Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 05, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    Miss Katharine Fox Nissley
Bride of Samue! Arnold
Hummclstown, April 6.—One of
the most brilliant events of town
took place last evening at S o'clock,
"".hen Miss Katharine Fox Nissley,
f The Why I
2 Superior material*, care- $
j ful workmanship, scien- *
< tific construction and
2 handsome finish, all con- $
# tribute to the complete *
g satisfaction given by the S
2 Boston Garter. It is
iJ easily and securely ad- *
a justed and holds the sock #
2 smooth without binding.
Rub Musterole on Forehead
and Temples
A headache remedy without the dan
gers of "headache medicine." Relieves
headache and that miserable feeling
from colds or congestion. And it acts at
once! Musterole is a clean, white oint
ment, made with oil of mustard. Better
than a mustard plaster and does not
blister. Used only externally, and in
no way can it affect stomach and heart,
as some internal medicines do.
Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia,
congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum
bago, all pains and aches of the back
or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises,
chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the j
chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. j
Mill iimn i 4/fi
jgf toefohmitie* //^M
ln thh enlightened npe It In nnneeen- SK /H
■■L . n mnry for xiny one who tin* nn ohnormal
H nfriletion to denpnlr. Our applianceii BhH|
JH H lleve painful calloaaea and hide the de-
I feet. A pemon who will pernlnt In nuf- HT . ■
1 ferinff hy wearing an nntlquntod nppuru- I A I
I tun hnn but liimnclf to lilnme. The eon" ■ A ■
I dltion of children can be corrected and ■ ■
I relieved by u nclentlflc orthopedic op- B H J5
B pllnncc of our ronntructlon. Consult In. A D Al
Ktj 4114-A Market Street. Harrinhurgr, Pn.
Bell phone 4402" H. Open Saturday Eve. HSHHHI
Can't sleep! Can't eat! Can't even digest what little you do eat!
. One or two doses
'j! w ;il ma^e you feel ten years younger. Best
known remedy for Constipation, Sour Stomach
and Dyspepsia.
25 cents a package at all Druggists, or
sent to any address postpaid, by the
U. S, ARMY & NAVY TABLET CO. 260 West Broadway. N Y
. Jgg| NoW ! NOW!
is the time for installing your new bath
jR * apVL fixtures. Perliaps you need some re
■grfatßKefik. Vl \Jy A pairing? You will find us ready to
at a moment's notice.
M. H. Baker & Co.
Both Phones Plumbing and Heating
1330 Derry 560 Woodbine
This Association has sold to date $5,210,500.00
of its Full Paid Stock, $834,107.95 in forty-three
semi-annual dividends has been paid thereon on
the stroke of the clock. The largest holder is an
Agent of the Association who has represented
us nineteen years and holds $25,000.00. The
next largest holding is that of a Harrisburg
man, $21,000.00. The most persistent investor
is a Harrisburg woman who holds 46 one share
certificates, $4,600.00, and is still buying. This
stock pays 5 per cent, tax free; investment
therein can be made any time in multiples of
$100; withdrawable after six months on 30
days' notice with interest in full.
Ask for our Investment Booklet.
108 North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
State Capita] Savings & Loan Association
of Philadelphia, and Samuel Arnold,
3d, of Pittsburgh, were married at
the home of the bride's aunt. Miss
Mary Fox. The Rev. Arthur B.
King, pastor of the Reformed
Church, performed the ceremony.
The bride was given away by her
uncle. Dr. L,. Webster Fox, of Phil
adelphia. The bride wore a gown
of white crepe meteor and carried
a bouquet of gardenias and lilies of
the valley. Mrs. Henry F. Lee, of
Philadelphia, was matron of honor,
in a gown of beaded georgette of
pale pink with a corsage of roses.
John G. Arnold, a brother of the
groom, served as best man.
The house was attractively dee
orated with palms and spring flow
The bride is the only daughter of
Mrs. Paul Nissley, formerly of Hum
melstown, and a graduate of Smith
College, Massachusetts. Mr. Arnold
is a graduate of Pennsylvania State
College and is an electrical engineer,
! connected with the American
j Bridge Company. The newly-mnr
! ried couple left on a , wedding tour
! for Grand Canyon, Los Angeles and
I San Francisco, Cal. They will
| make their home at Pittsburgh.
York Haven, Pa., April s.—Nor
man Berkheimer, of New Oxford,
' Adams county, in an endeavor to
i evade a collision with a trolley ear
at a crossing north of York Haven,
lost control of his automobile and
| drove it down a steep embankment.
