Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 18, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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nie International Sunday School Lesson For April 20 Is an Faster
lesson, "Our Risen I.ord"—Matt. 28:1-10.
After weeks with the Peace Con
ference in Paris, and intense days
in old Rome, I am waiting by the
Mediterranean, down by the heel of
Italy's boot, for a ship to Greece
and writing about the Resurrection!
This lesson has been more in my
mind, for weeks past, than any I
have treated for years. For it holds
the master word for the Peace Con
ference and for the League of Na
All genuine men have a horror of
"pious talk," the more stereotyped
phraseology of religion. It is in no
convention or perfunctory sense
that I set down the solemn convic
tion that whatt the program that
Is being formulated in Paris needs
to make it vitally and permanently
successful is nothing less than the
Delicate Children
Vinol is What They Need
More than eight thousand druggists recommend
Vinol because it contains in deliciously palatable
form the oldest and most famous reconstructive
tonics known to medicine. During the last sixteen
years it has brought health and happiness to thou
sands of puny, ailing, anaemic children.
Middlatowu, Coon. Msnritle, R.L
"I used Vinol for mj little girl fire '"Rio wbooping cough,—and later
Sears old for a rundown, nervous eon- the measles left my little boy of eight
ition. She was thin, irritable all the years with no appetite, thin, frail,
time and had no appetite. In a week delicate and tired all the time. After
1 noticed an improvement and now everything else had failed Vinol gave
•he has a good appetite, has gained him a hearty appetite, restored his
in flesh and strength and is much strength and he is now as well as
pleasanter.Mrs. C.B.Wilkinson. ever."—Mrs. James H. Hall.
lor all roo-down, norroni, nnMmlc conditions, nook women, overworked men,
feeble old people and delicate children, there ii no remedy like YinoL
George A. Gorgas, Druggist; Kennedy's Medicine Store, 321 Market
St.; C. F. Kramer, Third and Broad Sts.; Kitzmiller's Pharmacy, 1325
Derry St.; J. Nelson Clark, and druggists everywhere.
P- S. For any skin trouble try our Saxol Salve. Money back If It
Just "SI '
VO U'LL say ii's the
choicest morsel of food you've
eaten in a long while. It's got the
flavor, the nourishment, the full
quality you expect in good bread.
Ask for it by name. It's Gunzen
hauser's HOMAID.
Wrapped at the Bakery Sold at All Grocers
The Gunzenhauser Bakery
18th and Mulberry Streets
f Ami You Get Your
111 Choice of These
-n' rhln,t °nly $lO flrst payment That's
a " y° u ne< l to Pay down and you get any one
PH-- —" I t"? 63 ® d new, very latest model Electric
[j 1 I h o mo erß y ° U may 86 delivered to your
Then you can pay the balance In small easy
monthly payments—3o days between each pay
, . ' rlll * olr I" Good Only Until May litl,
But don t delay—don't, wait until the big rush the last dav ret
your request in to-day. Simply telephone us Bell 4354.
In our show room you ran nee nrarly nil nnikrs of rlrctric nnshrrn and
DEFT DEVICES CO., Inc., 28 South Fourth St.
All Day Saturday
resurrection message of a new life.
It is well-nigh submerged by plans
and projects, and by the contending
claims of rival powers, whereas its
ono supreme lack is for an over
whelming common purpose of good
will, unselfishness and spirituality.
One is shocked to find that the
Continent of Europe, which bears
the worst scars of the world war,
and has suffered as never before in
its war-torn lifstory, is still animat
ed by tlie old national ambitions and
schemes of aggrandizement. It has
not learned the first lesson of this
catastrophe, that pride and power
and material might lead only to bit
ter woe: and that unselfish frater
nity alone can bring to pass a better
manner of life. The mud is not dry
in the bloody trenches, and the
debris of battle has not been gath
ered up (I have seen) before the
nations are preparing for and talk
ing of future wars.
