Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 14, 1919, Image 1

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    Republican National Chairman Hays Appeals to Party Throughout Nation to Boost Victory Loan
She Stor-In&epcn&cnl.
Matter 'at tho Post Office at llarrisburg
District Chairmen Ready For
Last of Big War Fund
No Difficulty Experienced in
Getting Subscriptions "To
Bring the Boys Home"
Heads of the Victory Loan cam
paign in the Dauphin-Perry-Juniata
counties district this morning de
clared that the district will have no
difficulty in subscribing to its share
.of the lifth loan bonds. Announce
ment from Washington that the
bonds will pay four and three
fourths per cent, interest, and that
they will mature in four years is de
clared to assure the success of the
campaign throughout the entire
country. Partially tax free, the
bonds are limited to $4,300,000,000,
and there will be no oversubscrip
tions. The local quota will be fixed
within the next four hours.
"Our district will do better in the
coming campaign than it did in the
past," said Chairman Donald Mc-
Cormick this morning. "An in
stance of what is being done in cen
tral Pennsylvania is found in Cum
berland county, which, while the
opening of thfc. campaign is still a
week ahead, has already taken up
its entire quota, leading not only
the State, but the United States."
Chairman William Jennings of the
Dauphin county committee was of
the same opinion us Air. McCor
Andrew S. Patterson, chairman
for the citv district, said that the
showing the city will make will be
a remarkable one. Both Mr. Jen
nings and Mr. Patterson were well
pleased with the announcement
made by Secretary Glass, and were
of the opinion that the Secretary's
" statement will have tho same effect
throughout the country as it is
having in Central Pennsylvania.
Doth Mr. Jennings and Mr. Patterson
called attention also to the urgent
request made Saturday by Chairman
Will It. Hays of the National Re
publican party, in which he urges
all Republicans everywhere to sup
port tltc Victory I.oan.
Tiie campaign in the district ehair
niancd by Donald McCormiok will
open April 28. In the intervening
two weeks four organizations are
being set up to cover the 230,000
persons in tiic district.
Under the direction of George K.
Lloyd, chairman for Cumberland
county, and Eugene L. Martin, exe
cutive secretary, the district has
oversubscribed its quota in all Lib
erty Loan campaigns, raising up to
this time among 33,000 people about
$0,000,000 for war activities.
The bankers' committee of Cum
berland county comprises the fol
Walter Stuart. Carlisle, chairman:
K. G. Reetem, L. S. Sadler, A. K.
Bedford, Merkel Landis, R. Elmer
Sheaffer, William B Goodyear, Car
lisle: George S. McLean, George H.
Stewart, W. A. Adams. George W.
Himes. Howard A. Ryder and J. S.
Omwake, Shippensburg: R. S. Hays,
J. S. Gracey and S. B. Hewlitt. Xew
ville: Charles Eberly, R. L. Dick. Dr.
M M. Dougherty, C. I. Swartz. S. F.
Houek and T. J. Scholl. Mechanics
burg: J. Morris Miller. Shiremans
town: Robert L. Myers and W. K.
Klugli, Lcmoyne: Frank E. Coover,
New Cumberland: Chester Hall, Mt.
Holly Springs, and Joe S. Smith,
Wilson Critic Flays
President, and League
of Nations Covenant
By Associated hr
London. April 14.—The summary of
the amended covenant or the League
of Nations evokes no enthusias.m in
the London morning newspapers, and
some commentators declare it to be.
less satisfactory than the first.
The Post, which Is an opponent of
the League and a sever' critic of
President Wilson, refers ironically
to the "new Garden of Eden" in
which "the Monroe Dostrine will take
the place of the tree of good and
evil." Referring to the
"fruits of the Westsrn Hemisphere
being forever forbidden to -ignaUries
of the league."
Attributing to President Wilson
personally the features of tne draft
to which it most objects, the news
papers say that "posterity will place
him with the Metternich and Castle
reagh as one who worked for the con
fusion of other nations and the great
ness of his own."
