16 I Housekeepers Arc Readers of the Oasslflcd When Ceding For lew Ssfinsl 2)eatbs BOOSEII Mrs. Mary Booser. wife of the-late B. Booser. died Monday. April 14. 1919, at 2:30 P. M., aged 65 years. . ' _. Funeral services will be held at '/Aon Lutheran Church, Thursday, at 2 P. M. Burial in Last Harrisburg Cemetery.' Relatives and friends in vited to attend without further no tice. nifIOACII—On April 14. 1919. Thomas W. Breach, aged 35 years, i'lineral on Thursday afternoon, at ;8U o'clock, from his late Tes.- •ience, 5224 North Sixth street, lhe relatives and friends arc invited to attend without further notice. In terment Heckton Cemetery. The re al.ains can be viewed this evening. COMPTOX Martha J. Compton, widow of the late Samuel U. Comp ton, died on April 15, 1919. Funeral on Friday afternoon, at 3:50 (.'clock .front the residence, 4-3 Itjout'n Thirteenth street. The rela tives and friends are invited to at tind without further notice, inter ment, Paxtang Cemetery, will be ' private. ENGLISH On April 15, 1919, Ben jamin M. English, aged 59 years. Funeral on Friday afternoon, at - o'clock. from his late residence. 1615 North Sixth street. The rela tives and friends and all organiza tions of which he was a member are invited to attend without further notice. Interment East Harrisbutv. LVmotor.v. Th* remains can t> viewed Thursday evening. .MIMA J. Miley Jones passed into his lest this morning, at the Har risburg Hospital. Funeral Friday, April IS, 1919, at 3 P. M„ from his residence, 109 south street. Flowers graciously declined, SHELLEY Delia M. Shelley, wife of Irwin Shelley, died Sunday, April 13, 1919, at 5 P. M„ aged 52 years. Fupneral services on Wednesday, at 1:30 P. M.. from Hoover's Under taking Parlors, the Rev. Mr. Yates officiating. Burial in Harrisburg Cemetery. CARD OF THANKS MR. AND MRS. C. S. HOFFMAN, 1520 Penn street, wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness shown during the sickness and death of their father; also for the floral tributes. LOST AND FOUND LOST Black fur scarf, on Second •treat, between Second street subway and North street. Finder please re turn to 227 North street. Valuable to owner on account of gift. Reward. LOST Black snap pockethook, containing money and Consistory ring. Reward if returned. Communi i cate with Box L, 7459, care of Tele graph. LOST Pocketbook. containing Check ($47.25) and small change, be tween Wallace, State and Caldor streets. Finder please return to 1129 Wallace street, and receive reward. | LOST Signet ring lost, with ini tials 'PI. M. oh outside; F. M. on in side. Valuable to loser for associa- \ tions. Liberal reward if returned to j $24 Muench street. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting, English. Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. .Bell 125, Dial 4016. ' BECKLETS BUSINESS COLLEGE ; I>l Market St Chas. R. Beckley TTIT,T> WANTED—MALE FACTORY WORK Wc need a large number of unskilled men for production work in the rubber industry. Ages 18 to 45. Opportunities to learn trade. $3.00 per day while learning, after which you are able to earn $4.00 to $6.00 per day and better. No previous experience neces sary. We will assist you in secur ing board and rooms or houses at lowest rates. Physi cal examination of heart, eyes and for hernia required. Apply in person, or commu nicate with Factory Employ ment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON, OHIO. WANTED Foreman for automobile re pair show. Must be able to as sume responsibility. Pernia mcnt work. Good wages. CHESTER TAYLOR & CO., Seventeenth and Derry Sts. WANTED Man thoroughly in sympathy with work of Young Men's Christian Association to take charge of pcol room and bowling alleys. One willing to co-operate in exerting helpful influence is required. Must come well recommended. Apply at Y. M. C. A., Second and Locust streets, at once. For Sale A Bellevue Park Home Possession in 30 Days By reason of the occupant re moving from the city we can sell and give quick possession of the modern detached 214-story stone and stucco dwelling at corner of Market and 22d Streets, (one block from trolley); 9 rooms, pantry, and 2 baths, (one having tile floor and aides), hardwood floors on first floor; steam heat; electric light; gas range; laundry tubs; front porch with cement floor. There is also a garage. Lot 75x135. A Very Desirable Residence. The price is $10,500, and noth ing less will buy it. Miller Brothers & Co. Kcnl Edtntf Nurrij' Bond* l.ociiNt anil Court