FWwlSt to Sell That Car, Put the Facts About in^SsldTl' IDeatbs UuoSElt- Roberta K. Booser, daugh ter ol Mr. and Mrs. Charles • liocl Thursday morning at ker bonne, J ".26 Derry street, aged 19 years. Funeral services Saturday at tor tuion, at 2 o'clock, at her late resi i.encc, tile Uev. Mr. Yates .fftciai ing. Burial in Fast llairisbuts < 'emetery. LOST AM) FOUND l/JST Maltese rut. Answers to name of Jerry. Liberal reward if re - turned to -1211 It road street. I.OST Taupe Fox fur piece, an Front street, near Front and Walnut, lie ward if returned to Miss Juua V.n Kiper, care of Bowman & L-'- Suit 1i partment. Lost A man's watch chain Finder please return it to John II Mtheote. SUI Telegraph Building \\ ill lie liherall> rewarded. |,( .'ST Wednesday noon, between 4(l' \'n! ili Second street, and Ken nedy's lirtig Store, a pinlt cameo ling, with two pearls. Reward if re turned. Miss Cora Seward, -1011 North Second street. LOST Small, fur neckpiece, on fiMfi P. M. Camp Mill ear. $25 re-1 ward. I.etnrn to Telegraph Oflloe. | i.os'f Classes, gold, on trolley i.rrivirg at Square at II A. M-. or on a Riverside car. Call Mrs. J. L. Keens. Bell phone 3023R, Camp Mill., l'a. ' LOST On Tuesday evening, be tween 11 and S o'clock, a lavalliore, be- . tween Ktgnteenth street and Foun-, tain. Market street. Reward if re- | turned to either 2135 Derry or luo South Highteenth street. I INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithme tic. etc. DAY AND N ICR IT SCllool OPEN ALL YMAI!. Filter any time. Bell 125, Dial 4016. MFCKLFY'S LiUSINF.SS COI.LFOF. 321 Market St. Chas. R. Bceklcy HELP WANTED—SI ALU L'NSK I I.LLI I FOR PRODUCTION WORK, < Ages IS to 45. IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION, [ \'.'ages and Working Conditions Right. Apply in Person or Communicate with Factory Kmploymcnt Office Till-; GOODY MAR TIRE & RUBBER j COMPANY. .*krr>n. Ohio , i SALESMEN. who have entree to; t-'ipio of the many communities, ; i hutches, institutions, fraternal! • idcis. i-1 u lis, iniinutaeturers, banks, iin end around Harrisburg. eor-- i- i platiiig honoring their World Warj \ • li lane in a fitting manner, hut hesi -1 Iting to invest In any of the rolls of; honor now being offered, or salesmen! who (.an meet such people ou Intro i Uiietion given by us. We liave produced a number of I works of art to portray America's! j art it the World War and trans- , inrim-d them into bronze tablets fori Honor Lolls, preserving all the liner; details shown by the artist's master j li uch. These Honor Roll tablets don't nenl j any salesmen's "sales talk" nor any exaggeration, for they sell them-! si Ives wherever shown. What wo need ale men to show, them. Write us fully why you can suc (•(•sslully present our line, and if we leel >ou are one of the men we re quire. an interview will be arranged In Harrisburg. LIBERTY BRONZE WORKS. 110 W. Fortieth Street. New York. ATTENTION. MECHANICS Too! [ makers, diemakers, tool designer", | lathe, planer, shaper, milling and I • .tie r moehine hands experienced oC tool work, tool grinders, hardeners, I blacksmiths: all-around inaeuinists, | lirneh hands, lathe, planer milling. | shaper and other machine hands on : general machine shop and production I work: monitor. Acme, Brown and! SI .arpe, Warner & Swasey, and other | hand and automatic kcrew machine operant's; first-class machine and die setters; wood and metal pattern- j leakers, assemblers, bearing scrapers, inspectors, millwrights, automobile repairmen, riveters, solderers, weld- ! * el s, drop forge hammermen, polishers, : buffets, lioilermakers, ciiippers, light and litavy sheet metal workers, tin smiths, coppersmiths, angclsmitns, 1 structural iron workers for shop; work; cabinet makers, automobile; body builders, auto door hangers, i bumpers, panelers, finishers, painters, varnishers, stripers, glaziers, tritn tiiers baekhangers, cusliloiunakers; . carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers, I sLeamtitters, painters, plasterers, elee- | trieians; intelligent American handy-! men without definite trades but will ing to work. Special consideration given to applications from returned! soldiers. Box 85, Detroit, Mich. CIVIL SERVICE yEXAMINATIONS ' MAY 17 Hundreds clerks needed. $92 month. 