
the financing of the war—and, if
you do, then do not blame Wall
Street but admit that it is more
patriotic and farsighted than you
"It is the duty of every man and
) of every woman in this country who
3 can possibly afford to do so to buy
3 Liberty Bonds."
3 "All should do their bit in sub
i scribing to this loan. Wall Street
l has been criticised many times. They
i call them bondholders. If the people
1 of this country don't accept these
? bonds. Wall Street will. Let us peo
- pie get them first!"
' [Philadelphia Bulletin]
A last a bill has been passed which
might have been entitled one "to en-'
* able the citizens of Pennsylvania to
' discover what their authorities are
J doing." Actually it provides that
there shall be only biennial reports
' of various departments, bureaus and
' commissions, but that the text shall
' be sent to the Governor by the first
of June in each odd-numbered year, f
and after printing to be distributed
only on his order.
This will accomplish two things,
i In the first place, there will be econ
omy, which is now becoming a vir
! tuel In the second place, official
reports of Pennsylvania will begin to
' have some contemporary value. Un- j
! der past conditions reports were usu- |
ally as dead as Hector by the time ]
' they were published, and an amazing j
" amount of useless volumes were |
■ printed only to find their way to the j
i junk-heap.
f Governor Sproul intends a good j
. deal more than the law specifies. He j
I expects officials to be prompt and j
f concise in their reports, and he is!
5 not going to waste ink and paper. |
r Pennsylvania has a number of excel- i
1 lent agencies at work concerning;
, which the public knows nothing. Re- |
r ports come late and are ignored by |
3 newspapers as lacking news value.
But the Governor, who is a news- j
, paperman, one of his private avoca-1
, Hons, is aware that with,intelligently I
t directed industry there can be pub
s lishcd almost any document or book
- in a short time, provided there is
b first the willing mind. The latter
f has been lacking. The law now sup
r plies an impetus and the Governor
- must do the rest. A little of this
- Sproul idea at AVaehington also,
would accomplish otifhcles.
1 1 !
Front the 'Literary Digest
; . ——
THE Tambourine-Girl of the Sal
vation Army has been voted
about as expensively useless as
charity bazaars in other fields for
raising the necessary funds for the
Army's work. ■ Commander Evange
line Booth has decided that her time
is better employed in the day nur
series that the Army rups; and, be
sides, the American people have been
educated by the war in quicker and j
more effective methods of raising |
funds for necessary relief-work. The
Salvatipn Army will soon start a I
drive for the "Home-Service Fund" |
of, $ 1 3,-000,000, beginning May 19, i
and it is going to get its money by
straight appeals to the public. The )
word of every returning soldier is a j
guaranty that these appeals will not!
be-in vain. The Sun sheds some;
light on this forthcoming effort:
"Maybe some folk will be asking
why, when the Salvation Army got i
a slice from the millions raised by j
the.United War Charities drive, it;
\vants more so soon. Well, in the!
first place, the slice the Army re-1
! ceived wasn't very large, considering i
the millions of doughnuts and pies j
it baked for our boys on the other |
side, and the chocolate and coffee!
and cigarets and writing paper and |
other comforts almost without end j
that it provided, not to mention the J
personal service of its workers every- j
where they were needed, right up to |
the front. And in the second place
the work over here that the war
couldn't bo allowed to interrupt must
go right on.
"An Italian boy who fought and
I earned two wound-stripes with the
troops that helped break the Hin
denburg line faced a Salvation Army .
lass who was giving out doughnuts
and hot coffee to some just-landed
men on a Hoboken pier one day last
week. 'Say,' he burst forth with his
mouth full of doughnut, 'is that club
i you had for mothers at 94 Cherry
street still goin'? 'Cause if it ain't
my mother is sure awful lonely. She
started goin' there when she couldn't
speak no English hardly, and it was
about all the sociability she had,
those meetin's of yours. My mother
The boss is keeping tab, my son,
He marks out out every curve;
And if you do not earn your mon,
' You'll get what you deserve;
I If you are sprightly only
When your weekly wage you grab,
You'll shortly join the jobless men—
The boss is keeping tab.
Perhaps you fool around at night.
And paint the village red.
When you'd be wiser sleeping tight,
In your nice feathered bed;
When you are dead upon your feet,
I When you to duty go:
You make a snail look pretty fleet,
Your moments are so slow;
Your eyes look like a total loss.
You have a taste that's drab;
You cannot put such things across—
The boss is keeping tab.
Perhaps your thoughts have roamed j
| From work you ought to do;
| You're thinking of some movie star j
I Who made a hit with you,
! Or of a joy-ride you will take,
j When this sad day is done;
! Or of a shady way to make
J A little bunch of mon;
• Or of a large planked tenderloin,
I That you at night will stab;
| T'were better far to earn your coin—
: The boss is keeping tab.
| And then, perhaps, on the other
hand, ,
| You're working like old Jo;
| Yftu're hustling round to beat the
! To make the business grow,
I And there is vigor in your walk,
I Your movements are not dead:
j You do not pause to watch the clock, |
And count the hours ahead.
