Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 14, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 INTERESTING NEWS OF TOWNS IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA WAR RELICS TO AID CAMPAIGN Chairman Walter A. Rice and Big Committee Ready Forf Work in Perry County New Bloomiield, Pa., April 14. — Former District Attorney Walter W. Rice, chairman in charge of the Victory Loan drive in Perry county, is rapidly completing his arrange ments for the event. This is the first drive with which he has been con nected. The first three drives were in charge of P. F. Duncan, of Duncan non. who was stricken with typhoid fever at the timo of the opening of the fourth drive and was succeeded, by William Wills, of Duncannon. Mr. Wills, in turn, has been com pelled to resign and Mr. Rice has been named to direct the workings of the final campaign. A series of meetings in the interest of the loan is being planned. This series is scheduled to open on April 24. with the first meeting taking piace at Shermansdale. A trophy train, which will contain war relics from the battlefronts in Europe, which is touring the State, will be at Newport on April 24. Mr. Rice an nounces. A score of helmets will be distributed among workers for their efforts. Mr. Rice says. Chairmen of districts have been named as follows: Blaiu and Jack son township. Creigli Patterson; New Bio6mtield and Center township. Luke Baker: Buffalo township. G. It. 51. Bear; Carroll township. H. J. Garnian; Duncannon and Penn town ship. B. Stiles Duncan; Landisburg and Spring and Tyrone townships. Janies R. Wilson; Liverpool and Liverpool township, John D. Snyder: sTadison township. W. C. Garber: slaiysville. Senator Scott S. Millerstown and Greenwood town ship. A. L. Long; New Buffalo and Watts township, A. R. Thompson; Rye township. Harvey Luckenbaugli: Sandy Hill district. R. 5L Clark: Savilie township. James O. Gray: Tobcyn township. Janies A. Noel Tuscarora township. 1.. E. Donnelly; Wheattield township. E. F. Charles. Chairmen for Newport and sliller township will be announced later. M PI KIN I I NHI NT RESIGNS Liverpool. Pa., April 14. H. E. Hitter, chief burgess of Liverpool and chairman of the Republican committee of Pecrv county, has ten dered his' -esignation as superinten dent of the Liverpool Spinning Mill, which position he has tilled for the past eighteen months. Personal af fairs which demand liis entire at tention at- the present are given in explanation of his resignation. Mr. Hitter is prominent in politic.ll life and was previously connected with the state Insurance Department at Harrisburg. CONGRESSMAN TO SPEAK Newport. Pa., April 14.—Benja min K. Foclit, of Lewisburg. Con gressman from the Seventeenth Con gressional District, will be ar speak er during the seventy-fifth anniver sary services of the St. Paul's Luth eran Church which opens next 51011- day. the pastor, the Rev. W. C. Ncy, announces. Arrangements now pro vide for him to speak on AVednes da.v evening. April 23. His father, the late Rev. David Henlein Foeht. was pastor of the church from June 1. 1555 to October 1, 1863. RECEPTION IX>ls SOLDIERS Columbia, Pa.. April 14. —Chief Burgess W. M. D'Miller has named a committee of citizens to make the necessary arrangements for the re jception of the Columbia soldiers who ■are expected to arrive home next month. There are still several hun jdred Columbia." soldiers overseas and •when they all return it is proposed do give them a public reception. The committee comprises 11. M. North, Jr.. William 11. lamas, John D. Alli son. Joseph W. llouck and James A Meyers. Ft UN At KS TO RESVME WORK t'olumhia. Pa., April 14.