Luckily, the machine remained In
I an upright position and Mr. Berk
j lieimer escaped injury, although
! the car was damaged.
Expert Poultryman Sells
Broilers at $1 Per Pound
) One of the most prominent and
j successful poultrymen of Pennsyl
vania is Mr. Lewis B. Sprecher,
! Rohrerstown, Pa. He is a Director
iof the Pennsylvania State Poultry
! Association and is generally recog- j
j nized as an authority on practical |
j poultry matters.
fall Mr. Sprecher hatched
j about 1,600 chicks for use as broil-1
ers and sold the latter to a select
trade at $1 per pound. The secret |
| of his success is given in his own j
| "Rega,rding the success in rearing I
> the 1,600 broiler chicks that we!
! hatched in November last, will say |
| results were beyond expectation. j
"These were really ready for the'
! most exacting trade at from eight to I
I ten weeks, and for fall hatched I!
| consider this very unusual. Of
I course, I used, exclusively for the
' first five weeks, the chick feed that
t I personally consider, after years of
actual use, the best obtainable,
I namely, Pratts. This particular
! baby chick feed has always given
results both in and out of war
I times."
j Any feed which will grow fine
! chicks during the winter months
j will surely raise them in the spring.
I The Pratt dealer near you will sup
j ply you with Pratts Baby Chick
j Food under a money-back guarantee
! of satisfaction.
Write Pratt Food Co., Philadel
• phia, for free copy of their helpful
Chick Book.
Conditions in the Ruhr Dis
trict Grow Worse,
Reports Say
j Essen, Thursday, April 3.—Despite
I would-be quieting reports, the
| strike situation in the Ruhr district
! has grown distinctly worse in the
I past twenty-four hours, until now
I about half the entire mine personnel
is out. The number of men out in
| creased late yesterday afternoon and
I early to-day from 58,000 to 110,000. A
j few mines aVo still operating in the
Rochum district. Many of the mines
! are threatened with "drowning" be
j cause even emergency work has
J ceased.
Berlin. Thursday, April 3.—A gen
eral strike lias been begun at the
Krupp Works where the employes
cannot agree with the employers on
the question of wages, according to
a report from Essen. The men de
clare that they will stay out until
their demands have been conceded.
From Frankfort comes word that
the situation has quieted down. An
investigation of the damages done
shows that vast quantities of valu
able legal papers were burned and
the archives destroyed. A house to
house search resulted in the recovery
of large quantities of stolen goods.
Two Interesting Talks
on Experiences in War
Mcclianlcsburg, Pa., April 5
Fast evening a smoker was given by
the Buseinessmen's League at the
League House, in East Main street,
which was well attended and full of
interest. There were two addresses,
one by XA. R, Main, of Mechanlcs
burg. on "The Navy," and the other
by Corporal Frazier, of Harrisburg
who graphically described hie ex
periences as a member of the Flying
Corps of the Canadian Army. Both
speeches were fine and held the at
tention of the hearers.
Personal and Social Items
of Towns on West Shore
* ,r f- Robert Mclvor and son, I
Charles Mclvor, of New Cumber.;
land, attended the funeral of Mrs
Thompson at Newville to-day.
Mr. and Mrs. Hammond, of Path
we' V ' , vJ ed Mr ' and Mrs - Albert
dav Cumberland yester-
I R- C - Mißer. who was with the
Canadian forces in France, is at his
home in Elkwood, New Cumberland.
Always Ask for Genuine,
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
Only Aspirin Tablets with the
safety "Bayer Cross" on them are
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,"
owrjed and made by Americans and
proved safe by millions of people.
Unknown quantities of fraudulent
Aspirin Tablets were sold recently
by a Brooklyn dealer which proved
to be composed mostly of Talcum
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" should
always be asked for. Then look for
the safety "Bayer Cross" on the
package and on each tablet. Accept
nothing else! Proper directions and
dosage in each Bayer package.
Aspirin is the trade mark of
Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic
acidester of Salicylicacid.
Star Carpet Cleaning Works
Let t's Clean Your Carpets Now
General Upholstering
Awning Making
Give Us a Trial
Joseph Coplinky
Eleventh and Walnut Streets
Bell 398-R Dial 0951
Take the thousand-mile trip through the famous
"lnland Channel" from VANCOUVER, B. C., to
9 The Land off the Midnight Sun
A thousand miles of ever-changing vistas, of Island
dotted bays and channels, of majestic mountain
ranges, of quaint fishing villages, of mountain rivers,
of vast forests, of spouting whales, and giant glaciers.
