Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 22, 1919, Image 1
Germany Accepts Allied Dictum For Gathering of Teuton Envoys at Versal" x *eceize "V IfS HARRISBURG WS9SS& TELEGRAPH jpfl §he JSte-Mtepcndoit. x ,-fXXXVIII— NO. 94 16 PAGES Dal, HARRISBURG, PA. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 22, 1919. ""fcIiSEESES B ' 6^£ e C co N P T ll 3 HOME EDITION GERMANS YIELD TO OF ENTENTE POWERS FOR GENUINE PEACE ENVOYS AT VERSAILLES Notable Gathering Probably Will Be Held Next Monday; Italian Premier Stays Away From Meeting of Big Council; Wilson at Afternoon Session of Four PRESIDENT MAY MAKE STATEMENT AS TO POSITION TOWARD CLAIMS OF ITALIANS lly Associated Press. Germany lias bowed to the virtual ultiniatuni of the Entente powers relative to the sending [ of "mere messengers" to the Peace Congress at V ersailles, and will be represented lv a dclega- | tion having full powers to negotiate a treaty of peace. This closes what seemed to threaten a j grave complication in the work of the congress. Versailles Meeting April 28 The actual meeting of the Allied and German delegates at V ersailles probably will not oc cur until April 28. as the change in the German plans and the proposal, impossibility of having the official draft of the treaty ready for presentation on April 25 makes a postponement of the historic. | gathering imperative. Germanv is readv to call for a plebiscite on the treaty, it is reported from ! Berlin. In the meantime, the Italian situation 's a sources of much concern in Paris. After con ferences with Premiers Lloyd George and Ciemenceau on Sunday and on Monday morning, I'rein- ! ier, Orlando and Foreign Minister Sonnino of Italy absented themselves from the meeting of-the Council of Four on Monday afternoon. Wilson Prepares Statement Whether this marked a virtual withdrawal of the Italians from the conference was not developed. President Wilson, still opposed to recognition of the Treatv of London, under which Italy lays clai nt to Fiunie and the Dalmatian coast, has prepared a statement on the subject which will be made public if the dead lock continues, it is said. This was expected on Monday night, but it was not issued from the Paris "White House." Revolution Breaks in Turkey : A revolution has broken out in Turkey and a Soviet government lias been set up, according to news dis patches originating in Bolshevik quarters at Odessa, where it is said lliat official announcement of the news hud been received. Constan tinople is said to be under the rule of a Bolshevik committee. The Hungarian Soviet government, beaded by Mela Kun. is reported to have fallen. Rumanian forces ad vancing from the east have been joined by Czech troops, and the So viet army has been defeated, accord- , ing to advices. Szekler soldiers, rep resentatives of a minor race living | in the Transylvanian Alps, have de serted the Soviet army and joined tlic Rumanians, it is said. Advices | from Budapest indicate that the | Social Democrats will take over con- I trot. They are headed by Sigmund j Kunli. the commissioner of cduca- \ tion in Hie Soviet cabinet. Chaos i is reported to prevail in Budapest. | Munich Regime Crumbles The Soviet regime at Munich also! lias crumbled, tlic end coming on 1 Saturday. according to reports! reaching London. The ministry, ; headed hy Herr Hoffmann, is at' work and a resumption of govern- I mental functions is under way. ] on the Ural front in Russia, forces ! under the command of the Omsk alt-Russian government have again ! defeated the Bolsheviki, who are re- I ported to lie retreating. Demorali- j ration in the Bolshevik ranks is re ported and in the Yiatka govern ment the peasants have revolted > against the Leninc-Trotzky govern- I inent. I'nris, April 22. Discussion of the peace terms by the Versailles con gress alter tlie Germans arc called in will not lie continued longer than May 15, the Echo lie Paris to-day declares. Tlic Germans will he re quired t<i sign the peace conditions, subject only to ratification by their government, tlic Allies not consent- ! ing that these conditions shall lie submitted to a plebiscite, it adds. The Paris press expresses satis faction at the speedy