Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 12, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Stevens Memorial Congrega
tion to Have "Sweet
heart Night"
Palm Sunday is to be celebrated
with impressive services to-morrow
morning and evening in the Stevens
Memorial Methodist Episcopal
Church, Thirteenth and Vernon
Streets. Dr. Clayton Albert Smueker
morning gathering beginning
promptly at eleven o'clock. This
service is to be featured by special
music. The many teachers and mem
bers of the Sunday School will as
sist in the work of commemorating
Christ's triumphant entry into Jeru
salem, when the people cut branches
from the trees and strewed them in
the way through which He was to
pass, hailing Him as the Son of
David and saluting Him with lio
sannas. Al. K. Thomas will be in
charge of the service at 10 a. m.
The program for to-morrow night
promises to be very interesting in
many ways. The gathering is sched
uled for 7:30 o'clock. The night is
to be Sweetheart Night with
special features. Dr. Smueker will
preach on "Ruth, Dove in the Barley
Field." The address of the evening
Is to be given choral accompaniment.
"Voti are urged to bring your sweet
heart to the meeting." says Dr.
Smueker. The Epworth Deague ser
vice will begin at G:3O p. m. At the
closing gathering of the day, all
doors will open one hour before the
Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That is the joyful cry of thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 years and calomel's old-time |
enemy, discovered the formula for Olive
Tablets while treating patients for !
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing, soothing
vegetable laxative.
No griping is the "keynote" of these
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab
lets. They cause the bowels and liver to
act normally. They never force them
to unnatural action.
If you have a "dark brown mouth"—a
bad breath—a dull, tired feeling—sick
headache—torpid liver and are consti
pated, you'll find quick, sure and only
pleasant results from one or two little
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime.
•Thousands take one or two every
night just to keep right."" Try them.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
Plant Support
for Tomato Vines, Rotes,
etc. Simple,
' Adjustable,
port tenatfoubtedly the best sup
port on the market. The stake
is hard wood painted green and
the hoop is of the strongest wire
also painted green to prevent rust,
it is adjustablo tc any height,
it is a permanent equipment;
can be used year after year. With !
its aid you get hardier flowers
and better fruit for very little
1 your dealer and if he can
not supply you write UB today.
Cortland, N. Y.
— li
t \ .
Cut-Rate Book Store L
I Send postal for book bargain lists. |'
lAURAND'S. 325 N. 3rd St. Bell Tel. I
20,000 new. old, rare books, all sub- I
Jeets; open evenings; books bought I
V- - /
A plate without n roof whlrli doe*
not Interfere with taste or apeeeh.
Plates Repaired While You Walt
MANfe dental
miiun o offices ;
Our Neighbors
This Association has sold to date $5,210,500.00
of its Full Paid Stock. $834,107.95 in semi
annual dividends has been paid thereon on the
stroke of the clock. 42 per cent of the stock in
force is held by residents of our own County and
28 per cent by residents of adjoining Counties,
making a total of 70 per cent held by our near
est neighbors who have known us for over
twenty-one years.
This stock pays 5 per cent, tax free; invest
ment therein can be made any time in even hun
dreds; withdrawable after six months on 30
days' notice with interest in full.
Ask for our Investment Booklet.
108 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
State Capital Savings & Loan Association
Former Market Street Baptist
Pastor to Go to Wav
erly, New York
The Rev. Walter H. Dallman, form
erly pastor of the local Market Street
Baptist Church has received and ac
cepted a call to the First Baptist
Church of Waverly, New York.
While pastor of the Market Street
Church, Rev. Dallman proved his
real worth as a minister for during
his four year pastorate here, the mem
bership of the church was almost
doubled, the benevolences were in
creased greatly and the church be
came strong in denominational activi
ties. The Sunday school reached an
attendance on an average of nearly j
two hundred and the church debt was
decreased materially.