—Two of Columbia's iron mills, the Janson and East End mills, will resume op erations on Monday and Tuesday of the coming week after an idleness since last winter. The Janson Iron and Steel Company has made ex tensive improvements to their mill and will resume under the same conditions that prevailed at the time they suspended work last January. PAID sir. FOR HF.FR ~ Robert Saunders, colored, of Kun kel alley, will be heard in police court ibis afternoon on the charge of selling liquor without a license. He was arrested on complaint of Isaac Washington, who told offcers tl.at he had been compelled to pay sls for a bottle of beer purchased from Saunders. Some flavor POST TOASTIES / The best corn flakes fej; | you ever jXy saw MONDAY EVENING, Suburban Notes 1.l VKRPOOIi Joseph Fox, of Steelton, was a l recent visitor here with Newton Wil liamson. Miss Frances Bunk is visiting with relatives at Harrisburg. A. E. Kerstetter made a trip to j Northumberland on Friday. Miss Puera B. Kobison, a member of the Williamsport Dickinson Semi nal y faculty, is spending Easter va cation here with her mother, Mrs. Emma Kobison. J. Park Holman was a recent vis itor at Harrisburg. Prof." and Mrs. A. E. Deckard, of Matysville, spent the week-end here • with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Carman, of Middleburg. were recent visitors at •H. A. Long's. Kussell Kitner recently discharged front* service and Martin Kitner, of Selinsgrove. spent Sunday here with Harvey Williamson and family. May Harter and'lda Ward made a trip to Kansas City last week. George Beaver made a trip to Har risburg on Saturday. Frank Brown employed at Har risburg. spent the week-end here. George From and family and Mrs, Rebecca Romig spent Sunday in Ickesburg. Mrs. Catharine Graham, of New York City, was .a recent visitor at Logan Frymoyer's. lIVMMELSTOWX Prof, and Mrs. Walter A. Geesey, of Sunbury, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gresh. Mrs. William Fackler, of Allen town, is visiting her mother. Mrs. Creager.. Mrs. Ralph Pavies. of Harrisburg, spent several days at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. 51. | Shope. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Deimler. ofi Kingston, visited friends in town yes- j terday. Miss Jeanie McHolland. of Har-j risburg. spent yesterday with Miss | Rebecca Suteliffe. Mrs. Howard Deintler left on Sat- > urday. for Panama, where she will ; spend several months and where her husband is employed by the York Ice and Refrigerator Company, on aj government job. Mrs. Irvin Bombargner spent Sat-! urday at Lebanon, the guest of Mrs. Katie Light. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Larson. ofj Berkley. W. Ya.. spent several days i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Ilartwell. Mrs. Philip Deimler and son. Landis. are spending the week at j Philadelphia, the guest of her sister, j Mrs. Somers. Mrs. McGraw. of Freesport, is I spending some time with her daugli j tor. Mrs. Herbert S. Games. Richard Dickinson, of Pliiladel- I plna. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kavlor, of Harrsburg. spent yesterday with Mr. | Kaylor's sister. Mrs. David C. j Rhoads. MERCERSBURG George C. Steiger is ill at his home at Rridgeside. Bruce Miller, of Mount Union, was ! a visitor here over the weekend. Crist T. CcCullough. of Newville, | was a visitor here last week. Mrs. Earl Lysle and children spent last Thursday in Lemastpr with Mrs. | Lysle's father, H. W. Brown, who ; celebrated his seventy-seventh birth- I day. Edwin Hoffman, after -'iffv^nding ' several weeks with his family here ! has returned to New York City. | Miss Mildred Witherspoon is visit j in? her friend, Mrs. R. 11. Stache at ! Newark. X. J. Miss Camille Irvine gave a dance i at Xorth Cottage on Thursday eve ! ning in s honor of Miss <.'oates. one of her chums at Dana Hall. Wellesley, | Mass. Harry D. Kreps. who has been | suffering with an attack of rheuma tism. is again able to resume his du j ties as R. F. D. carrier. BOYS TO COMPETE IN I. \ MBIiRTON CONTEST The annual Lamberton Oratorical j Contest will be held to-morrow after noon at 3 oclock in the.assembly Hall at Central High School. Financed i' by the late Robert I.amberton, this contest has been held for many years. | and is one that only boys of the senior class are allowed to take part 1 in. The prize oration writers this year are Lewis K. Rimer. Lloyd Co ver, Horace Selig. and Winston Ro i mig. Each of these boys have won j five dollars for writing a prize ora -1 tion, and the one who delivers his j oration the best will receive an ad l ditional five dollars. The subject of the orations this year was "The Life jof Daniel Boone." Under the super vision of Professor Edgar G. Rose, | several musical numbers will be giv |en by the afternoon session choir, j Professor Severance, the principal at I Central, has extended an invitation j to the general public to attend this ' contest. Cmnberland Valley News VICTORY LOAN WILL BE BOUGHT Cumberland County Banks Arc Ready to Subscribe Their Full Amount Carlisle, Pa.. April 14.