It concludes by de-laring it mon
strous that such a covenant could be
signed without being first fairly con
sidered by the jyublic and parliament.
William Arens and Kugsne C.trr,
taken in a raid at 14 Cotvden street,
in which six other men and three
■women were arrested, will be given
a hearing in police court this . fter
noon on the charge of peddling
whisky. They were arrested early
For Harris!,iirir nml Ttelnlty: In
■ reusing cloudiness. prolinhlv
followed by rain to-night nnd on
Tnesdnyi warmer to-night, with
lowest temperature nhont 4.N
Foe Eastern Pennsylvania i In
erensing elondlness. prohnhly
followed 3y rnln late to-night
nnd on Tuesday! warmer to
night In west portion! gentle to
mnderale winds, beeomlng
Better Give the Old Girl a Little Rest If You Expect Her
to Lay Any Golden Eggs
5Ej '
/"XvAtT 1 % I
A C,OOlf IDEA. TO l£T) (CIL)
mes GET c
Applications For Plots Pour
ing Into Offices of Cham
ber of Commerce
Tile Harrisburg Chamber of Com
merce public gardens will be ready
for the gardners by the end of this
week, according to the announce
ment made by Shirley B. Watts, su
perintendent of gardening activities,
this morning. Numerous prospective
gaideners arc making application for
garden plots at the Harrisburg
Chamber of Commerce daily.
The plots at Nineteenth and Pax
ton streets, and at Itollevue, will be
available by Thursday, and at Hoff
man's Wood, the preliminary work
will be finished by Saturday, Mr.
AVatts said, so that the end of the
week will find numerous A'ictory
Gardeners busy tilling the soil. Mr.
Watts is busy finishing up the work
of ploughing and superintending.
The garden plots are leased, rent
free, to the gardeners, whose only
expense for the use of the plots is
$1.50 to cover the cost of plowing
and fertilizing. Mr. Watt's services
and advise will be free to thCgarden
Mr. Watts said that the prospects
for a banner year in the production
of provender by A'ictory gardeners
are unusually bright. Numerous in
quiries already have been made by
persons who cultivated garden plots
last year and found the experiment
profitable. More than $.10,000 worth
of produce were raised on the public
garden tracts last year, and the agri
cultural committee expects to dupli
cate the record this year.
"Herbert Hoover, food administra
tor, has said that it is essential to
cultivate A'ictory Gardens," said Don
ald McCormick. formerly food ad
ministrator of Dauphin county and
chairman of the agricultural com
mittee, "and T hope to see every
garden plot in the three tracts under
cultivation again this year. Applica
tion should be made at the Chamber
of Commerce offices, and the plots
will be assigned this week.
Mrs. Edward Anderson, of New
Market, died in the Harrisburg Hos
pital Saturday night from pneumo
nia. She was aged 40 years. Her
husband is now serving in the postal
service in the American Expedition
ary Forces somewhere in France.
He was a member of the Governor's
Troop before the war.
The body was taken to the home
of her parents in Carlisle. Funeral
arrangements will be announced
State Health Commission Says
Harrisburg Is on High
Pla lie
Statistical reports show the health
and sanitary conditions of Harris
burg to be most excellent. Colonel
Martin, State Commissioner of
Health, said to-day in speaking of
the meeting this evening which is
planned to unify city organizations
in amovement to make the city a
model one in those rpspc'.ts.
Harrisburg was selected not be
cause of poor conditions, but be
cause of the most excellent ones
that exist, Colonel Martin explained.
The efficiency of the Harrisburg
health department has placed con
ditions here on an exceedingly .high
plane, he added, saying that, the
manner in which the local officials
had accomplished the results they
have, will prove beneficial in better
ing conditions throughout the Com
monwealth generally.
Many to Attend
This evening's meeting is sched
uled to start at 8 o'clock in the
House of Representatives. A pro
gram containing reports of experts
of the several divisions of the de
paitment, will be carried out. AA'her
ever possible, they will make sug
gestions to better conditions that the
city may serve as the highest model
for the State.
