Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 12, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 PALM SUN DA Y SERVICES FEATURE OPENING OF HOLY WEEK IN CHURCHES OF CITY BETHESDA MISSION HELPED BY ST. MATTHEW'S LUTHERAN C. E. Permanent C. E. Alumni Association Organized at Head quarters; Palmer Is President St. Matthew's Lutheran Christian Endeavorers are taking an interest ing part in the work at the Bethseda Mission on South Second street. Enthusiastic workers, full of "pep," with a program that "talgs," go to the mission periodically and hold services and men and women are saved from sin and led into the gospel way of salvation. This is only one of the worthwhile facts men tioned which the endeavorers are accomplishing for the organization and "Christ and the Church." Last evening a large group of en deavorers attended the services at the mission and an attractive pro gram was rendered. Grant Marts was the speaker and addressed t" audience. The music was rendered with such a fervor and manifesta tion for spirit that the wayfaring man said: "Music still hath charms.' Preparations are being made by 1' society for a reception and social to be given in honor of new church mem bers during the week following Easter Sunday. A canvass will also be made for new members for the society. The new officers of the society are as follows: President, Harry Webb; vice-president, Kenneth Fisher: Miss Esther stcnce: treasurer. Miss Lillian Koster; corresponding secretary, Miss Margaret Martz: pianist, Miss Alary Binkley; assistant pianist, Miss Pau line Rife; junior superintendent. Mrs. A. E. Burkholder: intermediate super intendent, Miss La Vcne Grove. President Webb has been at the head of the society since the begin ning of the year. He is an enthusias tic worker and is planning special features that will stir enthusiasm and inspiration among the members of the society during the coming months. C. E. VOTES A permanent Christian Endeavor Alumni Association was organized at the C. E. headquarters room. Market Square, on last Tuesday evening. The name of the new organization is the First Pennsylvania Alumni Associa tion of Harrisburg and vicinity. The •officers elected are as follows: Presi dent, J. Frank Palmer, Pine Street rresbyterian, city: first vice-presi dent, William H. Huble.v, Presbyter ian, Carlisle; second vice-president, Frank T. Harpel, Lutheran, Lebanon: secretary, Miss Anna Dewhirst, Bap tist, city: treasurer, Charles R. Bart ley, Park street United Evangelism,, city: press superintendent, Elmer S. Schilling, Harris Street United Evan- Holy Week NOON o • ■service For Both Men and Women APRIL 14th to 19th Under Auspices Central Y. M. C. A. in FAHXEOTOCK HALL | Cor. Second and Locust Sts. Daily Program 12.15 to 12.45 P. M. Organ Recital and Singing Well Known Soloists 10 Minute Talks by the Clergy, as follows: | Monday, April 14 Bishop .James H. Darlington. Protestant Episcopal llisliop of Central Pennsylvania. Subject '"ldealizing the Real Through Christ." 1 Tuesday, April 15 Rev. .loseph A. I.yter. Pas tor Berry St. United Breth ren Church. Subjeet "Hecklers Discomfited." Wednesday, April 16 Rev. George Kdward Ifnxrcs, Pastor Market Square Pres byterian Church. Subjeet— "The Inner Circle." Thursday, April 17 Rev. Robert Bagliell. Pas tor Grace Methodist Church. Subjeet—"Christ in Gethse manc." j Friday, April 18 Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, Pastor Messiah Lutheran I Church. Subjeet "The Shame and Guilt of the Cross." Saturday, April 19 Rev. Ellis X. Kremer, Pas- I tor Salem Reformed Church. Subject "Christ's Descent Into Hades." "lie Class With The Bells" Derry Street U. B. Men's Bible Class Don't Aliss Next Sunday—Fifteenth aiul Derry Two O'clock—Ail Alen Welcome Over the Top d™ BEST SINGING—ORCHESTRA—UNAFON Christ Lutheran Church HARRISBURG, PA. THOMAS REISCH, D. D., Pnslur. PASSION WEEK tThis Holy season of the year makes its own appeal. It holds out to all its hope and its warning. The Passion of Jesus atones for our sins; the Resurrection of ■■■■■ Jesus destroys death and gives life to as many as will receive him. What a warn ing also! How shall we escape if we neglect such great salvation? What hope for the sinner who remains in his sin? ■ - How