12 IpAMUSE^MENTsj^f ORPHEUM To-night and Wednesday matinee and night—Elliott, Comateek and Uest otter "•Experience." Friday evening. April 33 Concert by the Municipal Hand. Saturday, matinee and night, April ■Victory Frolics," bcneilt Nursery Home. Monday, evening only, April 3S Charles Frobnian presents Cyril Maude In "The Saving Grace. MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville —Pletro, ac cordionist; George L'rury llart and Company in "1 tteg Your Pardon i Madison and Winchester, comed ians; Vera Sabine and Company in a dancing novelty; the Four Earls, sensational uertatUts. COLONIAL. To-day and to-morrow "Tempest and Sunshine." REGENT To-day and to-morrow Griffith* Feature, "The Girl \\ ho Stay ed at Home." Thursday, Friday and Saturday _ Pauline Frederick in "Paid in ull. VICTORIA , ~ All week—"The Heart of Humanity. Mr. Cyril Maude and his support ing company, under the direction of Charles Frohtnan. will Mr. Cyril play an engagement of one Maude night at tr.e Orpheum on Monday in t . Heddon Chambers' comedy "The saving Grace." Mr. Maude s portrayal of the delightfully humorous character oi Blinn Corbett. ex-officer of the Brit ish Army, who ran away with his colon* I s wile because lie it "the sporting thing to do." lias won the same high admiration frotn the 1 .cal plavgoers as was vouchsafed hv the New York public during the long run of the piece at the Entpir • theater. Miss Utura Hope Crews has achieved one- of the best successes of lier notable career in the role of tne affectiorate. simple-minded ana •wholly lovable wife of the whimsical hero. ' Miss Annie Hughes, whose long career on the British atui American stage has made her familiar to all patrons of the theater, has in this play a most humorous, engaging and sympathetic part. "Turn to the Right"' the widely-, praised comedy success which M in ohell Smith and John 1. • Turn to Golden will ,>r. sent at the itl K ht" the Orpheum theater f.-r three days. beginning Thursday. May Ist. direct front four \ v.ek- at the Garrick theater. Phila- | delphic has broken records in every large cit' in the country f,.r receipt: and length of runs Two eompani. - anpearc-d concurrently ir. Now "York. El the Gaiety theater, and Chicago, at Cohan's Grand Opera House, tor a ssl.d tear. Boston. Philadelphia. ](< .Xrtg.les, San Fran is• o. Seattle r.nd other large center* canitulated t<- its quaint fun and lieart interest and gave it the heaviest nnt re tinge of last season. Only a few "high spots v. ere touched on tour last * ar but tie New- Y tk east headed bv Ruth rhes.er as Mother R.a scorn. • making mother tour this season and will an t-par |n a few of tile smaller cities fol. ; 1-w'nsr its four we.-Vs' run at the Garrick theater. Philadelphia. One of the best h'H* of the seR-n i pened at the Mutest 1 - yesterday. Pietro. the celebrated i s.—ll--n< bill no rd • player as at Mnjesile us :al held his audi ence fascinated With h' wordepfil pi a- p;. As an artist , f ppr other Instrument. Pietro would t rrheMv 1-e hailed as one of the mas-i 1-r musicians, hut as an accordion: t layei. '-e stands bv liin-sclf. Pietro never fails to give his audience plenty COLONIAL TODAY and TOMORROW SI PI'OSE your tuo daughter* had disposition* one noiilil he called Tempest, l>ecitti*e Nbe lived n life of hate— mid tli* other would he named SiinMhlne. been tine .*he nlwayi cheerful. If theme tsirl* fell In love with the Manic young man viltnt kind of a home spirit aould tie de\el oped. Thewe character* nrc real. TEMPEST VM) SUNSHINE \re the Daughter* of Mnry J. Holme*' Drain Tlielr (|uarre|s for the l.ovo of a Youni; linn Form the Bane of rhin Photoplay* NO INCREASE IN PRICES 10 and 20 Cents as Usual You remember "Big Mitch Lewis" when he swept Har risburg by storm with his acting in "The Barrier." Well. Thursday, Friday and Saturday you can see him in CODE YUKON A Stirring, Fascinating and Might v Drama of the Xortli Woods. ORPHEUM SSOT Mni"-n Tnrnmiu 110-t So;lt>. SI 00. Kvctllnss. ?.">• to SI 50 mm GSGR BEST SEATS I! FGFR ELLIOTT ! I F.RAY COMSTOCK I F CiST || K IUMPHA V I YEAR i Preservt j, i. . . EXPEMEHCE I' P *LIW I PF&Y 1 ! ILMTLL America Ge ° r&eV' M o6 a rt\ 1 ('P MASS L?I SCENES 1 LVDISTIMCUISHED TUESDAY EVENING, Love and Youth in "Experience w which opens A Return Engagement at the Orpheum Tonight ■ llxpcrien. • ' George V. Hobnrt's morality play returns to the Or t-h.