Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 10, 1919, Page 19, Image 19
I -.additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE 1916 mcdcl. Special built to carry sidecar. 1 Well equipped. Good as new. Two cylinder, three-speed. Call 328 Mul berry avenue, Steelton. Pa. Mrs. *6Hertha Kepner. MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 i Bosch high tension. Elshmaun. Dixey, | Splltdort, Uea, Reuiy and different I makes of colls, carburetors, etc. A. , Schiffman. 22-24-26 North Cauierou I street. Bell 3633. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that Let ters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned, on tie . estate of JOSEPH C. Eli' 11 EL, late ~| the City of Harrisburg, l'a., deceased:] all persons being indebted lo said es tate are requested to make immediate ' payment, and those having claims j against said estate will present them I for payment to LAI'KA E. SIIAMRAI C.il. Administratrix. Or Harrisburg, l'a. 1 STROt'P & FOX. Attorneys, Russ Bids., Harrisburg, l'a. NOTICE DEPARTMENT ITT.Lb' SAFETY. j Bureau of Water and Light. BIDS will be received at the Offlee oi Superintendent of Public Safety. Room 10, Court House, t<> 71 o'clock A. M.. April 21, 1919, for furnishing 2,500 tons river coal delivered in bunkers at Pumping Station, Front and Ncrtli Stieets. Coal t<> be free of send and stone and delivered each day until .-aid amount is supplied. Certi fied check equal to 10 per cent, of .bid to accompany bid. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. S. F. HASSLER, Superintendent. The following ordinances were read In place of the City Council at a meeting held Tuesday morning. April 1 1. 1919, and are published as required J by Article 5, Section 3, Clause 10 of 1 the act of assembly approved June 27th, 1913: AN ORDINANCE To authorize the paving and curb ing of Home street from Berryhill street to Kensington Street, and pro viding for the payment of the cost thereof. Section 1. Re it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg. and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same. Ttiat Home Street from Berryhill Street to Kensington Street be aiid the same is hereby authorized to be paved with lirst class sheet as phalt, 011 a concrete base, and curb ed with granite or granolithic curb ing, the cost and expense thereof to tie assessed according to the foot front rule. Section 2. That all proceedings and work incident to the improvement herein authorized shall be taken and done, and the cost and expense thereof paid for. and the assessments levied on abutting properties shall be col lected, as provided by Ordinance No. 19. Session of 1914-1915. and. Ordin ance No. 24. Session of 1914-1915: the total amount of said assessment is hereby appropriated to the payment of the contract price of the work and other necessary expense. AN ORDINANCE To authorize the paving and rurbing | of David Street from Park Street to' Whitehall Street; Helen Street from 1 Nineteenth Street to David Street; Kunkel Street from Sixteenth Street m to Seventeenth Street, and provid ing for the payment of the cost thereof: Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same. That David Street from Park Street to Whitehall Street; Hel en Street from Nineteenth Street to David Street; Kunkel Street from Six teenth Street to Seventeenth Street be and the same are hereby authorized to be paved with first class sheet asphalt, on a concrete base, and curb ed wtih granite or granolithic curb ing, the cost and expense thereof to I be assessed according to the foot front rule. Section 2. That all proceedings and work incident to the improvements j herein authorized shall be taken and done, and the costs and expense there- | of paid lor, and the assessments levied 1 on abutting properties shall be col- \ looted, as provided by Ordinance No. ] 39, Session of 1914-1915. and the Or dinance No. -4, Session of 1914-1915: I the total amounts of said assessments 1 are hereby appropriated to the pay- ] ment of the contract price of the work and other necessary expense. AN ORDINANCE To authorize the opening of York Street from Seventeenth Street to Eighteenth