Street* Member* libs. Hen I llatnte Moaril WEDNESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED —MALE SALESMAN AVE WISH TO OBTAIN A LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE TO HANDLE ONE OF THE BEST SELLING PROPOSI TIONS BEFORE THE PUB LIC. A MAN WHO IS WELL KNOWN LOCALLY AND WHO CAN FURNISH REF ERENCE AND DEMON STRATE SALES ABILITY CAN EASILY MAKE AT LEAST SIOO.OO PER WEEK. POSITION PERMANENT. ANSWER, WITH FULL IN FORMATION REGARDING PRESENT AND PAST CON NECTIONS. A D D R E S S SAL E S MANAGER, 443 UNION ARCADE, PITTS BURGH, PA. UNSKILLED MEN FOR PRODUCTION WORK, Ages IS to 45, IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. Wages and Working Conditions Right, Apply in Person or Communicate with Factory Employment Office THE GOODYEAR TIRE &- RUBBER COMPANY, Jkron. Ohio. WANT lit) 2 (inofl Bench Men. | '2 Men to Work on Sash. I Man to Work on Sticker. t Frame t'nttor. Good waxes. Steady work. No ; trouble. Address COMMERCIAL SASH A- DOOR CO.. | Beaver Fa lis. Pa. AGENTS WANTED To solicit for : Life, Help and Accident Insurance, j Experience and good producing record | essi ntial. Salary and commission. ; Apply between S and 10 A. XI.. Federal ] Casualty Co.. Room 21, !) Market Square. WANTED Man of executive abil- < Ity to take charge of work incidental j to the organization of new corpora- i tlon. Apply Box K, 7456, care of liar- j rlsburg Telegraph. WANTED, AT ONCE Expericnc-| ed paperhangers. Apply Blake Shop, i 225 North Second. I'PHOLSTBRER WANTED, AT I ONCE Good position and pay to! right man. Kaschenbach Furniture Store, 259 South Main street, Wilkes- j Barre, Pa. WANTED Experienced plumber, I in country town. Steady work. Apply j to Box Z, 7142. care of Telegraph! Oflice. WANTED A good. energetic | man over MO years, to introduce our! tea and coffee. Small bond and good; reference required. Good position to! right party. Apply Grand Union Tea Co.. 208 North Second street. WANTED Manager and Buyer for Drapery and Rug Departments. Must he familiar with all branches of work. Good position for right man. Address, giving reference and past experience, M. T. Garvin & Company. Lancaster, Pa. WANTED Marble and granite letterer at once. Will pay scale and 1 otter to man who can come at once. \V. L. White. Honey Hrook, Pa. FIRST-CLASS SLATE ROOFERS WANTED—7Sc per hour. Apply to laiwrencc Lubbers, 1835 West Frank lin street, Baltimore, Md. WANTED Farmhand, single, young man. Apply 19 South Tenth street. WANTED Men to learn to re pair automobiles and aeroplanes. Full course, SSO. Call, or write, 20 North Cameron street, or Training Quarters, 260 South Front street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Several good metal buffers and chandelier makers. Ad dress Elmer H. Catlin Co., 309 Thir teenth street N. W„ Washington, D. C. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk. Middle-aged preferred. Must be honest and industrious. Address G„ 7067, cure of Telegraph. WANTED, AT ONCE Experienc ed trimmer on auto tops, etc. Apply ('. A. Fair, Carriage and Auto Works, East End Mulberry Street Bridge. SALESMAN Good, live man with ear, to sell truck tires and oil on com mission. Dial 3312. YOUNG MEN, 18 and over, desiring Railway Mail and Post Office clerk snips, $92 month, write for free par ticulars. Departmental Clprk exami nation May 17. Raymond Terry (for mer Civil Service Examiner), 518 Continental Bldg., Washington. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED EXPERIENCED OPERATORS We are wanting Sewing Machine Operators, positions are permanent, regular work, and good wages, together with a bonus every pay day. Old operators are welcome to return to work again. FOLDERS We are also wanting girls for our Folding Department. Must be over 16 years of age. Good wages are paid in this Department, together with a bonus every pay day. BLOUUH MANFG. CO., Inc.. Relly and Fulton Sts. WANTED Dlningrooin girl. GuoJ wages to right party. Apply 1102 North Third street. WANTED Eyeleter, experienced operator on a Peerless eyelet machine. Apply llurrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co. HEI.l* WANTED—FEMALE SEAMSTRESS To help on alterations. Ex perienced preferred. Apply at oncc. COLLINS CO., 34 N. SECOND ST. WANTED Girls having experience on power machines; also experi enced stitchers in fitting room. Apply KUHN, PAVORD & WILKS SHOE CO., 46 North Cameron Street. SALESLADIES AND SEAMSTRESS wanted at once. ASKIN & MARINE CO., 36 North Second Street, Corner Walnut Street WANTED Two white