shall we escape who have accepted fulfil Christ's salvation and then neglect to raster ' foster its Privileges and its duties? We " u " c ' Cnn/lnu cannot afford to miss the services of Pas- C—J—.. junaay sion Week and the Communion on Easter OOnflflV Day. SATURDAY EVENING, m II \RRY WEB II j gelical, City: members, the Rev. W. I X. Yates. D. D„ Fourth Street Church | of God, City; A. Elwyn Strode. Pres byterian, Camp Hill; Nelson B. Cas seil. Church of God, Penbrook. The | total number of pledges to date are as j follows: Harrisburg city, $157; Dau ! phin county and vicinity, $147. Total j $304.50. | All persons desiring to attend the ! big .May musical to be renderrd in ! the Technical High School audltor j ium, May 8 are urged to get their I tickets at an early date. The famous j • ratorio, entitled "The Creation." will be the big attraction this season. A i large number of prominent musical i people will take part in the rem,..inn !of the program. Music lovers appre ! i iate the work of the Harrisburg C. ; K. Choral Union and many persons j are expected to attend the affair. Great attractions will be on the j program at the St. Paul's United : Brethren Society, Wormleysburg, to ] morrow evening. A joint service of the senior and junior societies will J be held and a number of special fea | tures have been arranged for the occasion Ross Derrick rtnd several j ether endeavorers will take part on i the program. ■ One of tile popular topiles of the day will be discussed by the endeav ' orers at the various churches on Sunday evening. The societies have made preparations to study the sub ' ject. "How to Give God's Day to I Godlike Deeds." Many societies wm ; have special music rendered by tal ] ented singers and musicians upon the occasion. Mrs, James Howard will have ! charge of the program at the Wqst f minster Presbyterian Endeavor So ! ciety on Sunday evening. Come. \*ou ! are welcome, is the invitation. St. John's Lutheran Society. Steel ton is progressing with much enthus ! iasm among its members and friends. The society aims to have attractive | prayer meetings and live socials where the old and young people can ' iningle together. Paul Shatto will be i the leader at the 6.30 o'clock service j to-morrow evening. j The Sunday school com -ill | have charge of the program at the Keystone i-eague of Christian Kn j deavor service at the Harrts stteet ' United Evangelical church on Sun | day evening. Christ Lutheran Endeavorers will have a worthwhile service on Sunday evening at which time the regular | ctening's topic will be discussed. Paul Unger will be the speaker and a j number of endeavorers will take part | on the program. Miss Elizabeth Rutherford will have charge of the service at the Cen , tenary United Brethren Society, Stcel- I ton. to-morrow evening. This so i ciety is doing excellent work under j the direction of the following offi- I cers: President. Robert J. Afiller, Jr.; I vice-president, Aliss Catherine Steh- I man; recording secretary. Miss Blanche Warner; corresponding sec | retary. Jaines F. Atentze ; pianist, 1 Miss Elizabeth Rutherford; assistant pianist. Airs. Robert Gecsey; treas i urcr, Donald Raifsnider; chorister, i Mae Douglass; assistant chorister, ; Aliss Pearl Beidle; librarian, James F. Mentzer; junior superintendent, Mrs. Mary Grimes; assistant junior super ] intendent. Airs. Charles E. Shaeffee. At the Zion Evangelical Lutheran | Society, Enola, Aliss Kathryn Fam j ous will make the program attrac j tive on Sunday evening. Everybody j is welcome to attend. Watch the bulletin bo;.rds in your Endeavor Society room. There may soon be an announcement posted concerning a big union picnic to be held at some convenient park during the coming summer. Miss Alary Binkley will be the , .. , er of the endeavor service at the St. Music in the Churches ZION LUTHERAN* Morning—lo.3o,Prelude, Les Ru meaud, Faure; Soprano solo. "Hc j joiee ye with Jesus Alone' H. A. Mat i hews, from 'The City of God." Mrs. Decevee; offertory, violin solo. "The Palms," Faure. Mr Victor Hanck necht: anthem, "God so Loved the World," Stiner; postlude, Fugurin in Fmayor, Bach. Evening—7.3o, Prelude, Puques Fleuries, Mailly; quartet. Palm Branches, Faure, Mrs. Decevee, Miss Bennett, Mr. Shantz, Mr. Smith: of fertory, Litany, Schubert: gospel hymn: postlude, prelude in G major. Bach: Mrs. E. J. Decevee, chorister, j Air. William E. Mrotz, organist, Mr. E. A. Kepner, chimes. ST. STEPHEN'S EPISCOPAL I Morning—ll, Venite, Turner; benedicitc, Marker; bonedictus, No veilo; solo. "The Palms," Clarence 11. Sigler, Fadre. Evening—7.3o, cantata "Peni | tence. Pardon and Peaca," Maunder. PINE STREET Morning—Prelude, "Contempla \ tion," Lsmare; anthem, "Arise, | Shine O Jerusalem," Thomas Adams; | offertory. "Invocation," Guilmant, i solo, "The Palms," Faure, by Mr. Ley; postlude, "Fantasia in D maj- I or," Andre. Evening—Prelude at 7.15, "Of | fortoire in D minor," Batiste. "The ! Minster Bells," Wheeldon; anthem, j "The Twilight Shadows Fall," Rar | ri-Shelley; offertory, "Adagio (Sym phony II)," Tertius Noble; postlude, • "Alarch in B flat," Silas. MARKET SQUARE PRESBY TERIAN Aiorning—The prelude, "Song of Spring," Sonnet; anthem, "Te Dcum," Dykes; offertory, "In Spring time," Chaftln; postulude, "Grand chorus in D major," Best. Evening—Prelude. "Intermezzo," Hollins: hymn by the choir, "There is Always Happiness," Gabriel; of fertory. "Berceuse," Ilynsky; post lude, "Alarch in A major," Heintze. BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN Aiorning—Prelude, "Stabat Alater ; Dolorosa." Lemaigre; anthem, "On | the Way ta Jerusalem," from "Oli ! vet to Calvary," -Maunder; contralto I solo. "The Palms," Faure, Airs. Hugh [ L. I-lertzler; offertory, "Prierc a la Yierge," Grey; postlude, "Hosanna," : Hartmann. j Evening—Prelude, "Allegro Giu j bilante," Federlein; anthem, "Jeru salem," Parker; duet, ' 'Crucifix," Faure. John P. Gibson, tenor and | Roy Alathias, bass; offertory, "Good j Friday Spell," Vretblad; postlude, j "Festive Alarch." Rlackniore: Airs. ( Wm. K. Rumbaugh, directress; J. I Stewart Black, organist. I CHRIST LUTHERAN | Aiorning—Prelude, "In Spring- I time," Kinder: anthem, "Ride On, Ride On in Alajesty," Allen, solo, j Aliss Dubbs: offertory, "Cantilena," Helmund: solo, "The Palms," Faure, Aliss Dubbs: postlude, "March Trl | umphale," Wachs. j Evening—Prelude. "Alarch in B • flat," Silas: anthem, "Jerusalem," i Parker-Rees, Solos. Air. R. Fos j tor Shader, Aliss Alioc Rollison; i offertory, "Springtime Sketch," i Beebe; quartette, -"Dreams of Gal illeo." Alorrison, Miss Dubbs. Aliss ; Rollison, Air. Ebersole, Air. Lyme; I postlude, "Allegro Ataestoso," Heller. BERRY STREET . Aiorning—Prelude, "Processional." (Chauvet: anthem, "O n the Way to Jerusalem," J. H. Naunder; offer tory, "A Afeniory," Guiiett: postlude, "Epitlialiuni." Woodman. I Evening—Prelude. "Ave Alaria." ; Schubert; anthem, "Palm Branches." IJean Raptiste Faure assisted by W. |F. Sudds; offertory, "Melody in F," | Rockwell; postlude. "Voice of j Spring, A'ineent Heg. REFORMED SALEM Aiorning—"Allegeo Con Fuoco," . fith Sonata, Guilmont; anthem "Jeru ! salem," Parker-Rees, with recita j tive, Airs. Wm. R. Helsley. Evening—"Aleditation,"" 6th Sou \ ate, Guilmont; anthem, "Sing and j Rejoice. O Daughter of Zion." Lan i sing, with incidental solo, Airs. O. iW. Mvers. FIRST UNITED BRETHREN Morning—Prelude "Les Ram i eanx," Palm Branches: offertory, j "Morning Song," Alerkel; postlude, "Grand Chorus," Lemaigre; anthem, i "Hosanna," Granier; Duet, "Palm ! Rranches, Farre, Aliss Alary Irwin, Mr. C. F. Clippinger. ( Evening—Prelude. "Spring." Has : lup: offertory, "Lullaby," ATacfar j lane; postlude, "The Palm Branches," | Farre; antliem, "The Sun Shall Be No Alore Thy Light By Dav," Wood- I ward. SECOND REFORMED i Aiorning—Prelude, "Caprice in E Alinor. Vincent; anthem, "Around the Throne of God," Brown; con : tralto solo, "The Palms," Farre, Aliss | Jennie Shartzer: anthem, "Jerusa ! lem," Parker-Rees: postlude, "Fes tal March," Kinross. Evening Prelude "In Spring time," Hollins; anthem, "The Grace of God," Barnby; anthem, "See Now the Altar," Farre, incidental solo, Louis Alunnell; anthem, "Praise Him with Song, Brown; postlude, "Festal Alarch," Kroeger. MESSIAH LUTHERAN Aiorning—Prelude, (a) "Paques Fleuries," Mail ley: fb) "Familiar Hymns." selected: offertorv, "Invo cation," Schubert; contralto soio, "Jerusalem" Parker, Airs. Ernest I Matthew's church to-morrow evening jat 6.30 o'clock. If you desire to enjoy 