20 WOMAN. WHOM BRITISH DEPORT. PREDICTS REVOLTj Lillian Scoil Troy Reaches Halifax on thev Steamer Carmania Bu A asm ul ted Press V Halifax. N. S„ April 19. —Mis* I-il-1 lian Scott Troy, of San Francisco. re cently deported from England, ar rived here last night on the steamer Carmania. on her way to New York. She will complete the trip on steamer which will leave for New York to-day. Miss Troy, whose alleged friend ship for Baron l.ewis Von Horsl. for merly of San Francisco, and inuvrntd by the British government in Augvst. 1914, is understood to have been one of the causes for her deportation, was bitter in her denunciation or. British officials. She declared that she had been persecuted by the Eng lish police. She said she was convinced that the authorities first turned their atten tion to her because in 191". while u ( dock strike was in progres In Lon don. she fed a thousand strikers' children weekly at her own expense* in a plant which she owned in the 1 East End. She was made an honor ary member of the Dockers' I'nlon. Detectives on Trail In 1914 Miss Troy said, she dis- ! covered that she was being followed ' hv detectives. She complained at ! Scotland Yard and said she was lock- , ed In a room with a detective for three hours, but that lie did not ques tion her She asserted that on re turning to her apartments she found they had been thoroughly ransacked 1 by detectives, who. she added, found i nothing. "This treatment,'' she exclaimed, ] "was due to a horrible attempted blackmail scheme aimed at J sidy Hi ram Maxim, myself and a well-known prisoner of war. They got nothing ( out of us. but 1 was foolish and went j crying about the thing." She did not disclose the name of ; the prisoner of war, "During tlie past four years." she I continued. "1 have been always iiunt- j ed by agents of Scotland Yard. Large business interests kept me in Eng land. and I haie lost heavily. Several limes the American consul intervened to save me. but the embassy remain ed apathetic. Hud Keen 111 "I have been 111 for the past four months and was only strung enough to return to my theater o few weeks ago. 1 was arrested on April 9 and, laken to Scotland Yard. I was not' allowed to communicate with my so licitor or to get any of my belong ings. 1 had only eight shillings in my pocketbook. but my matron cave me her savings, about twenty-four pounds. I went through a medical examination before el* men. Then I was placed on a train, closely guard • d. and had to sit Up nil night until I reached Liverpool. where I was placed aboard ih Carmania. r ask ed the officials why they were deport ing me, but they would give no an swer. They ne\e r hail Hie courage to n ake any definite charge against me. They said thai the Defense of the Healm Act enabled them to deport any one who might he classed, upon the slightest grounds, as dangerous to the nation. I am going to have all this mat ter out when. 1 reach , the United States. England is something like Ilttssia now. when the secret police used to go to tite osar with manufac tured charges. I am convinced that there is a revolution coming in Eng land, and it will be the fault of three men in the executive department of the police and two men in the admin is t rative department." Masked Man in White Gloves Cuts G rl : £ Hair \in bier. IhL. April I!'.—Entering the second floor bedroom of pretty Sarah Paladine. 