18 and over, desir ing Government clerkships, Depart mental, Railway Mail, Bust Office, write lor free parienlars. Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Ex aminer), 518 Continental Bldg., Wash ington SALESMEN AND AGENTS Side line or full time. Great discovery. In demand by every business house Neat to carry. Address Box 7525. care of Telegraph, or Bell phone 1126 R. WANTED Stationary engine-"-, one who can do His own firing. Ap ple Knickerbocker Line Co., Malvern, Pa. ' V FUR SALE 1166 MULBERRY ST. Three-story brick house, with 8 I rooms, bath, pantry and out kitchen; hardwood and oak floors; oak finish; hot and cold water ami laundry in cellar. Sleum heat. Lot 18x90 ft. 920 N. 18TH ST. Three-story brick house, one of a puir, contains 8 rooms and bath; gas and electricity; steam I heat; exceptional advantages such ; us a combination coal and gas range; white enamel bathroom • side and rear alleys; front and' back porches. Possession on short • notice. Miller Brothers & Co. Heal Estate Insurance Surety lb,mis Locust and Court Streets Members llbg. It on I Estste Munrd L__ A i f THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH /\PRIL 24, 1919 HELP W'AXTKD —MALE | SALESMAN WE WISH TO OBTAIN A : LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE! TO HANDLE ONE OF THE] BEST SELLING PROPOSI TIONS BEFORE THE PUB LIC. A MAN WHO IS WELL KNOWN LOCA LLY AN D 'WHO CAN FURNISH REF-j ' J ERENCK AND IJEMON-! ISTRATE SALES ABILITY | , : CAN EASILY MAKE AT i [ LEAST $lOO.OO PER WEEK. , POSITION PERMANENT. ANSWER, WITH FULL IN ;! FORMATION REGARDING PRESENT AND PAST CONU NECTIONS. ADDRESS SAL E S MANAGER, 443 1 ■ UNION ARCADE, PITTS BURGH, PA. I WANTFD I A practical and experienced liihoc* salesman in n large re tail slioe store. Give refer ences. Add ress J. W. M., | Care of Telegraph. j SALESMEN AND KXPKKI FNI H FD MFN I want to interview men who do- : 'sire t< equip themselves to earn from] , : 52.0u to ss,ftoo a year. only thus" j willing to take special training dur-! ing spare time and the direction • f master salesmen need apply, Tell me \our story, whether you are t-xpen-j . ••n , eci in- incxperioncod. Confhlentia.l. j 'Address Box G, 7 I.'IS, care wol 1< ! in rountry near city. Apply, after 0 I'. M., at 1700 North Second street. WANTED —— A boy, !<• work In the i< re l'oi ih" Singer Sewing Macliftji 13 Sou tit Market Square. WANTFD Men to learn to re pair automobiles and aeroplanes. Full course, :•."<> Call, or write, 25 North '' ihici on street, or Training Quarters, 260 South Front street, Steelton, Pa, FOREMAN WANTED To tak iiharge of Finishing Room, Kdg" (•Trimming, ledge Setting. Give ref | eren<"< and salary expected to start in ilrst letter. Address Groenberg-Mil-, l"i Co., Inc.. Allentown, Pa. . HELP U \ NTED—FEMALE • | ; I WANTFD AT UNCI. I KXFFRIF.NCFD ! and IN EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Regular work and good wages. In- ! experienced operators are paid by the day while learning. A bonus is paid to all operators every pay day. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. i lleily und Fulton Sis. : ! SHOES ! Experienced Vamp Stitchers j 'Edge stitchers, fitters to fit in Hn-j ' ings and hand or machine folders. Steady positions. 44-hour week schedule. Highest wages paid. WILLIAM HENNI-; K- CO.. 963.Kent Avenue, Brooklvn, N. Y. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS Wanted at HARRISBURG APPAREL CO.. Third Floor, City Star Laundry Building, Sixth and llerr Sts. I I ; WANTED Girl for general housework. Good wages. Small family. Apply 280 11 ERR STREET. ! WANTED. AT ONCE -- House keeper. Middle-aged white Woman j pre fen cu. Apply 321 Walnut street.) WANTFD Laundress. Salary, i 940 per month and board. Apply P. 0. 