-un, t -night ;'.nd to-morrow matinee and night. Elliott. Comstock and Get are again sending to Harrlsburg the original cast und production. of the popular mus : of the day. and v.-hen 1 • starts plnyinc. it is u hard matter to keep still. Four .-titer e.\- oeiient acts appear on the hill. Vera >ahin> . nd Cotnpan'- present .1 series of artistic dances; George Drury Hart ntul i\ ir.pany . ff. : an entertaining sketch entitled "1 l?eu Your Pardon";| Madison and Winchester are a team i f clever comedians who keep the audience in constant laughter, while the Fmr llarls perform some splen did aerial feats. Pa'i i t'oorh Griffith's newest film play. The Girl who Stayed Home.' will be shown again t"- < riflitli day and to-morrow at Film at the Regent There are the Urgent two gills whose lives a:- closely connected with the central Interest-of the story and who wait at home while the boys they live are at the front Ralph Gray ;nd his brother are sons of i wealthy shipbuilder. Ralph volun teers at the first call for soldiers. The girl he loves is a French maiden who is betrothed to one of her own coun trymen. lie is wounded in battle and dies in her father's chateau, and the American finally wins her. Jim. tiie younger of the two bro thers. tries to evade service. He is engaged to a little cabaret dancer, and his life has always been a pleas ant jcke to him. His father treats him wfth a mixture of contempt and indulgence and tries to have him put VICTORIA All This Week THE HEART OF HUMANITY A I'ulxiitinir. Throbbing Story of the Greatest I.ove in the World— You'll l ike it nnd You'll Remem ber n special Music by Professors Mcßritle nnd Mcintosh. \ilnii..ioii, 150. Jot', and war tax. " MAJESTIC Hundreds of people told us yexter dny tliey never cared particularly for music until they beard the world famous pinno accordionist PIETRO IMny a number of popular and l lassienl Selections. If reports of this nature are heard today. wr'M keep blai all week. So If you like him. tell us. .in the exempt class when an official document informs Jim he is Class A. As had been anticipated from the unanimous piaisc bestowed upon it by well known critics of ••Henrfs of the screen and the lliiiuiiiiity " pi ess comments where at YieioriH it bus been shown, to gether with its own iecord as an audience picture, throngs crowded the Victoria Thea te i yesterday at the initial showings of "The Heart of Humanity." In the vasiness of its conception, tlie breadth of theme, and the gigan tic and graphic manner in which the • utile production is screened. "The Hi art of Humanity" proved to be one of the top-notch motion picture fea tures tiiat llarrisburg movie fans i ; ve had the privilege of viewing, lnrothy Phillips, in the leading feini n ne 1. -1. is easily the height of her brilliant career as one of the screen's popular and finished ac trcrses, and she more strongly en trenched herself in the admiration of local l'andom. if that were possible. German Troops Attack Red Cross Mission in Kovno, Lithuania New York. April 22. —German troops have attacked the American Rejl Cross mission at Kovno. Lithu ania. according to a cablegram re ceived here by the Lithuanian Na tional Council from its Paris repre ' tentative. The message gave neither 'the time nor result of the attack. A Lithuanian soldier was killed in de fending the Americans, it was said. Register Men of Keystone* Division For Parade I'hiiariclpliia, April 22.—Register j ing of every member of the 2Sth Division already home, be he wound ed. ill or dischargee} from the ser vice. so as to have all march with their comrades when the unit arrives home, will begin to-morrow. Men of the division will be mailed a request that they appear person ally at the headquarters of the Wel come Home Committee in the Lib erty Building and register. Those at the I". S. army hospitals in and around Philadelphia will be permit ted to mail a car.d of registration to the committee. If a man is at home and unable to register personally members of his family will be asked to perform the duty for him. The committee wants all "Twenty eighth ' men to share in the great patriotic demonstration that famous unit will be gi\en when it parades. Returned members of the division, when they register, will be classified into three groups. First, those able |to parade. Second, those whose wounds or illnesses makes it inad visable that they march. Third, those who are convalescents at U. S. army hospitals in and around Philadelphia. A system of automobile transpor tation for wounded and convalescent men so they may take part in the ! pageant has been arranged. Men classified in the second group will be taken in automobiles from their homes to the parade and at the con clusion returned. "Twenty-eighth" men who come i under the third group will be re moved from hospitals and transport ed to a special grandstand. AVIATOR KILLED Wnntogli. X. Y„ April 22.