The Rev. Mr. Dallman retired from i
the active pastorate for a time due to 1
ill health, but has fully recovered so i
that he is in the best of health to;
assume the responsibilities of his new :
field. During the past few months he;
has been the slated supply for the j
Central Baptist Church of Steelton. |
Bast year he served as secretary to the '
City Ministerium.
The field offers a wonderful opportun-,
ily as it is the second largest church'
in its association and one of the strong
est churches in Southern Central New:
York, having a church membership of j
almost six hundred and an average at-1
tendance in its Sunday school of five j
hundred. it is a splendidly equipped '
church having departmental rooms for j
its Sunday school and young people's!
work. An unusually fine parsonage ]
awaits Rev. Dallman and his family!
May first when he will begin bis duties!
in his new pastorate. His church is j
one of four others in Waverly, a town j
of • eight thousand inhabitants.
Service of Personal
Dedication at Messiah
Special and Palm Sunday services I
will be held in Messiah I.uthernn [
Church, Sixth and Forster street, the I
llev. Henry J. A. Hanson, pastor, to-1
morrow. At 10.30 a. m. the Catecholi-1
cul Class of this year will enter the j
church by confirmation. During this |
service the chimes will send forth their j
notes of glad appeal. The evening serv-I
ice. 7.30. will embody the enthusiasm 1
of the first Palm Sunday. Prof. A. W.
Hartman will sing 'The Palms" and the I
pastor will preach on "Meditations by I
the CJolden Date." I
Special and Appropriate Ser
vices to Mark Celebra
tion of Day
Grace Church will observe Palm Sun
day with special and appropriate serv
ices. The minister, Dr. ltobert Bagnell,
will preach in the morning on the sub
ject, "The Triumphal Entry." The
evening sermon on the topic. "The
Storm Center," will be heard by the
large evening congregation. Keen in
terest is being manifested in these time
ly anil virile evening discourses. Special
i Palm Sunday music will be rendered
by the choir at both services.
The Epworth League service will be
held at 6.30 o'clock in the evening, and
this service is open to all young people
of the church and community. The ed
ucational director of the church is giv
; ing a scries of talks on "The Steward
| ship of Giving" in these meetings,
i The fully departmentalized Sunday I
school meets immediately at the close |
|of the morning service, 12.10 o'clock. I
! This school aims to be in actual fact |
I a training school for efficient christians i
of all ages.
j There will be special meetings in the I
, church during Holy Week. Thursday I
{evening the Lord's Supper will be ad
| ministered. On Good Friday there will
| lie a special Passion Day service be
ginning at 12 o'clock noon and con
| tinning until :t P. M. At this service
I the pastor will speak upon the general
theme. "The .Seven Words of the Gross."
I each of the seven words being the topic j
jof a separate talk.
Topics Announced For
Passion Week Services
For Christ Lutherans
At Christ Lutheran Church the ser
mon topic will lie "The King Anointed"
in the morning and "Looking L'nto
Jesus" in the evening. Passion Week
topics are announced as follows: Mon
day, "Deeds of Darkness" ; Tuesday,
"The Doctor and the Doctrine"; Wed
nesday, "Not Guilty but Pay the Cost";
Thursday. "The Doctor's Garment";
Friday, "Cleft for Me." The annual
business meeting of the congregation !
will follow the Monday evening service. I
Rev. Rayond D. Adams, of Princeton t
Theological Seminary will preach at I
Olivet Presbyterian church morning and
evening ; Sunday school 2 : C. E. Society
Use McNeil's Pain Extermlnator--A(l j
Palm Sunday to Be Specially
Observed at Zion Lu
theran Church
• | The beauty of Zion Rutheran church
. I will be enhanced by decoration of palms
I and the musical program will be en
i riched by selections suitable to Palm
- Sunday. A larse class of young people
! will make their first confession of the
j Rord Jesus, as Rord, Savior and King,
j and will he confirmed. At the evening
I service the pastor will preach on "The
j Shadow of the Cross." How the Cross
of Christ relates itself to every life
| will be emphasized.
