Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 25, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 The Geary-McCullough Wedding at Cape May Edward L. Geary. 102 4 Green street and Miss Emma McCullough, 416 Harris street, were married , Wednesday, 23, in the First Presbyterian Church o£ Cape May City, X. J., by the ,Kev. Curtis O. Bosserman, formerly pastor of the Covenant Presbyterian Church of this city. Following a wedding journey Mr. and Mrs Geary will be at home to their friends after May 15 at 1525 Franklin Tlace. Local Men Attending Fishermen's Reunion William R. Dcnehey, Frank E. Cook. Frank Nead, E. L. Cowden and G. D. Cook of this city, loft yesterday for Baltimore to spend several days at the annual reunion of the Ramb lers Fishing Club. Some time in Juno of each year the club, comprising men of Baltimore, Washington. New York and this city take a vacation t Wachaprague, Cedar island, along the Chesapeake, where they have a wonderful clubhouse. ENTERTAINS A. T. O. CLUB Mrs. 1. It. llollenbagh entertained the A. T. O. ('lull at her home, 2129 Reel street, on Thursday afternoon. The time was spent in a most in formal way. and refreshments were served to these members: Mrs. J. Rosenberg, Mrs. .1. MoKeluin, Mrs. C. Guttrhall. Mrs. J. M. Gibbons and Mrs. William Kraim. TREES aria PLANTS FOR ALL PURPOSES CONSULT OUR LANDSCAPE DEPARTMENT FLOWERS . FOR ALL OCCiS/O ON DISPLAY AT OUR FLOWER SHOP \ ThePprryhill LOCUST ST. AT SECOND r~ a Dinner Friday Evening, April 25 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 .\. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50c Clxint ( houilf r Cnlf I.iver—Pork Cliop < plain) llakcd Ml ad—■ ( oxt*t Hoof 3lxinliml or Lyonnatae Potato?* SuerolxiMli—-Stewed Tomato?* Mutr*e Ice i renin. Pic or Pudding to Hoc. Tea or t ucua % , CANDY Mc>nl m r r ' oilfc a Mtxindard. made up to chxit * Sl xtandard. Aa. \ So delieioiiM and /v\ I l re itfOitiNC they xi re hoiaemade, fri*n<lf 1 f you haven't tried tlieiu. there is a real eatid.v trout In afore tor you. The special* tor thin week-cud are: Pen nut Clu*ter Freali roanted peanut* cliiNtered into rieh *\veet ohocolxi to. npeeixil xit the lb. Almond sheet Fresh roasted almond* imbedded in tliiek *weet choeolxite, speeiul xit 00? Hi. Coeoannt Clunter* Shredded eoeoxitnit mixed uitli rieli xueet ehoeolnte, *peeinl xit -Wc 111. • MESSIMER'S The IYoii*e of ilomemxide Candle* Til 11(1) ST. AT ll|<lt;t;S The Browns Again Hold Forth ''How well you're looking lately, Alice," remarked Brown as he selected a cigar from the box and, lighting it, studied his wife through the smoke wreaths. Mrs. Brown-raised her brows question ingly. She certainly did look charming in her dark beauty beneath the soft glow of the lamp. '"I mean your color." explained Brown. "Your cheeks are really pink." "Oh, that's it." exclaimed Mrs. Brown. "You've got Mary Sachs to thank for that. 1 dropped into her shop the other day and picked up this pretty little green frock for a song. She explained why it was just the right tint for me. And, sure enough, you've noticed it. It seems she's been making a study of the effect of vari ous colors on different complexions, and green, she said, would heighten a brun ette's color." And beneath her husband's frankly ad miring gaze, Mrs. Brown's cheeks took on a tint that couldn't altogether be ascribed to the effect of her green dress. She was coloring with pleasure. 219 y\ JSOTE—MY STORK CI.OSES AT / \ \ SIX O'CLOCK SATURDAYS. / / FRIDAY EVENING, HAMUSBURQ WW TELEQKXPH APRIL 25, 1919. INTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL SPRING RECITAL | ON ZION ORGAN ! First of Series Starts Tomor row With William S. Brctz in Excellent Program j The first of a series of six spring ; organ recitals will be given in Zion | Lutheran Church, Saturday afternoon, j April 26, at 4 o'clock, by William E. i Rretz, who succeeded the late Edwin |J. Pecevee as organist. He will be I assisted by Mrs. Edwin J. Pecevee. | soprano soloist, and director of Zion I choir. I The program follows: : I—"Pastoral Suite" Demarest i a. "Sunrise." b. "Rustic Dance." i "Minset." j d. "Thanksgiving." 