Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 22, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Arrangements For Odd
Fellows' Centennial Are
Complete, Says Committee
Arrangements for the celebration j
of the hundredth anniversary of the.
Institution of Odd Fellowship in,
America, Thursday evening, are com-J
pletc, it was announced by the com- j
mittee in charge to-day. The eelebra- (
tlon will be held in the Chestnut:
Sslreet Auditorium. ,
Grand Master Roy D. Reman, of the j
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, will
preside at the meeting. Mrs. Alinnie|
P. A'kers, Altoona, president of the!
State Assembly of Rebekah I-iOdKei*.
Wilson I<T Alohr, of Allentown, past
grand roaster, an dthe Ke\. E. Tv
stauffer, Alverstown, grand chaplain, j
will speak. Dancing will follow. j
Daughter—"Everett kissed me last j
Alother (indignantly) "That is
outrageous. Did you sit on him fori
it "
Daughter—"l did."—Chattanooga j
<" ——
(War tax 24 cents additional) .
New York
And Return
Sunday, May 4, 1919
Special Excursion Train i!
From I.v. A. M.
Hummclstown . 3.50 I
Swutaru '. 3.55 1
Hershey 3.57
Palmyra 4.01
Annville I 4.13
Avon 4.28
Myerstowu 4.37
Richland 4.43
Sheridan 4.47 |
Womclstlorf 4.53
Robesonia 4.59
New York (ar.) 9.50
Returning—Leave New A'ork i
from foot West 23d Street 6.50 h
P. AL, foot Liberty Street 7.00 j
P. AI. same day for above sta- :
tions. j,
Philadelphia & Reading Railroad !
| Wall PaperC|
ij/ Question \S
i/ You are perhaps thinking of the wall paper \ *■*
i/. w hich will best improve the attractiveness of vj
\fl i your home. The problem becomes quite a diffi
/ cult one when you neglect to consult with an \
/ experienced and expert decorator. We might \
I say that you have ideas of your own which are
indeed very suitable, but which can be made to
fit in very nicely with ideas which the Blake
Shop can give you.
It is surprising how little money Is neces
sary for attractive wall paper when you have
the right concern do your wall papering. For
instance, wall paper lor the hall, living room,
dining room, reception room or Ihnl room, in
i tlioso luxurious foliage designs and in excellent /
1, qualities can lie liad here for as little as |se /
A a piece. You will understand or course, that / i
\ these papers are entirely out of the ordinary I !
iV' ai "' yet tliey cost you no more than inferior A I
A grades in less experienced hands. /•[ . j
|jr We shall be glad to consult with you at any tine. A/
I Interior Decorations j?
| 225 North Second St. If r
W M yl
tjjfl . ***••• •1 j
Apex Electric
Does Your Work
Quicker —Better—Easier
, And With Less Wear
Than Others
\ \'V We wiU be pleased to show you
2l South Second St.
Lebanon Valley College Glee
Club. Paul Hilbert Soloist,
Coming Here Friday
Much interest is being taken in
the concert of the Lebanon Valley
College Glee Club Friday evening.
April 25. in the Tech Auditorium.
Many students and alumni of the
college come from this vicinity who
welcome the opportunity to hear the
college songs, directed by Professor
Sheldon and Paul Hilbert. the bass
soloist in his specialties in "The
Ocean Shall Be Free" and the
"lehthysaurian Monster."
The list of patrons includes: Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Heagv. Mr. and Mrs.
G. AY. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. it. li.
Brum, Mrs. Oartwright, Charles
Houseman, John B. Fortenbaugh,
Mrs. Charles Shaffner, Airs. W. L.
Dowhowcr. J. F. Adams, E. S. Xiss
ley, o. K. Kines, E. C. Finkenbinder,
Doutrich & Co., Mrs. DeWitt A.
Fry, the Bev. \V. E. Daugherty, the
Rev. S. E. Kuiip, Oscar P. Berkley.
Harry Haze. Charles Barnhart, O.
A'ernon Rettew, Frank Henuninger.
the Rev. John O. Jones. Mrs. James
Shaffncr, Dr. G. AV. Good. AA'alter E.
Deltrich, A. B. Stouffer, the Rev.
Joseph Daugherty, H. J. Sanders.