I The program for Holy Week will in
! elude a brief noon-day service for busy
; people, who desire to spend a portion of
the noon hour in a worshipful room.
] meditating upon the Passion of our
, I Rord. There will he a brief organ re-
I eital, suitable Renten hymns and solo.
the reading of "The Passion of our
! Rcrd' and a prayer. This service will
j begin promptly at 12.20 and close
[promptly at 12.45.
i Services will be held every evening
i and Good Friday morning. On Holy
' Thursday evening the choir will render
j a Renten cantata and on Good Friday
j evening the confirmation and baptism
j of adults, and the reception of members
|by renewal of faith and by letter of
! transfer together with the preparatory
! service will constitute the entire sefv
j ice. The baptism of infants and the
■ | celebration of the Holy Communion will
ihe observed Faster morning. The
j Master praise service will be held next
Sunday evening, and the Easter recep
, I tion to all new members received during
| the year will be held on Master Monday
: evening.
: The following vestrymen will he in
stalled at to-morrow morning's service:
! Elders. Dr. C. B. Fager, Dr. Croll Kel-
I ler; Deacons, W. H. Earnest, Esq.,
| Robert Gobi. Victor Hausknecht. J.
[ Frank Maley and Scott S. Burgoon.
j The following representatives to the
I Federation of Churches have been ap
pointed: George A. Kline. W. Frank
I Witman. Dr. E. E. Campbell and Mah-
I lon li. Miller. A series of Post-Easter
; | organ recitals will he held on Saturday
[ afternoons.
The following will be confirmed
! at the services to be held in the
j Germ an Evangelical Rutheran
Church to-morrow morning at 10
I o'clock: Esther Hoffman, Alma
i Kc-hli, Ruth Risse, Kathryn Heite,
Katharine Safuaur, Albert Zahn,
ISleiano Janko, Henry Delin. Hentv
I Schilling. Adam Rieb and Peter
1 Kungest. I
i Dr. C. S Simnis Preaching in
Evangelistic Services,
Pleases Many
" : " !
J 'V' '.jfcH
■ wMH"
A {treat Revival is in progress at!
the -St. Haul Baptist Church, State j
and Cameron streets. Dr. O. S. j
Si mm s, pastor of the Rodman Street '
Church, Pittsburgh, is preaching |
with great power.
For the entire week the members j
and friends of St. Paul Church have j
heen abundantly blessed spiritually. |
The Rev. W. K. Jones, brought the l
message on Monday evening; the j
Rev. R. S. Bedford, on Tuesday eve
ning. and the Rev. W. J. Winfield :
on Wednesday evening. The Rev.
Dr. Slmras who was unavoidable de- j
tained in Pittsburgh took charge of {
the services Thursday evening. Dr. I
Simnis easily demonstrated himself j
as one of the best that the people
were ever privileged to hear. Dr. I
Simms will preach three times on !
Sunday: at 10.30; 3.30 and 7,30, also j
every evening during the coming!
Holy Week to Be Held
at St. Andrew's Church
At St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, i
Market and Nineteenth streets. Holy |
Week will be observed as follows: j
On Palm Sunday, at 8 A. M., there j
will be a celebration of the Holy i
Communion; at 9.45 A. M., Church)
School: at 11 A. M., Morning Prayer, |
Ante-Communion, and sermon on !
"Loneliness,,; and at 7.30 P. M., j
Evening Prayer and sermon on "The !
Mind of Christ Jesus."
During the week there will bo a
daily celebration of the Holy Com- '
munion at <i A. M. and Evening Ser- !
vice and address at 7.30. On Thurs- |
day evening at 7.30 will be held |
the Preparation Service for the j
Easter Communion. On Oood Fri- j
day, in addition to the Holy Com- j
munion at <1 A. M. and the evening >
service at 7.30, the Three Hours will !
be observed from noon until three |
o'clock, the subject of the medita- i
tions being "The Seven AVords from I
the Cross." At the evening service j
on Easter Eve (aturday) the Sac
rament of Holy Baptism will be ad- j
The subjects of the week-day eve- J
ning addresses are the following:
Monday, "Blessed is He That Cometh |
in the Name of the Lord,,; Tuesday,
"The Sun Was Darkened. The
Earth Did Quake and the Rocks |
Rent"; Wednesday, "Now From the |
Sixth Hour There Was Darkness
Over All the Earth Until the Ninth
Hour;" Thursday. "The Bread of
Life"; Friday, "Shall I Crucify
Your King?"; Saturday, "Baptized
Into His Death."