1 j Box 256, I larrisburg. • WANTFD Colored girl for gen eral housework. Call at 1912 Market, I st ret t. REFINED WOMAN WANTFD To' .take care of elderly lady. \ddru.ss ih.x K, 7528, care of Teh-grapli. ] WANTED Woman for general; , housework. Apply ul 2808 North [Third street. Bell phone 3102. i WANTED Second girl to do light ! housework and to take care of ouv ; year-old child. Modern country, I home. State wages. Henry Boettcher. : c ure of Linoleum Plant, Lancaster, l'a. I WANTED Girl, or woman, for' general housework. Apply 37 South j l-'ront street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED White woman for gen- - era! housework and to go to seashore in sumtnei time. Call at 2011 North Second street. lIELI' WANTED—MaIe and Female WANTED, AT ONCE - A delivery' hoy Ol girl. Apply 321 Walnut street. WANTED At) experienced np.ii or woman for marker and sorter in| a Maryland laundry. Steady wo'-;< and good wages. Fare Paid. Apply j Box T, 7532, care of Harrisburg Tele g' ai'h | WANTED Several nice girls, I above 18 years, also one boy, to pat plants at tables. No carrying re quired. Call at Grocery Store, Ei,:.e- j teenth and Herr streets, City. WANTED Experienced farmer' land wife, one who understands truck-I ling. Apply, with reference, to Box IF, 7478, care of Telegraph. MAN AND WIFE To manage u Small Hotel of 30 Rooms in Mining Town of Western Pennsylvania. Man to look after office and bur. Wife must be a good cook and be able la lake charge of kitchen, diningroom and upstairs. The Hotel will not close when the Country goes Dry. [This Is a salary proposition. Please give reterence. Address V. 7421, care lof Telegraph. ! SITUATIONS WANTED MALE j WANTED Colored man desires work cleaning windows, whitewash ing or g( n era I work, cleaning cellars Apply 1211 Apple street, WANTED Young man wishes po- • sitlon driving private car or truck; must have employment. Write A. J. Duties, -131 North street. [, , SITUATIONS WANTED MALE | WANTED Colored man wants ! position as auto truck driver. Apply 1 Ili'S South Ninth street. i —i WANTED Colored man desires [position in kitchen, good references I furnished, from dishwashing to sec ond cook. Call Bell 9841t or 133 Lin den street. Clarence Daniel. 1 WANTED Work of any kind by | young ntan 25; can drive ear; lias five ! years' clerical experience. Address j Ir> North Thirteenth street, cr Bell | phone 38121;. ! SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTFD DreSAtiiaknr wants J >•wiim of children's and adults • ilothes; satisfaction guaruntccd. Call ' I Mil Ikrtyhill street. ; - ! WOULD like day's work of any jkind; have had experience. inquire I 1220 North Front street. OFFIC 'F WORK A young woman, j v-'ishrs position as typist; ran take; :ordiiior> dictation; have hod expert-j j once and ran furnish the best of ref- 1 j ore nee. Address 13., 7438, care of Tele- j graph. WANTED Woman desires work as hoiisi keeper or dishwasher. Apply *6? North Front street, Steelton, Pa. SEAMSTRESS - Wants sewing by the day. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ad dross Box s, 7474, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOll RENT i FOR RENT Nicely-furnished rooms. Apply 111-116 lx>cust street. Dial phone 5775. ' FOR RENT One comfortably-! i furnished room, with electricity, 1 • steam heat, use of bath and phone; t i nveiiiently located. Call Hell 3767. : FOR RENT 1601 Green street, 1 combination bedroom and sitting- 1 room, with or without light house- ! keeping privileges; use of ii-ill phone • ! ; 131 HERR STREET Furnished! | front bedroom; use of bath. NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM—j | For gentlemen only. Dial 4990, or 912 (North Third street. 1 FOR RENT Two furnished, com-j I inundating rooms, on second lloor, in! i family u: two. Fine location —Hill .district No children. Cull Bell pliom ! 