Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 12, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    "All private ownership of land is abolished immediately without • "Control is instituted over all industrial, commercial and agri
any indemnification "-Lenine's decree of Oct. 26, 1917, (Rus- CultU t ral undertal ™ gs -.' Co "' r °' is cised by the work-
J . ' ' v^ uo ers of a given enterprise through the medium of elected organs
sian Calendar.) (committees). —Lenine's decree of same date as foregoing.
Or Fruitful Order ?
Bolshevism wars against democracy. Supreme power is not with the people, hut with groups, seizing and holding it by force.
Bolshevism wars against personal freedom. A man may not quit his job -is chained to his task.
Bolshevism wars against all prosperity - against an economic system developed and adjusted by 5,000 years of human experiment which yearly
produces more and more for the masses.
Bolshevism means tyranny. A dictator is always a dictator.
It revives slavery. The Worker, his pittance fixed, must obey orders very rigidly
His boss has authority to knout and even to kill. Read Lenine's 'programme" address and study his
rigorous regimentation plan.
It means less goods to divide, and thus less to the average man. With the incen
tive to good management and skilful work gone, the hunger of barbarism comes back.
"False charges!" exclaims the Bolshevik. Not false, but alas, true.
Read the story of Russia, and learn from her. Behold 20,000,000 people on famine's edge - not dead or scattered bourgeoisie, but proletarians.
Fertile acres are untilled. The peasant will not plant beyond his family needs
when his surplus grain is taken for paper rubles which will buy nothing.
Factories are closed. The committees have bales of paper money from Moscow,
but a printing press produces no food. The city worker flees to peasant relatives or
friends to avoid starvation. Except as clogged with refugees, Russian cities and towns
rapidly depopulate.
Consider this. No immigration into Russia except by agitators who sit near the treasury, while millions are eager to get out. What sane man
would go there to improve his material condition? No real worker would share the "blessings" of the new dispensation.
Twenty months of Bolshevism leave 110 doubt. The Sovieteers, theorists and impracticables, planned 110 such calamity as has come. The fault is in their
system. A delicate watch has been hammered on an anvil and of course it has stopped. ■
The butchered of Russia, slaughtered by desperate men who cling to power, are out of misery, but the Russian masses are still engulfed. The cunning,
pretending to love the new order, get accepted as leaders and pick the few bits of flesh left onßussia's bones.
The average man is mad with want
If such are the results in semi-primitive Russia, where 80 per cent, of the population, in contact with the soil, can somehow live even though trade and
industry stop, what would happen should Bolshevism gain a mastery over more interdependent peoples?
Bolshevism as a producer is a demonstrated failure.
Goods must be created before they can be distributed.
. •' . 1
Bulletin No. 2 This article is one of a Series—Be sure to read them all.—"America First" Publicity Association
Copyright, 1919.
'APRIL' 12, 1919.