[Other Church News oil Page I#.]
Day of Unusual Helpfulness
and Interest at Downtown
Presbyterian Church
Sunday will be a day of unusual
interest and helpfulness at the Pine
Street Presbyterian Church. The
Rev. Robert Wells Veach, D. D.. of
Philadelphia, Secretary of the Board
of Religious Education of the Pres
byterian Church, will preach on
"The Christian Principle of Pro
gress." at the morning service. On
Sunday afternoon the Pine Street
Sunday School will hold its Annual
Anniversary at the Technical High
School Auditorium at 1.40 P. M.
Dr. Veach will be the speaker on
this occasion also and has chosen
for his subject "The Message of
the War to the Sunday Schools of
America." No one is better quali
fied to speak on such an important
subject than this noted speaker and
a treat is in store for all who will
he so fortunate as to hear him. in
the evening the pastor, the Rev. Dr.
Mudge, will continue his series of
sermons on "The Hero of Heroes,"
the evening topic, being "The Hero's
Heroism." This service will be pre
ceded by fifteen minutes of worship
ful organ music at which time Pro
fessor McCarrell will render the fol
lowing program: Prelude at 7.15
P. M. "Offertoire in D Minor,"
Batiste; "The Minster Bells," Wheel
tin Tuesday a conference of all
the Bethany Mothers' Meeting Com
mittees will be held at 2.30 P. M.,
in the Church Parlor, to arrange for
the closing exercises of these meet
ings. A conference of all the Pine
Street Mothers' Committees will be
held at 3.30 P. M„ at the. same place,
and for the same purpose.
All other meetings and services of
the Church will, be cancelled during
Holy Week on account of a series
of services which will be held euch
evening in the church at 7.4 5 o'clock.
The pastor. Dr. Mudge, will preach
at these services on the following
subjects: Monday, April 14, The
Call of the Cross, "Follow Me!";
Tuesday, April 15, The Crime of the
Cross, "They Delivered Him"; Wed
nesday. April 16, The Cost of the
Cross. "God Gave His Son"; Thurs
day, April 17, The Curse of the Cross,
"His Blood Bo t'pon Us!"; Friday,
April 18, The Claim of the Cross,
"It Is Finished."
On Easter Sunday, the Church
Quartet, assisted by a large chorus
will sing special anthems at the
morning service, and in the evening
will render a Cantata, entitled
"Easter Eve And Morn," by Fred
erick Stevenson, under the direc
tion of Professor Frank A. McCar
i Ncwly-clected Minislor "Will
Preach First Sermon
Easier Sunday
A number of Olivet Presbyterian Sun
day School's overseas men will return
with the 28th Division, and plans are
being developed for their reception by
a committee headed by Miss Ruth Bra
selman. This committee also has in
charge the work of registering soldiers,
sailors and marines of the "Hill" dis
The entertainment and reception
given on Monday evening in honor of
ten of Olivet's returned soldiers was
very largely attended and successful
in every way.
The Reverend Samuel A. Bowers, the
pastor-elect, will preach for the first
time on Raster Sunday. He will short
ly remove his family to this city from
Washington, D. 0., where he has foi;
years been pastor at the large West
minster Presbyterian Church.
• Palm Sunday and
Holy Week at Augsburg
The Sacrament of infant haptism will
bo administered, and new members re
j ceived, at the Palm Sunday morning
service at Augsburg Lutheran Church.
