Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 22, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Presiding Justice Says Jurors
Must Have Been Partial
or Prejudiced
Now Bloomficlil, Pa.. April 22.
Considerable Interest has been cre
ated in Perry county in the im
pending retrial of the suit of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert J. Hammakcr, of
Watts township, aiminst the town
ship for damages for the death of
their two daughters, which occurred
when an oil wagon slid over a steep
bank in Watts township.
In the recent trial of the suit, a
Perry county court brought in a ver
dict of $llO for the two deaths and
then a week later brought in a ver
dict of more than $2,100 in a suit
for damages for a broken leg,
brought against Oliver township.
Branding as "unconscionable" the
verdict of the Perry county jury, the
opinion handed down in Superior
Court at Pittsburgh held that the
award was inadequate and ordered
a new trial. Perry county judges
had refused the application for a
new trial requested by the parents.
In his opinion, the Superior Court
judge felt that the damages "were
so unreasonable and disproportion
ate to human life that we are con
vinced the jurors must have been
Influenced by partiality or prejudice,
or by some misconception of the
evidence. It is not necessary to hold
that there must be substantial dam
ages allowed for the negligent
death of child in every case. There
may possibly be exceptional cir
cumstances which may justify a jury
in awarding nominal damages, but
those circumstances do not exist in
this case.
It was the opinion of the Court
that the lower court erred in the
exercise of his judicial discretion in
refusing a new trial.
In the original case, negligence
on the part of the Watts township
supervisors was alleged. It was held
that the guard rail was not of the
strength that it should have been.
When the oil wagon started to slide
on the slippery hill in the township,
it crashed through the guard rail
and went down over the step bank.
The two Hammaker children, who
were riding with the driver, were in
stantly killed, but the driver suffer
ed no severe injury.
There is no cure''
but veiiet s often
■ brought by— 4mwL
I The Maxwell Railroad I
TTS terminal is your store or
JL plant and it runs direct to any
door with every street and every
road its own right of way. And
II a railroad for only $ 1085 (chassis).
I It will pay back its cost in 12
months' time, and you can buy
it for a portion of its cost down
and the balance in monthly pay
| ments.
It's a big truck with 10-foot
loading space, worm drive, the
boasted feature of $5OOO trucks,
electric lights and generator, and
it weighs only 2400 pounds.
Pays its way from day to day.
Jl/ttr milts ptrgalUn a g
idtrt milts M tint |
P' I
1 1; Miller Auto Co. Inc.
IS' 58 S. Cameron St., Harriaburar, Pa. fil
I |i B. F. BARKER, Mgr. 1
I SJ Alrehanloabur* Branch, I.rbnnon Branch 3g
53 W. Main St. 126 N. Ninth St. B
\\. M. Bnnbore. Shlpprnahure. I.ykena Motor Car Co., I.yken*. 1
I). Boyd Alter, New Bloomltrld. Joe 11. Wnltera, Hununeliitown.
S. P. Dlller, Boillns Spring.. .1. E. Eahelman, Bat hmnnrlllr. ||l
Ira Hand, Illnrton. Anion Martin. Annvllle.
Cumberland Valley News
Quota of Cumberland County
Subscribed Two Days Be
fore Campaign Opens
Carlisle, Pa., April 22. Opening
of the Liberty Loan Campaign in
Cumberland county was marked by
the unfurling of two flags marking
the county's service in the various
Liberty Loans. The one was the
the honor flag for the county. Cum
berland county subscribed her quota
to the Victory Loan two days before
the opening of the campaign, and,
the flag was placed on the Court
House yesterday.
Raising about $10,000,000 for war
purposes the county got another hon
or in the special emblem awarded by
the Treasury Department to the dis
tricts which have been 100 per cent,
in the live loans. Cumberland county
exceeded the quota in every loan and
the new flag, somewhat similar to the
honor emblem for the Fourth loan,
but with five white stars, was also
Owing to the unique action of the
banking institutions in putting the
county over ten days before the terms
of the loan announced by guaran
teeing the quotas, there,will be no
canvass in the county, the bonds to
be sold through the banks, to whom
those who apply.
