Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 19, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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    Franklin County Officer
Weds French Girl in Paris
Chambcrsburg, Pa., April 19. —J
"Word has been received by State ;
Forest Commissioner Robert G. !
Conklin of the marriage of his
brother, Lieutenant W. Gard Conk
lin, to Madamoiselle Nevartc Ping
hir in Paris on April 3. Lieutenant j
Conklin is serving with the United j
States Army in France, where hisj
with .Mile. Pinghlr w:i-
Wnade. He is recovering fro.n
wounds received in battle. He was I
one of the State foresters and was :
grnduated from the State Forestry :
Academy at Mont Alto.
f Waynesboro, Pa., April 19.—First j
Lieutenant Charles H. Thompson, i
who returned from France on April I
4, has arrived in Waynesboro to
spend a fifteen-day furlough with his !
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Thomp
son. Lieutenant Thompson was in
command of the Two Hundred and
Seventy-second Aero Squadron and
brought 163 men and officers over
with him to New Vork. He left for
Europe in February, 1918. and spent
eight months at Stanford, England.
Chnniliershnrg. l*a., April 19.—An
other Civil War veteran. Allen R '
Haiston. a prominent retired farmer! I
died Thursday evening at his home'
near Fannettshurg, this county, from '
apoplexy. He was born near Rich-,
mond Furnace and was aged 82 years.!
lie served throughout tie- entire' Civil '
"r and was a member of the Pros- I
byterlan church.
Chit in hers burg. Pa., April 19.—As
the end of the war also meant the
end of its business, the Chamhersburg
rounury ami Machine Companv, lo
rated at the corner of King' and
rnlrn streets, and conducted largely
by several men from Philadelphia, has I
decided to close down because of the
scarcity of work.
There Was Nothing So Good
for Congestion and Colds
as Mustard
But the old-fashioned mustard
plaster burned and blistered while it j
acted. Get the relief and help that
mustard plasters gave, without the
plaster and without the blister.
Musterole does it It is a clean,
white ointment, made with oil of mus- i
tard. It is scientifically prepared, so
that it works wonders, and yet does
not blister the tenderest skin.
Gently massage Musterole in with the
finger-tips. See how quickly it brings re- i
lief —how speedily the pain disappears.
Use Musterole for sore throat, bron
chitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, 1
asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges
tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago,
pains and aches of the back or joints, j
sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil
blains, frosted teet, colds ot the chest
(it often prevents pneumonia).
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50,
/ CTfc J is ll'*' time for installing your new bath
_.Jrt* (ht fixtures. Perhaps you need some re-
A pairing? Viiu will find us ready to
. AaV serve at a moment's notice.
M. H. Baker & Co.
Be 1 ': Phones Plumbing and Heating
1330 Perry 560 Woodbine
" BROADWAY, 32d & 33a STS T a
One Block from Pcnna. Station. . 6OO I
B*?gge Transferred Free „ _ 5
3 Equally Convenient far Amusements, A nrv „ . ■
n Shopping or Business BATHS §
S Direcl Entrance to B'way Sub- /ts B
; —From $2 Per Day j
HE 2|) 155 PLEASANT ROOMS With Private Bath 1
\T M * >er ay
SJjiigiUiM Martinique Restaurants Are WeD Known for Good I
Food and Reasonable Prices
Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat! 1
a One or two doses
*3 will make you feel fen years younger. Best
known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach
125 cents a package at all Druggists, or
sent to any address postpaid, by the
U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway, N.Y.
Ijjp W|L' 7 ' ——— ■—i—■BWCT—B———f I
—— l—
Decision in Workmen's Com
pensation Given in a Unique
Objection Presented
\\\ announced in tho
I moyer vs. Penn
-1 a ** reens ' )ul " vase
| never intended
01 should bo pre
vented from re
| reiving assistance upon the death of
a son. merely because, somewhere
j there lives a woman to whom he had
j at one time been married, but who
at the time of his death was in no
way dependent upon him and was
not living with him."
The contention was raised that the
mother, although dependent, was de
barred because there was a widow
who was separated from the son.
The Board in an opinion hy Chair
man Harry A. Mackey, says: "It
would be an absurdity to think that
the law was drawn with the inten
tion of depriving dependent parents
lof compensation under such circum
stances. Compensation is based upon
dependency and not relationship." ]
. Numerous citations are given in j
support of the decision.