I The self-denial Lenten boxes will also
!be returned . The pastor. Rev. Stamet,
| will speak on the theme: "The King
j and His Kingdom."
I There will be services at the church
! every evening during Holy Week, with
| the exception of Saturday evening. On
! Thursday evening the choir will sing
jg cantata entitled "From Olivet to Cal
' vary." In connection with the service
lon Good Friday night, the Preparatory
service, for the Holy Communion, will
be held.
Call a physician. Immedi- !
ately begin "emergency"
treatment with—
"YOUR BODYGUARD" -30f. 60^20
A Threo
Is T" ways to I
H # I reduce 1
1 pV* y e°/^r
un?SlmeiledTree to any address,
I Hall Cbsm. Co. Dent. B-sflSi.Louii.Mo. Ij
Real Relief Comes From Using!
Radway's Ready Relief.
For Rheumatic—Muscular)
or Neuralgic Pain.
Pour a quantity of Radway's Ready
Relief in the hollow of your hand and
, rub over the part of the body affected.
The rubbing distributes the fluid,
opens the pores of the skin, starts the
| circulation of the blood and soothes
. the patient.
As a Counter Irritant
Radway's Ready Relief
i Is much stronger, cleaner and
1 more convenient than the old
! fashioned mustard plasters.
• Aftaiiaf
Aco.ot no suibetltnt*. Bu S^W"
Announcement Made of Ap
pointments in Health
Commissioner of
f nounced the ap-
P°'ntment of Dr.
George K. Strode,
as associate chief
r ,,. ~ thp Department,
ml [hirlie was named as housing
Inspector. Mr. Fairlie is a resident
here The others reslUe
. I her health officer appointments
xx.M C Iu dP: GU> ' Abel ' fol ' Homo
Windham townships, Bradford
t C o °"' Uy ; Walker. Allegheny
township. Somerset county; James
A. Drake, Athens and Bloomfield
townships, Crawford county; L. X.
McGinnls, Scrubgrass township Ven
ango county; John H. Rohrbuch
1 p ''ry, Washington, Brady's Bond
and Sugar Creek townships. Arm
strong county; John A. Stewart.
Cleveland and Xtoaring Creek town
ships, Columbia county; R..D. Hun
sickei, West Penn and East Bruns
wick townships, Schuylkill county.
Dr. C. S. Reber was named to
make medical inspections in Sink
ing Spring, West Reading and Wy
omissing. Berks county.
Registrars named include: Harper
B. Buck, Mt. Holly Springs, and
Jacob R. Neid hammer, Wormleys
burg, Cumberland county; Herbert
Peek, Great Bend, Bu. niohunna
Hearings So! The Public Service
Commission has fixed Monday for
hearing the demurrer filed in the
complaint of Henry C. Dyer against
the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co.,
on his complaint that trolley track
construction is being handled illegal
ly on Logan Square. Thursday the
complaint, against the fare and serv
ice of the Frankford, Pateony and
1 lolmesburg Street Railway Co., \Vill
be hoard in Philadelphia. The Com
mission will sit here Wednesday for
bearings on complaints about water
in Lebanon ami McOonnellsburg and
numerous contracts and other mat
Hood Prospect —Officials of the
State Department of Fisheries look
for a good trout fishing season this
year and expect thousands of men
to go to the streams next Tuesday,
April 15, when the season opens.
The reports coming to Harrisburg
indicate that the trout have gotten
through the winter vey well and that
1 "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" |
■ *c x (titrtbra Hart Schaffner B
I \y J 1
j| An Easter Advertisement to Women 1
I About New Styles For Men 1
Some man take an interest in w omen's
clothing, some don't. But all women are interest
ed in men's styles; many of them follow the styles
from season to season so closely that they are even
better informed than the men.
When we say new Easter
styles for men are here, you women
probably know what they ought to
feature —waist-line models, single and
double breasted, new pockets, too, •
lapels and collars, some mighty good
The coming of Easter offers you a
good opportunity to assist the men of your family
in their buying A man wants style, not for style
itself, but because the style will improve his ap
pearance. Come in with them and let us show you
the new Spring Suits that have just arrived the
beautiful "Manhattan shirts" and wonderful as
sortments of neckwear.