Waynesboro, Pa.. April 22—A num
ber of Waynesboro women signed
papers here to-day before notaries
for membership in the D. A. R. A chap
ter of this society is being organized
in Franklin county and a largo mem
bership is already assured. The
county organization is being promot
ed by Miss Christie King, of Cham
bersburg, a niece of the late Colonel
Thomas A. Scott, former president of
the Pennsylvania Railroad, and a na
tive of this county.
Carlisle. Pa., April 22.—Because of
a big advanced demand for accom
modations, the new hotel Carlisle, se
cured for the town through the
Chamber of Commerce, will be in
creased 50 per cent, in size. Addi
tional buildings have been secured,
and will be combined with the orig
inal one to give a hotel of 50 rooms,
33 with bath and all with modern
conveniences. The hotel will be six
stories high, the largest building in
the town, with every accommodation.
Plans are being made for the formal
opening about June 15.
Time Lock Mechanism on
Bank Vault Fails to Work
11 Waynesboro. Pa., April 22.—Duo to
I the fact that the time-clock mechan
ism on the door to the large vault
jot the bank of Waynesboro failed to
I work yesterday morning the bank
was compelled to do business until 1
o'clock at great disadvantages. Books
notes, money and other essentials
for the conduct of the bank's regular
business were locked behind massive
doors. Other banks in town furn
ished the necessary money for the
i bank to do business until at 1 o'clock
when, by a continuous jarring of
the door with a large wooden plank,
the door was released, and then the
bank opened up for full fledged bus
Mechtuilrxburg. Pa.. April 22.—Rel
ative to the women's work in the
Victory Loan Campaign, Mrs. J. Ir
vin Steel, of Mechanicsburg, chair
man of the Woman's National Com
mittee of Cumberland County, re
ceived the following letter from Mrs.
Eleanor W. McAdoo:
"The women of the United States
felt a year ago, that no money price
was too high for the winning of a
victorious peace. The Government
of the United States is now asking
us to help raise the four and one-half
billion dollar subscription that totals
the Victory Liberty Loan. Can we
do less than our best to pay the price
of peace?"
Waynesboro, Pa., April 22. Miss
Isabella Phillips Koons, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Koons, delight
fully entertained a number of friends
I at the home of her parents, at which
time her engagement to Carl Stone
McKellogg, Shelby, Ohio, was an
nounced. The wedding will take
place during the summer.
Waynesboro, Pa., April 22.—Word
has been received by friends of Ser
geant David M. Baker, formerly of
Waynesboro, who suffered the loso
of an eye and other injuries in
France, that he is so far recovered
from recent locations lis is able to
leave Fort McHcnry and w ill soon be
in v.'i ynesbo-o.
Mcchanicsbtirg, Pa., April 22—Upon I
information of the State Fish Warden;
en, four men of Hampden township ]
were arrested yesterday by State j
Policeman T. L. Dolan and given a 1
hearing before Justice of the Peace i
Mohler for illegal fishing. They were !
S. G. Walters, Roy Forney, Walter
Forney and John Forney. They were
tined $2O apiece, which they paid.
Will Make Decision Later in
Controversy in This
Pittsburgh, Pa.. April 22.—Argu
ment on the United States govern
ment's application for an injunction
to restrain the Public Service Com
mission of Pennsylvania from set
ting aside the new wire rates recent
ly ordered by Postmaster General
Burleson, was heard by three Fed
eral judges here yesterday. Follow
ing the presentation of argument by
counsel for tho government and
State, the court said that a decision
would be announced later.
The arguments yesterday centored
about State "police powers," it being
contended on one side that the Post
master General had no right to in
crease rates without submitting the
question to the Public Service Com
mission, while, on the other hand, it
was said that if "police powers" ex
clude rate making, then Mr. Burleson
acted within his powers.
British Modify Censorship
Rules to Benefit U. S.
By Associated Press
Washington, April 22. Modifica
tion of British censorship regulations
to permit the use of private codes in
cablegrams passing through London
from the United States to South
America is announced by tho Navy
Restrictions imposed by British au
thorities as to the censoring of com
mercial messages, and the delay said
to result therefrom, and on the use
of code has been the \ subject of u
number of protests by American busi
ness interests and organizations,
rhese ecncerns and organizations
have charged that the British censor
ship operated to the advantage of
British firms in regaining trade and
that it gave British linns an undue
advantage, especially in Soutn
Waynesboro, Pa.. April 22. Miss
Hazel P. Fraver and Paul N. Yessler,
were married on Easter morning at
8 o'clock at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George. Fraver,
by the Rev. Dr. J. M. Francis, pastor
of the Lutheran Church. The bride
is a graduate of the Waynesboro
High School, class 1911, while the
groom graduated from the same
school in 1912, after which he gradu
ated from Bowman's Tech School, at
Lancaster. He is at present employed
in Frederick, Md., on wireless instru
ments for the United States Govern
ment, where they will live after an
extended wedding trip.