subsidence ; of the flurry over the question Q f what German delegates should come ' to Versailles. The deduction is j drawn that the only thing necessary to tiring about the faiiure of such dilatory maneuvers by Hie tier- ! mans is to speak clearly and firmly I to thent. It is pointed out that the only benefit, if there be any, that Ger many has secured is to delay the opening of the negotiations for a few days. The solution is attribut ed by the press of all parties to the energetic attitude of the Entente, which is accounted a good omen for '.he success of the Versailles negotia tions. Clifford B. Connelley Acting Commissioner of Labor and Industry The appointment of Dean Clifford B. Connelley, of the School of Applied Science of Carnegie Institute, Pitts burgh, us acting commissioner of labor and industry, was announced to-day. He assumed liis duties at once, succeeding Walter McNichols, of Scranton, who resumed his posi tion as supervising inspector with headquarters at Scranton. Dean Connelley is a native of Monongahela City where he was born in 18K3. He graduated from Columbia University. Western Uni versity of Pittsburgh and Duquesne University; served as a member of I t .he Pittsburgh Board of Education ind as a member of many boards, -le lias also written extensively. 'THE WEATHER l*or llarrlMhtirK find vicinity: ! Flirt Iy cloudy to-nlxlit find Wf'dncNduy, probably shower* i twirnifr t-nlclt, with lower* * temperature about 4N (Icisrcrx, For Faatern Pennsylvania: Part ly cloudy to-nlxht and Wcdncx doy, probably n!iowcr: warmer f<i-nl|rhtt tsetitle northeast and east Mind*. nivfr The Miniuchanita river find proh :hly nil If* branch'** will -<'.- tlnui' to lull, except n unc Mitttll t rihittnrle* may rimv somewhat a* a result of *bowrr*. \ *tn te of about 5 0 feet h 'adlo tci? for i;arr?*ljiit£ auoinlnft. I WILSON WILL DO NOTHING TO PUT LEAGUE IN PERIL Washington Receives Assur ance FYOIH the President at Peace Board at Paris j V\ nslilngton, April 22—Administra tion officials were advised in a eon | fidential cablegram from Paris to-day j that in the consideration of problems • confronting the Peace Conference, such us Italy's Adriatic claims and ! the question of ail alliance to pro tect France from future aggression, | President Wilson would take no ac i tion which might in the slightest de- Igree jeopardize the League of Xa jtions or confict witli its fundamental j principles. Message Comes in Reply j The message was a reply to a ca blegram of inquiry regarding the ! President's attitude toward a secret ! alliance which, according to certain J Paris newspapers, contemplated a j special defensive pact to be entered irto by France, Great Britain and tlic United States. The outcome of the apparent dead lock over Italy's Adriatic claims is awaited in official quarters here witli evident anxiety. The situation as | pictured in press dispatches is re • garded as serious and there was not I a message from Paris yesterday or i to-day similar to those of last week i reporting gratifying progress at the j Peace Conference. Would Provide For the Americanization of Every Resident of Pennsylvania A system of instruction of foreign born, not required to attend school, in American ideals by instructors to be named by Judges is provided in a bill introduced into the House by Mr Wallace, Lawrence. The appoint ments are to be made on petition of the county school superintendent. I Mr. Jones, Lackawanna, introduced ■ x bill regulating collection of State ! and county taxes by county treasur ers in counties having between 250,- 000 and 325,000 population and pro viding for solicitors to be named by county treasurers in counties with between 230,000 and 500,000 popula tion. Another county treasurer bill came from Mr. Harar. Lycoming, and es tablishes salaries according to pop ulation in counties having less than 150,000 population. Dauphin's salary would be $3,000. Mr. Martin, Berks, introduced a bill | fixing 2000 pounds as the legal ton for anthracite and making a penalty of $5O fine for violation. •Senate resoluticVis providing ifmr an investigation of the public school • system by a committee of three Sen jiitors and five