2761 R. ROOMS FOR RENT Pleasant. | furnished room for gentleman, on i ; North Sixteenth near State street, j ('. o< City property, Harrisburg and suburbs' Houses from $2,800.0u to (i,000.09. 200 j building lots in every street from Six tit to Front, 31a.00 per ft. and up. Daniel E Lucas. Real Estate and In surance. 303 Lewis street. Bell Phone W.ORM LEYS BURG For sale, real estate property in Wormleysburg; lot, 58x15u, feet, fronting on river front street, three squares from Wal nut Street Bridge; Improvements tin-room house and bath; roof. Peach Bottom slate; all modern equipments; up-to-date; electric lights, gas stove, yard tilled with choice fruit and shiuhbery, chicken pens. etc. Prop erty can be inspected any time. George It. Chambers, Wormleysburg, Pa. 1 HAVE some very nice properties on Second street, nortli of Itoily, for sale. Inquire of J. K. Kiuu. 1721 North Second. ItEAL ESTATE FOE SALE RESIDENCE FOR SALE 1008 North F >nd Street. 3-story brick, 9 rooms and batli. Lot. 24x125 to wide al ley in rear. Room for two gurages. Owner requires smaller house, only reason for selling. Quick purchaser can secure a bargain. Immediate possession. For particulars address BOX O, 7433, Care of Telegraph. Or on the premises after 5 o clock. FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSES SION 2'/!• -story frame detached dwelling, known as the Calvin Walters prop erty. located corner Yale Avenue and | Lafayette Place in that beautiful j suburb of Earlington, Camp Hill, Pa., within single car fare of Harrisburg. 6 large rooms (3 bedrooms), unlliiisli-: ed attic; range; water in kitchen; | front porcli; front and side lawn; 1 house is substantially built; Bxlo ! sills; good yclow pine flooring, good ! foundation and a nice, dry cellar. Cor-I ner plot of ground 120x148 with out-I buildings, such as stable 16x20, suit abb- for garage; chickonhotise 8x14; bog pen; 25 bearing fruit trees; grapes: currants; variety of berries, I etc. This property is in excellent! condition and will be sold on account! of owner going farming. If you want! an ideal country home, where your garden has already been started, you will miss a rare opportunity if you I do not Inspect this proposition. Clear title guaranteed. This property is worth to-day.sB,9oo Price for quick sale 3,309 Bell C. O. BACK ENSTOSS. Belli 761 Agent, 3077.J 112 Market Street. JUST DANIEL E. LUCAS Real Estate and Insurance, 1 802 Lewis St. THAT'S ALL, I i FOP. SALE 7-room bouse; all iin-I provenu tits; cement cellar and walks: j large garden; Ruller street, Pen-1 brook, tow addition. $2,750.00. Ad-1 dress Twenty-seventh and Banks. Dial 2893. i VXOANT HOUSE FOR SALE —; Brick construction; concrete porch front and rear; six rooms and bath;' all improvements; steam heated;' price. 81.1100. Bell Realty Co., Berg- i ner Building. $2,800 WILL PURCHASE 8-storv : brick bouse . 8 rooms and bath all other improvements, on South fif teenth street. Bell Realty Co., Berg- 1 ner building. $3,000.00 WILL PURCHASE N!7 1 1927-29 Forster street inspect thesei I two properties soon, iiell Realty i Bergner Building. I $1,800.00 WILL PURCHASE Ni.lL'l! I Fnrsto: street. frame house on lot 1 25x70. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner; Building. 1 $2,00i1.0n WILL PURCHASE No. 1526 Fifth street frame house with X rooms and batli. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. 705bj SOUTH FRONT STREET —■ brick house with 9 rooms and bath I —lot, 25x142 call be purchased fori $2.81-0.00. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. 1082 S. ELEVENTH S7-:_. Frame. '!i rooms and bath: lot. 19x118; im provements. Price reasonable and 1 ct'sv tcims. 1 1820 Pulton frame, 8 rooms ' I Price, $2,000.00. D. A. OA LEY. 707 Ktiakel Bldg. Bell 589. VACANT HOUSE FOll SALE ! 214-story frame, 6 rooms, newly pa pered and painted inside, 1220 Currant street. Price, $l,OOO. Easy payments LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 North Seventh St. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT - Second story of Kel-! ker Street Markethouse, Fourth and' Kelker streets, suitable for tnanufae- 1 luring purposes or general storage. I—llcom1 —Ilcom 84x34. I—Room1 —Room 40x30. 2 —okiiee rooms. I—Hall. 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant. Apply Harrisburg Auto Co.. Fourth and Kelker streets. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT- All improvements; porch, lawn. In I best residential section of town. Ap ply Happle & Swart/., Alechanicsburg I'a. FOR RENT Attractive furnish ed house, corner Second und Wood bine, surrounded by shade trees and ample lawn. For rent for the sum mer months. Apply Farley Gannett, 122 Woodbine, or 204 Locust street. City. REAL ESTATE WANTED ' WANTED, TO RENT 5, 6 or 7- I rcom house in good condition. Will keep same in shape. Pleasant locality preferred. Call Bell phone 280. READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER' BELL AND DIAL PHONES CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. THIRD ST. WANTED If you have Improve, 1 Real Estate within investment prone sition, address Box L, 7421. cure "f Telegraph. OBices lIIKI Storerooms For Kent || FOR RENT Two Offices, tlrat'!. floor, on Third street near Pine. F>r-I merly occupied by physician. Aai.lv 1). A. Caley, 707 Kunkcl Buildiug { Bell 089. ' J j Offices and Storerooms For Kent | I FOR RENT j BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM ] For meetings, conventions. Banquets Dances and parties. Use ot piano free. Kitchen attached. H. C. C RASTER, Jeweler, 302 Market Street. | ' FOR RENT Vacant storeroom, suitable for grocery and meat mar ket. or most any other kind of liusi ; ness. Rent very reasonable. Call AI It j Muench street. STOREROOM 250 Hamilton*! ! street, suitable for a barber shop. The!' only one left out of seven storerooms, j j Chus. Adlcr, 1002 North Third street | FOR RENT Desk room and office ' Inquire Fred C. Miller. Attorney, Si]' j North Second street. Bell phone 307 J. j' FARMS | 08-AO RE FARM AT PRIVATE SAI.E Brick house, bunk barn, all' necessary outbuildings. Fart of the farm borders on the. Oonodogulnot ! creek near Bowman's mill. About 7i miles from Harrlsburg and IVs mib s I from Mechanicsburg, in Cumberland j county. Reason for sidling, to close | an estate. Call, or write to Ellen M. Addums and Fanny Mumma, Kxecu- | trices, 213 South Market street, Me- ] ehanicsburg, Fa. 30-ACRE FARM, with 7-room house, ; barn and all necessary outbuildings. I Good, level ground for truck farm, | with large stream water running j through it, :!'/L. miles from Dingles- j town car line, $2,600. Durund, 107 i Chestnut. 5%-ACRE FARM 6-room house.! stable and chicken coop, one horse 2 , ■boats, 25 chickens, one buggy, spring wagen, one plow, cultivator, one cook j stove and heater, two running' streams of water, 1 miles front ear: line, $1,700.00. Dtirand, lu7 Chestnut. FARMS WANTED WAN TED 5 to 20-acre farm, I with building Must be close to eat ' line. Address Box E, 7533, care of j 'I olegraph. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS i : I ONE hot-air furnace, in good con-' I dition, also two gas chandeliers lor! j sale cheap at 513 Camp street. City. | ] FOR SALE Complete stock j Walker grocery store fixtures—shelv ing, bins, counters, show cases, glass! I compartments, scales, coffee mill, cash ! 'register, McCaskey system; sntalj j tables, butcher's refrigerator, etc. Ex cellent condition. Solid oak. Price, right to quick buyer. Will be soldi intact or in parts. Address Box G, 7526, care of Telegraph. I FOR SALE Centrifugal pump. ] capacity s barrels; V4-H.-P. c. i motor, l,70 15. F. M„ 110 volts. Bell, I CANOE Used "Morris" Canoe. First-class condition; 2 paddles, 2 ! backs, crex runner, I cushions. Cheap. 