1 a good time go to St. Matthew's on Sunday. j Three livewire workers, Aliss Alat [ tie Weidenhammer, Mrs. Mabel Camp- I bell, and Aliss Atyrtle A'ocum, will j have charge of the program at the j Fourth Street Church of God Society J to-morrow evening. The Rev. W, N. . Yates. D. D.. pastor and a former president of the Pennsylvania C. E. union, is putting "pep" into the local endeavor work. William Kohler will have a good program for all persons desirim attend the service at the First Church I of God. New Cumberland, on Sunday j evening. The leaders of this society j emphasize the following pointers: A good C. E. meeting means that I. ! You must be prompt at the meeting. | 2. You must be ready to take part. ! Pray for the success of the mcet- ing. ■ Former state secretary. H. B. Alae rory, of Pittsburgh, has entered upon his new work as pastor of a church in Akron, O. Air. Alacrory has com pleted his sixth year as secretary for the Pennsylvania Christian union. The C. E. choir of the Otterbein United Brethren church will sing the famous selection, entitled "Jerusa lem", by Henry Parker, at the endeav or service on Sunday evening. "The Psalms" will be used as a solo on the program. George L. Sellers will be the leader of the me6ting. HARRISBURG t&Sj&tL TELEGRAPH Keys: postlude. "Marche Re iigieuse," Gigout. Evening—Prelude, (a) "Prelude in E Flat," Capocei; (b) "Adoia tion" (from The Holy Oily) Gaul; bass solo, "Palm Brunches," Fauie, A W. Hartman; offertory, "Song Without Words," Deshayes; motet, "Blessed Bo Thou, Lord God of Israel," Matthews; postlude, "Grand Triumphal March," Knabel. Mrs. Eninia Hoffman, organist; A. W. Hartman, director. CHURCH OF GOD. Maclay Street —The Rev. Dr. Will iam S. Houck; 11, "Mountain-Top Experiences—Nebo;" 8, "How Shall We Die, —and Then?" Sunday School, 9:43. Linglestown—The Rev. J. M. Wag goner; 10:30, "Palm Sunday;" Sun day School, 9:30. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Vol. .1, No. 32. HARRISBURG, PA., APRIL 5-11. Our Yank Rditlin. It Also Seems to Be an International Trait to Want to Take One More Good One Before the Law Goes Into Effect NEWS OF THE WEEK BOILED DOWN FOR OUR BUSY SOLDIERS Saturday, April 5 City golfers protest against the j proposition of landing the big dirigi- ■ ble balloon that is being brought to this city as part of the publicity cam paign to advertise the Victory Loan, on the golf links in Reservoir Park. ; Preparations are outlined for the Y. M. C. A. boys' camp next summer at a meeting of the Boys' Work Commit tee. An intruder broken into the Steelton jail and then not finding things to his liking therein, went out again. Police have not located him. Governor Sproul vetoes the bill boost ing the pay of election olllcers. He says that the increased compensation would not increase the efficiency of the boards. Mrs. William Jennings, of Harrisburg, is elected for the ninth successive time to head the Women's Foreign Mission ary Society of the Carlisle Presbytery at its forty-second annual convention at Duncannon. Monday, April 7 It is announced that the Legislature will take a recess until April 21. Funds of the city's charitable organ izations would he thousands of dollars richer if the valuable waste material being annually sent to the city dumps were sold, city health officials say in their plea for greater saving among city people. A Chamber of Commerce Committee goes to Chester and Camden, N. J., to study housing conditions in those cities. John H. Demming, long a well-known conductor on the Pennsylvania rail road from this city, is dead at Duncan non. March was a banner month for the Home Service Bureau of the Harrisburg Red Cross Chapter, it was announced. Collections for the Rummage sale , which opens Thursday, are reported to be exceptionally heavy. Tuesday, April 8 "Bob" Chenoweth, arrested late . yesterday after being implicated by 1 testimony of three self-confessed i I "dope" peddlers, is discharged in po ! lice court for the want of sufficient testimony. Plans to assure a great, celebration in honor of the homecoming of sol diers. sailors and marines of the Har risburg district, are being made by the Chamber of Commerce. A big victory demonstration is planned for July 4. Col. W. P. Hurrell, of the