1 3—"At Twilight" Stebbins 1 3—Aria, for soprano. "With Verdure ! Clad." Haydn (from "The Crea j lion" i ! (—1- uga, "Alia Handel." Alex Guilniant •" —"In Springtime" Kinder : (!—Toccata in l> major Kinder | The recital Saturday afternoon. May 13, will be given by Mrs. John R. Ilenry, organist of Market Square Presbyterian Church, assisted by Roy | Matbias, basso, soloist of Bethlehem I Toil hi ran Church. Collection Plates Are Presented to Church I The Summerdale M. E. Church gave an interesting entertainment, on Sun ' day evening, with Mrs. W. E. Bru- I Inker and Mrs. R. W. Wingert inj I charge. . ' I The Rev. C. Myers, pastor, baptized I eight persons before the exercises, jand the church was so crowded that| many people were unable to obtain admission. _ „ Class No. 4. taught by Mrs. n. ii i Rrtibaker. presented tlie church with 'two beautiful collection plates, which j were greatly needed and much appre ciated. „ , ("in May 15 Class No. 4 will hold a package and food sale ror the benefit |of the fund for the purchase of new ! pulpit furniture. On May 27 the 'Ladies' Aid Society will conduct en J apron sale, the proceeds of which 'will be devoted to church repairs.- IIOI.D DINNER DANCE ' The Easter dinner dance at the Oo ' lonia I Club, last evening, was a de ! tided success. Over sixty of the I members and their friends were pres ent for the dinner and an additional I number of guests arrived tor the .dance. The Epdegrove orchestra I played during the dinner and for the j dancing. i GI.OVES CLEANED FREE H. C. Mattern, of 404 North Sec ■ ond street, proprietor of the Valet, wishes to announce that he will ! clean for any lady a short pair of white gloves free, provided she has never had any done here before. > This introductory offer is made I simply to get you acquainted with j this modern dry-cleaning house.— I adv. Funeral Designs Special A Beautiful Spray for §2.00 A Handsome Wreath for $5.00 ; Keeney's Flower Shops SI I X. 3d St.. ir7 X. Front St., i llxirrisbnrtf. Steelton. IRISH DANCERS IN "VICTORY FROLICS" BENEFIT NURSERY HOME the Orpheum as a benefit for the Nursery Home. One of the most interesting groups is that of the Irish dancers. HONOR SOLDIER I LEAVING SERVICE; Levi (). Bolton Greeted by | Large Party of Friends and j Neighbors at Home LEVI O. BOLTUX Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bolton, 1862 ; Walnut street, surprised their son ' Levi, who was discharged from mil- j itary service April 14th, after serv- j ing overseas eight months. Six of j his friends were attired in mili- j tary uniform, which added color to j the occasion, and the decorations J throughout the house being of red, j white and blue. Supper was served from 7 to 10 i p. m., 70 young and old participating, i Sergeant LeKoy Gramm, Privates j Kay Kyer, Simon Beech, Kalph Stauf- j fer, Berlin llockenbury. Edwin Sun- I day and Levi O. Bolton, kept everyone in smiles with thrilling accounts of "going over the top" and life in) the trenches. Among those present: were the Rev. i and Mrs. A. E. Hangen, Mr. and Mrs. ' W. E. Rickert, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. i Urich, Mr. and Mrs. L. Booda, Mr. 1 and Mrs. C. R. Bart ley, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ober- j dier, Mrs. and Mrs. T. Eisenhart, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brickley, Mr. and Mrs. ( Harry Sherk, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Show- ' ers. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Curtis. Misses Jean J Hardy, Mildred Erdley, B. Melvin, j Anna Stoner, E. Rudy, Olive Smith. ) Odessa Smith, Esther Ebersole, Grace , McKelvey, N'cllie Rhine-smith. Blanch 1 Pruss, Sara Wonders. Etta Mengle,j Mary Robbins. of Camden, X. J.; Margaret Keyer, Philadelphia; Marie Gerhardt, Kathryn Bolton. Luke! Wierlek, Ressler Schultz, George An- ' derson, Alton Seibert, Harry Smith, ; "Billie" Bux, Donald and Curtis j Brickley, Samuel Eisenhart, Harry j Smith, H. H. Aronson, of New York;' Leland Booda, Jr., Mrs. W. P. Gramm, Mrs. Ada Merltle, Mrs. Ray Keyer, Mrs. Rodenhaver, Mrs. Bux, of Phila- - dclphia: George Bartley and William C. Gramm. Mrs. William Meinel, of Chicago,: formerly Miss Mary Groff of this city, is visiting her cousins, Mr. and - Mrs. Ralph Irving Diehl, at Pax tang. Miss Sylvia Rose Claster and Miss, Reba Mallinson, of Dallas, Texas, j Goueher College students, came from j Baltimore to spend the weekend with ! Mr. and Mrs. "tfoseph Claster, Second' and Briggs street. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bishop j who are stopping at the National Hotel, Meclianicsburg, have gone j to Atlantic City for a little outing. Mrs. George B. Kunkel, of Locust street, is enjoying a week's stay in New York City. Miss Miriam Cocklin, of Walnut' street, has resumed her studies at Hood College, Frederick, Md., after spending the Easter vacation in town. Miss Almeda Herman, of North Front street, spent several days this week with friends in Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gruell, who were married at Easte*- are home after a short wedding trip and are residing at Cove for the summer. Mrs. Clarence Zarger. 2025 North Fifth street, spent yesterday with her father, D. S. Leedy, of Marys- Mrs. Arthur King Kunkel, Miss Lvdla Kunkel and Arthur King Kun kel, Jr., are home after an Easter stay with friends in Mercersburg. Mrs. J. M. Jackson, of Arlington, N. J„ has returned home after a pleas ant visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gor gas Hicks, of North Third street. Mrs. ICdwiu J. Deeevee is home after a brief trip to Millersburg on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thomas went to Jersey City to-day for a little visit among relatives and old friends. Miss Louise Hickok, of 119 State street, is home after visiting her grandmother. Mrs. Daniel H. Hast ings, in Bellefonte. GIRLS TO POSE IN FAIRY TALES | Junior Aids Giving Tableaux and Dance in Civic Club i Saturday Night Members of the Junior Aid So-; ciety are making final arrangements for their big benefit entertainment in the Civic Club to-morrow even-j ing. First of all will come the tableaux from well known fairy tales, includ ing scenes from "Cinderella,", "Beauty and the Beast," "Snow j White and Kose lted," "All Baba," j "Blue Beard," "Aladdin and His, Wonderful Lamp." Jn the pictures will be Misses Rebecca Johnston, Martha Chad wick, Betty Oenslager, J Eleanor Bailey, Nancy Campbell, ! Kathryn Rutherford, Margaret Keis j ter, Harriet Gilbert, Sara Bailey and) j Mary Louise Hubley. j Cards for the older folks, dancing ! to the music of Sourbeer's orchestra | for those who desire it and flowers,, | punch, cake and Ice cream on sale; | by members of the various commit j tees will help swell the treasury iof the Junior Aids who act as an j auxiliary to the Associated Aids So-1 | ciety, especially in the care of the I little ones in need of help. VISITS CITV P. Borwitz, of Toledo. Ohio, is vis- 1 Ring Mr. and Mrs. John Horwitz, 1141: j South Cameron street. Mr. Horwttz j i is president of one of the large Toledo ' ! synogogues and will speak at one of i j the local places of worship to-nior : row. He leaves for Baltimore Sunday, j j Mrs. Charles It. Kect. of 9tt Green J ) street, is visiting friends in Philadel- i ! phia this week. Edgar Young and Pirnon B. Young j : went home to Pittsburgh this morn- j ling after a week's visit with their i i relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Emmons j Black, of North Third street. | Mrs. John C. Booth, of ::01 Verbeke | | street, and Mrs. Charles B. PpofTord. ! |of Chestnut street, are in Atlantic ■ I City for a few days. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Gibson, of i 1525 North Second street, are home ■ . after an Easter trip to New Y'ork I city. Sergeant Charles Reneker, a mem-1 j her of the Forty-second (Rainbow) I Division, sent word to his sister. Miss I i Elizabeth Reneker. 