19 years old, th belle of the Italian colony of Ambler, a masked man w .10 wore white gloves, forced the girl to get out of bed and to cut off jjnvt of her half, He then bound her with a rope, gagged her with the hair she hail shorn and scratched both her arms with a needle. He then cut off the remainder of her hair searched all the drawers i f a bureau in the bedroom, but took nothing, and escaped when he heard n noise, . limbing through the win dow he had entered. Members of the household say It Is an Italian belief that if a lover can secure a portion of the hair of the girl lie loves, and can scratch tier fintil the blood comes, he will have her in his power, SURPRISE PARTY FOR MR. AND MRS. XX'KIGKL Lcmoyno. Pr.. April 19. -A num ber of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wetgel with a kitchen shower on Wednesday evening, nt their home on the State road north of Lemoyne. A pleasant evening was enjoyed and refreshments were served, Those present were! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber. Mr, and Mrs. David Welgel. Mr. and Mrs. J< XV. XX'alters. Mr. and Mrs. George Weigel. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence XX'alters, Mr. and Mrs. lis ter XVeigel. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hess. Mrs. Minnie XX'alters. Emma Weber. Mary XX'olf, Bessie Williams. Helen XX'eigel, Mabel XX'alters, Jacob XX'ei gel, Arthur Weber, Charles Sutton and Ralph Walters, MASTER AT CHURCH Liverpool. Pa., April IK. —The Methodist Episcopal church has pre pared a series of Easter meetings, for to-morrow In conformance with the program outlined by the Cen tenary committee of the church. At ti.3o, a Sunrise and Praise Service will be led by the pastor, the Rev. R. E. Fleck. At S.lo regular Easter program In charge of missionary sup erintendent, Mrs. Sarah A. Hitter, will be delivered at the Sunday school service. At 6.30 the Centen ary Easter program. In charge of Mrs. Minnie XX'llUamson. Mrs. H. E. Hitter and Mrs. Maurice Shuler. will he rendered by the Epwood league. Miss Puera B. Robinson, n member of the league and at present a mem ber of the XX'llllamsport Dickenson Seminary will give an address on "The Power of Christ's Resurrection. Special music by the sunilay school orchestra with George Y. Miller as director will feature at all services of the day, BRIDE 21; GROOM 56 ..Snnbury, Pa., April 19.—Accord ing to the records In the office of John I. Carr, clerk of the marriage license bureau of Northumbertand county, Miss Alice May Carl, twenty one. a daughter of James Carl, Sham okin, will become the Easter bride of Jacob DeShay, fifty-six years old, also-of Bhamokln. The bride-groom to-be's wife died July 15. of last year the marriage license register says. RENTS HITCHING L ROUND Waynesboro. Pa., April 19.—Borough Council has decided to rent the plot of ground located at the rear of East Main street, and which was formerly the site occupied by the Waynesboro Gas Light Company, for use as a city hitching ground. The ground is rented from the local gas company for the sum of $3O per year and will be rented one year at a time, with the privilege of five years. -V 4 ■ ' -yiJr , • - # * - lioii%T, : - .. ..... ,< ML SATURDAY EVENING, JttMUBBURO APRTL 19, 1919. Pays High Tribute to j Medical Department For Its War Work By Associated Press Philadelphia. April 19. Major •.General Mevrltte XX*. Ireland, sur Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart (JICQYUYICCSOf IntCVCSt tO & Stewart ; The Whole Store Is Ready With Exceptional Savings for Next We eft Women S Silk Hose Reduced An After.Easter, Month-End Sale of unusual proportions is 12,000 stso white Thread Silk Hose, fashioned feet, lisle tops. announced for Monday and all of next week, every selling depart- Handkerchiefs S P ecial su9 ment in the store participating. Women's Handkerchiefs are Ta> )X \ $1.75-Thread Silk Hose, fashioned feet, lisle tops, Russian tan . .... entered in this sale in four lots Vm \ shade. Special $1.35 Price reductions that are more pronounced than any that it has and at these savings win be sold '74 I \ 35c Black cotton seamie** 40c silk and usie Hose, seam- been possible to indulge in within the past 18 months have been only by dozen or dozen. 