Action along the whole line of san
itary and health betterment is con
templated. Colonel Martin has ex
plained. The meeting is designed for
talk, but only as it paves the way for
later action, he says.
Harrisburg organizations are co
operating to the fullest in the move
ment. All of them are expected to
have delegations in attendance at the
Last Man's Association
to Hold Reunion Here
The East Man's Association, com
posed of the survivors of the Dan Clem
nien's I.ancaster City Rand, which re
sponded to President Lincoln's first
call for troops in April. 1881. will hold
its annual reunion April 10 at Harris
burg. This will be done to accomo
date Henry Neumyer. who is confined
to his home, where the veterans v-111
gather. Only four remain. George O.
Myer. of Coatesvllle; .John Chambers
and Harry C. Shenck. of this city, and
Mr. Neumyer. This year's celebration
will mark the fifty-eighth anniversary
of their enlistment.
/'Victory Armada" Sails Into;
New York in Picturesque
By Associated Press,
New York. April 14.—The Atlantic;
' fleet comprising in ships and tonnage j
j tlie greater part of the "victory arm- j
jada," ordered here to give 20,000
i sailors and marines a vacation
ashore, steamed into New York har
j bor to-day. With its arrival the
greatest assemblage of war craft ever
'seen in an American port—lo3 ves
sels —rode at anchor in the North
j Itiver, almost inimcdiatly launehs
j started shoreward with the first con-
I tingents of officers and men on leave, i
Preceded by a flotilla of fifty de- |
jstroyers, 13 superdreadnauglits—j
"teeth" of the lighting fleet-—entered !
j Ambrose channel shortly before noon i
the Mississippi, Oklahoma and Wy- j
oming leading, and close in their I
j wake, the Pennsylvania, flying the I
flag of Admiral Mayo, commander of!
the fleet and ranking officer of the
| units assembled here from two!
As the fleet came into port, divi-
I sion after division was met by|
! squadrons of naval airplanes, their I
wings flashing in the bright spring;
sunshine as they looped and swooped
j above the slowly steaming -water
| The spectacle, naval and aerial,
was described as the most pictures
que in the harbor's history.
Tells Forces Effort Must Cei
inburg, Perm and Ufa
Lemberg; Many Are
Hy As*or:iatc<l I'ress.
I/oiidon, April 14.—Econ Trotzky,
the Bolshevik! minister of war and
marine of Itussia, admits defeat on
the eastern front In a wireless from
Moscow, which has been picked up
here. The message reads:
"All our efforts must now lie di
rected to the eastern front, which
is the only front upon which wc
have suffered defeat. We must
1 Affairs of Peace Conference
| Now Shaping; Huns to Dis
cuss Proposed. Pact
! French Contention For Secur
ity It) Be Taken l*p
by Big Four
By Associated Press•
Paris. April 14.—The status of the
j American, .Japanese nnd French
! amendments to the covenant of the
| League of Nations has been definite
' ly established so far as the League
; of Nations commission is concerned,
• with the American amendment con
! eerning the Monroe Doctrine the
! only one to be given a place in the
I covenant by the commission.
| The French and Japanese, how
j ever, have both made reservations
j which entitle them to renew, at it
j plenary session of the Peace Uon
j ference, the questions involved in
\ these amendments, so that tHe filial
j decision is still open.
! As to the affairs of the Peace Con
! ference as a whole, they are shap
j ing themselves now, with the League
iof Nations question and, nearly all
| the main points in the peace treaty
! virtually disposed of, so that the date
| with the enemy delegates shall be
1 summoned to Versailles has been
tentatively set. The summoning of
the Peace Congress, as it will be
■ called, instead of the Peace "t'nn-
I ference," after the enemy delegates
j are admitted, will according to the
i present understanding occur be
! twoen April 26 and May 5 and it is
j considered not improbable that a
i definite date may be announced by
: Premier Lloyd George when he
; speaks before the British House of
j Commons this coming Wednesday.