After all, militarism docs not kill
militarism. For the moment. It is
true. America and Great Britain
are imposing upon the Conference
the principles enunciated by Presi-
I dent Wilson: but all who know
alight of the inner life of the Peace
Conference understand full well
that the League of Nations idea, and
all that it connotes, is winning only
by virtue of the fact that the Eng
lisli-speaking delegates, supported
, by some of the little nations, wield
• the most power.
| Archaeology's Oldest Man
All of which means something re
ligious that is tremendous. It
strikes at the root of life. We have
been for four and a half years test
' ing society to its foundations.
Everything has been in the crucible.
Now we take the results of our in
vestigations and philosophy to Par-
Is, and we find that there is no new
solution of our old riddles. The J
sword has not pointed a way out of
the wilderness. We have broken the
power of Germany for the present,
but we have not conquered the state
of mind which made Germany what
she was.
In passing, let us not overlook the
significance of the bearing of this
upon the favorite highbrow theory
that humanity will gradually learn
the big lessons, and so grow up into
an advanced state of development,
both personal and social. In Paris
we found leaders freshly graduated
from the red school of war who are
pinning all their faith for to-mor
row upon military prowess! It is
vain to expect mankind to lift itself
by its own bootstraps.
One of my Paris friends is an
archaeologist who has the distinc
tion of having discovered the old
archaeological man that is, the
human remains representing the re
motest known period within which
the race had progressed to the stage <
of having personal possessions. "T ]
was much disappointed to find," said j
he, "that we have not advanced a ,
particle upon this oldest civilized i
man. In brain power and in physi
cal structure he was quite the equal i
of man to-day. I had to abandon all >
beliefs in human evoljution as a
means of social progress. We have j
not got anywhere essential by physl- .
ological processes of development in >
all these thousands of years.'
Of a'l the futile words with which 1
bookishness deludes the race, the 1
most fatuous is the teaching that ,
human society will evolve by natur
al growth into a better and finally
in the perfect state. We have to
look elsewhere than to the scientist
for the message that will save the
As the President Said in Rome
More than five thousand books
were taken to Paris by the
American commissioners. Only one,
though, is needed to speak the word
of words, which is that power for
the new life, for man individually
and in the mass, conies from with
out and is divinely imparted. It is
the truth of the resurrection: the
old power of death defeated by the
risen Christ, who gives to all who
will share it his own resurrection
power to conquer evil nature and to
win to a resurrection life of
strength and love and ministry.
When President Wilson was in
Rome he asked the Protestant pas
tors to meet with him in conference:
and an informal little gathering was
held in the vestry of the Scotch
Presbyterian Church. It lasted long
er than the President's interview
with the pope. A fellow believer,
the President told these ministers
that he could not have done the
work that has been given him to do
without divine aid. and without the
prayers of Christian people.
Slowly the Christian world has
wakened up to a realization of the
truth that the Wilson ideals, which
now hold mankind everywhere in
discipleship, are nothing more nor
less than the application to present
conditions of the Gospel of the Risen
Christ. What he is now saying, in
a language new to statecraft, is
really the message that has been
echoing from ten thousand pulpi".
The world is being led back to the
hills of Galilee and Judea, to sit
again at the feet of Jesus, by this
son of the manse, who is a religious
teacher before he is anything else.
What the Church Misses
In the presence of the great hour
that overshadows the world, with
problems modern and ancient con
centrated in one momentous meet
ing in Paris, the human heart in
stinctively longs for an enlighten
ment and an assistance more than
human. Baffled by our thronging
perplexities, we turn to religion,
and, 10, we find the ecclesiastical
leaders of the organized church pat
tering and puttering about money
raising projects, and the other con
ventionalities of the old routine, as
if humanity had not been afresh in
a Garden of Sorrows, and as if the
penniless Christ and his equally poor
apostles had never founded a church
upon something more worth while
than 6ilver and gold. "Church
work" has become almost a synonym
for raising funds.