In Bowers vs. Crucible Steel Com-j
| pany, Pittsburgh. Hie Board orders
i compensation payments conserved I
until the claimant undergoes an oper.
atton for an injury to an arm. if
the man recovers the use of the arm
the payments are to cease.
A new hearing is ordered in Mudri
vs. American Manganese Manufac
turing Company, Dunbar, it being i
| held that the referee's findings arc]
"too meager."
More land Bought—The State's'
forest domain was increased by 29.- !
900 acres of woodand bought by the
State Forestry Commission this week,
making tho total in the reserves now !
1.050.000 acres. The latest purchases'
which arc contiguous to reservations,!
include 19.000 acres in Clearlield and i
Elk counties and 10,000 acres in]
Potter. Negotiations for a consider-'
able additional acreage in various'
sections of tho State are under way. I
Public Service—The question of|
registering outgoing telephone calls
will he argued before the Public
Service Commission Monday in the
complaint of tho United Business
Men's Association, of Philadelphia,
against the Bell telephone. The com
plaint grows out of the system in
force in Philadelphia. The Williams
porl switching charges and the Kane
water situation will also be argued.
The commission will hold hearings
in Harrisburg. Wilkes-Barrc, Phila
delphia, Pittsburgh and Lancaster
during the week. The Philadelphia
case includes the Frankford, Taeony
and Holmesburg line service and '
fares, and the Lancaster hearing is,
on toll charges near the city of I.an- 1
caster. Tho Pittsburgh cases relate
to increased fares and water service. |
Departments Closed—Capitol <le- j
part men tal offices were closed to
day for tho Easter holiday.
Perry Cases Soon—The Public I
Service Commission has listed the I
contracts of tho Juniata Public Serv- j
ice Company and Marysville and j
New Bioonilield for hearing in the]
next ten days.
Not to Start Home —According to
. word received in Philadelphia last
j night Governor Sproul did not start:
home from Hot Springs, but is suffer-j
j ing from rheumatism in his knees,]
i aggravated by a slight fall. He • may]
.! not be here next week.
Merger- Approved —The merger of •
the Deodate and Elizabeth town and
other trolley lines of the Hefshey j
system in the Hersliey Transit Com-'
pany has been approved. W. F. R. i
] Murrie, of Hersliey, is president. |
No .More Recess —Legislative lead-,
, 1 ers in Philadelphia to-day telephon- i
.led that there was no chance of any I
.extension of lite legislative recess!
land that things would go ahead
!! Monday.
• ] Not Helping—ln a statement is-1
I! sued at Philadelphia, Lieaitenant-1
j Governor Frank B. McClain said
, tho Federal employment agencies
,| were not really helping returned
, i soldiers. The intimation was given
;{that the State was doing the work.
Standing of the Crews
i I'hlliutclpliiii Division. The 109
• j crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 127,
1124, 116, 125, 122, 117, 106, 114, 107,
j 104, 103, 108. 122 and 105.
j Firemen for 104 and 124.
[ Conductors for 124 and 127.
j Brakomen for 105, 107, 108, 114, 122.
' j Firemen up: J. E. Newcomer, Vog
, I elsong. Leach, Kintz, Quigley, Shank,
ij Albert Riker, Dallinger, Morgan, Copp
j and Stitzel.
] Brakemen up: College, McCarty,
j Burger, Killian, Altemus, Arndt, Ho
! j yer, Reigel, Christ, Brenizer, Craver,
j Lark. G. \V. Smith. Dare, Lutz, Single- !
I ton Leighton, Home.
Middle Division. —The 233 crew to
go first after 1.45 o'clock: 218, 227,'
237, 214, 242.
Engineers up: Peters, Cook.
| Firemen up: Smith,- Arnold, Bick
j ert, Schmidt.
Brakemen up: G. IV. Johnson, Heni- I
jminger, Prodis, Shade, Bitner, G. IV.
IDeckant, Gross. Miller.
Inrd Hoard— Engineer for 12C, ISC.
Firemen for 12C, 2, 75C, 32C.
j Engineers up: Runkle, Wise, Ciei-
J land, Watts, Goodman. Hailing, Say
] ford, Beckwith, Macha-mer.
j Firemen up: Mell, Engle, W. C. i
j Kruger, Dell. Gormley, Wirt, War
- ] tier. Myers*Hardy, Bruaw, P. S. Smith,
, j Hodenhafer G. K. Smith.
Philadelphia Division. The 215
crew to go first after 1.15 o'clock:
244. 221. 245, 212, 252, 232, 21S. 231
and 233.
Engineers for 247.