Wilson Is to Remain
I Indications are that the Germans
!wiU be given opportunity to discuss
the peace terms before the Congress,
but that no extended discussion will
| be permitted, two weeks being sug
gested us the outside limit for the
i sessions to be lield at Versailles,
j These sessions, it is expected now,
I will be attended by President Wil
| son, who is said by those close to
| hint to feel that the progress made
i toward concluding the peace is such
j that he will be nble to remain for
| the Versailles meeting.
Rliinc Frontier to Come Up
j The chief question as regards the
' peace terms remaining to be settled
now that the Sarru Valley and repa
• rations problems have been dis
posed of in virtually all of their
! details, is that of the Rhine fron
| tier. The Council of Four is likely
| mainly to occupy itself with this
j question during the present week,
ithe debate probably centering upon
| from a military standpoint, tbe
I tbe French contention for security
i French attitude being indicated as a
: determined one on this point.
It is understood also to have been"
: largely France's fears from a mill
i tary standpoint of what might hap
j pen should there be another German
I attack that influenced her repre
; sentatives in their sustained opposi
| tion to the Monroe Doctrine aniend
| ment to the League of Nations cove
' nant. Their argument was that if
i the Monroe Doctrine principle were
[ given a European application the ef
| fed might be that the United States
i might be kept again coming to the
| help of France in the event of a fu-
Iture German ebullition.
Jury Hears Evidence on
Trolley Accident Which
Killed Miss Grace Maugan
Witnesses testifying: in the action
brought lty Mrs. Cora Muugan
against the Valley Railways com
pany. reviewed in common pleas
court to-day the incidents which oc
curred on New Year's night, 101
when Miss Grace Muugan was fa
tally injured in an automobile acci
dent at Front and Walnut streets.
Mrs. Muugan is suing to recover
damages because of the death of her
daughter, which occurred early on
the morning of January 2, 1915,
shortly after the accident. Miss
Muugan, with four other friends,
was riding in an automobile driven
by John J. Hargest, Jr. At Front and
Walnut streets, the machine collided
with a 'cross river street car.
All other cases on the trial list
far to-day except one have been set
tled or continued. Jurors excused
from the panel were William J. An
derson. city; Howard 11. Bowman,
Millersburg, in France: George P.
Moffer, Hummelstown; George Kin
ter. Dauphin; Lewis E. Hitter, city,
and Dr. J. 1,. Weirich, Steelton. Two
others who had been summoned
died since the jury was drawn. They
were David Keicliert, Penbrook, and
Harry Wright, this city.
iter in East; Wants Ekater
; Ukrainians Bombard
Killed and Wounded
send old and experienced troops to
that quarter. It is absolutely nec
essary for us to capture Ekaterin
burg, Perm and Ufa."
Copenhagen, April 14. Ukrain
ian forces heavily bombarded Um
berg on Thursday and Friday, many
persohs being killed and wounded,
according to a dispatch received here
from that city.
Germany Must Pay Five Billion Dollars
or Equivalent By May 1, 1921, to Allies
By Associated I'rcss
I'aris, April 14, —Germany, under the peace treaty, must pay
$5,000,000,000 in cash, or the equivalent in commodities, by May 1.
1921. She .must also issue immediately to the Allied and associated
governments $20,000,000,000 of interest-bearing bonds.
The interest on the bonds until 1926 will lie cither two pr three
per cent., according to the present plan. The bonds will" fie payable
in instalments during a period of fifteen years. They will probably
be kept in the control of a central commission of the Allied and
associated governments so that they shall not lie marketed in quan
tities sufficient to break the price.
Germany must also obligate herself to pay other amounts for
damages done, appropriate to her moans, to tie determined by a
mixed commission of representatives ol' the Allied and associated
governments and of Germany, which shall report before May 1, 1921.
Special Services lo Mark Rig
Religious Event in He
brew Synagogues
The Jewish Feast of the Pausover j
he celebrated in synagogues of the '
| city beginning 10-night when special-1
' services w'll he held in Ohev Sholoni j
Temple at G o'clock, .Scrvlpc.s will j
also be held to-morrow morn'ng in
the same temple at 10.30 o'clock, i
and the festival will also be oh-;
served in other synagogues of the ;
The Jew Ist Feast of Passover falls !
fulls on the 15th day or Xisan, corre- |
i sponding this year with Tuesday, i
j April 15. The celebration begins this j
j evening with sundown. The manner |
: of its observance was determined
■ largely by the Biblical ordinances |
j concerning this feast. It is to be ob- .