—Cumber land county has again been true to its traditions, and announcement is made that its entire quota of the Victory Loan will be subscribed promptly upon the statement of the terms by the Secretary of the Treas ury. Arrangements have been per fected by which every bank in the district will subscribe at once for its full proportionate share of the county's allotment. This action 011 the part of the banking institutions has been prompted not only by their willing ness to aid in all patriotic work, but because experience has shown that the people of the county have on all occasions in the past shown their willingness to come forward without urging and solicitation by canvassers and perform their full duty. Under the direction of George E. Lloyd, chairman for Cumber land county, and Eugene L. Martin, executive secretary, the district has oversubscribed its quota in all Lib erty Loan campaigns, raising up to this time among 55,000 people about $9,000,000 for war activities. The bankers' committee of Cum berland couhtv comprises the fol lowing: Walter Stuart, Carlisle, chairman; E. C. Reetem. L. S. Sad ler. A. F. Bedford. Merkel Landis. R. Elmer Sheaffer, William B. Good year, Carlisle; George S. McLean, George IT. Stewart, W. A. Adams, George W. Himes. Howard A. Ryder and J. S, Qmwake, Shippensburg; R. S. Hays. J. S. Gracey and S. B. Hew litt, Newville; Charles Eberly, R. L. Dick, Dr. M. M. Dougherty. C. I. Swartz, S. F. Houck and T. J. Scholl. Mechanicsburg: J. Morris Miller, Shiremanstown; Robert L, Myers and W. K. Klugh, Lemoyne: Frank E. Coover, New Cumberland; Ches ter Hall, Jit. Holly Springs, and Joe S. Smith. Grantham. Tht above named committee has placed Cumberland county indelibly on the map by taking the first steps in the United States for this united action. Further announcements will be made within a day or so. SIOO FOR DESERTERS' ARREST | Waynesboro, Pa.. April 14.—Con stable George E. B.vers was notified to-day by the Adjutant General at ; Washington that he had been , awarded SIOO for the apprehension of two deserters in this vicinity. The two men were Either Tressler. of near Blue Ridge Summit, and Noah Green, of Rouzetville. Both were reported by the local draft hoard as deserters and Constable Byers ap prehended the men and took them to Camp Meade and delivered tßem to the army officers. TWO OLD PEOPLE DIE Waynesboro, pa.. .April 14.—Death has recently called two of the old est residents of Waynesboro, both from the standpoint of years of life and of residence here. Mrs. Caroline (insert, wife of Daniel Gossert, aged 7", had lived in Waynesboro thirty one years. Miss Martha Miller, aged 75, had lived with the Lesher fam ily sixty years, and for the last thirty-nine years had been house keeper for Daniel Lesher. The com bined age of the two was 152. .1. EI.OYD ITXK DIES Waynesboro, Pa.. April 14. J. Floyd—Funk, son of Water Snoerin fiendenl John P. Funk, and Mrs. Funk, died on Friday evening of pneumonia. He was 26 years old and arrived home from Canton. Ohio. Tuesday with a raging fever. In June, 1918. he enlisted from Waynesboro, in the United States States army and was sent to Van couver barracks in the State of Washington. There he remained about six months and was mustered out of the service shortly before Christmas. . DRIVE TO BEGIN" CAMPAIGN" Waynesboro, Pa., April 14. —Two meetings, one at the Y. M. C. A. Wednesday evening. April 16, for the 400 workers, who will put over the drive, and the second in Arcade theater, on Wednesday' evening. April 23, for the general public, will, start the hall rolling in the forth coming Victory Lpp.ii campaign. SOLDIER RETURNS HOME WaynesborO, April" 14. —Sergeant Earl B. Gorsuch, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gorsuch, sur prised his friends Saturday night by unexpectedly talking in upon them. He had been discharged fVom the army at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., after having spen ten months service in France with Battery A, One Hun dred and Fourteenth Field Artillery. LEASE LIBERTY TIfEATER