Dallam. Pa., April 22. —The body
of Private Owen D. Spjenkle, a
member of Company B, One Hun
dred and Fifth Ammunition Train,
A. E. F., will be brought here for
burial. His death occurred in
France, March 1, from pneumonia.
Adjutant General Harries had writ
ten Private Sprenkle's sister, Mrs.
J. R. Abel, asking what disposition
should be made of the body, which
is at present in the Grand Cemetery,
at Le Mans, Sarthe, France.
Marietta, Pa., April 22. —Relatives
of Private Samuel Rettew, of Mari
etta, have received a telegram stat
ing that he has arrived In New
York on a trasport and was being
sent to a hospital to recuperate. The
young soldier was in Company G,
Eleventh United States Infantry and
in some of the fiercest fighting. He
was so badly injured by shrapnell
that his right leg was amputated
near the hip. For several weeks
he lay in a base hospital and finally
was sent to America .
Mount Wolf, Pa., April 22. —Dis-
trict Deputy William H. Young, of
Hallam, recently installed the elec
tive officers of Mount Wolf Lodge
No. 1196, I. O. O. F., as follows:
Noble Grand, H. B. Hoft; Vice
Grand, Eli W. Hoff; trustee, William
M, Hoover; third member of relief,
Charles E. Deardorff.
Liverpool, Pa., April 22.—Mrs. 4.
Warren Stailey has been appointed
chiarman of the Women's National
Victory Loan committee for Liver
pool district. Mrs. Stailey had charge
of the Fourth Liberty Loan cam
paign in the absence of Miss Puera
B. Robison, who had charge of the
other loan campaigns in this dis
Liverpool. Pa., April 22.—Miss
Mary Morris, R. N., the only daugh
ter of Dr. and Mrs. William G. Mor?
ris, recently accepted a position as
a supervising nurse in the Johns Hop
kins Hospital. Baltimore, from
which institution she graduated with
honors last May. Miss Morris grad
uated from the local high school in
1913 as valedictorian of her class
and later from SMtllersville State
Normal. Since her graduation from
Johns Hopkins she has been en
gaged in private nursing.
Hummclstown, Pa., April 22.
The men's organized Bible class of
Zion Lutheran Church will hold its
eleventh annual charter luncheon on
Thursday evening. The Rev. Dr.
Charles Causlin, secretary of the
board of education, of Harrisburg,
will be tho speaker of the evening.
Mount Wolf, Pa., April 22.—The
"Sunbeam" class of St. John's Lu
theran Sunday schol, taught by Miss
Ethel Arnold, will hold a social in
the basement of tho church on
Thursday evening. The boys' class
taugh hv Miss Leah Strevig, has
been invited to attend.
Liverpool, April 2 2.—John, six
year-old grandson of John Zeigler,
who recently moved to this place
from Harrisburg and occupies the
late George Snyder's residence, was
seriously hurt yesterday morning
while playing in tho street. The
child ran in front of an auto and
was struck in the head und hurled
to the side of the road.
Marietta. Pa.. April 22.—Mrs. Ge
nevieve Souders, wife of Joseph Sou
ders, died at \ her home opposite
Batnbridge after a lingering illness
iof a complication of diseases. She
was thirty-one years old and is sur
vived by her husband, a daughter.
Miss Flora, and her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Stair, residing at Pleas
ant Urove. She was a member of the
United Brethren Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Budd Beistcl, of Mii
lersburg, were guests of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Arnold, on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac F. Chubb spent
Easter at Miilersburg visiting their
son. Edward Chubb und family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Feehrer, of
Hurrlsburg. were week-end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knouff.
Gilbert Still, of Camden, N. J., Is
spending several days at the home of
his brother, C. F. Still.