All seen from the comfortable decks
of the perfectly appointed
Canadian Pacific "Princess Liners"
For full particulars call, phone or m ile for Alaska Tour So. 11]
Canadian Pacific Railway
f. It. KRRY, General Agent, Passenger Dept.
1231 Broadway New York City
*%. 4 * * fI^KJaF
.4 4 % 1
* ■y | . B 1
:. x< & %A
•"•■ i *M|
R -'I ''. : Xrm^^^ :
-V. i ..'
•'A Tailor-Made Man," Harry James and Harris at the Orpheum oi
Smith's celebrated comedy which Tuesday evening. This extraordl
kept New York in a hubbub of excite- nary comedy is typically America!
ment and merriment for one year, and in theme, action and atmosphere, nn<
which has had its fame spread for it it is not only one of the funnies
by thousands of out-of-town visitors, plays written in years, but it alsi
and by hundreds of out-of-town teaches a lesson in philosophy tha
newspapers whose New York cor- one does not soon forget. It will hi
tespondents have -recommended it presented here with an excellent cast
without reserve, will be presented by headed by Ilichard Sterling.
Water Rate Question on Two-
Family Dwelling Case
A water com
c>ru> meter the
Service Commis-
sioncr James Al
corn in the complaint of Kennedy
vs. Trout Run Water Company. The
case, which involves water service
in Duncannon, was brought some
time ago. The company had charged
a flat rate for the building, but when
it was learned that part of it had
been rented to a family and part
used as a store, an additional charge
was made, the corporation contend
ing that it had a right to so charge
on the round that the building was
a tenement.
The company is ordered to make
but one minimum charge where
there is but one meter and to post
new rates. The effect of the de
cision is that if it is planned to
charge according to rooms in a
building, there must be separate
meters for eacli charge account.
The Spring Hill Water Company,
operating in Point Marion, Fayette
county, was ordered to-day in a
Public Service Commission decision
by Commissioner James Alcorn to
install at its own expense, meters
for all domestic consumers, the cost
Spasmodic croup Is
usually relieved with
one application of—
"YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30f. 60Cr20
of plumbing and connections to be
borne by consumers and to discon
tinue flat rates for metered con
sumers. The commissioner dis
misses complaints against the rea
sonableness of the rates charged and
says that complaints about fire hy
drants are not serious enough to
warrant action by the commission.
Gathering In Taxes—Delinquent
State taxes, some of them due since
early in 1916, were collected by the
bureau in charge of such collections
in the Auditor General's Department
during March. The aggregate of
| the collections for the month went
; up to $103,3 4 4.55, which is unusual
ily high. Delinquent taxes collected
| in the last year amounted to $l,-
j 878,119.13. some of which had been
| due for several years.
To Meet General March—Adjutant
| General Frank D. Bcary will go to
Washington on Monday for an ex
tended conference with General P.
(\ March regarding plans for the
return of the 28th Division. The
details of the demobilization and of
the home-coming parade for Phila
delphia will be discussed and Gen
eral Bcary will then go to Philadel
phia to confer with the city's com
mittee. Repairs to armories through
out the State to prepare them for
the reorganization of the National
Guard will be rushed.
Public Service Cases—Pittsburgh,
Erie and Harrisburg will have hear
ings by the Public Service Comiiiis-
I sien next week.
I Short Calendar—The calendar for
! the April meeting of the State
Board of Pardons was closed to-day
with sixteen cases, eleven being new
ones. There are no first degree
Ix>onl Cases Due—The Public Ser
vice Commission has scheduled cases
from this city ns follows for next
week: Monday, Rodenbaver vs. Har
j risburg Bight and Power, steam
i rates: Tuesday. Rchnub vs. Mechan-
I icsburg Gas and Water Company;
I Wednesday, Valley Railways.-
Reception Cancelled—The recep
i (ion planned to Governor Snroul by
| the Union I.eagne for next Saturday
! has been cancelled because of the
[ Governor's illness.
Urging Palmer—Charles Palmer,
j weUllk nwon lierp. is being urged
for the Philadelphia migistrate va
canev caused by the death of George
K. Hogg.
Paver the Bill—According to what
turned up at the hearing on the
nnti-t'eket sca'lping bill in Phila
delphia yesterday.. the theater peo
ple favor the plan of having values
of tickets printed on the face.
Swift & Co. Employes at
Y. M. C. A. Safety Meet
At a "Safety First" and co-opera
tion meeting last night in Fahne
stock Hall of the Central Y. M. C.