Joseph Wolfe, Walter Keister. the
Rev. A. R. Ayres, R. M. Rutherford.
Mrs. M. A. Cumbier, Mr. and Mrs. L.
E. McGinnes, Dr. AA'. H. Seibert,
T. T. McEntee, Dr. AA'. H. McHenry,
M. S. Mark, Dr. AA'. H. Cumbier,
AA". S. Ambercrombie, Dr. AA'. J.
Middleton, AA'. H. Nell, \A r . F. Mc-
Ginnis, Dr. Frank Knoderer, Mrs.
Lawrence Eckles, H. L. Dress, Mrs.
Alfred Fletcher, John Grove. AA'il
liam B. Boyd, H. T. Hershey, H.
Wilts' Sons. J. B. Malehorn, A. A.
Mowery, Mrs. D. A. Peters, J, 11.
Poore, Charles Beidel. Prof. H. H.
Baish, E. C. Henderson, the Rev.
A. B. Maurer. George W. Reiley,
the Rev. L. Koiiler. J. Day Brownlee.
Jr.. AA'illiam Rhoad, Luke Rhoad,
John R. Geyer, the Rev. P. A.
Koontz, Albert A. Wert. James C.
Thompson. John A. F. Hall, the Rev.
H. M. Miller, Maujee R. Metzger,
Oscar G. Wickersham, Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Crist, A. Carson Stamm, AV.
S. Robinson, Claude R. Engle, C. AA'.
Fisher, Ulysses Rife, George M.
Stoll, Nelson Moss, the Rev. J. A.
Lyter, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. AA'hit
moycr, G. M. Spangler, AA". G. AA'hit
ntoyer, the Rev. and Mrs. H, F.
Rhoad, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Carl, Al
fred Hoerner, H. C. Fortney, George
Crumbling. L. G. Smith. George E.
Troup. C. A. Foose. Robert A. En
ders, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Z. Shope,
Mr. and Airs. H. Al. Parthemore, J.
E. Gipple, H. A. Shirk, Mr and
Mrs. E. B. Landis, C. AA'. N. Wine
miller. John Hendrix, A. M. Buck,
Mrs. Alary A. Prowell. E. K. Es
penshade, Emanuel Grimes, C. B.
Care. E. R. Eckenrode. the Rev.
Af. 11. AA'irt, Air. and Airs. Charles
AA'inkleman. Frank A. Stees. Alark
Alumina, the Rev. H. F. Kieffer.
Air. and Airs. Charles Randolph, Air.
and Airs. Frank B. Wickersham,
Frank R. l.eib, George AA". Bogar,
James E. Lent*. J. H. Shopp, E. E.
Beidleman. J. H. Troup, J. W. Bow
man. H. C. AA'ells and James L.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Bell went
home to Garden City, L. 1., to-day
after a week-end visit among rela
tives here.
James A. Swallow, of Shenan
doah, lowa, is visiting at the home
of his brother, the Rev. Dr. Silas C.
Swallow, on the way home after win
tering in Florida.
Miss Estelle Virginia Bross
man Marries Merle Harris
at Her Jonestown Home
i The marriage of Aliss Estella A'ir
| ginia Brossman, daughter of Mrs.
AA'illiam 11. Boesliore, of Jonestown,
to Merle Francis Harris took place
Saturday afternoon. April 19, at the
Boeshore residence, in the presence
of a hundred guests. The cere
| mony was performed by the Rev.
I George Dcishcr, pastor of the Lu
i theran Church, Jonestown.
Palms, ferns and spring flowers
beautifully decorated the house, and
Mrs. U. Henry H'eilnian played the
wedding marches. Four little flow
er girls preceded the bride in pro
cessional. strewing lier path with
flowers. The bride was attired in
white satin with net overdress and
carried a shower of bride roses and
Following congratulations and a
wedding supper, the left
for a trip to Atlantic City. AA ash
ington and southern resorts. They
will reside on their return at Her
shey. where a newly-furnished
house is awaiting them.