I served fora period of seven dnjs. ;
! Those who cherish customs that ;
; originated after Bible times will
keep the feast eight days.
The ceremonials are such as are !
calculated to bring home the his- ]
: torical event which the feast com- ;
! memorates, namely the new-born :
! freedom vouchsafed to Israel after ;
; the long period of oppression en- ;
j dured under Egyptian tyranny. Tlte
J eating of unleavened bread is en
j joined a number of times in the !
; Biblical regulations touching the oh- '
servunce of the Passover feast. Un
| leavened bread is characterised as
i the "bread of affliction," and is also
i referred to in the Bible as the bread
1 S that was unleavened becuttsc of the j
| enforced hasty departure from
Egypt. In post-biblical times the;
earnest desire to keep the injunc- 1
i t'ons most scrupulously led the !
I teachers of Israel to enact laws, '
such as the use of special dishes ;
j that had been guarded from contact t
i with leaven and reserved only for '<
\ the Passover season.
■| A charming and effective feature
i in the celebration of the feast is the '
I special Seder service around the !
■festive family . hoard on the llrst ]
• evening of the feast, to which the '
| Orthodox add a second evening. At j
i this family service a special ritual
known as the "tlaggadah" is read. !
• - Th's ritual contains Die story of tlic |
I redemption from servitude, certain
! reflections inspired by the memories '
;of old and certain psalms. This is j
. followed by the festal meal after .
! which Grace is recited. The serv- !
i ice, concludes with the reading of j
I additional psalms, the recitation of j
j prayers and the singing of time- I
j honored hymns. To this home serv
! ice stranger and homeless are cor- I
I dially invited, tin the table in front j
I of him who presides over the meal
; are placed objects reminiscent of the .
| ancient .service and servitude, such |
! as bitter herbs, reminder of the bit- '
j ter lot of those who toiled in Egypt; j
: a roast bone, calling to mind the an- '
! cient paschal lamb; a roasted egg. '
| memorial of the free will offering I
; that was brought in addition to the I
j paschal lamb; parsley and the howl !
j of salt water, symbolizing the hyssop
i and its use in the lirst Passover oh
t served in Egypt, and a confection of
' nuts and apples to represent, the
j clay which Israel worked into bric'ks.
The Passover falling at the begin-
I ning of spring, had originally a pas-j
| toral and agricultural character. 1
i which In time was overshadowed 1
i by the historical event associated
I later with the feast. Freedom and I
i its obligation is the keynote of the
•I celebration. The Reform synagogues I
j hold special services only on the first j
! and seventh days, while the Ortho
| dox observe also the second day 1
j and an additional eighth day.
Japan Reinforces Its
Garrison at Korea;
Riots Grow Dangerous
By Associated Press.
j Tolcio, April 14. —The Japanese!
I War Office announces that it is re
! inforcing its garrison in Korea by
| six regiments of infantry and 400 j
gendarmes, because the riots there
' have assumed a dangerous character;
J and extended to all of Korea.
Cardinal Mercier, Primate
of Belgium, to Visit U. S.
Hp Associated Press.
) Paris. April 14. —Cardinal Mer
' cier, the primate of Belgium, has
(informed the American Congress
-1 men who are visiting Brussels that j
! he would Visit the United States nextj
j October.
Font taken IN tltltUktt I'l.OT
By Associated Press.
Copenhagen. April 14. Four per
sons have been arrested in Dresden j
on suspicion of having had a part in !
the murder of War Minister Ncurlng
on Saturday,
RAISE $4,000 FOR
; Temporary Quarters to Be
Erected With Funds Con
tributed by Members
At a meeting of tho special com
! mlttee of the Harrisburg Country
I Club hold at noon to-day in the
! Penn-Harris Hotel, it was decided
j 1o conduct a campaign during the
I next two days lor $4,000 to be used
;in the erection of it temporary
■ I'iiildir.g with pcrmuncnt features.