It would be a brave thing if the
Christian Church would dare to try
to get along for at least a year with
out any money—all the army of sal
aried workers turning aside to some
sort of tent-making. Perhaps such
an ascetic experience would enable
ecclesiasticism to discern how real
is the danger that we may enshrine
a golden calf upon our holiest altars.
A few days ago the greatest of our
chaplains, as he is of English speak
ing religious leaders, declared to
me that organizations like the T.
M. C. A. must divorce themselves
from dependence' upon money, and
men of wealth.
Heart-breakingly, the church so
often misses her opportunity, as do
also we who are her members. She
has a spiritual gift. The resurrec
tion message is here, and the resur
rection power. In a time that is
dying for lack of life —panting for
spiritual satisfaction we are as dumb
the deaf concerning the sublime
reality. Why do we not press pre
eminently the truth of a living,
risen, sufficient Christ? It is not a
new religion that we need, but more
of the Son of God who lived our life
and died our death that he might
enable us to share his resurrection,
now and forever.
A Reminder From Rome
Rome is a city of ruins that re
main to remind us of imperial
C'aesars. What toppled over that
unparalleled dominion? The simple
news of a crucified, risen Saviour.
One of the characteristic sights of
Rome, which is somewhat grotesque
from an artistic standpoint, is yet
full of sympolism: the pre-Christian
obelisks and pillars that have been
surmounted by bronze crosses. Paul
in the Mamertlne prison, a dark and
terrible dungeon which the visitors
to-day may see, had more power than
Nero in his golden palace; and he is
to-day held in great honor. For he
spoke a living message, whereas
Nero merely weilded material force.
What all the world needs to-day
above everything else i to know
the truth of the Gospel thut frails
forms life into newness and love and
power and beauty; which is the res
urrection message, our times do
not cair for a new religion, but on
ly for a new expression of the old
reality that Christ, who rose from
the dead, can take these poor, grave
bound lives of ours and give them
the very glory of immortality. The
resurrection message—"lf ve then
be risen with Christ, see those
tilings which are above"—can do
more for the world than the Paris
Conference or the League of Na
Diamond Necklace With
Pendant New Fashion
Chicago —An expensive spring
fashion'is the long diamond neck
lace with pendant. The diamond
chains measure from forty to fifty
ir.ehes in length. From this glitter
ing loop hangs a large and hand
some pendant which, although de
tachable, forms a concrete part of
the chain, pendant and chain com
prising. a single jewel.
The chains are formed of the finest
platinum work set with diamonds
And are either of links and platinum
chain work or of box-set diamonds.
Diamonds surrounded by circles of
beaded or plain platinum wire arc
used as tho larger links with very
fine chain work in platinum between;
or the diamonds are set in a mount
ing of almost invisible milligram
platinum alternating with u single
tiny platinum link.
The chains are worn with the
more drossy and formal afternoon
gowns and are particularly appro
priate for evening wear. They are
not worn in the morning even for
tho music&le, according to the best
fashion authorities.
War Plants Soon to
Make Typewriters
London.—The shortage of type- j
writers in Kngland, especiiilly Bon- i
(ion, is becoming rather serious and
has resulted in exorbitant prices be
•n£ placed upon old, battered, second
hand machines. The few British
firms who manufactured typewriters
before the war now are making big
efforts to produce sufficient ma
chines for the home demand, but they
are not making rapid progress.
Before the war about 95 per cent,
of the typewriters came from the
Lnited States, but this supply is now
almost wholly cut off. British firms,
which during the war turned their at
tention to manufacturing machine
guns and parts, have taken up the
manufacture of typewriters. Thev
have transformed their plants, and ail
during the war kept in view the fact
that during the period of reconstruc
tion they could go back to manufac
turing on peace time basis, but even
with all their preparations it will re
quire months before they are in a po
sition to turn out typewriters on a
large scale. Meantime, the second
hand dealers are doing a thriving
March Will Make Official
Inspection of Army Camps
By Associated Press
Washington, April 18.- —General
Peyton C. March, chief of staff, will
leave Washington to-night to make
an official inspection of the army
camps in New Kngland, New York
and New Jersey. His first stop will
be at Camp Devens. After complet
ing the tour of the northeastern
camps, General March will go to
the middle west, visiting Camps
Sherman, Zachary Taylor, Grant and
Pike. An inspection of Camps
Meads and Lee and the embarka
tion port of Newport News will fol
low on his return to Washington.
for the acid-distressed
stomach—try two or three
after meals, dissolved
on the tongue—keep
your stomach sweet —
try Kf-moids—the new
aid to digestion.
