Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 12, 1919, Page 9, Image 9
General Motors Has Plan to Give Employes Stock in Corporation Detroit, April 12.—-Officers of the General Motors Corporation an nounced they had approved an em- The first gasoline "IN-BUILT QUALITY" ==~ Massive construction colossal strength gi- SELDEN TRUCKS ARE li. i • the result of years of gantic motive power—abundant speed in opera- continuous experiment> tion—proven power of endurance, with energy observation and experi in reserve —these "In-Built Qualities" of SEL- encB in manufacture DEN TRUCKS give them the vitality to handle . ° <• l l l • inception in 1877. the big jobs on a profitable basis. One to Five Ton Models. Write or phone for complete information. "IT Has Been SELDEN since 1877" SELDEN TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS 1017-25 Market St. Harrisburg. Wc llnvc a Fully Equipped Machine Shop and Can Give You Immediate Service on All Repair Work. [ ANNOUNCEMENT ] i [ "ATT II- ak. • t [ Tlie touring car that costs less to own, i operate and maintain than any other auto- , ► mobile built will hereafter be sold exclu | sivelv in Harrisburg by the i > Dauphin Motor Car Co. I ► ED. C. ALLEN, Mgr. • I Office 11 So. Third St. Service Station 125 Cherry St. Bell Phone Our Service Station Will Serve the Belf Phone ' * 572-M. Needs of Oakland Owners Exclusively 516 ! : : : T— ,F SATURDAY EVENING. ployes' savings and investment plan under which the corporation will af ford its workers an opportunity to become stockholders. The plan, it was announced, will be submitted to the directors at the annual meet ing to be held at Wilmington, Del., April 30. The plan contemplates the deposit- I ing by the corporation in an ihvest ment fund of an amount equal to the savings deposited by an employe, up to $3OO a year. The fund is to be invested in Gen eral Motors common stock or other securities approved by the board of directors. BLAJRRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH LESS FOOD NOW IN COLD STORAGE Report Shows That There Has Been Big Demand in State Considerably less food was held lin the cold storage plants of the State under State supervision In , Pennsylvania on April 1, than a year ago with the exception of eggs which are going into storage slight ly earlier than usual. A summary of the reports made to Dairy and Food Commissioner James Foust just issued shows over three quar ters of a million dozen eggs in stor age on April 1 against 188,000 doz ens a year ago. | The reduction of deposits is ac- I counted for by the fact that there I is a bigger demand for certain foods j and that the poultry trade has been absorbing the chickens and ducks instead of allowing them to remain in storage. The figures as summarized from 29 plants reporting beef, 23 pork, 24 eggs, 22 butter, 21 poultry, 19 mutton and 8 fish, run as follows: Egg 5 —776,642 dozens against 2.- 179,239 on January 1 and 188,150 dozens a year ago. P0u1try— 3,792,858 pounds against 3,855,582 and 1,704,440 pounds a year ago. Butter — 378,656 pounds against 3,- 269,295 and 1,848,693 a year ago. Fish — -1,898,669 pounds against 4,124,359. Beef and mutton 3,222,283 pounds against 4,692,835. Veal 227,691 pounds against 228,503. P0rk— 2,675,499 pounds against 3,237,480 and 2,544,104 a year ago. Birthday Surprise Party For Little Mildred Shenk Millerstown, Pa., April 12. A birthday surprise party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Pelte Shenk at their home home Monday evening, in honor of their daughter. Mildred's eleventh birthday. About forty of her little friends being present.—William Moore, son Harold, and Misses Sarah Kipp and Alice Ricka baugh motored to Buck Valley on Tues day, where they called on Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Deckard.— Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tobb and son, Vernon, Jr., of Newport, called on friends in town on Wednes day.—Miss Rebecca Weimer, of New port, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner.—Miss Ruth Ritzman was a Harrisburg visitor Tuesday.— Mrs. Cloyd Rumberger, who underwent an operation at the St. Agnes Hospital, Philadelphia, several weeks ago, re turned home on Saturday.—Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Snyder and daughter, Helen, of Harrisburg, were weekend guests of Mr. William Bollinger and family.