Firemen for 215, 218. 219. 245.
Conductors for 219, 213, 212.
Brakemen for <2) 219, 22i, 252. 21S.
i Brakemen up: Kinnard, Smith.
• Gardner, Dorsett. J. F. .vliiler. Manna,
J. W. Smith. McConnell, ileltz, Ander-
I son. Schuffler, Carper. Shenk, Singer.
I Sineltzer, Davis.
Middle Division. —The 2! 7 ere V to
!go first after 2.30 o'clock: 24 1 250
and 252.
I sixteen Altoonn crews to come in.
j Ten crews laid off at Altoonn.
I Laid off—ll6, 123. 119, lIS.
] Vnrd Hoard.— Engineers up: F'.eek
] enger, Sluiey, Myers. Geiii,' Curtis,
I llinkle. Hill, Bo.ver.
Firemen up: Kensler, Sadler.
I Hutchison. O. .1. Wagner. Swigart,
] Jacobs, Wolf, Taylor, Snyder. Holmes,
I Hlppensteel, Coldrin and Albright.
Engineers for 145, Ist 126, 137,
i change crew.
Firemen for 145, 2nd .29, 137,
j change crew.
Middle Division. —Engine -l's up: W. j
C. Black, W. C. Graham, .1, Crimiriel, '
, G. G. Keiser, .1. W. Smith, J. A. Ppotts, j
S. 11. Alexander, W. D. McDougal. C. '
! I>. Hollenbaugh, O. J,. Miller," D. |
; Keane, H. F. Krepps
| Engineers wanted for 665, p. 21 I
6293. 15.
[ Firemen up: H. A. Snyder, F. Dy
j singer, H. A. Wehling, W. S. Dell.
|C. W. lyinand, 1•. F. Hudson, G. 1,.'
' Muggins. H. (>. Harlzel, R. D. Pee,
E. E. Koller, D. F. lb-rick. H. Naylor,
: II M. 0.-M-r. propst, R. M. Lytor.
Firemen wanted fir f.i.f, li, 3, 37,
an • I 13.
Philadelphia Division Engineers '
'tip: A. Hall, It. A. Kennedy. H. W.
; Gillinms, M. Pleam, .1. C. Davis.
, Engineers wanted for .
| Firemen up: F. 1,. Floyd, A. L. j
1 Floyd, W. K. Sees, H. Sto.ier.
M lllininsport Division Engineers
I up: None. Vacancies, 579.
Firemen up: J. L. Manghet, C. E.
] Smith.
No vacancies.
The 6n crew to eo first after 2.15 -
I o'clock: 72, 62. 64. 61. 3. 55, 53.
: Engineers for none.
Firemen for 62.
I Conductors for 55.
I Flagmen for none.
I Brakemen for 3, 53, 55, 60. 62, 72.
Engineers up: Wierman, Monroe,
Bowman, Wood, Emerick.
Firemen up: Smith. Fackler, Boh
Conductors up: None.
Flagmen up: Watigh, Krickman.
Sourheer, Mummn, Reidell, Shanks,
Hain, Keefer, Potteiger. 1
Brakemen up: Same as above.
Carlisle. Pa., April 19.—1t is unofTic- j
ally reported that 150 overseas men
under treatment in the institution,
will he discharged from the General
Hospital here within a few days. All
have passed their final examinations.
Shlppensburg. Pa.. April 199. The
Winners' class of Messiah United
Brethren Sunday school raised for
various purposes $435.42. This was
raised in a year without any special
effort on the part of the members.
An interesting chapter in the life
of the great Premier, not generally
known, covers the period front 1866
and 1870, which he spent in
America. This visit was partly the
result of his temporary unpopularity
in Paris, where, as a young physician
contributing political articles to
Radical publications, he fell foul
of Napoleonic dictatorship. He
found much in America to interest
him, particularly his study of social
conditions after the Civil War.
During a part of his stay here he
acted as professor in a young ladies'
seminary in Stamford, Conn., later
marrying one of his pupils there,
Miss Mary Plnmmor. H. M. Hynd
rnan, in his authorized biography,
Clemeneeau: The Man And His
Time (Stokes) says of this period 1
of Clemeneeau's life, "Such years
carried with them for Clemeneeau
Ineffaceable memories of a period
during which his temperament ac
complished the task of gaining
strength and acquiring refinement."