Thirtieth Infantrv, former head of the Harris burg recruiting district, lias been dee orated with the Distinguished Service Medal and the Distinguished Service Cross for bravery in action. The dirigible balloon that is being brought here as part of the publicity campaign of the Victory Loan will be landed on the old Harrisburg Athletic Club field in Island Park it is an nounced. Attorneys of the Susquehanna Col lieries Company attack the maps pro duced by the county commissioners in support of their stand for increased assessments of coal land properties of the county. Col. Kdward Martin, State Commis sioner of Health, announces plans for a meeting on Monday evening to unite all organizations of the city in the movement to make it a model city from health and sanitary standpoints. Tlie forest fire that, has been rag ing on the Blue Mountain near Bella Vista for the past several days, at tracts considerable attention" from city people. Wednesday, April 9 Visitors who made excessive noise in the House of Representatives were de nounced by Speaker Robert L. Spangler following the complaint of a number of members. Final preparations are being made for the annual conference of the Fifth District Rotary Club which opens here to-morrow. I Action, not talk is wanted as a result 1' of the meeting next Monday evening to study health conditions of the city I Renovated and Beautiful Room For Fourth Street Church of God Class The Men's Bible Class and Pri mary Department of the Fourth Street Churcli of God Sunday School, t will meet in renovated and beautified J ! rooms next Sunday. During the | past two weeks the paper hangers j and painters have been busy, and 1 the result is very pleasing. ' Twenty new men "have joined the 1 Men's Bible Class during the past few weeks, and the Primary Depart ment has about reached the limit of the space allotted. These rooms j are scenes of intense interest and > activity every Sunday at 1.40 P. M. ] with the view of making the community i one a model one as regards health and J i sanitary conditions. This meeting has j I been arranged by Colonel Martin, Com- j missioner of the Department of Health. | One of hte most important arrests J jby the State Fire Marshall's Depart- I mcnt has been announced in the taking ! of Ijsonard Rundell, of Athens, Brad ford county, after a chase of 3,000 miles. Adonese Grimes, six years old. is drowned when lie falls from the steps j along the river front into the Susque | hanna river when striking at a tin ; bucket in the water with a switch, f City merchants who are members of the Chamber of Commerce have organ ized a Merchants' Council to consider matters of special concern to them. In disposing of his estate. A Mitchell Rutherford, formerly of this city, who died in Pittsburgh recently, wrote his will on a piece of memorandum paper, : three by four inches. County Ilya Tolstoy, son of the great Russian scholar, Leon Tolstoy, wilt speak on "Bolshevism and the Russian Revolution" in the Chestnut Street Aud itorium next AA'ednesday evening under the auspices of the Chamber of Com merce. Thursday, April 10 ! Hundreds of Uotarians from 22 cities arrived in Harrisburg to-day to attend the annual conference of the Rotary Clubs of the Fifth District, International Association of Itotary Clubs. Opening sessions were held in Fahnestock liali. The Harrisburg Chamber of Com merce Committee on housing lias re- I turned to this city after the investiga tion of housing projects in cities adjoin | ing Philadelphia. Captured German guns and other war relies will be shown in a tour of Dau phin county in the interest of the Aric j tory Loan on May 4 and 5. i But three Keystone division regiments | will participate in the review of that ! regiment which is scheduled to be held lin Philadelphia on its return from i France, it is announced following the receipt of advice from the AVar Depart j ment. The city is ready to go ahead with its ' work on the improvement of Third and I AValnut slreets as soon as the State completes its contemplated changes. 