I The Store Everybody Is Talking About
I 304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa.
the lack of ice and continuous 1 ow i
of water have made conditions most!
The Lcason will inn from April 15!
to August 1 and the limit is twenty -'
five trout a. day. Some arrests have
been made by fish wardens for fish
ing in advance of the season.
The State Commission of Fisheries
at its meeting here this week ap
proved the plans for construction
work to be done at the various
hatcheries and for the propagation
work. Bids were also authorized
for construction of a wooden tug for
the department's work on Bake
"Movie Exams—The State Depart
ment of Labor and Industry has an
nounced that it will hold exam la -
tions for licensing of motion picture
operators in Pennsylvania on April
22. The examination arrangements
are in the hands of supervising in
spectors with offices at Harrisburg,
Philadelphia. Pittsburgh, Scranton,
Lancaster, Meadville and William
Close Inspection—The inspections
of the. Reserve Militia will lie com
pleted by Brigadier General C. T.
Cresswell in the next few weeks and
attention wilt then be devoted to the
outdoor rifle range work. During
the winter and spring indoor gallery
practice has been underway all over
the State. The outdoor season opens
on May 1.
Claims Away up—Claims for
Workmen's Compensation, filed with
the Workmen's Compensation Board
by alien residents of Austria-Hun
gary, now number two hundred and
ninety-eight and involve a total
amount of almost a million dollars.
These claims, which are now in the
hands of the Custodian of Alien
Property, are distributed in the vari
ous Referee's offices as follows:
Philadelphia, 15; Pottsville, 42;
Scranton 1 , 34; Lancaster, 6: William
sport. 7: Altoon, 38, Kane, 14; and
Pittsburgh, 142.
Holy Communion at
Park Street Church
Holy Communion will lie observed
in Park Street United Evangelical
Church, Sunday, at both the morn-
HiWW'ii'iWMH*" ■
Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eatl I
. . One or two doses ■
will make you feel ten years younger. Best I
known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach 1
25 cents a package at all Druggists, or
sent to any address postpaid, by the
U. S. ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. N.Y. I
- APRIL 12, 1919.
ing and evening services. The Sun
day morning Communion-Address
will be given by Rev. B. H. Niebel,
D. D.. on the subject. "The King
Who Conquers Through His Own
At the evening services the pastor
will speak on "The Growth of the
Kingdom," and the sermon will an
swer the question as to whether the
kingdom is growing and whether
Christ is an ever-conquering Christ,
or as being defeated in the effort to
realize His kingdom-plans,
j The Passion Week speakers in this
[ church will be Christian layment and
!an attractive series of services has
| been arranged. The following are
I the speakers for the week: Monday
i evening, John T. Olmstead, of this
j city, member of the law-firm of
Olmstead. Snyder and Miller; Tues
day evening. C. A. Shaffer, member
jof the House of Representatives,
| from Columbia County; Wednesday
i evening, Mr. Rcber, member of the
j House of Representatives, from I,e
-i high County: Thursday evening, W.
j B. D. Ainey, of this city.
iCapt. Chas. K. Imbrie to
Speak at Paxton Church
I Rev. Charles K. Imbrie, serving
'overseas Chaplain with 104 th Regi
j ment, 26th Division, United States
I Army, will speak of his experiences
| with the soldiers and about the war,
'at the morning service, 11 o'clock.
I Rev. Imbrie has just returned, and
i ranks as captain.
llnyton, Ohio.
WHEN you work hard anil
conscientiously te
achieve a result and yon
feel down deep that you hav
succeeded don't you like il
very, VERY much when some
body comes along that you know
is an expert and he tells you thai
your work is splendid and he
congratulates you?