Miss Amaza Brubaker, of Harris
burg, spent Sunday at the home of
her sister, Mrs. William Hess.
Mrs. Ralph Wengle, of Camp Hill,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Motter.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bowman and
Alfred Bowman, of Lancaster, spent
Sunday at the home of their father,
Cornelius Bowman.
Washington Camp No. 676, P. O.
S. of A., will initiate a class of six
candidates at their meeting this
evening. Lunch will be served fol
lowing the meeting.
Mrs. Catharine Epler, of Middle
town. was an Easter guest of her
son, Joseph E. Epler and family.
The Rev. J. H. Barnes, of Millers
burg, will give an illustrated Biblical
lecture in the local Methodist Episco
pal church this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Heisler, of
Philadelphia, visited his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Heisler over
Miss Esther Wagner, of Washing
ton. was the week-end guest of Mr.
and Mrs. H. S. Potter.
Mrs. Clara Lutz, of Liverpool,
spent Sunday at the home of her son,
Harry Lutz.
Mrs. James Bedgar and daughter,
of Reading, spent several days with
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Dillman.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rutter, of
Marysville, paid a visit to his moth
er. Mrs. Hannah Rutter, Sunday.
Miss Martha Loudermilch, of Har
risburg, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Schroyer.
Mrs. Victorene Coover spent Eas
ter with her sister, Mrs. Kunkle, at
Mrs. Amelia Bender has returned
from a visit to her daughter, Mrs.
J. H. Rearick, at Chambersburg.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Klugli, of
Enola, aro spending several days with
friends here.
V. C. Kline and family, of Mont
Alto, and Mrs. Harding, of Reading,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. M.
J. E. Arnold and family, of Car
lisle, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mag
gie Lerew and her daughters.
Mrs. David Deardorff, of Harris
burg, was the guest of her father,
William Shaffer, on Sunday.
Mrs. Anna Holtzinger, of Harris
burg, spent Easter with friends in
Carroll township.
Prof, and Mrs. W. C. Heiges, of
Harrisburg, spent Easter with friends
R. L. Nesbit, who has been ill for
some weeks, is improving.
Geary Bowman, who was seriously
ill for some weeks has greatly im
Mr. and Mrs. James Rounsley
have returned home from a week's
visit in York.
Mrs. James Morland entertained
the Camp Fire Club on Friday eve
The Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Burklieim
er spent several days with relatives
at Mechanicsburg.
A festival was held in Ulsh's store
room on Saturday evening by the
Girl Scouts.
Mrs. Margaret Brown, of Tyrone,
was a recent guest of her cousin,
Miss Nan Hough.
Miss Margaret Cook, of Harris
burg, spent Easter with her aunt,
Miss Ella Tyson.
Mrs. Hoyt Johnson and daugh
ter, of Washington, D. C.. are visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D.
Miss Lillie Nankivell, of Steelton,
spent Easter at her home in this
Ray Gibbs, a clerk for the Amer
ican Wire Fabrics Company, spent
the weekend with his parents at
William Hummer, of Dover, spent
Sunday with his son. Postmaster
Charles M. Hummer.
Miss Edith Livingston has return
ed from Baltimore, where she spent
several days with her sister, Mrs.
Buren Wertz. ,
Floyd Schwan, of Lorraine, 0., is
spending some time at the home
of his grandfather .Jacob K. Bare.
Cornelius Harrigle and son, Roy,
of South Dakota, are being enter
tained at the home of the former's
brother, John Harrigle.
Mrs. Charles Diehl is seriously ill
being threatened with appendicitis.
Pa told the groeer
"Send up six boxes of
in the morning. I
don't want any riot
my house!'
the riot"
I do love
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Bachman and
family of Middletown, spent Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Ilarnish and
daughter Jean, of Mechanicsburg,
spent the weekend at Annville.
Mrs. Robert Shumaker and chil
dren, of Allentown, spent several
days as guests of the former's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wood.
H. L. Kinports made a trip to Phil
adelphia on Wednesday.
Miss Minnie Hicks, of Lebanon,
was a recent visitor here.
Little Miss Betty Uhler, of Nor
ristown, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
H, E. Millard and family, of "Mil
C. E. Shenlc and family were re
cent visitors at Harrisburg.