Special Easter Programs
at Marysville Churches
i Marysville, Pa.. April 19.—First
I sessions of tlic recently reorganized
| Epworth League of the Methodist
| Episcopal chu/cli, will be held to-
I morrow evening in the church at
j 6.30 o'clock. Mrs. J. F. Glass, wife of
I the pastor, will be the leader at this
j session. Regular preaching services
Will be held in the morning at 10.30
I o'clock with the pastor, the ltev. J.
!F. Glass in charge. Easter services
jby the Sunday school will be held
I at 7.30 o'clock in the evening.
An early morning Easter service
will be held in Trinity Reformed
church to-morrow morning at 0
o'clock by the pastor, the Rev. Ralph
E. Hartman. Special music will be
presented by the choir and the Rev.
Mr. Hartman will speak briefly on
"The Significance of Easter—A Fes
tival of Life and Gladness."
Holy Communion services will be
I held both in the morning at 10.30
! o'clock and in the evening at 7.43
o'clock in 7.ion Lutheran church.
Special music will be presented at
both services and the pastor, the
Rev. .1. C. Ecighard, will give short
"Jesus Bringing Life and Im
mortality to Light." will bo the sub
ject of the Rev. Wesley X. Wright
at the morning services at 10.30
o'clock in the Church of God. An
Easter program Will bo rendered in
the evening at 7.30 o'clock.
Holy Communion services will be
held both morning and evening in
I the Bethany United Evangelical
(church, with the Rev. W. E. Pelilcy,
I of Lemoyne, assisting the pastor, the
j Rev. C. T>. Pewterbaugh,. at the
I morning service at 'which time he
i will deliver the sermon. Special
I Easter music wilt bo rendered at
both services.
Personal and Social Items
of Towns on West Shore
Professor J. Kelso Green and
family, of Carlisle, nre guests of the
Rev. and Mrs. A. R, Ayres, at Trin
ity United Brethren parsonage.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wolf, of
Fifth street. New Cumberland, an
j nounce the birth of a daughter, Fri
j day, April 17.
Miss Miriam T.enhart. a student
| att Lebanon Valley College, is spend
| ing Easter at her home at New
Enola. Pa., April 19.—The month
| ly business meeting of the Ruth and
Naomi Sunday school class of the
Methodist Church, taught by Mrs.
W. 1,. Troup, was held Thursday
night at the home of Mrs. W. C.
Smith. After a literary program,
which consisted of readings by Mrs.
George Keller, Mrs. M. lleckert and
Mrs. Claire Shaffer, piano duet by
Miss Elizabeth Martin and Miss
Margaret Smith and a vocal duet
by Mrs. Troup and Mrs. C. 11. Mil
ler, refreshment.! were served to:
Mrs. Russell llitner, Mrs. Roy Bit-'
nor, Mrs. \V. Adams, Mrs. Poff. Mrs.
Shaffer. Mrs. lleckert, Mrs. J. 11
Murphy. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Keller.
Mrs. 11. Roath, Miss Mary Davidson,
Miss Martin, Miss Smith, Miss Flor
ence Troup, Miss Arlene Heckert,
Miss Kathryn Miller, Mrs. Troup and
Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Smith.
Enola, Pa., April 19.—Work will
probably be started soon on the re
construction of the old State road
which goes through the town. The
road extends from the bridge stt West
Fairview following the street car
line of the Valley Railways Company
around to the V. M. C. A. The ques
tion of paving this stretch of road
I has been hanging tire for a number
I of years. Most of the expense for the
i building of the road will be born
Iby the State Highway Department.
After the road is fixed a large amount
jof traffic now using the poor road
| following the railroad yards will be
diverted to this highway.
Enola. Pa., April 19.—Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Resliore entertained on
Wednesday evening at their home in
j honor of Walter Kuntxman, who is
!on a twelve-day furlough from the
I United States navy. Those present
were: Mrs. Malilon Ttriggs, Mrs. F.
: .T. Keister, Miss Katharine Kelster,
' Miss Mildred Keister, Miss Josephine
Weaver, Miss Ethel Strickner, Miss
j Maud Beshore, Mahlon llriggs, j
j George Xapper, William Bashore,
[Theodore Beshore, Walter Beshore, i
Clarence Minnick, Stanley Minnick,
Paul Brubaker, Charles Yonkard. J
j After spending the evening in social '
I games refreshments were served. 1
Enola, Pa., April 19. —Preliminary
plans for the annual reception of the
I Alumni Association of the Enola
[ High school to the members of the
j graduating class were made at a
meeting of the association held last j
night. The reception will bo hcldj
on Thursday, June 12. Walter K.;
Rurkholder, president of the organ- !
ization, will have charge of the ar
rangements. In all probability the
reception will be held at the Penn- J
Harris hotel, Harrisburg.