1 no*. Special, us*. less; sught imperfections. s P e- made upon upward of a quarter of a million dollars worth of season- for 2 s^d Jf— or ,r,c Mt ' H ose° special 2*°" Seainlcss "children s HOSE able merchandise, so you may come and expect to find better values for JiiL fop B,c I f mens. HOSE specials % than you have known for many months. £ urtll &£r a\\ [ i :ioc Seamless Cotton Hose, in Boys' S9c Heaw Ribbed Black The Sale Will last Only thrOUgh next Week. The itemS on this LINEN' HANDKERCHIEFS . . I speci ai K 2rc. navy and cordovan L ott tpe"a o ?.%s£ mleBs: sizes 6 lo page and page 6 are for Monday's selling. f Z &. An Offering of Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. 11 Dixos. Pomero.% NeW Untrimmed \Men's $1.50 Union Suits: $1.19 Silk Values That Are Unusual and Envelope sleeves 0 " 011 ' ,looC ' ' ln ' on u ' ts ' n an kle length green, burgundy and brown. Special, yard, wistaria, CheiTlise Off6lV(J. in the Thesfstraw shapes were 1 $1.25 Egyptian Cotton Ribbed Union Suits, knee length, short j 2 00 qualify,'"synches ha SpecTal, yard ' \ $1.69 . O / * f)f\ bought specially tor this sleeves. Special, 950. $2.50 quality, 35 inches. Special, yard $1.98 CH OlyC e and arC offered for $1.25 Medium XX'eight Grey Cotton Shirts and Drawers, long sleeve $2.75 quality. 35 inches. Special, yard $2.15 the first time Mnndnv at shirts, ankle length drawers. Special. 95c. $2.50 New Plaids and Stripes. 36 inches. Special, yard $1.65 /Ah . -- " 1 90c Egyptian Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, short sleeve shirts $-'.OO Black Taffeta. Special $1.69 &£ J rOUr Styles of dainty Nainsook Envelope %.. \ and ankle length drawers. Special, 75e. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor F W Chemise with shoulder Strap or regulation This price does not rep . - Women's Ribbed Vests Reduced N[ top, trimmed with Uce insertion and lace or L e . sent their rcal v ale. r T r V 9 n Sh. \ embroidery edge. There are manv stvles. I 15 XVhite Cotton Ribbed Vests, low neck. 100101106 OT llltailtS bWOOLtOK / I_J\ Nainsook Gowns, slip-over style, neck and shapes and colors included nr-MB sleeveless, taped neck. Special. l. s c. J J sleeves trimmed with embroidery edge. Spc- in various kinds of straws W' yK a-w 25c xx'hite Cotton Ribbed X'ests, low Save a half on In fants Sweaters during this clearance event. iJV IrlTlTvirl \ 01111 Plenty nf Tnrhane and I neck ' sleeve,os!< ' ,aped neck ' Speclal, 19 °- Colors '"elude rose, canary, Copenhagen, green and novelty , 5 . 00 u 'low Vo" style oos Wnttcaus. j / / 39c and 50c XY*hite Cotton ltibbed X'ests, Stripes. Reductions are as follows— • for slender figure. Special 53.50 I ■ - '.-Jf ~p/ [/ high neck long sleeves. Special, 35c. c o - I \ $5.00 1 Camille, lace front, white brocade. No. Trimmed Hats at $1.95 iL A L hi $2.50 Sweaters. Specia . .$1.25 $4.50 Sweaters. Special. .$2.2, Wf/ 3627 s, >' ,e for medium top, for medium figure v., „ , lnfants' White Silk and XX'ool X ests, s2.in Sweaters. Special. .$1.38 $5.00 Sweaters. Special.. $2.50 Special -,, i after-Easter clearance TY l J yy wrapper styles; sizes Ito 6. Special, 35c. | 2 -5 Sweaters. Special. .