■ Success for you is looming plain; |
j Some big prize you will nab.
The worker does not work in vain—
The boss is keeping tab.
—Kdward A. Taylor, Ship Worker,
in the Harlan News. #
ain't much to write, so I didn't hear
nothin' while I was on the other side
about that club o' yourn, and I says
to myself, says I, "It's sure a pity
if, seein' all they're doin' for us boys,
the Salvation Army has had to give
up what they done at home.' "
" 'The club's flourishing, and so's
the. settlement house and the kin
dergarten and everything at 94
I Cherry street,' the worker answered,
I and a happy grin welled up under
| the perspiration on the lad's face
as he -pitched his haversack and tin
I hat and other burdens to a more
| comfortable position and passed on ]
I with his pals.
I "That colloquy just shows the spe
j cial charm of the Salvation Army i
! and the reason for the hold it has
;on the masses—no red tape, no j
| standoffishness, no 'side,* just sim
ple friendliness and the desire to
serve, and the wit to serve in the
] most practical and needed way.
; While they were braving shot and
j shell and bpmbs and poison-gas to
j carry comforts to the boys on the
I Hindenburg line they didn't neglect
to give encouragement to the moth
| ers in Cherry street —and goodness
: knows that if ever any one needed
| encouragement it is housewives in
| Cherry street. Down in that street,
j which was once the most aristo
| cratic part of the town, where the
| beaux and belles of Colonial times
disported themselves, where the 'best
families' lived, as some of the beau
tiful carved woodwork that still re
mains here and there in the old
houses, though sadly battered, at
tests—there are now great poverty,
great overcrowding, large families
I huddling in one flat, and taking in
boarders at that.
"And the babies! In one year the
Cherry Hill Settlement Day Nursery
cared for 14,000 babies, whose moth
ers go out to work, who but for the
Salvation Army would be locked in
at home alone, or left to the mercies
of brothers or s'sters hardly old
enough to look out for themselves."
The Cherry Hill Settlement work
for mothers, while another home
looks after young women.
A Trainlocid of Tragedy
[Mrs. Joseph I-indon Smith in the
Youth's Companion.]
The last convoy that I saw at
Evian (the French border town
where the civilians from the terri
tory occupied by the Germans were
repatriated) was one of children,
three or four hundred of them, many
quite young. Most of their mothers
were held in Germany. They were
emaciated beyond belief.
J joined a girl about 15 years old,
with a terrible calm about her. There
was a golden halo of hair round her
head; she had gentle, sweet man
ners and voice. I longed to put my
I arm around her and try to make
I her a girl again, but that was Im
possible. There was another girl of
17, I should say, with a beautiful
face, but she was quite crazy. A
j number of the children were lying
jin the train waiting for burial. They
were mostly girls between 15 and
I 18, and perhaps it is for the best that
I their troubles were at an end.
A French officer, with a look of
intense agony in his face, distracted
my attention from the children. I
stopped beside him. "What is it?" I
asked almost involuntarily. "My
wife has just died in the enemy's
hands, also my girl of 17 at last.
Thank God! Three times 1 have
been here to meet my boys, whom I
have not seen for four years. They
were 2 and 3 years old then, and to
-1 day " he paused, with a look of
I horror in his face. "Not dead?" I
I asked, Reeling 1 could not stand the
I answer. "No; but they do not know
I me, their fnther .whose soul yearns
for them. I thought I was prepared
for everything the enemy could do
to me, but this is unbearable." And
he broke into convulsive weeping,
completely unnerved-
APRIL 28, 1919.
The Employers' Industrial Com
mission of the United States Depart
ment of Labor, just returned from
England, makes public these find
1. Employers in Great Britain I
generally recognize the desirability t
of bargaining collectively with labor, i
2. Employers nearly all agree i
that collective bargaining should al- i
ways be undertaken between asso- t
ciations of employers and the regu- i
larly established well-organized trade f
unions. While many manufacturers 11
welcome organizations of workmen j (
in their factories (shop or works |;
committees), they want to limit thO| }
activities of such bodies to purely j i
local grievances, and decidedly de-
sire that the committee members I s
come under the discipline of their j)
unions. |,
3. Most employers freely recog-: 1
tiize the right of labor to organize: ! j
they regard organization as greatly j
contributing to the stability of in- ,
dustry., Some large manufacturers j
declare that they wish to see every .
workman within the unions, so that !
they must all come under organiza- j
tion control. Others feel that 100
per cent, organization might lead to (
dangerous types of universal strikes (
and lockouts. The more conserva
tive employers appear to make no '
effort to help along organizations of ,
labor, merely dealing with such or
ganizations when they appear on the
4. Employes in Great Britain are
divided in sentiment shading from
those who want to maintain the
trade unions along the regularly es
tablished so-called "constitutional"
lines to ultraradical socialists.