! The money is lo he voluntarily üb
j scribed. Results are to be reported
iat a luncheon Wednesday noon at
ithe Fenn-Harr's Hotel.
It has been decided that the club
I will erect "for food, soqial and lock
jer purposes a building combining
I permanent and temporary features,
1 the first cost of which will lie grcat
' er, but which after tbe erection
• of the new club house, can lie used
I for other purposes not the least of
i which will le shelter for automo
i biles and chauffeurs."
! ® it- -J* ir £44 it* £ £ 4*£ £44 e 4 , 44*4 , 44 i ®
•<W 5-
|* 4
J 4 *T
i<s *t
; • 4: *£
:4 ' *r
|2 * ' ' v 4
14 of proprietary foods in Kansas must state on their labels *r
j4 the percentage of ingredients used by them, according to £
£ 4
4 , *►-
I*7* ' - i. , . V--.- \ ,-
14 • T
I -?# **"
X J a P®^* se ,* n connection with the Korean revolution, ac- 4
I ■f 4 r
I j, *p
; -?* • hh< • ■ 4
j •*} 4
U f
f-5* 4
jT th • Nations evbkfcs no enthusiasm in the Lota- 4
14 3*
j4 ?t *o be i s -\rt:*factryi.than the first drafts i ,4
T Chicago*—Federal Judges Baker, Landis ar.d Page X
4 anted a temporary Injunction restraining the >4
Illinois State Public Utilities Coptmissior, and A-t-imey X
j4 General Bxundagc from-interfering with the,new? ached-
L ule of telephone and telegraph rates promulgated by X
4 E -b m April 1 . 4
jr 1 N. Y—Mrs. Sarah Jane Knoche, widow of >X
£ William Knoche, once a foremost musician ce Harris- 4
X* burg, and mother of Frank Knothe of that city,.died here 'X
|4. last night at the home of her daughter; Mr*. John W. 4
;£ Cob 1 -. 449 Richmond Avenue. Sendees wilt be held t<>
[4 morrow Afternoon at Zy) o'clock. Interment ---iTT be fit 4
4* Nf" Y- .X
4 Ilarri-.-burg— s2,2oo of the $28,000 asked of the ;ity 4
I lor tb . i relief fund has already been raised, the 4
4 uge of the reports. I sst S miay, 4
*| - _ - - •
Henry .1. Pollock nn<l (•tiNftle Pullock. Pottntown? C'lnrenee ff. *f*
\\ eiwer niul Annie >l. Ho**!cr. I'enlirook.
' <jjf l jl*
i ■ • • • • : ~ v -
German Delegates
to Be Called to
Monroe Doctrine
i and Jap Race
Problem Up
By Associated Press.
Paris. April I I.—The Coun
cil of Pour iliil not meet tliis
morning. Instead. President
Wilson lir.il a long eonl'croiiee
with Premier Orlando and other
i Italian leaders on the AdriuXic
problem. one of the iast vital
l questions remaining to he dis
missed liy the council.
Premier Orlando recently
suggested to the President the
advisability of informal cs
elianges over the question of
Pitimc and Italy's claims in the
I'.'astel n Adriatic. President Wil
son in concurring; with this stig
j gestloil. promised to give the
! matter his personal study. Tin
eoiil'ereliee to-day probably was
1 the outcome of this suggestion.
Paris. April I -I. —The peace treaty
j and-the League <jf Nations undoubt
edly have reached the llnul stage
of negotiations, but it is not yet clear
that they are out of troubled waters,
i us both must pass the ordeal of a
I plenary session of the Pface Con
; fercnce and then go lieforc the Yer
! saillcs Congress, where enemy pow
| ers will be represented. Indications
■; are that a combination of both will
j be written into a preliminary peace
i treaty within the coming two weeks.
I [Continued on Page It).]