1 I Address Box A. 7180. care of Tele-1 I graph. i SECOND-HAND FURNITURE In- j l eluding ergan, for sale cheap. Apply to Gertudc M. Park, 632 Race street. | j FOR SALE iron beds, bureaus,) leak bedroom suite, stand, library liable, white enameled Iron cradle, un-i I framed, bath sweat cabinet, serving; tray. Apply 1700 North Second street. ( ! FOR SALE A few pieces of I ! household furniture, cheap. Apply i 1310 Slate street. ; | FOR SAI.E Dlningroom suite, I 'bedroom suite, rugs and silverware. ] Apply 1100 North Third street. Third Floor Apartment. FOR SALE, CHEAP Second-hand j refrigerator, in good condition. In j quire at 1010 Holly street. FOR SALE Second-hand spring suit end coat. Excellent condition lane' cheap. Call afternoons and even ings. Room 200 Arcade I'.ldg., 210, Walnut street. i BLAISDELL LATHE, 20 inches by! 12 feet, Fitchburg Lithe, 18 inches by I 8 feet, with Chuck Aurora 20-incli i I back geared drill press, motors 14 to j 1 25-H.-P., Gasoline engines, 2 and 3- | ill.-P. Will pay cash for good ma-I j chinery for metal working, also elec tric motors. F. R. Laverty, No. 1936! i Griggs street. Bell 1857. I : I MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris j Schmerts, 1018 Market. Bell 408511 i BARGAINS! BAGAINS! ! The store across from Y. W. C. A. 1 I offers you the biggest and best bur ! gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over-! 1 coats, Mackinaw Couts, Underwear. | Mats, Caps, and Shoes. We are fatn- I I ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth street. I TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE! OItPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS j HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for j Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at- j [ trillion- New-murk & Gown. 308 Bl'o.wl; street. Dial 4826, Bell 1705 R. ! I WANTED - Roll-top desk, typo-' | writei drop-leaf preferred. Must be! .in good condition. Call Bell phone I 2806 W, or address Box D, 7534, care of i | Telegraph. j .. —— I WANTED ■ —- A melody saxophone.: j Give full particulars. Address Box I i IT, 7520, care of Telegraph. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE. I BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST GASH PRICES PAID. I 407 BROAD ST., HARRLSBURG, PA. I WANTED, TO BUY Second-hand I I broom machine. Apply J. H. Sheets,! > Mechanicsburg, R. D„ 6. I L. COHEN & COMPANY, York and Ash. avenues. Highest prices paid fori rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and I metal and old machines. Send postal I or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and \ sold. Highest cash prices paidT Cull i Bell 1071 it, or drop a postal to Max Smelts 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. — ! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES !] PACKING I Experienced Packers of Furniturs, ! China and Bric-a-brac. i EXPERT AUCTIONEER. A. H. SHRENK I Bell Phono 399 W. $3,000 TO $5,000 and services to in vest in AI business proposition. I'rot-], estanl. Give class of business In re- , ply. References exchanged. Addrccs' \ VI.. 7527, care of Telegraph. WANTED First-class grocery or i general store. Good locality. Full t particulars tirst letter. Address Box 13, 7470, care of Telegraph. ( BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES J " I SODA FOUNTAIN FOR SALE Soda Fountain by IJppin c-utt, of Philadelphia, consist ing of marble counter 18 ft. in length, all stone construc tion, silver shelves, mahogany back superstructure with plate glass -mirrors, iltted with all niSdern improve ments, everything complete and in perfect condition. Address BOX S, 1321. Care of Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS 1 FOR DEMENT WORK, call up W.I C. Potteiger. liell phone 4159 R. I GAS FITTING JOBBING a specialty. We can save you money. Drop postal. | P. O. Bov 1181, City. I DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. - CAPLAN CO., 200 Market street. ! UPHOLSTERING Of the best [ kind. Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone ' 4 828. Bell phone 4705 R. | MACHINE SHOP Specialty of : light machine, models, experimental, I mill, factory repairing, odd parts for 'uutos made. Variety Machine and Ke- Jpnir Shop. 1704 Fulton street, llurris j burg, Pa. I OXV-ACETYLENE WELDING 1 Any metal welded. Work guaran | tee'd. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan | Jtreet, Bell 4396 J. ! RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 35c doz.; razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. • QUININE —Look out for that grippe; .'feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE I'HGSPHO-QUININE will stave It off if taken in time. Gross Drug Stoic,' 11 n Market street. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping. ; J. A. Bishop. 173G Logan street. I A. LANE New and second-hand furniture ! bought and sold. Highest prices paid. I 1022 Market street. Bell -1730-J. j INVENTORS FINANCED Patents i Automobiles, Motorcycles Bought, Sold Exchanged. Cash or commission. I Simon llorst, Linglestown, Pa. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR., 130 Walnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phono 518 J. MONEY TO LOAN I MONEY If you arc pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money j in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, ROOM 200 BERGNER BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. 1 LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE ' ! WE LEND MONEY' in compliance 'with Act of June 17, 1015, to individu als ir, need of ready cash; small loans !a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, nosititelv lowest rates In city. i-.NNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. MONEY FOR NECESSITIES ! If employed and housekeeping, our 1 legal rate money service on loans from $l5 to $3OO, payable In weeK.y or monthly Instalments is worth in i vestigating. If you ure in need of ' funds and without bank credit. I CO-OPERATIVE ! LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. ! MUSICAL i J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, j TROUP BLDG., 15 S. MARKET SQ. BARGAINS THIS WEEK 'Cable v- Sons Upright Piano, walnut [case, in line shape, good tone; | price $145 jWeser Eros. Upright Piano, fine ma- MM. Sony case, like new, rich tone; price $lB5 ; Frances Bacon SB-note Player, store 'used, guaranteed like new; thirty-six Molls frce{ price $5OO Angelus SB-note Player, guaranteed Mike new, used very little; price.ssBs j All of the above instruments arc ready for delivery NOW. I J. li. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, TROUP BLDG., 15 S. MARKET SQ. ) i i TALKING MACHINES promptly and (in fully repaired by an expert only i OY'LER'S. 14 South Fourth street. | PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls of music, for sale; slightly used; must jbe sold at once; cheap to a quick | buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 j North Sixth street. I VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. I BANJOS Band and Orchestra Instru | ments promptly and carefully rcpair- I ed. OY'LER'S. 14 South Fourth street HOUSES ANI) CARRIAGES 1 FOR SALE Platform sprang de i livery wagon; t-ton capacity. F. B. ! Clouser. 1830 North street. HAULING* AND MOVING ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER 3T. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. AUTO HAULING—-Local long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital street. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin. 656 Calder street. Both phones. BeiJ 3636-J. Dial 3683. MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a specialty. General hauling. 218 Hamilton street. Dial 4166. Bell 114 IW. AUTO HAULING - Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. ltates reasonable. Prompt tirr viee. Call Bell 623-J. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST i EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Cull Bell 3320, or Dial 2265, ' | HAULING AND MOVING ! " ' WE Move Anything, Anywhere, Any time. Price reasonable. •'Dial 1990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight und piano mov ing No distance too fur. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. manager, llersliey. Pa. Bell ] I bono 15R6. FOR HIRE—Two ton auto truck. 1 Apply 11 OS South Ninth street, liell phone 2455 R. I HICKS latcal and long-dlstanco hauling una storage. 421 Rcily. Both phones. ROOFING | A ' ITTI.E EXPENDITURE I ■• f common sense in buying I L ITE'S ELASTIC ROOF COATING will save more than a i w Dollars and cents. AI'CTH INEEIi 1 fITE, (22 Si.nth Thirteenth —Roll 1575.1. STORAGE STORAGE | Carload Storage at Low Ilatca. , I THE UIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO., LTD., Ilighsplre, Pa. Phones: Bell: Steelton 169 Y. Dial; Steelton 9139 STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in Ilreproof war". ) house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates In non-tlreproof ware house Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- -145 South Second street. ! STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private i rooms at reasonable rates. Also huul | ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. j Pol it phones. I. - yf'ITIIA ( E—ln brick building, rear ,t Market. Household goods in clean ] private rooms. Reasonable rates, p i G. Di-ner. 4UB Market street. i | WHI.RE TO DINE [JAI.VA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. | THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. ! UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, ' FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Deny St. PELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH I<. SPICEIt. I*uncial Director ami Embalmer, 511 Nortli Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY liOTS IOR SALE . I ' PROSPECT HILL CEM'ETERY Beau til ally situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on tlio nortli and east faces the new park j way. The prices of lots are modcr- I ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. I CLEANERS AND DYERS "jf I WHY buy new clothing, when wc J clean yc-ur old ones as good as new Now is the time for spring cleaning. Goodman's, 130614 North Sixth. Bout i Fho " ea - Gal! and Deliver. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES ' ~ yub ' TO START t i HICIIT, Make them grow , right along without any backset. DE !; lIIOSS POULTRY I'AN-A-CK-A will , help you get I hem safely past such i j little chick ailments as gapes, leg weakness, indigestion and diarrhoea. , ] reeding Pan-a-ce-a means good I health, more rapid growth, lurg. r , ' fowls. Begin using DR. HESS IN- I ST ANT LOUSE KILLER early to keep • chicks free from lice. Keep instant ( Louse Killer in the dust bath always, i'or ROUP use DR. JIESS Roup II REMEDY. The Dr. Hess lino is for sale by all dealers in Poultry SUP :j plies. J 1 | T AUCTIONEERS EVENTUALLY, WHY NUT NOW? AUCTIONEER ) 11TE- —Bell IS7SJ. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT Overland light Delivery, ; equipped with express bonv, , ton and screen sides. This cat has been thoroughly over . hauled and repainted. Has electric lights and starter and i bears om guarantee. A very economical ear to operate, I suitable for rapid delivery of loads up to 1,000 poupnds. | Priced at Overland 5-passcnger light lour touring. Late Model 90, in splendid condition, recent ly traded in to us for a seven passenger car. Has a special panlasote lop. good lircs, luis .lust been overhauled. Now in cur paint shop. Overland Country Club, re linishcd and guaranteed. . f Open Evenings Until Nine. Time Payments. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO., Both Phones. 212-214 N. Second St. IPIS HUDSON SUPER-SIX TOURING CAR. ** Used slightly as a demon strator. Overhauled and re painted. In very good con dition. Tires also in line shape. HAGERLING MOTOR CAR CO. East End Mulberry Street Bridge. TRUCK FOR SALE Large sized 5-ton truck, with Dump body for sale. Big bargain to quick buyer. For particulars call at the Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page * ' 1 1 -• 1 - - • "" i 4 ' . ' i