Street, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg, and it is hereby ordained by author ity of the same, That the City Solic itor he and he is hereby directed to take tlie necessary proceedings to have York Street from Seventeenth Street to Eighteenth Street. as marked on the official map of the i city, legally opened, and for that I purpose lie is authorized, subject to the approval of Council, to agree with the property owners whose property will be taken, injured or destroyed by said improvement upon proper compensation for the damages to be done or caused by the said opening of York Street as herein authorized. Section 2. That in case the City Solicitor, in behalf of the city, and the property owners along said York ; Street, between the points desig-1 nated, cannot agree upon the amount | of compensation proper to be paid i or Council subsequently fails or re fuses to confirm any such agreement, ! or does reject the same, the City Solicitor may, if the property owners ' do not, apply to the proper l ourt for ' the appointment of viewers to assess the damages and benefits according to law. Section 3 That the Superintendent of Stieets and Public Improvements be and he is hereby directed, as soon as the damages mentioned in the first and second sections hereof shall have been properly adjusted, to cause all obstructions now on the line of said street, between the points named, to be removed, so that said highway inay be hereafter graded. R. ROSS SEAMAN, Clerk to City Council. Office of the City Clerk, Harrisburg Pa., April 2. 1919. NOTICE ~~ The following ordinance was read in place in the City Council at a meet ing held Tuesday morning, April 8, 1919, and is published as directed by Article 5, Section 3. Clause 10, of the Act of Assembly approved June 2 7 , 1913. AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the paving of a ten foot wide alley from Nineteenth Street to Twentieth Street, the north side I of said alley being parallel with, and one hundred feet south of the south side of Market Street. Section 1. "Be it ordained by the! Council of the City of Harrisburg, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same. That a ten foot wide alley from Nineteenth Street to Twentieth Street, the north side of said alley l.eing parallel with and one hundred feet south of the south side of Market Street, be and the same is hereby au thorized to lie paved, from house line to house line with sheet asphalt on a concrete base, the cost and expense thereof to lie assessed according to the foot front rule. Set lion 3. That all proceedings and I work incident to the improvement I herein authorized shall be taken and done, and the rust and expense there-I of shall le paid for and the assess- j ment levied on the abutting proper- 1 tits shall I"' collected as provided 111 I t irtiiriain <• No. is. session of 1914 -10 1., and Ordinance N 21. Session of i'i|i-l 1915. 1 It. ROSS SEAMAN. I Clerk to City Council. 1 tit five of the City Clerk. THURSDAY EVENING, HAJUUSBURG.(IISfifIU TEUEGRXPH. APRIL 10,1919. MARKETS 1 1 j New York. April 10.—Motor \ shares and allied specialties over shadowed all other issues at the opening of to-day's stock market, j General Motors, Stutz, Chandler j and Kelly-Springfield rising one to two points. Pronounced strength j was shown by various industrials, 1 equipments and specialties, particu larly Industrial Alcohol, American I International Corporation, Baldwin Locomotive. Midvale Steel, lnterna j tional Agricultural common and | preferred. Associated Drygoods and I Burns Brothers. Oils were irregu- I lar. also shippings and tobaccos. U. ! S. Steel was barely steady at the | outset but strengthened later. XKW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company j members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ] bet Square. Harrisburg; 326 Chestnut ! street. Philadelphia: 34 Pine street, i New York furnish the following ! quotations: Open Noon j Allis Chalmers 38'4 38 1 Amcr. Beet Sugar 78*4 78H American Can 5154 51'. Am. Car and Fndry C 0... 93 *4 93' i ] Amor, Loco 67 67 H ] Amor. Smelting 71 1 * ~ 11 4 I American Sugar 129 7 12S Anaconda 62 *4 62' i I Atchison 92 s * 92* ] Baldwin Locomotive .... 