Professor and Mrs. Roger B. Say
lor and family, of Jersey City, N. J.,
spent some time as guests of the for
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Miss Miriam Ellis, of North Wales,
was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Eliza
beth Henry.
Professor S. H. Derickson spent
Saturday at Harrisburg.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. M. Hiester en
tertained the following at dinner on
Friday: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wit
mer, of Philadelphia; Mrs. George
W. Stein and daughter Ivathryn, Miss
Sarah Bachman and Miss Virginia
Witmcr, of Annville.
Miss Anna Kalil, of Phoenixvllle,
spent the Easter vacation with Mrs.
Rose Radel.
airs. J. P. Fisher and son, Albert,
of Philadelphia, are guests at the
home of her sister, Mrs. George
aiiss Cleo Haller was a week-end
visitor at the home of air. and airs.
Harold Hoover.
arr. and airs. Fred Koenig and
children, of Reading, returned home
Sunday after a brief visit to town.
Harry Fctterhoff, who was injured
at work returned from the Ashland
hospital much improved.
aiiss Mary Batdorf, of Philadel
phia, is home for a few days.
aiiss Laura Williams and Miss
Fralick, of Miilersburg, were Sunday 1
visitors at the home of Aaron Ralph. 1
Charles Culton and daughters'
spent Saturday at Pottsville.
airs. Aaron Ralph and daughter,
Sara, were at Pottsville on Saturday.
airs. Amelia Temple and grand
son, of Harrisburg, are visiting rela
tives here.
Hiram Bowman and granddaugh
ter, aiildred Bowman spent the
week-end with his daughter, Mrs.
Winfleld James, at Pottsville.
The Thompson orchestra held a
musicale at. the Academy of Music
on Monday evening for the benefit of
of the celebration of the soldier boys'
home-coming on July 4.
John aiorgan has returned to his
employment at Philadelphia after
several days spent here.
Miss Margaret Yohn and William
Albright, of Harrisburg, were Sunday
visitors at P. K. Brink's.
Prof. George Lyter, of Montours
ville, visited at J. L. Eilenmeyer's.
George Owens, of Harrisburg, Is
visiting here with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. O. Owens.
Misses Irene Coffman and Frances
Snyder, who spent Easter here with
their parents, have returned to Wil
llamsport Dickinson Seminary.
William Romig. Leon Lutz. Abner
Murray, Newton Miller, M. 11. Grubb
and Joy Snyder, employed In Harris
burg, spent Easter at their homes
Lutlter Eilenmeyer and family
spent Easter with relatives at Belle
Prof. Charles I. Barner, of Phila
delphia, is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Barner.
Mrs. J. C. Werick and son James, of
Harrisburg, are visitors at J. Warren
Miss Margaret Helmbucker, of Penn
Hall. Chambersburg, is visiting her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gipo spent
several days at Chambersburg visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. David Gipe.
Mr. and Mrs. Gulp, of Phoenixvllle,
are spending several days with their
son. B. Frank Culp.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rhineliart, of
Shepardstown, W. Va., were recent
visitors here.
Mr. und Mrs. Ambrose Cort have
returned to their home in New York
city after a short visit to Mr. and
Mrs. Seth Dickcy.
Mr. and Mrs. Webb Smith have re
turned to their home at Lancaster
after visiting Mrs. D. F. Metealf
here, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith
of Lemaster's.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ray Fallon, of
Philadelphia, are visiting Mr. Fallon's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Fallon.
Miss Kate Gelwleks has returned
to her home at Strawsburg after
spending several weeks with her
brother-in-law. A. R. Miller.
Miss Ruth North, of Philadelphia,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel North. Miss North is to be a
bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss
Hart Irvine.
Mrs. David Stouffer is sdViously ill
at her home in Linden avenue.
APRIL 22, 1919.
Juniata County Banks Buy
Entire Allotment of Bonds
Miflllotowii, Pa., April 22. Ju
niata county bus taken Its full quota
in Victory Loan Bonds. Announce
ment was made early yesterday by
County Chairman John J. Patterson
that following a meeting of the
bankers of the various banking in
stitutions of the country, these men
had agreed to purchase the entire
supply of bonds of the county, to be
sold later to putrons throughout the
The otllcials, however, are plan
ning a big campaign to place these
bonds in the hands of residents of the
The Victory Loan exhibition train,
on which will be shown a number of
relics from the battlefields of Europe,
will be shown at Mifflin station only.