1 Hundreds of persons thronged the old Gilbert store building in Market street this morning when the annual Rummage I sale for the benefit of the Harrisburg I Hospital, opened. Representatives of farm organizations in Perry county interviewed county com missioners on the proposition of forming a county farm bureau and securing a | county farm agent. | AVaynesboro people are complaining of increasing vandalism in their hor | ouglt. : The sixtli death in the typhoid fever .epidemic at Mechanlcsburg is reported. Friday, April 11 I William H. German is elected scout ! commissioner to direct affairs of organ ' Ization in Harrisburg district, i "Bring your beau to church," is ad ! vice of the Rev. A. Smucker to girls I of the city. Draught beer virtually exhausted at local breweries with little bottled stuff left. Lessons learned in war In handling men should be applied to peace prob lems, E. S. Herman advises Rotary Club conference. More than 5,000 local railroad men iin train service benefit by new wage scale which adds $l6O annually to their checks. The' Rev. AV. H. Dallman accepts call from Waverly, N. Y. Baptist Church. Thief escapes from Crescent street home in middle of night after fight with L. B. Dotter. Chester Young arrested charged with using mails to defraud. He Is said to | have represented himself as missing son in order to get funds from parents. AV. C. Alexander resigns from Moor head Knitting Company to help organize new corporation. CHURCH DIRECTORY CHURCH OF GOD. Fourth Street —The Rev. William N. Yates; 10:30, "The One Who Wins;" 7:30, "Those Who Lose;" Sunday School, 140 p. m. Green Street—The Rev. H. S. Hcr shcy; 10:30, "A Memorial Before God;" 7:30, "The Measure of God's I Love;" Sunduy School, 2. Pleasant View—The Rev. George W. Harper; Sunday School, 9:45; 10:45, The Rev. Solienberger; 7:30, "The Trial and Crucilixion of Jesus," The Rev. G. \V. Harper. Nagle Street—The Rev. Elmer K. Kauffman; 10:30, "The Command to Reprice;" 7:30, "The Glorious Gos pel;" Sunday School, 1:30. BAPTIST. Market Street—The Rev. W. S. Dunlap; 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday School, 11:30. Second—The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene; 10:30, "Innocence, the Ideal State Christianity;" 7:30, "God's Love for the World;" Sunday School, 12. St. Paul—The Rev. E. Luther Cun ningham; 10:30, "The Blood of the Covenant," by The Rev. Dr. O. S. Cinims, of Pittsburgh; 3:30, "The Divine Peace;" 7:30, "In the Valley of Dry Bones;" Sunday School, 12:30 First—The Rev. William J. lawk-1 hart; 10:30, "The Palm Sunday I Psalm;" 7:30, "The Glory of thc| Cross of Christ;" Sunday School. | 11:45. Tabernacle—The Rev. Millard Os more Pierce; 11. "Christ in Our L\ ery Days;" 7:30, "Roots and Roses;" Sunday School, 9:45. EPISCOPAL. St. Paul's—The Re\\ Floyd Apple ton. S and 10, holy communion; 11, "Palm Sunday;'\ 8, "Holv AVeek;" Sunday School, 2:30. St. Andrew's—The Rev. Henry A. Post; 8, holy communion: 9:43 Church School: 11, morning prayer and sermon, "Loneliness;" 7:30, evening prayer and sermon, "The Mind of Jesus Christ." EXITED EVANGELICAL, Park Street—The Rev. A. E. Han gen; Sunday School, 9:30; holv com munion, 10:45, "The King That Con quers With His Own Blood;" 7:30, "The Growth of the Kingdom," holy communion. Enola—The Rev. H. M. Buck; '0.45, "Sin and Salvation;" 7:30, "The Triumphal Entry;" Sunday School, 9:30. Harris Street—The Rev. A. G. I- lexer; 10:30, morning worship, "The A alue of the Gospel;" 7:30, evening service, 'Victorious Entry." PRESBYTERIAN". Westminster—The Rev. Henrv AV Miller: 10:30, "The Lord's Claim;" 7:30. "How and AVhat it is to Be Great;" Sunday School, 1:43. Paxton—The Rev. Harry B. King: < aptain Charles K. Imbrie will speak; 7:30, pastor will preach" Sunday School, 1. Capital Street—The Rev. B M Ward; 10:45. "What Think You of Christ;" 7:30. "Suffering for Well Doing;" Sunday School, 12:15. Market Square—The Rev. George Edward Hawes; Rev. Howard Rod gers, assistant: 11 morning service, "Our Lord's and General Allenby's Entrances Into Jerusalem;" 7:30, evening service. "Work of an In i fantry Chaplain," Chaplain Charles K. Imbrie. Popular song service. Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett |Hallman: 10. morning worship, sac j rament of infant baptism will he I administered; Sunday School, 11:15; ■0:30, Senior Christian Endeavor; 7:30, evening worship, "Parable of the Hidden Treasure." Bethany—The Rev. John Martin AA'arden; 7:30, "The Christian Run nel ;" Sunday School, 9. Covenant —The Rev. Harvey Klaer; 10:30, "The Hope of the AVorid;" 7:30, "Waiting:" Sunday School, 2. Pine Street—The Rev. Lewis Sey mour Mudge, D. D., The Rev. H. H. Baldwin, assistant; 10:30, morning service, "The Christian Principle of Progress," by The Rev. R. AA r . A'each. D. D.: 7:30, evening service, "The Heroe's Heroism;" Church Sunday School, 1:40. Division Street—The Rev. H. H. Baldwin; Sunduy School, 3; evening service, "The God Gives," 7:43. REFORMED. Fourth —The Rev. Homer Skylcs May; 10:45, "The Children and Palm Sunday," baptism of infants; 7:30, "The Conquering Christ:" Sun day School, 9:30. St. Johns —The Rev. Clayton H. Ranck: 11, Palm Sunday sermon: 7:30, "The Rejected Cornerstone;" Sunday School. 10; Christian En deavor, 6:45. Passion week services, Monday to Friday evenings. Salem —-The Rev. Ellis N'. Krciner; 11 and 7:30; Sunday School, 9:45. Second—The Rev. Alfred Nenin Sayres: 10:30, confirmation and re ception of new members; 7:30, "The Open Heart;" Sunday School, 1:43. >IKTHODDtT Epworth—The Rev. Homer Knox, pastor, 11 a. m., "Echoes from the Methodist Conference," 7.30 p. m., "What Will A'ou T>o?" Grace—Dr. Robert Bagnell. Morn ing service, 10.30 o'clock; sermon topic: "The Triumphal Entry." Sun day school at 12.t0. Evening service, 7.30 o'clock; sermon topie: "The Storm Center." Dauphin—The Rev. George L. Schaffer, pastor, preaching 7.30 p. m„ Epworth League, 6.45 p. m., and Sun day School 2 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday 7.45 p. in. in the Presby terian church. Preaching at Heckton at 10.30 a. m. Sunday school 2 p. m. and Ladies' Aid Society, Thursday at 7.45 ji. m. at Mr. and Mrs. Barnhart's. Ridge Avenue—Morning, worship at 8 p. m„ "Christ's Message to Simon," by tlie pastor, Rev. H. R. Bender, Sun day school at 10 a. m. Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles, minister. "The Itoyal Entry," 10.30, "Missing the Mark," 7.30 p. m. Sunday school at 2. Camp Curtin—The Rev. Jo.. . ... .ti mer, pastor, will preach at 10.30, The Triumphal Entry," and at 7.45, "Sal vation, AVhat is It?" Sunday school at 2. Coxestown —The Rev. John G. Davis, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "Christ on the Way to the Cross," and at 7.30, "The Final Appeal;": Sunday school at 9.30. Special an nouncements at both services, the pastor will give sermonettes. illus trated with objects, for the children. M'THKH.t. Calvary—The Rev Edward H. Paar, pastor, will preach at 10.45, "Con firmation .Continue Ye In My Love," and at 7.45, "The Crucifixion of Christ;" Sunday School at i-. Bethlehem The Rev. J. Bradley Markward, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The Beloved Captain," and at 7.30, "The Principal of Vicarlano Suffering;" Sunday school at 1.45. Memorial The Rev. L. C. Manges, 'APRTL 12, 1919. pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The Royal Triumph of the Redeeming Passion of our Lord," confirmation service also, and at 7.30, "The Call ' of the Gospel to the Higher Service;" Sunday school at 2. Augsburg The Rev. .A, M. j Stamets, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "The King and His Kingdom." and at 7.30, "Finished Redemption," Sun day school at 2, Trinity The Rev. R. L. Mclsen helder, pastor, will preach at 10.30, "God's Two-fqld Love," and at 7.30, "Riding to Death and Victory;" Sun day school at 2. Holy Communion The Rev. John : Henry Miller, pastor, will preach at ] 10.45, "Thou liast the Words," and I at 7.30, "Via Dolowse;" Sunday school j at 9.30. St. Matthew's The Rev. 11. K. | Snyder, pastor. Preaching services j at 11, "The King and His Kingdom," and at 7.30. Sunday school at 9.45. Redeemer The Rev. SI. E. Shafer, castor, will preach at 10.30, "The Power of Christ," and at 7.30, "The Last Journey of Jesus," illustrated. Messiah The ltev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pastor, will preach at 10.30, Confirmation Service, and at 7.30, "Meditations by the Golden Gale;" j Sunday school at 2. j St. Peter's Highspire The Rev. J I Ernest L. Pee, pastor, will preach I | at 7.30, "Crowned by Christ;" Sunday school at 9.30. Trinity, Camp Hill Dr. E. D. Weigle, pastor, 10.30, "The King Above all Kings," 7.30, "The Home Above Every Home," Sunday school at 9.30. ■ Zion —The Rev. S. Wingflold Her man, pastor, will preach at 10.30, Confirmation Service, and at 7.30, Phe Shadow of the vioss;" Sunday scuu,, at 1.45. Shiloh, Riverside Rev. E. E. Snyder, pastor. Sunday School at 2. ! UN ITED BRETHREN. Sixlh Street—The Rev. J. Owen Jones; 10:30, "Objections to Prayer;" j 7:110, "The Victorious Christ;" Sun-! day School, 1:43; morning praise service, 9:45. First —The Rev. W. E. Daughter- j ty, 1). D.; 10:30, "Isaiah Seeing the King;" 7:30, "Drinking at the Upper Spring; Sunday School, 1:45. Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Ly ter; 10:30, 7:30; Sunday School, 2.' jj J Sunday, April 13, 1919 s& | | 10:30 A.M. '||| $ £ Hew H. W. Voach, D. I)'., of Philadelphia k I! | 1:40 P. M. | 9 ■V • V. : Smiiliiy Schnnl Annlvrrnury, Ti'ihnlrnl lllali Srhnol ;J V ; . ' Auditorium NPF.AKIiIt, HKV. 11. W. \ KAI'H. I). I. "Tin- Message of the War to the Sunday Schools of | ? '& i § America" % , 3 7:30 P. M. Ik S ?v THI: iiKito's HHnoisM" j.: . ;i The Third Sermon in the Current Series ij: Organ .Music at 7.K,. Special Quartet Selections S j\ 2 3 Sunday livening, April 20 '■ .? 3 "TIIK IllillO'S lillAVi;" Lj Kaster Cantata—"Kaster live and Morn." •: |* Ml; (Co % St. Stephen's Church I North Front St. ni'nr Pine) HKV. KOLLIX ALtiER SAWYKII SiECIAL MUSICAL SERVICE SI'XDAV liVKXIXti, " :ilO O'CLOCK Cantata, "Penitence, Pardon and Peace" lly J. 11. .Ilnuitdrr Soloists Master Merrill Shepherd, Soprano; Clarence H. Sigler, Bass. Seats Free You Are Welcome X Interesting Services To-morrow VI Bethlehem Lutheran Church OHKKN AN'I CLMHKHLAMI STItKKTS. | Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D., Pastor 10.30 A. M. A large class of Catecheumens will be confirmed. "THE BELOVED CAPTAIN" 7.30 P. M. "The PRINCIPLE of VICARIOUS SUFFERING" 11 "The Church With the Chimes" A Quiet Service For Busy People DURING HOLY WEEK, April 14th to April 20th, every day between 12.20 o'clock and 12.45 i o'clock, services will be held in old Zion Lutheran Church. Everybody is invited—especially the individual employed down town and who desires rest and i quiet during the noon hour. Church services every evening next week. Special Lenten Cantata, Thursday, ,j April 17th, at 7.30 P. M. ■! f; Zion Lutheran Church • j Mouth Fourth St., near Market S. W. Herman, D. D. Pastor Si "Zlon's Doors Are Open livery Day." • i —^—————■ < itlerbein—-The Rev. S. Edwt Hupp: 10:110, 7:30: Sunday School, 2. State St reel. —The Rev. 1C F. Rlioad; 10:43, "A Prayer for Guid ance:" 7:30, "Who Is This " Sun day School, 0:30. MISCELLANEOUS. The Christian and Missionary Al liance—The Rev. VV. H. Sunday School, 9:30; preaching tct 10:30 and 7:30. Gospel Hall—10:30; "Breaking Bread;" 2:30, Sunday School; 7:3<* gbspel preaching by Evangelist WiU lam Beveridgc. Church of Christ, Lenioync— Th Rev. Ira P. ilarbaugh; 9:30, Bible School: 10:30, Lord's supper and sermon, "The Triumphal Entry;" 7:43, "Christ Before Pilate." Kinnand's Hall, Reformed Men ; nonftes —The Rev. Elias H. Hcrshey, lof Lancaster, will preach sit. 10:30. j The Church of Christ—The Rev. !J. Boyd Wenger; 11, "The Trium j phal Entry;" 7:30, "The Tragedy of | a Soul;" Sunday School, 10. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First Church of Christ—"Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?" morning at 11 and evening at 7:30; Sunday School, 11. Testimonial meeting Wednesday at S p. in. Free reading room, Kunkcl Bldg., 11:30 to 5 daily. A. M. E. Harris —The Rev. R. L. Briscoe; 10; 30, "Jesus' Public Entry Into .Jerusalem;" 7:43, "Man's Choice, j f.ife or Death;" Sunday School, 1:30. The Rev. W. E. Jones preaclis at 3. St. Paul's —The Rev. William Moses: 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday School. 1:43. Bethel—The Rev. H. H. Cooper; At 10:30, the Rev. J. E. Buchanan will preach; 10:30 and 7:30, the Rev. W. A. Flames will preach, "Palms;" Sunday School, 1. [Other Church News on Page 7.1 Wo anticipate a largo aaaihor of bookings for picnics at Beautiful Hershey Park llcrstioy. I'n., tills nrnsan and ' recommend that plcnie committee* make application for such privi leges ns curly its possible In order to secure desirable dates. Apply MANAGER HERSHEY PARK llersliey, I'n.