92 *4 91 *4 | Baltimore and Ohio .... 4S's 4S ;1 j Bethlehem Steel B 72 t- 72U • Butte Copper 21 7 21*4 California Petroleum .. 26L 26' a Central Leather 7814 78H Chesapeake and Ohio ... 59 59 Chi., Mil. and St. Paul .. 3S'i 38*, Chicago, R. I. and Pacific. 24' 4 24 Chtno Con. Copper 37 37 Col. Fuel and Iron 43 *4 4314 Consol. Gas 96 90 Corn Products 57 58*4 Crucible Steel 67'4 67*4 Distilling Securities .... 67 T s 66*4 Erie 16 >,4 16 >4 General Motors 179 L 179 | Goodrich. B. F 67*4 f"H [Great North., Pfd 92'- 92's I Great North. Ore. subs .. 42 42 1 4 Hide Leather 222 22's Hide and Leather 22's 22 >g Inspiration Copper 51 51*4 International Paper ... tC'z 46 Kennecott 32 L 3214 Lackawanna Steel 70-% 71 Maxwell Motors 40> 39*4 Mere. War Ctfs 26*4 27 n Mere. War Ctfs. Pfd 112* a 113K Mox. Petroleum 23 7 a 23 ; a Midvale Steel 46*s 46' 4 N. Y. Central 74' a 74* N. Y., N. H. and H 29' 29*4 Norfolk and West 196 106 Northern Pacific 94' s 93"4 Penna. R. R 44', 44'., Pittsburgh Coal 4S 7 a 4S 7 a Railway Steel Spg 81 81 Ray Con Copper 2114 21'4 Reading 85** 85 Republic Iron and Steel. S2* 4 83L Southern Pacific 115 104\ Southern Ry 2S 28', Studebaker 68 67*4 t'nion Pacific 130 130' I*. S. I. Alcohol 159'4 157 K I". S. Rubber 88'- 88'* I'tah Copper 75751. Virginia-Carolina Client. 61 7 „ 61*4 Westinsjhouse Mfg 47* a 46 7 a Willys-Overland 30' a 30' 4 I'll 11 tDF.I,t'HIA PRODUCE By Associated Press. I'liilndrlphia, April 10. Wheat No. 3, soft. red. $2.20; No. 2. red. $_ 24, No. 3. soft, red, $2.24. Corn - The market is lower; No. -, yellow, as to grade anil location. $1,70 7/ 1.75. Oais The market Is steady; No. 2. white, 7S®7Ssac; No. 3, white, j 7 6 1 ' r si 77 c. Butter The market Is firm: western, creamery, extra, 67c; nearby | prints, fancy, 73® 75 c. Refined sugars Market steady; pcv.dered, 8.45 c; extra fine granulat ed. 9c. Eggs Market firm; Pennsylva nia and other nearby firsts, free case#, $13.05 per ease; do., current I receipts, free eases, $12.75 per case; 1 western, extra, firsts, free cases. I $13.05 per ease; do., lirsts, free cases, | $12.75 per case; fancy, selected, pack itd. 48® 50c per dozen. | Cheese The market is steady; LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that Let- I ters of Administration have been (granted to the undersigned, on the i estate oi Aaron T. Stahl, late of the Borough of Dauphin, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased. All persons being ni idebted 10 said estate are requested to ) make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present litem for payment to IDA STAHL, Administratrix. Or Dauphin, Pa. STROPP A- FOX, Attorneys, - Russ Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE The following ordinance was read in place in the City Council at a meet ing held Tuesday Morning, March 25, 1919. and is published as required by Article 5. Section 3, Clause 10, of the Act of Assembly approved June 27 1913: AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the paving of Turner Street. from Seneca Street to Schuylkill Street, and providing for the payment of the cost thereor. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Harrisburg. and it is hereby ordained by authority of the sr.ine. That Turner Street, from ! Seneca street to Schuylkill street be land the same is hereby authorized to Ibe paved, from house line to house 'line with sheet asphalt on a concrete ■ base, the cost and expense thereof to |be assessed according to the foot front rule. j Section 2. That all proceedings and j work incident to the Improvement > herein authorized shall be taken and done, and the cost and expense there of shall be paid for and the assess ment levied un the abutting proper ties shall be collected as provided by Ordinance No. 19, Session of 1914-1915, and Oidinance No. 24. Session of 1914- 1915. R. ROSS SEAMAN. Cerk to the City Council. Office of the City Clerk, Harrisburg. Pa. March 25. 