—Jack Brusehart, of Wilmington, Del., spent the weekend with his family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hughes, j —Miss Sara Noll, who had been at York | the past year, returned home on Friday, j —Mr. and Mrs. John Slatterbaek, Mr. , and Mrs. Myrle Page and little daughter of Lewistown, visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Banks Page Sunday.—Mrs. | Raymond Clouser and daughter, Helen, j of Harrishurg. spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Pellow. —D. Gilbert ! Rickabaugh visited his brother. G. 1 Beaver Rickabaugh at Mount Holly . Springs Tuesday and Wednesday.—l,6e Allen, of Harrisburg, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Allen.—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kipp, of Harrisburg, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ulsh. —Mrs. John Brin ton, of Camp Hill, visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp.—Mrs. Samuel Rounsley was hostess to the Crochet Club at her home in Main street.—Mac Walker, daughter Rutli and little grand child, of near Milford, called on his brother, William Walker and family on Saturday.—Mrs. William Owen, of Elizabeth, was the guest of Mrs. James Moreiand. —Prof, and Mrs. Edward Morrow and son, Lee. spent the weekend at Loysvllle with relatives. —Mrs. Elmer Peifer and daughter, Margaret, spent Sunday at Newport with her brother, J. F. Wilt and family.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Coombs and little daughter. Media, of Mifflin, spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Coombe.— Miss Olive Dimm visited friends in Har risburg this week.—Mrs. Clair Kerch ner entertained the ('amp Fire Club at her home in West Main street.—The Bishop Henderson Bible class was en tertained at the home of Miss Edna Coombe's Tuesday evening. Robert Hopple was a visitor at Harrisburg Tuesday. Fourteen Monthhs iti Army Injured Returning Home Mount Wolf. Pa., April 12.—Cor poral William R. Hake, of t amp I>ix. N. J.. .is spending a ten days' furlough with his sister, Mrs. C. S. Bare. Cor poral Hake returned recently from France, where he served in the Ameri can army for fourteen months. The young soldier escaped injury in battle, but was wounded while enroute to his home on board ship. While eating on deck, sitting between two companions, the young soldier was blown from his chair by the wind so violently that his left leg was badly injured, necessitating hospital treatment. —The Misses Cath arine and Marguerite Rooney, of York, and Mabel Miller, of Sagnaw, were re cent guests' of Mr. and Airs. Joseph Arnold. —Mrs. Samuel Sterner. York, was entertained recently by her daughter Mrs. If. W. Zuse, at the United Brethren parsonage.—Edward Rauck returned from Hanover where he visited friend. The Rev. H. M. Bowers, of Easton, has joined his wife and family at the home of Henry Wolf, where they have been guests.—The Boy Scouts room in the K. G. E. building lias been decorated by Harry Kann and C. T. Klnports. The scouts are contemplating the purchase of new furniture. —Misses Bertha Line baugh and Sadie Buckingham, of Dover, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Gross. —Mrs. Sakilla Brinton, of Harrisburg. spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rodes.—Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holler and daughter, Helen. Bpent the week-end with Mrs. Holler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lehr, at /lons View.—Mrs. Charles Dlehl is re covering from an attack of influenza.— Recent guests entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sipe. were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lease, Mrs. Simon Brubaker, Mr. Hose, Mr. Fix, of Dallas town ; Mabel Newman, Clair Nelman, of North York ; Mr. and Mrs. Noah Bupp, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haume, Mirlan Alverta Bupp, Florence and Grace Bupp, and Viola Hamrr.i, of Fousttown, and Mrs. George Markley and son, of the Glades. TELEPHONE OPERATORS VOTED TO GO ON STRIKE V, By Associated Press. Boston, April 12. Operators of the New England Telephone and Telephone Company and of the Providence Telephone and Tele graph Company voted last night to go on strike Tuesday morning, at 7 o'clock, to enforce their demand for an increase In pay and the right to carry out the principle of collective 1 bargaining. DOUBT WHETHER HUNS CAN PAY Americans Believe the Total Amount of Bill Will Not Be Collected By Associated Press. Paris, April 12.