$1.48 $5.50 Sweaters. Special. .$2.75 ITI ' $5.00 Madame Lyra', Tace'bkek. pink coutilNo. tha tvcrTJ 5 oVTIS 50 "it * A \fki''/ $3.50 Sweaters. Speca.-Jl-.o $6.90 Sweaters. Spec a . .$3.48 11 V. L 2468 style, medium top. for medium or full figure. 3105 W v _ w \y Dives, Pomeroy &. Stewart, $3.95 Sweaters. Special. ,$1.90 $ • ,a 0 Sweaters. Special..s3.7o Special s:5 50 ' 4* Street Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Second pioor." '''^Seco^TFloor.^Front 8^ i Opportunities for Men and Sheets and Pillow Cases Reduced New Lamps at Lowered Prices Wrurion h I nil Sshnes ... F j ne ualities of Bcddin g Supplies have been lowered in price for the sale as these offerings This after-Easter clearance finds the Lamp Section in the If Oinefl LO OtlLe Ull Oliues willshow— Basement contributing values that will interest homekceners 1719 Bleached Sheets, 82x90 inches; 33c Bleached Pillow Cases, hem- who need an attractive gas or electric lamn for The Shoe Section contributes a variety of good styles in °f", t€r seam - Spc * 98c s | it i ched - <5x36 inches, spe- 2Sc the reading table. _______ Shoes for men and xxomen at clearance prices. ,149 Bleached Sheets, seamless. 81x90 69c Bleached Sheeting. Special, yd., 53c These are new designs in Metal Lamps finished In /F7nl\M Men's $4.00 Gun Metal Calf Shoes, full toe, button and English inches. Spe- 65c Bleached Sheeting. Special, yd., 49c verde, antique gold, Flemish brass, antique copper. j j ' lace styles. Special, $3.15. cial 30c Unbleached Muslin. Special, yd., 25c ardus bronze, green and gold and ivory shades are k.jj |.l i'l M l ~ . .-.-nr- .o„i oie m.4iitm ana Krrto a ,no tnt ; f jfl $ 1-9 Bleached Sheets, seam -* 1 4Q 33c Unbleached Muslin, 4 0 inches. Spe- artistically shaped of straight or curved oriental art i|liy|MM 0 ! 3 ° Gun Metal Ca!f Shoes ' medium and broad toe lasts. JHRViWH less _ glx9o , nches g pecl * al $1.49 cial. yard 25c ■! 1 lluP ; Specla1 ' EIBW $2.19 Bleached Utica dj-| OQ 2 j c Da rk Outing Cloth. Special, $35.00 Lamps.. $28.00 $ 16.00 Lamps.. 512.80 HlffiillMlll WOMEN'S OXIORDS Sheets, 81x90 inches. Special..* • *' o d *' 22 •"•• •• • I9c •_ m 4179H Cicnn t wRI n s° 49 Bleached Utica ♦o AA Dark Outing Cloth. Special, 3)21.50 Lamps, . $17.20 $15.00 Lamps. . $12.00 j/ i, t tpec^al° r s3 n ' , s Black Ridskm Five-eyelet Oxfords, long plain sh^%^9 a 9 C^ hc V Special. . 52.00 yard . . ... .. 25c $20.00 Lamps. . $16.00 $12.50 Lamps. . $lO.OO i) Women's's6.oo Patent Colt and Black Kidskin Five-eyelet Ox- 0 * 2 ;®° ® 1 D eached Pequot 9oxloB yar ° d f . C .° th ;. . PeC s<B.oo Lamps.. $14.40 $9.50 Lamps.. $7.60 m fords, long plain vamps. Special. $4.85. * // f cial '. $2.39 50c Light Outing Cloth. Special, I amns 1 XX'omen's $3.50 Patent Colt Pumps, narrow toe last with or with- —|\ S Bleached Pillow Cases nr- ya ' d y;''' v 25c K • " , out straps. Special. $2.85. \\x 1 4W-fi ineba.Snerai ' 25C , ® oc Liht Outing Cloth, 36 inches. Spe- Bases are in mahogany finish with 14-inch silk '! •- k,j "• buo " sh °"- b '~ a 20c db. I speclal ' ' ' a ' inches. Special " v ' v yard 20c inch fancy silk shades. Special $lOOO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. &£$ Clearance of Japanese China at 25c to 98c Women's $25 and $27.50 Spring Coats: $20.00 Wool Velour, Burella and Covert Cloth Coats of fine quality go into the After-Easter Sale at This is a fine lot of Japanese China from regular stock reduced to clean up odds and ends of radical reductions. Bureau Sets, Mayonnaise Sets, Salad Bowls, Cake Plates, Sugar and Cream Sets, Celery Sets and Sizes range from 34 to 42. other pieces. REGULAR $37.50 AND $39.50 SPRING COATS, $30.00 Vi giii?