Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 09, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 YOB May Learn Something of Value About Real Estate by Reading Today's Ads 2)eaths DOUGLASS Jeremiah E. Douglass died Monday afternoon at 2:40. ni the Harrisburg Hospital, aged ,6 y c ar>L Funeral services Thursday moip inp, at 10:30 o'clock, at his late home, 1006 Derry street, the KG\. Mr. King officiating. Interment Pax tang Cemetery. GIA/11.1l On April 7. 1919. Helen May Glazier, wife of Harry W • Gla zier, aged 32 years. Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from Hoover & Son 1 ar lurs 1413 North Second street. In terment East Harrisburg Cemetery. The remains can he evening, btwoen the hours of " and 9 The relatives and friends arc in vited to attend without further no tice. KOINE Died, on Sunday. April 6. 1919 Jesse D. Kone, at Harrisburg Hospital, aged 68 years. Funeral services on Wedncsdaj, at St. John's Lutheran Church, the Rev. Mr. Lauffer officiating. Inter ment in Baldwin Cemetery, Steel ten. Relatives and friends invited to at tend without further notice. IIOLI.Fit Died. April 9, 1919, Annie M. Roller, in her 32d year, at her late homo. 642 Woodbine street. Funeral services will be held at the above address on Saturday morn ing, at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited to attend w'Jto nut further notice. Interment, Last Harrisburg Cemetery, private. SHIRK On April 7. 1919, Mar.v Ann Shirk, wife of Andrew G. Shirs, aged 63 years. Funeral on Wednesday evening, at s;3O o'clock, from her late residence. 262 Herr street. Further services and interment at Silver Springs. Thursday morning. The relatives and friends are invited to atten.i without further notice. STACK POLE —On Tuesday. April 8. 1919. Mrs. Margaret Glasgow StacK pole, widow of E. H. 14. Stackpole, in her 80th year. Funeral services at the Covenant Presbyterian church, Friday morn ing, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Mc- Veytown. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. STKW HIT On Monday, April 7. 1919, at 10:55 I'. M.. Mary Ann stew art (nee Stevenson i, wife of Jonn M. Stewart, died at the home, No. 548 Maclay street. Funeral services will be on Thurs day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at Covenant Presbyterian church, Filth and Peffer streets, the pastor, the K<v. Harvey Klaer, officiating Interment in Harrisburg Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited to at tend. ( LOST AND FOUND LOST I .ast night, on street, between Fourth and •'ittli. pair of glasses, in case. Keward ll returned to 20ux North Fifth street. LOST Hunch of keys on 140 a block Derry street, or Daisy and Reese streets. Finder please return to 1 422 Reese street. IJOST Gold oval brooch set with barouque pearls , lU-inch longest diameter. Reward if returned. Mabel M. Miller, 1514 State. LOST • Sigma Chi fraternity pin. Initials on back, I{,. B. G. Lost Sun day afternoon. Reward. Bell 483.iJ. FOUND A pair of eyeglasses ! n Farmers' Market, Fourteenth and Market streets, Wednesday. April 9. Ask for Mr. Hoerner, Allison Hill Trust Co. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting, English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. BUCKLEYS BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 Market St. Chas. 14. Beckley HELD WANTED—MALE FACTORV WORK We need a large number of unskilled men for production work in the rubber industry. Ages IS to 45. Opportunities to learn trade. $3.00 per day while learning, after which you are able to earn $4.00 to J6.00 per day and better. No previous experience neces sary. We will assist you in secur ing board and rooms or houses at lowest rates. Physi cal examination of heart, eyes and for hernia required. Apply in person, or commu nicate with Factory Employ ment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON, OHIO. WANTED Experienced tailors for ladies' tailoring. Apply LOUIS, 411 North Third Street. WANTED Solicitor and collector for established route. Salary and commission to producer. Apply, with particulars as to your qualifications, to Rox N. 7437, care of Telegraph. WANTED Men to learn to re pair automobiles and aeroplanes. Full course, S3O. Call, or write, 25 North Cameron street, or Training yuarters, 260 South Front street. Steelton, Pa. CIOAKMAKER WANTED At once for hand work. Apply to C. L. UoaU, 229 Rroad street, Harrisburg, Pa. Roth Phones. WANTED Able-bodied white man to act as keeper of the Prospect Hill Cemetery. Must be willing to work. House tent free. Apply at office of Miller Bros. & Co., Locust and Court streets. MAN WANTED—To work on truck farm, single man preferred; steady work and good wages to right