Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 18, 1919, Page 14, Image 14

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German Prisoners
Accuse Bolsheviks
of Being Brutes
Saloniki, April 18.—A large num
ber of German officers and soldiers
captured in Southern Russia by the
allied armies have been brought to
Saloniki. They express admiration
for the heroism with which the
Greek troops fought against the Bol
■heviki, whom they term brutes and
who, they declare, without any ex
cuse whatsoever, committed terrible
York Haven, Pa., April 18.—"The
Glory of The Cross" is the title of
a cantata to be given on Easter Sun
day evening by the choir of St.
Paul's Lutheran congregation. The
program consists of solos, duets,
quartet and chorus numbers.
I Blame the Woman
Who Lets a Man Drink
Says Druggist Brown
Of Cleveland. He Unarantrn n simple
Home Treatment Given Without
the Knowledge of the Drinker
Cleveland, O No wife has a right
to let her husband drink; for alcohol
ism is a disease and a drunkard is a
sick man, says Druggist Brown of
Cleveland. A woman can cure that
disease stop a drinking husband in
a few weeks for half what he would
spend on liquor in the same time. The
habit can be broken and the disease
cured. Thousands of cases prove it
and every community has its re
formed drunkard. Druggist Brown
says the right time to stop the drink
habit is at its beginning. Left to run
its course, it will deaden the line sen
sibilities of the man you love. Begin
with the first whiff of liquor on it is
breath, but do not despair if he has
already gone from bad to worse un
til he has become a rum-soaked sot.
Druggist Brown knows the eurse
of strong drink for he himself has
been a victim. A loving sister with
out his knowledge or consent, res
cued htm from the brink of a drunk
ard's grave and for ten years kept her
secret. She saved him from drink—
<*]) Cathartic
Pure, sanitary
delicious, heatthful—
Take Hershey's Superior Ice Cream
along home with you and please every
body. No joy like the sight of this
treat. The family .
will look for the /
name on the box.
Be sure that it's
Hershey Creamery Co.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Plan to Combat
Maximalist Outbreak
Buenos Aires, April 18.—Young
Argentineans, including the mem
bers of the "January White Guard,"
are organizing and arming to com
bat the Maximalist demonstration
being prepared for May 1. Two
thousand are already under arms
and declare their determination to
deal vigorously with the expected
outbreak. The regular army is now
composed of new conscripts who
have been under the colors less than
two months.
If the demonstration in Buenos
Aires assumes a revolutionary char
acter, it is expected to be counter
balanced in the interior, where the
Maximalist agitation has not yet
reached u stage of importance. It
is rumored that the demonstrations
of May 1 will probably serve to cover
important political changes.
rescued him from his own depraved,
besotted self by giving him a secret
remedy the formula of an old Euro
pean chemist. To pay his debt to her
and help other victims out of the
tnurk and tnire he has made the for
mula public.
Druggists everywhere dispense it
daily as Prepared Teseum Powders,
put up in doses. Get it of your own
druggist and drop a powder twice a
day in tea, coffee, milk or other
drink. Soon liquor does not taste the
same, the craving for it disappears,
and lo! one more drunkard has been
saved and knows not when or why
he lost his taste for drink.
Warning Note: Tescuni should be
given only where it is desirable to
destroy all taste tor alcohol and all
pleasure in its use. Those who en
courage moderate drinking should not
give It. until the so-called modetate
drinker reaches the danger line, as
most of them do in time. Druggist
Brown has such confidence in pre
pared Tescum Powders that he per
sonally guarantees results or he will
refund out of his own pocket the
price charged by the dispensing drug
gist. It is sold In Harrisburg by J.
Nelson Clark and other druggists.
Youngest and Oldest Marines Who Fought
at Chateau Thierry Recover From Wounds
1 >■*'<,;. ■P\. < §§
- ifiipiiiia |L ■ i
i p - ■'
The oldest and the youngest m
ry met recently in San Francisco, w
Marine Corps recruiting station. T
six, and Private Gordon R. O'Nell, s
ler when most boys of his years ar
he got to the other side had his rat
Barnes was serving his fifth enlist
he and O'Neil were wounded at Cha
2,500 "Y" GIRLS
Girls' Colleges Have "Y" Con
tingents in France Enter
taining the Boys
Paris.—Jlore than 1,200 American
women in the uniform of the Y. M.
C. A. have come to France since the
signing of the armistic to fill the
lonely, idle hours of America's war
riors over here, whose idea of the
superlative Nothing to Do is to have
an army job when there's no war.
Home is the only thing the bored
and homesick American soldiers In
Kurope want to-day, and since many
of them can't get to it for some time
to come, the Y. At. O. A. is bringing
home to them, in the presence of
about 2,500 American girls, double
the number that were here during
hostilities. The doughboy has asked
for more and still more, and when
the doughboy asks for something,
the "Y" regards the request as an
official order and gets it for him.
Consequently, the "Y'' girls who are
so much in demand with the Ameri
can expeditionary force, are being
arine who fought at Chateau Tliier
here they are now attachd to the
hey are Sergeant K. Barnes, forty
eventeen. O'Neil enlisted as a bug
e still in grammar school but when
ing changed and got into the fight,
ment when the war started. Both
teau Thierry.
rushed as fast as possible to the
"scene of inaction," and every boat
brings a load of them. More than
300 a month are being landed now.
The girls are assigned to twenty
six leave areas, three debarkation
ports, huts and hotels in Paris, and
to various divisions of the army of
occupation. Over 100 of the new
contingent are clerks in the business
department, but the rest are here
just to be good friends to the A. E.
F. They sing to the men, dance with
them, give parties for them, make
candy for them, sew on their but
tons, listen to their love stories, or
their war tales, and in general keep
them so busy and interested that
they forget to "miss the war," as
they complained they did when the
truce was tirst called. Now that the
post exchanges have been assumed
by the army, the job of "tending
store" is taken off the shoulders of
"Y" workers, and the girls have still
more time to play the gracious hos
tess to their uniformed guests in
Y. M. C. A. huts and hotels over
Seventy-seven "Y" girls are in
Paris, distributed among eighteen
centers, where 10,000 soldiers and
sailors gather every day. Brest and
Dijon have important centers, and
Gring.v, Clichy, Versailles and Orley
are bnsy places for the Y. M. O. A.
Keeping up with the A. of 6. is
also a strenuous job, for wherever
the soldiers go in Germany the "Y"
tries to be there first, with an emer
gency hut set up and "Welcome" on
the mat in the form of cocoa, a
piano, books and, best of all, girls.
Most of the girls in the ranks of
the Y. M. C. A. are college girls,
junior league girls and social work
ers. Many of them have come in
college units, such as Smith, Barn
ard, Wells, Wellcsley, Newcomb and
Vassar. The units are not kept in
tact, however, when assignments
are made. Every girl is chosen for
her post according to her particular
ability, for every group must have
as many talents and trades as pos
sible, in order to meet the needs of
all kinds of men. There is only one
talent that all "Y" girls must share
in common—that's a limitless capac
ity for good time, for good times the
soldier must have and the "Y" girl
is the one to give it to him.
Predicts Difficult
Traffic Problems of
New York in 1950
New York, April 18.—Traffic prob
lems of New York in 1950 were pic
tured in a prediction made last night
by F. J. 11. Kracke, public service
commissioner, who declared that if
the present rate of growth is main
tained the population of the city
then will be 12,556,186 and that its
transportation lines will be called
upon to carry more than 8,000,000,-
000 persons annually. To care for
this growth, Mr. JCrachke declared,
the present transit facilities must be
multiplied by four.
Will Start Ocean
Flight From Shores
of Bay of Biscay
j St. Johns, N. F., April 18.—United
1 States naval aviation officers have
selected a site on the shores of the
Bay of Biscay, on the south coast
of Newfoundland a few miles west
of Cape Race, as the jumping off
spot for their trans-Atlantic flight,
according to a report received here
from Trepessy Bay.
A man who for several years has
patronized a barber shop in the
neighborhood of Times Square went
there a few days ago to have his hair
cut. Just as the Job was finished a
young woman brushed past him and
seated herself in a vacant chair to
the astonishment of most of the wait
ing customers.
Without Bhow of affectation she
calmly placed her feet on the foot
j rest, and the chair was hauled back
!to a horizontal position. The barber
arranged the collar of her blouse,
placed a towel across her throat, and
ran his hand across her chin.
"By Jove!" whispered one of the
men customers, "I wonder if she is
going to have a shave."
"No," replied the attendant, "she's
just going to have a massage."
Another customer, who seemed
alarmed at the evidence of the spread
of the feminist movement to one of
the last strongholds of male folk,
sought an explanation.
"Well, I'll tell you," said the man
ager, "she is one of our regular lady
customers."—New York Times. i
Final Document Being Pre
pared For the German
Paris. April 18.—The drafting of
the final form of the peace treaty is
proceeding rapidly in order to have
it ready for presentation to the Ger
man delegates when they arrive at
Versailles a week hence. The docu
ment, as framed, begins with an in
troduction in the form of a proto
col, setting forth the complete list
of belligerent powers taking part in
the war and now making peace with
the designation of plenipotentiaries
of each country and with their pow
er to sign.
Then comes a declaration, of im
pressive brevity not exceeding thirty
words, stating that on the conclu
sion of the treaty and the exchange
of ratifications. The war shall come to
an end.
Gets 'Honor Place
Following upon the declaration of
peace the present intention of the
peace delegates is to have the coven
ant of the l.eague of Nations occupy
the place of honor in the treaty and
to be the tirst subject treated in de
tail. It will thus take the priority
it had in the program of the peace
Then, in succession, will follow
the military, naval and aerial terms,
reparations, responsibilities, the
Rhine frontier, the Sarre region Al
sace Lorraine, Poland, the status of
Danzig as an international port,
Germany s Schleswig-Holstein fron
tier and a large number of special
subjects. K
_ The textual form of all these sub
divisions has been completed, so that
the work at present' going on is
chiefly fitting together the parts in
to a homogenous whole. This is
being done by international experts
T e hVir S tvi.o g - t 'i le ' U ,' e Krettt Powers.
Their work is largely formal, as the
Council of Four and the commissions
have adopted the language of the
various parts now being fitted to
It is estimated that the treatv as
Y exceed seventy thou-
W , or ?' or the contents of a
closely printed volume. The
text is being prepared in French and
English and, as a means of expedi
ting action, a German text may be
prepared, though it is foreseen that
the German plenipotentiaries mav
| Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better |
YOUR Easter Hat Is Here-Get It Tomorrow!
say "YOUR" Easter hat, because the range of models is f!F — _i
I ==:= 7 ===: r so complete in shape, color, tone and price that there is bound J
' to he just the hat that will most become your type, at a price j|
tbat meet your purse requirements. I wjSBB®
j And the fact that you can buy cheaper here, means that you jl
can get a better one at the price you would expect to pay else- j
j | Come in tomorrow and YOUR Easter Hat. j iXf' /v\^^
|; Women's, Misses' and Children's ' j&l/Zffik<
Vnd~ !j Trimmed, Untrimmed Ready-to-Wear j j•
" anc * Sport Hats in the Smartest Shapes C-JHajr *■ )f
'' '"T and Colors. '
Trimmed Hats Untrimmed Hats
$2.98, $3.48, $3.98, $4.29, $4.48, $4.69, 98c, $1.29, $1.48, $1.69, $1.98, $2.19.
$4.98 and $5.48. $2.48, $2.98, $3.29, $3.48, $3.88, $3.98 and
Ready to Wear Hats Sailor Hats
$1.29, $1.98, $2.19, $2.48, $2.98, $3.48, $1.98, $2.19, $2.48, $2.98, $3.48, $3.98
$3.98, $4.19 and $4.48. and $4.48.
Children s Last Call for Easter Needs Trimmings
Tailored Hats ' ' l<n,sanc ' s ol articles for has- Wide assortment of flow
ter use crowd every department r -i. i.u r v
98c, $1.29, $1.59, $1.98, of this big store. Unlimited £ rS ' rul * s wr s > foliage,
?Q 4ft Q and facilities will simplify your last fancy leathers, quills,
ft' ' ' ' minute Easter shopping here whips, ribbons, etc., at low
to-morrow. er than elsewhere prices.
Baskets For Easter Gifts Exceptional Display of EASTER CANDIES
A wide range of Easter Novelties for the Kiddies T - , r
styles and sizes that Fresh confectionery,
will bring smiles to the Greater than ever presenting an unusually guaranteed under the
t ... rr wide range of choice and price. You 11 find here ° T
v s aces on Eas- just what you want at the price you wish to pay. l ure Food Laws.
RigWetg nf -.11 c iv PC Wood Ducks Cotton Rabbits > various Jelly Eggs, Cream
askets all sizes Squeaking Ducks sizes E Chocolate Bun
and shapes, 15c, 19c, Wood Houses Crowing Roosters '
25c, 35c, 49c, 59c, 65c, Nodding Ducks Glass Rabbits nies, Chicks, Rabbits,
85c, 98c and $1.25. Nodding Chicks Glass Hens Decorated Eggs, and
Shredded wnv- noner Flying Storks Cotton Chicks . ° . -
Shredded wax paper Dol , Face Rabbits Swans an extensive line of
purple, g l ee n and Paper Mache Rabbits Natural Ducks Other reliable candies,
white, pack, sc. Cart and Rabbits Priced from lc to lc to SI.OO.
25 Cent Department Store H
Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse
ask for a considerable time on u
document of such magnitude.
New York Rotary to
Purchase $50,750,000
of Victory Loan Bonds
New York, April 18. —Members of
the Rotary Club pledged themselves
at a luncheon yesterduy to buy $50,-
750,000 of Victory loan bonds. Kn
thusiusm for the loan was roused
by addresses by Major General Butts,
who led the first American brigade
to the lighting line in France, and
former Senator Theadore E. Burton,
of Ohio.
It becomes beautifully soft,
wavy abundant and glossy
at once.
Save your hair! All dandruff
goes and hair stops
coming out.
Surely try a "Danderlne Hall
Cleanse" if you wish to immediately
double the beauty of your hair. Jusi
moisten a cloth with Danderlne auu
druw it caretully through your hair,
taking one small strand ut a tune,
this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt
or apy excessive oil—in u tew nun- |
utes'you will be amazed, tour lialr
will be wavy, fluily and abundant
and possess an incomparable soil
ness, lustre and luxuriance.
Besides beautilying the hair, one
application of Danderlne dissolves
every particle of dandruff; invigor
ates the scalp, stopping itching and
falling hair.
Danderlne Is to the hair what
fresh showers of rain and sunshine
are to vegetation, it goes rignt to
the roots, invigorates and strength
ens them, its exhilarating, stimu
lating and life-producing properties
cause the hair lo grow long, strong
and beautiful.
You can surely have pretty, soft,
lustrous hair, and lots of it, If ynu
will spend a few cents for a bottle ol
Knowlton's Danderine at any drug
store or toilet counter and try It as
Save your hair! Keep It looking
charming and beautiful. You will
say this was the best money you
ever spent.
Distinctive Footwear
for Easter
Attractive Displays of Ladies'
Stylish Oxfords and Pumps
Oxfords new Easter
invoices, representing the _ _
very latest styles in black, 11, ] y/7\
tan, and popular colors f f . \ / S
Long plain vamps and
fancy tip and wing effects. fa*/"—J]
French or military heels— W-r
So many different makes
to select from, you will be '--•<''' /| W
sure to be suited in quality J
and style, at the price you
have in mind to pay.
Colonials—with and with-
CHILDREN'S SHOES—Our children's departmnit Is of special
interest at this time. Our new lines for Boys and Girls of all
aires are complete. Here you will lind the same high standard
or quality and moderation In prices that prevail in other lines.
Medium and Better Grades.
Widths, AAA to EE Sizes to 9
1220 N. Third St., Near Broad.