A., 400 employes of the Swift &
& Company establishment in this
city, Swift plants were shown and
the method of handling livestock
until it is ready for the consumer
was illustrated. The meeting was
arranged by C. A. Hibler, local man
ager of Swift's packing house in this
city. The second part of the pro
gram showed first aid treatment.
More than 400 employes of the
local plant witnessed the. pictures
and were in attendance at the meet
ing. The aim was to show better
methods in handling meats and also
to stop negligense on the part of em
ployes. The first film portrayed the
ideal of the Swift Company and
showed various scones in the many
plants. The second depicted the
thousands of cattle in the huge
stockyards awaiting slaughter.
Scenes in the preparation of beef for
the ultimate consumer were also
In the second part of the program
first aid work at the Swift plant was
thrown upon the screen. These pic
tures showed how accidents may oc
cur in the various plants, gave first
aid directions, showed how the doc
tors treat the injured and depicted
correct ways of working to avoid
such injury.
Employes of the firm viewed an
other show of the same character in
Fahnestock Hall at 2.15 o'clock this
Mount Wolf, Pa., April s.—Six
road drags will be purchased by the
1 supervisors of East Manchester
township, it was decided at a recent
meeting of the board of managers
and members of the Good Roads
| Association. The purchase of a
j considerable quantity of crushed
1 stone was also decided on and the
| township is assured of aood roads
next summer.
I Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
Over Five Per Cent. Alcohol
Discovered in
Sample ,
Six samples of "cider," classed as
apple, sweet and grape, taken by agents
of Ifairy and -Food Commissioner James
Foust during March, were found to be
BO charged with alcohol as to be rated
as "intoxicating." One alleged "sweet
elder" contained 6.75 per cent of alcohol
by volume and another 4.77 per cent.
This latter also contained salicylic acid.
These samples were taken in western
counties and arrests were made.
The food agents also prosecuted four
sealers for selling "pops" of various
flavors which contained artificial colors
and flavors. In all seventy-eight arrests
were made In March for violations of
the food laws, foods unfit for use, saus
age and hamburger steaks containing
too much water, thirteen cases of but
ter overloaded with water and milk
and cream too low in butter fat
or otherwise falling to meet State law
requirements furnishing the bases of
suits. There were forty-one milk and
cream cases.
The dairy and food division turned in
(4,183.61 revenue during March. of
which (3,368.61 came from licenses for
the sale of oleomargarine. The total
receipts of the division since January 1
were (489,751.23. In that period no
less than 4,723 licenses for the sale
of "oleo" were issued, all but 180 of
them being for retail establishments.
Bethlehem Sunday School
Class Thanked For Sending
Knitted Blanket to Hospital
Class Xa. 17, Bethlehem Lutheran
Sunday school, Mrs. Minnie Buch
ner, 1117 North Second street,
teacher, recently sent to Captain
Chartes S. RehfeMt. a handsome
knitted blanket for the wounded sol
diers at U. S. A. General Hospital
No. 31, Carlisle, Pa;-
Several days ago a letter of thanks
for the blanket was received from
Captain Rehfcldt, who said in part:
"Allow mo to thank the mem-
Tomato Vines
, --- — —Plant
cheap plant sup
port that will last a life
time Contains no hooks
or screws, The stake is
of oak painted green and
the hoop is of the strong
est wire also painted
green to prevent rust.
It is easily put up and is
adjustable to any height.
Askyour dealer, ij he does
not have them write us.
The Forreat Seed Company
Cortland, N. Y.
Don't Kick!
Don't Grumble About Neural
gia, Neuritis, Rheumatic Pains,
Stiff or Swollen Joints, Lum
bago, Sore Tired Feet, Chil
blains, Headaches, and
Colds in Head, Throat
or Chest
Use "Joint-Ease," Then Jump With
Joy and Tell Others—"lt
Touches Uic Spot!"
So fly Rents
Wonder TV glassy Plasters
Women (Y And l.lnlments
I.ike It! V 40 W'nys
l.eaves the skin noft nnd smooth!
"JOINT-EASE" is the new, clean,
scientific external preparation now
taking the country by storm. It has
a delightful odor and WILL NOT
Doctors, nurses and druggists rec
ommend it instead of the incon
venient, repugnant, mussy, old
fashioned plasters, ointments and
Apply it to the skin where needed.
PEAR! Old folks love It and chil
dren with sore throats and lender
chests and skins cry for It. It is
fast becoming the nation's first aid
external treatment. Anl it comfs
in small, convenient, economical
When put up nostrils and in
haled, it carries a cleansing, clear
ing, antiseptic vapor to nasal cavi
ties, head and throat —a remarkable
| preventive against germs of grippe,
influenza, pneumonia and other dis
It fills a long felt want in every
home, office, factory, hospital, doc
tor's satchel and traveling bag. It
is an absolute essential, a master
piece in modern pharmacy! Thou
sands are now using it, so why not
JOINT-EASE is sold In this city
by Geo. A. Gorgas, Kennedy's Drug
Store, and all good druggists.