girls, cook, SIO.OO per week; second girl. SB.OO per week. Comfortable surroundings. No washing. Address Box M, 7462, care of Telegraph. WANTED Reliable girl, or wom an for general housework. No wash ing. One who can appreciate a good home. Good wages to right party. Apply at 25 North Nineteenth street. WANTED Woman to assist witli general housework. One that can sew. Apply at 2008 North Third street. Bell phone 3102. WANTED Woman to answer teh phone and keep laundry records. State experience, salary desired and give reference. Address E, 7461, care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman to wash dishes. Apply at once. 211 Walnut street. WANTED Middle-aged woman, with experience and references, as child's nurse. Permanent. Apply 321 Walnut street. IIFLI* WANTED—MaIe and Female STENOGRAPHER Large Corporation desires the services of an experienced stenographer. Excellent op portunity for persons of in itiative and ability to advance. Apply B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER CO., 1412 North Third Street. CIVIL SERVICE IN ONE WEEK, $4 Prepare for railway mail and other Government positions quickly. Com plete, ft. No extras. Write for par -1 tieulats. Federal Service Institute, j Washington, D. C. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE \ WANTED —• Young colored man de ! sires position driving car, or other j wcrk. Address L., 7101, care of Tele graph | WANTED lndustrious, married ! man. age 33, would like position u.-: ; collector or clerk for last three days of each week; can furnish bond anu jrdirence. Address "Collector," care of Ti.b graph. WANTED A reliable colored man | would like to have a job as porter or (janitor in a hotel or store of some ] kind. Call, or write, 810 James street. i WANTED Man wants position jas chauffeur; has had seven yeais' experience; can furnish reference. Ad dress James Seroggins, Penbrook, Pa. ; WANTED Man wishes position ias chauffeur; has had three years' experience: can furnish reference. Ap j ply 1730 Walnut street. WANTED Young man wishes po- Isition as chauffeur for private family; jean do own repairing and furnish ref- I erenees. Address Box X, 7142, care I of Telegraph. ; ! WANTED - Clerical position ! wanted by young man; first-class ref ;eience. Address Box 7158, care of 1 Telegraph. ! SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe j STENOGRAPH ER With execu- I tivo uliility, desires position with re liable concern. Kmployed at present, but desire to make a change, fan | furnish best of reference. Address L., 746 C, care of Telegraph. I WANTED A colored girl wishes I work to do on Saturdays. Write, or call, 352 South Cameron street. City. WANTED A colored woman i wishes washing and ironing to do at : home or at the party's house. Write, I or call, 352 South Cameron street. WANTED Day's work of any j kind, by colored woman. Call, or ad i dress. 306 Ridge street, Steelton, I'a. j WANTED By a competent col ored woman, work, night dishwash ing. Address D., 8420, care of Tele j graph. ! WANTED Reliable, neat, colored juoman wants all cooking or chamber work. Call, or address, 8., 346 South Cameron street. j WANTED Position by High | school girl in Junior class, for after ! noon and Saturday and during sum liner vacation. Address Box K, 7066, care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman wishes posi tion as housekeeper for a widower; young man preferred. Address Box O, 4321, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman wants cooking or washing and ironing at home. Apply 1208 Cowden street. WANTED Young woman wishes clerical work; has hud previous ex perience; ran furnish reference. Ad dress G., 7428, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman would like to have position at general house work. Apply 420 Lincoln street. Steel ton, Pa. WANTED Colored woman wants washing out or at home. Apply 810 James street. Situations Wanted—Male & Female WANTED Young, married couple want work of any kind. Call at 228 Chestnut street. ROOMS IQK RENT FOR RENT, LEMOYNE Nicely furnished front rooms. Every conveni ence. I.urgc front porch. Fine location. Reasonable rates. Address Box J, 7459, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms on second floor; all conveni ences. Apply 90 Disbrow street. FOR RENT Two front rooms, first floor, unfurnished, sls, 1609 Mar ket street. Inquire J. K. Kipp, 1721 North Second street. City. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS And small apartment, kitchenettes attach ed, city or suburban; all improve ments. Inquire 429 Broad street 9:JO to 11 A. M. FOR RENT Two furnishad rooms, for light housekeeping; hot and cold water; steam heat. Inquire 30 North Fifth street. FOR RENT Front room, second floor; all conveniences; private fam ily; prlvliege of eating breakfast; reasonable. Bell 3842 M. Call 26 North Eighteenth street. ' HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH TO-DAY IN YOUR IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORHOOD, the classified ads arc ACCOMPLISHING THINGS, getting results, effecting sales, finding tenants, securing positions. Classi fied advertising is a tireless force, serv ing people all the time. If you don't use it, fail to avail yourself of it in any way, you are out of touch with things and are penalizing yourself. ROOMS KOK KENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en suite; first-class in every way; ten minutes' walk to Square. Call Bell phone 624, or Dial 4957. FOR RENT Large, unfurnished Uvlngroom, first floor front, suitable for suite of rooms, modern conveni ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 12.50 per week and up; warm rooms; running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. 143 South Third. ROOMS WANTED WANT TO RENT Four or five looms, furnished or unfurnished, or a small house. Address L., 7463, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Second lloor, three rooms, unfurnished: use of bath; steam heat. 911 North Sixth street. APARTMENT FOR RENT Four rooms on second floor, with use of bath, in a good location; also a large storeroom. Inquire at 1630 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Second and third floor front apartments, for light housekeeping; one furnished, other unfurnished; heat, gas and use of bath. Inquire 327 South Front street. FOR RENT Apartment at llul North Sixth street, four rooms and bath, for light housekeeping; „n modern conveniences. Apply Louis ' 414 North Third street. FOR RENT Two rooms and batlT suitable for office or apartment, rear first floor. 132 Walnut street. Apply to Commonwealth Trust Company. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE N. Second St., No. 1412—Fine location for Physician or Dentist. Will make a fine APARTMENT, too. Rear driveway, hot water heat, 10 rooms and bath. Vacant soon. N. Sixth St., No. 2110 Another fine location for a professional or busi ness enterprise. Now vacant. Rear driveway. N. OiNth St.. No. 3358 Nice home in suburbs of city at attractive price. N. Sixth St., Nos. 3219-21. So. Twenty-first St., No. 957. Bailey St.. Nos. 11S6 to 1194. Boyd St., No. 631. Camp St., No. 635. Crescent St., Nos. 347-47%-49. Emerald St., No. 626. Kensington St., Nos. 2014-16. Muench St.. No. 630. Nectarine St., Nos. 344-46-48. Peffer St.. No. 841. Ross St., Nos. 623-25. Susquehanna St., Nos. 1 401-1407. Susquehanna St., Nos. 1803-05-07. Swatara St., No. 1818. Wallace St., No. 1128. Whitehall St., No. 1851 This beau tiful home, located at intersection of Whitehall and Regina Sts., now occupied by Dr. Orwig, Is now open for Inspection. The "rellned" resi dence of the Hill, In It's most beau tiful location. BACKENBTOSS BROS., Russ Bldg. Member Harrisburg Real Estate Board. FOR SALE Swatara St., 1249 9-room dwelling; front porch; gas and electric lignt. This house is in first-class condi tion. Will be vacant soon. A big bargain. Eighteenth St.. 24—North—Handsome dwelling; 9-room brick; front porch; all improvements; in excellent con dition. Apply LEHMAN & KLINGEMAN, Patriot Building. VACANT, POSSESSION AT ONCE 2-story brick, 6 rooms, all imp porches. 2%-atory brick, 7 rooms, all impr porches. 3-story brick, 9 rooms, all impr porches. These houses are all on the Hill i n good repair; drive alley; room 'for garage. Small amount down. Pay as rent. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street Bell 560 J. Rents Collected! RIVERSIDE Seven houses, all improvements; six have steam heat: 2-story stucco. Price front $2,850 to $3,050. Terms to suit purchaser. Inquire D. E. LUCAS, Real Estate and Insurance, 303 Lewis Street. HERR ST., 1845 Large, nine room brick house, with water and gas, for sale; lot, 20x110 feet; price, $2,500. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE Brick ccnstruction; six rooms and bath, gas, electric lights, steam heat, concrete porch front and rear; No. 1814 Chestnut street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE NJT 928 North Second street; seven rooms and bath, gas, electric light; price and particulars front Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. CHESTNUT ST. PROPERTY FOR SALE Brick house, practically new; six rooms and bath, gas, elec tric light, steam heat; No. 1808 Chest nut. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build- Ing. I OFFERED at a very reasonable price. No. 612 Oxford street, brick house, eight rooms and bath, gas, furnace, porch front and rear; pos session soon. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE No. 514 South Fifteenth street; eight looms and bath, other Improvements. Bell Realty Co. Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDER LIN." STOP PAYING RENT MOVE AT ONCE. Wiconisco St.. 625 Vacant; three story brick; eight rooms and bath; all improvements; front porch; driveway in the rear; same as rent. Mahantongo St., 618 Three-story brick; eight rooms and bath; all im provements; front porch; same as rent. Fulton St., 1937 Vacant; new; two-story brick cottage; all modern improvements; this home is in a class bv it3clf; same as rent. Fulton St.. 1627 Vacant; corner property; two-story frame; six rooms; water and gas; in fair condition; same as rent. S. Sixteenth St.. 542 Vacant; two story trick; seven rooms', all modern Improvements; a dandy little home; same as rent. Derry St., 2337 New; finished in a few days; nine rooms; brick; hard wood floor; steam heat; fireplace; he last word in a home; terms to suit. Derry St., 2407 New; finished In a few days; two-story brick; six rooms and bath; steam heat; nard vvood floors; sun parlor; one-half of it pair; very desirable home; terms to suit. D. ASA SANDER LIN, ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. RESIDENCE FOR SALE 1008 North Second Street. 3-story brick. 9 rooms and bath. Lot, 24x125 to wide al ley in rear. Room for two garages. Owner requires smaller house, only reason for Selling. Quick purchaser can secure a bargain. Immediate possession. For particulars address BOX O. 7433, Care of Telegraph, Or on the premises after 5 o clock. FOR SALE 2;41 Jefferson street; 3-story brick; all improvements; S rooms and bath; garage. Possession as soon as owner can vacate, after sale thereof. For price and terms, Inquire of D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis St., Real Estate and Ins. FOR SALE 1815 North Second Street. Open view over river. A fine, medium-priced home in good location. Immediate posses sion. A. W. SWENGEL, Real Estate, 2131 North Second Street, Bell 2575 J. Practically new, 6-room bungalow on Park Avenue, Camp Hill; all Im provements, including steam heat' open fireplace; hardwood floors; slate roof; storm windows; window screens and blinds; largo lot; good garage; immediate possession. Brinton- Paeker Co., Second and Walnut streets. CALDER ST., 270 Two fra.ne dwellings on lot 62x69. Fine apart ment house site. Price right for quick buyer. G. W. Kehr, 204 Chest nut street. FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot, 15 ft. 3 in. by 90 ft. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANY, 222 Market Street. FOR SAL/B Single, 2%-story house, 6 rooms, 4.2 Second street. Highspire. Surrounded by yard. Lot 60 ft. by 180 ft. Stable in rear. Ap ply J. H. Hoover, 422 Second street, Highspire. Pa. EIGHTEENTH ST.. N„ 28 Corner brick house, with nine rooms and bath, steam heat, electric light, for tale; very desirable: possession in ten days. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. PENBROOK. TWENTY-NINTH ST S 235 For sale or exchange; very desirable 10-room house with all im provements and steam heat; lot, 45x ISO feet. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Possession | n in days, No. 634 Camp street, 3-storv brick, all improvements. Price. 13.000 w O . 1937 North hourtli, 3-story brick" all improvements, $4,000. See 0' pavlcs, 204 Caider Bldg. Bell 4377. FOR SALE Price right, one of the last of the Breti! Bankrupt proper ties, NO. 26 South Eighteenth street See Thomas C. McCarrcll, Jr.. tee, 222 Market street. UB FOR SALE A cottage between street cat line and river, between Kockvllle bridge and MaryavlUe; elec tric lights, water and all Improve ments. Inquire J. K. Klpp. °72i North Second street. Bell phone 1646R* 1709 MARKET ST. 3-story brick dwelling. 