1810 North Fifth i I street stating that he had landed in New Yotk. ' | jFy~ r Just telephone us for I f those Victor Records j [ Any time you want Victor Records quickly, I \o call us-up and we'll get them to you in a jitfy. :/ Prompt service is a hobby with us, and we / are always ready to send our representative to / nlav any records you may select. Hear theni over the telephone. We would be glad j to play them for you. \ C.M.Sigler, Inc. Second Street ' W A P ex Electric /SUA ifrJr- Does Your Work ' - fPjli Quicker —Better—Easier And With Less Wear v Than Others We Phased to show you EASY PAYMENTS NEIDIG BROS., LTD. 2l South Second St. , MOTHER STORIES ON THE PROGRAM Mrs. Delhi's Mother Songs i Sung by Mrs. Decevec in Charming Style j The annual evening of "Mother Stories" by members ot' the Story Tellers League was given last cven ' ing at Harrisburg Conservatory of • Music, with Mrs. Harry G. KefTer presiding, and extending cordial : greetings to the audience. | There was an added interest given i the program in the charming sing- I ing by Mrs. Edwin J. Decevee of a 'group of "Mother Songs" written by ' Mrs. Edna Groff Delhi, from her i book coming front the press early in May. (if those ttine songs, Mrs. Decevee chose "The Fairy Ring," "Mother Desire" and "The Colicy Matt," the latter making the hit of the even ing. Mrs. Decevee preceded her singing with an apt little talk on the power of song in the home, i Among the stories, all told in de -1 light fttl fashion, were "The Four Leaf clover and "The Rich Uncle," by Mrs. Enterlinc: "Concerning | Angels," Miss Grace Witmer, of Me ; cbanicsburg: "Tito Princess Who i Could Not Be Silent," Mrs. Mary Snyder Rowland; and "A Parable of I Faith," Miss Alice Cnsack. Mrs. ' Charles J. Wood. Jr., told an orig ; inal tale, "The Last Quarter" and ; Mrs. Edna GrolT Delhi gave a talk |on "The Mystery of Life." TO RESIDE IN WEST i Lieutenant and Mrs. Eugene C. ; Sanderson left Wednesday bv motor for Chicago, where they will reside ; temporarily. Mrs. Sanderson was j formerly Miss Eleanor Walter, i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles ! P. Walter. SI" North Sixth street, 1 and widely known as tin instructor I in dancing and French. Tuesday evening Mrs. William j Chronister, 402 North Second street. ; entertained at cards in compliment !to Mrs. Sanderson, followed by a | midnight supper. Those present i were; Lieutenant and Mrs. Sander son, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Onle dine. Miss Margaret James, Miss i Brytie Hartman, Miss Betty James, Ray Denk, '"liarles Gorgas and Mr. 'and Mrs. William Chronister. Announce Engagement on Miss Harris' Birthday, Mrs. llarry Shuey, 214 North Second | street, entertained last evening In celebration of the birthday anniver sary of Miss Kern Harris, of Knots. J The house was artistically decorated, , a pink color scheme predominating. The clever little bonbonnieres were of pink and blue, and the table center was graced with a mass of pink sweet peas and yellow daisies. The surprise of the evening cutne when each guest received a bouquet of roses and sweet peas bearing a card announcing the engagement of Miss Harris to James I'ostello, of Gary, Ind. The bride-to-be is a daughter of Mrs. ,1. J. Harris, of Enolu. and is employed as a stenographer at the st.iti' Y. M. C. A. oltlces. Mr. Costel lo is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James l\ ('ostello, 50 North Seventeenth street. 1 he wedding will be an event of the early summer. Those present at the announcement party were Miss Esther Wise, Miss I Muhle Belts, Miss Nerissa Sadler Miss Esther Gruber, Miss Florence Foster, Miss Helen Young. Miss Virginia Cos teilo, Miss Delia ("ostello, Miss Bertha Hautr and Airs. William Stewart. WED IV CAPE 01 AY Miss Emma I*. McCullough, 416 Har ris street, and Edward U Geary, 162 1 Green street, were united in marriage! on Wednesday at the First Presbv-! trrian Church, of Cape May, N. j., the Rev. Curtis O. Bossercnan, pastor; c! toe church, end former pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church, of this I city, officiating. 