man. Apply at W. .1. Schubauer, Front and Reel's lane, Harrisburg. FOR SALE NO. 2408 N. SIXTH ST. Three-story brick house, one of a pair, contains eight rooms and bath. Chestnut and hardwood finish. Cemented cellar with hot and cold water. Electric light. Steam heat. Lot 20x130 feet, with a 20-ft. rear drive alley. iller L'rt tiiers & to. ..... utnu Insurance Surety Moiiu* Locust mill Court Strerta Member. Hbg. Iteul bmuit Hoard WEDNESDAY EVENING, HEM* WANTED—MALE WE NEED A NUMBER OF Boring Mill Operators, All-around Machinists and Bench Men. Also a large number of Carpenters. Pipefitters and Tinners. High rates. Steady work. No labor trouble. Physical examination required. Apply in person, or commu nicate with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON, OHIO. PAINTERS WANTED First-class mechanics only need apply at once to Jos A Gill, 1913 Rhoads avenue, or at job, 2103 North Third street. WANTED Several good metal buffers and chandelier makers. Ad dress Elmer H. Catlin Co., 309 Thir teenth street N. W., Washington, D. C. BOOKKEEPER WANTED For business office. Must be experienced and competent. Address B. t 5421, care of Telegraph. WANTED Delivery boy in Job Printing Department, Second Floor. The Telegraph Printing Co., Harris luitg, Pa. WANTED Young man. with tal ent for sign painting. Apply to Jos. S. Poulton, 307 Market street. WANTED Woodsmen for cutting timber and peeling bark, one mile east of Rockvillo on first mountain. Call or address Samuel Wittenmyer, Harrisburg. Pa. LABORING MAN, SINGLE For clearing Mountain Land at Ferdix, The Bungalow Town. Only those ac customed to rugged, out-door work need apply. Must do own cooking. Apply to A. c. Young. 31 North Sec ond street. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED EXPERIENCED OPERATORS We are wanting Sewing Machine Operators, positions are permanent, regular work, and good wages, together with a bonus every pay day. Old operators are welcome to return to work again. FOLDERS , Wo are also wanting girls for our Folding Department. Must be over 16 years of age. Good wages are paid in thi Department, together with a bonus every pay day. BLOUGH MANFG. CO.. Inc., lieily and Fulton Sts. WE HAVE A PERMANENT POSITION FOR A FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY SALESLADY. AT GOOD WAGES. APPLY OPERATORS WANTED Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO., Third Floor, City Star Laundry Bldg., Sixth and Herr Streets. WANTED Experienced weavers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL. North and Second Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. , WANTED Seamstress, to sew on awnings. Apply Star Carpet Clean ing Works, Eleventh and Walnut streets. WANTED Eyeleter, experienced operator on a Peerless eyelet machine. Apply llurrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co. WANTED Responsible, young, white girl to take baby out and heip with light housework afternoons only. Crane, Bell phone 2640 J. WANTED—-Ex per lenced salesladies for Shirtwaists, Muslin Underwear, Petticoats, only those who are thjr oughly experienced need apply. Kauf man's Underselling Store. YOUNG LADY To clerk in music store. One who can play music and read at sight preferred. Steady posi tion to right party. Apply between X and H A. M. at Oyler's, 11 South Fourth street. WANTED Daily stenographer, typewriter and bookkeeper for gen eral office work. Call, or address, Wittenmyer Dumber Co., Seventh and Schuylkill streets. WANTED A child's nurse, with reference. Apply 5 South Front street. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply 904 North Second street. WANTED White maid for gen eral housework to go to well-known summer resort May 1. Two in familv Apply between 8 and 10 P. M. at 2i6 Pine street. LADIES Do you want to make $5 daily, I will help you. Every wom an needs one. Send 25c for sample Money refunded if not satisfactory Box 275. Millersburg, Pa. WANTED Colored woman for general housework. Reference re quired. Apply 315 Market street. WANTED Good, reliable woman solicitor. Address Box L 7436. care of Telegraph. EXT RA HELP For Saturdays. Society Maid Hat Shop, No. 1 North Fourth street. GIRT i WANTED For general housework in small family. Apply IC4 Boas street. WANTED Girt for general house work. No washing or Ironing. Familv of four. Apply 1919 North Second, or call 2519J Bell. WANTED White girl for general housework. Resident of Steelton pre ferred. Inquire 201 Christian street, Steelton. Pa. WANTED Reliable woman to cook uml do general housework. Few In family. Apply 1915 North Front, Riverside Apartment No. 7. WANTED A white woman 'or general housework in small family. No washing. Address 422 Spruce street, Steelton, Pa. imp WANTED—FOIALU WANTED A reliable girl for general office work. Apply RUBIN & RUBIN, 320 Market St. WANTED —■ Reliable woman for rooking and general housework. Methodist family. Permanent home. Address Box K, 7435, care of Tele graph. WANTED—White woman for gen eral housework; seashore during summer. Apply 2011 North Second street, City. AN ANTED Experienced sales ladies for Millinery, Coat and Suit de partments. Apply Robinson & Co., Third and Broad streets. WANTED Night dishwasher, at good wages. Apply at the Alva Res taurant, 19 South Fourth street. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female $2.50 PER DAY paid one man or woman in each town to distribute free circulars for concentrated flavor ing tubes. Permanent position. F. E. Barr & Co.. Chicago. CIVIL SERVICE IN ONE WEEK. St Prepare for railway mail and other Government positions ntiickly. Com plete. sl. No extras. Write for par ticulars. Federal Service Institute, Washington, D. C. TAILOR Experienced alteration hand for men's clothing; also a wom an to work on ladies' garments. Ap ply to H. A. Plank, Assistant Manager of The Globe, 322-324 Market street. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY Men women. 18 or over. Hundreds Gov ernment Jobs, now obtainable. $1,009- 1.100 first year. Quick raise. Com mon education sufficient. List posi tions free. Write Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 413-0, Rochester, X. Y. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN We wish to obtain a local rep resentative to handle one of the best selling propositions before the public; a man who is well known locally and who can fur nish references and demonstrate sales ability can easily make at least SIOO per week; position permanent; answer with full in formation regarding present and past connections. Address Sales Manager, 443 Union Ar cade, Pittsburgh, Pa. SALESMAN With car, for Penn sylvania territory. Automobile spec ialty that affords capable salesman SSO to SIOO weekly. Strictly commis sion. Sec Mr. Conrad from & to 9 P. M.. Metropolitan Hotel. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED A man wishes posi tion painting tin roofs, or job work. Call, or address, A. M. Meyers, 62! Murnch street. WANTED Man wishes work of any kind, either city or country. Ap ply 1604 North Fifth. WANTED—Jobbing and carpentry work. Inquire L. W. Uoudy. 27 For rest street. City. WANTED—Work of any kind by a furloughed railroad man. Apply at 920 Cowden street. Dial 4907. WANTED Young man desires position driving car or truck. Apply 434 North street, A. J. Davies. WANTED Man wishes position as hoisting engineer. Apply at 1108 South Ninth street. WANTED Man wishes position as chauffeur; has had four years' experi ence. Apply at 1108 South Ninth street. CELLARS AND YARDS white washed. Anyone desiring white washing of any kind send postal, or apply to Edward Miller, 1411 Marion street. WANTED All-around handy man, accustomed to janitor's work, desires position at once. H. G.. SOS Forster street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe SECRETARIAL POSITION Bv young lady stenographer; eight years' experience, mostly legal. Unless you have u permanent position to offer, with a tirst-class salary, do not answer. Bell phone 842 or 726. WANTED General housework by colored woman. Inquire 1320 North Front street, City. ——v WANTED Day's work of any kind by colored woman. Apply 1407 Currant avenue. WANTED Colored woman wants general housework or day's work. Address L., 7335, care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman wishes day's work. Call 171 Indian avenue. WANTED Young woman wishes clerical work; has had previous ex perience; can furnish reference. Ad dress G., 7428, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR KENT FOR RENT, ROOMS Two on sec ond flcr.r front and one double room on third floor front; all furnished. Call at 327 South Front street. 1* OR RENT A line summer home, in good location, as a whole or in putt, by the day, week or month. Good river view along state road to Sun bury. Running spring water on back porch. Call at 327 South Front. Hell 1649 J. FOR RENT Furnished room, with all conveniences; uso. of phone. In quire 1238 Walnut street. FOR RENT —Furnished front room, with bay window, electric light, heat, use of bath and telephone, cen trally located, private family with no other roomers. Gentleman pre wired.-- Address R„ 7138, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two unfurnished looms, on sjeewhd (loor, suitable for light housekeeping; all conveniences. Call Bell 3589 M. FOR RENT Furnished front room, in private family; all conveni ences. Call Second Floor, Apartment No. 4, 1101 North Sixth. FOR RENT Two rooms, com pletely furnished for light house keeping, on third floor; use of batli and phone. 