Representatives were 'adopted in the House to-day by 187 ;to 5. The appropriation was reduced ifiom $3,000 to $2,000. ■ The House also passed the Kins- I man bill, providing means for change |of names of townships. : GFORGE S. REIXOKHL IS I:i .JOLTED VESTRYMAN George S. Reinoehl was el acted ; vestryman of St. Stephen's Episco pal Church last evening at a parish meeting in the Parish House. lie wTI succeed the late Benjamin F. I I M - yera. WOOED HIS WIFE FROM HIM SO HE WANTS DIVORCE Children Tell Court About Mother's Actions While Father Was Away How a farmhand. "Eddie" Specht, [came to his home at Lykens and j wooed his wife from him. was told in Courtroom Xo. 1 before President ~fudge,.fudge George KunUel by Walter F. | Johns, who is suing his wife. Lorna | Esther Johns, for a divorce. Specht : was named as co-respondent. Johns said that one day in Jan iuary lie came home early and founcT his wife and Specht together. He told his wife then that he would leave the place, but she said she would go. When she walked out one of their five children followed her and brought her back, but later in the day Johns sent them to the barn to finish their work and then his wife left. He told the court that on the following Saturday morning she came back, breaking into the cellar of the house, but she could not got into the kitchen because the dog was on guard. She told him that she eame for the children, but he told her he would take eare of them, and she left again. Francis Johns, 11-year-old son of Mr. Johns, told that he had seen Specht and his mother together, and his little sister Mildred when called 'to the stand told the same story. Both children said they got tired tell ing their mother when "pop was coming," as she had instructed them to do, and that she had threatened to i "lick" them if they told of her ac i tion. ! Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Emma Black, colored, seeking a divorce on the ground of cruelty, said her hus band started to beat her two weeks after they were married. "1 left him after a while, but neighbors per suaded me to come back, but I couldn't stand it and left in three days." It is expected that the last of the | cases may be called this afternoon. Governor Sproul Will Return Next Week I Governor William C. Sproul will | not return to Harrisburg until next week. A statement issued from his j office last night said that the Gov ernor had Improved, but that hg still had trouble with one of his knees and that while he wished to get back to Harrisburg us soon as possible he would not be able to leave Hot Springs for some days. Meanwhile a number of appoint ments will not be taken up, includ ing the Public Service Commission ership, the Philadelphia court va cany and other places. THE GOOD BISHOP OF OREGON IS STRANDED The Rev. Dr. \V. H. Washinger Meditates on the Futility of Government Ownership While He Borrows Carfare The Bishop of Oregon, the Rev. Dr. William H. Washinger, sat in the Pennsylvania station lust night for an hour and reflected broadly upon the government operation of railroad trains. His reflections found voice in plaintive language, for the bishop brushed aside unseemly invec tive years ago when he was study ing for the United Brethren ministry. He had come down from Chambers burg and was on his way to Dayton, Ohio, to meet with other bishops and university men to-day to blue pencil some misleading ijogma that had crept into the university curriculum during the stress of war and also to exercise his power of censorship in going over the sermons of future bishops of the denomination. The bishop had purchased a ticket from Chambersburg to Dayton, pay ing therefor at the ministerial rate. When lie arrived here he found that Mr. Hines had sent the train 011. Gone were his reservation and fare. The train upon which lie arrived, it was-lcurned, did not connect with the FREE LOVE LEADS ! TO MURDER AND RAIDS ON GIRLS Even Bed Russia Disgusted With Policy of I'sing Women as Chattels MAIDENS ARE KIDNAPED Fighting Over Women Unpar alleled Since Trojan War VILLAGES ARE RAIDED Bands of Men Swoop Down on Unprotected Girls as Result of Law l.oiuloii, April 22.