IS* "Oct tßwiltt, enrnlnt
and kiraltu way t remove hatr
la with DeMlraeko. the origiael
sealtary lltdi. It aete quickly
with certainty and aheelate safe
ty. Rraulta treat Ita aae are 'Im
mediate and leafing
Only geaalae DeMtraele. the
original aaaltary Ilfdt, has a
money-hack guarantee la each
package. At toilet eeantera la
80c, |l and II rises, er by Basil
from as la plain wrapper on re
ceipt of price.
FREE hook mailed In plain
sealed envelope en request. De-
Mtraele. 129 th St. and Fark Ave.
New York.
Daily Health Talks
By Lee H. Smith, M. D.
Uric acid is now generally recog
nized as the cause of more diseases
than was heretofore believed. When
the kidneys are out of order uric
acid accumulates within the body ia
super abundance. The disordered
kidneys do not filter t.he poisons out
of the blood, as they ought to do,
and so the poisons remain in the
blood and float around until they
find a place to lodge, in form of
urate salts. The thing to remember
is that you may have rheumatism in
any part, of the body you may have
pains anywhere your back may
ache and your bead may be dizzy
but the trouble is not where the
pain appears. The trouble is in the
kidneys, and what is the first thing
to do? You must get that excess uric
acid out of your system, which can
be done by taking Anuric Tablets,
the splendid remedy which Br Pierce,
of Buffalo, N. Y„ lias put on sale in
the drug stores at a low price. Anuric
Tablets (made double strength),
when taken into the system as medi
cine, have tho peculiar power of dis
solving the uric acid deposited there.
Drop a bit of sugar or salt Into hot
water, and It will disappear. In pre
cisely the same way do these Anuric
Tablets dissolve uric acid. Of course,
after ridding the system of uric acid,
it may return again unless you eat
the right, foods and live the right
kind of life, but Dr. Pierce wilL ad
vise you fully on proper food and
correct living If you write and ask
him. He makes no charge Tor such
advice. Take Anuric Tablets today,
by all means, and get that uric acid
out of your system. Don't, don't,
don't, put the matter 00,
Bowls Over Grizzly in the
Mountains of British
, Chicago—Mrs. J. L. Mead, a wealthy
society woman of Chicago, who is a
grandmother, has the honor of having
killed the biggest grizzly bear that
ever fell to the rifle of a woman on
the North American continent.
The grandmaternal Diana bowled
over her grizzly with one shot in the
mountains of British Columbia on a
recent hunting trip. The bear meas
ured eight feet, eight inches from tip
to tip. Its paws were twelve inches
in diameter and were armed with
claws six inches long. It was the
only grizzly killed in Canada in the
last hunting season, according to a
report of the Canadian government.
Its pelt now adorns Mrs. Mead's win
ter home in Los Angeles.
Mrs. Mead was accompanied Into
the wilds by her husband and Mr. and 1
Mrs. L. C. Miller of Salt Lake. The
party went from Prince Rupert, west-|
ern terminus of the Grand Trunk
Pacific railway, to Wrangell. Alaska
and then up the Stickine river by
motor toat to tlie hunting grounds
in tlie Cassiar ditsrict.
"Wo were hunting above timber
lino for mountain sheep," said Mrs.
Mead, who lias just returned to Chi
cago, "when Indian Joe, our guide,
spied the grizzly, across a deep gorge.
,I'or three miles we crawled and crept
to come up with him. It had been
agreed I should have the first shot.
"Indian Joe suddenly dropped to his
Knees and pointed. There thirty
paces away stood the hear. When
he saw us, lie rose on his liind legs
and snarled savagely, bis eves blaz
ing. his fangs bare. 1 took steady
aim ami fired. The hear toppled over
and lolled 200 feet down the moun
tain side. My bullet had broken his
Besides tlie bear, the party's bag
included four moose, eight caribou,
nine mountain sheep and three Fan
ning sheep, pure white with splendid
horns. The -kill was the limit per
m.tted by Canadian law.
Mrs. Mead is a noted big game
hunter and a crack shot. She has
killed moose in Quebec, elk in Wy
oming. mountain sheep and goats in
Montana, mountain lions in Arizona
and Mack, brown and cinnamon bear
h) Colorado. She declares the Cana
dian Rockies the best game country
she ever hunted in.
Spring Announcement
you have a home or even a room to furnish
this Spring, then you should read this article.
We are not making a lot of noise this Spring along the lines of advertising for one reason
only, and that is that the first three months of this year, January, February and March, have
been the three largest months' business we have ever had. It has seemed to us as though people
from all sections of the city came to our store with the special purpose to deal here.
Our business has increased wonderfully, notwithstanding the fact that many workers are idle
and no doubt others have been, and are restrained even now from purchasing on account of a
fear that their working activities might necessarily be curtailed somewhat in the near future.
We have been busy enough to suit us and to please us, and for this reason our advertisements
have not appeared lately as regularly in the newspapers as heretofore. We, however, feel the
necessity of using the newspapers occasionally as a means of keeping our name before the peo
ple and telling them what we are doing, and we just want to say now that this store is bigger
and better to-day than it has ever beep before. If you are not using it or visiting it as a means
of supplying your home needs, or even as a means of keeping yourself informed as to values,
though you may buy elsewhere, you are doing yourself an injury. We expect to be busy this
entire year.
We believe that the present retrenchment in industries was but a temporary affair and is prac
tically over now, and will be quickly changed into an era of prosperity for everyone. We arc
working along these lines ourselves, are buying and selling more goods than ever before, and
have really been compelled within the past three months to materially increase our own force
of help. We think there must be one big special reason for our own prosperous business and
we attribute this condition to our fixed, unalterable policy to always try to give our customers
the very best values for their money that we can find in the market in Home Furnishings.
You may not see our advertisement in the newspapers for some time. If you do not, we want
you to remember that when Furniture or Home Furnishings come into your mind, that you
should not omit from your consideration the large stock to be found in this store.
We sell either way—Cash or Credit. We believe we are the cheapest for cash also the
cheapest for credit. v
Our store is continuing to show the largest, the best, and the most complete collection
of pictures to be seen in any store in Central Pennsylvania. This fact is not only recognized
by the customers who visit our store for pictures, but is now recognized by the largest and
most exclusive makers of pictures in this country. In fact our store has brought t<> this city
lines of pictures of a character never before shown by any Harrisburg dealer. If you are a
picture lover, and most people are, and have never seen our display of pictures, we invite you
to visit our store and positively guarantee you a treat of this kind far beyond any expecta
tion you may have. This store is really the art gallery of this city. Be sure to come in to
see our line of EASTER PICTURES.
Ii Special Display of a Famous Picture
At the solicitation of the owner, we have just placed in our No. 1215 window for display
and sale, the famous picture entitled "Mary, Queen of Scots," showing the Scottish Queen as
she listens to the reading of her death warrant. This large picture is a wonderful work in silk
tapestry and required five years to complete it. It drew one of the principal prizes at the
World's Fair at Chicago in 1892, and the artist was awarded a premium of $500.00 at that
time and place. The owner of this picture has decided to dispose of it and has asked us to
arrange sale for her. The artist refused an offer of $2,500.00 for the picture at the Chicago
Fair. It will be placed on sale for a limited time only for $1,500.00. Whether you want to
buy it or not, it will be worth your while to make a trip to our store and see it in our window,
as it is something that Harrisburgers rarely get the opportunity to see in this city.
1215, 1217, 1219 North Third Street
The Big Up-Town Home Furnishers
Picked a Coal Driver
For Her Lost Husband
l.onilon, Ont.—When Mrs. Esther
Bye heard a familiar voice from the
driver of a coal wagon a week ago,
she ascertained by inquiry that tlio
man's name was Hopkins, and secured
the issuance of a summons charging
him with being her faithless husband.
She had been married three days,
just about a year ago, when her hus
band disappeared and she had not
seen him since. Hopkins demon
strated to the satisfaction of the po
lice that he had lived respectively in
London for years, and that he had
never known the lady. He felt quite
confident that lie was not the missing
husband. Later Mrs. Bye took coun
sel witli her brother, and, insisting
that Hopkins was her husband, she
appeared again to-day nt police head
quarters. Hopkins demonstrated be
yond dispute that he was not the man
and the police refused to proceed
against him. Mrs. Bye is a little hazy
about what her husband looked like.
Nu Vim Is A Wonderful Remedy
For Stomach and Kidney Trouble—Try It
"I lived for weeks on toast and ,
tea, as I had inflammation of the!
bowels and my stomach was so
weak even I was distressed by
eating toast and tea," said Mrs. A.
Mapes, of 1312 Green street Phil
adelphia, Pa. "My blood was bad.
and kidney afflictions added to
my troubles. I took medicine for
years and only partial relief did
I get at first, when we noticed in
the papers what Nu Vim was i
doing for others. I thought how
glad I would fleel if I could get
a medicine that would do so much
for me. and we decided 1 should
try a bottle, and after using one
bottle did not notice any benelit
so got the second and most used
that up and my stomach seemed
better and was. I began to feel I
was getting some good from it. I
have used four bottles and my
neighbors notice and speak of my
improvement. I am feeling fine,
my kidneys or stomach gives me
no bother. I eat like the rest now
what is put on the table, I feel i
thankful to Nu Vim for my well i
On Sale at Geo, A. Goi
but she affirms that she knows that
Cleveland —Passion for gold which
prompted tho "forty-niner" to tear
down mountains, has cropped out in
this generation, according to police
Prosecutor Edwurd Hus.dck, who yes
terday was told of a man who tile
down a house for four bits of silver.
Michael Sarnacki, owner of a house
I "X want the public to know lam
grateful to Nu Vim for making a
woman of me and ashamed of my
self to have the family beg me to
take it, as I hate medicine. Hut I
found Nu Vim pleasant to take,"
so said Mrs. Matilda Hutz, 3440
lOdgemont Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
"I was a nervous wreck—bad
blood no appetite and very badly
constipated, and my stomach in
such a shapo nothing I ate di
gested, causing me much pain.
But I was prevailed on to try Nu
Vim and began to improve at once.
I have found it line to take, no
bad taste or odor; in fact, enjoyed
it. Now 1 have taken two bottles
and 1 am thankful to Nu Vim.
It's made a well woman of me. No
dizzy or nervous spells any more.
I eat good and no bloating and
pains in stomach.. Sleep fine and
will say I am more than pleased
with Nu Vim and what it did for
me—no woman in a nervous, run
down condition should neglect to
get a bottle of Nu Vim and get
over her troubles."
trgas', 10 X. Third St.
in Fleet avenue S. E., presented the
case to the prosecutor.
"My tenant dropped a 60-cent coin
into tho hot air register." said Sar
nackl, "and in order to recover It he
tore down pipes, knocked great holes
in the walls and ruined my furnace.
He did S3OO worth of damage look
ing- for that measlly coin."
Wc will gladly trust
you for a New Outfit and
we'll make terms so easy
that you will hardly miss
the money.
Collins Co.
Smart Clothes for Men
and Women
34 N. Second St.