Mrs. Harris is a graduate of the
West Chester State Normal School,
class of 1913. She taught in the
Palmyra public schools for two
years, at Willow Grove. Wormleys
burg and in the Burrowes building
of the.Lebanon public schools. She
is an excellent teacher and a gifted
Air. Harris is a son of Air. and
Mrs. S. H. Harris, of 1913 North
Sixth street, Harrisburg. He grad
uated from the Harrisburg High
School in 1911. He served as a
member of the State sur\ eying
corps for two years and then was
engaged in the grocery business up
to tlie time of his enlistment in the
service. He took the officers' train
ing course at Plattsburg, N. A., and
was assigned to the Held artillery at
Camp Zachary Taylor. Louisville
Ivy. Being discharged from the
service following the signing of the
armistice, he returned to Harris
burg and accepted the position of
weighmaster with the Central Iron
and Steel Company. He is well
known throughout the city.
Knights of Columbus Give
Dance For Local Soldiers
Local soldiers and those from near- 1
by camps were the honor guests at 1
a dance and entertainment given last j
evening, by the Knights of Colum
bus. under the direction of Secretary j
A. G. McLaughlin. The entertainers j
ot the evening were the Alelcher (
Juvenile Trio. Joe Sullivan and Paul]
Brown. J. J. Dempsy, M. A. Alaloy. the
Friel Sisters, and Sergeant F. P. Mc-
Ginnes. The DeLone Orchestra play
ed for the dancing and about seven
hundred were present.
Airs. H. F. Lucas was chairman of
the patronesses, who were: Atrs. Ly
man D. Gilbert, Atrs. David E. Tracy,
Mrs. Francis J. Hall. Airs. John AA".
German. Jr.. Airs. J. AA". Rodenhaver,
Mrs. George AA'. Orth, Mrs Gustave
Koster, Mrs. Otto J. Buxbaum. Airs.
J. C. Kelley, Mrs. H. J. Reuwer, Airs.
Letitia Brady.
Dogwood Troop, Girl
Scouts, Enjoy a Swim
Dogwood Troop, No. 4, Girl Scouts,
l motored to Hershey yesterday where
! the following members participated
' in a swimming party:
Miss Almeda Herman, Miss Doris
Rothert, Miss Ruth Payne, Miss
; Elizabeth- Knisely, Miss Maude
, Stamm, Miss Elizabeth Ross, Miss
: Katherine Hart, Miss Dorothy Sea
j ton, Miss Josephine Mitchell, Miss
! Ellen Harris, Miss Mary Harris. Miss
Elizabeth Harris. Miss Gladys Shoop,
Miss Emily Sites. Miss Elizabeth
Darby, Miss Miriam Craiglow, Miss
Virginia Wallace, Miss Grace Metz
ger, Miss Margaret Ruth Ramsey,
Miss Dorothy Rankin, Miss Cather
ine Lytle.
Miss Mitchell's Birthday
Is Happily Celebrated
The birthday of Miss Sara Mitchell
. was happily celebrated lasi evening
l by a party arranged by her mother,
| Mrs. Samuel Mitchell, at their home,
230 Emerald street,
j Dancing, games and refreshments
were included in the evening's enter
taining enjoyed by Miss Marie Peif
t'er, Miss Grave Seighman, Mrs. Clark
! Shank, Miss Stella Fehl, of New Cum-'
; berland: Miss Anna Kichelberger, of
Camp Hill, Fa., the Misses Margaret
Geisking, Esther Jefferies, Helen
Newmyer, Mildred Wells, Sylvia Lttn
dis. Mrs. Paul ICugier, Mrs. B. 11. Jen
kins, and Mrs. Jenkins, of Curwens
ville. Pa.
Miss Landis to Marry
Stewart Vockel, of P'b'gh
Mrs. Charles E. Landis, of 1630
Green street, announces the engage
ment of her daughter. Miss Miriam
Lucille Landis, to Stewart Meld red
Vockel, of Pittsburgh. Mr. Vockel
has recently received his discharge
front the United States Army, hav
ing held a lirst lieutenancy with the
Ordnance Department. He is anient
! her of the tirm of Lyon. Singer &
j Company. Investment Bankers of
: Pittsburgh. The wedding will take
j place in June.