—The law pro viding for the nationalization of women in Northwest Russia has been suspended in one province as the re sult of popular outcry, according to information reaching London from Stockholm. The commisar of Vladimir has, by decree, appointed a committee of women who are to inquire into the operations of the law and make a re port with the least possible delay. His action has been approved by the local Soviet. Girls Must Register The Krasnaya Gazeta publishes an account of the results of nationaliza tion. The system provides that every girl on reaching the age of IS must register her name in the bureau of free love, after which she is com pelled to select a partner from among men between 19 and 50 years old. The law led to lamentable confusion, says the Gazcta in "judicial notions as to personal inviolability." A few days after the Soviet's de cree which women very generally ignored, two men, known to nobody, arrived in the town and seized the two daughters of a "well known non- Bourgeois comrade." declaring they had chosen them as wives and that the girls, without further ceremony, must submit, as they hud not ob served the registration rule. Girls Carried Off "Comrades Yablonovski and Guria kin," who sat as judges on the claim, decided the men were right, and the girls were carried off. They have not since been heard of by the village folk. This, says the Gazeta, was done in the name of the nationalization of women. Many other instances of the fan tastic operation of the law, not to speak of its inhumanities, are cited by the Gazeta. Enthusiasts for na tionalization. naturally all males, raid whole villages, seize young girls and demand proof that they are not over 18. As this proof is difficult to give, many of the girls are carried off, and there have been suicides and murders as a result. In the town of Kovrov, a. campaign without parallel since the Trojan war was waged between the venge ful relatives of an abducted nation alized girl and her persecutors. In this town the "register of nation alized women" was opened on De cember 1, but up to February 1 last only two women, botli over 4 0 and neither of whom had ever been mar ried. registered themselves as willing to accept the first husband the state sent along. EQUAL SUFFRAGE RESOLUTION WINS IN HOUSE, 127-66 Hot Debute Precedes Vote; does to Senate; Long Hard Road Ahead The resolution to submit to the voters of Pennsylvania in 1921 a woman suffrage amendment to the constitution was passed in the House to-day by 127 to 60 and now goes to the Senate. The resolution must pass [Continued on Page 15.] one on which he had paid for reser vation. Therefore, his broadened vision as to government rail super vision. The bishop, so he told a Tele graph reporter who knew him back in the olden days when ho perform ed three-lift ha of the marriage cere monies in Chambersburg, could wait in the city where he once had been pastor of Otterbein United Brethren church, and also had built the Derry Street United Brethren mission which he then said would be the biggest church of the denomination in the Capital City. So he waited and thought. His meditation took a sub stantial turn when he called a rela tive on the telephone wire and to'd of bis plight. The fact was the good bishop didn't have enough money to buy another ticket at full rute for Dayton. So the relative came to his aid and the churchman departed for Dayton at 8.25. He is to go to In dianapolis. too. before coming back east and he plans to return to his post at Portland, Oregon. He had been called cast by the critical illness of Mrs. Washinger's mother. • Back From Battlefields of France :• ' •-- • - •:■ .