Is it not just human for all ol
us to like to hear praise of oui
Well, I saw a very happy
group of workers assembled in
PARTMENT of the Wilson &
Co. plant, Chicago, on Friday.
March 14th.
I call your intention to the fart
that Friday with Its SIX I.KTTERS
carrlo* with it good luck no far ni
: tlie Wilf.on A Co. organisation 1s
concerned. It thtn the Cycle of Six,
| wlilch 1M Much n dominant factor In
tlie IniMincMM mid brings so much hap
In the group of workers was
Thomas E. Wilson, President of
Wilson & Co., who is grlntense
and as enthusiastic se : any of the
25,000 workers in his organiza
tion. There were also in the
group three Vice-presidents of
the company. I mention this to
prove what I have been telling
you, that the Wilson & Co. or
ganization represents DEMOC
RACY OF WORK, which starts
with the head and goes all
through the ranks. One man is
as good as another in this organ
ization; one woman is as good
as another; and both men and
women are on a basis of equality
in the matter of recognition and
reward for service well rend
Now I will tell you why they
were so happy:
' . IHK WILSON & Co.
x. . T I !:l KD KANI)S oe canned
meats, vegetables and
Wouldn't It make you happv II
J on ' J" 40 "le Wilson & Co. workers,
had Imcii working linrd to perfect
food products and felt sure tliut vou
j had succeeded, to have Mr. McCann
—a man who knows what pure food
I is—tell you that jou had achieved a
i wonderful result?
Vou bet it would.
Well, the Wilson & Co. workers
| are the same kind of human beings
as you ait'—so they were made very
j happy w hen Mr. McCann, who had
selected at random from the im
mense stocks of canned goods—cans
of Corn. Tea, Beans, Asparagus,
Meats, Preserves, etc.—and had them
opened up und then tasted and
,tasted them,—gave them his splen
did endorsement.
I know Mr. McCann personally
and intimately, lie is an honest,
fearless, a ble man. Nobody on earth
has ever yet la-en able to control
his opinions or his pen. Both are
else' Cd bj lllmsw,f tt,uJ hy nobody
I know he mount what he said
when he told those workers that
their Certified foods are O. K. in all
particulars, and I know also that if
he had not thought they were O. K.
in all ■ particulars, the tender of a
million dollars cosh on tlio spot
would not have made him endorse
Mr. McCann could have been rich
by now had he wished to barter his
honor but he has kept himself
clean and straight—AND POOR, as
most men do who are intent nml In
tense in doing things to help and
protect Humanity.
I did not know that Mr. McCann
was in Chicago until he walked into
the Wilson & Co. restaurant, which,
by the way, is a big, democratic af
fair where olTicials and workers dine
together in the same way that mem
bers of a family meet at their own
diiiiugroom tables.
He told me he had come to Chi
cago to investigate the Wilson &
Co. business lieeause his interest had
lieen aroused by reading these let
ters that I am writing to you. At
the end of the day he was good
enough to say that he found every
thing exactly as I have described it
to you—that is to say, that there is
Heart, Honor, and the Square Deal
nil throughout the Wilson & Co. or
Mr. McCann ami I once spoke
from the same platform at Saga
more Beach. Mass., where intense
people gather and discuss the big
problems of the day. I will never
forget the great ovation Sir. McCann
received on that occasion. He is a
very dramatic and very intense
speaker. He had carefully prepared
a speech hut after its delivery the
large audience insisted on his con
tinuing to tulk. THEY WANTED
He talked for an hour longer, and
then the audience consented to his
stopping only liccuuse it was time
for lunch, but even then, they ex
acted a promise from him to resume
ut the afternoon session. He did
speak again at the afternoon session
and held his hearers spellbound for
When he returned front Chicago
he wrote some wonderful urticles
about his visit to the Wilson & Co.
plnnt which were printed hi the
New York Evening Globe. lie knows,
and so do 1, and I think you are
beginning to know, that the slogan
used liy Wilson & Co. "THE
TABLE"—means what it say*..
230 Filth Avenue, New York City.