5. Employes are nearly a unit,
however, in expressing opposition to
the use of force. The most radical
who desire "now" a complete over
turning of trie present social struc
ture, usually admit on close ques
tioning that "now" may mean many
years. They want to "start" now.
Practically none appear to approve
of a sudden change as in Russia.
6. Employes of the ultraradical
type look askance at collective bar
gaining and organizations of labor
and capital. They freely express the
view that they do not wish harmony
between employes and employers,
since harmony would help to con
tinue the present system of society.
7. Employes of the more conser
vative type (and to your commission
ers they appear to represent the vast
majority of British workmen) are
largely in accord with employers in
the desire (1) to head off labor un
rest at this period: (2) to strengthen
the unions by holding members un
der control; (3) to increase produc
tion for the sake of the Nation,
workmen included —with no restric
tion on output except as it affects
the health of the worker: (4) to
leave control of business policies in
the hands of those managing the
8. Government officials appear to
be uniformly of the opinion that the
Government should function in la
' hor unrest only as an absolutely last
I unavoidable resort. On the other
! hand, they maintain the right of the
| Government to step in when neces
jsary in order to protect public inter
ests against minorities which try to
force their terms upon the people.
9. In general the Government,
and most employers and conserva
tive employes appear to be agreed:
That the spirit of co-operation be
tween labor and capital is highly de
That the spirit of conciliation is
important for the benefit of the em
ploye in preserving his regularly or
ganized unions.
That in collective bargaining the
right-minded employer will not at
tempt to return to the pre-war in
dustrial era, and that the right
minded employe will not attempt to
crowd his demands to the point at
| which the stimulus for private busi
ness enterprise would disappear.
The spirit of a genuinely better
new (and not novel) era is thus be
ing fostered by widely varied ele
ments of Great Britain's industrial
| system.
i Through the rain and through the
Through the dark, bespattered blood,
Through the sickening mire and
stench, <
Out upon the open trench,
I To entanglements and back,
Brightened by the starry track,
Where the blood was oozing red.
Over heaps and heaps of dead,
I have fought my way along,
Buoyed by some little song.
Where the grass was sere and dry,
1 Creeping slowly, slowly by.
Oft before the break of day.
There would come my lonely way
Squads of men with fiendish will,
Trained to hunt and spy and kill;
Often when the sun had set.
1 Showing things in silhouette,
I have started up to find,
Burning in my frenzied mind,
Fancied voices, fancied things,
All my strange imaginings.
! Still I hummed my little song,
Through the right and through the
And it kept my spirits high.
While I watched the millions die.
The Lithuanian Language
In richness of vocabulary the
Lithuanian language is on'y equaled
by the English. Many of its sev
enty-five thousand words are almost
identical with the corresponding
Greek, Latin or Sanskrit words. So
well have some of the primitive
characteristics of the language been
1 preserved in the undisturbed back
waters of Lithuania that, if it were
possible for the Romans and Greeks
( to rise from their graves, they would
it is said, have little difficulty in un
: derstanding whole sentences as
spoken by the Lithuanians to-day,
while these could just as easily un
derstand some of the phrases of the
Sanskrit. The language seems to
have nothing in common with the
Slavic or German. Although the
Lithuanians were surrounded for
, centuries by Russian, German and
Polish influences, they managed to
, preserve their speech in its original
purity.—From the Detroit News.
Will We See It Through.
Did you read what that Kansas
City sergeant said when he landed in
New York yesterday about the way
' the men on the transport felt when
they first saw the light of America?
"There wasn't a yell or a cheer.
You can't yell when your heart feels
like it's going to bust. We'd been
i out there and we'd been smashed up
—and we did some smashing our
selves—and when we glimpsed the
home lights—well, we knew that
stuff was over forever. Suppose
some of 'em did blubber a little.
I Who wouldn't?"
Who wouldn't?
And who wouldn't back up the fel
lows like Sergeant Eisel? Who
i wouldn't see the job through with
i his dollars as they did with their
i lives?