In this county. The train will be
there for one and one-half hours on
May 4, arriving at 11.15 a. in. and
leaving at 12.45 p. m.
Newport, Pa., April 22. —Nu
Chapter, Phi Epsilon Kappa fratern
ity of Newport, held a successful
Easter dance in Centennial hall last
evening. Many guests were in at
tendance from Harrisburg and mem
bers of tlie fraternity from Mifflin
town, New Bloomfleld, Harrisburg
and other places were guests at the
affair, one of tli elargest held by the
local organization. Music for the
dancers was furnished by the New
port orchestra.
Millorstown, Pa., April 22.—Mrs.
Alfred Yohn, who died at the Har
risburg Hospital on Saturday morn
ing was buried from the home in
High street this morning. Burial
was made in Pfouts Valley. Mrs.
Yohn, who was twenty-six years old,
Is survived by her husband and two
small children, also by her father,
I Mr. Aulcer, of Newport.
Waynesboro, Pa., April 22.—Jacob
W. Reeves, of Quincy, and Miss
; Clara Spangler, daughter of Mr.
and Sirs. Noah Spangler, of Waynes
boro. were married on Thursday
evening at (he parsonage of the < >t
terbein Church, Grceneastle, the
Rev. J. W. Brubaker, pastor, offici
York Haven, Pa.. April 22.—-John
Eden, of York, and Miss Kathryn
Ileuitt, of York Haven, were mar
ried on Sunday at the York Haven
United Brethren parsonage l>y the
Rev. J. H. Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs.
Eden left on a trip to Philadelphia,
New York and Atlantic City. Upon
their return they will reside at 35
North West street, York.
Open All Year. Enter Any Time,
Individual Promotion.
Bell 125 (Opp. Senate) Dial 4014
Vapor Oil Ranges
"Work Like Gas" j
Generates its Gas from ordinary Kerosene
(Coal) Oil. 1 Gallon operates a burner for 20
No Wicks—No Smoke-
No Odor
This wonderful Range will
Heat, Cook and Bake I.
at a cost impossible to any other stove in America.
You must see this Range to realize % what a marvel
ous invention it is.
Nothing Like It In America
Hoove wy
Harrisburg Carlisle
1415-19 N. 2nd St. 23 W. Main St.
Class of Nine to
Graduate at Dillsburg
Dillsburg. Pa., April 22.—A larga
crowd gathered at the Lutheran
Church on Sunday ovening to heat
the Rev. CI. 11. Kvcler, the pastor,
deliver the baccalaureate sermon to
the graduating class of the Dills
burg High school. A union clioit
made up of members from the four
town church choirs furnished nut*
sic. The class consists of eight girls
and one boy, as follows: Margarcto
liaish, Katherino Baish, Helen Alt
land, Pearl Weaver, Rachel Walls,
Mary McClure, Lottie Crumltch, Ver
della Dick and John Heiges. Miss
Dick and Miss Crumlich are from
Carroll township and John lleiges is
from Franklin township. The others
are from Dillsburg. John Heiges is
valedictorian of the class and Vcr
della Dick is salutatorian. The class
colors are gray and blue and tlie
class motto Is "To-night wo launch;
shall we anchor?"
The graduating exercises will be
held in the Lutheran Church 011
Thursday evening and will consist of
the work of the school, no orator
having been engaged.
They do. not because it is a fad,
but because they wish to obtain the
greatest possible hair beauty and be
sure they are not using anything
harmful. They have found that in
washing the hair it is never wise to
use a makeshift, but it is laways ad
visable to use a preparation made
for shampooing only. Many of out
friends say they get the best re
sults from a simple homemade can
throx mixture. You can use this at
a cost of about 3 cents a shampoo
l>y getting some cantlirox from your
druggist and dissolving a teaspoon
l'ul In a cup of hot water. This
makes enough shampoo liquid to
apply to all tbo hair instead of Just
I the top of tho head, as with most
j preparations. Dandruff, excess oil
land dirt are dissolved and entirely
! disappear in the rinsing water,
i Your hair will bo so flulTy that it
| will look much heavier than it is.
1 its luster and softness will also dc
j light you.