2123 Moore street. BOARDERS WANTED At No. 103 South Cameron street. FOR RENT Two furnished front rooms, suitable for housekeeping; use of bath. Apply 335 Pine street. Steel ton, Pa. FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; steam heat; all conveniences; no children; second floor. Apply 1814 Green street. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, with kitchenettes attached. Stoves furnished free. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Storage lock ers. Weekly payments. Inquire 42 Broad street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $2.50 per week and up; warm room;-; running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and prlvute bath. Wil on Apartmenta, 143 South Third. HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH 'jji IF YOUR FUTURE EMPLOYER k|fe! is ready to give you a trial he will, C|rl most likely, "find you" through your ly.'j classified advertisement. This often happens. It's not a mere accident. It s getting to be the rule. Business men, kv;, confronted with the problem of finding takj kjy efficient people for their organizations. LU are drawn naturally to the classified columns. They "look over" the "pros iO pects" there. rp yj | n 1 ffl n D ft m J ROOMS FOIL RENT " FOR RENT Elegantly furnish ed rooms, with private family; no I light housekeeping; references. Bel) phone 624, Dial 4957. ROOMS WANTED ~ TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANTED Between Boas and Broad, below Sixth street. Call Bell 2061. WANTED Two unfurnished rooms, centrally located, for light housekeeping. Address Box B, 7431, care of Telegraph. WANTED Three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, witli light, heat ana use of bath. Immedi ate possession. Address Box O. 7197. care of Telegraph. BOARDERS WANTED BOARDERS WANTED ln private family. Apply 1922 North Fifth street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Apartment, with four large teems and bath. Apply 1117 Vernon street. FOR RENT Modern second floor apartment. Market street near River Frcnt Park. Two front rooms, or four-room housekeeping apartment. Married couple. Reference; phone, bath and electric lights. Possess) >n at enco. Address 8., 7061, care ol Telegraph. FOR RENT Three rooms, second floor, unfurnished; use of hath. 911 North Sixth street. YOUNG APA RTMENTS—For Adults only, possible vacancy May 1. Tliirn floor front bay, facing Second street, three rooms, hath and kitchenette, $37,50. Suitable only-for family of ,two permanent tenants. No transient. This location and Apartment will ap peal to those desiring refined, quiet quarters. House under management of the owner. Inspection by appoint ment. Apply to A. C. Young, 34 North [Second street. I FOR RENT * — 3-room apartment, I private bath, ail conveniences. Price, j SIB.OO. Only desirable people, with : reference, need apply. No children. Apply 324 Reily street. I FOR RENT l-'urnished or unfur nished apartment, with all conveni ences. Inquire Mr. Horwitz, 600 [North street. i FOR RENT Two rooms and bath, suitable for office or apartment. rer first floor. 132 Walnut street. Apply [to Commonwealth Trust Company. | FOR RENT Apartment at 1101 North Sixth street, four rooms and bath, for light housekeeping: ail modern conveniences. Apply Louis, 414 North Third street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE |. FOR SALE N. Second St., No. 1412—Fine location for Physician or Dentist. Will make a fine APARTMENT, too. Rear driveway, hot water heat, 10 rooms and hath. Vacant soon. N. Sixth St., No. JllO Another fine location for a professional or busi-- ness enterprise. Now vacant. Rear driveway. N. Cixth St.. No. 3358 - Nice home in - suburbs of city at attractive price. IN. Sixth St., Nos. 3219-21. So. Twenty-first St., No. 957. [Bailev St.. Nos. 1186 to 1191. Boyd St.. No. 631. jPanip St., No. 638. ICrescent St., Nos. 347-47^-49. Emerald St., No. 626. Kensington St., Nos. 2014-16, Muench St., No. 630. [Nectarine St., Nos. 344-46-48. Puffer St.. No. 341. Ross St., Nos. 623-25. Susquehanna St., Nos. 1 401-1407. Susquehanna St., Nos. 1803-05-07. Swatara St., No. 1818. W nil ace St., No. 1128. Whitehall St., No. 1851 This beaj tifui home, located at intersection of Whitehall and Rogjna Sts., now occupied by Dr. Orwig, is now open for inspection. The "refined" resi dence of the Hill, in it's most beau tiful location. BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Bldg. | Member Harrlshurg Real Estate Board. "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLTN." STOP PAYING RENT MOVE AT ONCE. AViconisco St.. 623 Vacnnt: throp storv liriik; eight rooms and bath; all improvements; front porch; driveway in the rear: same as rent. Mahantongo St., 618 Three-story brick; eight rooms and bath; all im provements; front porch; same as rent. Fulton St.. 1937 Vacant: new; two-story brick cottage; alt modern improvements: this home is in a class bv itself; same as rent. Fulton St.. 1627 Vacant: corner propertv: two-story frame; six rooms: water and gas; in fair condition: same as rent S. Sixteenth St.. 642 Vacnnt: two story brick: seven rooms: all modern improvements; a dandy little home; sair.e as rent. Tlerry St., 2337 New: finished In a few days; nine rooms; brick: hard wood floor: steam heat: fireplace: .he last word in a home; terms to suit. Ferry St., 2407 New; finished in a few days- two-story brick; six rooms and bath: steam heat: hard wood floors: sun parlor; one-half of a pair; very desirable home; terms to suit. F. AS\ KAVFKRRTN. ROOM 1. SPOPRTTV TRUST BRDG, 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BEER 1390. DIAR 3573. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE RESIDENCE FOR SALE 1008 North Second Street, 3-story brick, 0 rooms and bath. Lot, 3 4x123 to wide al ley ir, rear. Room for two garages. Owner requires smaller house, only reason for selling-. Quick purchaser can secure a burgain. Immediate possession. I-'or particulars address BOX O, 7433. Care of Telegraph. Or on the premises after 5 o'clock. VACANT. POSSESSION AT ONCE 2-story brick, ti rooms, all imp., porches. 2%-story brick, 7 rooms, all impr., porches. 3-story brick, 9 rooms, all impr., Porches. These houses are all on the Hill, in good repair; drive alley; room fur garage. Small amount down. Pay as rent. C. 11. CORDER, 1722 Oreen Street. Bell 560 J. Rents Collected. FOR SALE Two-story brick house on V* ieonisco street. All im provements. Oarage und workshop on rear. GRACE MacWILLIAMS, Bell 4025, 2217 North Fifth. FOR SALE 1815 North Second Street. Open view over river. A line, medium-priced home in good location. Immediate posses sion. A. W. SWENGEL, Real Estate, 2131 North Second Street. Bell 2575 J. POSSESSION APRIL 1. Price. Down. 2207 Logan St.. brick $2,500 ssoo 916 N. Sixteenth 5t.... 5,400 2427 N. Sixth St 5,700 500 421 Maclay St., brick.. 4,600 423 Maclay St., brick.. 4,100 1032 S. Hth St 2,800 500 194 3 N. Fourth St 3,000 300 1820 Fulton St 2,000 D. A. CALEY, Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. THREE-STORY FRAME On Evergreen street, $2,700. All modern improvements, 8 rooms. 2Vs - story frame, 6 rooms, on Bailey street, $1,650. Three-story brick, 1531 Wallace street. Price given on Investigation. Three-story frame on Muench street, with all im pro\ements, $2,500. All of these houses will be solu on easy payments. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 Seventh Street. FOR SALE 427-429 Maclßy street, facing l< ifth street. Nice iO - J. K. Ivipp, 1721 North Second Bell phone 1645 R. BUY YOUR HUM Is on our rental pavmenl plan. Small cash or Libertv llond hist payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. APDIV A . I- Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE On easy terms, 2010 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Possess sion on April 1. Apply A. p. Dorauz 1225 North Sixth. CALDER ST., 270 Two frame dwellings on lot 62x69. Fine apart ment house site. Price right for quick buyer. G. W. Kehr, 204 Chest nut street. EIGHTEENTH ST.. N„ 807 Eighf huom brick house, with steam heu { und electric light, front porch and side entrance tor sale; price, s2,^" J. E. Gipple. 12a 1 Market street. ' FOR SALE A cottage between street cat line and river, between Kockville. bridge and Marysvllio; el * 0 trio lights, water and all improve ments. Inquire J. K. Kipp 1721 North Second street. Bell phone 1645K SEVENTEENTH ST., s.. 536—Cor ner brick house with an Improve ments. [ or 1 ? ) a .' c: M c . a " 1 1,1 , 1 ," fr '.' r wanted. J E Gipple. l-ol Mai ket street. FOURTEENTH ST., S„ 418 , em 3-slory brick, 8-room dwelling L igood repair and well located, f„ r „aIL price, *3.600. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar: ket street. • FOR SARE I havo several pron erties for sale on easy terms, j B KiPP. ;L North hecond stre eL Beli phone 1640 K. FOR SARE Brick house, slafe roof front and back porches, all ,Movements. Call Bell 2334. ' 811 lni " FOlt SAUS 621 North Fifteenth street, corner North street, bus been reduced *6OO. Rcpapered. Occupied by owner. Rook at it. M. G. Pedlo.v 3 South Thirteenth street. • Enolaf rooms and llnished attic, slate root sliam heat, electric lights and bath size of lot, 26x152, including 2 lots "% x 152. Possession at once. Price. *3 o,."