I Will Kansas City go over the top
, this week? We'll say so! Ex
■ ■
Eimtittg (Mfat
While considerable merriment ha®
been caused at the State Capitol bjl
the appearance of bills providing
certain closed seasons for the skunk,
the muskrat and other animal*
more or less unfavorably known,
the fact is that men have been writ*
ing to people connected with thl
State government that unless stel>d
are taken before long in that dlrec
tion, these animals will be as rara
as the beaver and for the same rea
son. High prices of furs, war de
mands and foreign trade havd
caused a boom in the business oC
supplying the skins of these littl®
beasts and they have been cleared
out of districts where they were apt
to interfere with comfortable camp
ing or outing trips and the hunters
have all but exterminated them in
several counties. In some sections
of the State where they used to ba
a nuisance, they are now raised with
as much care as hogs and the skunlc
farm has become a profitable enter
prise. Two bills on the subject have)
come from widely separated sections
of the State and men behind them
agree in the reasons. These bills
Would prevent the animals from be
| ing hunted between March 1 and
November 15. One bill has been
changed so that even the hunting
can be only by means of traps or
"dead falls," as they are known,
while another forbids the taking of
the animals by shooting or smoking
out with chemicals, while the favor
ite pastime of boys all over the
State of digging out muskrats is
forbidden entirely. Where the ani
mals become a nuisance, they may
be killed just as a farmer may kilt
deer or bear when destroying crops
or orchards. Literally thousands of
muskrats, which used to furnish
amusement for boys along the Sus
quehanna watershed and along
smaller streams in the State, are
now hunted for their pelts and the
polecat, instead of being an object
of fear, is sought with eagerness
for his fur.
• *
The question of just what th®
Federal Railroad Administration is
going to permit in the way of aboli
tion of grade crossings in Pennsyl
vania this year bids fair to assume
an acuate stage in a short time. Re
cently, urgent representations were
made at Washington by officials of
the Public Service Commission that
some of the crossings condemned
and for whose abolition had been
approved be undertaken. The Wash
ington people contended only minor
work sliouUl be taken up. Lately,
there has becyi such an increase of
automobile traffic with resultant
dangers and the State has adopted
a policy of getting rid of crossings
or. main highways as soon as pos
sible. A dozen or more have been
complained of.
• • *
The controversy over the methods
of abolishing the grade crossings in
Derry township, between Hummels
town and Hershey, where the Will
iam Pcnn State highway crosses tho
Philadelphia and Reading railroad,
will be heard Anally by the Public
Service Commission on Thursday.
This matter was started by the Pub
lic Service Commission almost two
years ago. It filed complaint that
the crossings were dangerous, but
the war came on and railroad ex
penditures were curtailed. Mean
while plans were made by the Stat®
and the railroad and neither set ap
peared to meet approval of residents
of that section and a series of con
ferences and hearings has been held,
with Commissioner John S. Rilling
sitting. It is now hoped to have a
final proposition made to the Com
mission. so that an order can be
made and the matter taken up with
the Railroad Administration. The
travel over the highway is increas
ing rapidly because of automobile
travel to Harrlsburg.
• • *
Considerable gratification was ex
pressed in Harrieburg and through
out the State generally when th®
decision of Judge K. M. Landis, of
the United States court at Chicago,
that the Postmaster General did not
have authority to fix telephone rates
was reported. People connected with
the State government and the Legis
lature commended it. This decision
is squarely in line with the opinion
of President Judge Kunkel, of tli®
Dauphin county courts, which in tha
language of a man at Washington,
"has given the Federal officials
more trouble than anything else
said on the subject." The Kunkel
opinion is regarded as an important
announcement on State's rigrits and
was much referred to in the argu
ment before the United States Cir
cuit court at Pittsburgh last Mon
day, when the Attorney General,
who brought the action which Judge
Kunkel decided in favor of the Com
monwealth. appeared in the Burle
son suit. The opinion was discussed
at length by the judges and lawyers.
• •
"And now the cherry trees ara
said to have suffered from the cold
snap. Thus far, every kind of fruit
has been reported to have been
killed, but when we send out men
to look it up, they come hack and
report very little damage done," said
a State official to-day. "If you will
take trees or a crop such as we have
to follow up and observe there is
little damage, except retardation,
ever found following windy
weather such as we have had."
—Speaker Robert S. Spnngler ha*
been named on the committee ta
welcome York veterans.
Judge Eugene C. Bonniwell will
be given a reception by Philadelphia
Sons of the American Revolution
1 this week.
—Colonel Fred Taylor Pusey,
Quartermaster of the Keystone Di
vision, used to be a member of tho
Governor's staff. He was quarter
master of the division on Mexican
border service.
—Frank Wilbur Main, auditor el
the Pittsburgh Chamber of Com
merce, has been made a member of
the national committee on
—The Rev. Dr. S. Hall Youngfr
who may be the next Presbyterian
General Assembly moderator, is a
native of Butler and now living on
i the Yukon.
—Harrlsburg mills made steel
for cargo ships during tho war.
—Ground was broken for the new
' Capitol just 100 years ago this week.
Paul Tells of Early Unbelief
And T thank Christ Jesus our
i Lord, who hath enabled me, for that
he counted me faithful, putting me
into the ministry; who was before
blasphemer, and a persecutor, and
injurious; but I obtained mercy, be
cause I did it ignorantly in unbelief,
—I Timothy, 1, 12 and 13. i