New Cumberland. Pa., April 19. i
! Mrs. Joseph Weathcrly entertained
I in honor of her husband's birthday ]
on Thursday night. Cards and danc
ing were entertaining features of
the occasion. Refreshments were
served to twenty guests.
j Real Relief Comes From Using
Radway's Ready Relief.
i For Rheumatic—Muscular!
or Neuralgic Pain.
j Pour a quantity of Radway's Readj j
Relief in the hollow of your hand am \
j rub over the part of the body affected j
The rubbing distribute! the fluid '
opens the pores of the skin, starts the
circulation of the blood and soothes
the patient.
As a Counter Irritant
Radway's Ready Relief
Is much stronger, cleaner anc j
mere convenient than the ole j
fashioned mustard plasters.
?, "ffieady j
in ths market tj Bi H3Hi_ \s C I
Aak for It. MTOfeQUAf I
Accent no substitute.
v >
Reception For Officer
Home For War Service
] Now Cumberland, Pa., April 19. — j
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hockey enter-1
jtained on Thursday evening in hon-j
or of their son, Lieut. Wayne.Hockey, i
who returned recently from over-1
I seas. Tho decorations were spring]
(lowers. A pleasant evening was spent:
.after which refreshments were serv-j
cd to Mr. and Airs. I'. J. Hockey,]
; son, Arniond, Air. and Airs. W. li.
'Shadcr, Airs. Lontz, Air. and Airs.)
iS. C. Wliisler, Airs. Foreman, son.:
: Charles, Air. and Mrs. George Flick-I
] ingcr, Mrs. Alary Hockey, Alfs. Dc
iwalt Rhinehart, Miss Amy Flicking-j
jcr. Airs. J. H. Shadcr, Airs. Al. L. |
I Hockey. Aliss Adeline Guistwhite, 1
■Mi sit Pearl Laverty, Airs. J. W.
I Hockey, • Charles Forham. Aliss Alar-!
garet Hamshire, Mr. and Airs. 1,. M. j
Hockey, sons, Alyles, Joe, Lieut.
Wayne L. Hockey, son, Lester.
Bone From Leg Grafted
in Wounded Soldier's Arm
| Knola. Pa., April 19. —Word was
I received yesterday by Mr. and Mrs.!
I John F. Gruver that their son, Wit-
Hair, had been successfully operated
] on at the general United States army
hospital at Hallway, N. J. Young
|Gruver was a member of the machine
I gun battalion of the Rainbow Divi
]sicn and was wounded.in the right
I arm at the battle of Chateau Thierry
i last summer. In the operation a
I piece of a bone from his leg was
j grated on his wounded arm.
j " The Live Store" "Always Reliable" I
Boys' Clothes I
I any kind of a suit will do for p
your boy—The average boy has tastes j'
and wishes that are entirely his own, $ (jlf
—Things you think he should like do (Igs/'/r • jj, A
H not appeal to him at all. Send him to L-M
!the stores today and he will express jffiZ'^
his opinion very quickly. He's been '/y\ M
very observant in the past few years. jitl'Tr 1 1
He doesn't select the first thing he 'll il
looks at. It's very interesting to fol- Jltt'ijy, j: jl.? iWkV
low the boys these days and listen to J§L '/ v ■-/iBI
their suggestions.
Do you know that we depend \li 1
on what the boys say about clothes when jfe if j /
our orders are placed with the manufacturer. We ml' ; // /vSr
remember just the things the boys have told us that Hi; V |j
they like and don't like That's why we are
getting the boys'trade in Harrisburg. We buy the
1 clothes that will please the boys rather than to please \ | \V
I ourselves, in this way we satisfy the boys and ® re nM'Wmi? A i
building up a great future for this Live Store, for / #/ /I * *
these young lads must keep this business going in [A,'' C '"">,/
You get values as well IflM I
as style when you come to Y*■ /••/ IjH H
Doutrichs. You get clothes that will u\j I Ml
wear long and look well until they Bjjffiliik A \ \ \ uljtll H
have done their full duty as clothes. j,-\n t
Buying the guaranteed clothes we sell AMRjbly m
1 saves you money for a Doutrich guar- gg
II antee means something to the clothes
Boys, if you want good clothes with all the new
fixings come to Doutrichs
"The Store Everybody Is Talking About " I
304 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. gj
Knola. Pa., April 19.— A delega
tion of engineering students front
the Pennsylvania State College made
an inspection ol' the local yards on
I Thursday. The students visited the
I power plant, machine and carshops
I and the enginehotise. Most of the
j men arc pursuing electrical, me
j ciianical or civil engineering courses
j al the institution and this is part o>'
l.the annual spring trip for the jun
iors and seniors. They also visit
J other large plants in this section
: while on these trips.