1919. H. M. HOFFMANN Professional Funeral Director Day and Night Calls Promptly i Attended To. Phone Bell 4101, or Call at 310 N. SECOND ST. I Auditing; Sperinl 1 n vcattiKiit ion* I Accounting Syilemn Inntnllcd H. E. SCHRIVER Public Accountant & Auditor I nion TriiMt Co., Kildg;., llnrriMliurjf, I'M. Hell I'honc 1013 —J Grocery Store FOR SALE Located in Harrisburg. Doing j splendid business. Established 18 >ears. Corner building. Can lie i bought at inventory. Excellent business opportunity. Good roa i son I'or selling. j For Further Particulars Address Box D. P. A. I t'nre Harrisburg Telegraph New York and Wisconsin, full milk, new, SUc; do., old, 35®38c. Live Poultry—Easier; fowls lower; fowls, 39® 43c; spring chickens, large sizes. B®4uc; fowls, nol leghorns, 32 ®36c; white leghorns, 34®37c; young, softmcated roosters. 32® 33c; old roosters, 26®27c; staggy, young rccsters. 30®>31e; spring chickens, not leghuin. 3044320; while leghorns, 29® 30c; broiling chickens. 1% to 2 pounds, 50®/55e; larger, 50® 35c; roasting chickens. 30® 36c; ducks, Peking, 424.545 C; do., old, -04} 33c; In dian Kunners. 40®>41c; spring ducks, Long Island, 3441 3tic; turkeys, 34®36c; geese, nearby, 30c; do„ western, 30c. Dressed poultry Firm; turkeys, spring, choice, to fancy, 46®>4ac; do., western, choice to fancy, 464440 c; turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good, 40 4f 43c; turkeys, common, 30 44 35c; old turkeys, 404442 c; capons, seven to eight pounds, 44®45e; do., smaller sizes. 40®)43c; fowls, trcsh killed, choice to fancy, 3S®3o; do., smaller sizes, 304434 c; roosters, 27c; western roasting chickens, 2<®37c; western broiling chickens. 424444 c; ducks, western, 38®40c: l'ekiu ducks, o&4f4uc: old ducks, 304432 c; Indian Runners, 3644370; spring ducks. Long Island, 304440 c: geese, 264430 c. Potatoes The market is steady; New Jersey, No. 1, 65 44 7 6c per basket; do., No. 2, 50® Sue per oasket; do., 100-Ib. bags, No. 1, s2.su®) S.l'o, extra duality; do.. No. 2, $1.50® 2,26; Pennsylvania, No. 1, 100 lbs., 52.25443.60; do., per 100 lbs., fancy, >2.00 443.10; New Jersey, No. 1, lUO Ttjs., $2.15442.5(1; do.. No. 2, 100 lbs.. 31.254} 1.75; western, per 100 lbs., 32.00 4} 2.2.5; New York state, per 100 lb.. 32.254} 2.50; Maine, per 100 lbs., $2.0044 2.25; Delaware and Maryland, per 100 lis.. $1.75442.00; Florida, per barrel, hamper, 754455 c; Florida, per 15u-lb. bags, $1,501( 3.00; North Carolinu, per barrel, $ J .60 44 4.00; South Carolina, per bargcl. $1.50444.00; Norfolk, per bar rel. $3.25; Eastern Shore, per barrel, $2.0 044 2.75; fancy, Macungie. No. 1. per barrel. $2.05 44 3.00, do.. No, 2. per barrel. $1.25441.50. Flour The market is firm; winter straight, western, $11.25 (g> XI. 75 per barrel: do., nearby. $11.20@11.23; barrel; Kansas straights, $12.10 44 1 2.30 Jer barrel; do., short patents, $12.53 4412.75 per barrel; spring, short pat ents, $12.0 044 1 2.65 per barrel; do., spring putents, $11.5 0 4411.75 per bar rel; spring firsts, clear. $0 504410.05 per barrel. Tallow —The market is firm; prime ct\y, loose, 10 54c; prime citv, special loose, ll'ic; prime country, I'C.e; dark 6C. 44 7 c! edible, in tierces, 154420 c. Hay The market is firm; timothy, No. i, dlaigo and small bales, $33.50 M "4.00 per ton: No. 2. do., $32.00@32 50 per ton; No. 3, do., $25,004} 29.00 per ton. Clover, mixed: Liglit, $32.00® 32.50 per ton; No. 1, do., $31.00®)31.50 per ton; No. 2. do., $28.50® 29.50 per ton. llran The market is steady; soft winter, in 100-Ib. sacks, spot, g 47.0-J<31 48.00 per ton; spring, spot, in 100-Ib. sacks, s46.Ou® 47.00 per ton. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press. Chicago, April 10. (U. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 32,000: market fairly active, mostly 5c lower than yesterday's average. Top, $20.50; bulk of sales, $20.1044 20.40: heavy weight, $20.30®20.50; medium Weight, $20.25 ®-20.45: light weight, $19.80® 20.40: light lights, $18.65ru 20.10: sows, $18.25® 19.75: pigs, $17.30 ® 18.75. Cattle Receipts. 