*! Decorated Salad Bowls, special 50c BROOMS AND CARPET BEATERS Sizes for women and misses in desirable styles and colors. Gold Band China Cups and Saucers. Special.. .25c Four-sewed Parlor Brooms, 69c value. Special.3Bc Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. NffSSvgPSjgSjfl Odd lot of large Meat Platters, decorated or plain 85c Fibre Brooms. Special 69c ' white; 50c to $1.50 values. Special 25c 15c Wire Carpet Beaters. Special 10c i XVhite Butter Jars, blue band decoration; three $1.25 Galvanized AVash Tubs. Special 79c / ' vlrt o si /L , , ln Cj'/-. /., „ sizes. Special 4c, 59c and 69c 85c Galvanized Toilet Pails. Special 59c Ctlll taillS CHICI Ctlll tCllll iVIQIOI IQIS 101 SD/ Ulg XIUMINUM W ARE SPECLALS WASH BOILERS $2.75 Blue Flame Round Gas Heaters. . wood handles, metallic bottoms— Special $1.69 Patterns and colorings that are in such demand for pillows and porch furniture upholstering $2.00 Aluminum Percolators, 2-qt size. N O . 7, $1.98 value. Special $1.59 $7.15 Brass Fount oil Heaters, fitted with —a variety of styles in light and dark colorings, 50c'value. Special, yard 39c ?peo!al ,M " No." Ids value! Special !!!!!!!'.SET. Miller smokeless burner. Special $1.98 5c Fancy Marquisette, 50c Curtains In Small Lot* $1.69 Set Aluminum Sauce Pans. 3to set. $1.50 Folding Wash Bench. Special. .$1.19 $2.50 Nickel Frame Casseroles, ebonized Fancy Marquisette in dark colorings for draperies whfie anil Inrr Wmoi'illh^f'l!! 8 ! Curtains in ', . flBc $4.50 Rotary Ash Sifter, fits any can or handles, vitrified china, green with white and doorway curtains: 65c value. Special, yard..soc " and ecr "' p,aln ' "ematitched or lace trimmed barrel. Special $3.49 Special $1.98 s9c Ecru Curtain Nets, in square mesh with small S :LSO and $3.75 grades. Pair s•* 49 ! $2.00 Aluminum Double Boilers, 2-qt. GAS AND OIL HEATERS $2.25 Galvanized Ash Can and Cover. Spe- patterns worked throughout. Special in (he After- $2.50 to $3.50 grades. Pair '! $1 OS size. Special $1.49 $1.60 "Kast" Jet Gas Heaters. Special, 98c cial $1.79 Easter Sale, yard 50c $4.00 anil $5.00 grades. Pair'!!!!'.!!!!.'!! !$3! r >o Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. • Special Sale of Mattresses Carpet and Rug Monday Week Reductions Red Cross Silk Mattresses. Special $24.00 | FehMwress""'special ~P H3.50 Grocery Specials \ L ' Mi .. II Felt Mattresses. Special Golden Crisp Potato Chlpa. pack- I , *\ II llr Jji y. *C jf j . n w- . Macaroni and Spaghetti, 3 lbs., j) !, ! Furniture Reductions of Intel est nam Boumon, botue, 19c to 43c frif \ Karly June PgslSl c&n••••••• 15c . 200 Suits, Capes and Dolmans in the Sale f j ecial $59.0(1 clal $39..>0 Welch's Grapelade Jelly, glass. 1 s4"?° Ma '°s3s.oo to $45.00 Garments to Sell at $25.00 $39.50 $75.00 Tapestry Davenport. Special .^.. . Lutz & Schramm's Baked Beans. i special $59.00 $25.00 Mahogany Chiffoniers. ca p ur e Blacic Pepper, lb. !!!!.29<- The most notable event of the Spring season in apparel for Women and Misses is disclosed in the exceptional values that are $95.00 tapestry Da J;'®" p ? rt ' Special $19.50 Marshmaiiow Creme, 2 jars..2sc ready for next week's Sale of Suits, Capes and Dolmans. Distinctively styled garments which heretofore have been priced between • 1086 spring CUBhionS - SP $7 a 5!oo ?f 0O T J: r iS;re ieC SpIc a i P at! ,tr> ' Burnham ' 3 Glam Chow # de^ a 2 n ic $35.00 and $45.00 will be offered beginning Monday morning at $25.00 