Kiioln. Pa., April 19. —Mrs. Guy
1 A. Yeager entertained I lie members
lof the Ladies Bible class of the j
I Reformed Church at her home on 1
i Thursday night. After a business
j siVsion refreshments were served
j to. Airs. ('. it. Hockey, Airs. Jack
. Snyder, Mrs. J. F. Gruver, Airs.
Charles .Cupples, Airs. Christian
| Kautz. Aliss Claire McNoll, Airs. Am
j hrose Backonstoe and Mrs. Yeager. |
Kuola. Pa., April 19. —Corporal!
j Harold Hart or, stationed at Ports-1
! mouth, Ya„ is spending a short fur
' lough with his parents here. Be
came home to attend lite funeral of
1 his cousin, Ralph Waldo Sharp, son
i of the Rev. Al. S. Sharp, pastor of tho :
] Zion Lutheran church, who was I
buried this afternoon.
I New Cumberland. Pa.. April 19. —
. ! John Ray Knsminger and Miss j
. ] Emma Rebecca Schappell, both of j
|i West Fairview, woro married April |
.! 17 by the Rev. A. It. Ayres, at Trin
. |ily United Brethren parsonage.
New Ctime.rlantl. Pa.. April 19. j
• Six of the pupils of tho Now Alar- 1
kot schools attended an examination |
at Cedar Grove. York county, to-
II day, held for the pupils of the town
ship grammar schools.
Farewell Reception Given
Missionaries to China
Carlisle, l'a., April 19.- —Members of
the Evangelical Church •bi this sec
tion joined in a special ijarewell re
<option for the Rev. andj Mrs. W. I.
Shambaugh. missionaries! of that de
nomination in China, who will leave
to resume ttieir duties albout May 1.
They have been on furloiugh for one
year and have spent the {greater part
of that time with relatives in this
j section. The reception was attended
I by a number of persons from all
; parts of Southern Pennsylvania, and]
| was held in' the United Evangelical
I Church here.
vol NCS >1 A \ 11 CI.It FOR TRIAL
I Chumliersburg, Pa.. April 1!>. In
I default of saoo bail for trial in llie
i I'nitcd States Court to be belli in
I Harrisburg on May 6. .lames Topper, a
| 16-year-old lad, of Waynesboro, was
| placed in the county jail hqre, sifter
I a hearing on the charge of rilling
jtho mails and forgej*y before Pmited
, States Commissioner N. 1,. lYonelyrake.
| While delivering a registered letter
addressed to Mrs. John I>. Shockey,
I the young man Is accused of ex
tracting the slb which the lrattcg con
tained. sent to Mrs. Shoekey 'from her
I liusband, and also forging ,the sig
j nature on the postal receipt.
1 Carlisle, Pa., April 19. —The condi
tion of Ex-Governor Port, of New-
Jersey, taken ill here while jn Car
lisle to address a Chamber of Com-
J merer luncheon, was reported to-day
las much improved, lie is a guest of
Highway Commissioner Sadler. His
I son is here also to visit him.
Waynesboro, Pa,, April 19.—Next
1 Tuesday evening the Malta degree
will be conferred on a class of forty
or more candidates at Hie lodge
rooms of King David Commamlery.
This is the largest number that has :
taken lite first degree in one night in
, the history of the Commandery. I
Waynesboro, Fa„ Apo-il 19. Miss
Catherine Sarah Flshar, of Waynes
boro. and Charles Edgsir Fitz, High-
Held, were married ontThursday af
ternoon at the home oiftthe groom, by
the Rev. Dr. J. M. Frnncls, pastor of
the Lutheran Church.
Way born, l'a., April 19.—Georije
K. Lehmer, of Cliaimbersburg, has
been appointed assistant engineer of
' the State Highway Department un-
Ider W. S. Hamaker, who has charge
of State roads in F(ulton, Franklin,
Cumberland and Adrtms counties.
11 Renew your jrerterv. Yoa will
I] enjoy added cuenfort by kcepmi
them clean, freih and liyely. I|
. J Boston
II Garter 4|