—Pri vate Otto W. Meyer, a student avi ator attached to the Three Hundred ; and Fifty-seventh Aero Squadron whose home is in California, was I kdled Yesterday and Sergeant Q. O. Burnett, a Kentuckian. was seriously injured when an airplane in which they were attempting a tail spin over Lufberrv field fell 200 feet ; burying itself in a bog. REGENT THEATER TODAY' AYD TOMORROW Special EANTER WEEK Oil,l. YOW SHOWING D. W. GRIFFITH "The Girl Who Stayed at Home" Anil Comedy: fill.l.Y WENT THURSDAY, FRIDAY AYD SATURDAY Pauline Frederick in her newmt photoplay and flrt MboulnK In IliirrUlnirK "Paid Jn Full" by KuK r nr Walter, author of the rnmnux play of the same name. Admission lOc A Clle di Mar tax And NEXYKTT COMEDY I ••East l.yane With Y arlations" HARJRJSBTTRG TELEGRAPH K. OF C. HAS BIG ORGANIZATION BEYOND RHINE Independent Headquarters Has Been Established ut Coblenz Coblenz, Geripany, April 22. Since the beginning of American occupation of Germany, the Knights of Columbus force has steadily grown until to-day at Coblenz there is un independent lieadqiAirters of the organization with its own com plete equipment. The operations be yond the Rhine are under the im mediate direction of Fred V. Milan, of Minneapolis, lie has under b' B control a force of over 100 secre taries. This quota would be much larger were it possible to obtain men for the work. So great has been the need of labor, that German civilians in large numbers are employed in the warehouse and about the clubs in lesser capacity. The entire operation of the Army of Occupation is directed from head quarters in Coblenz. The city is therefore a leave area and daily over 3,000 to.diets have enjoyed the lib erty of the city. These men conic from the far districts of the Army, from Treves and the camps situated far up the Rhine or the Moselle. It is a mighty army that the American service organizations must make as comfortable as their means will per mit, while they await the word to start for home. Visitors From Distance The men come from the outlying camps in the big fleet of river boats plying the Rhine and Moselle rivers. They are met by men of the Knights of Columbus and from their arrival in Coblenz or Treves, the second leave center of the area, they are urged to make the headquarters and club of the organization their homes. At Coblenz the visiting soldiers are billeted in a huge structure former ly known as the Florient Magazine and there is room toy 1,200 men every night. In this big warehouse, nearly 20,000 doughnuts are fried on some days. The entire output of each day is sent to a given soldier unit in the occupied district. At their destination these delicacies are distributed by the head of the Knights of Columbus secretaries in each clubhouse. Big Bathhouse In Coblenz. before the war, there was maintained one of the tinest municipal baths in all Germany. The big structure now is in the hands ov the Knights of Columbus, who are providing every modern bath, needle, shower, tub, medicated or just a plain/ old-fashioned sponge and rub, for over 300 soldiers every hour. At the enlisted men's club there are eight large rooms where every wantof the Soldier is supplied. There is also an officers' club nearby. Across the Moselle from Coblenz is a large American garrison, the soldiers of which are not permitted to cross the river. Four clubhouses have been established at that post for the enlisted men and a large club has recently been opened for officers. Texas Shipbuilders Think Future Good; Keep Building Ships Renumont. Tex.. April 22.