—While the mem bers of the British and French par liament are mobilizing for a pro posal to exact nothing less than full indemnification of the Allies by Ger many for all the costs of the war and are insisting on Germany's abil ity to pay the full bill, the Amer ican representatives on the repara tions commission express considera ble doubt whether even the account to be presented to Germany under the plan adopted by the Council of Four (estimated at about $45,000,- 000,000, with the payment spread over a period of thirty years), can or will be collected in full. They assert that they can see the possibility that the ways and means of holding Germany to payment will grow weaker as the years pass and that Germany may take advantago of some convenient opportunity in later years to repudiate her obliga tions to the present allied powers under the peace treaty. For this reason the American and other delegates on the reparations commission have opposed a now pro posal which the French brought in to Specify labor and other requisi tions for the restoration of the de vastated French provinces in the first few years after peace, maintain ing that this revived the principle of priority as between the various creditors of Germany which had been rejected by the commission and the Council of Four. They argued that France in this way might receive disproportionately a large share of her claims in the first years while the ability of the associated governments to enforce payments was still good and that other states dependent upon later payments in money and materials might be left "holding the bag" if Germany proved recalcitrant. The difficulty probably will be met by the French offer to account to the other countries for the cash value of labor, materials, cattle and other things exacted for the restora tion of the nine northern provinces. Germany, although her prisoners will be released at the end of the armistice, probably will lie required in the peace settlement to provide a part of the labor needed for re building of devastated regions as well as labor at home in the manu facture or production of materials to be used in restoration work. | Continuous Service g and Long Run !" Economy f/Ct tJa Give You Fnll Details! The Overland-Harrisbnrg Co.l 5=212-214 North Second Streott SMnMßttKKßßßnßniMMMHniTDinnilllUtnMßHaHßßOtli'n ' _ s mil ill ffi _ m I 4fe9o&> | | S jfe , ~ jl SP: ' " Apple Blossom Time tn an " : M ml ■.. . !$ j||{ % There is nothing more contagious than enthusiasm. The keen jjjg jp|; appreciation and deep respect so freely expressed by over 600,000 jJ^J Overland owners is an Overland asset of priceless value. Model 90 j$P: by its easy riding qualities, economy, sturdiness, and dependable j||ij performance, constantly widens the circle of Overland friends and perpetuates Overland prestige. . The enthusiasm of owners is your safest buying guide., i| The Overland-Harrisburg Co. ji MI t 212-214 NORTH SECOND STREET J VOHK lIHAMIIi levelling* NEWPORT BHANCHi iSSJi fcfcf. ISS-130 Wt Mnrket HI Hell 1370 Opooxltr P. 11. K. station *a Ov-r nd Model Ninety. Five Passenger Touring Car $985 ; Sedan $1495 \t.o. IK Toledo ii S Mjf; Game to our store Iot I|, _ ]| Duplex Does Better Hauling For 20 to 60 Per Cent Less In all haulage operations the the power it would have if it Duplex 4-Wheel-Drive reduces drove with two wheels only, hauling costs pei ton-mile. This means lower cost per ton /- r i j i ~i • mile. It means saving in fuel Careful records show that this ... T , & , , jr.. ... on rn ...... snd tires. It means constant saving luns 10 _ <> > p performance, under all condi cent - tions. This is true whether the Du- The Duplex is the original 4- ]>lex replaces other trucks, or Wheel-Drive truck. For eleven horses and mules. years it has been establishing wonderful records in lowering Wherever it goes, the Duplex haulage costs. % goes more cheaply—and gets through. 1 liese recor(ls show that the Duplex consistently and con- With its power applied to all tinually saves from 20 to 60 four wheels, it carries a full P er cent. load where ordinary trucks Business executives should could not move their own study these records, and also weight. ask us to demonstrate the Du- It has more than four times plex. Harrisburg Auto Co. 4<th & Kelker St. Harrisbuig Pa. DUPLEX TRUCK COMPANY, LANSING, MICHIGAN DUPLEX TRUCKS Co st L els.Sv jPer Ton-iriileC APRIL 12, 1919. 9