APRIL 5, 1919.
bers of Class No. 1.7 for the kind
expression of sentiment anil the
beautifully knitted blanket sent to
me. No doubt It will give you great
Joy to know the blanket will com
fort some of your boys who have
so proudly borne themselves on the
field of battle.
"When I say your boys, I refer to
soldiers who enlisted from Penn
sylvania for so far all our overseas
coses have been from this State. This
token looking to their physical and
spiritual welfare is one of supreme
moment at this time in oijr history.
It shows the Christian love which
permeates our national fiber. * * *
Although born in Missouri I feel
much at home in this part of the |
State of Pennsylvania as my father
was a member of the Army of the
Potomac, First Rhode Island Light
Artillery. General Meade's com
mand. As my father helped to pro
tect your State from invasion and
upheld Christian principles, so your
Gain Flesh By
Drinking Water
With Systoxem
How Simple Method Supplies
Body With Flesh and Strength
Making Substances Lost or
Found Lacking In Many
Cooked Foods of Today
A very easy and pleasant method
for gaining flesh and rounding out
the body is now being followed by
thousands, according to a well-known
Doctor of Pharmacy and others. Sim
ply drink plenty of water and take
a little Systoxem after meals. Sys
toxem is now obtainable in S-grain
tablets at Geo. A. Gorgns' drug stores,
Kennedy's and other good druggists
in this city, without a doctor's pre
scription, it not being a secret rem
edy. The ordinary city drinking
water in all homes is considered pure
and good. This simple method aids
nature in adding healthy tissue and
weight to the human body in three
weeks' time in many instances, and
also induces a feeling of renewed
strength and endurance. Thousands
of thin folks will naturally be bene
Authorities assert that the increas
ing demand for Systoxem is due to
•he fact that it contains strength and
(issue building substances now
Known to he lost or found lacking in
the cooked foods of today. Adv.
Atlantic City's l'opulnr Hotel. I
American I'lnn, 94 A<s per day j
Easter Holiday Extra
—— —J
n A T H S — M CSIC
G O L F— G A R A E
S————— ——.
A plate without n roof which does
oat laterrcre with taste or speech.
Plates Repaired While Yea Wall
ill Aft If dental
mftvn o OFFICES
Have Your
Palmolive Coupons Redeemed
at the
Uptown Economy Store
Fornwalt. 1807 North Third St.
■ BROADWAY, 32d A 33d STS T 1
■ One Block from Penna. Station. 600,
* w TW™dF*. JF; ROOMS i
! "0° baths j
Direct Entrance tn B'wn, Sub- _ I
I W " —* H Rates: —From $2 Per Day
IK * spfciai TY !
Fx: 155 PLEASANT ROOMS With Private Bath i|
Sip g] $3 Per Day
jjj rtjlllj # y The Martinique Restaurant* Are Well Known for Good ■
Food and Reasonable Prices
! The Peace Time Quality of
i •
1 I
King Oscar
i Cigars
,; i
I will be remembered long after the price,
| which conditions compel us to charge, has
been forgotten.
, .... John C. Herman & Co.
7c worth tt. Maken
sons have fought for the same prin-!
clples in this war."
k —. ■<
Eliminate Electric Trouble!
from Your Car
That's just what you do when youi
put a Gould Storage Battery in your
car, for we guarantee every
Gould Storage Battery
to give satisfactory service one year.
They are trouble preventers andi
money savers.
Drop in today and get a copy of "Th'
Armored Car", the greatest war story thai
ever passed the censor. Free to all autoist*.
Automobile Electrical
If you have trouble with youp
lighting system, motor, generator
or storage battery—Call US. Wei
have Expert Mechanics, who cam
remedy your trouble.
Evergreen & Thompson Sts.
A Throo j
■ m T- ways to ;
r 1 O L TS? j
\ A d - i weight
ul/rl r> mailed Tree to any addreaa, '
] Hall Cbcm, Co. Dent. B-5Q St. Louii, Mo,
AVhnt Gorgna Makes
Gorgns Guarantees ;
X I.
Knocks a
Cold over
Gives Quick Relief
A Useful Remedy
Small chocolate colored
" tablets—eAsy t6 take.
Gorgas Drug Stores
16 N. Third St.
Penn-Harris Hotel
Penna. Station