9.000: beef OPPORTUNITY FOR PERSON OF VMIM.E MEANS WHO has the pluck and ambition for substantial and honorable business nch 1 eye men ts —Public ser vice enterprise. Care Telegraph L-7445. C ORST.It PROPERTY UPTOWN FOR SALE A three-story brick property on a lot 25x108—large storeroom suit able for any kind of business, au tomobile showroom especially sturdily constructed. A great bar gain for a quick buyer. For further particulars address RON A-1 SOT, tare TELEGRAPH CONSYLMAN & COMPANY The Uptown Gents' Furnishers .offers a variance in display of desir able Easter wear that is sure lo meet the approval of the most fastidious dresser, and due to location and low . expense, at prices that fit anv pocket Urop in book i i Silk Shirts 3nd 'Ct US . Our assortment of silk shirts is , complete and the designs and models COnVinCC you are u P" to_ the-minute in every respect. J We also carry a complete line of dress of the low p"r rk shirts and a bi ° ranse of Drices and the Neckwear and Hose prices ana me Be gure to see our stock of neck _ • •, r wear and hosiery for Spring and Eas- SUperiOrity or ter wear. The designs cover every , known desire that is sure to please QUI* SorinSf ,lie fanc Y as well aR conservative o dresser. Styles Easter Suits Our custom made suits—made to your measure; your choice of pattern and style—rank as the hest looking and best made suits in Harrisburg. Order now for Easter. 1117 NORTH THIRD STREET Below Cumberland Street ' FOR RENT I Having ordered additional safety deposit boxes, whic-h we expect to arrive about May 15, we are now receiving applications for the same. File your application now. Until such arrival we will keep your valuable papers free of charge. $1.50, $3.00, $O.OO Allison Hill Trust Co. Thirteenth & Market Streets. Established 4 3 Years. Both p hones . PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE STORE BUILDING AND DWELLING AT ARENDTSVILLE SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1919 The slore building anil dwelling of H. W. Trostel, deceased, is for sale. It is situated in the borough of Arendtsville, which has a popu lation of nearly 500 people. Fine agriculture section and In the Fruit Belt of Adams County, best of schools, electric light and water system in the borough. The store building proper is 52x28 feet, two-story brick and slate roof, with modern store front in good state of repair with ware house In rear attached, 50x20. Store building is heated by hot water furnac-e and acetylene light system is installed. The dwelling is solid brick, two-story and slate roof is 50x30 and part of dwelling is added to main store room. It has 10 rooms bath room, is supplied by town water. Large barn, partly used as warehouse, hog pen, wagon shed, wood house and other small buildings. Garden In good slate of cultivation. Front yard along side of dwelling, large enough to build on it. Some fruit trees and grape vines. One of the best business stands in the county. Persons desiring to view the place may do so by calling any time Sale to begin at 1.00 o'clock p. m„ when terms and conditions will be made known by. ALLAN B. TROSTEL, Executor, MRS. HANNAH E. TROSTEL, Executrix. SALE RAIN OR SHINE. steers, feeders and calves steady; can ners and cutters 15c higher; other she stock slow and steady. Heavy beef steers, $11.50®>20.25; light beef steers. slo.oo® 18.50: butcher cows and heifers, $7.40®11.75; canners and cutters. $5.75® 10.00; veal calves, $14.50® 17.50; stocker and feeder steers. $8.25® 15.25. . , Slieep^—Receipts, 11.000: best hand) weight lambs held 10c to 15c higher, sheep steady. Lambs, eighty-four pouds or less. 818.00®19.6.>: eight)- five pound or better, $17.i5®19.60. culls, $1 LOO®" 17.75: ewes, medium and good, $12:25® 15.50; culls and common, $6.00® 12.25. WILL FIGHT DIVORCE Mrs. Lura Arnold, wife of Robert H. Arnold, to-day announced she would contest his suit for divorce, when she applied by petition to the Judges to compel Arnold to pay her alimony so she can engage counsel. She denied the charges made by Ar nold. who. in his suit, mentioned one William F. Welsh as co-respondent. bIAMNfi 18 SEALS & STENCILS 30 MF6-BYHS6. STENCIL WORKS ■ |j 130 LOCiiSTST. HBGLPA. it j?