9 rooms and bath; gas; elec trie light; steam heat; lot, 34x90- available space for garage. This prop erty la well located and in first-da*,, condition. Brinton-Packer Co.. Sec ond and Walnut streets. BUY YOUR HOMb on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond fltst payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in eve?y part of the city apd suburbs. .ADDIV p, Doranz, 1225 North Sixth atre,£ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 1703 North Second street; three-story brick; nine rooms, two baths, pantry, steam heat, instan taneous hot water, electricity. Apply 1703 North Second street. FOR SALE On easy terms. 2012 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply A. p. Doranz, 1325 North Sixth. FOR SALE 427-42# Maclay street, facing Fifth street. Nice lo cation. Immediate possession. J. IC. Klpp. 1721 North Second. Bell phone IC4SR. Real Estate For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE No. 235 South Twenty-ninth street, Penbrook, Pa. Frame, 10-room, steam-healed house, bath, garage and electric light. Lot, 45x180 ft. An ideal Home. J. E. Gil PLE, I 1251 Market St. REAL ESTATE—For Snlc or Rent 1021 PARK ST. 9 rooms; all modern improvements. Inquire 1209 Walnut street. Possesion May 1. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1621 Z#rker street; C rooms; porch house; all improve ments. Rent. $lB. Possession May 1. Call Hell phone 1774 M. FOR RENT Small house, large garden; suitable for small family; sit uated near Mechanicsburg W. Jay I Meily, Mechanicsburg. FOR RENT ll-room house, with all modern improvements and two communicating office rooms, at 125 and 127 South Front street, Steelton, Pa.; or property for sale. Write to C. R. Miller, M. D., 1902 Market street, llarrisburg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED, TO RENT House (6 or S-roonicd). Communicate with 316 Lawrence street, Middletown, Pa. WANTED, TO RENT Up-to-date suburban house, near Karrisburg, ov family Of three; no children. Address Armour & Co., P. O. Box 1006. READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER 7 BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADLER, 1002 N. THIRD ST. Offices und Storerooms For Rent _ _ , FOR RENT I BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM, For meetings, conventions, I Bunquets Dances nnd parties. Use of piano free. Kitchen attached. H. C. CLASTER, Jeweler, 302 Market Street, STOREROOM 250 Hamilton street, suitable for a barber shop. Tile only one left out of seven storerooms. Chas. Adler, lUO2 North Third street. FOR RENT Desk room and office Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney, 81 North Second street. Bell phono 307 J. FARMS FARMS, LARGE AND SMALL. EASY TERMS. 30 acres, east of Linglestown. .s2,Sno 40 acres, near Palmyra SI,SOO 41 acres, east of Linglestown. .$3,1 oo 43 acres, York County $3,000 103 acres, near Ono.. $3,200 107 acres, east of Linglestown..s4,6.oo 116 acres, York County $i,200 160-acre farm, good soil, one car fare, 8 miles front llar risburg $6,000 LURAND, 107 CHESTNUT ST. i 85 ACRES Farm for sale; frame | house with seven rooms; frame bank barn; other buildings; variety of fruit: located five miles front Carlisle; price. s3,stio. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FARMS WANTED SMALL FARM WANTED, near city. Address G., 4821, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 25 BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE Two and three months old, 75c, $1.01) and $1.60 each. 1828 North street, City. FOR SALE Mahogany Victrola, good as new. Sells for slls. Extra equipped with electric light. Reason for selling, want to buy an electee. Address P. O. Box 1234. FOR SALE Baby carriage, cheap, in good condition. Inquire 39 North Thirteenth street. FOR SALE One medium-size re frigerator. in good condition. Inquire 715 North Third street. FOR SALE Parlor suite, large chair, sewing machine, diningroont table and chairs, 8-day clock, por- I tleres, water power washer, complete set of Hugo works and pictures. In quire 1844 State street. j FOR SALE Girard Globe kitchen I range, in good condition, with warm ling oven. Apply 2143 Logan street, or call Bell phone 2501 M. FOR SALE Household furniture at private sale. No dealers. Apply 1100 North Third, Third Floor Apart ment. FOR SALE One 5V4-foot white enameled bath tub and small enameled wash stand. Address Box B, 7455, care of Telegraph. I FOR SALE Large kitchen range, Iron kettle, set of new goat harness and cart. Apply 313 Fifth street. New Cumberland, Pa. Dial 5530. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1018 Market Bell 4085 R. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ~ The store across from Y. W. C. A. offers you the biggest and best bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits. Over coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, Hats. Caps, and Shoes. We are fam ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO„ 23 North Fourth Street. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE OKPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at- I tentton. Newmark & Cown. 368 Broad street Dial phone 4286. Bell 4705R ' BELL PHONE 3370-J. ~~ S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. L. COHEN & COMPANY. York and Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper. Iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. WANTED National Cash Regis ter. State description and price. Chas. Kurtz, 15 East One Hundred and Six teenth street. New York City, APRIL 16, 1919. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 107111. or drop a postal to Max Smeltz 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. BUSINESS PERSONALS GAS FITTING JOBBING a specialty. We can save you money. Drop postal. P. O. Bov 1181, City. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. ! CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. | UPHOLSTERING Of the best! kind. Work guaranteed. We call and I deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone l 4826. p.ell phone 4705 R. j MACHINE SHOP Specialty of! light machine, models, experimental. : mill, factory repairing, odd parts for autos made. Variety Machine and Re pa'- Shop, 1704 Fulton street, llarrls bu. Pa. j OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capital City Welding Co., 2538 Logan street. Bell 4396 J. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge. 35c doz.; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. QUININE —Look out for that grlppo feeling, likely to ;atch you this chargeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PIIOSPHO-QUININE will stave it olf If taken In time. Gross Drug Store. 119 Market street FURNITURE CRATED for shipping. J. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. INVENTORS FINANCED Patents Automobiles. Motorcycles Bought. Sold, Exchanged. Cash or commission. Simon Horst. Linglestown, Pa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PACKING Experienced Packers of Furnltur3, {China and Bric-a-brac. EXPERT AUCTIONEER. A. H. SHRENK Bell Phone 399 W. IF you have $2,000 to $3,000 cash capital and would be interested in opening an entirely new line of busi ness in your locality, which should net you $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 annu ally. write at once for particulars. Mechanical Machine & Tool Works, 220 West Fifty-second street, Nov York City, N. Y. CHANCE to gel on ground floor with SSOO - as partner with a company to be formed in a business which offers splendid opportunity. L,, 7443, caro of Telegraph. TOOL ROOM FOR SALE Old-es- Itablished stand, doing good business. Good irason for selling. Address Box P, 7439, caro of Telegraph. FINANCIAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES. STOCKS AND BONDS. J. K. GREENAWALT. JR., 130 Walnut St., llarrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 618 J. MONEY To LOAN MONEY If you are pressed for ready | cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the lavra of the State. I EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, ! ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG.. THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. ! LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. | MONEY FOR NECESSITIES If employed and housekeeping:, our ■ legal rate money service on loans from sls to S3OO, payable In weekly or monthly instalments'ls worth In vestigating, If you are in need of funds and without bank credit. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of .June 17. 1015, to individu als ir. need of ready cash; small loans la specialty, business confidential, pay imtnts to suit borrower's convenience, positltelv lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. I MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES iTATE Large or small amounts. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. MUSICAL J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, TROUP BLDG., 15 S. MARKET SQ. BARGAINS THIS WEEK $650 Hardman Upright, mahogany cese, large size, excellent tone; price, $290, easy payments. SBOO Angelus player, 88-note, like new, 25 rolls Included; price, $585, easy payments. $650 Story & Clark Player, 88-noto, new sample; price, $550, easy pay ments. Any of the above instruments Is ready for Immediate delivery. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, TROUP BLDG., 15 S. MARKET SQ. PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls of music, for sale; slightly used; must be sold at once; cheap to a quick buyer. Spangler Music House. 2112 North Sixth street. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 Capital street. Both phones. WE Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial ■;9!io. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. ) HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Giubber's Truck Service, irwln Aungft, manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 15R6. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trueks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320. or Dial 2265. AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser vice. Call Bell 623-J. HAULING AND MOVING ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 311 KEUCKR ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3618. FOR HIRE—Two-ton auto truck. Apply lluS Soutb Ninth street. Bell plione 2165 R. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 124 Relly. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbln, 656 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3683. HOOFING AN J) PAINTING MR. PROPERTY OWNER: T wil' take rare of your Roof vor iries and relieve you and your tenan's lof all annoyances caused by Lah" ! Roofs. AUCTIONEER IIITE, Bell 1875 J. ; If you need a new roof, don't for get that I sell and lay the best com- J i osition und slate surfaced roofing, I including the Carey roofs, which is {superior to SLAG roofing. ! However, if you have a slag root I that is leaking, 1 can cure that also. AUCTIONEER HITE, Bell IS7SJ. i STORAGE —— v STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Rates. THE HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO.. LTD., Highsptre, Pa. Phones: Bell: Steelton 169 Y. Dial: Steelton 9139. I I STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof wares I house. 83 per month and up. Lower. i storage rates In non-fireproof ware bouse. llarrisburg Storage Co., 437- I jtf. South Second street. I STORAGE —In brick building, rear ! 108 Market. Household goods in clean, | private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. I G. Diener. 408 Market street. ' STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Bofli phones. POULTRY AM) SUPPLIES FOR SALE Rhode Island Reds, ! 1 tooster, 5 hens. 28 South Chestnut street, Pcnbrook, Pa. WHERE TO DINK ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS i SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. * | BELL 1966. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 611 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE ~ PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park -1 way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. Cleaners and ll.vors WHY buy new clothing, when we clean your old ones as good as new? Now Is the time for spring cleaning. ! Goodman's. 1306% North Sixth. Both I Phones. Call and Deliver. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT Overland Country Club. Re finished. In very fair condi tion. Oldsmobile Roadster. Elec tric lights and starter. Good tires all around, cord tires on rear. Reo 5-passenger Touring in very fuir mechanical condi* tion and relinished like now. Overland Big Four Tourlngi 5-passenger. Completely over hauled, repainted and guar< it n teed. National 12-cyllnder. wit* 5-passenger sport roadstel body. Body, top and up liolstery all new, good tires. A splendid opportunity to buy a high class, powerful, smcoth-running car at less than half of cost. Open Evenings. Time Payments. THE OVERLAND IIARRISBURG CO.. 212-214 North Second Street. Both Phones. OARFORD TRUCK TWO-TON—HAND DUMP FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICE. Inquire BLACK'S GARAGE. 205 S. SEVENTEENTH ST. FORD 1917 Touring, excellent condition, $375.00. S. C. Reeser. one mile, west of Camp Hill, along Carlisle Pike. Mcchanicsburg R. D.. 4. FORD CAR —Panel body, in A 1 con dition, 1917 engine, at a bargain $250 cash. Address Ford Service Sta tion. 1800 block, Logan street, be tween Third and Fourth. Ask for Bill. FOR SALE Chandler, 1917, line condition. Overland, good, lirst-class shape. Dodge, good order. AMERICAN AUTO CO., Front and Forster Streets. FOR SALE 1914 Touring Car. in good running order. Good tire*. Price. $275. Horst. Llnglestown. r- Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page