Waynesboro. Pa., April 14. Loizos & Co., York, have taken over the Liberty theater here owned by George B. Beaver and recently con ducted by Daly & Watson. Tells of Experience in Russia and the Near East Lieutenant Frank Connes, for fourteen r.binths in Russia and Ru mania with the Apierican Red Cross, spoke yesterday morning at the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church of his experiences in those countries. During the time he was in Rus sia Lieutenant Connes said he stud ied the manners of the people, and told of his experiences with Bol shevlki leaders on one occasion when a troop train was delaying a Red Cross unit. He told the audi* ence that only ten per cent, of the population of Petrograd had been converted to Bolshevism. Lieutenant Connes also told of the pitiful condition of thousands of Armenian refugees who crowded Tiflis, capital of Russian Caucasia, many of them starving to death. He is speaking in various cities and towns to aid in the campaign for $30,000,000 for Armenian relief. 1,300 SOLDIERS GET FOOD FROM CANTEEN WORKERS Thirteen hundred soldiers passing through Harrisburg Saturday were served with bananas and coffee by Canteen Service Department of the Harrisburg chapter American Red Cross of which Mrs. Francis Jordan Hall is. chairman. Apples, eggs and coffee were served to 36 officers and 252 men of the headquarters, troop. Eighty-fifth Division, passing through the city yesterday. Miss UpdegroVe was the lieutenant in charge last week. HARRISBURG flfhjftl TELEGRAPH TITUS HARBOLD SHOOTS HIMSELF Harrisburg Youth Commits Suicide at Miller Farm, Near Mechanicsburg Mcclinnicsbiirg, p a „ Aprfl 14.—! Titus S. Harbold, a young man hired | with W. H. Weaver, a farmer living i on the Miller farm, about four miles! east of Mechanicsburg, committed | suicide on Saturday afternoon at 31 o'clock by shooting himself with ai shot gun. Shortly before he ted the act. young Harbold went! into the house and left by an un- j used door and two shots were heard j directly afterward. Mr. Weavers! daughter looked out when she heard i the report in time to see the young man fall immediately after the see-' Ond shot beside a wood pile outside the woodshed. The shot had pene- 1 trated the left side of his head and killed him instantly. Coroner J. H. DeardorfT, of Me chanicsburg, was summoned, who after the "hearing pronounced the death due to suicide. There was no reason whatever that could be given for the act. He was aged 18 years, and a satisfactory workman in every way. His parents. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Harbold, of Harris burg, and several sisters and broth ers, survive. DANIEL 11. MILLER DIES Meolumicsburg. Pa., April 14. Following illness due to paralytic stroke, Daniel H. Miller died on Sat urday evening at his home. South York_and Keller streets, at the age of 7 5 years. He was a sufferer for about a year and a half, but his con ! dition only became serious the past six weeks. He was born at Carlisle Springs and lived here the past live years. He was a member of the Church of tlie Brethren for half a century. Previous to illness he was | engaged in the grain and feed busi 'ness at Camp Siding, near Oakville, j for a period of forty years, and was | well knowit throughout that locality. I He was twice married. Four sons sur ; vive as follows: by his first marriage) 4o Elizabeth Grove, who died ninny j years ago, William 11. Miller, of. | Cat lisle: John A., of Tipton, lowa. | Daniel E., of Washington, and liar-' ve> ? 8., of Elgin, 111. His wife, who i ; was formerly Leah T. Condry, and | .one daughter, Mrs. E. M. Hertzlcr, of j Mechanicsburg, survive. INSTALL OFFICERS Meclianicsburg. Pa., April 14. On Saturday evening the following officers were installed in Silver Spring lodge. Independent Order Odd Fel lows, No. 598, at New Kingstown, by Georgc W. Hershman. district depu ty: Noble grand, F. W. Sntee; vce grand, C. B. Bowers: secretary, J. A. Handshew; treasurer, L. Z. Yohn; warden, James L. Wickard; conduc- j tor, James H. Putt; inner guard, Ja cob Wonders; outer guard, M. S. Raudabaugh; right supporter to noble grand, David Fair; left sup potter to noble grand, M. R. Shank; right supporter to vice-grand, C. C. Eekard: left supporter to vice grand, Daniel