2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS PERRY COUNTY FARM BUREAU Granges and Agricultural Or ganizations Consult With Commissioners New' Illooinfleld, Pa., April 10.— Practically every grange of the county and every farmers' organisa tion has lined up in favor of the establishment of a county farm bu reau and the securing of a county farm agent. A committee of grange members and farmers of the county this week met with the County Commissioners and presented the matter to them. X'o action was taken, but it is un derstood that full consideration will be given to it at the next meeting of the commissioners. Perry county is now one of the few counties of Penn sylvania that does not have a farm bureau. STRICKEN RUNNING Tf) FIRE Gettysburg, Pa., April 10.-—Wil liam 11. Sharotts was seized with an atlaek of acute indigestion while runing to a fire Tuesday evening and fell headlong to the pavement. The fire alarm sounded about 9 o'clock and as he ran to the scene of the blaze he was seen to stagger and fall. Several persons went to his as sistance and carried him into the house of Hark Bream, in front of which he fell. He was later taken to his home where for a time his con dition was serious. NIGHT SCHOOL SESSION iflaiit. Pa., April 10.—-The seventh session of the farmers' night school being conducted under the auspices of the Blain Vocational School, was held last evening in the Town Hall, when a large audience was address ed by H. C. Kettcrolf, of Harrisburg, State supervisor of vocational edu cation, who also gave a moving pic ture exhibition. Mr. Fetterolf was accompanied here by G. B. Graybill, of Harrisburg. OLD SORES, ULCERS AND ECZEMA VANISH TA EVELOPED in black charmeuse f| YJ it presents a most engaging per- m sonality that bespeaks in every way the artistic element from which it is'in- jaWEBp 4 I spired. The white ponlet silk close fitting undercoat is finished with a belt and the pockets are matched to the black charmeuse cape. The criss cross collar lends a smart finishing touch / \X quite to the liking of the critical dresser. This is but one of the many new and attractive Capes and Dolmans gg| * which we have the privilege to present at this time —offering a very unusual assemblage for Easter selection. These are in the spring's most bewitching materials and shades and are distinctly different in mode, $25 to $95 I; PH4 • Nf , Motion For New Trial in Bushman Murder Argued Gettysburg, Pa., April 10. —Argu- ment on the motion for a new trial in the case of Clarence R. Collins, convicted at the January court of murder in the lirst degree on the charge of killing George J. Bushman on the night of October 16 last, was held before the judges of the Adams county court to-day. At the time Col lins was found guilty, George J. Benncr, his attorney, offered a num ber of reasons in making the mo tion for a new trial. Great stress is laid on the ques tion of jurisdiction, the crime having been proved as occurring in Cum berland county, and the constitution ality of the law allowing trial of a: crime to be in cither county where j the crime was committed while the parties were traveling and were within a certain distance of the boundary lino of the. two counties. District Attorney Raymond F. Top per and J. Donald Swope, for the Commonwealth, and George J. Ben ncr, with John D. Keith and Wil liam Hersh, as consulting counsel, for the defendant, were the attor neys in the case. Four Veterans Witnessed Closing Scenes of War Columbia, Pa., April 10. — Four veterans of the Civil War from Co lumbia, who were present at the surrender of General Lee, at Appo mattox, flfty-four years ago yester day, are living and in good health. They are Cyrus M. Michael, Daniel Sample, Levi Shank and George ! Smith, all members of the Twentieth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. Mr. Michael was oii mounted picket duty the night before the surrender and was so close 'to the Confederate lines that he could hear the enemy throw up earthworks. Next morn ing he witnessed the advance of j the Army of the Potomac in battle array, when the hoisting of the white flag closed the scene. | MRS. JOHN SIMONTOX BURIED Blain, Pa., April 10. —Funeral ser vices of Mrs. John Simonton. about I 60 years old, who died suddenly of I heart failure, at her home at Ickes ! burg, were held to-day with burial I in the Buffalo Cemetery at Savillc, • the Rev. Edward V. Strasbaugh, of Blain, officiating. Mrs. Simonton was a member of the Reformed I church. Her husband and several I children survive. BOY'S ARM BROKEN j Blain, Pa., April 10.-—-Lester Stahl, i 9 years old, a son of Solomon Stahl. I fell recently while playing at school j and fractured his right arm. DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL Open All Year. Enter Any Time. Individual Promotion. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 MARKET ST. Bell 125 Senate) Dial 4018 Columbia Honor Roll Dedication on Saturday • Columbia, Pa., April 10. —On Sat urday afternoon at 4 o'clock the honor roll to Columbia's soldiers of the world war will be formally dedi cated. Chairman H. M. North, Jr., of the committee, has a:s ": ed that the ceremonies will be of a sim ple nature. The tablet will contain the names of all soldiers in Colum bia. It has been erected at the Fifth street entrance to the public park, along the Lincoln Highway BEECHiWS puis have a well deserved repu tation as a safe and effective remedy for stomach ail ! ments. They are Quickly helpful in bilious attacks, sick headache, dyspepsia, ! heartburn and constipation. They act gently and surely on the organs of elimina : tion, purify the blood, tone ; the system and very quickly Strengthen Digestion I Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World* Sold everywhere. In boxea* lOc.* 25c. f i FAIRBANKS SCALES j An accurate, lasting, ! profit protector that your business needs. Henry Gilbert & Son 400 S. 2nd St., ' Harrisburg, Pa. i