„ See Clias. Daviei, 204 Calder Build ing. Market Square. FOlt SARE 2OOB 1-orster street -14 -story, 8 rooms and attic; lot, 4,ix 110 l'eet. I-ot of fruit trees. tj \v Favorite, Wormleysburg, p a . ' v * FOR SARE— I'our lots, Penbrook 122x150, Twenty-seventh and Curtin streets, Inquire of owner, 631 Camp street. City. FOR SARE —1916 Bellevue road, all Improvements, desirable location.' in quire of owner, 631 Camp street. City > BEAI. ESTATE FOR SALE GXFc-Rl) ST., 612 Brick house for ■ule: eight rooms and bath, gas, fur nace, porch front and rear; possession soon: price right. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. I ENN ST.. 2:120 Brick house with six rooms a;id bath, gas, electric light, steam lirnl, concrete cellar, front porch and side entrance, for sale: price right and terms easy. Boli Realty Co., Bergner Building. , FOURTH ST.. N., 2229 For sale, eight rooms and hath, gas, furnace, perch front and rear,' side entrance, stationary tubs; price, $3,600. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. EIGHTEENTH ST., S„ 425 For sale, 2-story brick house, at reason able price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE l or sale; seven rooms and bath, gas. electric light; furnace; porch front and rear: garage. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. CATHARINE ST., 1610 For sale. ;lrick house with six rooms and bath, other improvements: drive alley on rear. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ing. FOlt SALE Real estate property in Wormleysburg, known as "Half King's Lodge." named in honor of the Indian warrior "Half King." who was buried near the resting place of John Harris, on .Front street. Harrisburg Lot. 6* feet by 150, fronting on river front street, 3 squares from Walnut street bridge. Improvements, io room house and bath; roof Peach Bot tom slate; all modern equipments; up to-date: electric lights, gas stove; yard filled with choice fruit and shrubbery, chicken pens. etc. Prop erty can be inspected any time. Geo. R. Chambers, Wormleysburg. Pa. FOR SALE—A modern, attractive residence, for refined family, built he fore war. Sold at a low figure. Lo cated at 1214 N. Fifteenth street. For terms apply S. Friedman. Real Estate & Insurance, Kunkel Bldg., or 217 l'effer street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Plot of land for sea son. Size. 125x140. Ideal for truck raising. Location. Thirty-first and Derry streets. Address JJ., 1610, care of Telegraph. [ HOUSE AND BARN —On 2 acres of ground, for rent or sale; 2M miles northeast of city, near Slum's Mill, j Inquire 213 Rroad street, City. REAL ESTATE WANTED READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADLER, 1002 N. THIRD ST. j Offices and Store Rooms for Rent FOR RENT | BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM, For meetings, conventions. Banquets Dances and parties. Use of piano free. Kitchen attached. H. C. CLASTER, Jeweler, 302 Market Street. STOREROOM 250 Hamilton street, suitable for a barber shop. The only one left out of seven storerooms. Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. FOR RENT Desk room and office Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney. 31 North Second street. Bell plionu 307-J. FARMS 40-ACRE PLOT Without build ings, 1% miles from trolley, near Harrisburg, SSOO down, $1,500. Durand, 107 Chestnut street. FOR, SALE—MISCELLANEOUS PARLOR SUITE, consisting of eight pieces, including stand, music cabi net, two stands, bed, spring, mattress, two carpets, sideboard, portieres, and a number of pictures. All in good condition and at reasonable prices. Apply corner Holly and Hillside Road. j FOR SALE Mahogany finish roll lop typewriter desk; never used. 23S llunimel street. ! FOR SALE Gas range and reed baby carriage, reasonable. Inquire 2429 North Sixth street. FOR SALE At half price, one ret of good front door steps. Cull at First Floor 2U20 North Fifth street. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture liere. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 40S3R. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ~ The store ucross from Y. W. C. A. offers you the biggest and best bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Ovei i coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, Hats. Caps, and Shoes. We are fam ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Strret. FOR SALE Rutus Red Belgian Hares. Fine stock. Heavyweight type. Excellent color and condition. Bucks and Does. Aug. Rich. 417 South Seventeenth street. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH AEL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON. ! 