to $39.50. $35.00 Fireside ockers 'gJ9 P oo $87.00 Pure Codfish Flakes, 2 P Altogether 200 Suits, Capes and Dolmans of the better class will be featured in the sale, so that two hundred women and misses are offered cial ' Golden Oak Revolving Office ages -3° a delightful invitation to choose styles of unquestionable merit at very exceptional savings. $175.00 Three-piece Tapestry Chairs. Special $6.25 .) K t* nh) can Each group of Capes and Dolmans is developed of fine looking, serviceable materials, including: Bu sn9.oo pec Three-piece' ivory m"ROTm^u^^spUu"* Uv ' Bouiiion Cubes, doz Silvertone Tricotine Serge Wool Velouc Bolivia Cloth Crpstol Cord Velour Checks Bedroom Suite. Special. $85.00 $115.00 Italian Olive Oil nt 75c 5371.00 Ten-piece American $168.50 Three-piece Cane Liv- t ' The Capes and Dolmans are made over lines that are alluringly graceful and the materials, all of them of first quality, lend themselves to Walnut Dining Room Suite. Spe- ing Room Suite. Special, Seal I.ye, can .' tic fine tailoring. cial $275.00 $125.00 Sunbrite Cleanser. 3 cans tic SOPcifll Price S ArP $25 $27 50 $3O $35 $37 50 $39 5 0 $175 00 Jacobean Dining Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, !• our XV ash Soap, lobars 59c GpCtllll f / lI.LA C tp&O, <p£,l.ttu, ptJV, < ptj / .tJU, 1 "00m Suite. Special. .. .$135.00 th Floor. Austin's Dog Biscuit, 2 lbs.. .230 Among the Suit styles are Box Coats, Blouse models and strictly tailored effects. Some have vesta or vestees of silk an l many are smartly 1 „ . _. , u,,.m,nt trimmed with braid and buttona Divan. Foesgjoy A Stewart. Fourth Flonr. Baseme I, Lives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Second Floor. geon general of the United States L Army, paid a high tribute to the officers, nurses and enlisted men in the medical department for their work during the war at a reception given in his honor by the Philadel phia Medical Club last night. "We never reached the ten per | cent, command which is apportion ed to the medical department for all its activities." said General Ire land. "The demand during the spring and 3timmer of 1918 for fight ing men was so great that every thing else was of secondary con sideration. At one time we were actually 40,000 short of the person nel allowed in the tables of organi zation. All these shortcomings were made up by the devotion to duty shown by the members of tho medi cal department." Unloading o£ Food Is Delayed by a Strike at Bremen Borne. April 19.—A dispatch sent j front Bremen by the German semi official XVolff Bureau says that owing to a strike pf dock workers in that city it has been impossible to unload food brought on an American steam j ship. Another Wolff telegram from Bremen says that at a meeting hold | there, labor leaders announced that j a general strike had been decided j upon. Turkr. Threaten to Wreck Great Church l.omlnn, April 19. Warning that the Turks had threatened the Church of Ft. Fophla, in Constantinople, if any movement was undertaken to re store that church to tho Christians, has been received by Government of ficials rf Great Britain. The subject was brought up in U House of Commons the other day whei Xrlhur J. Holfour, the K.nelgn Mln> later, was asked if he ha< ! received 1 commiinicai o < from Can-'tr:ntlnopb stating that 1 lie Turks ; nt< tided ti blow up the Church of St. Sophia "i! anv public expression of opinion tool place in the United Kingdom 'n favoi of the restitution to Christendom im one of the oldest Christian ehurchei 1.1 Europe."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers