Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 17, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
BEI-I, 1991—255 UNITED $12.50 $12.95 Two Popular Cape Models Special Tomorrow And Saturday $12.50 and $12.95 ■ These capes are among the biggest selling models of the season and will meet with popular favor throughout the Sum mer months. The $12.50 model is made of pure worsted serge in navy blue, bound with pure silk braid and a surplice vestee which gives this cape a very smart appearance. 1 he $12.95 of men's wear all worsted serge comes in navy blue with vestee of broadcloth in tan, blue and henna. En tire cape bound throughout with silk braid. Are remarkable value at these prices. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Buy Shoes Tomorrow If Possible Ifomen's, Children's And, Shoes We suggest this for "J your benefit. There are only two more days until a. Easter and it is never ad- j/fr X visable to wait until Sat- , HE urdav before Easter if f ■ ) you can avoid it. But if \ It'" you must, then come ,* v T** Saturday forenoon. V-, As we have a splendid slB I assortment of women's \f* and children's shoes at / ' the right price and of dc pendable quality our shoe department will naturally be busier than on any other two days of the year. But \i>it our shoe department and you will be convinced that nowhere else in this vicinity can you find a more com plete assortment of shoes for Spring and Summer. Every pair brand new, not even an old shoe string in stock. The depart ment is under new management and we feel sure that the service, grade of shoes and price will meet with your ap proval. Women's Oxfords, Pumps and 800t r Pumps from $6.45 to SIO.OO. Oxfords from $6.95 to $11.50. Boots from $5.95 to $12.00. Children's Shoes Oxfords, pumps and shoes for infants, children and growing girls, in white canvas, genuine white buckskin, patent leather gun metal, calfskin and tan calfskin. Infants' sizes 2 to growing girls' size 7. Priced according to size, from $2.00 to $6.25. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Refrigerators And Dutch Kitchenettes Delivered On Bowman Club Plan THURSDAY EVENING, THE STORE THAT CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX Our Club plan places a high grade Refrig erator in your home on the Initial payment of $1.00; balance on convenient club pay ments. Three fine lines of refrigerators to select from. Belding Hall Belding Hall Stoned Lined Century Seeger Siphon Refrigerator Many patterns and sizes now on display. Make your purchase now. The club pay ments will have the refrigerator paid for before the hot weather arrive*. FRIDAY BARGAINS Waists Nice selection of beau tiful blouses in white ba tiste and voiles with dainty cuffs and collars of organdy, all over em broidery some with the square neck, round and square collars. Priced especially for below the regular price for Friday Bargains, $2.19 Georgette and Crepe de Chine blouses in the dressy and semi-tailored styles. Lace trimmings and dainty tucks large collars and the small Tuxedo. Friday Bargains, $2.98 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor Middies A lot of middies to sell on Friday in all the white with colored trimmings and novelty checks with the tailored belt and sash. Friday Bargains, 98c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Neckwear 432 pieces sample neck wear consisting of georgette, and organdie collars, sets and vestees. All clean de sirable goods to be sold in three lots. Be sure to come early if you want a bargain in neckwear, as we expect this neckwear to be sold by noon. Placed in three lots for Friday Bargains, 9c, 19c and 29c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Hosiery Fiber silk hosiery in black and white; lustrous and strong. Friday Bar gains, 45c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Lemon Squeezers Made of wood with por celain strainer. Friday Bar gains, 23c. $ Wash Boiler Medium size; made of good quality tin plate. Fri day Bargains, $1.39. Underwear Ladies' underwear of fine cotton ribbed; loose knee length pants, lace trimmed. Friday Bargains, 29c Men's union suits, short sleeves, ankle length. These are seconds, but hard to de tect. Friday Bargains, 69c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. HXREUSBtTRG IfeLEGKAPH Mowm&nZ HARRISBURO. THURSDAY. AI'HII. IT, 1010. Dinner Set 50 pieces two decora tions to select from. Slight imperfections. Friday Bar gains, $5.98 Safety Razors The well known "Mark Cross" make. Friday Bar gains, 9c. BOWMAN'S—Basement. Silks Many good serviceable lengths from a most active stock. Each week produces many ends of silks that are ordinarily termed remnants, but many a choice waist, skirt, dress or lining arc picked from these Friday specials, yard, 79c and $1.45 32-inch Sport silks, white grounds. Also natural color with printed figures or stripes in multi-colors, largely used with plain as combinations. Friday Bar gains, yard, $1.29 Wash Goods 27-inch Plisse Crepe, 3 best colors, flesh, pink and blue. Friday Bargains, yard, 25c. 36-inch Linen Finish suit ings ; superior weight. Fri day Bargains, yard, 39c. 36-inch silk mixed plaids. Friday Bargains, yard, 45c. 40-inch fancy voiles, light grounds. F'riday Bargains, yard, 39c. 27-inch Printed organdies. Friday Bargains, yard, 29c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Domestics Bleached and unbleached canton flannel, cut from the piece; good quality and fleece. Friday Bargains, yard, 25c Unbleached muslin, 36 inches wide; smooth even round thread, will bleach and wash easily. Cut from the piece, yard, 16c Apron gingham; good quality in light and dark patterns. Friday Bargains, yard, 12y 2 c Bleached sheet, 72x90; center seam; made of good quality muslin. Friday Bargains, 89c BOWMAN'S—Second Floor - Grass Shears Buy one now at the price; you will need one later. Fri day Bargains, 12c. BOWMAN'S—Basemen L You may also choose a Domestic Science Fuelless Cooker or the A eolian—VocaUon_ The Phonograph Supreme The Bowman Club Plan is arranged for your convenience and assures delivery on payment of a small deposit and balance in convenient payments. A trip to the Fifth Floor in the Furniture De partment will be to your advantage. Various models are shown here and we will gladly demonstrate the advantages or superior qualities we claim for these world-famed products. White Goods - Heavy cotton finish cloths, liemmed and ready for use; size 45x45. Friday Bargains, each, 98c Ulster Suiting, 36 inches wide; a desirable fabric for suits, dresses and fancy work. Friday Bargains, yard, 35c Turkish towels, bleached and hemmed; size about 18 x 34. Friday Bargains, each, 19c Turkish towels, bleached and hemmed; size about 20 x4O. Friday Bargains, each, 25c Bleached twilled toweling. Pansy pattern. Friday Bar gains, 4 yards, 50c BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Draperies 36-inch white and ecru Marquisette with fancy borders. Friday Bargains, yard, 29c White and ecru edging for curtains, several widths. Fri day Bargains, yard, 5c Light and dark cretonne; 36 inches wide; good qual itv. Friday Bargains, yard, 45c Plain blue, green, rose and brown Marquisette; 36 inches wide. Friday Bar gains, yard, 39c 48-inch Filet Net for cur tains and front doors. Fri day Bargains, yard, 75c BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor Notions Collingbourne's American Maid finest cordonet. A silk finish crochet cotton; as sorted sizes and colors. Fri day Bargains, 3 balls 29c Collingbourne's Jap Silk cordonet; assorted sizes and colors. Friday Bargains, 3 balls 29c Odds and ends. Friday Bargains, lc and 5c Ostermoor baby pants; waterproof, odorless and washable. Guaranteed free from rubber. Friday Bar gains, 59c Can field's Nymph dress shields; free from rubber. Friday Bargains, pair, 10c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Envelope Chemise Envelope chemise made of batiste and nainsook with lace and embroidery trim ming. Friday Bargains, 50c BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Handkerchief Special Ladies' hemstitched woven stripes fine lawn handkerchiefs. Fast col ors. White with tan stripes, lavender, blue, pink. Full size. These handkerchiefs will wash beautifully. Customers come back after similar ones, when once they see the quality and durability of these. Friday Bar gains, 6 For 35c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Domestics Percales in light and blue; good patterns; cut from the piece; 36 inches wide. Fri day Bargains, vard, 17i/ 2 c Unbleached sheeting, 81 inches wide. Cut from the piece. Friday Bargains, yard, 47% C Floor Budoir Caps Boudoir caps made up of lace, crepe dc chine and wash satin. Friday Bargains, 15c Carpet Beater Made of heavy wire. Fri day Bargain, Bc. BOWMAN'S—Basement. Dress Goods 54-inch all wool Jersey Cloth; superior grade; 12 good shades. Friday Bar gains, yard, $2.95. 44-inch Black and white Shepherd Check for suits or skirts; 2 size checks. Fri day Bargains, yard, sl.lO 40-inch Fancy Plaid Skirtings; 10 good spring styles; light and dark color ings. Friday Bargains, yard, $1.59 36-inch mohair; navy and gray only with shadow stripes. Friday Bargains, yard, 79c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Gillette Sharpeners Gillette Rotary Blade Sharpeners. Does the work right. Friday Bargains, 43c. Dinner Plates Made of white porcelain. Friday Bargains, 15c. Window Screen Covered with landscape wire. 28 inches high ex tending from 23 to 37 inches wide. Friday Bargains, 69c. Dandelion Digger For ridding your lawn of dandelion and other objec tionable weeds. Friday Bar gains, 4c. Special Jeatures Of Dutch Kitchenette Selected Oak Exterior, Satin Golden Oak Color, White Maple Interior in Base Sec tions, White Enamel Interior in Upper Cup board, Rounded Corners and Edges, Alum inum or Porcelain Sliding Table, Large Kneading Board, Block for Food Chopper, Linen Drawer Partitioned, " Fill Easy" Flour Bin, Ventilating Non-rusting Metal Bread Box, Sliding Bottom in Base, Smooth Dust-Proof Curtain, Close Fitting Doors and Drapers, will not warp, swell or shrink. Absolutely sanitary and easy to clean. Scientifically ventilated cooling compart ment in base. Ooae Dollar delivers one to your home. APRIL 17, 1919. THE STORE THAT CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX Genuine Leather Coats And Some of Leatherette Belted and flare models with large patch pockets. Large adjustable collar and straps on cuffs for close ad justment to wrist. Some in jinglish tweed, leather trimmed. These have all the lines that meet the approval of the outdoor woman who loves motoring and drives her own car, $29.50 to $89.50. BOWMAN'S —Third Floor. More New Spring Furs have just arrived. The dain tiest of the fashionable new styles and models are here in / a large assortment. We have /V _ the Mink, Fisher, Flying Squir-/ rel, Siberian Squirrel, Cali-J fornia Sable, Silver Fox.l V id Skunk and Stone Martin of 2 \ X. : ~A>-, j 1 and 3 skin effect with head, /j f 3A J tail and paws. y Also stoles in Hudson Seals and Plush. $19.50 to SIIO.OO BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Springtime Coiffeurs With a few minutes' instruction and one of these handsome wavy switches, Mgk\, you will be easily able to dress your hair modishly and becomingly. New Coiffeurs For /^|ff(^ The combination of quality and \lfßffl|m/ price is an irresistible one. These hand some hair-pieces are carefully made of fine quality hair and matched to your I hair by experts. IVavy Hair Switches, $2.95 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. ruVNUEU IX7I 3