—Texas shipbuilders believe there will be a market for all the vessels they can turn out and will continue operations regardless of the Emergency Fleet Corporation canceling contracts for boats on which work had not started. At the shipyards here and in Orange no men have been discharged since January 1 and the ways show as great activity as in war time. Of ficials of many yards, say that with the revival of the American mer chant marine they expect to keep up capacity operation indefinitely. The demand for houses for ship yard workers has shown virtually no decrease since the war ended. Plan to Forestall German Attempt to Establish Big Army By Associated Press * Paris, April 22.—The Council of Foreign Ministers has approved the proposed provision of the peace treaty to forestall any effort the Germans might make to re-establish a military machine by utilizing out side forces. The article prohibits the sending of German military instruc tors to foreign countries. It was re ferred to the drafting committee. Lehigh Valley Income Shows Net Decrease ,^ w T y wk. April 22.—Xet income of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Com pany for the year 1918 was $8,592 - 834. according to the annual report made public here. This was a de crease of $359,025 compared with the previous year. "The many consolidations, combi nations and pooling of facilities and equipment inaugurated by the rail road administration have resulted in the diversion to other routes of rev enue bearing traffic which your com pany had enjoyed," E. E. Loomis president, said in his remarks to stockholders. "Similarly the dis continuance of the solicitation of traffic has left your railroad without representation in important business producing centers where it previous ly had built up good will of great value. It is impossible to foresee effect of these changes on the traffic and earnings of your com pany after the roads are returned to their private owners." Atmosphere Better, Says Mr. Penrose Senator Iloies Penrose, who virited most of the departments at the Capi tol yesterday, spent hours talking with department chiefs, met the Public Service Commissioners and chatted with numerous legislators, said yesterday that it was his first visit to the Capitol since 1913, when he addressed the lawmakers. "The atmosphere is a bit better than it was in the last four years," he remarked yesterday afternoon. This remark got about the Hill and was the cause of many smiles. The Senator had a fine time visit ing yesterday. He called at the Gov ernor's office and had a long talk with Secretary Harry 8. McDevitt about the Governor, saw State Chair man William E. Crow and various officials. DIFFICULT TO SELL HIS WHEAT British Farmer Has Trouble to Dispose of His Holdings London, April 22.—The British farmer Is suffering from the fact that the government had stacked the granaries of Great Britain with wheat In preparation for a great spring offensive against the Germans this year. Now that the offensive is not to bo undertaken, tho farmer Is having difficulty in selling his crop of last year's wheat. Explaining the situation at the annual dlnnor of the Land Union recently. Lord Ernlo, formerly Rob ert K. Prothero, president of the Board of Agriculture, said: "I do not know that X am revealing a se cret when 1 say that the government intended, if the war had not linish ed in November, to make its great 'push' about this time. In this month or next month we should have tried to place on the western front the whole force of the Allies we could command and should have tried to bring the war to a conclusion this summer. "For that purpose we wanted the absolute control of all the tonnage we could get. We wanted every ship | to be free to bring over munitions, food and everything else which the I army required. For that reason wc ! brought into this country a large I quantity of food supplies. If our I shipping was to be engaged in bring j ing over food to this country in the j middle of that military push we i should have been hampered. "The consequence was that we 1 filled the granaries of this counthy ; with wheat in order that we should j be free for this great military en ! terprise. You cannot alter your plaits in a few hours. The wheat is j now being passed into consumption as quickly as possible." Use the Gasoline the Trucks Use Truck-owners do not buy gasoline by guess. They know. They keep records of the gasoline put in and the miles taken out. They buy Power. It is not surprising, then, that Atlantic Gasoline is the choice of the majority of truck-owners. \ i r Trucks are not driven for pleasure. They are • a business proposition, pure and simple. They must make good on a business basis. Hauling costs are determined to the penny. What is the lesson for you? Simply this: Truck-users have experimented for you„ They have found that Atlantic gives the most. No sentiment in that. Cold fact based on day after-day experience with loads and roads. Atlantic is their choice. For Atlantic is Power. In the light of such experience, will you con tinue to ask merely for "gasoline" ? Or, will you say, state, declare and affirm that you want Atlantic Gasoline and that no other motor-fuel will do? Use the gasoline the trucks use. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Philadelphia Pittsburgh ATLANTIC OAS OL.INE Tuts Vep in Your Motor . SEBASTOPOL IS ! FREE OF SOVIETS I Naval Port Has Not Been Oc cupied by Them, Says Report | Fails, April 22.—Tho naval port of ; Sebastopol, In tho Crimea, lias not ! been ocuptcd by ltussiun Soviet j troops, according to a dispatch to tho Journal Bus Debuts dated Sunday at Salonlkl. • The dispatch says that fighting up- I pears to have stopped for the time ; being In the Southern Crimea. Tho ! Bolshevik! are raid to bo slacken ing tliclr advance in the face of the I allied artillery lire. A Russian wireless messago re j ceived in London Sunday night said that Sebastopol was said to be in the hands of a revolutionary committee. The Russian message further added 'that after negotiations with the al lied command an agreement had , been reached for an armistice of eight days to expire on April 2b. THAW SUIT POSTPONED Philadelphia. April 22.—Trial of the civil suit against Harry K. Thaw for heavy damages for injuries al leged to have been inflicted upon 18- year-old Frederick Gump, of Kansas I City, was postponed to-day by Judge ! Finletter in common pleas court. A .tentative date of May 19 was set for j the trial. f A j Cut-Rate Book Store |I Send postal for book bargain lists. | i @SEISBSir9SI99@SSB I AURAND'S. 925 N. 3rd St. Bell Tel. I II 20,000 new. old. rare books, all sub- I I Jects; open evenings', books bought | V / AFRTL 22, 1919, Jules Vedrines, Noted French Aviator, Killed By Assoclalcd Press Paris, April 22, —Jules Vedrines, n noted French aviator, was killed yes terday when his machine fell in the Department of Drome while Ved rines was attempting to make a non stop (light from Villacoublay to Rome, The mechanician In the ma chine also was killed. The machine in which they were making the trip was wrecked. The accident occurred about 10.30 o'clock yesterday morning at I.es Foulllouses, nnd It is believed It was | due to the machine collapsing in the air. The aviators fell from a grent height and the death of both of them | was' instantaneous. The mail sack | which Vedrines was carrying to j Rome* was found among tho debris] of the machine, I RALEIGH Atlantic City's I'opulnr Hotel. 'I American Plan, $1 ami $5 per day. And You Get Your -JSx v T-f ? wW I■ ■ Choice of Those <4B§t WORLD FAMOUS IpS ELECTRIC WASHERS ,/djagg: PRIMA NUWAY Think of it! Only 110 first payment That's IIBSFIu—iS a 'l you need to pay down and you get any one Pfl " I of these brand new, very latest model Klectric | Washers that you may select delivered to your U home. Then you can pay the balance in small easy monthly payments—3o days between each pay ment. This €(fer Is Good Only Until Msy 11th. But don't delay—don't wait until the big rush the last day. Get your request in to-day. Simply telephone us Bell 4554. In our showroom you can see nesrly nil makes of electric washers and elraners. DEFT DEVICES CO., Inc., 28 South Fourth St. ONLY POWERFUL MEDICINE WILL END RHEUMATISM It matters not whether you havo had agonizing pains from rheuma tism for twenty years or distressing twltehings for twenty weeks. Kheu ina is strong enough and mighty and powerful enough to drive rheumatic poisons from your body and abolish/ all misery or money back, T Kennedy's Drug Storo and all I druggists ar j authorized to sell j Uheuma on a no-curc-no-pay basis. ! A lurge bottle is inexpensive, and j after you take the small dose as di- I rected once a day for two days you j should know that at last you have I obtained a remedy that will conquer ] rheumatism. | For over seven years throughout 'I America, Kheuma has been pro j scribed and has released thousands from agony, pain and despair.