Ilgenfritz: right scene supporter. Jerry Swartz: left scene supporter, Jerry Baker; chaplain, J. G. Wjckard. These officers were installed in j Wildey Encampment No. 29, Inde pendent t irdcr Odd Fellows, on Fri day evening -trr- rhi.r -pkieo by Roy Peters, from the Valley Encamp- 1 men-t, Shippensburg: Past chief pat riarch, Samuel C. Plough; chief pat riarch, Guy H. Lucas; high priest, J. L. Harnish; senior warden, H. M. Bare: junior warden, M. M. Tate: scribe. A. IT. Swartz; treasurer, I Louis A. Diller; host A. H. Swartz; trustees. George C. Milleisen. G. G. King and V. C. Harlacher: repre sentative. W. B. Railing. SOLDIERS DISCHARGED Mechanicsburg. p a „ April 14. Lynn Irvine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Irvine, East Locust street, a member of the American Expedi - -tionary Force, has arrived at his home in this place. Russell Sultzaherger, another Me chanicsburg boy, who served in France, has returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. j Sultzaherger, South Market street. Harrisburg and Erie Lead in Building Harrisburg and Erie" lead all oth er third-class cities in the state and also Scranton, a second-class city, in new building operations to be start ed during March, according to a summarized report compiled by the American Contractor. Throughout the entire country in creased activity in construction work is noted. During March 162 cities report that 49,229 permits have been issued for construction work to cost $60,176,987, or a gain of sev enty-one per cent, over the same month in 1918 and a gain of almost 100 per cent, over February, 1919. Of the 162 cities reporting, 112 show gains and fifty losses. Harrisburg shows a loss, but this is due to the fact that last year a large schdol building was started in March, making the total for the month above the half-million mark. Rev. H. W. Miller to Be Installed as Pastor Rev. Henry W. Miller will be in stalled as pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church Wednesday eve ning at 7.45 o'clock. The Rev. George Edward Hawes, pastor of the Mar ket Square Presbyterian Church will deliver the sermon, the Rev. Henry A. Grubb, of Baltimore, will deliver the charge to "the new pastor and the Rev. George Fulton, of Mechanics burg, will deliver the charge to the people. The Rev. H. E. llallam. of lmmanuel Presbyterian Church, will offer the installation prayer. Bell-ans Sure Relief BELL-ANS Wfor iNj&uusTAor# | WEST SHORE Special Services This Week in Marysville Churches Marysville, Pa., April 14.—Special services will be held in Bethany United Evangelical and Zion Lu theran Churches this week. The Rev. J. C. Reighard, pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, announces special services for the first four days of the week, with preparatory services scheduled for Friday. Holy Communion will he observed both morning and evening on Sunday. The Rev. C. D. Pewterbaugh, pas tor of the Bethany United Evangel ical Church, has issued his schedule of Passion Week services, all to/be gin at 7.30 o'clock, as follows: Monday, "The New Command ment;" Tuesday', "Christ's Prayer;" Wednesday, "The Last Supper;" Thursday, "Betrayal and Denial;" Friday, "The Crucifixion." Holy Communion services will be held both morning and evening next Sunday, with the Rev. -W. E. Pef fley, of Lemoyne, delivering the ser mon in the morning and the Rev. Mr. Pewterbaugh in the evening. Nurse to Give Experiences at Red Cross Meeting Marysville, Pa., April 14.—Miss Elsie Wise, the first of the five Maft'sville nurses to return home after service in France, will relate her experiences in France at a meet ing of the Marysville Red Cross on Wednesday evening. Miss Wise had more than a year's foreign service with a Philadelphia base hospital I unit. MRS, ELIZABETH \AY()I{ DIIOS New Cumberland, Pa., April 14. On Sunday morning Mrs. Elizabeth Nayior died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. William Kite, in Market street. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday morning, meeting at the house at 9 o'clock and will go to Fairview Bethel Church where services will be held. Burial will be made at that ceme tery. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. William Kite. Mrs. Elmer Krone. Mrs. Park Stough and two• sons, William and Charles Nayior; also two stepdaughters, Mrs. Lewis Emigh, Mrs. George Rudy, and two brothers, Walter Yates, of Pitts burgh, and Admiral Yates, of New York, and a sister, Mrs. G. 1.. Wenk, if Mechaniceburg. I .HAGUE REORGANIZES Marysville. Pa.. April 14. —Meth- odist Episcopal Church Epworth l.eaguc was reorganized for the en suing year lust, evening and Prof. A. E. Ddckard, principal of the i Marysville schools, elected president. Other officers elected were: Charles Ensminger, tirst vice-president; Miss Maggie Ellenberger, second vice president; Mrs. Myrtle Eight ner, third vice-president; Mrs. Samuel Melester, fourth vice-president; Miss Alda Yarns, secretary; Miss Bar bara Roush, assistant secretary; John D. Shull, treasurer; Walter Liddick, chorister* TRINITY S. S. OFFICERS Marysville, Pa., April 14.—Trinity Reformed Sunday school has reor ganized for the year, electing the following corps of officers: Superin tendent, Scott S. Leiby; assistant su perintendent, Frank W. Roberts; secretary. Miss Carrie Smith; re-, cording secretary, Mrs. R. 11. Cun ningham; treasurer. Miss Elizabeth I Sadler; pianist, Mrs. Nelson H. Xuce: assistant pianist, Mrs. A. B. Donahue. SERVICES AT ARMY DEPOT New Cumberland. Pa., April 14. — The Rev. C. H. Beiges, pastor of the Church of God, preached at the Army Reserve depot yesterday aft ernoon. The singing was led by R. F. Depert, Y. M. (Y A. secretary, assisted by members of the Church of God choir. AUTO AND TRUCK COEEIDE New Cumberland, April 14. AVhile Dr. R. R. Reiff was coming from Harrisburg on Thursday night his automobile collided with a truck on the bridge. The steering wheel was broken in three places and the radiator damaged. Mr. Reiff was badly shaken up. Ho was brought to his home. TWENTY GUESTS AT DINNER New Cumberland: Pa., April 14. — On Friday night Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Key worth, of West Hillside, gave a dance in honor of their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Bennet, of Reading. The ropms were beau tifully decorated with roses, sweet peas and palms. A supper was served to twenty, guests from New A'ork. Reading, Harrisburg and Xew Cumberland. SCHOOL CLOSES WEDNESDAY One week's vacation for scholars a* the public schools begins on Wed nesday of this week. The Easter va cation ends on the following Tues day. Skin Comforts J\>y\^ or Our Boys Found In MfA Ccticura The Soap to Share, i Bathe and Shampoo, the Ointment to heal \ i These fragrant, super- ~V?| creamy emollients soothe M J and heal eczemas and VLy JV rashes.stopitching,clear / ) the skin of pimples, the scalp of dandruff and/ bx|. J&7// the hands of chaps J\ I\\%j/ J] and sores. Also for j cuts,wounds, stings / ofinsects,sunburn / \ 1 or windburn. ■here with Cit'eura / ■OAP Th H#Kith7, Up- I. Y/ J W-Date CatiMtr* frmy \ Noranar.notlimy soap, no perms, no free al kali, no was to, no irritation area whon ehaved twfet dollr. Ona mp Or all naaa - ahoTint. bsthtrt. ghamrooinf. Doublaa razor tffleloocr, not to aneok .<>• ' akin {rarity and honlth. dna to ita doHeato. froermnt hotirurn medication. Soap. OTntmer t, Talcum 3c. each. Sold everywhere. I 700 NAMES ON ! TABLET IN PARK! Columbia Dedicates Soldiers' Memorial With Rig Parade and Elaborate Ceremonies Columbia, Pa.. April 14.—Dedica tion of the soldiers' memorial tablet Saturday afternoon attracted hun dreds of people from the borough and towns in the vicinity. The exer cises were preceded by a parade of returned soldiers, escorted by the Girls' Patriotic League and the Met ropolitan Band. The Rev. G. W. Brown, of St. Peter's Catholic Church, delivered the invocation and tile address was given by the Rev. G. F. Glad dings Hoyt, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The Rev. W. S. Nichols, pastor of Cookman Methodist Church, delivered the dedicatory address and the Girls' League sang patriotic airs. Mrs. H. 51. North, Jr.. chairman of Colum bia Red Cross chapter, unveiled the memorial amid the cheers of hun dreds. Just before the ceremonies, a beautiful American flag was hoisted on the flagstaff in the park, behind j the tablet by Samuel 11. Boyd and William W. Fairer, the gift of the citizens of the Fifth Ward. The tablet contains the names of nearly seven hundred Columbia soldiers. ' Camp Hill, April 14.