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE | ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. ! WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for i Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention. Newmark & Cown, 268 Broad [street. Dial phone 4286. Bell 4705R WANTED 2-pieeo parlor suite, with iemovable plush cushions. Must be in good condition. Call Bell 2277R, between 8 A. M. and 3:30 P. M. BELL PHONE 3370-J. S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST., HARRISBURG, PA. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Mux Smeltz 1016 Market street Will call, city or country. I„ COHEN & COMPANY. York and Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221 W Bell and Dial 6225. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for ail kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call ' Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son, i 824-832 North Seventh street BUSINESS PERSONALS QUININE —Look out for tliat grippo feeling, likely to ;atch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it olf If taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street ' FURNITURE CRATED for shipping. J. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. INVENTORS FINANCED Patents Automobiles. Motorcycles Bought. Sold. Exchanged. Cash or commission. Simon Horst. Linglestown, Fa. , APRIL 9, 1919. | BUSINESS I'KKSON ALS UPHOLSTERING Of tho best ] kind. Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone 4820. Bell phone 4705 R. MACHINE SHOP Specialty of light machine, models, experimental, mill, factory repairing, odd parts lor autos made. Variety Machine and Re pair Shop, 1704 Pulton street, Harris burg, Pa. OXY-ACETYLENB WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. {Capita! City Welding Co., 1538 Logan street. Bell 4396 J. I RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— I Single edge, 2oc do/..; double edge, 35c J do/..; razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PACKING Experienced Packers of Furniture, China and Bric-a-brac. liXPKBT AUCTIONI£EK. A. H. SHENK Bell Phone 399 W. GARA G E l' or sale, 2 -story building, repair shop, wash stand, | and good for 15 stora"ge ears, Hrst lloor; this is a good location; business | established; equipped with electric I light and steam heat; price very rea ! sonable; small payment down bal | ance on easy terms. Apply A. P. Do j ranz, 1225 North Sixth street. Both I phones. IF you have $2,000 to $3,000 cash capital end would be interested in opening an entirely new line of busi ness in your locality which should net you $111,000.00 to $15,000.00 annually, write at once for particulars. Mt>- i haniciii Machine & Tool Works, 229 West Fifty-second street, New York. i N ' FINANCIAL j INVESTMENT SECURITIES, STOCKS AND BONDS. J. K. GREENAWALT, JR., 130 Walnut St., llarrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 51SJ. MONEY TO LOAN ! ~ MONEY If you are pressed for ready I cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY | ROOM 200 BERGNER BLDG. ; THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. | LICENSED AND BONDED* BY STATE. MONKY FOR NECESSITIES | If employed and housekeeping, our legal rate money service on loans front sls to S3OO, payable in weekly or monthly instalments is worth in vestigating, if you arc in need of funds and without bank credit. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES TATE Large or small amounts. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 559. MUSICAL J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, TROUP BLDG., 15 S. MARKET SQ. BARGAINS THIS WEEK $550 llardman Upright, mahogany et'se, large size, excellent tone; price, S2OO, easy payments. j SBOO Angelus player, SS-note, like i new, 25 rolls included; price, $585, I easy puyments. I SBSO Story & Clark Player, SS-note, new sample; price, $550, easy pay ments. I . Any of the above instruments is ready for immediate delivery. | J. 11. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, !TROUP BLDG., 15 S. MARKET SQ. $77.50 BUYS $250 size phonograph, plays all records, selection of records and two jewel point needles free, also 1200 steel needles, new, never used. | Will ship C. O. in on approval. City [Storage Co., 3119 Lincoln avenue, Chi i CH gO, j ; VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru- I ments promptly and carefully repair j ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls of music, for sale; slightly used; must be sold at once; cheap to a quick buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 North Sixth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and eertfully repaired by an expert only OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE A good horse. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Sec ond street. HAULING AM) MOVING AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Lino Transfer, 917 Capital street. Both phones. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J E. Giubber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst, manager, llershey. Pa. Bell phone 15R6. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns wltli auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320 or Dial 2265. FOR HIRE —Two-ton auto truck. Apply Huß South Ninth street. Bell phono 2455 R. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. RELL PHONE 623 W. * DIAL PHONE 3518. AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser vice. Call Bell 623-J. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 Catder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3683. Storage rTtjRAGE Private rooms tor household goods In llreproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower* storage rates In non-hreproof ware house. Harrtsburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. STORAGE STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Ratß - THE HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO.. LTD.. Hlghsplre, Pa. Phones: i Bell: Steelton 169 Y. Dial: Steelton 9439. STORAGE —419 Broad street, hous< hold goods, merchandise. Priva rooms at reasonable rateß. Also hau ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & c Both phones. STORAGE—In brick building, rei 408 Market. Household goods In clea private rooms. Reasonable rates. G. Dlener. 408 Market street WHERE TO DINE AI.VA HOTEL AND RESTAURAN' THE HOME OK SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'B RESTAURANT—Hon cooking served to Businessmen an Ladies in separate dining rooms. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2135. ___ nUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer 511 North Second Street BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOT'S FOR SALE ! PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY I Beautifully situated on Market stre< east of Twenty-sixth, and on th north and east faces the now park way. The prices of lots are modei ate. . Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. Cleaners and Dyers WHY buy new 'clothing, when w clean your old ones as good as new Now is the time for spring cleanini Goodman's, 130614 North Sixth. Bot Phones. Call and Deliver. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT "SI RING SALE BARGAINS." Capillar Touring, electric lights and starter. In very fair condition. Good for years of service $375 Sr.xon Six Touring, late model. In splendid condition. Ilto Touring, rcflnished. Maxwell Touring. Newly upholstered, new top with glass windows in rear cur curtain. Ford Touring, late model. Good as new. Cldsniobile light roadster, equipped with Goodyear cord tires on rear. Overland Country Club. Overland light six touring. Re finished and thoroughly overhauled. Open Evenings Until Nine, Time Payments. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO, 212-214 North Second Street. Both Phones. BUICIC —1%-ton truck, solid tires or rear; electrically equipped. Wil sacrifice at $525. MAXWELL —Roadster, Al shape; t real bargain at $250. OVERLAND COUPE ln exccllem shape; good tires; a bargain foi some one.' CHELSEA AUTO WRECKING CO, 22-26 NORTH CAMERON ST. RAYFIELD CARBURETOR will cut your gasoline bill front 15 to 30 per cent, maybe more. Drive around to-mor row and see the RAYFIELD EXPERT. Agency at FEDERICK'S GARAGE, 1807-09 North Seventh Street. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1,1 BERTY DEMONSTRATOR —5-pass. CH EVI tOLKT HO A DSTER. AMERICAN SIX TOURING. HARRIS BURG AUTO TIRE AND REPAIR CO., 131 SOUTH THIRD ST. SMALL, CHEVROLET FOR SALE— -1917 Model. Good condition. Tires prood. Price, $425. American Auto Co.. Front and Forstcr streets. Both Phones. FOR SALE 1914 Touring Car, in good running order. Good tires. Price, $275. Horst, Linglestown, Pa. FOR SALE One Ford Touring Car; self-starter, electric lights. Ad dress Yohn Bros., 13 North Fourth street. __ VULCAN ROADSTER FOR SALE Or will exchange on Ford Touring ear. Inquire at 2154 North Fourth street. Third Floor Apartment. aftsr 5:30 P. M. HUDSON super-six speedster. Good mechanical condition. Good tires. Private owner. Good reasons for sell ing. Apply llagerling Motor Car Company. East End Mulberry Street Bridge. Bell 1396. FOR SALE 1916 Maxwell road ster. Good tires, new top, .with plate glass windows, just overhauled, $373, or will exchange for small touring ear. Address Box B, 7500, caro of Telegraph. TRUCK FOR SALE Large sized 6-ton truck, with Dumo body for sale. Big bargain to quick buyer. For particulars call at the Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page