:Boy Is Recovering
After Appendicitis
Willis Geist Xewbold, Jr., soli of
! Mr. and Mrs. Willis Geist Xewbold,
j of Brookville. Jefferson county, un-
J derwent an operation for aopendt-
I citis-last Friday at the Dultois Hos
| pital, Dußois. He is recovering nice
j ly. Mrs. Xewbold is at the hospital
with her son. The Xewbolds moved
from Harrisburg to Brookville
eighteen months ago. Mr. Xewbold
is editor of the Brookville Repub-
I lican.
j A congregational reception to the
j members of Bethlehem Lutheran
| Church who have been received dur
i Ing the past year will be given in
I the social rooms of the church this
I evening at 8 o'clock. All members
j and friends are urged to be pres
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Berkley are
[ attending the convention of the East-
I ern Commercial Teachers' Associa
tion at Springfield. Mass.
Miss Lillian J. Miller, of 701 Benton
street, is visiting her brother, Prof.
L. Paul Miller, principal of the high
school at Newton. N. J., and friends at
Columbia University, X. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Johnston
went to Omaha, Neb., for a short
.stay among relatives and friends. ,
Easter Holidays Begin With
Charming Party in Ball
room of Hotel
One of the most brilliant dances
of the season was held last evening
in the ballroom of the Penn-Harris,
under the direction of Mrs. C. L.
Miller, Airs. S. R. Sides and Mrs. O.
Porter Hammond, with the Banjo-
Saxo Orchestra playing for the
dancing. Among those present
Miss An nu Bacon, Miss Maryj
Stark, Miss Isabella Shreiner, Miss!
Ruth Towsen, Miss Adeline Paul,!
Miss Beatrice Bueon, Miss Kather-i
ine Eveler, Miss Marion Towsen,
Miss Frances Brown, Miss Mary
Tonkin, Miss Myers, Miss Eshen-!
hour. Miss Lois McAllister, Miss]
Sophia Hasskarl, Miss Mary Koons,!
Miss Katherine Thorn, Miss Mil-1
dred Astrich, Miss Ruth Kurstader, j
Miss Marie Smith, Miss Mary Jellv, I
Miss Evelyn Cumbler, Miss Kather- j
ine Aldinger, Miss Martha Fletcher.\
Miss Ruth D. Beatty, Miss Margaret j
Vaughn, Miss Edith Shaffer, Miss 1
Julia Swiler, Miss Helen Owens,!
Miss Jean Fahrney, Miss Constance
Beidleman, Miss Freda Steese, Miss'
Sara McCulloch. Miss Helen Wall,
Miss Freda Hess.
Edward A. Cashman, H. A. Otto,
Colonel Lehman, R. D. Pratt, John
Kuhn, Ira Kindler, Captain A. E.
Oustrock, John Thrush, H. L. Mar
tin, Lieutenant James W. Towsen,
W. C. Fisher, Captain Wagner,
Lieutenant Paul Rotoeil, Augustus
Myers, A. B. Beyer, George* Erb.
Frank Barley, Francis H. Smith,!
Joseph Smith, Mark Garber, Charles!
Pease, Paul Kirby, C. E. Wissler, I
Roger E. Alton, Albert W. Hahn,
Roy Barley, J. C. Thompson, Thom
as R. Shuey, Kenneth Stark, George
Stark, J. C. Wohlfarth, John A.
Rose, Dr. A. E. Lebo, William John
son, Harvey Ensminger, S. S.
Pomeroy, Kenneth Sweeney, Robert
C. Myers, Louis McConnell, Harry
Leonard, Edward Gilford, Joseph
Cluster, Jr., Motter Fletcher, John
Wingert, Louis Mumma, Lieutenant
Underwood, Ross Shuman, J. H.
Troup. Jr.. Charles Troup, Bernard
Aldinger, Herbert Myers, Richard
Mr..and Mrs. George Vickery. Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Rees, Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Heyser, Mr. and Mrs. James
Lutz, Mr. and Mrs. B. Pratt. Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Bar
tram Shelley, Mr. and Mrs. William
Weber, Mr. and Mrs. C. I/. Bemser,
Mr. and Mrs. is. I. Cadwallader, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Dranke, Mr. and!
Mrs. F. H. Fishburn, Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Rupp, Mr. and Mrs. Chris
llibler, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blyler, i
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Espenshade, Mr.
and Mrs. H. S. Partheniore, Mr. and |
Mrs. Reel Denny, Mr. and Mrs. |
Charles Feidt, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. |
Longaker, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Clautu, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hall. l
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Allen, Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Calcy, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra
Cossell, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Miller,>
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haldy, Mr. and j
Mrs. William Robh, Mr. and Mrs. H. j
C. Maeyer, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Oum
inings. Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Lentz, Dr.
and Mrs. W. S. Hamaker, Dr. and
Mrs. C. L. Wright. Dr. and Mrs.