® ' 1 Hughes & Pier MEMBERS Philadelphia Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Slocks Bonds Grain Penn-Harris Hotel Harrisburg, Pa. Telephones: Bell 1963 Dial 2427 Philadelphia. New York. I —> I want men to introduce from house to house a high grade line of per fumes, cosmetics, flav oring extracts, spices, toilet soap, etc. Steady work. Big profits. No experience necessary. Cake of soap and full particulars mailed free to any address. Lacas sian Co., Dept. 221, St. Louis, Mo. On the contrary she declared that she was deserted in 1900 when her three children and that Arnold absconded from the local court's Jurisdiction. She received nothing from him to help support the children, she de- | Clares. LAUNCHES LAST SHIP By Associated Press. Philadelphia. April 10.— Having ' fulfilled its mission as a war time | emergency shipyard, the Taylor plant ' Op A LARGE LIST OF i ■ MUNICIPAL BONDS We own and offer an I unusually large and di- j versified list of bonds j of counties, cities, ; §1 towns and school dis- ! tricts. Twenty-seven states arc represented, j Particulars on request I A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Investment Securities 115 S. 4th St.. I*liilalrl|lilii ) I Now York, Chicago, Boston i Baltimore, Buffalo, Seranton LEI' A. I,AVHF,NSTKI\ Representative 2-OS X, 3rd St.. Hnrrlshurg; j Phone 4776-R. FOR SALE Immediate Possession 227 Muench Street i 254-Story Ilrlck, good condi tion. (> rooms and liatli. all improvements exeept wiring. A eozy, modern, wcll-loeated home in a worth-while neMi iKirliooil; am holding vacant in order to soli; an unusual bargain for some one; ini ir lit consider exchange on other property. Apply to your agent or the owner, A. C. Youn^ 34 N. Second St. Member of the H.rrl.burg Real I'tnte Hoard FOR SALE f By Susquehanna Collieries Company The Short Mountain and the Williamstown Collieries Consisting of all the coal and coal lands of the Company, situate in the Townships of Wiconiseo and Williams, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and, all of the other property of the Company in said Townships, consisting of im provements, personal property, etc. To be conveyed free from all claims, liens or encumbrances whatsoever except for a certain contract of sale covering a portion of a culm pile near the Short Mountain colliery. For a total cash price, for all of the property of the Company within said Townships, of $1,400,000 THE PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD AS A WHOLE. This offer to remain firm and open to acceptance at any time by any person on or before the third day of May, A. D. 1919. Susquehanna Collieries Company No. 1300 Leader News Building, Cleveland, Ohio. at Cornwells, Pa., on the upper Del aware, launched its last ship to-day, the 3,500-ton cargo carrier Seyton. WAR DEPARTMENT ( SALE OF ARMY CAMPS SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE OPENED ON ? TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1919 AT 10 A, M. In Room 2-126, Building "C," 7th & B Sts., S. W., Washington, D. C. X i THE SALE INCLUDES 3 (IN GENERAL) Buildings and Fixtures in place. || Electric, Water, Sewer and Sewage D isposal Systems and their accessories. Government owned Railroads, Roads, Culverts and Bridges. g CAMP BEAUREGARD, CAMP KENDRICK, CAMP SHELBY, i ALEXANDRIA, LA. LAKEHURST, N. J. HATTIESBURG, MISS. CAMP LOGAN. , . CAMP BOWIE, HOUSTON TEX CAMP SHERIDAN, IM*£ FORT WORTH, TEX. CAMP POLK, MONTGOMERY, ALA. CAMP COLT, r ., 18 CI ,H L n EIGH ' N,C CAMP WADSWORTH, ' ' GETTYSBURG, PA. GREENSVILLE S C SPARTANBURG, S. C. CAMP HANCOCK, NORTH CAMP CAMP WHEELER, AUGUSTA, GA. COLUMBIA, S. C. MACON, GA. Digest of Specifications L ' jt Bids must be submitted in duplicate and should be The Government reserves the right to make the addressed to: award as seems to best conserve the interests of CHIKF OP CONSTRUCTION DIVISION OP THK ARMT the Government to accept any combination-bid or -.v, T, C ,_ TV to reject any or all bids. ith and M . ts., b. W. Purchasers must assume liability for damage Attention T.t. Cot. Cottprr, Washington, D. C. done to land or improvements thereon and for in and the envelope which should show the bidder's Jury to their employees or third parties as a result nnme and address, should be plainly and conspic- of the performance of the contract, uously marked "Sealed Proposal. Do Not Open." Buildings not owned by the Government and Special envelope will be furnished, on request, for those erected by the benevolent and charitable or this purpose. gani/.ation are not included in this