—The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Camp Hill Church of God held its monthly missionary meeting at the close of the session of Sunday School yesterday, rendering an interesting program to a large and appreciative audience. sirs. Murry Oft, president, read the Scripture lesson. Dr. A. I'. Stover, pastor of the church offered prayer, and Mrs. A. P. Stover made an address on missions. 1)R. MII.I.KR OPENS OFFICE AFTER LONG ARMY SERVICE Dr. Richard J. Miller, of this city, who returned to Harrisburg some weeks ago. after eighteen months of service with the s!edical Corps of the United States Afmy, has recently re ceived his discharge, and will take up the practice of medicine in this city, at 234 State street. 2" UNIONS REPRESENTED Twenty-seven local labor unions were represented yesterday at a meeting held in the hall at 310 Mar ket street. Temporary officrs were nominated as President, P. S. Wenrich: vice president. J. A. Poist: financial secretary and treas urer, W. S. Rhoads: recording secre tary. J. R. Copenhaver; inside guard, I'. E. Good. The next meeting will be held April 27. gv= fjr . ffe-j 28-30-32 N. Third Street | Schleisner Tailor-mades | for Easter B - t _ fUj —the embodiment of all that is dis tinctive, all that is correct, all that ex -1 " presses the uttermost in dignity of line, $35 to $125 | MB jgg He Sp m fife for the woman, the miss, * I. the junior, the stout woman Men's Wear Serge and Tricotine, Velours and Mixtures —Navy and Other Shades. §": V ' ' -.r . 'APRIL 14, 19T£ TO INITIATE CLASS Star of America Commandcry, No. 113, Knights of Malta, will tomorrow evening entertain its past command ers at a social at the organization hall, 26 North Third street. The j Grand Commander .W. J. Raffens perger, of York, will be present and USE 6estf\ol FOR THAT SKIN TROUBLE That skin trouble makes you fee! as though you must creep away and l.idc. While there is fun and laughter on all sides, nobody seems interested in you. Tossibly-you could enjoy life as they do if you would but give tie Resinol treatment a fair tiial. Anoint the red rough spots and irritated places with Resinol Ointment. • Keep the face and akin welt cleansed with Resinol Soap for It For a fret trial*/ swA contains just enough soothing: medication to relieve the clogged andliniment vmte . irritated pores. For other skin disorders on the body or limbs, Baltimore, fifd. • the same treatment may be applied. At all Drue,fists. : I ——■ _ i| Yes; S. S. S. Is Purely Vegetable Nature's Safe Blood Treatment ' j Known for 50 Years as the Best Remedy for Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Scrofula, Skin Diseases i Scientists have discovered that Iho forest and the Held, arp abundantly supplied with vegetation of various kinds, that furnish tlie ingredients for making a remedy, for practi cally every ill and ailment of man kind. Medicines made from roots, herbs, and barks which Nature has placed at the disposal of man, arc better than strong mineral mixtures and concoctions. Mineral medicines work dangerously on the delicate parts of the system, especially the stomach and bowels, by eating out the lining membrane, producing I make an address. The Rev. U. O. H. Kerschner. of Newport, another state official of the organization, is ex pected to attend. During the eve ning a class of candidates will he advanced, preparatory to receiving further degrees. These degrees will be conferred on April 28 at Stclton. [chronic dyspepsia and often . entire*- i ly ruining tlie health. S. S. S. is made entirely of gcntl*- 1 acting, healing, purifying root* ! herbs and barks, possessing proper-- ' ties that build up all parts of tho J system, in addition to removing all | impurities and poisons front the i blood. S. S. S. is a safe treatment for Kheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula. | Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases. Blood Poison, and all disorders of the blood. It cleanses the entire j system and it's permanent. Uet S. S. S. at any drug store to-day. It is a standard remedy recognized everywhere as tho greatest blood | antidote ever discovered, if yours ! is a peculiar case write to Medical Director, 261 Swift laboratory, At ; lanta, Ga.