Thomas E. Bowman, Dr. and Mrs.
G. K. Keet. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Hall.
Dr. and Mrs. William M anbaugh,
Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Wright, Dr. and
Mrs. Austin Miller. Dr. and Mrs. J.
A. Donaldson, Mr. and "Mrs. A. B.
Millar. Dr. and Mrs. S. A. D. Barr,
Lieutenant and Mrs. C. A. Kline,
Mrs. Ned UUman. Mrs. Henry Pat
ton, Mrs. Herman Astrich.
Wednesday Club Concert
With Miss Alice Decevee
Miss Alice Marie Decevee, pianist,
will make her first public appearance
in this city when she is presented in
recital this evening at Fahncstock
Hall, by the Wednesday Club, at its
closing concert. Miss Decevee, who is
a musician of unusual ability will ap
pcur in the first half of the program.
! The second half will be given by the
i Wednesday Club Chorus under the
direction of Mrs. W. F. Harris, with
i Mrs. Roy G. Cox as soloist, and Miss
; Mabel Whittenmyer at the piano. The
fjrivilege of bringing one guest has
>een extended to all members of the
! club.
Miss Jeanette Aronson has return
ed to the Moravian Seminary at
Bethlehem after spending several
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Aronson, 2010 North Third
Miss Marion Reinohl, 2114 North
Third street, is spending a few days
at Allcntown. While there she will
attend several fraternity danees at
I-ehigh University, South Bethlehem.
Miss Louise Dayton, of Williams
nort, is visiting Miss Alice Marie
Decevce, 150.1 North Second street.
Miss Elisabeth Leib, a Hood Col
lege student, resumed her studies in
Frederick, Md„ to-day after spending
the Faster holidays at her home.
Percy Henderson, of Pittsburgh, is
stopping for a few days with his
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Donald B.
Oreepe. of Penn street.
Mrs. Herbert Elder lias gone home
to Frederick. Md., after visiting her
sister. Mrs. E. Clarke Cowden. South
Front street, on the way home from
Clinton, N. ,T.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Wickers ham and
Miss I-enore Wiekersham, of Phila
delphia, are visiting Mrs. Oscar G.
Wiekersham, whom they brought
home by automobile after a visit at
their home.
Miss Evelyn Speakman, of Seven
teenth street is home from Balti
more where she visited Miss Sabra
Clark at Goueher College.
Mrs. Charles DeLone is home after
a delight'"' visit in Overbrook and
Mr. and Mrs. Lee W, Flowers, of
Philadelphia, are making an Easter
visit to friends here.
Miss Josephine Mitchell and Miss
Dorothy Seaton of Washington,. D.
C., are guests of Mrs. Charles W.
Hardt, at 2245 North Second street.
Mrs. Dwight W. Ludington of The
Terraces. New Cumberland, Is home
after visiting her sister, Mrs. John
McCandless, In Washington.
Mr. and Mrs, William Gotwalt and
daughter, Miss Amanda Gotwalt, of
Windsor Park, .York, were weekend
guests of their relatives, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank F. Stevick, 1011 North
Third street.
Miss May Denier, of South Front
street, is enjoying a two weeks' stay
in New York City.
Miss Jane Howard, pf Staunton,
Va„ is visiting her sistef, Mrs. Martin
E. Olmsted, 103 North Front street.
Arthur King Kunkel, of Second and
Hamilton streets is home after a lit
tle visit with his wife and daughter
who are with relatives in Mercers
burg for a while.