sale. The Division Storehouses, the utilities serving The Government will continue the leases for not them, and the ritlle and artillery ranges are not in- more than (5) months nfter possession is given and eluded in this sale. the purchaser must remove all building, structures. Bids must be submitted for an entire camp, with etc., within that time and must assume all obliga the exception of the Division Storehouse Area. In tions thereafter due to violation of this provision addition to the total bid there must be the alterna- —including the renewal of leasee, tive proposals based on the possible withholding Purchasers must remove debris In a manner sat of either or both of the following: Isfactory to the Government unless specifically re (a) The Base Hospital teased by the property owners. (b) The Remount Station Tentative proposals have been received for the Should the Base Hospital or the Remount. Station jurehase of Camps Beauregard and Sheridan for be retained, the public utilities, such as sewer. :he use of the National Guard. Formal proposal* water, electric lights and trackage serving them, covering sucli a proposition will be given preferred will be retained also. lonsideration. • Base Hospitals at the following camps have been Telephone*, fire-fighting apparatus and equip turned over to the Public Health Service, and thev ment refrigerators, refrigerating machinery, incin are not included in this sale, nor are the utilities erator plants, laundry equipment, construction serving them: Camps Beauregard, Hancock, Rogan equipment, small tools, tents, rolling stock,'live and Sevier —others may or may not be withdrawn. stock, stoves, ranges, range-boilers, supplies, and Bids may he submitted for one or more camps. surplus material or equipment not installed, will or anv combination of camps. no ' . be J n ,hi " B ®"r ~ * . Fire risk will be assumed by the purchaser after Bidders must assume all land and property dam- the delivery of the camp. Sale will be cancelled age claims. Maps snowing the areas involved will jf twenty-five (25) per cent of the c&jnp is de be furnished on request and will form a part, of the stroved by fire prior to date possession is given, contract. Information as to the conditions of the TERMS: Certified check payable to the Treas leases will be furnished by the constructing quart- urer of , he United States for twenty (20) per "master at the respective camps. The successful cent of the amount of the bid will be required bidder must furnish to the government satisfactory accompany each bid. This check will be applied releases of all land and property damage claims or upon the purchase price of the successful bidder a guarantee to cither furnish such releases within and in the event that such bidder fails to consum one year from the date thereof or to save the gov- mate the contract of purchase such check shall re ernment harmless against all such claims, such main the property of the United States. Balance of guarantee to he secured by a satisfactory bond in purchase price to be paid at the time the contract a sum predicated upon the conditions at each camp. j s exe cuted. Bids must hold good for sixty (60) days from In addition to the above a bond, in the sum of date of opening and the awards will be announced twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars for each within that time together with the dates on which camp, satisfactory to the Government will be re the purchasers will be given possession. quired insuring compliance with terms of the sale. Possession to be given as camps are released by Further information and detailed specifications, the General Staff of the Army, but in no case will which will form a part of the contract, may be ob date possession is given be more than five (5) tained from the constructing quartermasters at months from date bids are opened the respective camps or from THE CONSTRUCTION DIVISION OF THE ARMY 7TH & B STS., S. W., WASHINGTON, D. C. ROOM 2-126 The yard has turned out ships, all of wood. It had contracts for two more but these were less than forty per | cent, completed when the armistice was signed, and the contracts were | cancelled. 19