1 IWitmer, Bair & Witmer 1 WALNUT NEAR SECOND | Extraordinary Specials g I _ I | for Saturday | !In conjunction with our special showing of "Sport Wear" for Summer, including satin and charmeuse capes and wraps, velvet capes, bombenette capes and cape coats and combi- P*j nations, "SPORT WEAR" Top Skirts in fantasi, tricolette, I fan-tan—shark's skin, crepe de chine and many other strik ing summer novelty silks. | ' Thirty-four Suits ~ I I 1 Taken from onr regular stock at -t /-t 1-3 oft regular prices. [ / TV.p_p 10 Blue Suits —11 Black Suits \ Oil / 13 Light shades in tan and gray \ Oil j One to five suits in all sizes from x \ 16 to 50/> —stock prices) 7" 1 $22.50 $27.50 $32.50 | 1 $39.75 to $49.75 I One third off regular prices j ; 1 i Specials in Blouses and | | Petticoats . | Lingerie Blouses in New shipment of Complete line of Batiste and Voiles, French Voiles, with Mourning Blouses in colored or white, Spc- Val. lace trimming, soft silks and satins, cial, $1.95 $5.50 | $3.95 to $7.50 Tailored Blouses in j Tailored Shirts of Novelty Blouses in plain white'or assorted heavy tub silk, assort- Georgette combina stripes, $2.95 and led stripes. ' Special, j tions of all new colors, $3.95 $4.50 $7.50 to $17.50 fl Special Purchase Sale ' Heavy Satin pet- j Old Time Bargain || of Printed Georg- ! Sale of Dresses I ette and Other "coats to oe used as II ~ ! i c i I 1 ncolette Dresses that Dresses a drop tor the new we re $49.50 to $79.50. \ - ~ j 1 Reduced to 50 Printed Georg- ! eor g ette dresses $25.00 to $39.50 M ette and Foulard, in all shades; made ~~~ ~ " M 1 $19.75. $22.50, . . . , |25.00; $26.50 and m ver y straight ' S 3 '- 50 - $28.50 lines, $5.50 $13.75 to $23.75 I 250 Dresses I n Reduced to of plain and printed Georgette; many ?1500 to ¥29 . 50 £ kind of dresses in white or flesh. " ~ ~ Pussy Willow Taffeta, Cotton Summer Dresses etc. The highest grade, I are here and arriving daily substantial ginghams, $75.00 to $122.50. Rc sll.so to $17.50 Dainty Voiles, $9.50 to duced to $25.00. $49.50 to $85.00 B WITMER, BAIR & WITMER | Young Folk Enjoy Party at Home of Miss Stoner Miss Helen McCauley entertained for u group of ('amp Fire Girls at tli home of Mlna Hilda Htoner, Hhowers street. Those present Were the Misses Irma Rtckert, Itulli Htoner, Hilda Stoner, Avciil Shoemaker, lfiinlly Tay lor, Hazel Fisher, Mildred X'laher und Rosa Fountalne. William Sparrow, Paul Totnpaon, George Snyder, Howard Fisher, Jen ale Daron, Irvln Daron, Clarence Bux ton, William Stoner, Horace Stoner, George Kruber, Simon liarbush, Rus sell Chenoworth und David Hoerner. TO HOI.D FOOD SAI.H The Women's Church Society, of Reformed Salem Church, will hrtld a food sale on Saturday afternoon In the vacant storeroom in the Donald son Building. 201 North Second street. A large variety of good things will be on sale, including homemade bread, cakes, pics, salads and candies The officers of the society in charge of Lhe affair are: Mrs. Harry F. llencn, president; Mrs. M. I. Kast, sec retary, and Mrs. J. William Bowman, trrasur r. The proceeds will he devoted to one of the church funds. STOPS OX WAV IIOMB Miss Margaret Scott Roberts, of Pittsburgh, is tile guest of her aunt, Mrs. Helen T. Forrer, 21k locust ! street, returning from New York city, | where slie visited tier relatives. Col onel and Mrs. W. S. Thomas, former 1 Harrisburgers. KNTRKTAIIffI SOI.DIVHtS Ait entertainment was given last! evening at the Army Reserve Depot. Marsh nun, tinder the direction of the War Camp Community Borvlce. The Ackley Trio entertained and the Knights of Columbus, under the dl-s rectloii of Socretary klcGlaugb.il n provided talent for several numbers. AFTER EASTER Millinery Reductions All Prices ' Reduced An opportunity _ * h to get a new //\ 1W Aw. hat at a big 'A \\ lII N "IJIDS for KIDS" Open Evenings The Betty Lend Shop 1208 N. Tliirtl St.