Large Gathering of Central
High Students and Their
Guests Much Enjoyed
The Philonian Debating Society
dunce last night at Winterdale Hull
proved to be one of the best dances
given this year by any Central High
society. Alany alumni of the school
as well as students from the local
schools were present, and the vari
colored dresses of the dancers made
AA'interdale look like the time when
Central dances were more numer
ous than they are to-day. The Sour
bier-Myers Orchestra furnished the
music, and the following were pres
The Alisses Helen Kelley, Alary
Keleher, Agnes Breman, Eloise
Peake, Lillian Fought, Gladys Bit
ner, Elsie Bratton, Aliss Geiger,
Vivien Hartzell, Mary Hoff, Florence
Burtnett, Peggy Good, Helen llubb,
Grace Peake, Eleanor Jones, Elinor
Barter, Adele Srnyser, lajuise Hum
mel, Elizabeth Bratton, Ivy 11. Hies
ter, G. H. Musser, Eleanor Ebv, June
Beard, Claire VanDyke, Lois Coons.
Louise Brandt, Helen Ard, Millie
Ard, Adelaide Yingst, Helen E. Hoff
man, Anna Senseman. Ruth Dow
dell, Nita M. Spangler, Mildred Krei
der,Eva Irving, Anna Hamnielbaugh,
Ida Voder, Mildred Meyer, Fay Mov
er, A'iolet Hollipgcr, Esther Wheeler,
Louetta Ernst, Mary Haines, Doro
thy Corning, Stanley Perrin, Martha
Goodyear, Edith Mullen, Myrtle
Webster, Henrietta Geety, Virginia
T. Forrer, Charlotte Grove. Mildred
DeShong, Mary F. liockefellar, Alar
garet Moeslein, Enitlie Klapp, Ethel
Jones, Irene Shook, Helen G. Guist
white, Hilda Famous, Helen Fritz
gerald, Jean Springer, Katherine Ed
wards, Cassandra Musser, Sarah
Ataikley, AVinifred Tripner, Helen
Kochenderfer, Naomi A. Ackley,
Edna Bowers, Evelyn Snyder, Chris
tina Long. Ruth McCauley, Caroline
Roth, Kathleen Eyler, Pauline Long,
K. Gladys Sloop, Florence Brubnker,
Ruth Arment, Mary Hurbuoh, Alice
Abrams, Alary K. Potts, Leona Ma
tilda Prowell, Delia' Daisy Costello,
Lueenic Ale Coy, Aliss Mura Bress
ler, Gertrude AlcDcvitt, Helen Mar
Messrs. P. A. Be.ekloy, John Koch,
J. A. Spencer, Jr., John I'pp, Marlin
G. Geiger, Mollis M. Wible, John S.
Senseman, K. Stevens, Karl Wright,
Wayne Snyder, Cecil Holmes, Gil
bert Mattson, William Fortna, Hor
ace Selig, Dick Speakman, Paul
Huntsberger, M. G. Potts, Alvin
Colestock, C. S. Devonshire, Harold
Sides, George W. Vanaman, Harry
W. Good, George C. Pavord, Charles
Boone, Kenneth R. H. Williams, Wil
liam H. Hamer. Paul Heaiter, Har
old Shearer, Thomas D. Caldwell, I
Frederick B. Huston, H. M. Shope,
Nelson Slireiner, K. L. Garman, A. J.
Musser, Raymond A. Otto. F. C.
Beecher, B. B. Wert, Robert
Michael, Fred P. Kent, 11. M. llipple,
William Webster, Harry O. Webb, H.
B. Martz, William K. Mcßride, Rob
ert Crist, Richard Quigley, J. 11.
Craiglow. J. Richard Robinson, An
son W. DeVout, Beatty H. Rhine
smith, Joseph' A. Landis, Robert H.
Price, J. A. Eby, J. Reidel, Joseph
Schmidt, Arthur Hibler, R. Gilchrist
Brininger, Stewart Taylor, Blair Hef
kin, Arch Black, H. E. J. Puer,
Charles Fry, C. E. Wessler, R. D.
Baxter, J. Warren Gates, Robert F.
Cornelius, Fred P. Haehnlen, W.
Thomas Senseman Jr. Norman Het
rick, Wilbur C. Ober, Homer L.
Kreider, Charles H. Crist, Lewis K.
Rimer, Sergeai* L. Drake, Ben
Wolfe, Harold Gottshall, J. W.
Frock. W, S. Shearer, Bruce Smith.
J. T. Minnaugh, George Rex, Jack
Hall, William Maurer, Frank Withe
row, William Murray, and Stanley
Miss Anne Bradley, of 1624 State
; street, spent the weekend in Mer
j cersburg.