**' '. • • ' i #' | • s ""'' -5 * * ' ''' FINDS PICTURE OF SON PRINTED IN 28TH SERIES NouHi Later Dead of Wounds Shown in Telegraph's Of ficial Photographs When Mrs. Anna Hawk, 405 Woodbine street, picked up her copy of Saturday night's Harrisburg Tele graph, she found a picture of her son, Frank P. Hawk, in a group of members of the Twenty-eighth Di vision on the first page. The pic ture was taken July 27, just three days before licr son died from wounds received in action. The pho tograph was taken at a Y. M. C. A. in Franco, where Hawk had been seen by Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of the Grace Methodist Church of this city, when the latter was mak ing a tour of the overseas camps. The picture was the second of a series being published in this paper through the courtesy of the local Army recruiting station. It was taken by the United States Signal Corps. A copy of the original photograph is being procured for Mrs. Hawk by Colonel J. B. Kemper, of Ihc local recruiting station. Her son was a member of Com pany K, <me Hundred and Tenth Infantry. lie was only sixteen years of age when he enlisted. Ho died July 30 front wounds received in battle. Another son, Charles M. Hawk, is in Truck Company X'o. 2, Twenty-third Kngineers. The Telegraph will continue the pictures of the division's activities. Other mothers may find their sons. NEW POSTMASTER FOR MAHANOY 41 aha no.v fit j, Pa., April 22. Charles W. Seaman has been appoint ed postmaster at Frackville. The in cumbent resigned some lime ago to return to railroading. THREE AMERICAN SEAPLANES WILL CROSS ATLANTIC Airships Each Will Carry Four Motors and Crews of Five Men Washington, April 22.-—Three na val seaplanes will attempt the flight across the Atlantic ocean. They will leave Rockaway Beach early next month, but, so far as is known, no decision has been reached as to whether the route will be direct from New Foundland to Ireland or via the Azores. Each plane is expected to carry a crew of five men, will he driven by four Liberty motors of a total of 1,600 horsepower and will carry suf ficient gasoline to make a stop on a direct flight to Ireland unneces sary unless storms or strong head winds are encountered. Churches Swell Fund For Starving Armenians Reports of subscriptions to the Ar menian and Syrian Belief Fund, show a gratifying response, John Heathcote, chairman of the commit tee in charge of the drive here, says. Many churches are making generous subscription to the fund, he says. The Pine Street Presbyterian I Church expects to raise $3,000 at the I very least. On Easter Sunday this church raised more than $2,800 for the fund. A similar response from all of the churches would put the county far over its quota of $38,000. Some churches have thus far failed to | mike any report of their progress. "We exepect to publish a list of the churches and Fraternal orders, Just as rapidly as they give us a complete report," Mr. Heathcote says. "Those churches who have al ready made a partial report are: i'ine Street Presbyterian Churcii, Grace Methodist Church, Camp Cur-, tin Memorial Church, Free Grace Mlllersburg, Uowerman's Lutheran and Reformed Church, of Enterltne. fHOME AFTER | I A LONG TRIPj This photograph, taken in the Susquehanna opposite the "Hard scrabble" district, was found by Sergeant Unwood W. Wanbaugh, of this city, in a pile of discarded ma terials back of the buttlcline in Franc-e. Sergeant Wanbaugh, who has charge of the Issue Depot in Gievres. France, was superintending some salvage work, when he saw the photograph, with no distinguishing marks. Recognizing it as a Harris burg scene, he sent it to his father, Linwood B. Wanbaugh, of the Tele graph's composing room force. The picture, which traveled lo 1 lie front, 3,000 miles away, and back again, will be returned to the owner if the photograph is identilied. Whether the man who carried the memento was killed or lost the picture in the heat of an engagement is not known. WILL BAR GERMAN FROMTHESCHOOLS OF PENNSYLVANIA Davis House Mill Passed by Senate Now Goes lo Gov ernor; Hot Debate Following a heated debate between Senators Burr, Allegheny, and Shunts, Behigh, (Vie Senate this morn ing passed finally, 43-3, the Davis bill prohibiting (lie teaching of Ger man in the public and normal schools of the Commonwealth, including those institutions receiving State aid. When the measure came up for [Continued 011 Page IS.] SOVIET CABINET IN HUNGARY HAS YIELDED TO FOE I ndcr Pressure of Rumanian Troops Rela Kun and Colleagues Retire fly Associated Press. Amsterdam, April 22. —The Hun- I garian government, headed by Beta [ Kun, has resigned under pressure ; of Rumanian troops, according to ! a dispatch to the Central News from i Vienna quoting report! received in ! that city by aerial mail from Buda ! pest. Wild chaos is said to prevail at the Hungarian capital. It is report- 1 ed that Czech forces have joined the Rumanians and have defeated the Hungarian Soviet troops. Vienna, April 22.