The Misses Helen and Ruth Strick
ler. of Narberth, were recent guests
of Miss Elizabeth Lloyd, at 604 North
Second street.
Bacon —"Whkt did you think of
the lady's first song'.'"
Egbert—"l was disappointed."
"How so?"
"She sang 'I Am Going Far Away,
Far Away to Leave You Now,' and
she didn't go."—Yonkers Statesman.
j There's nothing uncertain
about Golden Roast Blend
• Coffee. Hit or miss results
| are too carefully
i against to permit of various
j pound packages having differ
• ent qualities.
| Golden Roast
| Blend Coffee
| has a distinctive "quality"
I flavor. First of all Golden
j Roast is blended of selected
\ coffees and then its roasted
! very, very carefully.
| It is the coffee which
even before you prepare,
you know absolutely that
it will please your guests
or family.
Full flavored and
R. H. Lyon
Coffee Purveyor to the Prnn-llarrlN
Harrlsburg, Pa.
Funeral Designs
A Beautiful Spray for $2.00
A Handsome Wreath
for $5.00
Keeney's Flower Shops
814 N. 3d St.. IST N. Front St., I
Harrloburg. Steeltoa. |
— 1 - I
Reception of Camp Hill Trin
ity Lutheran Congregation
Js Largely Attended
Trinity Lutheran Church, of Camp
Hill, Ihe Rev. Dr. E. C. Weigle, pas
tor, with a membership of 221, had
thirty-nine accessions recently and
last evening a reception was ar
ranged to welcome the new mem
bers as a fitting conclusion to the
Easter festivities. The Mite Society
was in charge of plans, and with
Carl K. Deen and W. Kent Gilbert,
look complete charge of decorations,
program and the social hour.
An informal program included an
invocation by the pastor, singing.
"America," by everyone; an instru
mental duet by the Misses Louise
Cook and Gretchen Deen, which was
enthusiastically encored; short ad
dresses by the pastor, M. M. Hench,
W. Kent Gilbert and Carl K. Deen,
officers of the church; 11. A, Walker,
superintendent of the Sunday school;
George Good and James Brooke, of
the congregation; Mrs. 11. M. Shope,
choir leader, sang a solo, and re
ceived much spoken appreciation for
the beautiful Easter music under
her direction.
A social hour with refreshments
added much to the event, and after
ward the beautiful flowers and
potted plants were distributed
among the sick and shut-ins of the
The parsonage was not forgotten
at Eastertide'and many lovely gifts
were sent to the pastor and his fam
ily which were ghutly received and
greatly appreciated.
Berean Bible Class
Delightfully Entertained
Berean Bihie Class No. 6. of Stev
ens Memorial M. E. Church, taught
by James W. Barker, was delight
fully entertained on Monday evening
at the home of Mrs. E. J.' Hocken
bury, Bellevue Park. The class en
joyed solos by Ml-s. E. N. Hershey.
and a reading by Mrs. Hockenbury.
After a get-together social hour, re
freshments were served to the fol
lowing members of the class: Mr.
and Mrs. James W. Barker, Mis.
Lloyd Holmes, Mrs. Charles D.
Hughes. Mrs N. R. Walker, Mrs. E.
N. Hershey, Mrs. M. M. Howsomnier,
Mrs. John Sterner, Mrs. Addison E.
Johnson, Mrs. J. G. Hockey, Mrs.
Fred Carnes, Mrs. H. W. Johnson.
Mrs. VanDevender, Miss Hannah
Crump. Mrs. Henry K. Rupp, Mrs.
W. S. Fishel, Miss Norma Barker,
Mrs. Ray Reed, Mrs. Samuel Beckley,
Miss Gertrude Forsythe, Mrs. J. M.
Allison, Miss Anna S. Cubbison, Miss
Grace Johnson. Miss Dorothy
Holmes. Miss Betty Malone and Miss
Maude Downey.
$3,500,000 CARRIED
[Cniitinticd from First Paste. 1 I
- —i i
Walnut streets and Fourth street J
and the railroad frqtn Us present tin- j
sightly appearance into one of the i
beauty spots of the world.
The erection of bridge and office I
buildings are to be tinder- the di- i
rection of the Board of Public 1
Grounds und Buildings and author
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sure that it's .... CREAM
Hershey Creamery Co.