—8e1a Kun. the Hungarian communist leader (whose downfall is reported in to-day's dis patches) first attracted public no tice in Vienna in the days of the. declaration of the German-Austrian republic here. Kun, who is a young man, looking not older than about 25 years, a self-confessed de voted admirer of Lenine and Bol shevism, made a spectacular appear ance in this cupifal. Dressed in a uniform with stripes on his sleeves, indicating that he was a college stu dent, he drove daily through the streets of Vienna in an open motor taxi, displaying a huge red flag and inviting the people to form a Red ■ guard for the purpose of overthrow ing the newly-formed republican government. Thieves Get Children's Banks and Gold Watch Two children's banks, each con taining about fifty pennies, and a gold watch, valued at. $33, were! taken from the residence of Clar-1 enee Sellers, 3113 North Third | street, last evening. The thief | gained entrance to the house: through a rear door. It Is notj known whether it had been left open ) or whether a skeleton key was used.J TURKS GIVE WAY TO RED RULE IN EASTERN EMPIRE Revolutionary Committee Is established at Constanti nople, Consul Says Purls, April 22. A revolution lias broken out. in Turkey un>' a Soviet government ban been dc .lured. A revolutionary committee bus been established at Constantinople, ac cording to a telegram received licro from Kiev, quoting tbe Bolshevik representative at Odessa, who* says tbat the Turkish consul there has received official announcement of the change in the government. I ® 44444444 s 444 4' 4* 44444444 4444444© |4 T F £ j x , *> T * 4 4 T 4 V* , <*• *r -?* 4 -, A £. *? 4 If V "g* 4 4 4 ,4 4 1 4 4 4 4 14 *^" ! 4 4 ! ? T I 5 *r !* 4 1 JL 4 II J ;T S f 4 4 4 x x 4 4 4 X 4 * 4 - AY ' X 4 4 4 4 4 4 + X j* 4 4 I' ■ ne Coffin. 4 4 OCIATED PRESS HOLDS MEETING J4 X !4 *?* X members, at the Waldorf-Astt 4 4 1 4 4 .4 L pal speai rat the luncheon. 4 4 BOYS CONFESS TO SLAYING DRUGGIST & X Kalamazoo, Mich.—Two boys, George E,f : ,4 4 year Arthur W. Sterling, 20, confessed |X X tl.c police, to the murder of W. W. ..- Jfr * hi • 4 4 ■ ® $ MARRIAGE LICENSES 4 4 Harry K. Jlny nnd Clara M. shrnk, Columbia: Ira G. Sbowera 'J 4| nnl Mury K. TWrn. Ilarrtuburici Carl MPK. Ilourk, Alexander, * 2 nd llrrllia M. Kelley, Newton Hamilton; Joaepit J. Wlldr, Month tja 7 Hun, and Margaret Si. O'Hrlcn, Toledo, Ohio. *44444444*44*fcfek^±±k±^kk±M±dm '53,500,000 CARRIED IN SMITH BILLS FOR PARK EXTENSION :Measures Selling Aside Money For Memorial Bridge Has Administration Approval FOR Bid OFFICE BUILDING !City and Pennsylvania Rail ! I road io Help in Construc tion of the Viaduct EARLY START IS ASSURED Means That (treat Work Will Be Well Under Way in Next Two Years ' llills were presented in the Senate to-day by Senator Frank , \. Smith appropriating $1,500.- ; 000 for the erection of a Sol : dicrs' and Sailors' Memorial j Bridge over the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad and $2,000,- i 000 for the construction of an office > building together with necessary ter racing and grading of the Capitol , extension zone. These bills have the endoiseinent of the administration | and the approval of a majority of the legislators Their passage appears assured. They will insure an early ! start on the big improvements thai 1 are to transform the newly-acquir ctl State property between North and [Continued >n Page (s.] 1 Optimisir Marks Drive For Loan at Capital Washington, April 22. — "A dis tinctive tone of optimism distin s i guished the scores of telegrams that 1 ! arrived at the Treasury Department : to-day," said an official review of 1 : the opening day of the Victory l.ib -! erty Roan campaign. Among the B 1 comments from chairmen of Federal V Reserve district organizations of the reports in general were these: s | "Philadelphia—"Not one-tenth as f I much enthusiasm ever has been evi l deuced in connection with a loan."