Harrisburg, Pa.
APRTT, 22, 1919.
ity for tho appointment of superin
tendents of construction to safe
guard tho interests of the State are
provided. The bridge hill includes
memorial pylons at the eastern ap
proach. The bridge is to extend front
the park zone to Thirteenth street,
with prop'er approaches from both
directions. It is to be built over the
plans made by J. E. Greiner. the
bridge expert, and Arnold W. Brun
ner, the architect in charge of the
whole Capitol Park development.
Separate contracts may be made, if :
deemed wise, for the building of the
approaches and pylons.
The bill provides that "the city j
of Harrisburg shall by ordinance I
agree to pay the Commonwealth the j
sum of $ 1100,000 toward the cost of;
construction," this sum to be trans- i
ferred from the fund for the propos- I
ed Walnut street viaduct now aban- j
doned and an election to permit of !
the formality of the transfer will be j
necessary, but there will be no seri- |
ous objection raised and the trans- i
fer will be made. The Pennsylvania |
railroad will be required to pay a :
| share of the cost and the State agrees •
to sell a small portion of tho land j
along the railroad to the company i
so that it may straighten its tracks ■
in accordance with plans made by |
the State, the railroad to pay not j
less than the State paid for the •
ground and this Sum and tho sum i
contributed to the bridge to lie paid I
the State and placed at the disposal !
of the Board of Public Grounds and
I Buildings as part of tYicf bridge fund.
In addition, any street car company
or other public utility using the
bridge is to pay for that usage, the
amount to Vie decided by the board.
The city is to be made responsible
for putting all mains, piprs and con
duits in State street permanently in
good condition before the bridge is
started and the State reserves tho
power of eminent domain to take any
properties that may be necessary to
the construction of the bridge.
The city will be required to keep
and maintain the roadways and side
walks of tho bridge in condition,
with the proviso/that if the board
grant the use of the bridge to any
street car company, it shall do so
with the understanding that such
company keep in repair such portion
of the roadway as the board may de
Tho city is to have the right to
provide by ordinance for the pie
serving and protection of the bridge
and its approaches from harm and
damage and for policing them. The
city is also required by ordinance
before entering into contract tor the
erection of the bridge "to provide
by ordinance that the property par
alleling such bridge from the line
of the Pennsylvania Bailroad Com
pany east ward'y one block and one
block south thereof; shall not here
after be put to any use which, in the
judgment of the State Art Commis
sion shall damage or detract from
said bridge; provided, however, that
the present use of such property
shall not be affected by this provi
sion." This means that in the future
no building may be erected from
j Walnut street to North street be
tween the railroad and tho bluff
which would mar the beauty of the
! bridge. Special provision is made that
j in case any of the sections of the act
I should be questioned as to their con
| stitutionality, such action would not
Dinner Tuesday Evening. April --
Stouffer's Restaurant
4 X. Court St. 5 to 7.30
i 500
Chicken Xoorilc Soup
i Cnlf I.ivcr In Uncoil—lleef Cro-
HetteM—linked Yeail (Maryiuntl
Ntylc)—Koimt Iteof.
Mti slicil or liyonnaiMC I'otntocM—
-1 Corn Cu*tard—Boiled Hive—En
Ice Crcnm, Pie or Pudding
Coffee, Ten or Cocoa
L.— | .r
endanger the purposes and objeeH
of the act as a whole.
The otflce building which is to b®
built along plans made by Mr. Brun
ner, already extensively described
and pictured by the newspapers, is to
cost $2,000,000, but this sum is also
to provide for the*necessary grading
and terracing and beautifying of the
grounds in order to provide a proper
setting of the structure.
A bill was introduced in the House
to-day by Mr. Sowers. Philadelphia,
jfor a Capitol otflce building. It pro
vides for an otflce for each commit
tee of the legislature. The sum
mentioned is $3,000,000.
" " "" —t.
What ftoritnn Mtikr* Coram
Spring Colds
Variable weather, with de
cided changes in tempera
ture brings on "Spring Colds"
Knocks 'Em
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A useful remedy for
Colds, Grippe and
Small Chocolate Coated Tab
lets—Easy to Take
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3 Stores
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D, W. Cotterel
9 X. Market Square